Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1887, p. 8

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Market. pîç P, or faima produc For ubv styleslià'twediaand ordewed - ooîling call on OampbeU. Frnov dise goodo.ne eye u bq -m iee sa Ca obphee. signe, pet to band at J. B. Philp's. For grooeries, china les sotte, croek. ary, glasavare, field sud gayden soue. COeXuàs o e i.Royal hotl barber sh cop esy the vork don. i. equal to, ny- lhing dons lu Toronto. Use Dr. Dorenveud'a Great'German Hair Magie for bgjduee, grsy haïr, la A large variety of eigle hamneanov neady for tiee p ring trade, sud wonder. fui!>' cheap At J. B. Philp's. -Our candies are bettlot h"n ever -nov, espeoiaUy se oreame snd chmoo lat... B. Brown, Dundas-et.., Spcuw.cfert lu Suuday sehool libnmies sud prises as Mrs. A.lli Whitby Bock s"d musio store. The oliesat stoc etf igare-and tbbaoos to b. found ohide fa 1 h. tlyaeo behad t LBoua 0a" at Oampbeila'iltyou sre in vant of A, sait Ibis spriqg. Theïr ilyles *li plese eu as *@Il as Ihsirpilou. B.Brown* bas Ithe largesîstock cf oreame, ohocolates, muxed candias, papfe, fige, &0., oser shovu in levu. BsUEW. Q. Wallens' line assoriment of Drese (ode lu groys, browus, tans M. Q&aliiy fiue. Pnices 1ev; . Odd- fellovs UHal.1 JuSt nec'd at W. G. Wallers' a ueî lot cf men's sud ho>". resdy made suit4 geod Ots,. nev patterns. Loy pricei Oddfeliowu Rall. Largest -#-s-rlety ot photegrapi sl. buainud ïlus goode oser opened hr Wbuîby aI Mnm.Aillas, Wiîby boo sud muaestore. STE1aw Mlllluery;-,hate clcsued, dyec sud re-ahapd. Resideuace, irai ho.aé seti cf fait grouud ou Brook et. Mrs. W. H. Piper Whltby. 2 TAKa notiqe, yen can bu>' a sail of clothe, or a pair of panas frein W. 0. Walters for thse prie. paid for maklug eloesee. Oddieilov's Hall. W. G. wàýclwmsahbasjuil meeeived s ne* lot et thc latest New York et>'!.. lu geute' blaek sud ceiored bard bats. Sec $hems. Prices. 1ev. Oddfeilovu' For new pninte, gingl2ame, White »otIons, *greY cottons, secraeokors. efttnades, tickiDge, esil ab Oaopbeile', they.- cifer tii.. ebeaper tiaever offered b, in luWhutby. T.os9 vho attended the #tetil 1 caMeon Fnidayi th.eouanty judge'e court had their eyez open.d eonsder. ably towirds the ltcof the evidence. Frein vhbt vas drawu frein Deteclîve Scirat. thon ùi may b.e euily iufcrred tha~t 4ewii.>IeQaugtuse ,vasua * base cenepInsey br6ught. e is a muel earty support te aIl offleers -lu osrying eut any Iaw,sand v. ane nos cf the kid te feel giad whcu justice Mmanies throngh fais. ewearicg; but Whou violations cf' law become s0 sean.. tébait themosi coulomptuble and ucwauiy ebeuses have te be resorted te ini erder te induoe.lsw.abidibg men te commit crimes, v. have ne furtior onteuse te effer. It seome sas pLan as eau be, fitt. evideucoi tise se, îlat Big Tom -MeLean vws employed by- Deaective Sebram Sd furniehed vilh money te go aronnd -the oountry and purebase natornal fer @stile sud ahen get onie toolis el .1e .te go lu with hi. sud'have MI his partner. in-, thé business cmnt te lai! fere tb. saie of lb. revard.'At -Oa. ulugicu lwe large boilens