Whitby Chronicle, 15 Apr 1887, p. 5

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Pc) )ur- Goo-ds il in ail ouq b:clusive. atings and y1j and absoutely ýis-. We CI", Th~* Ltters Patent. UFFIER FROM [A, APPE Ti TEe TION, WEA KNESS, ýý?n fit and rlîef fhem it Beef inithe morning tng out of bed. tin of the kind whioh ecesary propertieis for lutrîtious Tea." 87. S8TOCK, PENED. get. and miowxi. )RE SN0- The p. S. BARTLETT WATCH MOVEMENT;' Wgith the New 24 hour diai 1a can 1,efound in stock, i $14 00,e~C in 3oz. Silver Cases. .Se ]BARNARD BROOK ST.9 WITlBY. - WIjitbu U(Ironick APRIL 15th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS, OlUT 1B8 101KG OU 19 AND AROURO TOWII BUDGET OF LIVELY LOCAL REWI GLEARED iY CHROKICLE REPORTERS sA ahielVs amuansje, t"kin ots Ai' failli hemU Proutl Busuisashas been dallin ta ov tI ,sek. 1 Me, Jeux Ruilmciim bu een evo tu by Major Long as spocial conat for the ota yard. Tai bickverk of ,Mn. Novpor bouse si going on Ibis vsek.1 Dsverili bau thes centraci. Tas Band of Hope cf the C. E. T. gave ene of thoir popular 10 ceni lateri eenttanments on Tuesda>' eveai wvîh wuvaswel patrnised. Theblit folk did remarkably wrèl &i s euntt ed the audience witia necitatioOu,e bognea sud omugie te a lais heur.1 Newonc oop:ed the. ehair. - OsuÂvibuasitad Iveburgiaries iug the veek. 'Tb. firet wau a wviii raid made on Lake'u dnag store, viich ve «allons wene takea.1 mout vas Mcool & Lee'@ atone, vi vms robbcd cf abouut $1000 vont] si1km an& laces. This ia viami comai Oshawa blowing about being eun greai place. 'Fl'. burgiart catch aud go and bgrgle ibeir atcrer vine- vaulte. Lynde's creek bridge vas a senti attaction otk Suriday aftqrnoon1 vbsro large flakes of cem yens piled te lths heigitfao!utalIo t(sel a higb waler mark. Thebo bys enjc couaîdermbie sport breaking mvii'&I ice-jahnS aid aeudiiug rbe big flon dovu troam. Oueeocessica a y Maui bad to apring about iwtrnty foi get oùi a floating- iceberg. On Tuead a>'t1maIwhiteleMM. DevE mou vere teang dovi aid rne part cf au oid voodea building vsi Aratrong'a hotel horeneIi' ibalt tcechimie>' vas cern let.l>'es ed op aid thal the umoke =bm o va>' tarongi ths aide of tb. chuc ean lthe julst for dean kuovs hov This is lb. nîsek àatewînrunes allowig Ibese aid vrecks cf boili bo stand ithout employitig a chi laspeeci! le look stierthera. Il building mnetioaod iimd hnrnod cz si moment vhean noeue mmv il, viole lova migial have beensa 850 W. are, glad te hoar liat Mn. DevenuI contemuplâtes butlding i W& have recsivsd frorn tii kuova ueod firm cf D. M. Ferryà Windsor, Ont., their lllualnated Annuelifor tlia y jar. A bouse lb. national repuisileilthat 1h. ene pomse, and vitose 'nain iaousohold vend fnom ou. endc ceunir>' te the cher, nesonefi lolnodncticfl fromtus.By sollium the punies, snd bei.seede and bYý oui mcd ceurteou m1eeing, tliey si lias peer la their trsde, cating ug b' le oser mix Million peiople. 1Annuel ila gottei up li a vs à ébat every' perso hud baveii eaudingjouir nmrne le -fi=* Vii ud jeu eue, po8stge pa14. W. havreeeflivesd thl MtOW ter :-"Mr. Bdlbn,.-I âst-J Dame cf e.alleilig.bues rah .tonuesiof*a mumber Pit 11 attend vaut InsitUt itlmî ieasocw On& Tqisday ho m. . e»d ure4V a nde " otrt5ué 'Med over A field for a orop of bavley. (Wo~de reble hieo Trhe gang plowr struek fr'os j fa'&,. 10WlY h.Orsm sd lOo placée.laies. B. Brown, Dandas4it, For nov drees goode, Dow styles a T. R. ticket' aud Telegrapia office, air agie -for balduse, gi*sy hair, i Wbitby gutraîteedi ai officai "rock- Ltr lPbyaU rflggistdà. bbttin raies. The chniceset stock of cigare and Tuii Wbitby Correspoudent of th tobaoos te b6 found onuaide of the Oîbaws Ref orimer Wits seaufullovm :..