Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1887, p. 7

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S -ALIHU mumon 1flle ,or et u gi[.-a Go-res4,e'> ScaIy <r »R Idlmci sms ctsed by I by thlM powerf Ut,»p fi ..e-ue. Great. yheïil u nder it» bn has lt uifested IA~ ter, Rose fRamis tore E yewi Nerolu ,1,11î,4 ». -oh LVOI l"y iatre, 1EsîIarged GIO;ial mup,ýi for sa largo treal i-on. Skm i>)ez ,a treatiLie on Sorofile BLOOI> is Tu '-1çlte Iu t 1w uslug JO Redical Diseovoci eg a falir skilàt bla mtrelul g liai aumàsol Io 1 r, lj lxi ctabilal e«rofuloug Aes prurnptly andc ertainly' by thls, God-rlyen remedy, t ,le eeew t he dsetwe are wm ond r ut power over tbks e, wheu tiret offering this iuoyr indy te the public,Dr 'lously of càl ng it hie i Ç n e," but Rbâfdoned thM ýe for a inedietue whth 'ombiDatlôor,0ftonle,o Ie, or bloodc ' enalung t utlve rperte. SuIe 4inU2l 'elýX.COfluuptton Bloand Lunps et duil,, drowey, deffltaed, bh» r of ekin, or ye lowsbrewn zoy fireqpent b or it nlmou l' ntetiabohat o etj wlt bo horflaahes1 Iow p'ts -eboding.rn ta PeIs 4ypesiand TorplILtve l u my u iosyptrn are e ie or aIil uoCtB)h C , Air.lm eg.s iedicalDIcvw i k Luni!, spItiDgo1 la* of areath1 urouws1 ý10 h4COneuuuptlo. a' oe tla a sovereIaru oenta ln stamps for e>.p~ noumption. Sol- 'by rgï $1.0 no -O O "DOTW alspn:ary Medical Auoslutlm ~wx~gsLITTL] 111E1oU uffad CATRARigi l>rugglite. :m cents a y"à~ S$500 REWARI le-ffered by the yors of Dr. sag's atsrrh& fora Case of catarrh Sth cennot cume It yen havmes mr* the nomte, Ouv. wige. paiflkla cf urn.. tlu beed, oeuv ams terminate lunonsumptlen M CATARIA REmEDTcure %tarrb "CoId lai the Ng i**si heauacue. 60 oenuik HN SDUNT curél/'s Black for gour 9NI T711RE ric ROOM s UITS* BEDROOM SUITS, KICHIENI SUI os tbat Oefy CompotltlI Orie, Corne ail, aLnd se for YourseIves. J. JOHNSON TN, Âu Oz sFRI il OVER JOHN FIERGUBsOn lin~ Estab1Iiàmnt, Du.ndowu. oJiice houra froili 9 &.m. te 1ii7 l.80*o 6t p. nm. Reidence-O( J.1.BATES, Nqewspa vert~iig Agent, 41 Pt,81 mes BuiIdïng), New Yorlkl cd tu contrnwct for advorlsml a he CHRONICLE et el JRE KA SALT, ry, Sweelùs&nea u raor ilu - equalled. reatlly improive your, B13'ýf fld'8 Jr8y ËÂMILTON, ONT. LAWLEB#. Â S3Cbotufg drogglSt wnI o lea wa. odeWho had -ont" o bsquee go ioUqjker" o0 ehurdi. Wltlih , brokê hourt, the l-etantoth afor Port Hope, where the Ona- *ho have "4fit" for their Quen, mare ré- suod adgiven <'lic1er." , nthe loti' April, Bamuel Pros --on.ntOi wam cermiîtted for a breseh Of lhe Scott Ac u rdrdl *fineS Of #ro and six dollars oulta, or~ ~ t sude0fi t ot jail for thirty di VrTe tirne ba'ving elapsed for ,biOb the fine fihonld have beau pald, S&n tbi» rnornng betook himaoIf tle bis p9W 1boarding boume. For although 00nl;tabIe JÃŽrVis went down presumed- ly to drive the herse back, the prisoner &,ove hie own horse iu hie own buggy, %nad went down with a pipe iu bis 1»0th sud a oomfortable amile on hie w~e that wonld lead tUse they met on the prisofler. mtat tbe urge final w gel &bol tak4 CKBELIDQE. Tise îewn is infesled winth boys sud dogot maya tise Jotrnal, A& riii&Y smash-up on as mmii mille occurrTod noir here lait week. plate glasse biss in ade te replace Ibe windows et the varieus stores in_ Anotter