Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1887, p. 5

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mrs', Columu. ,a stop the. billowal roan, o winda t1111 thsy bliw. n love frorn a malden'. door. fVwhat the. future vilU bnlngi Iedr coyi or cotton i. king$ ie wal willqu'iohiy lakt ive f rom Poverty's strie,î (,ihildrê,n ind ion., wi]oved expeditutà of ineuring hi. footirear trom ne.". ashi mud saemoney. ;ed in tues easy way, yoed for a raîny day." ÏEW POINTKi{H. ils are so new and 80 tyhih i. Dot ta take aur advice, Fou vant;at a very loir prias, think saayourself ? lady's oar9et aipper -for table prtineila bouse shoe prunella gaiters in lbre in dollar bouse lipper àD town-,wortb 01.25 at bave -a lady'e poliebed 1woked button.boIsgý ad veil made, for $1.74. ;e m-akèsî, aI- a remnable St. s are Mae accepîed style comiug 'scason. We ar@ ioot lggant makes b bêbé m v. ear for lave a bI6ttlen au ever before. 40t 81.50, 81.65, Sj. *t1259 81.40,011.65g #1#1 eùt of boots for infiu is- nov complote. Bc ool boots, vwaranteâ """ig" in diffenent welg add that vo bave fir on eznploed, and1 aou P-uotnpl utteubi la ho Mosî painasking oei.- CN o., Whllby, - Cast«.. 1o a "mno WA TCH MO VEMEN T, With the New 24 hour dial ,au be found in stock, at #C» 14 00,t -Cf In 3oZ. Silver cases. je Se BARNÂRD9 BROOK 8T., WHITBY. MAY 13th, 1887. 1 LOCAL LACONICSI n SEVERL of lb. broîbren of Composite Lodge A. F. aud A.M. visîled Brougham union on Wednssday svsning le receive tboir R. W. Bro. J. Rose Eobrteon D. D. G. M. Repesentaives from Brooklio and aise from Oshava aud adjoiaing iodgom vene prement as veil as lb. D. D. G. M. of Ibis district. The eveniog vas oue of pleasure a nd profit net oniy te lth. vimtiug bretbren but le the bretbron cf Brougham Union as veil. Af 1er lbe regular vork of tb.evenio9 vas completed lb. visitons wene hand. somoly enteXlained by Brougham Union and ail retnrned homo with a high opinion net anly of the D. D. G. M. of ditricts No. il but aise of lb. fralernal spirit that prevails amoug tb. brelbren of Pickering Township. Tan reaon Wby ve nover have a etringeiit 00W by-law in towùs and wby thsae by-lave, snob:as lbey are, are net enforced, is the vsny smre rea- son vbieb prevents proper 1 and boneel legieiation everyvhere. Inail voting' bodies tbe minerilies hold the vrong aides cf questions, but tbey bave votes and this i. the ourse of freedom. To oeoune tbs votes of tbese minorities our legilators besome mere 'lime-servons. Tbis feeling sompele al&Ito b. lime- servers to a greaten or ies extent. If any Man in Our tovn counoil veeo stand up like a man and say Ibis cow nuisance bad le b. abated, cff goe bis aidermanie bead nexl Cbilmas. Ho je spottsd sa- man vbo bas lb. cour- age of bis conviotions, and, being snob, is removed frem the pnivilege of doing right. The losson vs learn about Ibis cev business le the e:smg vhich may b. îat* rmlb urooig attitude in ,Winch vs bebold great stateamsn belon. dialoyal and knavis people. Tifolloving Wbltby corsePond- once of lb. Onilia No.-Lotw ier i fizz oonupeople 10 sncb an exteul Ihal ths rosi portion of tb. vnite neiher garm nmay gel uddenly dis. rnpted if b. (or ralber the)i>le found ont :-"«Ae Ibis ine my final ooruempond. snoe froan Whitby, 1 vill, <ive a bnief sketch of the general appeananceOf Iths tovu nsu ome of bmpeculiar -habite of the people. Thetôvu being one o!, the oldest lu th. Provinoet, ba Msme- vbat anliquated appeauce. It le built sabsort distanes1frotu WbitbY barbon, wvbeethe largeel 'sMesOb lake on"aiô' fiud sheller sud g.od anchorage. The Iowu Asm verpquiet, nons of Iha