"I ~4 £ j km 4w-ý * o VOL. XX.WHIB Y, yONTABIOi )ÂY-MAY 13, 1887. NO. 02 well assoi &e riglit. We ýmtiûU 18 direot ýrE, Musin.s, L ,rCular PiI1ow Table Lineus, To*,. a- spécial a-t. Season, Ietesti stylu. Jubi1eq and iave the noýbbieBst pal- ALL theéGOa i-ents' Collars, &i', &eu VHTB S4TORE .ry that is ar.. ig-trade, y,.tablished 1M5. t 1per slufli in&advance-sl.50 othai'- vic.8us0YP~~ are always payable st SteaM equipment sad bwt turiîea Book send JOb ,pinting Plani 'Zn Eaatern (0),ria, capable of exeeutîug tan camesOi w'o1k froni the lage pSderto the szýaaflest haubrn fipecial meiiiin 15 rade ôo!-the ,,mrmap eu esi Wcliiiof TEE m iu- lnaa With 'is celebratsd 1N. Y. GttrEi cylindeT prese &na other moilern envezul ,,cea. Every order recaives prompt, can.- fui attention.- RIGGS &IVORYI R. . cor. Ming sud Tenge Sta., Toret. Thoxisamde of peu=&n, ab«olntely paÃŽIleus bvy the une of Vita.lized -Mr. lu -A A- IPOST, & te with Lingly, liaugley & Burke, A RCHITECT. Demignm ftrCherches, Vill a dCot- tiges a spmaiaty. Drswigsppared for rexnudelig ezisting structures. Orc-Firet fl&t ove i owze'is Drag TER-MS OF AI)VEUTISING. P. O. Box 2M2, Wmw.sy piNit insertion, par Une, -10 sats; aach tubequetlefînsertýOli, 6 aents. Dispia.Vd Advertisemente mme measured S "M R T BROS.,Ige by asgr-ale o1 salid Nopareil, sua chargea Accaordi-tementssent withont wrtten LVR n AE SA LS instructiont; iuserted until f arbidden, an4,LVE Yan SAE TB E. charge for fl itume.i Orderm for discantiuUmg advertiaerente BROCK STREET, WEITBT. -mugi be in wnting, otberwise the pnblîsh-lire.Tr r- enril ilnot be resiponsibie. IGood Rîiéaw ioo lre emlr& A liberti dxx«rount for contraot advertiue- &ouabit.' mentf, by the vea". Gapy for changes el 19 SEBERT BBIOS. cntrat advertisemeuts s bould be hsnded in Dot later than Wiadnesday ; and notirie - _________ of &Dy ,ntei'ded changes aboula ha givexi bel ore Tuesday noon. Other advertase- Over 6000000() PEOPL, e S *mentp reneveýd np to Thnrsday naon. a@ ,,4 uu Buinssnokin, locsl or news comu F RRV S SEEDS pire otents par line weekly. 'Locals, l0 cli. oD. I#EMY & Ce. pey linte weekly. swa*udtteltaxbet Uorresipondeflce eo1icitAid tram aiL parts 0. lâm NEU cf the County or noigbborirxg taviMs.wa GorretîpondbftB are requented ta seud iiiMl titei,- ommuuXicstins as promptya fENDEI.SON d& GR&HÂAM, Iob m Prnprietore- u 1{)H! STANT0IN. Sup't Mechanicai ep't JOHN E. ThREWELL, LL.B., I 9 B AIRISTER, County Crown AttorneyI_____________ inig, Court Houzs, Whitby -0 &IALRISTE«R, &c. Office formerly oc-I oupîed by Farewell & Rutledge, nemi o Royal Hot-el, Brool St., Whxtvy. DAVD OItMSO, B.A., TORIET..AT-LAW, SOLICITORLINI On-ra-m te Ofice outh a1 the Pool OffceiiiMcMlla'eBlok, Brook Street., G. YOUNG- SMI1TIt, L L, B., B RITER, &.&c-Monuy ta Loan OrFcE-Bmith's Block, lsouth a! Markiet, Brook St., Wtutby. Jaxi. 2-2,1876. 