4IIIT BY ~2 Wlth calm Prlnted words, great thoughts, and untlrlng induftry, Ji, epeace, Progrme, Knowledgey Brotherhood., VO.Xi çxI. WHJIITBY, ONTARIO. ., MAIRCH 18,. a 1887. NO. 14,e -Established 1856. fig Lea'lIRg Weklï Iu Ontario Coupty1 st~equipmenlt and bout furnished jW an printing plant ini aatern Qntarlo, capable of executing & aI lsBseoe woek from the large poster te the emalleet hsabiW. Special mention je made cf the I5nrpasied Prese facilitios et Tie CHRoN. ,,,& ýýith its celebrated N. Y. Cottrel ,,;der preses ad other modern cenveni- oicog, Bvery order receives prompt, cars- * TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. .Firt insertion, per lino, 10 cents ; each mbsquent insertion, ô cents. D)iplayed Advertisemonts are moasured by & gesie cf solid Nespareil, and chsrged boodin&îy. iavertisemOfts sont% vithout written instructions ineerted until forbidden, sud obarged for full time. -Orders for discontinuing advertisements muet be in wrîng, otherwise the publish- ae will not be responsiblo. A& liberal discount for cootraot advertise- ment§ by the year. Copy for changes cf Contrad~ advertisemeuts ishould bo handod ii not aei than Wsdnesday ; sud notice of &ny intended changes sbould be given bfore Tuesday -noon. Other advertise- monts received up -te Thursdsy noon. Business notices lu local or noe commue frst iniertion 15 cents per lino cf Nunpa. ri1; 10> cents per lâne osoh subsequent insertion. Five cents per line per snnum. Correspondouce solicited from alil rts of the County or ueighboring towLeiCps. Correspoudents are requested te soend in their commnicationese promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM1, Propriotore. JOHN .STANTON, Sup't Moobanical Dep't. mIM UINIR. AREWELL. LL.B.. B ARRISTER, County Grown Attorney, and County Solicitor. Office,- South wîng, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, )ARRIMB'E, &o. Office formerly c- i>cupîed by Farewell & Rutledge, next to Royal Hlotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, .. A TRt.A-A ,SOLICITOR LN OruzcE-I.n the Office south of the Post Office, in MoMila.n's Block, Jrock Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., II>ARRISTER, &o., &c.-Money te Loau k>Isoer of arriage Licenses. Orricg-Smith's Block, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan 22,1878. (tf-6 JOHN BALL DOW, B RRISTE1B-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR B.in Chancory, Convoyancer, &o. Offce-Deverill's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate Fund,- in sme up te 0S00, st a low rate ot in- terent. (ly-52 LYMAN ENGLIBH, L L. B.q BARRIBR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN,( B Ohanoery400unv.yaflcer, &o., &o. Sm 00e Street,awâ D R. MBLDRtTM, M.B. (TORONTO University,) L.R.C.P. awndL.M. (Edin. bnrgh), &o. No. 8, THE "«TERBC,'BYRON-ST., -WHITBY. Wum. M.CBRIEN, ft.D.9 N.R.Cs., c UTIS HOSPITAL, LONDON, BNG.9 iJ 1h. eye R. Oý .H.l., Oshava, Ontani Dr#. WÂBBEI( -9(flTHBJ(BTA(N, Y. -WARREN, M.D., C.M., (McGill.> W. CiUTI3ERpTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) M.D., 0.11., (Victoria.) OFFICE: BROOKLIN. 31. C. CRAWFOIITU, VBRTERINARY- dS URGEON;1 I5dUate oethob.Ontario Voedlai'y, >Col- ,legp$ Ternto. Mrers by mmli orteisgtaph pi'OPIY attendeéd te. officeasl resldemeuoof, G4. v1& ppoIil Dr. BoiarfigsD=& Umra at, htÃŽ H. VANZANT, .Y #Ydal,aavsb ou»& , tuOZ.x toe sià è *Xmai' 4l RIGGS &IVORY, S. E.. cor. Ring and Yonge Sta., Toronto. SB EST TRETH, $8 on rubber. RCellnloîd, $10. Gold, $30. Have extraoted the teeth from Thousanaof persons, absolutely painiesse hy the use of Vitalized Air. 46 aie with Langley, Langloy & Burke, Toronto,) A RCHITE CT. Designe for Clhurcheu, Vilas and Cet- tages a epecialty. Drawixige prepared for remnodeling exieting structures. Oprurc-Firat fiat over Howso'e Dmg store. SEBIERTBRO&S., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Good Rige and Good Horses . Terme rea- soii&ble. 19 SEBERT BROS. O2er 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE FERRYS SEEDS D. M. FERRY & CO. LARsEST SIUDSMEU D. M. FERRY & CO'S SEED71ANNUAL For 1887 dertog rU Raï wO0T eJ» PeJWDER S. Are