meauuring over five feet ilr length was killed noar this tewn laI eek. Il uas- suffod. A yorang man from noir Ml. Albert Wslked te Uxbiidge (15 miles) ene day lut week and look tho train for To. ronto, intcndinsg te visit bis relatives. Hle knew hit frieude yeuse tuer. but Dot baving any ides of 1h. part of tue City iu which they liyed wu unablo te, find thon'. Having inv.ited ail -bis funde in clothimg and trinkets ho ias unable te take lbe train on lbe returu trip se uudortook le walk back. 45 miles is a good distance to coer in eue day, but ho prcved equal te Use luamp sud îrrived bore in the eveulug with al his bundies intaci'. SZ&EAVE. Ms. M. Wakeford hbu returned home from Rirkfiobd. Mise Lizzy Pickeli is vîiitng frienda in Oshawa sud Whitby, et presont. Mr. Peter Wilkinson had s valuabLe oi hbang herseif inthese mlii bis ueek. Mr. Abert Meai, 'of Lindsay, vas viitiug at Mr. Johnsou's 1h. put veek. The. ordinace. cf baptlien'as adin-n iatoreud te fin adulit1h. Methodiat chursi' cf this place Buudiy lait. Mr. Dongald MeLean has givon up fanming and bas movsd le Lornevle, - W. wish them anoceas in their mou home. Mr. B. Niddery, cf Columbus, bas moved loto lbe promises lately vaeated byMr.,MoLemn Death bhie giu visted cur village, Ibis tinie lakiug for its violim Sarah Jane, only daughter cf Mn. Wm. Mark, et Use eanly igeu of 15 yeins. 18h. uccumbed le conenuiplion on Wednos- day. lb. 201h imut.. after s short illuesa. Heur romains were interod in Shaw's buryiug greumd. DISTRICT ITENS. A Peterboro' alderman ssys there arc ~222 alumnius tItoun.1 Mss. Dirby, uife Sf William Darby, a Kingston commercial trevebber, 'has been lefI a fortune cf $6.000 by the, dsaîh cf a relative in England. 11ev. A. Drummond, 'the venerible pastor of the Preibytenlan ciiunh con- gregation sl Noucastle, ha» been presented uith a purse cf $150 by hi peopleosas scontribution lowards the 'OIp enses of a trip t. Europe lu 1h. Robent Monicu, uho vas found gulty cf baviug poîsoued about fifty head cf viluable stock, inelading ccvi, aheep sud horseue, belcoging te -Dr. McKsY-Of lb. township o! Middleoui, ndar Oourtland, bau beu senteuced te four yeans imprisoumeut lu tue Kingiton ponitentiany. At s maple.sugar party neerLamn- beth, the othen ovoulug, a youlig lady vais seonforunuate as t. sut on a chair wbere omm.auges hadlbeen spilled. Wheu she carne tl gel np hon dres,1 shirt tuck te th. chair, s"d s large piece vas ternueut, .xposing the farnil pop-corn peppor, vhich vas àstnae ou for a bustie. The. rnyor of GU and s ud d »» en'iM- u bers of the. ooin m ae, h&',ua* big Pio~M# rew ovor whsi s oâidd"u5i>.<oOi'petili ing conduot on the pu$i of tise forner ~ en a zeoent excursiin toBan*ghb@turi u od cf1I 'village, where th. mayor sud two lady , o mee. OOmpaniU, aft.r p.xlaklug ôcfnmrnext wine, iudulged in dancing sud,,@llr uow in frolies. Tie. ocuoi>,ldo sduznkud thii pr, mayor's r.signatioui. ue Ad A trial of interesi lu muchato auulshef thoir employees toch plmce & GneIph DoMWi -the ohher day. A. -loirW"eek ugo a 0con".6 dry-goode marchant culered one of bam OUlali@ clerks to tàe. hoblhlàyi. -Thé. lerk Mofa 64 claiined t h hobçuld haye beeu <ieu ,wle.. notice Ihait il vanhis m e .ae thst ho should tae: 1Acord ingly