OhLL Ail» GIT A~ FIUnE S2UoeL: OF OUR. Baking Powder. PURITY SUARANTEEDO B. . GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Sieo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Frlday, April 22J 1887. EITEKE thé Dominion parliainént or éIs tbe Leési hou" ai Torontoe socild ai once undortake thé govérniné flic Englauti sud lot Iréland alsie. Thé vholé Eoglish parliainont la spondiug ail ils lie upon thé Irish prohisin. aud I here aa'* nyoy elogisialé for Englanti, 8cotl:and iWalos theso fiue portions Of thé Eminpre vifllo e ft witheut valets IT ila astrong argument inlavfayo f Home Rubo:vhon «0o Sud that eiher tb. Dominion or- OntarioeParia. rmt-hba u.te govcru ibis coaitry, sud thst escb la now serrions té take Mharge of the govrumoat of th. vbole empire. (Seo long r--ulutions helng passed inw etb house.) If thé Engliali veuiti oaly «ive Irelant a chance it woulti only hé afeèw ysaru alinéaS tilI thé green ile voulu bavé straighîéned up ite boue.keeping'1k. Canada ha.sud vould aise ho aurions te take a baud vibli sir Jobn sud 11<. Movallin gev. erning thé Empire. Tax deaf h of Sherrif Jarvis of York pals Mr. Mowat in a bad ixS. lu su ordiuary cooutituaney there 'are oui>' sloew hbenr-on, but in Toronto Ibère are a thonss'wd sud ene. It is thé boult position in thé Doinip-tbst ii, there le the moat znoney in il. Shérif jarvis vas sgréat minuforer ouje nt sud voesemuch< good clotbo s;thé beat of ne, and yélr b. vas abbl 5Bve Up something short of haîf s million. Thèse f*cIs are gfficient tà eonable one 40etorin an ides bow Man>' hungr partizaus yull béset Mr. Moirai durlug Ibis clear colt -in~~g voms'hr. DivinisG the eounty of York frein théecil>', lu order té have ivo shérifse, la uudoubtsdly vroug in principlé. Thé only reasoni assigneti for doiég e is thst Ibère la money énôngli lu thé office for Ivo gooi livings. Soe day Ibis province viii hé baukrapt, 1k. thé obtheri, if Ibis principle of incréasing the gambét of shélves on whic ol e r- lite polilicians Mu mainialusti. If onu mmsueau patisacloily dischargs th. dallée of shriff et York sud Toronto, and th. roceipis of the office s tu or thre imes tee mach ta alicu hlm to peékoet, vhy net have thé overpins hiauddtinte thé euni>' or préviclal tresasuty? Afler a whiléOntario iMay havé e l.oin in. araid upen lb. impov. owibed ominlou,-troar>'te ake up ro t i xitvido e éai présenèt lu n ýt .égnrln~oitolf Vthèsepikingsfor the' boétag OrsatodMai P"réit %hoy wIll bave a miteh agst audisusé. Thé rcooýSaOeOutd 10O Oèr $20, sud "hrè o uld"not, bave b.b oi rer 'tAà n 250 po .réons in lb. hal.- 'the halv .s kindly glvpn 10théeSoiety for the eV>. ning by 14r. J. Uickingbotiomirbo0 oparoa ne puasio make the entfn ment a sus. 11 ALTOUA. The farinera are husy ai their séed- ing, The rneadows begin &e look green. Mosans. Nelan Bros. of' the Whitby' Ooliegiato Insetituts, apont the Eastr holidays et, Altoua. Our Paire Il vas ysterday. Asu nouai the direetors had beon foelish enongh te advrtian thé date, and as usual the wiaihér.Olerk bad seraped togethér a few almospherie onvil 1n thï: mtterof chevet bharas tthe natives in theit inspootion -of herssLh. Under thé Bobit Ad iitlei horrble to hold a fait on a wet day, aithougli a fév of us vho liv. lu lýova kuov a wrinklé or twe which are net'yet patentod aud vhieh in cqnaequtne vill notait présent b. made kuown.' However, heariug tht thé lova was-full of patent herses aud bulle thé farming editor (alais Ibe fighting éditer) of this journal d«Méd, te go dowu sud asesif ho oould not get a fév sets of bille te finish in returu for tb. compliment of vritiug highly infiat- éd notices of thé herse sad balla. Thé f. e. (farrning