Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1887, p. 6

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1 knov I1 1511 within, My, veus a trace ci wbhh urge my emotlons lieat- petusns omi:thtmidn ieetoel t hé ist'ning eye tâ @dn 1wlth her songe, Anid know It by the surgiug heart Wbi"i matidens ab her wrolDgS Wii. u saing c'en Killiarney's lakes beneath empurpled miel, Or standing on the greeneet mward thie sun has ever kissed. 1 own the. oublie influence of earth and air 1 ad sky Whieh telle me- that my life-bieod throbs with Banba's pulses high 1 Il trembles with 'the heant-beats cf the' Liffey and the. Leo That sîng thre' tcwn sud country te themr wedding with the sea; I f..l that thus le .cursing in my veine -blond wanm sund red. As any'whieii on fieldis of wsr the Celtie race ha. ebeti. The fnlendly llgiit that gleainu abrcad tram oabin andi frôm hall (Iake stars" above thi.eagle.' neat upon sveet Innisall Has semeti my heart with blase cf fire as viaen in baILe roi'. The Sunhurut flasheti ie gloriounocu upon the. Norman téee1 I t..î it in the, mhadowe black as iu the. unshine's joy- Iunail the tiesecf kiushlp pure that welled at F'ontenoy, At loietarf sud at Cledran sud in Landen ls hcttest figit Whon stars et peace and promise broke tiro' clouds of darkest night. 1 hear its muiie vibrato from the ohime cf Shandof be lie, 1h. rythmic health-tones guehing trom eternal iiely wells Tii.Meeting cf the. Waters pulse i deep symphonie flood That typifieJ the union ofthie true andi brave hearta' blondi. Dowu ée.p witiin the. Irish heart tiere' flames a ceseeleme fine 0f ioviug hospitalihy, in mother, chili andi sire ; A blaze cf true sud tender zeal te warm the srsnger's seul, a radiance unquenchable-à cheer beycnd contrel. 0 y. who ihare the, Irish blod, be loyal te yeur trust, aAndi swear liat neyer shall hie ewcrds ef Truth sud Duty rust; Be taithful tote .memonies cf thie.b.- neati yeur mcd. ý And bisse ti. deid whi kkyour aes the path et honor troti. Tien. cornes the myshio spel1 cf tisys whén Druidesud th&eDanes Boamed oer thies.field.sud hmis, sud here kneiÎ]q the wayside fanes; Those oelas'days-wthose golden d&yo ia gave the. Promise birth That Irelanti mionit stand hlgh among the countries cf the. eanthi Borne Famouls English Duels AN AGORIIVED PARTY MAKESRMa OPPO. NIE? DANCE A MINUIT. T V-. enstea cf uellng tck alon Cuthb.rt's oat Au oVin more vonderful saadr hep.. =enedan17879 Wheu a renouefier haviug ea nt"'auungaudeti moment ual lb. Engilli amy h84i more ph1eèm tban opirt,ho vas soon ftem. vards chillenged by su Enlsrofer Oapt. 8-- or the Ee Begi- ment o ot o alg mat.ue of, thee Word#, As the.-<JhavaUu lw B -refueti gther ho apologize foror to vîhhdrav lte ,xpr.sio, a -duel, tok liaeOne Dootor sud hie ParWovre ueoft 0b. offeare iumeoàiately aakîd vhy he diti so. "For 1h.,marne reasen I .began," anevereti Dr. Young ,,,te please myoelf." Tii.repiy te ti. vas au' order te continue play- ing, ending viti %Ilireal liaI if ho titi not d6 se io (the. officer) veniti toe sthe Dootor int le i.Tiames. Dr. Young compliet i wth 1he insolent tiemanâ, anti playeti aHlthe vay up tie river la VauÏhali. Duriug lthe ovening, liov. ever, lie Docter observedth le offleer vWho lid beon se mueioally inoineti by himmelf lu one of lie naika, vien lie vent up te hum, andti il groat eoolness said.I:l"1h vas, sir, te aveiti interrnp- ting the harmony cf altier my cempany or youre liaI I complieti vigh your arrogant demant, but, liaI yen May learn courage is te be found nuder a black ot nasveil as under a rod ono. I expeet yen viii meet me Ie-rnorrew moruing at a certain place vitiont any second, lthe quarre! being entireiy b.