ho oued for w!egs lmeba go$ a verdfict for olii= Wo P' In orne cf theb idigt, p % sht re g.»» Ira s4), lobamouuieýo o l iuuu mr Vk inc ýI re to corne ote h oulae, Kuy of 1horn vho hEa ,d hlm ouneoglected to do mc, sund rremuit Bouseal' i6asplaced An noi itraights. IHo took lth. los lously, aud a boy dayp ago dioi- rsily cf a broken heart. b.at's the Natter with this Nnu ? luet (te landlord), What eau Sme np for dinner, imudlord ?b Laalord-Anylhing ynu vnt.: )ut sonne nice fieh-ball ? 3uest-Don't cire for iftth-balle. te a couple cf chopa, net toc you Fil wel Laudlord-Well, it'ià a 11111e lite for chope; but7 I eau give, you a.nythiug oe». Thein fimh-ballh je nis. Ouest-A emmii porter-houso, wilh muebrooms. Lan.llord-A bridai couple sie thO' laet mushrooe I had in the house, net ten minutes ago. ly. gel soins AI Toronto dressed beefutake, but unfortu- nately, it'm cnly ou th. way. Them fish-bsllm arc brown ou top. Guct-Veal cutiets 1 Landiord-The ls bit. cf veal went te make chioken usal-or-oh 1 veait? Ne, ne vomi; but 1Ieau give Yeu &DY- thing oise.. My wife pioked t'aI Ced- fish hersoîf, sud theni balle are ae bouc- lea as-tapioca pudding. A judgeocf the supromo court maked for tho recipe only this evouiug. Guesl-Gel muy spring chichons ? Landlrd-I1l have orne nmce eues for breakfast. But if there's anylhing elge yen wat-uice bot fieh.balla, or Guest- Oh 1 bel me have some liver and bacon, thon!1 Landiord-We don't have livor and bacon after 2 o'ock, air, It's juel buck thet ue'vo gel thorn fishballs- Ouet-Brinq me semne fieh balla I Landlord-Yes sir 1 Tes or Ooffee Gueat,-Ooffeeo1 Landlord-Well, th. coffos la al eut J I poese you'1l ha"e lb tak. es!e, Présbytery of Whitby. The Prembytery of Whitby held ite regulir quarterby meeting iu the nov ehurch at Dauharton, on Tuesdsy, WIh instant. A large part cf 1h. day vas speut iu cousidering the reporta cf 1he Committeos on Sabbat' Sehools, Tom- perauce and Statiatice. A.moug tho etuer items of business msy b. men- tioued tbe nomination of Rev. B. F. Bumns, D.D., cf Halifax, for Modcnalor cf the Generil A.asembly, whicb la to meet aI Winnqipeg in Jane nexI; 1he grauting cf lbave cf absence te Dcv. A. A. Drommoùd, cf Nevoasîe, for a trip le Europe, Mae bealti being sncb lta he needa resl-ad change; sud 1he appoinsmeul cf commieloners te the Goneral Assembly. Tho Oommiasioueni appoinled ver.; By rotation, B. D. Fsseer and J. J. Cimeron. M.lniseors, and B. McLanghlin sud Ms. ocan, (aiabband Oreueh, Eiders. By eleclien, B. Et. Eastmnan sud J. Moeeean, Ministera, sud J. B . Fairbairu sud David Orrnistoxi Eiders. Thos. Morris P. Neibit, sund Jas. Burns. vere s'P oied as ilteruatea for Us. hhree E'lsoî fireI nsmed, in case thoyuhoubd b. unable te go. W. append l'e dolivenance cf Presby- tory in regard te 1h. report oni Temper- suce, whiob deait ohiefiy viti' lhe ques- tion cf bogal prohibition. -1. That Ibis Prebylery ne affrm ise tomtimaony againet Intempnaunco as s greviolssan againgt God, sud oeeof tb. de&dliest fou cf religion and cf Society. 