Zl«edguiity 1* a charge oZ 51551Wg an oeroat, 1bat', umbrelia, pair, e1 boots sMd two doliars in mUiÃey, train tb. alçrso-tLangëford à -,Clay, Ashburu. H. vas etsnoed' te four menthe ln the.Coentrat Prison. ww eohaiged vith, setting up or siet- lng te ait up a mtli sud worm forth. purpose of uulawtully distiilicg spirite,« on fot 209« 8th con. ef Brooki. Pleaed net guilt>'. The detendant le the third oft1he gang that vas tnied on 1he. mrne char". Detective Schram.' Inland Revenue Offoir, on being evoru, Rave evidence sfoiioas-,-Ani Revenue Officer. Beoeived information ot illicil ofi11 being operatsd anoar Can- mington. Visiteit Jauninglon -lu Com.- pany vith officer Oomugrove on the 8Oîh 011., sud ýon premises olaiffed te, -b. ovned by John MoLean, found stili Mud funnace vith smliiqmt np and vrn altaohed.COeil in condenting barrît and fir. iighted. Also found. severai barreis et mamsh ready for distillation, Mud mes insd, ehop, uied for smre = Uro"ÃŽ Foud l r eply wbiekey lareiean« s.verastooîe. Pound Ivo amnpresent *ho' gave names as s Aparaue ouni vas capable of dis. luibÈng pirite. Arreted 1h. lv. men * sud MeOskel vas subsequentl>' con- vlc*ed beoS 1h. county Judge. Mr. MoPhereon mve rn, said,-Wae mal.d upon by Inspecter Sohram te examine mtlii oond b>' him on lot 20. Thinli I saw il befors linw>' shop where il vasmod. sud taken away. Wau ordef-sd by Davis alias MeLeau. Thus vws 1h. second ome le lihad order- *ed. Sfaid Le vam selling right for team vashiug machine. It vas a round eau cf galvanised imon sud viii hald sabout 0gallons,00. It vas deiivered te Mr. ixiisou, the defeudaul. Sav ne worm At McLeanm. 8mw a lead pipe as w>' place left there by e. MoGar. Pipe eontainsd about 60 Ibm. metai. Oaa vas laken avay b>' Wilson. Couid not 85>' if lhe bail atesa. j#W -60 7 aré tà le opsid in uncontetted euesoeak Sing $850: ô cuse are ap-, pealed aud 4 quashed. During th. last- guarier sic.. Judge GsiI's e Cîalzva overruledI, 24 cas.es have bée a'entse d, resulting in 15'enilôs,8fiue aga,: 6 t. 4ême off. Tuesday wu th. -seconda&y of the Bcott Adcarnivai at Port Perry onder th. inuagemeul et Inspector Ferguson. The pre.iding genil woe Justises Gardon süd Bateman. The victime vers T. H. Dancsater, B. McQuay aud B.- Newton. The auditorium vas cnewded $ith spectators. The justices decided te compel the defeudants ta ansver. Iii: Danoastt'à casé a fineef 850 and codi s uiwpoeed. Mcquay vas lispS on 1he ipit for iusriy hie hours by Mr. Farewell, who however, faiisd te elicit anytbing of importance. The barienders were thon called,- but as they, vers net defendanta.,ou the sdvioe <f4Àheir coutimel, Mr. Paterson, they deèli-ed té, sa> if tbey had sold liquor and the court upheld the ob. jetion. -Ân~d hpre a singùparanemotyýI 1th. reent d âecision of tlii. ÉOhacey Divisiont. be the octreet interprétation of the o4la thelulb. st whibh mahous - defeadautzaoinm'pellable vitese. The bat-tender, se long sah. le ouly a witnsrs, esnet b. compelled loemay if ho sold, for, by the set, as a peren ln 1he empicyment cf th. landiord, h. le made equally liable, and hig' anever therefore-mîgtht eniinate hioe. This case wa. dismised and Nevton'a laken op. After 1h. tenth witness bad heen exaoeined a further adjourument vas granted the prosecutios. lda fan no evidenrcf importo&cceh b eeUcilsd. Inspector Perguson ha. anranRed for a thîrd performance on Monday nert, when smre hait dosen botol-keepers vili be esilel upon le interview the "administratons of the law." To en- courage these gbteat moral shows th. Rosie- onght to proeiaioe th. day a holiday, and the obool children march in -a body te vitese 1h. way Coesmexaminmed b>' Mr. Paterson.