éditer) bas net yet madeil thé changes la bis appearance nscsssary te enable hm te, adopt the suggéstion 'of thé Gatette, te go fsrmiug for vaut of brame te do suyihisg else. In thé first piace a mighty finé mous- tache vould havé to e ,, slov" sasthe f.e. la told farinere only véar a rov of board around under thé chia, and Ihat they les theit hait groir oonsidsrbly. Howvvr thés. éontemplated changés in th. f. é'@. apposeare viii be carrléd out and by thetiiféof thefail fair hé vili b. found DISCUSSING MÂTTERS WITE FAÂRB. If the chin vhiser dou't comé Up botter Ibm Ithat in thé picturé it will b.oa siebl> affair, and thé loe look rathor lik. s dudé's; but othérvise Isa abape and i l are those of majesi>' anti gréaI meunapowet. W. Iruseucr f.o. viii net hé ézoluadtfrein lhe tanks of farmeré on thé «round that thé Gasettb ia batily mgisiakon lunsapin f amets ha"e no brains, heausé the GaseUl only lot out Wl opinion by accident. Il morely allovot fiend F. Kovadte put bis foot iluinluea atompt te ferever rui" oui pesée of mimd b>' urutiug a gréasticleO. W. have net lime -for comment sud eau ~~ elgioapartial prisze RdsIhicb maphavto hé or"éld agood desJ moku .ek IMPORTe» EIGU TLLO lot amthffl Porter, Osha adITm. ~eryWhitby; Sr&, JOs&ThOMPuen, etre lot, Aiez. Carneon, ÀAhbum Iear U ght "12in moré- Drauhl tam-itRbb Brou 5ÂDEon ARS. conisqueuél thai folloir.a&rthé topethél lb.g néral .publiec, wbo reoiv eequivalént or réturn.P it. We aresompieied, by lair te er.otand- maintain irbat are calléd louai t.inos, aud irbal for ? Ferr u vabeefi? No. For thé bonefit of the gseeral public? No. For thé benofit of the poor? Nos but that a fov voil-to.do poreons may havé their stock kept- et thé public éxpense, vhich éLihils upén, Mié gênerai public thé trouble aud. expeuse (la addaition go the ýeuces) ofi keépiug thé sidévuike ébeat of inow vhich accumulafbe 1y thé .sbolter provided b>' fénces vs. havébeû coin. poed te erecé,ý'In lumall n>'iatan<ù ie are oouipelléd te éCatar il oUn-Igitgg0 f sidev-alks not for oon iheeflibut fer: the general Putblie, o! vhlch vo ,woulaD ot- complaing, wve sw.e t in thé firul instance éomupelled ho keep.ap fenoos vhicb foin thé slwltsr. -Those Who vaut to, kéep cove sbould fence thémin . Thé public sbeuid not bave té fonce theim eut. Is il surprising that Wbitby bias thé most dilapidated. foes iu Ontalo ? There le n'O" su. couragément for néstuées. Any4hi.6g that viii prevent thé cattle vwhich vili maké theit, appearauce on oui streets in about a w.ek, frein roaming on eut gardon» i. ailthat vo have au incelina- tion tee or eau h. réssonabl>' expoctéd té koep up. Thére viii Dot ho auy thing for the catllé 10 eat$, sud tboy viii h biébfly omployed ilu ûlliug up ditches inte sor of food, thon vs can égain hé tazéd (ia il net eiieetraging) te open thé ditchés te carry off the nuisance depouited by thee» camel- shaped bovines, théevuwers cf vhich in my tsmcésuhonldhproséue fer sruety te, animais I veuld ad- vise a stringeuit cattié lav svéepteg théin freinthé strééte, sud thé coumen- te provide pasture for thé poor idoves ovw, or if that canuot hé dons thon lot thé counoil také thé néit best stép andi réduoe the nunihér, se that thé Poor mnan vith hbis o@w' uap bave th. sa&me chance s the ricli man. I know thorn viii hé a howl freinthé gré.dY, but sur.ly thé condil eau stand it. A*k any eron vho viittiPeteirboro' anud eau iieauliuomsaud heutj if th.>' voté Dot ashamed ef Whitby with ise dilapidatsd fonces andi dirt>' aide- vaike. But I suppose, i, vs ua" continue in tho old rut, dean out thé dito, luinthe faILfin théin op lu the apmnor eo lter for mev, asud thon ove, il Off. Frein Christmas te April, ibre. menthe, thé aidevaikt voté invisible, nud thon for cornelime vos bati te wade p#Mg*l,,bz.oNghu.tet- becaue l outid net gsi thiefbugii enevhak. Do away with'fonce.s an you ai once relieve us of troublé sud oxpeuse. 