2. Besplftlully snggest te 1h. As- sembly's Comuulîle, Ibstinlufrarng future questions, ubile mol cvenbooking the legal aapecif cfhes. emperauce question, more attention be givon te the voluntary oWalab8tinene speemt ofit, or tte tomperance as ilaffecthe.Hie o! rnerbers sud sdbereuls cf the churcb, snd the duty cf sessions lu regard lu il. B. Earuestly neoommnd pastons, membens-sud adhéenuts. white deung &U in theïr power lu lb. way cf 0. openaticu in euforeiug lh. Soott Adt, té seek more ulrennously than ever, by precept and byemamSple, lh disconnae mnoderato dluktg, sud l ineulete thé principle ef tota.Abomlnue. r 4. Epwese gnmtlftc*tlou ou accom'ut of recet provinoieiLngilatioÃŽtînding lu f&Olltate- sud promote the. more thorougb enforometof thé &ot A4l xouI sau& Uai edye Mal o hav. of iý Try ros Wu. se Uni Cod att i toc it (pu Bil do, chi wl or ne pi ri ir Ège ue sa i n M.o A'sro9u arM* usheasdhm fhcolcuee. tola ber Dr. Thomas' loleotrieOtW wa tre ouro, -he treioa su.a juage of er nisismnt when in a. ew daysthe pain i iaulyaana th. foot restoredIU ils arsloondition. lItie ase the besb rem- forburnu sud bruîses I evrissed. 1. ehnebeles reluni e PaIris on Sal- ey. Re ropealed biestlateot a te belng arzated on Franoh terrilory. se Campbell's Qathartie Oompouna for rr Compaizsm md BiliÃ"us Ditorders. %e Liberal-Uniontats Isa isomething o iling eut at their meeting on Batuday, ig te différenocaes opinion regardlng areson DBill ameudments. % à there anythlng more annoying than ring your corn etcpped upon ? Ié there Ithing more delightfu1 than getting rid it? Holloway'a Corn Cure wilI do il. y it and be convinced. 'he Germain Ibreaten le continueo legal ceedinga against Prenci' agies.* W'orms cause feveriahuese, meaning and ttlesneas during sioep. Mother Graves' orm Exterminator in pleasant, sure, and octual. If your druggist has none mn oh, get hlm tb procure il for yen. Lord Hartinglen ad'vtses tbe Liberal- ilonists le organise ase.party. NATIONAL PILLS are augar zted. mild bu&fthoough, and are e bati Somach andI Liver Pilla in The London Times bas returned te 1ht tache on tb. Parnellites. Wlud the. dcIi The beet cdock neede rcgulatingandwind- ;when the main-epring mus down. go, o, when the hîman mschinery gives eut, .needs regulating and the main-epring ire blood) mcede honing. Burdock Blood itters will regulate and tons ail broken wwu conditions of the system. In pur- aaizg B. B. B. bcware of counterfeits. Il in sala that Lord Salisbury will be Lado s6 Duke. A Pair Offor. For many years the propnere 01 of ag ard'e Yellow OÙ have offeared X irfund lbi ioney te &Il parchasers of that medicini boere il failed te give relief ini case of pal ýpainful affections, auch as rheumatiom unralgia, sors throat, deafncas, barns Suises, aprains, stiff joints and corda, ani atomnaior exterual inflammation. Choiera is decressing in Chili. Lades o îute ecatacies oves lhe nei Lord Dufforin bas promise§ t10 reduc ýeta if bis tenants meet with another ba iason. >e le> n la' ad l'e Sa on ,ch te dy Ur iles . ,a, rie. os ai- ove cèh, iol. .bo. ad. arc Do net take pis or pewders containii calomel, for st this lime cf 1he year, U. reat may b. serions. If yen requise dose cf physia lake Dr. Oarson's -Btomac and Constipation Bitters; il act* çently( tise bevels, purifies the biood, improv tise circulation, stimulâtea tise livon ai kidneys, and speedily cures bîlUnesu hoadache, dyspepotia, indigestion. Sear the drug stores