- Ivenouelves." Tii. Deetor turlier oonvenantedthsli tIle iffair shoulti b. dcidod viti evords, teaMiloet viieli the officer readiy agreoti. The parties met ou lie followiug morning as lied bien arrangeai, but the. moment lie officer hati taken his grounti anti drawn hie averti the Deeter pulleti outI a borsepistel sud presenteti it at hlm. 41What 1" ozclaimed lie offleer in a friglit, "do yen mean te asasinat, me?2'" No," replied lhe Dector, 14but yen shall intanhiy put up yonr mword anti tance a minuet, otierwiso yen are a doa man." Tii. other stahiiibegiuning te evear aI bis epponent ase velli a.te vow lhe vouiti do nothing efthtéi kind ; but thi. Doetor vas resointe, giving the. officen te olearly underetan t lia if ho diid net begin te tiance before hi (Young) countet thurhy th. tireat vonîti be carniet inlto effeet. Iu ebci' lime the. Doctçur began le coant, "euoe, tvo hhree,' andi by thielime he bal gel up t, le ton" thie evord vas returneti inte ils ebesti, anti betore i. bati ouanteti61"tventy " the officer was going throngh a minuet s stahaly as a man coulai do ht hati a loadeti pitotl levelloti vithin a foi' foot cf his heati. After a quarter of an heur'. praclice the mnzzle cf lthe pistel vas bowered, tie hoitier of il eayinis il feU, "«Tbat viil do, ir; we are nov quit@. Y-ou forceti me ýte play againat my viii, anti ba e ompelleti yen le dan.e againal yo r.Bigno onaeelI i givo yen vbalever chier satistaction yen require. Tho next affair wil, o! course, Le vith seconde. Yen know wiere ho flutime. Geeti morniug."' Th. otor, bovever, beard ne more o! tie malter. Several lettere reflectlng ou th.echar- acter cf a lady having beau publiuied inl tb. forng Post in 1777, OapI. Stoeoy,, a celebrateti bnok et tha day, ,haileng- ad lhe editor, tie 11ev. Mr. Bale, on the undtertandilug liat ti.re ver. te Le ne seconda. Thev met in à room, anti oeking 1h. dgor, teck up tbei.rpositions. Having disebargedthheir pistole withoâ-t effees, tioy throv tics, on lie grouni, -anti drawing their avorte, attackati eaei cther most rosolutely, tie reenît beiug tbat Mr. Bâte vas wountieti in the. thhigi anti Oapt. Stoney in thecarma anti breasl. By sbi lime people vers iaoe- morin g at the deer cf thi.room lryiug ta open 1*, but the avoîtismen ver. le. inteut ou their vork ho attend, andtihlb meu~,acua »W avon. et thou balat Auli"oooupyng hiesa 0 ahi psIfho mund . bu m ord bcl% tmil bain pactibis' mord o oea idet;, FLIPuPAnT EEPLmaiho 'ULLa 0Fd RoNTey L. PnEU GEAfTumu A.Tii e a followaswest oa poIndni rle abmiîted la, îe', Woaear a b.vler eco emietêa o serresodtemb disehare wih m. A.1T knwits abllosm ue*ri many ways, as lier toîke keep a girl, whéreas my mother dose lier own werk; but noed liaI cause us le drift apât? «II thiuk liaI viiere hwo fond heort,$ Ilirolinl younison, sud'where a young perion cf my sez earneslly and tievoteti- ly loVes a Young perso n cifa diamet- rioally different sex anti h. desires her te b. hu'n anti vould net mind beiug hr'n, ougit our differêece' i station tomû. anu dtffereUi" în our desiny ? "What do you tbink of my peumaf- ahi ?11 t las difficult te anever you RotineyP wlont being flippant antiyon voulti resent t if I were te treat yonr qvery iu that vay, se I1vil try te lalk tb yen lh. mare as I voult i ducuae' themalter if itwere my own. Socially we are always at va?, Bodney. If your mother hati kept a girl yen? ovu fatier might bave kioketi you n m a shapeles ms, uretiyen sud iiuh.nite you for leuing a Yeung thing vione mother diii not keép a girl, or yen mugit have talion in love with on. whose parente kept two girls. iONCE TEREB WAS A Mn.4 Ionce knew a yonng -man Who vas soeiaiy blesti every way, but h. loveti above bis station jumt as yen bave doue sud hie viiole lf. vase xu- bittereti. Insau evil our h.o1.11 matly, paesinnately in love withi,,â girl vione parente weoe hanghty anti net only kept an sI round girl te do vork i the house., but hireti a man te corne anti toy witihie woed pule sudgroe the buokboard anti_ aquirt vater ou the Iawn. lie mai that lie muet ini somne way