versmadê,. sud Big Tom, sont-eue go Butte*nisnd kepï the <Othe ai éaoi gion. This cf Ihe beys ocuolonanstanglât $hemu bouing. Boon h. propossd te make a liftaeiý.bîâéise à011nlu"h. me sMd the bos tu.d -in. Ther. sinse l'o. ne doubi'tbal Schram sud Big Tom' vées Ognt alof e«ch etber's sOeglons, for ou.lthe very dY the *"run - 9ioncfl" a e h.place Sobrainap- p.sred juala'aiglon.' Big Tom vas as Smilth-'» hotel mien Scins as audilof'i'mmedistl lotrthb. .1111. ebhtainfulow.d sud srr.uted him iMoOaskill aud : ld 'John, MqLeaus. Whou they *cme &2va ber., veowkili, snud VoIàeaLn were Dot permiîledby liemm e e the i asls unhi ho bd ma&W e enct ýthefarce of ý4crÙ b om'a diobargeanmil Qw. v I s tiol, or cornùer could be touud'lu whi C a magulficenl staihon va, ual houusd*. 1proni au directions enbiele bad béewu seul in, sued ever>' card malerislised ou Tuesy,,wUlha.boieatlach.d tla 4., Osmeron, et Ashburn, vas there; vilh bise -là:magulficeul clydedes "o 1. Rether, Ihese !aelprhapo, equal toauy pair of imporled l lions ever brenglit liute Canada. The eomml xpnegeed opinion l e, that Cameren kueve enougli about lydesdales te select% sud import herses vwithout ever m4king _a- mistake. On Ibis ocecasion hie- animale Major Eodgeon u on cubaud viti bia auperi Cleveland Bsy>,«"Pbemom. oen2' Hi e pedigree shows hlm le have prnuely blood' in bis velus, , ad evor> haiïrcffIlie borse m e smuei. The all tention _b.lng given lg -th'"e Oimleiud ,Bs>m' Èsove 4h.>' are: 0 reeivc a OgmtIdsem Oalatention firei breedbn fu tture.-Tic Majorale. sboya "tAbby Pr!nce,7 -a mplendid Qiydesdsbo yearling, cf ïwbom -weniki -Dt atuy&greal déal si.oiü but bye jea Iod yet. Riehuadon h Sou, Celumbus, as menaI ;teck a front place at Ibis tit vilk teoir Clydodale" "98w. neyer alteaided a faim vehem l.>'dld mcl lake final or second prize-sud some- limes lie>' carry off bath. Theirs la s mev eue sud lie'cilleismi of bnoed. ersshbo.d limte be up lo thmark et exomce. Sterikar, oèf Ibis lovu, bae purciaeed the. (amuos trotter, -L. H.' Daniels,"' sud bas him ou exhibition. "Danles" bas stock ail liroaghoua Ibis onntyg vbich alvSYa acte s bis beal intro- ductiou nt laIe ihigiset four legged1 .0.1.1>' aI ahows. Inspurted, draugit sallion, aged, 10 entris-l Samuel Grahamn, 2 Mmnu. MeKe., Glouson & Cameron. à 8yean old imponted draughl ataflion, s feutniele-l Mli Cameron, 2 Wm. Richard. son' & Son. 2 year old. lmporte d dnugbt utamion, 1 e ptry-l*Tbos. Uoidgeon. Canadien draught stallonaged, enlry 3-e -0 Hivel sunai draught stullion, 8 *enînîes-l John Coates, 2 John Bartia>'. Saddle or canniage staiion, &ahsevu i haneas, 7 .ntnies-1 Joseph 'Ward, 2 HenryMcit'nzl.. 8 y.ar d Aidladle or canage stallion shevu iii banneu, 2enties-l Wm. J. Murray, 2 John Clangiton & Son. Cleveland bay staliton, a entnle-l Thomas Hodguon, 2 George Binrell. Spanof0drsugt geidiffl or mars,2 Ontrles-.l Wm* ooper, 2 Gerge Radden. Span of goneral purpss..hoes«, geidingu on mares, 8 remia.-1l John Moimen, 2 James Jackson. Single dnliving hors. gelding or mare, 6 entrièë-1 F. Webb, 2 iacob Brooks. Saudl. iona.