- in whieh amen tell "th. îroth, lh. whole ibeliived the eavau fer a teamf truili aud uothing but th. truth.",1 vashing machine. Wilson Might have beiieved tke émre.- Neyer saw a mtili. TeFî Mhde th. eau aocondiug te instructions Tefi reoeived. AUl Wilson did vas te carry- il saa>. AOU BOCK ANIMNUAL ND TOCK D. MoOakel.-Knov defeadant Wil. evszus. *sou. Have kuovu hiai &bout one snd a hal i ee. Bsd conversation vith Me- Remembpr the MKiachister ftir on Lesti. Bmw Wilson aud MoLea n o Tuesday, 1Mt, sud Whitby on Thurs- Baturday 201h Krh t tel day, 2iet Apnit. Bmith'é yard. I hined with MeLean The Clarkie Agieulturai Society' vili le go le vorli for hîm sud on th. hoid their snnual Bpning Pair on Baturday spoken et Maesamid. 41 Tuesdsv, the 26 h day et Apnil, ou th. gue ewl a tari.' We Ibm enpnt ont Pair Ground.i',Nmvcsetle. Iut., Siil'. yard aud mav Wilson Mr. T.,El. Dancasten, Port Perry, Ihere aud Wilson mid, ']ll go sud neanl>' lest hie #800 etailion, 'Enter. hitel up'1h. leai.' MeLesu sud I prise," lust veek. It vua eimed villi vere arreted on 8lst Mardib>' Kwr. sente indigestion sud fon tell daya - s 1gsuat John MoLoes log house. neyer ai. anysbiug. 0rrliain el ansu'valked 'On ah.s"d avait- V.&î lid lt.eBase in carge suid tng tlb. M a in hhOeugbî Poupt et aI exered is hi cilit go*1esh efteelthat lsrry'e Kilt. When Wilsonugh It he herse Ià .1nov greati>' on the mud. Up ho had Bmllh'is tesS n sd in th. If Ãh* veathor keepu fân. until neul wagon tv. bagmetf horts. We vete Thunida> the firet ceunI>' sprng show near a pilie etbricks*sunt Mesnmaid et lb. Southi Ontario sociel>'ought te va voutd Put $moeoet thons lut. thebera geod -one..Thers are -prises for wagon. W. put iu ever s hucdred sud al grades sud claseet oiesesud dreve on outil me came te John Mo. balls, sud thé premiue are the beet Lem' houes. Att. e goIt itthe e0tr offered ln thie vicinity. Il js h101oesI eWva stuli there, sud lime and ixpected lb. oempetillon lu miocl WI v 1an samid te Wilson, 'Iguese I be the keineel ever s»en bore. knov viat you're going t. do nov,, 11 adto.l iblsl b und lie said, 'Do yen?1' sud held op a Ipris 11 etthee BoanîiOctane ein h wbiakey bottie -sud aid, 'Ie this isprieBto h ot '" pig aid y. 1 Ik»ev iws v s how.e ae. lunCaadian draulits Ilreade lu the bottle beoase -Ibad la drink eut "2S Yesr o14 colts or eeming lv. in of il. Do pot kuev boy the. mliigel 188V.' This le acordlpg te eop>' sud ther. Moà ea- bilt a tuuace sud la mnet likel>' rlgbt, pe natter vhaî Wilson and I f611.4 -he miii wlth .nyenbm> s' oble b rs vatsr. Mléoian built the foriasd le for, colts %mooiug 2 yssna oid thie I mixed the moer.