Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1887, p. 2

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- h liais - VIIII p sd a egboxnaL na.OU-z h" ~5prtin f $u iner-on î£b th kivs fCheaIStBêL hi chss fîea the*alitown tune Kr. aL on- voc as vien isui e furhbume da @a elivery sohulytafern *of a k"d prtios cfrmthe flger etm;o«b h. ie e ie mchne &ouetcf lii. basbeWacofsrain andu. i40,000 Ibo u ouncbave beauWm. Van hoa ,ubas bee iping fesonom. ayge tisu eeigvey ofaout y lii. effeelse Âbcut 27&,O0 2OWulies cf gainfanti have bden bouglit firein cli.. plmcès and zi jved by car by Mr. Rumsel, vhefia h~jhUeceafry tla import hM "dr t. a i amin sampli&&. Mr. TwsaiWrigt w»a rivm*îg té lova on Friafày an" Ipadiug &a hors. behinti, Whou thie . &4 in Luîle cavorings, sluck ils foot lhrougb cne of the lied wheela cf the buggy; hie frigliteneti the borse in bernes, whiah gave a jerk,. andi in a twinkiing every spaheinLutie wheel van brokes, the greater wondar bing liat lhe liorse' lag vas ual iro- ken. nstead cf the spokee. Daniage, $4.50. PuÉTM-MR0. Thea river Otouaie base been freshet- ing. There Le a hanse in towu placa-rdad Five Irnndred doglage are expected ta b.e sold in tbis towu dnriug 1887. The police andi townu athorities are dtnlrmineti ta s&op wiskey-eeliîng in 1ev dives. The . ybodcf à a dchud van fonu horte her day. It s supposed ta b. a case cf infsn.lcid-s. The. Examinecr urges Mr. Stepheu- son, IL.P., to bave deputy.returniug offieao at% nalables, andi avaers et puli- ing boothhapaiti up for te lb.eaclo Tv. tramps vere houma oeegh la evel. one vas sau01aimnuWvo applieti for a permanent ehetter in the gebai. f.s sd h»e lid been sent tu lown. by th. e rs c f lth. tovnship n sehici lie lires (net 100 mailes frein Petnwborough> withhinstructions lu valk 1h. streels until a frieudiy policeman pic&" tizl up mattek hlm lu charg, as h. vas sers lu do. Tii. aid man 1.t lthestory ont, sud lIais mcrSnng h. vas sent baek lu lhe placuem rotvhie4 hb c a.TWs rsokhl bau e vûrat surouulngtouehpa.Ii Ù4indéeut un *eay vay of gelling rid dcftheir Ovu iigmetsbut thie lime the lovai auhhoritias "tembled," aud lie scheane TIae Speiahî manufacluring comemay have an abundancei of ordurs Ibis sping. Mr. F. C. Ash vas eleclet counaillor hy scladauian, àMonday veek luiln place of C. W. avtoSt, mnsgned. Mr. Euumry Sharp lias rumuetfroua scOtanti.luie mgiflc.nl8-jer-dut ~ yesae staluen <iedcri the voyage vit. E[e la.is nearly covoreti by A. ew belonging ho Mr. Chis. Busisuan, Waite & daitaàin he b vui"qfth*t iearbusien eI, onu day lest vok. lu dm u » lime Bes is. iap -vas dinverid* anal r.Bubuu ta extlmch«ierfin ber v.ry plasant -poulIna. They h" "jatMe inh gmug but ent viesah h m p y vila kw eu ..',ralipw u hu ù" theia ê" té, b.oevom u p. For a,fsv mise emIat. Bushu&a'a f. smu t tbu mi*juPaa4y, Wb t" h.prompt uffute but mîbêet.ue& houve !u n IL _AIL li forlIa Go ad, iT..W.. (happle et edaIea, CaouKcnd&ynF Tuas- Clay thisve wek inslur Fracldi lias idU nuarly .ven ud infosans fuï violations aofl" Act. Thîiisànfomintg tb.sAil vihhared tiat vengaue..