Tm Whitby FaW in sel'Io"n fOr th. S*<'th bdore théla .uplpoyees. Ieum L H. Grdbn and, D.-3 Àmg ÀpWil 1 Î . Port Psrry, Wvoinlu owndung*à ~ms Xi. pohn L n Pat rtappel bu Mis. TDe. M. NoKinUlYP of <O . l t1h, veek IMr. WM. B. Miller, ot b. 4oth.Âh> i býeeome prominent as ahorsuown.r who ivsln I e agrWii li i. eau Lute Assüunce Cdompuulmsen handks«onlyanirmas away abovo 1h, Ifor 6ashort uhi -lust *wek1. 1, t.ema~sresl ovu Uue s ordiniry. - Havnkt dlspvsed .1 he, wé.1 JThe football club marenedesvoring to Mr. Thou. Jaekson, late 4f villSo, Inown "1DoW*d Dinniq" to, Mr Alqi. bring about aï match betw.fen Bethe"d& Ont.* vho lis been ho1id*flngýhere for the Donnelly, of Pelerboro, Me4. Patterson or Epeogu scbbols sud theinselves. Go n-tb.Wk5 01tiilaeo a a week or se &go purchaeed the impart. rahead and U ei .5.foe rae.llu. u mi .4 Oyde £Saiî Oogl," roi M . Sbt. GiS Es q. huas returned freinm aaast Suikday, and spent two or 'Ihme D.Annan, of Pickering, for t1hOum of <> U a t thebshose. of Lake Huron. i days here mice. ne vas Unvel part oft f.,00. Ag usual, b. etxjoy.d hivmef during the lime. A striking illustration of.bow much th~e rip-aobert always dos. 1 -N005 sorob stock vwas afforded at the sale of ta the farim wihio hu a rentedvest sa announced'in oui iue of 1wwo a m tL. teakof i. Jhn D Hodeno!f Utiea. May enoeees attend' hlm ini were correct. Thecircule freinm ,tep ' Columbus,* Ont., on the 15th 'nsL. hig e wseene cf labour. ment cbangm the date te the 2Mthand 1Aoâ he animais sold vas a Short We are glad to h.ei Ibal one of o: Ivo folv=g %lyavas issued by inake. >Ura oow, Liza Loga, and eght of stmbl ougmouelnin e The a no the 251h 221h né i01h met her descendants re alized in ail the baud -etmbeyozgmi eogn oteanuodo h 8h2 n hîn morn son of01,50 fr l. »îe ~ 6*h, hau receusidered h4~ determlnation Teachers desirous of trying then, vili do &Om Ou of81,50 or he inq*ni 1 el to send inlu n amnes immediatey mpals. Of $hose, fievé oie bar own I'0<go '0 Mîçbig'Ili, 'Mr.tE mi nbre. pincipal of the ooJJiià t emiveo realling s followeo: Lizzie, to w<oîk 0.0tthe 0tb. >1Institut.ïb sevon years aid, $195; K»alie, PIX Yser@ Mr. andI Mre. Jno. Christie bave The 7Mt regular ineeting oft he Whtb oid, #180; Mary, four years old, #80, reiurned from New York feeling that 1 oel, lInt. Litcrary Sociy ii h. hol. on -and Emmar 1w. y.ars old, #70.* Then there je do place like home. TheJ neat Wednesday April tb, Mr. Embree. ii thers ver. Ivo daughters of in remainder of the party are el perto eil.chair. As Ibi iihnbe hlait& meeting br «#ig.120 and #75 and a yearlm borne inside aof brea eeks. We should 'of the boum tb. following ag rgam bull #145. -Thou théeswua a lagh. suggest sornotbing but iefrih. IAnnes -song, Miss.E iéie; ., ig t«so o! MarbinWng80ed a year. UPOùT PEE8T. Miss ileddin. Ohlù. hang éon ofKali bnzugmng $200, vhloh The Uoiveraiy Jubiles Singers cfi eluanmstal duelMissesBuimsau4 J j ithe Ilis mhr ($115) maikes the New Orleans gave saonet n th eclalicn, Albert Shls~O lotl v hae am es. -orriginal tow. hall on Wednesday nigiS a. hestra;piasâol o, Miss. Meabe ; I Seul> for " iscov l vu ye pea . ..rThe. hll vws euowded to ils aImait and ti'ML'Ss Edith m e srumeduta n sids@moealler calves 0tvo e . Dr. Jemop bas eommeuced lt.és«te.- TbesL Nolan '.Chorus, Gle. club; Speech- toe. lItoaccoue *,Llion of another briek block immediateiy es qy retiring offices. National Antbe#n. On saturday lui, Mi.--J. W.* Elliott, jiiugn the One Put UP lait sommer.S 9 ofEt Rqau, sbipped from oshava, 125 This viii b. oooupied by Mu. Jno. Rolph. How to tell genuine gornda water.