- 8 .nlie-l D. J. Ad"u, 2 B. A. Obnietia. Drsugh brooeii mat.,5 S aue-1 aErhmu Son, s William CeaIes.- (louerai purpoeobnood m are, 2 entnies-. Johnmoïioô, 2Geaige Hayes. Sadl r «iaebrood mre,8nna -1 John Jury, 2 Joseph Wanii. Disoetionar>' prize, 1 autry-Jobn Jury. Sveepstake, open to il oIsllons, j5 pgesenîcd b>' 1>. F. Hagenusan, merchant, Manchester, 9 cntna-l Mesurs.., (3amerôn hShan. 2 y.ar »id bull vith pcd. Durham, 8 entri y s-l- John f umr, 2 James Graiam. Yearling bull vii ped. Durhuam, 4 eu-.l James (raisin, 2 Y W. olby. Heretord bull vIit ped., 2 entrn«lesansd 2'9. LAmb. Single buggy witi top, 8 entria-l d Walket, à J. . gHumphrey . d M ng1ebuggy o lo p, 8, entis-l J. G.H unmsPihrmyw2 %d.tW a Wkor. GMeral uroe1pow 6 cntrie-l J. C.1 Ian>mi 0 i, S eao-l George B,îveil, SJ.O. iBrown. Iron baniows, 5 enftsiés-1 George Bevall1 £A - C. Bremn. Graind dii! sud soven, 5 sane-i ]la. Walkon, 2 George Beveil. Turnlp dell 2 enlnies-1 James Gi lagier.- t Souffler, 8 entris-l J. 0. Brovu, 2 George BemaIL.e Herse rabe. 2 enlnls.z-.l George Bewell.t 10 drain Iile., a tbles - O (imon, 2 P. Chnisti.- 8b alesa, gr. baches, ientry-D. P. «I HRay sud grain unloader,2ntlulM Dcolitil., 2 J. O. Broyn. 2etie1M Town Ootuil The Coanoi molMnd> vig Pr$Oot--thiq Mayor. .,. Si blé» ilobson, .iBinHlaI Minute@ cffomrecigndsu r 1 and bz lngo np somne good herseè, sens.Rc knewhat i. *e gotË te à"ay,dhow ho b ie osy, #ne ven b. -hau eafd il h ledown.1 Zis PreacbIng oneteda favorable, lnpre"eioÜ. STo hlOen le Rev. J. Y. German's seMon on StLnday nigiî,. on "Týhe 'Unpardonabie a ns very large« congregation, asecmbied. Mn. German -oztends tliaI*e êyMin liai cranu may . commt-againml Goda, against Iimocf, s9ainst hie tllo-Mn, ogabzst poeitenity or futurity-m-aa>bo forgiven and eavation aInay elil be obtaied. But there la oeueocher in yet. 'Wen the Holy, spirit stiies viii ha "r---plads with uns to neceive salvation sud' is rebuffcd sud eccra. cd ii.hiui iunP*rdo-msble. Gode Holy- lpirt viiinet P!ed'vith s an forever. 1 engine vuzo ilsau alovea te sad Amy lengli t Ib". Mr. Hopper vps oailed upou la *lst hie dullesasud sald ail h# bad te dg vaqste keep on -afin. le mauinabea lu th.e,glun-hou". Depny-Beese :Bnus sid it vas à rather, bad taule for. lhe Major te brin, ibis malter op ai I'ltmeetin-g cfti (ouncdin l the absece of Ib. ciaimai of ah, Fln sund Wal.r Oonnmitlee. Ti report bad gene *round leva lin a "rsIy ezaggonated manuer thal tbf are-engin. vase etirely ont orordar Ona enquiry from Mr. Major Harpe] suad ý'lb. engineer h. had so.nrtsined the»,- vasnothing *vrongii thei englue, more than, perbapop tsome de- feote lunils smanufactur. -0on. Fo x disgnoed villi lb. Depul>' as to Ithe bxd tasse dispi 4:ýletif Mayor i rieu h"ta ,' t Sin#];d 8hik 'thé: y oe -Oo um. Foi sal ho- M -yior lad, a perfect nfght- 16 brime ais>' mater up, sud-h. hoped le ses a. goed us>' hie maltera brougbl op sud dlsussod. ~l lisd bee to ld by fienn liaI lb. en- gins wus ont 0f eider. Comm. Bains laye the Mayor' W* afraud le otage bis Authonit>' lu slarhing a mumor. The Mayor sd lie lsd beeap 1014 ge b>' Mr. Grangor sud othen vie