- 'Wilson vent eprna nsd liaI je what an>' sensible sa ansd r.tunned lu., ernoon. The insuwoold inter frein 1h, bilh. ShTos ve.Putinu a barret vith th. Lasi sek Kw. -8. Grahan eoid hie bot mater tram thestilL. Wilson nailod fanioUs stallion Valtentpue le Mr. paper overIhe vipdovm. Bemained aI Courtiftsboern Lwdmq, fer a baudpbme mtlii over nigbt. Qlarted for village on fiigure, sud Ibis veek hoe punchmmed of Banda>' norinfi,. Met Wilson goicg C. Chine>', Eoq., 1h. standard bred \e*ut viibpmýv»lsiq. Returned vitti mslion Belmont t3&n, negjtened(18) hlm lovas«1 t ili~ Met Moean sud -As staled b>'hie prevlous ovner,-"no0 thel,. tgetfs*6t ntéd for lb. vilage. morloyali>' mmd etallion. han Bel- On -monda>' relute emii m ot8 tnel ad l-day. Wisou vwho bns2ght vend -for 1h. Bm pdia9tak.s lu lb. fonion. tiana..fru 8ehhayard. I vas lvimünlug bloo f th.AmerIssu trottina lalkug aout uiî nsd Wilson tbld ltunt. Boîli Ou sîne'msud dams ids me leo ota>' oü.sud ýMëUean vuld puy' his breedingleinsnurpaosable; sud, *as Me veli for it. On Tuesday Wilson 111w begets 1*., ovuere vWiii fudnd lma brouglil th. enrinluBmith's cuIter. profitable stuilion, b br.ed, if bm> Thse tbreof ousecpiled op ýbe ip>. to desire e-peoie avilasstle el 1 t lu tiie barnel. Wiiean bnught pro. mont nîe .tiknOwn liane, saudblede no visdons udwhiike>'. Came batik tu eOMm.ndstlen at Our, bauds. .Revias Vilisqe on Thur@dà . W er. rret. foriReni>' thepropert> et Mw. ùH. Ko. eds ?0 ale.W vr e n f Kni. lér. Grahamn je te be cou- by.Ia~Vwa sac(trise "Ume*andg$pW- Mr. Haénooli, econded by, Mr~. Pow- or, moveïd %bat Sb' Reeve *traiit bis" order on th. Tisse trer, l auo<Ye Gri1fià i for 'the um t 80~f~sa furnished tIi mouïicipality., Oar4ied. Me. John -Monntjoy appewmd tià Wos the Concal, lu reference le MUr'8h'orVs ûlaim, and wvu qnestiond bytbheOnu- cil and Mr. Awdç, wbo appeau'ed onk behalf 'et Darlington 'conneil . Mr.- Hlancocli,seeonded by MrIloGregor,* oeoved thal the comnmuniaio of J. . Short ha lain on lhe table -lwtil thé next meeting ot the Couuoil. Osnried. Mn.' MoK.nzie, seoondmtdby Mr. Pewrer, -meved thal the following as- ceunts, nov preientcd, b. aceepted aud paid, viz. :--Johu MoGregor, relief of Mn.. Spencer. 15; Johh Qontil, de. Jan. Abrame, 85; G. E. Kovwbiay, >de. Mne. Bcciiy, 85; John Elsrp.r, do. W.* Gitbs, 88; John MoGnegor, deý, Mre* Bnr, -2;Thos. Bradie', ]Kteol JohnGall, 81190>; Fred Grlfflu,820 ThÙs Cenne.il then ajoured, te a i.î on - *. firet Monda>'in", Kaky, aon.' Columbus, April 6th. Clirli. Whftby Collegiate Inetftite, HonoS r oU. Porma V., Pires Clasa-Phebe J. Crac.k. Fortu V., Pinst Year Un,îveriy-' B. A. Farqahà roon. e Pentu IV., Junior Matritatou-1, Gordon Campbell; 2, WSe. Gormiey- Pormu IV., -Second Claeb.-1, lletty Burcs; 2, Jno. GormIe>*;-8 Aibert Dale; 4. A. Kaiglit; 5, LiaurseGordon; 6, A. T. Soholeu, W. B. IHasge;' 8, Mincie' Page, Liszie Poyer (Pqual). Forai Ill.. Third Clas-lý,Walter. Thaxu; 2, Edith M raf1,Ete Clodon -n 1.14, Lizzie Noble; 5, LLets Richardson ; 6, Alie Montgomsery ; 7, RobI. Clark, Aebh. Yal. e- - Ponm Il., Iritermedae-1l, Lize Lavens; 2, Woe. Rooke ) 8. Jecnie Thompion; 14 Mary Culbrtsoo; 5, MaitgisE astwood; 6, Raimb Betdi Penn iL, Junior-i. Aunis -Happer; 2, Beatnice Deeker; 8, Allegra Oronk; 4, Basic. arquhansen; 6,1Ja1es Watson; 6, iEn soes;, 79 Levînehe MeCabe; 8, Wai. Oorrelt; 9 Edilli Coanor; 10, Mincie 4ro*wn; 91,'Ani 0 Holden. Ohureh Néees On clabbatb evening nerige' 1h. jeit of th. Roi. 1Mr. Gsi-insu'.srmon.wmiUb 'The IJapardonable Sm." 8.. Math.12th 1Sit and B2nd. ÂI the reniar am of oth. e Wadiat month, the8m sny, ù"Mr. -R. 1w%* pr.sented the. repen onrt r st4u ', et tb. year, vhich shovýid marne ery',otoocun- aging features. The. sverqage tenane during lb. qumer wu bot175, sÙd tosohensd offomrsreordd of ;4tdanO. a about 97)per cent, Tis in cOrti-tnl>*-Umme matisftto>' eandîng, md -poirmte sud triendesboulWd- fel ita du>'oas weU as a prsvilagsinendeavoning teoausa, a ft e 9".