-.The head of caIlle for the Eogllsh market. baroe.e maker. true Ilonda vater Alvaye comasvaith a littie The cattle were purchased froin the The Central BÎ.nk of Canada opened a pamplol viappeci around each botle, and In the paper of Ihis pamplel are tbh e rdi principal farmeru of East and braneh ber. yosterday. Tbey bave a "gLaninan & Kemp, Nov yorkn saler West Whibby, and fine a beautiful and eomTuodioum office and a Inarked, or stamped in pale, transparent lot oh animai s se ve. ever sbippedI large sharf of the business ef the -tew. letters. Hlold a lest up to the liglil, and ii froi tbis section. Nine voe ( rom je prsdcted, for Lbem. They have genulue, yCu iiiteethe above words. Do thestalesof r. . BiRh, &d appoictedl a vsuy eourîeous managr ont buy if Ihe worde are net there, because lb.~~~~nae stbe o r . rg i jeDot tb, real article. The thirtesu voue parcbssed. (rom Mr. and one vho je vell knovu, Mr. Wm. lett. may b. very pale, -but by Iooking Win. Smitb, nine from Mr. J. D. Bow- 1 MeGili. cloaeiy againat tho llghî, you caunot -fen t. don, ten from 1fr. HlugbH owden, Byve ses them. (rom lér J. Ormiston, and a number1 To the Drookinkcriti, and review.r of T&l~ Frencb Cable Company kabu wioh. frein Muesa. Kent, B1olmau, Bray, Mini8tera of the gospel. diiivn froni the cable pool. Tueeo W.B rother,&udo ters. Dzà a Sa.-I iii jusell uyon on the FOR Rougi. conditions of the 81c. Moers.W. . Tiner Co, Aian ioutset thal I amn no Sebolar, and my Shapoing he head, Pimplea. Bn&p. tic, Ieva, shippqd froin bore for thoir educaton in geucral bas been negleceed t'onanid Skin Diseases, ue Prof. stable, on Monclay lasI, ton splendid bigaeutya fyu wfehLoOs1 Sulphur Soap uballens, brai lu this vieinity viLla one froin the ould Sod 11k. Jemoey Buler Senabe Plumb le to be appointed Speaker exception. Âulong others W*a a 8.year the veaver. Nov 8ir I was tellin you of the St nate. cld iporteil êsllon froin lhe stables tliaiI vano-_oholar, I mane %bat NgelCli an x.lCel n of 2Cb. Beiti, Darlington, "1Gleny- Nel. odPiSjj'teCet n than." go ie a great pize vmnner. my grammer bas beeu neglected, I eau Kalusases cf the Lungè, ir ccred by uuiug Ther wee treemagifient8-yaruead, write aud cipher as'tfar s simple Allen'. Lung Balsa&=. Tier ve, Ibes agniicet 8-eauaddition. I vould jiet ruche a auggest. arJeeihMenaerfutrset aid frru h.stales.1 u.Joh Da.ton. Thal lb.hey . Milligau, myseif ana Russell, died Wednesdiy. bdiem,Çlbu; eue bred yM. . .sad Mr. Far Play, viii meel pou one iisareocf the medicine repuesentld-as Miilan,~olumus; n. (om M. J~~* ight lu the veek vhen peu are ai lib- îustthesaeofhysodaD.Snt' Madbthébu rve ef Wne oy the utp ii klig Rink, and take Great German Worm uemedy by deelse Cnd b e bu3eta eue ar t;eafev lessons (rom yoD, yen viiib. vho smou the article thal pays78beut,re"Sud Candis bed Imlon l thsepars;requîrd lgoiive Mr.. Fuir Play a feu loes e1 menit. Dr. Srulh's- Great Geimen 1w. r.m ea.F'raklin Grenbak; iêsons in swinuelx ïud us cîber fellovi Worm ReoeedY isbeing anoudbymia eue froru A. MoGuegor, Epom; eue on parain. a ploasant, saue. reliabie and promptnreindy fuoru Gela. Lawu4mnce, &udiey, a spien. NvSr ontfor the nomoval of so aa uduaIourpin vo i d o ioiunderstaud me, verrue troru hllai rmiiI li ayi did animal. Both lbe breoders aud the mus, ia ysmdendsotprpsewa neeuf rlaheouitely ham, d boyeu vre vry roudof beirboueste pay you aay tliug for your troubleiOIlIiir.5 no aiter physie. Sold eyerywhere. sud with good usason. The prices paid DU& sin>ply &0elaex eh onee article for Pric 6 u. «e» r. veyhigh, and go- te prove that another, th&& i. ve viii besch pu ov ow Semdenta of th. loverportllOf tonu there lu big money in bueeding good montbuuibdaeu mIa e vl r rpelgfrhibvlra .rtutire housaecssge.