frons eue end of Canada th. other, and yen canuot find a reumeg equal toit. Try il and use it lu yo, famies. Sold sverywhcre in large bell' ai 50 cents. - The schooner O'Neill, with ozht and appears hibave been sunk lu A Oard. To ail who are sufferi' fron tise ors snd indWsretionsef yenthl, nomervos v neas, :"Yjdccay, lois of manisood, &c, ei eda reoupe tisat vill cure ye FB&E 0F CEL&RGB. The great reied was dlcovered by a missionary lu Sou Amorica.Send sascl-addressed enveo te tise Dcv. Josuruu T. Ixwi, Station Noe York Citv. Lord L&nsdowne'a agent, Mr. Troui saya there waa no agreement enterefi ù with the tenantsstaILnggacurran. THE HECTIO FLUSH, paleh loto cheeka and precarjous apveit indicate «'orme. Freeman'saWo Powdera «wi quickly cand effectua uemove them., KING'S EVIL 'Waa t& ne m rrnerly gien to Berofu because ofa supertion tisaI l*could1 cured by a king's touch. The worid w1aer anowg sud knowu tIsat SCRO2ULA csap oelb. cnred by a therongis pisnif tIln etieblood. -It thia la1 neçecte tise diseaste perpeluates lb Mtint u'sou OOQD TO SBOUBE-_A TWEED, SUIT, PROSU3VEB R xBEFM 1AORED 1K THE TRADB. Ajood Suit made to 0-'d'~ for $ 12.00. À lurge stock of Sotch, Englitih ana Canadien Tweeds, Black Woristd, etc., to select from. A Special line of HEÂVY TWEEjDS from 50 b' 75 cents per yard,' suiitable for Business Suits'or Boys' wear.- FIJFU STOCK 0F GIROCERIES Hlighest market prioe - paid for Butter and .Eggs., E~ a wE~sr ~RO0KLIN, ONT. -FOR-- Cottage or Castie, PIiICES WHICH WILL ASTONISH. YOUf CAZLON WM. IIULT, BBOOXLIIN. EJ~ Funerals Fully Supplied." WIiibyWoollcil lVllhIls, Midway between ,Brooklin and Columbus, on the 7th. Concession.1 We are now prepared to make ail kinde of Woolleu, Goods, suoh as Tweeds, Ful Oloth, Union Flannels, Sheetiug,- Shirtlngs, AI1-wool- bed Blankets, Horse B1aukèts,' and Yarus 'in aill varieties- and ail kinds of Knitt6d'¶Goods kept in stock for the. accon>ýmodation of noyeinlu ail 0olors daoue to order. tiest price paid for auny quantity of WooI. Mil orders promptyfid. wu 8 0N,ý --J t, '-*r;;~; "h iowed to continue ixunors form Wh abie and uletate. becomn ei5 SWAYNEIS OINTMENT bS o sth e Itc ing and Ilueçding, t.hesls ûlcriefn. x tJeeanT cammsremov5e's MANHOOD! -I Bow Lost, HowRestorsàd Iý *AsTEDu85. 9 u lsera4.'on cur 8umoBMA Or Seii 'lW eolnaa Meutl ansd Physical IncapsoilY, ImPie' mentttl arriage, etc.; aIse, CeNmiPIexý r; EpIEPSs ud Frrs, iuduoed by sé1f-iu41- gene.e, or semai extraVsgsflOe, &(.I Tie celebrslod mubor, lIisn": irb eaaclearly domeonatrates firema rt yearucs mftl pruulieotu5tlb0 cendequenees of sl-bue lmbesI cnread; doinling eut s modec ' r0 i ~o "iple, Sce irta ,sudeffectabmenb- ublois ever auRoem, ne atrwaj condition masyb., ay cr iil ha îyj, privmloly and radioail.- lrTbis eo«t bou, lin the h3Ld» of cvory youth smd ever 'man i elu udI .- enmt udeJieaTlu aplain extv e~i> any &ames, post-païdon rsel oicSu DR. -DORENWEN'DiS. ARC ADE, ýTORONTO. A Sohool Tlýmrogh4l Equipped for -Business trning. BOOK-KEEPING, EMYSt? BUSINEIS AITH -TO, COMMECIL ÂW SHOBaTHAND ANIDTTMB-WITIG'.P]RAC3TICALtLY TAUQUT. FLNEST ROOMS IN GANADA- 1 Baq., Toronlo.~ C. ~YDE. De BO WERMA-N 1 -1 R 1 1 m BROOKLINt ONT. 1 .

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