pi,, .,t t --, t Contit.heîr ow'n Plurg.ti% .S itF- sure, ,.U(l effectuai destroyer of wurm» iLi Cliudren or Ad"1 DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE CQOK'S BEST FRIEND, 'i'i 8PECIA L BA RGAINI -OFFIERED IN- Silverware, Watches, Clooks, AmD Jewellei -PBEVMOUS TO- STOCK AKN p-I EW GOODS V. R.t HiOWSB, OHEMIST A.ND DBUGGIBT, m on hand a very large and select stock ef Christmas goods, compffiing adies' Work Boxes, Whisk Holders, Odor cases, firrors in Plush, Toi/et Cases, Large Vases, ,l an assortment of other articles suitable for presenta. rUl and Examine Our Stock Befere Purchasing Elsewhere. pjbitbp (Ëhr'onïcttý - Ni Ris Là Ca Bronzel LAMPS AT Cor. Brock and Dandaa Streele. BOTTOM PRICES!l F30U AGENT FOB TH" CELEBRATED HARlVE Y LAMPa W. IR. IIOWS]E, OHEMIST ÂND DBUGGIST, LOC nine se nionthi Mr. ( revival0 Mer. 51I Bmuèes4 bers laï Mîohige of thb. i Mr. i reoidesi vas ho Friday. sizty-is Ouri1 foot. buj Friday ground' of Plm bal limd dnrlDg - Alloua.- was nC endedJ The xi Fridayi vincni afterno* excellei a hall. hall eil a ceni playexi White, bouseà White$, A. Stot forwar as; field Steveri A lare ent te qui IEWS LTES ma correspendence. ef StouffvilIe bu as l is during th:e puat twelve p is holding a eeriee of a ini the Meihodist churoli 1 Wednemdîy evening sud al the Glasgow cenietery on arnoon. Mr'. Worden vas yiare old and had only been eeke. The. beneaved'friande mpathy of the entine cern- ol. boys played a garce of th the Bloomington echool he Bloominglon grounde ernoon Feb. l8t. The ig in - hîd condition lbe Unie pas oeaheur. Dring firet icb aide acored a goal and .9 second haIt-heurs the a eeored another goal but onsideroýd fair. The gaine i aide bmving scorsd a goal. ci match wae played haro rneonlait. The Altone boyî lys goals te none. The ras pesasani and lbe greund cd ihey playsd ene heur and ten& scored a goal in ehe while the Bloominglons get e wbite.wash. The Altoria b-Jas. Nolan, goal; John Lebmnan, hache; W. Monk- Jas. Bosser, baif-bîcho; Ed. Bloover, W. G. Bînksy, Jas. Lehmnan, Thos. Paislsy [esure. Stark and Hodge acted tains; W. Fookler and S. pire; and L. Cliff ae referas. owd et spetateri vere pros. Ãew ef oui' citizeni hava gene tün4 jury. Sm~itlh, of Abendeaushire, Mn. HuieretofCarnington, Dakota, U. a * ', is bers this vek buying hoess Mr.. W. 0. B9ron le driving bu aamnud. Mr. Woe. dCanegis, brother et James Canneie, t f nglan,0 bas rnoved enu k lhe BigqUe fanm, baving laased i for ten Yearo. Dest Wi.vor.y busy. Mrs. H. Clay bas 12 t lys of ber brotiers, Normai and Samuel Bryani, vithin a veek of eue another., They vers lately retun ad fnom the orlb-weat Mr. Grabam# vhs vsited upc. thei, -vuasoseseiged vith the. sane disass-infammaie of tlmugi aud congestion et the brain-and Imbumeosueenmbed te il fatal affects. !Mach sympaihy is teli fer th b ereà Ir.d frieuda. The sociltl d iu Betiany Melliodial co utel atPdyeveuing vas quit. gmsnuten0mlY and financially, notiiktandiflf- thai il vas gel P up à b*rry.ý Theg ilts ouiob vas'fillled bi Mn jinielligeul aud apprecitive audil sos.e. Theiteslot e up by lbe ladies vu ail ibal e ould b. dssirsd. Mr Detbyoet Myrtie, vu as caed tle lb chai.& 'ddese ere gi ven by lbi Pu to*,i. . l. ames Lyddys Bei, A. Mdoell, f lbe Pnesýbytsnianobutel ind- Mr. T14. allU ef whieh vers w. neceuved by $me audienee. *Mise Valin -ige, <avga *ooultain ma very.credils for'Ibe Mutual Aid Asociation,- a- ceek for $1500.' The ead death of Mr. T. Bryant, recorded lait week, was nierely the fororunner -etfaà nurrber ofsad cases. Our widely known fiiena, Mr. Oe. Grahami, who attended Mr'. Bryant during bis ilineis bai aince enccumbed te thh ame disesase. which ne oe suppesed contagions. Mr'. Graham whe boa bas a resident of thie village for a number of years, wau one whom none could dielie. Ne was always obliging and aoeomnie- dating and in cases et sickneuî vas ever ready te lond a bslping band, and thora is ne dcubt, but' that throngh bis kindness bai lest bis tifs. Hie nieurn- ing relatives have our beartiot sym- pathy. A brother of Mr. Bryant bas aincedisd froni the caameditsse. The reporte that thora vers a number