- Tii. Noeth Onlariw iefom nAssociation met boemsonu ired&y lest for lhe secltion of offima and ti ler busines. l&ssud tbat Mr. Oockbumn ant isi frieudsamar averse ta centesting Mr. The Q T. i - Company have put lu a couple, of nslw oler tanks litweuthe. xaiiaýoy bru4ë a"it",ti u& cou- oing Il vou*"ait havel tibSn a tl the tank b... P"tdova cu Ihe veut mu la*, brihdge iriat of o0& th* soth, Cas. « af li. b. e pe d sê a engin. stops levalWet. but then Weh.e ubiccovenîence doeun't bolier thie compady. Quit. an attraction presented ihacif lest Sauday. A. moose 8 ponlis' aId ssandng b9 et.ween 14 anti 15 landa high vwas delayed liera aver ,iinday.- and censequen&iy a very large namber of siglit-acarsembmnhracdiehaoppartualy of seeing a real lire macse.. We be- liave is vaa captured wvtien very young by Lndiane on tic âne of the0. P. ilailway, antiofet curse te net yet quit& tame. las destination vu ndteretand vwu Fenelen Falls, il being purclaset by a gentleman eft tiis place, &at by lte lime .il reacties tiare viii coeI somneviere in tlie ueiglburboot cf, 8100. Ou Sunday aflernean, about, lv& o'ctoek, -vtale Mr...Malcolm QGillopie and bis meete, hfiLs Allie Gillespie, vuse titiving 1voalvard alang t5tumron aImeta s umzber cf baioks, piled up ti front cf lie lot upen vbh iMr. C. C. àtcPhaddon jntaade building a rov of stores, f611 vithin a feie yards of 1h. herse, hhey "ete drirxng, causing the. semaI toauaddenly swerve laucrie aide, apsotliùg lie buffy anti thvoving the occupante ou. Mies Gillespie aligitat! upon lier feet, aad beyond gething s litti.bespattereti vit*- mad esucpet seott fêe.. Mr. Gilriiapus4, ievevet, didn't tare se veiL l.. e "Ibrovu under the buggy vliere Ils cletbing abserboil a quantity of tuadt!anud is loge retueived anereus scvatcese. Te liors vaikedt tiugi th. lamns antilolt t hi.buggy sa4diug. The haims"va"sont desroyid, but lie buggy gel off with a broken dmau&ad i».»eueocf hi edwaof tlie lut" Leawis . MeLesu purposa sslizg " holel prop.m t ah he station koai as lie LattiMor mu. AsIthe prcperl le nt desirahis, ve prediel resdy pur- Mr. (ioG. Ulakngbattom, eteminay Murgnen et hava, las bee n lu ovi for the. pash-tsv dape. W.undemtant il is tie a"ove geutlemsu's intention tu prantico bMs prfeasin un bisplace. TvoHUI&e boys, w»ena e bla.Watt WhaM mean day roenùy viahiai te hava. mm tun, andi a.oudiply repaie e"t.th& ySndehe 1th. eider ofti1h lue tied is àbrother te thiehind log a c;wv. Thuow beeming gv.ahly fright- oued van off vW"ilis litai alw ilb" po@m ean*emL. Alera alog dia. tb.y> suaxesedt h.stepping " MWaevna WU*e lime t.tha uy kit! vasreaovd frein hi, - -aw eii beioinasai ami zuegietM th" brvUaUnroognm Reeety vs haund et ap mtyuam 0& "buiaioaetbtedabMt Ioen$ hm e.mog tà suaL ltu eopdbe - ial U mou te mm doas .oqoe&an.rpfr i e ot a Mme~ 7 al nema t itvek i& nemtt cmting, bydolie ing biecitloiseis ek 1 spmig eleaninge Bseu'0 ploteitia, yotest mosu a dlrgtvug ü wtpwet&Boum lii. vodng- sh da oegabe tse. uatk- .o et , dnkiug feunkak ntuthei.pogitelà equare vould be san admirabl w yfor a ScotActi to*a u eab.aêhewe 1 jabiles year. Wm. Gilin. la doing his best ta geltichetou ta buihti anu llumi- riated elock. Round the ic tuaià te b., inscribeti the vardu, Jubile. i labflate t Jubilum 1 -aor saie simir Royail andi paIriotie isentîiment.