tiûsts-sudexcimeult Wh" hattends lb. _tnamlon -rOf -a mlof busiee er bne&Ua nyof a sojourubobe.. Who imoudeult a eI. lbthe rare a pairb1ofme,p.kyý W1UT lB GOING ON lm AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDOET 0F LIVEL! LOCAL NEWS BLEANED BY CIIRONIOLE REPORTERS "A ohela amang yc, takin notes Au' f ait bhe'U prmnt it. Taic factory fever in tovo bas subaid- sd sligbtiy. BICvIanÂL farmene iin tho vicinity re- port thein seeding finiahsd. The bot veather Ibis wsk piâad bof-vitb a good many people in tc>vn.. Ta grovth of tbe ls Ion days bas been the meut remankable cf many Tut sidevaîke &re reueiving con. elaerable attention jus& nov at tb. bande cf tb. street commigsiener. 0U-ATS. Mr. Pringle bas j<it been unJoadxng 2000buebelu of firet casa oats. Farmers vmntng a supply sbouid eaul eanly as lhoy ans goinR off vory luat. WRÂnT's tbe malter vxîb the vatening eurlP The streols are ankîs deep vitb duel and a breoze cf vind vould very quickly vbirl il ail in îbrougb ths douos of our business places, Tut tovo is quite mumpy Ibis veek ln faut one veuld îbink by looking et soma of the feliows Ibalt&bey vers going ta b. presentod vitb a brand nov pain cf bornn, wbicb vere bndding ont in front cf the ians, .moefanthisse mumpt bave oonfined lbemselvss te boy& And Mn. Geo. Ros' Thomas eal. The. Minustèr of Agriculture bas again dsoided in fanon of lb. Bell Telephane Company of Canada, and ruies tbat ità tbnee Edison patents are valid. The petition of tbe Montneal parties against Ibese patents vas dit- missecion 7tb mest. Thie molles the question cf patente o» lransmîllers, j id iesthb.imost importntulvieleny even gainsd by tb. Company lu thia oountny. The road machins punobased by the. tovu is being made une of -tu great ad. vantage, ail the rougb.loeking aids- areets and baek strese inlu ovu ane being nolled np lot-o bandoome tara- pikee. and vben a job i. done il le mc sliek and se nul hat a nig rides as smoothly ovin lbe turupikê as if il vere upon a fion or pavement. The sîreel. committee le pumblng its vork with great enengy, and by lb. final of June onn Iboneughfames iii b. in fine order. SaouLD any bys-.lootion cicnn just lrg fàou now 10 ffii a VaoaOY in th. tovuth ;ont eOiUneil Ibis papen vouldi b. vithol piir rm slnong eadae. Pinst vi b.d Ur. oo-ewi Y. Howard hunes, vb.op v. nppia'Wteà to bh for editing 1theomte f , dnov Our orrja, ' fieand dcandcidate,ConY IMAuliifet adisble bas been robbsd from -us sd Put oun Pond ofq the editonlaletaiffof Ihat Paper.. TheeSOason 9 tvo vilb. tbe proprielon of Ither as rmysef, as - editorial emIan sd Ivo prelitées W ai- thu ,By tend le the mechauloaldepaueut, plentuiftij oughl le turc ont a ratlliug goo" paper. Ibere a are i Ix nîfeoe t10 an item wie ap- lookîog be Psffanlu»VeraI Canadi a paelti ou of1 vesk, cailiug attenation le lthe -rseeptestaIfluet, bal -and expenses of 6"'2h. Bell Telephone My .uxleti Conmpany," (vblcb auany W&B tak«n bad no 4!W- by the Canadian publie lofai.? BO Ibm duced e llpnebusMWInsers), Ibm VIe0-Pmi#àoOýi -l ident of aIBell3 Teiepboa CqP"Yp 99"ugpte éf Canada vntie tu, "y*Ibt Ibmoms'mylover pauy meaut I.Iobh m .eri*bW-Belln>s Telephone Co. of Bosto<s M& tI bM th Ib ilTel. pboue Go. 4I9P~ o ènirelyifrn P= _ ~~i itorest in lb. &main o~ ~ii owniug IUS ovu paleàt u ýj*gngSD *n thes dividende f ïe 0tO2c** . ï jM ýà YUeangos bale tAI pur cent. pet àS0 Z nom.of the àe4,o.