ef others sick freni the sanie diseuse, are anfonnded, se fer sour iown ie eoncerned. Mr. Bowes, whe bas long been a tee- ideni ef Manilla bas removed te hie fanm, a fev miles nerth cf ibis. W. are sorry te boaosMr. Bowes, as h. bas always taken a deep inieresi in al niatterse onoerning the welfare cf the village. At tbe meeting of lbe Manilla Liter- ary Society, which, took place on? Fr- day lait, the aubject ef debate was, "Re- ielved that' van bas ausesdmors mis- eny than inteniperence." Bofons ibe debate eommeneed the folloving pro. gramme vas given :--Beading by Mr'. Mé. MeLean Solo by Mise Minnie Kerr', Duel< by Mise Haltie CeoDe and MWiss Nadge ani cono, and lastly a ehoru by the Misses Meehier, Barry, Kerr Ockenden. Peaneet', MeFadyon and Ellis, Mi'. Glendinning thsn led 1he de. bate on tbe affirmative aide and Bey. Mr. Martinon the negative. th~e de. rbats vil 00me np again eaithb.-nexi meeting nas Ure did net admit ef ils being fully disçoised n et l utas se îug. I i s s I 1$ i i v 1- a S e E. 3, Il i. I~. NOHEBTEZ GEZEN RIVER. Mise Courtney of Claremont, le viaiting ber friend har@, Imiss Campbell ....Joseph Fetobett, Esq., je very sick ...Miss NettieHeard i ise îuffering from eokiieee. We hoive been informed aine lait writing yen thât Mr. W. Spenos dos net inlsnd, sa we were previonely informed, to taes p bis residence in our town. Mr. Spence hae juet te. oeived the &ppOintment as eommiss1on-- Ohike-px i i tevieînty MhcenPIgsein teHow've nyn ol? Mise Martha, Ferrier has retrned frem ber Uxbridge vieit. Borne of tbheports attndod the.-oar nival and bail ai Brougham last Thurs. day nigbt, They came home eariy. - Bev. Mr. Totten, -of Markbam, preaobod an excellent sermon, bers on Mr. P. B. Hoover has been offéred a good position as travelling mendiant for a flouing eompany. We would ho veny sorry te loîe se estimable a citizen as Mr. Hoover. Mr..ad Mn. Lunan, of Markh<lm, D. W. Ferrier,' Miii Patierien, H. ,Mnrdock, and* Mises Fermer, of Clans._ nient, apent Satunday.,mmi Sunday visiling friende bore. Mr'. J. W. Spence 'bas gene te the City te take up phonegnapliy and type. writing. Joe vil he muocli mused, s be always took an active part in the village sporte, ad hiescften dsfendod- the igbts etthbobys by his powerful Pen. Thnough some misunderetanding, lbe Band did net attend the cannival' in Marlibîm on Friday evening. We hope the Mai'kbam people vill take il kindly, as Our beys are always willing te seil ai înything eoft Iis nature vbsn' ibey -eau. Great pi'qparatiens are. being'made by the members et lb. Br'unswick Hil Bunday-iohool for Ibeir annual* fruit festival, wbieb laskea place- Ibis]Fïiday evaning. The ehildren are bengd. *l4 by tbe (Jommittes, and p>rorm wll ooneidering the short lime lhey have' lied te, gel Ibeir piees up. Ilthéb équi. noctial atome do nol intentoea,'1$ 'We expscted Ibal Ibis. viii -b.a very 1euc- ceà sful enlart1ainment. Proeede in-aïai et lb. Ongan Fund. ..During the pasel veekI he», appeaci te ho sometliing lacking in lbe village ,wbatil vwas could neêt be made oui until it iba-nui0ied Iliat thb. ysevea o'cioeck n. 'la .lo *'1 .el mu di di Mts. Lyman Forsyth sâd ebildren ih wene visiiing friendi bers laut week. y Tie frieudi of Mr'. Fred eÃœ'Èrahlui'n. * ed nt last week ad dre ivbuUPiud loi ef Wood. .- qç Mi'. -thos. Brooks and travellinggr comamiens reluned last veek freni Tonsaada, N. Y. I The Olurch choir freth ii._place-pg vent te, Betbauy laNt- Friday migbl m"td di sang- for. hem ai theur social. The M.liedist Soeisly liera purpoSe î haviug a musica dlitenaiy enlentain. ne t boir oharcli, on Tueeday elfe.w - A hotrsbelonging.te Mi'. M. MoTN;g.ai gurl rauavay mui bis owu yard a fwJ d.#ys ago a& sahed a- nearly mev [cutter se badly,-,llil il wv a se r 'ù ~o'htP 'ring. re; aceni"ly 1h, *.a ilte ogo le il evPolpe" vas ssci us -tà piom.ensi tink ase ihtfor fthe i Oui'* babd a ho' lay last,,Mt. Brovn ley te vieilWhuiteval >nis thal sebool in g i'he a augo le-M tôtgor, ie svidil.- icoimagemeni for, 1 mis vers le vieiltl TIIORLEY IMPBOYED JAMES P~~aoUi j J iL -'j' LAMPS eau il uBee the large sortment 1 7 ' ---MOO-M 1 1 3rass and