-. .A. voit and man aiiîenished the tuiles in the -snk cf Tarente ene day lest weak. He mshed ti a halt cnde condition tle lhe hanli couater laid davu a choque aud va- rnoosed for home again. H. fas a lititle off bis mental balance and wva sent dowu ta the castle, befare ho dit! any- -tbing -rai.... Sàm n es vante lac mach modey-S3200-to acine tu, Berne *andt hereore h. lias ualbeeu engages ....à.keg of ber ae eizedsa&dovw atreet ItiteI lI ve ei... UirD. Don- gail, oet1h. Purnilure Faclory. slipped davu lh. slips st hiesaaNbreaking ene of hie ribe, snd sufteingiternai inj ras n e le progrmm fvopably.. ...On MandaUY as seelslie touda e fu eiteere beînng move t hte Eset end of lie lave, th.e rs a attacta*l on. cf the abeigis becsmne reelive ant finaly van sa~lte lest lucdin« a piano, beung distruieti along the moud- v!ay lu a diaag.d contitiou....jae Colline and EH. Kyeve, both cf"lIistovu have Coine&ay vilh lhe intentimonfe jeinlng ltehe onletiPolice he b Nortlivet...... menas.es ecumuon of the Sens cf Scct>nd i"candetariait Barrie authie lot of Iry~.Amau named Michael O'DnuU a etTorato, vas biled t hAblauial.lestwo.hgo va ou hie w*y tu Gmavnhut tw oe for vot, ma m v.trying 1ttM à e.. Lint! yhu i pw e. Ligie corda eofvend vexntfrout a Ire. in tim levnshp of Opa- Thenmaxaaemnly et houssain Ii lavai andthei.pc.!sapa «MeuY aydi-1 ciousy invested Waal&mah a returu of over OMige r ant. MmeÎ. alvat vifse o i Ge. faârt. Linisy, diat i et woek hthe. *go of oighty. Thes gou cliispahav ie vd together sizy-one y.ms. "i eau aidaof "lit, rivetumteak te- drive&*wu ao'Sante ci on hmsay aftem ouewoa s eik H. P"uthd ethe.' - vaseune& Mo*.u1g~ effew ueboue. 0"es db M» tium im- UYn i ýI MI'uy nita quM&Sqfma tàth & mmn ua" ltesa nblastas way 0ou Lake Minie but ve.k andl u 1[q U uhfrty milesfrein home,, aftla an ain pight drie durig vhiek lhe hors".e tvi» . ke #mhrugh the. ci =uncetabte in Port Hope. & plifical organisation hem eisuameal "Mie. Garden RUt Rîsing Generation Llberal-ConservtsU Asaoeiatinxr A. WaJ umed Nelsan, wbo vas COn- vieteal cf stealiug at Port Hope the- other cday uà u te ndthelblong happy de" o f lthe joyau& summier monhe sat Paeetagmehene reformalory. 'i hilycar-oci girl nameti AtIa oreuna w»a btineti from Hamilton by a- marrie&i For împrcving and preserviug the. heaIh cf ycnr 9Hors ansd Cattie, use "LaudS. Condîtion Powd r., Sir Dnald Siihlian! ir George Ste- Phan have donstati W)Ow 0ascii for a juhile ineruorial hospital lu Moutreal on condition that tbe city furniali the site. The St. Lawreuice lias rien coueiderab; y' et Montreul. The. tatl cost ef th. uew C.- P. B. bridge et Sauat Ste. Marie wiil amount ta S400>000. the warld fur ail Disessnaofthe. Bowels. .The second reading of t4e Crimes Bl was carrieid Mnly ninlit, the arendment h.aving beau rejacéteti by a vote of 370 ta 269. Scott's Eznulsion cf Pure Cod Liver 011L, with Kypophosphltna For Chsidren and PuLmnarý Troubles. Dr. W. S. Hoy. Point Pleaaant, W. Va., eays: "I have made. a theronli test witii Seott'emulaiou in Pulmanary Trouibles and G"eral Debility, taud have been astonished et tia good resuts ; for eilidren with RLick- etz or Marasmus t lin unequalled "Put np in 50o andi $1 &=a. .OB8rRUCTfONJ3 of testomucli, Li&r andi Bowelg, are prom$pIy rer- movedbhy- National Pilla. CONSUMPTION CURED. An aid phymcia24 retired. trum practice, hevxng bati placedin bils hands by en Rast india