100)oc Eggs. ýSON, - CHINA TEA BT( (tf-b JOHN BALL DOW, B ARIRISTEII-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR~ i n ChLaucey, Oonvoyauoer, &o. Office-Deverifl'a Block. Brook Street, Whitt'v. >IONET TO LENI)-PriVatePud- in IIUflE Ur to $8000,st a low ru"ain 1- LYMAN ENGLISU, L L. B., 006 Street, OshaWs. wo0 k 7ýý &XY'1",r - tL ot-- r tbiýr own P=raturoc. i % e- ',id elftmcl d.eurI'e rarmd .'im nClUldr= or ÂdaMa DUNN'es PO0WDER R1ECOOS BESTIMN 1887. SPFING 8STOCK ýdan Of the MFD BOWELLS. tutious, end are tevslin" lorchildreu aud the fspd reRD BTRZETn LONDO, m ard B*Mot, LÃ"dn, 4h.y irego ThE I DR.l. ELPETMI, M.B. (TOBON1-(O .3Untiverity,) L.R.O.P.- aud L.M. (Edin- burghî, &o. Office hourt, 8 ta 10 a.m, 2 tu 4 and 7 ta 9 p.m., No. 8, TH£ "'TEBB.,AZOR" BYROIN.ST,, 'WITBTi. W. CUTHBETsNU.B.(ant) eu., CI. Vcoi petoa fcamd b cou ofIîr ot. unmd $ CormaelI TAU* l VETERINÂT ofem aI ladies mlr.Bagt'a, Dun& I.VAN2 -' ae~ -QF- !All VAl11191 NOW 0PEN1-î3. i L Newt l 0 A P r- ~~itP~113 CHEMÃŽST and DRISIT [as just reoeived à large as- sortm ent Of EFA.-tCry 'M I n i T TUE GREA&T A.Iso for. sede by W. R.HOWSI CKEMIST A.ND IDUVOMI NIEW GOODS W. R. HOWSE, CHEMIST AND DBUOGIST, -W JE '""«3 Y Sias cu hana a vary large sud oisetSok of Christmnas gooda, eorpriaiug Ladies' Work Boxe8, Whi",sk Holders, Odor -Cases, Mirrors in Pniush, Toilet Cuaes, Large Vases, Anai an aa.ortmant o! ether arâa)em uasb for prsnts. Co2I tind Exmmiw Ouwtr &a B<ev thati hm'i maui isba Gia, faotorJ as bat dt i* inter. wkm t«a t".l daught: tbatfe NEWS -LETTERIS g a iÈb4type"à bave attaek m xr- eama*v la beau stteudlug tituta,hau bond le, vas too great Marlkham ][L*ig ivemants a"e about te uavqndimsd brrae Taylor and Lount &a faundaldon .aofthe. r removing the' aaw meupeislys it, the, be lusaIneau brush remit in thae aving. doellars every year, w lie zuby ester a h fu atary sam p Boira of the Mthç.- ic Markbam Mouday;. afpeate enonomize Isud a exugla mn, rnesa n se hereta. on b.e ariad out ià e ietrimental t. the mlýh af tbis piacasud ml ou the.Toronto bétter able toe support as the reeldence of .11 Dl ecinse ie ut. Rit tual tihourd1als mrasi saine »lnoly dumi rather thun -ta Nov i e .fine for gardeuing, said mmSuy me iukmg tua best of!-the. op peittuy m udarme improving theru bar sgltR« e. MM. PattOrSOn, ai Ceokkkburob.,,befar tha lattar'e joucr- uey -te -bIsnd Tir era r anber of nov buldings goirulp " s amaer, eeversi of them on -thr e w Strealy opeed -op 17 on May OhÈ«ety e freas voi plantaIbotlm* uef ud d o amaz4al. Espeéallt the . granule of tir. méw vho*ageugot2tlud",as - ai~~E 4aùrve lm fue ireil inLe Bap aisdm aler Tmear. homie boi fi.. The. Churchai Bng]and a-ain came off -s annuoed sud was a -veiy lmir nceSe. nPe teslm s erved in H. ýJly's dng-Toom te about 150. The ailier meetng -wu leld iii Wison's ha ll, bih was a-+bot-911 ilf-d.The' s iim Àebun resbyteriau cb* r enucted - lheimmsic sud wen gdenom in ~e ra ai. ha ~e. T H Ès irmilcu Mn.