ý An Od Fzend ~EWFAOEý a mruant cffier vould fsud éiàntbing bo engage Ieattention -for a lew daye. 84âyà ie È r-,ooklin m A:- strangeufrom ýb* tovu of Whitby. -Xot a serions fâll, (romhbis hors. Mon day afternoouu white, atteoepting to drink a glass of soda vater opposite Ohinn'a W. oulil th following items' from the ?ipeatoue in., Rq"biwcan conomrn- in Mn. Geo. MoGillivnay, V. 8 - r MoGlllivray ha. fitted up a very osaI offloe in 1h. rean of the Star Bobk'store. The Doolor ià havlng a fine -practiee in his lino..e.Dr. MoGilivray.vstsnmiary surgeon of Pipesto", was hors Ivios last week being ealled hy telegnam. Dr. MoQ. nunderslandô hi. businesse." Wa&T is il? A mother seid to ber 1111. ir l yesterdiy as the order carri. age of parker dys vorks of toronto was standing on tbe streot vith the oolored porter standing by, * 1he child saud, "Look st the Ohinese," but th. porter, heaning wbat was *iaid, ansvered, 1-1 amn not a Ohinese, but a thorongh-bred1, and don't yon forgot il." And the lady told him to drive over to ber home for a lot of goods to dye.-Gnolph Mer- oury. This firm wili b. boe with their grand lunnoul oeil vook. So propane for them.f Ma. W. E .0' Bias,tbe photographer makos a greal eome1ainl Itbat he is mistaken for other mon of tho same name. For instance Ibore je Coi. W. E. O'Brien, M. P. fur Muakoka, wbo troado on ]Rome ]unie with botb foot sud kicks np bis bools in the air for tb. division of our Houes of Gommons. Then thon jes the Unit ed.Ireland W. E. 0'Briew who toasts Gov. Génerals before the fire of bis wratb and avaliove tbem aI a guip. These mon Mr. O'Brien 1h. photographer cdaims are impostors groing aronnd the oountry on bis great rspnlation Ho ve ante il diatinotly nnderetood h. le an artiet and not a politician., A vEL.-ovn vanm-beanted old Irishannfroan lb. sonlh yard slood aI tbe onner near Ray&s hotel, on Sun. day nighl lasI, sand for a lie valohed lbe multitude of people vho fiocksd by Ihen., tnnning in Ibis direction and Ibat to Ibeir respective ohurohes, to heau the good mon Ipreaeh of (iod'a providence and love sud Ohris't'à mal- vation. la ones, ad Ios, sud Ibrees, sud fours, Ibm eeng pilguiuas pamsed limlesly by, "Thb Lord ep -Ihem" l' Wlb.e good Hibunia rt.o » vbo nodded to bimn ,,bhut its poor mÏis- guided etasers tbey are. -Aud st, aà PUY, too, WhoeraHeaa'00mo eri The paeesrby suggesled hie bellef Ihit by etreful management a f6v 01 th. multitude of obnrch-goers tuight gel Thsnre. "Hieaveu Mud tIbath" y*"~y SAR DAILY OPENING. Ol SP-RING -Si L .L Go,ur S essence of Beotl Aod. T&zx about your founta d olh' Brown,èfuti vrfouwt b genuine live'foi-éver. SPEOUL r" offertinRU Su»day, smool, librariee ahd prisse aMrob Alli' Whhbi6 Book and musicestore. ousToxmm of the Royal hotel 'barber @hop aay the work done le equai b ay- tbing doue in Toronto. Use Dr. Doreuwsnd'a Great German Bah M!agfiofor btldu, gray hair, les for aie by ail dr4ggiabb..ý BEGurIAn meeting of the Band of Hope will b. held on Monday 1he l7th nt the free reading room. Wic publish on th.e eventh page a number of- lb. routes le b. lravelled thir, year by stook-horsos. Juesr reo'd at W. G. Waltere a new lot of men'asuad boys nrady made suite good fit., now patterns. Low ~rioés Oidfellows HrAl. 8uus W. G. Wallon' fine assortment f Dress Goods in greye, browns, tans . Qn~ality fine. Prices. low. Odd. follows HaIl HÂT9 clsaned, dyed and re.sbaped and satisfaction guaranteed by Mn W.l B. Piper, firslte»-sidence- seuth of the fai grounds, Whitby. LangeaI variety oi pbotograph al- bume asud plueb goode oven epened in Wbitby at Mrs. Alluns, Wbitby book and music store. S W E3 W DIRECT IMPORTER AND- MANUFACTURER, No., 14 DEVERBLL'S- BLOCK, BROOK STIREET, WHITBY. _SALE' ~LASI0 W. -Re & q WAREIIOITSE je. m CÂMPELL Have decided to make a Grand Clearanice Sale' of thçir, Stock of Dry Goods, consistirug of Dress Goodis, Black and'Colored Silks, Prits) Ginghams, White and Grey Cottons, Cottonades, Ready-made Clothing, in Mens' «Youths' and Boys', Tweeds and Ooatings, an immense Stock, and purchased at very low prices. Ail WoJ Carpets, Tapestry, Hall and FloorOi lo-cths,. in ail widths, Boots and Shoes ini Mens', Ladies'. and Children.s', -in, ail qualitiel.