mdiuwry lie formula utfAasimple, vegetable remedy for yh4 d lperin- muent cure aofcnsm 4Brnht Caa ,Asthme 4Lteromau&a iLung Affecuumn, ae tieandi radiclsicure for NervosDsu« d &ailNervomins0c-, pl"a4 eafterw ringteei" swomlerful curtie pwes n husm mae.s, hm fetiithie dutyta oka i avte bis atie faei ta relie e huma its ferngw M& ï difas. t argwe mtsadnire i1 lit Pose. cetk aueLia Th& chiot dlnger fren tahig eoula te làiahlity- ta Ilosa pon son t trmaorgmn, am the langE, " LV Leuratbe bacrl us ages, e. Hmgyerd ?oce#=l lai as- ma ant breaksr up the. cold*, allaU iris to Mant en prevecta or cures pulmanary & S1 m mub& t Q 1 b.I ook on» hottie-l gave imuediato refiof- I ma .recemmend t mil s s ure fat FUIT M m* "mdaS, Ne* m-' moi il, hm btfu« meme. -1 Cei ba1»M Gle, hm,,« m&th fm frin m ett amü»à;amm» . ,wauderulefkit SmpJebottias, 10: cent&. TryI The. PtivyCauncihhap» lildLmn ick sud alther portaunerthe P. aer]?réeOr- vatianil. There have boas meny remarkable curS of deafes reporte&. tram the use of -YelIow Oil. The proprietors cf this medfi£ine have a large nnmber of auuh testimonil. il fa -&e great honaehcl& remedy tfor painitfofla- mnattoxi, lmenese, and sorenese cf everp- -description, and sareness of every descript- ion, and coin ha used interneily and exter- nafly. The. Ameôr of Afghanistan lias gainéd a suceeover the rehels Far Counfrn an&i goIds..use Âllen'e Limg Beleam. Relief ie warn4nted or money re- fundéd* The-man who fixed at the CJzar et Gats- china was hanged the. sme day. -mîO ENGLISÈ STAEIZ l13 GONWDERED COMPLIITR WITOUT LJELUIMANSM .0Emi;aBROGAT1Ok mO 1PAIH OUS,»SLBBWE poa ovEnBEÂUONS, OANPD HL, WEEN pou uH5UXATnIN ELOBES. pou sonZ THiEaA-m5 sNflsFIENnÂ.à zon BEORM EmmHs, BRuIEs, APPBD HocIS. poauonsmsoutnsns, sous nAcRa FOn POOT MOT. AND SOBE MOUTRE N 13EEP53 POU MEUfi, CUTS, BRUISES I1HGE SPECIXEN TESTIMO1NIALS. Prom His GreS the, Duke of Rixland. -Balvoir, Grautham, Lea. 1. IMU in mny stbles. 1 think it very usefiL -RIULA1;D mastr cf Beavoir Hunt!' "Cetle-Wedr, KinatEin, Hrfrefe ."Dec. 3r&, lm7 -Gndme.-usethe Rya in suy stbles and heeed, andi have faundi i very servleSable. 1 bave alec used the !Universel mbrcatton, for umbage amd réhsuamfur the last two Years. a-î have tu- E. 'PMMIa.LdouoL, -a of eRadl- Efal by Chemiefs, Sbmres,ý an&i Satidies> Sa me rt..Rar cari j »SCOLs '20 hi ed at - T.« ud Am- TRI PUBLIC- 'OrP WI 03- OwSr GoeiW B lnk, i g suitbfr for, v!Bppnt purPose, Âpplyte tf TIMS OPPIR. BELL & cosL GueIp11 ont BdEY i SALE STABLEI, DtI*DAS.ST., WHITBY- CRA WFORTH & DEVERELL. YMRT - -OLAs&TUEN-OUTS Èurniàhe on Sholeet otice. Commercial Travealers' libercilly cecit zoitll. OF WO(RTHILESS. IMI-TTIONqs ing oam the reputetion off Or, «emmSmiUcaCeaime, wELn the lacies against an'imposition by dr&w- lng their attention ta the UIit .wbic noamregermUne Alan Ino m1eoam y u ha-Mnnue pr gw& lunhes' ~stii a üt (.ate cf lû a-! the fSt c, enter mil cel 1500 peu' 1er la a 1W5tt1 »fini the Pe'* ellsuiten a greelir iemsok, butti ka& Vrmm &lu Ibis.oflieni at- t!enw- .Oemaies e.Mearck UP buousantal minishadvl flhgoffroe f.LUne~i Xom fr oRem. fon 2b11 fr~ Hliar 7W~ ]Um eauPASS&G R r' ~Y .t~a. , I I J àLdCâ -r LL- GOODI maimse NEW SIG&. ELONEST DF&ALINO.-

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