- a £al or eblliron tua following mniht -(Fridy} Mr. D. Brtiggs is on the sicklisit. MÃŽs. 1D. Wels l iB itim'ng frieads at Miaple Grave. Mr. and Mmre John Wélh -ver hemý on Bnnday lest. A son ci Mir. Phifips, od tusppuoe, ldown -wit typhoid fever. Mr. C. Gilroy iise aely ehingled i houa., beolide ether repaira. .Good for Charley 1 Mr. C. Shearer lma left the aid home- abead u a moved into a hoe ueu mile a. Miss Lulu Bourraiilithehre ou the loth ima., toa ped the smmer wÃŽth her uncle, Mi. E. Briggs at Moberiy, Miesouri. s e vise tat theii estm-eetn, addiseigistndthe* . alls a ht slreay ef ricient sta£ 71 1?. Dixon, Ecg., vas ini Tarent.oen Saturay lst.L 'MT. W. Christiun was home freom Linda".over uuday. 'Mr. S. H.L<Jhristian returnail firam Buffal oee ay lest week. Messi.. . F. Hagaerman, Sunm Bar- ret sud Sam BarreUt ae sporting fine; new tep-buggies. :Excoedilugjoy ru ths boume af Tag-ý garli-nto thain a chiiqleborn, arto,, W. h"ope . pesnt owmam e iny bve better lutek with I hua hl&"heyhad VM -h "iugwood" Jait year.]Eu* eared i ldue t ee~e»men r. the, effoftu they ara making t.pam .vitb- in Toai o! bredere ln tue loaal1t .Totarntsaie b.au i lmm up e iaommeèet WtblnkMaeitifi 'u- imah t1i Thses bamlus e aeia tisikemys lu-vttmenehli cycln e adê ifs uppeamneaa spug DB, &e ya ma ledy i. a zumbar zu y b. issu 6aurtrethe. Lie .verytlU*b fea i Ganuiglothey emme uha » thuash Tii. onthesdelbt emI Mro Pe. Moe vry lyt. tha.>em weing haatofr tngnupri Aeb Maa ymindin >g iisa a zt swaila nc ahosviy 1"a ,osy e«tofdheblayele ud ra- Mer. 0.tii. yofetStatii, * o bee o stldeti owhed e hitosa nd fer the. Sînday seholmeit n Kuy 24thi. A goal hlm. e zexpoted.- 0Owlng te tihe wvy z ain las, i hra day eveulug 'tue ?ickeri:qg -Iramaiia 'Oo..pesponued their enterl&t'alumtili wusuod lrtthoe auaieuce w 5 youmg RII¶nan ecolt. Re laaabeszoti fui dan bay., two yae ut ld, tUdlng t o now -about ilfeeu ixandesud a, su anâ la tha makiug cfel oe - M =.tue fiKig 9t hormslu-the. Province. Mi. tien dnklhee£U iumt has evezy zeaaon ta feipeulMhm.Llpiaafir ht iBrooklin le fêjubulata ou tii. 24fb houaio!of1Ber iMajsa s uuuytýht Ibirtiidey sd fifty years' ruIe Th«ee le te uafobl msaaqotm fortuns e a-,.b* W mm iésSaturay lut shasud 'bar hu*eba l 'vers&iv-: epaitaHlmae bau aeeeipae)£t bY lnage. - Batb mi. sud mn. Mitcbèl W 'bave tueâmhrnuobe fb ve Ioul msaellai t anrdey ky Mx. - jDhn DzyIenm.P, L i. b ath ofihls Thiab-orse toc& se.ond Prizin iic 6re sithfle Whftlty FIPIMR *biw ïlu Wbitby and 'eau wmuthh BOUQIl Ui" k.beoremsDietiDho -J» lit.: Tow5L -Gol goern.i 4 IIIPIUVID J- rOILET -.SGAP. Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVON-A. à LAM t-pmým