>an e i. th.officers lu thé. nignar attendance'e aof as i clae of vh"chMmaJ. Ik.a8mlt1r isesb, gave. a tes sud côime n Qoenlda Owen ne_ sud uertu abut $6000.Qu Mon- MisBanrd' - ba- *.Amr eU-hold &abaise lu .crg i 0o etthecrlà iffib *'UhivsOTD L v ae> hem afited$!u:e" nu, tiucdaneo sm teding 1h.tlahon f1h The lMidmmnEennle 2"d -lass Teahena,3ai> rd ClamTeachmra, 3mai>'12 1 Gless <0. Juiy 111h 1 a&m ; 1 CI ruly 101 9 &. Thele a probaifft>'of t MesUtif ItheTeechens LAmeo vu au'nouuoed ton 06 and21 b¶a a to $e sn* ise in XWr1 cuto .#apposeau mn on lieheayasuuouà » nu We thi iu vhioh the- 2lth Sf Ma' fui le sd.enld'an>'y is i.ha ba o b-dieu upibtivcrkv stan&" ii imeis eevUiVIIIthe'IS 0511 51KI5flU8cô thO ~Modicl profes-ioii' of Tôronto- can siupply alid whilit bis ;case-in considered serions Mhu 4s treng lhope. ce bis recovery, It you bave a Ot&*Rb, do net negleot il; buyat- once a bottleof1 Al1euis Lung-Balsam. Emirats orAmeies are pasmg .tbrugh . ne natvuin gneatèerowds than Physiciens haviià g consumptive patients and bave failed la ocure thom-by their own priescription., should net hesitate il pre- scribe Allen's Linig Bai.am. I& bas onred "ae when allliter remedies bave failed. X-is harnisa f., the most delicate child- Prie 8.00 peF bottIe. See special notioe-_ The packet. Yiotoni&_ ran' sahore near Dieppe yesterday an&-welve of lier paasen. gi.were drned. Stornacli Ache.-We ail know wbat it la; Vs acqulred a perfeot knowledge of th. 'e"in our yop th, after a raid on the. green applea wé were expressely forbidden 1ttuch. Ouimother gave us Perry Davie' Pain-Ruler thofin, an a-,atrange te Bay, ne other remedy lia beenà discevered to this day toe qual it- J. A. Ouimet M. P. îor Lavai, was elect- ed-Speaker cf the Houa. cf Gommons Wed- xâesday witheut aprsition. FRBBEMAN'A2 P.O>IM POWDR de. Woij and ,Binove torifa to&Uout snjsary- f0 adtlt or ifant. Panis and Beiln papers aie erchanging some aonid rem perke regarding thes relation ai France and Germany. «"Blood wilI te11." A face adorned with pimps, bofls, blotchas. ste., is net a par- tlcuiarly pleamuà t sigbt, and invariably betokenu an impure Ittats cf the blood. Dr. Carson'. Stomacli Bittera- free the syatem, from allgrass humer., nenders the blod pre nd ool, aide digestion snd ~eslielthap tite~ For sale i>y ai large ýotles at 60 cents. Bviotionm a0s 1 b. resurned on Lord Lanadowne'à eâ~ate npit week. and Wm. O'Brien vil m censequnence corne 10 Canada at once.. FOR Rough condition8 of the Skim. 8hampooing the head, Pimples. Erup-. tio and ,SkinA Diuea8e, uge Prof. Lota 8 ulphzêT Soap. BIRTUS. GiEsoN.