bridge Ibtis social chasm or loie hbe ideai, anti se lieenteredth le Fite coin- peter a prise of #500 offoeot by a puise prouti plag tobacco e*blishent for the largeel number ef vordA te b. matie from the sentence.: -Ohev Buminator'. Succulent Plug Tobamc anti take ne othor 1" - Re matie over 1,000 worde from Ibis sentence anti aeeompalued WUllihemx over 1,000 tin laga from Rumniabor'a eelebratod tobaeo but a rival vfie, Ume vords antioeemore lin ;1h an he hati valked avay vitb the, $5M, aMi IbisYoung mminoir a.w irms ig buttenut bis. eemiug brame a' ~t a padtied coeiniuon. of the. omi.u«ýt uuaie asylu me of vhich eur o wn fair lMnea 8o I voulti say te yen, Rotiney, as I weulti say*lo any othor mani vho hati corne ho me te lean on me sud $ab againet me anti ak me for aid a euoeuragèment, do Det seek go brige over li.great eoùoia cism stone beunti. Yen migit injure yourself I know anoéher cas. where a young man a petge hmmerantia daui of on c Iii. nose iÎt pouti on tel t r vol inà, a <eultry blutiof vay. imr. Bdndawuvasanieus tle pppre the. stire group of perivinkies Ê1241 >0 ho deayeti toc' long.. ,n prepared- for a pe pra IL..ife CSle For fInaimmatory Procure from your arugrtsb s bottie cf frafyard's YelIow Où and use aooordlng- to directions. J. D.Oameron, of Wemtlake, Ainsi., cape flreton4 was cured bYtbis re- Inedy aR, other treatinent had; failed. It nay be takten'internally for coughs,coclds, Ore tbroat, etc., et.. The amount ô! business transaotedl by the. M.O.R. and O.P.R. in St. Thomas Iast month i.ggregated #144,000r. VTG MEN suffering freni the effeets of, i e2rly evil habits»ho resuit of Ignorance or fofly, *ho ftnd themeselves wes.k,- nervous, and exhansted; also MIDDLE AeED and OLD MRir, who are broken dèwn from the effeets of abuse u< o er-work, and iu advnced life feel the censequencea of youthfui excess, send for Un M V. Lubon'a Treatise on Disease cf MUh. The book wilbc sent seaied toany address on recelpt of two se stampa. Address IL V. L UBON, 47 Welington St.. E.,,Toronto. W' PER-RY DÂVIS' *lm PA NMKILLER' Physicians, Jiuer,.fsoaie, )sfange'rs o!f actories, Worlc-sop, Plantations,, Nurse in Hospital.s, -in short, everybody everywhere wo hlas ever given it a triaL. TAKEN INTERNALLY MIXE» WITH A WIWE GLASS 0F HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BBFOUND A NEYER FAILING CURE FOR 15TDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMIPS, PAINS IN TIIE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT ,&c. APPLIED EITBRNALLT, EXPERIENCE HA% PROVEN IT TUE MOST EFFECTIVE AND EEST LINIMENT ON BARTH IN REMOVING THE PAIX ARISING PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS,- FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per BoUtle. W' BewMreof mtios CAMPDELL'S TONIO: ELIXI R tion l8e epecIally adàpted for the felief And cure oft at cîaie ef diserdere stedant upon aslower redi(çed state oftthe systeui, and usually accdmpaniecý by Palier, Weaknes andi Palpitatior- of the Heart.. Prompt resdits wii. follow its use in cases of Sudder. Ex- haustion arishîg froin Loss of BIQ-od, Acute or Chroulo 1iseases, uynd ini flic weakuess that lnvariably accornliu icr. tie recovery frein Wa8t.ing Fevers. Nej remedy wil give more speedy rt.lief -n Dyspepsie, or-Indigestion, its action on the stomacii being tba.t of a gentle and harinless ten$e, exciting the organs of digestion te action, andi thus affording immediate-and permanent relief The. carminative properties cf the. different Insui'a AT -COST.- Muttual Reserve Funrd Life AssuIr- Sance- of New York.