&t - - e rearn fr it itr Bctt Act Note&. Port Heop. officiae are rusbiug Lbs Seott Act. Eigbî of the hobel men eontributed ever $400 lu flues sud eosta th. other day. Wmn. MelntyrofaiOnnington. vas Sued $100 sudCoeisaon Saluuday fou meCoud offéeaseagaini lb.e Scott Act smd psid -thefine.- ,The impresion miii obtaini aroand Osunington tao . Horne, J. P., ia 10 bc.appoiuted polio. magistral, fou Ontario ceuaty, to enfonce the Scott Act. A depulatiou (rom lihe Conueil of the uanzid countie of Durham aud North- umbarland waited upon the Attorney- Geqarsal lust week, uuging that De poliCe. »matale h.aPeited ton Ihal bOouunty, as h. Ooncll je undor th e preesi o eiobéesof magûstes per férm the neoeaarpduties ot efreing tb. Seot .Actlua amore madtifcony lu Wamt Dunbhe b.felloving par tifs havs.pstd ýtva or more-850 fiues:- O. Lattim.r, o. Fier, Wm. Bat, oliffé, lowvçmsavlI; Thos. Swaiu sud 'Mfis . 1, autoue, 0Cartvuight; W. J. Hfemdrdon sud Ja#. BalesOoo. V» finuseso:Mu Wilkes, Dy Boyle l3ovmavfle;- Jas.Martluelle, Leadal; -L. ,Beinett, R. Bennet, J. W. TUOU* Neocsle; John Moyse, ]H. T. Ptill î ,»erison; M. Greeni, 000. PsiOmoa, H. KellyOmo*o. $10 fle :-0. Lauitmer, Geo. Yisher, W- Batallf, jas. HIWbetTho s. V*10 1 sfal o elleitanuJ.isamau [rom aa Stelimn.1I tiUce lu oeeoft our heavy revie*î ai lut. that -pou took the Bei. Housten for a Seotehmau .vhen bo -ie justet l. auae as p snd I fredh from the ould sod. Biemos. me fou cali. lnu him the Ref. Housten, that ma. t be rigbt for I lbarrt IbsI fucrn you wbeu you opoke ef the Bey. Miltliaxi. I ami sorry fr our eouotry"s sake Ibat von ohould have ns-..d thé languae Ibat pou did Le Mu Fair Play by tellin 1h. man &bthal hoas a Liar, sud an Ink ilunger if it vould ual hbo toe mach trouble weuid 'yen expfane, whsb kind ol a baste Ihati l if b. ges on four legs or tue, I think that muet b. vhitL ve nsi o dl ailsbedgehog ini the Ould Country. I viii look for a ueply in next veeko isue by wishiug yon s meury Christmnas and a happy New 1peau. 'Your Ould Frieudl, chiainoe. Without a.ay dîir6io mmxli the diouuinà or to make oursevMe eemies, ve aua Say as, betveen Our Br:c,)klln crrendent sud Iboevwilbvhom hésMeao bch. t logger beade jmit nOv, Ibat clergmen am voila Other s sould bo viling te stand a f air ahare of honest criticii. lu maltera of religion it insomties lbard 10 say vbo lu right. BachmaybeulgbMrtor bothmaybho vrong- vo enerlY boievethemanis not blaumble vbbotigl riglat. W. bave net dWsus. ed thesemalter, villa any ofthie partie., sMd cannaI saythIb ay pereoualllifeelingelidts; but ve hope not. Ilwvrslrcp0glou BrookÙncue cruaaaîsinlachümb la matteus, ve are aarue that ho ia m eainesutellr sud onedesaronu cf iý oi -al xtdupoa t"s aomatebankeý, We aregado1a ti11.1ar.jk in havigno largea s"lein Oeu City. v% bave 0vr reao b bail,,il tob b.a aluct neer.aiig curefer pama Jea* meîcîne thatne tamily sol .wlthcy.: An unauceoiw u1attempto i t.he b. sa vas made ut lb.. Galechinapalace m Tuesý. day. FRREMAN'8 WOBM POWDR destroy -and rmm~vo worm w«thw injury.ta aduit or inafant. MARRIED. GzuAÂap-YI.aoLD -At St. G church, Toronto, on 22ad Rev. J. D. Calley, Ge. *: 4ibband,' glqt, le, Jane Yannold, bti et thisle 'à oiLXÂz-DeLumu.-At t. of the bride'. fathen, at vb Thursday. Minci2491à , hp th. e. DOOUIC. og O Z&MWlitby. Fin5ci M d OommercjsL 011e o01 Whitby Casoign, WhiSby, April 1, 1%I WHITBY MARKE~T PRI(15B., ýBû.- pe.0 4Q1 .a . ....... ...010: @,, .. 00*~p EIue.