de- olar.d ah. engin. vas met in klmg eider. Some funlber discussion ansuod, au, on motion cf Coim. For, lie IbW du foqth clauses of the report voie allov- ed toestan.d over tlt next meeting of COunil. (Jean. Bobson breught mluas report fnom the Relief Commilles sud had several accouaIs passodl for thal par. Poeo Alec .roport cf iii. Printiag Con-, nittise recommeudissg p omnt for smre piinting. Beeve Smnith, seoo nded by (Joua. FOI,moved liaI 85 b. placed te tice oredit of th. Mayor te advertise lu the Toront o re tie sdvanaages offea-ed s>' Ibis l.iwu localiag manufacturera. Jannied. (Joun. Foi mov#d, soouded br~jUonn. Hovis, Ibs& uhereas Deleehive M. Aufflie iad dofied some tovu by:tavs bud ascii slromg language te tie Mayen, the Deteeuise b. repotted te lie nexi enceh cf Magistrales for disisa«l Atter sme sdiscussion, lu vhloh ah. Beove sud D.paty-Reeve spoke of the )stedtiv.'s mental peauMdr-ities as ho. Ig bearcl>' veih wvile being brough p ii -council beard, lb.moion ssso. nYeas-Dcpt$ Foieve RHuina R benusud Borua&-' The CoôUi adjoonod. To-dayFnday. tircecases are 1thcorne ip here beore Police Magierate Rapor. )ne agie yu fPknn ilgloi funt offence, sudbyeagainst Uatlugs> laremouLt, for sevrsl efnSe Information vasulid tb.Wsher day ais dir. W. Taylo, propnietor cf the Dernyvime lte!, st ieryvie for aï infraction et lb. soIt Act Mr, Taylor acknowledged the cons.» sud paid thse finac lhout oigte> At Port Perry, on Monday last, tlieas «siust Menu. Parks, Prince AUbet; luddy sud Ireland, Pont Perry.,woveed sss.. on -lhe dqfo0date, tuslyn eoir inoCc,$0le sd.col a Lfiied uni HlU, oft ancheber, sud roadot S ag ebot o~ osâ &I na c i n s f h . A d GENTS' FURNISHINGTS, Neck wear, ail Collors, shapes and pri- cl es.s. A bg soc ofaveatwecaùsi wati heads We hinythuii Genlleman-I have made a trial of oee box of Dr. Simili'Great, Germau Worpx p iemedy, viii suoh good effect thati have, no hsiltatlon zi recoenmending Wtto, the f~bIlas~iw$a~4rellable iMedicine. faC tos Wii>ïMeitonce'Wvin Iwy de 8o. Tours traly, J. Harve 72 Cadieuz slet ontreS!Deember 92, 1881. b Therebas been considerable falling off in râfllay buuinese under the operations of làé Inter-SUIe law. dougis sud Oold.-If everything bas taied, try Allen's Lung Bal ansd be cured. - The. Paris Temps asys the German Crovu Prince je suffering from cancer of the tongue. Rheumatism;- yesan sd Neuralgia toc, are greatly rehieved sud oiten entirely oured by the, use o1 the Pain:Kiler-Try it. Another set of' repeal resolutions bave been iutrcduced ii tb, Nova Sc6tia As. seznbly by Premier Fielding. Crou;p-Thu lseaBe la caus.d by th. formation of a taise membrane liing the. wind-pipe, sud obstruoting 1he.-passage of the. air, sud i. inowvu by the shrill, oroup- noundlng cough snd ratt-ling ini the throat. This membrane must be removed by ex- pectoration. Take 'a double dom of the Balum every ten or fifteen minutes, vhich viii reduoc ht, atter lakinâ a few doses. Tie Baism-viii sud has saved the. lves of thousands of ohildren attacked viii Croup, viiere il hie been taken i season. 