* Ouinadian Goverument dezait .A4curnliitcd reserve fn(over), Deati daims paid tuig1884 Nowr businessait o 8me,1886j 479,900 15,000,00 Twenty-five p5er cent. of ail asses5mentm aie deposited with the. Central Trust Com- pany cf New York, as trutees of the Be- mrve Fund. Lite Insnrs.ncé at Iess than one-haif the ordinary rates, ana security perfect. Only 17 assesements made in 1881, 1882, 1883, andi 184, anai in ne case can they hé more tre- quent than every alternate month. A.nnual expenses of management, &c., limiteti to #2 per #1,000. A.n active agent wantedi every unrepre- enteti locality, tc whom a liberal commis- sion wM lb. ailowed. Applications soicitefi andi tull partionlars furnisheti by the. under- signei., H. GORDON, Agent for the County cf Ontario. Port P.rry, Ont. May 8, 1885. TRE W ESTERN BANK 0F WHITB Y, - ONTABIO. THOMÂS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 188. ly-47 MONEY To LOAN! $100-000 FOR INVESTXENT. ON REÂL ESTÂTE SEOUBrIY. At loweet living ratem cf lntereut. Money seonret i wthin 10 day. of &p. pliostion. Apply te JOHN FARQtIHABSONR Witby, February 161i, 1880. 9- $500,000 TO LOA N. At 6 per cent. yearly. Ternis cf repay ment cf p Tcia made te, suit borrowere' First ani second mertgages boiqght. Ad- vances madle on second mortgages and te purchase fanme. No comte irnuretinl malking applications te nme for meney ;.»r aNent's tees; ne- delay. Partie"p hugior rates on mortgages shoultiapplt me at once for Iower rates and mave mounpy. Write or "alImedtately frpriua* ly2 20 Adelaide Street Bast, Toronto. W ALLAÂ1B TRUE BLUE L.O.Llqo. 168 meets in United Workmeu reem zithMs Block, flrWeesuday Mi eaoh 85 S,'yr, Whitby. SEED -n GRAÀIN. À -lew hundred fluBlels ocleazi seed Gats of a siuperior kLý4. Good ILol ?low rat $.00. But1 branda. of FOUIR, BOLLED OÂTSand COOBN MEAL. Th9rley Fod , 01 ae Rock Sait, GroundRFax, t&o., t&c. CES ALL HUO from 9,. common Dloteh rE ln short, 411 diseaes catusd by bad couquered by this -powerful, >,» bloo lnvlgoratlng mediciü.GtIain ce" m ldLY-heal under- is benign' cunlng ~ hasifested its M buncleg%, Bore EyemsScro te %>rVi &eeck5 sud Enlargeti Glandg. oente étampa for a large treatlse ý ored plates, on: Sun Diseases or 9~utfra treatise on Serofulous A.àu Tiorougl cleause It bl using Dr. l Golden liIedieal J)lsCo, y digestion, a fair s uinbuoyaut Its, vital sr t n9111di pr constitution, -WlinI bestabli8hed. wheI hla Serotulolus Diseuse Lungela promptly-ud oertabfly arso sud cured by this God-glveu remedyi before thé hast stages of the diacasé ame Prom 1h. wonderful power over tbstoa e fatal disease, wieu finaL offernug thls n ebrate reedy toe û,nbhi~D.Psa. *ight serlcusly Of cal lg i l sumptio Cuire,5ebutabadonehinê vciderfleemr. uaton cf tne worstesîs lnalteratlveor hod-lan *gatlbi Doctral su nurItve propets, uqi nlo -nyas arémédyfor Conem Oc f .ùgs utfr ah CHRONIO -DISEÂSES or Liver, Blood, cnd Lungs, iF ] ou feel cluI, drewar, debfltate, hm sa]Iw coler cf 5M, or yellows-bro: ou face or Liy fenct'headacie-o mes, bad taes atemout, tena heat o hls slternating vti hot flashealoi'siit e gloomy borebodings, I1egu tre e u coatod tongueq you are suitenlngfrmm îndi gestIon, Dyspepsie, and Torpid ]Livo,, or 66BUiiousness.95 lu msny C'.mi purt cf these symphonie are expneo~ a remudy-for ailsuci cSs, r. Plerel ~FoW4uk 09 ~spIttin1o 0ea Bhorlntncsof cati, roecii Bevere Eoughks, Consumptio, klndrod affecoineItle a sov n1gma'. &Mnd ten cents etàmpar4ffor bock on Cousumption. by »rugglBru PRICE $ 1.00, 011 Proprleters, M88Main St., BuwàtAo, N.y. *%Vrq iS LITTLRI AIMIDLO'US sndCTK M 'o luit bIS lass laofbt ngti waàski ve.it wus Y"oung ;mau fi weok antido D, unteniidig1 lucoday, but h tramp Manti rved vhail his buunt2 from irkfLeId. mie MIs iy Pink in Osha*a and* Mfr.-Peter.Wilki cov- bang herse!! i Mr. -AlbertIfes VW 9at aM1r. o - The ord insnoi c itet tefive ad ,Ohurci o! Ibis plat hemi -WWý -- er, à x. or prere uInbead, yol sanda or caeatermiliatu sud C*tar*malik. I wzJnuuuqlnï10u Kifuï cures -the Wv rd' a u he Head acuhe. 50 cents. JO H N--SD, SIn Deverelles Block for gour FURIIRUE IPRWIr4k OOM SUIITS, DN!É tQOM S UITS>t' *1 gren"

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