~,.........80 Outs.............ou* Apple,.pe...i..........U *150 Tôiiatoes -. .B #M STH t výýONARION ou eby sud on 4fflfot JOHN DIYDEN,- A CandIdate st muid ]Election, eld mot sud 231h December, 1886,, a& peu neturu 10 me bp T. J._HoIiidapFs ca Agent fer the. Pald 5 Prinl*ing aMcuPits .........8127561 JU iE Sent ci alls, 6.........0.00- Poeblng Notices.............8.65J - Oehava- Corumittee Boom ..12.001 -A Peusonai expenses 1f Candi-late..18.84,j $186.70 (Signbdj T. J. HOLLIDAY, And fo« lit arc, 187. FinancWaiAgent. lmtarc,187. - -year or The above la an abstract of the expenses of JOHN~ DRYDRN* Equire, a cadidate at the above menlloedBleclion ci a Mem- ber tO seuvorin the Legialtive Assembip eto ,f Ontaflo,sa gven tome by Wh RA TSi Dominion-Warros Agent. J.ý HAM PERHY, Returning Oifficer. Dated lis ,24th MArch, 1887. 3a16 JUDIOIAL NOTICE to Credlitous ci JOHN COLLINS, deceased. Purmuant te an order oft h. Chicery Division made ini r. Colline infants, the creditora of JOHN COLLINS, late of the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario, Yeoman, Who died in or about the month of Aunuat.1886, are on or bef ore the 251h day of April 1887 b 'seuil by post, to W; H. BULING8, Solicitor, Mup'aiy' . .,their iChristian and Sur- names, addreases and description, the full parliulars of their dlaims, a statenmnt of theïr accounts and tbe natures of the seourities (il any) held by theni; or in defauit thereof, they WviJl be peren2ptorily excluded from the ben.tit of the said order. Every Creditor holdinig a»iy eecurity i to produce the sanie. belore -ne, tbe under- smgnod, aetruy Chaffibers, in Osgoode Hall. mn the city of Toronto, on the 28th day of April, 1887> at elevbn o'clork forenoon, belng the Lime appoint43d for adjudication" Dated the '.9th day of Mxrch 18.i7. JAMES S. CARTW-rIGHT, lgsraQB. D C.A. A]D&Ay S OGREATESI PHOTOORAPKER, w.tmyo NOTICE' AN APLIATIN WILBlM MADE TO l.ra nientx4e lb. Dominion of cani- sO tu neat sittlng. for an act te incon- a opYuzden Ih aine of1-IlThe B aavyad N&vlio Company,"' foirteduor=se m ud maopenatzug saUe y uilan sda -tulogmaphhuùe along Ch$ 0" érallvay ommencing ut or urùm1h. Perbof O*cva. on l*ke Onisulo, and silsu. dlghue o OFuar lb. Ouhava statiof t esday, Thursdayid 8a.turday >RIL 6th, 7th &-,9th, llowing days, we wil show this e of *the Iargest, Most styliShll a.nd pleasing-stocks of BOýNNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, LACES-, RIB-BONS,, SATINS, & TIRIMI We have are cordially invited We lead' eomplete than this s MINGS, re ever sh.own, to SUourý ini Millinery. neyelr more Mutlb.in1lu j»vili e .respOi 3eason. Inmnlby the'Year. et nyiatendied cham ~HIN S beonsTuegday noo 5MRentu rceivea up te 1: ef cents peru lno 's upes and pri- oreoinewene we can suit cOrjýnetEar riything - you. JOHN STAIRTON,. Iepartments. , Show Rooms. Goods, GENTS' FURNIE Nlýeck wear, al Collors, sha ces* "A big stock of Hats, want in Gents' Furnishinp -r'Fully stoeked ini other d Fresh . Crocerries.. The Whiitby China Tea Store is sil alive, but got a new name, the eole have ohristened it the WHIITB Y CHINA WALL at which -you- wifl find one of the choicest and largeà t stock of Fancy Glassware, China.T.ea Sets, Crockery, &c., 8uch as was nover sliown-before o utaide of CIronto, ail of. which will be sold -cheap for cash during the next two weoks. Corne one, corne ailUn inspect-for yoursélv6s before piuicang else-, where, whiithiar yon bAy or not. g~A1Aso a fuil stock of clhoioe Groceries of ail kindà . Fiuits, Orangei', Lemos aeNits, Fîgs, Oandie -of ail kinds. Oysters wholesale - and rétail. Also Choîo- W. J.' GI1BBON Bg, ouIed e Royal Rote DAVIDI ýAll- Our stock all heads. We have ai