1ThoeéMa a"eanother griév- aucein tbis connoction, uamely, thal wbsu. farinea re dravlng in hay or grain they have te ébc -qatinnally epeuiug aud ohuttiug« gales té ,prevenl caille gétting ie i heit -Soilds or haras. If thé présent éonail wili net intervone héiveén -thé sufforing publiceanud theit gReedy ubighbors, thon I voulti soy, nezi fani dovu vibli your foes, sud ne .council voulti dané make *jeu rePlace théi. n. uh more mighl hé siti but I havé trsseqwdalréady on yeut géeroeity, aud vould beghog f uhacriho myméif, 6Esw omg« Lei EBditor ComucL: tei coses for thi subjeet 0f lu.t, 8 day evemna iscou.lÂISau Oburoh. Thé, vords vil ha fou= 'ond lu thée ixth ohà $tro etbI Reelto f lit. John thé- Divini Mud lu thé ohvrs.The lui&-el nilaaln e héPausagéby the l&a*é A Brigk( G REAT More New Features,' DtÊAL Ooods 0FTASTE- the ~N befound IGoods.ý Superir' Attractions and. Graceful Styles prevail iail our -immense variety of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHINC,ý 8oz. 811 e F.S.B. BROOK a .More Exclusive Styles than ever. New York Fashions received every rnonth. Our Tweeds',. Coatings, Suitings, Worsted Coatings andl Overooatings, are the finest that enterprise eau discover or money buy, and a.bsolutely correct in style. Suits ma.de to oirder in flrst-lase style, at bottom prices. We olaini superiority in the olothing line and leave the verdict with *the people. 1~O88 #CWhitby' Dry By LET'~ER8 Burns' Oolumn. ROYAL PAT] FL UIL ENT. JBEEF, PiOR THE. JOHN8TON'8 IV VA LID, OR* TE Convalescnt. OîNSii It i& stunlulating, refreshing, trengthenlng and refreshing. SOLD BY ALL DIRUGGIBTB AND GROCERS. MmfBoe,a the ohn1 Bansd l no sup dto e.heading for Montréal. l la a littié trouble toexeamine thé farn- phiét wrapped arouiid uh*È owe the true Mnrray & Laumu a'alorids Water, so as ti find the words «"Laumian & Kemp, New- York," wbich are ýwatermnarked or stomped in pale lettera on.every page, but in l botter 10 tahe I"isamaamonnt of bothor rather Ihat b cgOZ6 u by a vertileu coutrflewt. veZy I 1h ýpphbe1 arund the-. 0énuio-bas hs Iodlut, whieb Itiough pale anad finI, ea= b. eunasiynnwhon, held ip bthégelighi. sud io boria Wtola gentuinoth#aà e.. net have t est Mark. TKTT1TE~'~-ÂGOODI en Apply te 18187. Corne, gonîle Sprig, Ethereai mildues, ,corne1 We are just yearning for yen. W. vaut te séé your vonderftl gseea rnantie once more, sud laite the avéotus of - urlýéth, sud heur lb. jojous soundo, of ve hioh atted jeu. _W-vat yen te jWomewandlha*' gouet>" bÙ 'Qi- à à ululer aà d ovor"hou sud sharne 11mb obuyiug nov drous-t o h9,6or te your preéncé.. Wé vaut your iffo.giviug influencé te quigoeubusiness ie oaotivit,9sud luoeam the dernahd for nsv styles lu Boots, shoés, aud elipppro.. Sb pbeasehtryou, , strght to Whit ytevn.- TE 1"1NulTECz Oet ýxÂUTT. "Athingobeautyisajoyf-1 er Ils lovolineas incre4ses; iIwIneyerý Paie intoniothînijnesse; but stn ill iikoep A bovéer quiet for üis.na" a lel Fun of sWeet dres, and-s4uhad quiet bzreathing, Therefore,. o vermorrow are vo wreathing Lflowryb Y%-te&lndus e ti. arth Spiteoofdespondée , ofthe- #humu dearth 0f au tehealh n.'*akndw Emporium. .ý* kAPRIL'2 LOCAL .6IA 1 01116 oit BUDGET OF UVELY zurgrovenI favo:ably fra 9g Tà u cricket élÎ TIM Whitbya VSUhé e lti a mait ihbê prise rivé due dok *tEIRTE menn nasd TEVi 8PIIING 8STOCKb.r boingel 0o. NOW ý_lOPNEDO, do 9111 ilas been displayed in the selection, of our Array oIri CENTS FURNISHINO COODS. BI~Q8 ORA U DeIo te. lu