- GROCERIES---A fùll stock on hand, also ýCrockei_, Oiàj nd <3lassware. - Ail goods will be offerod at Speci-al Prcesi, upto td'JIfs as to ffect a complote clearance, -Wheu a change in the'business Winl.,o maae.DÃ"'t Parohase one dollar's worth until you see ont gooda and prices. & J~ CAMT2E'n: Mb. NEW TAXE notice, yon ean bny a suit of clothos or a pair of pants frorn W. G. Walters for lb. pries paid for making elsewbore. 0ddfellow's-Hail. W. G. W&x"as bas juet recoived 5 nêw lot of tb. latest Neov wYork styles in gente' black and coooed bard bats. Se. tbem. Prices. iow. OddfeIlowev Hall. Sometbing lo'be road, roeemberedi and acted upon. Houeso keepers would do well te find out tbe advanlages of Alabastine for vallu before using white- vaeh or kalsomine. Cail at G. E. Gibband's drng store eo samples and find partionlara. Duinuo lb. course af an eloquent addrese dîlivered by Jndge Rose to the Grand Jury aI Cobourg on Monday, Hi. Lordsbip aaked tbsm 10 sBay in Iheir pneesteotnlietber in their estimation the Scott Act vas or vas not oarried ont saaisfactorily, or vas il betier le repeal tb. measune or bave il slnictly enfeoed. The Judgs remarked Ibat in many of the connty tovus of tbe province -4hrongb whish be had travelled in but one did be find the Act being enfored. In the cîhere Il as openly violated, the officere, of th. law abd others vbo should net tbne bning lh. administration of the lav mbt cou. tempt, being cognizanl of it.-The place spoken of in vbioh the ScotAct i. pnoperly onforoed le Whitby. Oua cotemn. appeau all at once to bocome anuions for the developaient of the tovn, and goes ooniderably ont of ils vay 10 make il appear asIfi .very bonet Maniun lovo, oursele among the oumber, vere not eqn&lly as anîlous. It comes witb a very poor gracefrom the Gazette to change others vitlu l«k of zeai. 1I1 thal paper von a&l prinledl un tovo fi ould requine aI leasi six compositors' insteed of Ivo apprenlios lu do the work. The editor fiods be eau save a fev cents a veek by baving baif the paper printedý in Toroto, and s a consequence aI leail four of our Young men have to, swsk empîcymenî elsewbene. That is ail night s far as a business transaction goes, but on. vbo does Ibal sort of business botter find some ether string le ha&np en than Ihal of encouraging industries 10 bniid upi tho town. Acomplete range of dle*ýirab1le goods, Webave eVer 4, New-- MaÉing Stock vory attractive for the eoming season. To-day they exhibit thé La-rgest'Stock- of New and desira- ble- Drees Goods ini Canada, and are offeri>ig many leading linos ,at popular pries To-d7ay- they also show--a Stock o f Prints which for varie- ty, style, value and excellence is unsurpassed Th eir Hoisery, Glove, Ribbon, Parasol, Hasberdaghery and Fancy Goods Departments are well supplied with ail the Leading« No- v,ýelties of the Season, to which they would direct the attention of every buyer, We -have in Stock an exceptionally large assortment o f choice Worsted Trowserings, choice Worsted Suitings, choice Scotch,.Suitinge aànd 0Over- coatinga. :"' Ordered Clothing i h latest styles, a specialtyé - '1o0 NOW Thée P.S. DA R TL ETT 001) ility to give SPRING. ARRIVII mon CýLEARING

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