- 1City, aie to b. had ai B. Browu's. Threo young mon with a livery rig Call ai OampbelIe' if you are in-ivail -from Whitby, mmâde.. hemuelves Con. of suit liais apringi Their styles will spicnus on Bowmanville sirees, on picase you as welIs their, prices.T Sunday atternoon last. After geiiing ST"iW Millinery; bals oleaned, dyed well prioesd with smre Auti-Soli Act 'ud re.mhaped. Resiflencp, firni boise -bsverage, tbcy amu'ied themuselves by soutb of fair gronpd on Brook et. Mr@. driving ibrougia the principal streiis, W. H. Piper 'Rbîitby. fb 2 sinu'îg sd shouiing. For groseris, china tes ette, crck- Whi Tii exhibition car of the C. P. B. esîy, glaosware, field aud garden seedméê was bers yestsrday and was visiisd by eail ai Campbells'. yù bunidreds. Our represeutative fouud B. Brown hsthe largeegt stock Of Oapi. Allen, wbo by-the-way, lu a good cemcoomemxd euis old experienced journalisi. snd bis r&e hclte ie adfe mutasuts busily engaged in szplaining grapeB, fige, &0., ever ebowa in town. tbsir exhibits and bauding ont Iheir Largeet variety of phqatograph al- budgets -of informationl te .îmait.cns. The hum@ and plomb goode ever oponed in car is now quit. a voterai oxhibiior Wbiiby ai Mms.Ains. Whitby book and bas sen emi st oi f Canada and and music ators. the Norther Siatesa. Capi. Allen bas Tux reaniar meetiing of 1h. Band cf had the pleamure of reomlving upworde Hope wili b. bsld in tb. W. 0. T. U. cf a quarter cf a million cf visitoru, a&l Reading Boom, on Monday Apriî 18b. of whom bave oxpressed greati iterest ai 4 o'clock. and surprise si boboldina the many Wît notice from lb. show bille cf the - nainral oesrvellocis prod notions et lheaSBouth Outa&rlo pring Fair liait the Norib-West. Brîlimi Columbia being direciors are offering tb. largeai prises now attacbed btash furiber end cf lia@ ever giveu in îisu ocaliiy ai a Spring me lins, It was represssutd in thiescar by a show. block oui from- a Douglas fi,. Piao 561 '"AINT it fauuy" boy Rosa Bnci. eau jeans Old sud memuring 8 toot '0 di- ssiigoulu witaithirtesta 50 centiesoi amelor, a ranche. ccv" bead1 whisb >'et îbey do it. "Aitil funîy" that thes Capt. maya gives muak, and a maple smre peuple vlîî mise snob an opportu- leaf larger iban mai' cbbage loaf 10 be îlîy, jet tiaoy do it. foond in Oniarlo. Whou one beholdo o o rns igae ht &illiasse prodnets ho oe 10tevonder tFornew riai ots, ginghams vil = tust evsry tiarougia train on uho o. P. R. to ,g00ctonseruoos is jammed té dlacomfont iwli sson colionades, îidkingm, eail ai Caîepbellm'. gors viao have spade Up ihoir mnm1 by offer tbem shespor thau oser go te thas gresi land cf pîeîîy. offered before la Witby. -_A Wa neglooted ta report lias Basket W. R. How9w, Obemiat and Draggimi Social gissu by the Y. P. C. A. cf 0i haa just, received a larote sortment of &idroes Cursia lut veek ici beeauss faîcy toilol eoaP ihiebobsis ssllig at vé oreos cithore, for vo w.re ia.re very lb. pries. Bavonsathe great aid me vwu car boit girl. bait uet I>. Frencia vasbing povder mlse for aalp *1-y Caam-well if vo tel je u, n iii W. B. Roeue, Ohemist and Dnuggisi. knov more &bout car faille and uick Foies! your cvi mgo, forgot your hi,£.&ngDIbm7OUhae abegtimie igil if.'. Dame, (ergot boy many childroa ri te knov.