-At Greenwocvi, on April lltL the wife of Robt. Gibson of a da12ghter. MÂARRBI ED . Gnnsls-an --On Wednesday, April 1bch, at the retidence cf the bride's fatbar, Âshburn,, by the Rov. A. M. MoClelland B.A.. Mr. Robert: Gibson, cf Arthur, Wellington Cnty, ont., te Misn Jentnie Heron, only daugitmr et Win. Heron, Bbq. The happy couîple loft neu day for their futurs home amidltbeat wiaeî, cf hosts cf friendii. Finaucial and CommerciaL Office of Whitby CHUONICLE, Whitby, Apnil 15, 1887. WHITBY M ~PRaIORS. FlMWheMt..ba *'** 0 78, Sprlg W............ O078 Loomve et.......... es*070- Iur,per v.....225 Bane'.........040 a,....... 040 Pes..........062 Pies, blaek-e>'ed ......... o o Biue Pas ..............O060 Cals............00 Es7..........10 60 AiakeCeeeee.....860 sea OIevorMsd.......4 50 AppUi, per bbi .........i1 50 Tomato. 0. 0. ....0 Potto.epoebog........' 0066 agga..........-012 Buitter . ****«*: ,* *,,018 Ciesté...............014 Wood..............400 Shepslns.........040 Caifkin.........010 B3df, purlb........006 Pork, percvt.....i a ......600 TurnApi.> ............0O15 C.tey, perdels.......080 Ciikeu, pr l.....O100 I MortgagO -Union sud b>' v slinlua 1ce lia- b.uoueda Q0,72 Q060 Q045 *065 *076 a 060 @ 0384 e l 00 @ 600 8 00 Q2 00 Q 055 @ 075 Q 14 @ 20 0 016 @ 680 @ 060 @ O010 -6 0 7 @0825 @ 0 25 @ 040 * 010 8aIe... a! Ihe pover ai saTs 'i Korlpg~, viioli s lime ofiale, hure- ah>' Publio.Auolron, Iin lie Tovu o! WAit>, 2oud Domiion ai Wednesdà y, Thursday dt8aturday APRIL 6th, 7th & 9thy An4 followin-g days, we wil show this year one of the largest, -M Ost Stylsk and pleasing stocks of HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATIIERS, LACES,. RIB.BONS,', SATINS, & TIRIMMINGS, We have ever shown. Ail are cordially invited to visit o!ur, Show Booms. Goods., O-ur- stock was complete than this season. GENTS FURNIBHINGTS, Neck wear, ail Collors,.shapes anid pri- rCes# A big stockof-at, ecan suit ail1 heads. We. have anything you OcrF ully stocked in other depart-menýts., POWELL,,& Co-0 nug mei usel aiud 00 ery oru e En Lu -pA b. rlq discous ie Yeau. an sinteiidd a r efoi*. TiadY nO( sente receivoa up té- lis osuls Peilin.' per lino veel>. df the Counl or .ni oorresponidentsa 8e HBRNDE ic STÂINTON, Bipt Mocard NÃ"rth "A merican Life, -AssuaôCo r Eeed ORme, - Tes~o.~to, Ont. FMi Government Deposit for-f3wiÉty 1of PolicY-HodMs - -During the yoanl1355 applications for 42,722%46 vers reevd pon vhioh vers inuma 1259polioies for su,520,950, thme reat beiug unacceptable, sud? policieta r$16.8B0, vblek baid 4apsed for .ols.paymint et preiua, vers rec s.Tus svlmo e bac ameiiýng 10 neanl>' 860.000 ovi liaI otaSn>' f ereryean, sd6Q...per cent. inoeesse09, thtdne > au>'Canadian Company' f 1h.re e rodluisnlry ABSTRACT CF REVENUE ACCOUI4T & BALANCE SHEET. Tincorne for lbe year 186- - - , *M288 Expenditure (inciudiý g payments te poiic:6iodcns ef 187,067.A6> -107.4 Asseta includiug unoallsd Quai-antse Fnnd> - - ( 8--j f lia&bila le Polfry-liolders 3.- . 18,6u8 06 Surplus fa ouruily ta o licy.ioldera - - TEK BEMI.TCONTINE, UBTUIIN fýREEMIM PLAN, of The Nontt AjuencLite Assurance Ce., 'pnovide a sboula destlsecui riauos Ieý expiration cf lhe Tontines peniod, lb. whaoleof the premilinu tibat may h&ae ben palSý wiil ho payable vilb, sud:in addition te, lie 1tac,thO ýli elo>!th Ùs Secringsi adiv4onlâ X9?10 oo tn h. prexuumus peid, hboula&death Ocehr durmgsaid p.ried. orinyplneL ofuessdjo m o tanl neoewmte ite enongti ias "rn people. For further inormation appltý- . I toe We'lead in MilIlineèry neyer more- ,wý 1