'Mr. Gladstone made ýa vigorous speech againstcocercion before thi.eighty club yesterday.à, PRRRMMAP8 WORM POF» DERS deatroij andEremove worma without in'jurrj to adult or infant. Alexander Mitchell, Preeldeni cf the Mil- -waukee road, died yeeterday in New York. "'Biood vili te11." A face adorned with -pimples, bail., blotoies. etc., le not a par- ticularly pleasamit slgbt, sud invariably betokens an impure stata cf the. biood. Dr. Cua' Stomaci Bitters free tie ssenfrom aU is- humera renders the. bIoodpure and cool, aide digestion sud = osa eauiy &ppetite* For sale by ail i argeb= et 0tsCeuta. Yorn County sud Toronto are to b. separ- ate for shnievaly purposex. FOR RougI& «isdittonaof 1the Ski»,. Bhampoin tu .à644i impea. Rrtq. tic* -andS4 Bk 1>sna#ôg, q4#1 ProWf. D B T Il S. EaTLIT.-AI W*itbyi -on SuD-day, the l7th mat., John PFanois Bratiey, second son cf Fraude Breleama d3years fi Pàmw]gL.-In O0"avaon4~Tusdy, April l19Ù4 lb, Marchta A. Farewell, sec- ond daughter cf tiel1t. ChaÈies sud Mary O , ffie fWhitby GONIOmLlg, 1 Whîby, -ApMil22,18E7.1 VlWb.st ............ 0 78 * 0 801 .O 70 *0 79 Zàipercl....225 2 50: o7..........0( @ 60 P..............040 0 45 -0,70 O076, iue a ..............06 0 *, 050 ~al.........1. W, *084 e M ,8 0 O 6 001 Beêd.CIOverýae.....45 Ve140 0 4polal, prbagý.. ... 15 o 07 .u3g. 016 Rutter', a, - '014 Wood ,Qý*40 @ 016 We lead in MElinery - Wodn osday,.Th ursday -d8atdy APRIL 6t'h, >th- &. 9th,ý And following days we wll hwti year one of thie.iarg'est, otsyij and, pleasing ,stocks of RATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHIERS, LACES,* RIBBON, SATINS, & TRIMMINGS, We have ever shown. Ail are cordially invited to visit Our tioesm, brie wv enice sol rý Or.-nO ase are Snp'l Mail 1. - 1 uw-PFu1y 'stoeked ini other departme nts.. N6rth> Americëan Lite AssuraujnCo. affl08on, - Tmnt<,O «Ma Hon Axi. AOKNZJ, 1P~ résden . t Haou. . MoiJo u P"Uxixe, ]&Bq., nRl Governent Deposit for Becurfty of Peùliqy-Ho1dèyg During the. 3'Aar1855 applications for «Y240vx ~ciepnwic e.iue 1259 pohoies for $2,50,50, the.reut bing una'ceptahie, a"d,7 poioiefor$î6.360, wliiel had laped for non-pajuient di premiamp >*ere received. This is a výolume 0f nsebuina amountinto nearly 860>00 over that,>f ainy former year,..and -60 -per cent. ïu emoese cf. ths dne yany Canadianompany l tihe saine per od n iti betcry. ABSTR&CT 0F BEVENE CCOUNT k BALÂNOU SERETr. Income for the y.ar 1886-- - - 81429, Expenditure (inoIudL paymnents t o licy-holders of 76.6j - 0,489 Assta <inoluding uualed (luaratee. Pund) - ozijG d l s i i i e t e P o i i e - h o l d e r s - -- el8 6 8 SJurplus forseouriit ePHoliy-holders -- si-s , 85,6u Ob TR-8BMLTONTM- RBTUBI PREIUM PLAJI cf ThellortlbAuel a m ie eurvuo.oOô ,providès tba seI .tieerpio lb lrtion cf, théontiné e piod, lb. while of ltepreiueim%y.have.be am pe ayabewiÏh, aud in additionbý efce. ti p ylmeernadv cf 1oieon ithe preniums paid, should dei" cou a'0g0À~. Show i Om stokàs meule i lnsert~ mUtin Luoois. Ou stock wais es PBJ= LIST. ces* we can suit you Show Roomse never more A big stock of -Hats,,'

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