-Tbe, social vus a aucuse'ycu have but dont forgel uhât Rosse cru aid ail vere Weillpleaeod viii the nov Broi. are ahovinu .au elogani rangeocf hIle featare ihai vas lnlrducsd loto fi nov mpriug prints, dreae«Code, cotions, l aid frot vilci it takes >'its Dame. mhlrtnigsand genoral dry goode st rî's8 Were jeu oser aI a basket social ? if pries ici low balta.h lovesi. ici os,9go Whoun jeu gel the nexi chaise. Mme.bàuulmbhasdeioîd e obold You have te buy but oie ticket» Thé the bassai and conetonthela aftrnn 11.other fellov pays for your'parguerad aid oveîiîg cf Mcnday nezi in the , . g l yen have te do is le skirmisbh &round lecture rocm cf lb. Mtiiodisi churcia aryad find ber. If she kiovu then. Dot el m ber boume as annonuse'1 last 14. Sber cf yonr ticket jeu may u9t be veek. Tii. çrogramme viii be sony snecessfaî in jour @Cancia. Tii. pro- choîce, il promises te h. uperior to auj di-gramme vas veil rcceived. «'The, Oo given ibis seamon. Admission 200. di-telle Club of the Collegiate Iniuts le PaooaABTNknnov¶m the thiif Of ipeCial Mr.* covered icsoîf a&U over vî%h gloryp*aid sales. If jeu vens auj of tiaoeebargaias ehocolale «oa. Tiair livaly gless vom ir.table haes, lace Certains,.lieuse dur- beartily sasored. Tii. proceedu notus4 funuishinge, osrpotâ, &m. nov offeredi> y ksy uearly $80 and the. ladies anre 0bs Roue Bron. yoa muet oeurs lhem viti. PlI congratulâted en 1h.esacceesof uhour out a moments dèey. They are» toc Thbe firs4 Basket Social. The chair vas' gond values te laut long st prosseut prices. liicb ably filled by Mn. Urmiston. Our Dov sptnîg stock lu nov sslliîg h cf HiRÂN TifoxÂs, Of Oi*va, ise poud' rapidly ati ooey saving pnios, savo s Of ing a fev emys viti bis ezcsllency, G-ao. oie dollar, gave fise dollars, save ton Ohb a Docker, cf Deeker casie bors. Hiram dollars. Yoa have il a&U jour owa vmy SOn etarted cni Monday lest for a viole for the more jeu boy' ta. more you maso aid Pnmmsr'ms elebraion cf tbe 'Ques'. providîg jeu speud jour uicney at Jublesaadh yl ikel tae hzfrmilBoss Brou. Dry Gouda Emporiulm. r@ cf summèr te finish th. job. lu tbe firet Tagaz bas not beeu snob a smcis- [tt pisse ho got druuk in South q4amvafoil social in thc tabernacle for a long ap u i 1 lisred painting. Ho rauntea ha1.db> n. .L ,ihÈ~ bos ontdo ie aid ei e uol Aimea gbedb r.J.L m rcbed. Auci e sboo spt y Dta th»t Tbo. tse cbam u l. Cnîiil fl Tiiey in eompauy vu aoio oag Those. .1111epimoe a am eOlîg on î ii am et dcvi te Qehava 8unday vel'future lu te do.duiy in the dePartnsi ii7lt*'i totpryla cel f thee Ogbîinig diti of tht. groat ow _mmmli ovitbe w aithetwo vers 1te ik 00., p Leu. vaws -t&ken -froci the Mtei.buea ou î he hotel wvlubt ho dId Ït. 1 ee o,&George MoLomu., Whou Boiarmm gslaIatr with bi@ fair one, d drovo boentende l 14bousee ire the aWe ionberaroýiitIwiê Itbis ores 1and, Wi ae The .*uivb b itIi vs ird p&r1 wae bving a - pvely <~f Utfit5ll'O homet Xu~oh mme itb ie -,IdoWWS w' v» of t .broaoi'5,pxi tt..s.,MieUme a ýPOi& r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'og ho.4a!Ite oroo.sf r. iow of the. Wci5ltyp. lu b èé- Iu dtýr eatr..Teéut ipring Openling of MiiMryan rtle SBhow Roôgis,take..-place JRSDAY AND AE'R>IL SATU RDAY,- lethe display of NOVELTIES will be more than UBuaily attractive. A most heat- vittiôn is extended to ail the Ladies to corne and see the Immense Stoc>kcf New Spring and Summer Goods we are showing in Every Deparmeut. c, s ~r :9 W~b~ DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, ý.1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, 4EW SPRNG -- NOW DIREC IMPORER ABROOKUFATREE, WHITBY-0. GOODS- ARRI VIN G A complete range of desirable goods, and n LA~G-E8T T DOX We have ever shown ;>ee ou-r New Table Linen at, 20e. Per Yard. EXTRAORDINARY VALýUE.l ANDREW- Me ""w -3UTTO, HAND- OLOdX.-4 Au 8 Day. 1887. R BORDE StaffGrd & Qonnack, Whitby. SPOOlIS. Nu-- at b BROCK STREET, ÀOM%&- dom%& 7th 9thc

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