Ail4uom Stlontran Of - M te. o hrown ont. H.eliad NIAGLAN. na~à 1rrow eosefoimrseos ~3.liU~jl5ifl teR of Tempeeu It hua beau atited by Me. Thomas ~ ,xpit1fl~ a viit from O'ýhsw* Beau, wli koèp. aoouqt of suclimth .DYiIOlIenSa~~BYevefliflg net. ton obat là i e shape 01 scow 'an-darbm 's ~l f Young People went to And.anvraeofeennhsofwthu t l oday ig ae rf.fallên inuth. setion of country a 01d igbrein the morniflg Mt just the Lindsay. Thie jesau unusually large di brea fdy"wt average sud a ýfiood may b. looked for L wesk o daY."when the snow à moite. Farmners faretu Tbougb WBocso al1y part wt afrheady predicting a good harve'st, B 10n a ere* frew th rauks of the relyine on the beavy suow fille to pro. YoeusmIwestilibave a large stock tect the wheat dnring tîe oarly spring» loft, and possib1y teaur. menthe. Mr. Wm.Bright bat; recntîy added Mr. William Leach, who bas juet ' tohie fine berd of cattamiem ualsinromrtnrned from the.Northwest and the tbree purs bred Durbinfmle ri Rockies to visit his sister, Mns. B. Cook Mr 10 liokiogbottome of Boilsum. of tuis town, has à fine collection of MrOJeDlWdU -onif our leadinug huffalo bhre..Six paire ho selected faurhaving leaeed his& farm for a foi a hat rack and four pairs for otto-À t.rrn of yeare, has annonnced a great mfes Others are adapted for ladies'a Oslo of the wbole of bis Short Horn jewel cases or window ourtain holders.o catte and lysedeedalo mares and filies Toco" oto s el i en. Lt 4 t hie farma, lot 15, con. 7, on the 15th. includes -on immense pair. Mr. Leachi A ver y pleasing event took place on as had a orystal noarly transparent, Wedues]aY eveolng of lait week by wbioh ho brougbt fron Silver City. Lt the aniting in matrirnony of Mr F. is roally beauLiful. Sucb Opeiluefl Town tu Miss S. Mo]Ktà e, elde8t daugh- are rare and difficI1t- to obtain. Ho tey of Mdr. T. M-,cKee, of Toronto. The hae also a saddle snd a saddle coreuIOUY was perfprmed b>' the.Bey. whiob Pie.a-Pot, ebief of the Crees, C.J. Dobso'n. Of Pêpce6 Albert. offered se a prizo with a pair cf ponies M.r. Thomnas Fiede, of East Whitby, te any squaw wbo would do the boit died vsry sud denly ou Sunda>' evoninig, work. Mr. Leach parcbased the. work. i2Oth uit. UIsà remIkins were interred. Theocolons are very bright and trong, in heMthod mt Cburcb yard, Colum- yet thoy are blonded with artistie taste. bus, o11 the fdflowiog Wednosday. Tbe Mayor Waitere writes te the P08t beravd elties have the hoart etatiog that suggestions sas to the boit felt sympatliy cf the coimnunity in manner ci celebre.tingteqen' their sad bereavemont. jubiles will be ini ordor and tbankfuily BCUGOQ. roceived. This is quite right, Baya the Poat. Lfve are to celebrato at ail lot Mr. David Stephenson, cf Beach, le ns do seeetbing permanent, yen know, moviflg to our village. and sensible. For the benefit and ini- The tea at tho Christian ohnroh onl formation cf ail concerned the follewing Wedne8day was a grand 5fl00055.- ideas are projocted as a whole or part Dou't forgot the sugar. social to b. cf said celebration: beld in the Centre Ohurch on Friday Prohibition. zigbt. Prohibition with compensation. A word for our inorchant :-J. Buck Herse races. is; gttîng in a large stock which hoe is Erect drinking fountain. seling bes. 'Paint the swing brîdges yeflow. Mr G. Dawson bas purohasedli a spart Have Mayor Walters knighted. cf mnatched general purpose borses More borses races.' which do credit te the foet. Dig ont fendéation for new Our Island can boast cf some fine Grand naval bettle on Sturgoon lake. single drivers. Ameng tbe moît notod Plant the town with shade trees. ie Mr. Conklin'a black Jennie, whioh Bud Grand Trunk workshops. fer style and speod is bard te beat. Base bail match, Post vs. Warde6r. One evening lUet Week wbile Mr. Ban the election for thbe Dominion Joseph Eood was driving soutb ho mot hous - eoutb riding - over again. Mr. Glass in the. snow drift sonth Of Mr- (Greansfrom tenies.) Watson's gate. Mn. Glass'asiseigh came Appoint a sonator from Lindsay'. in, contact with Mr. Hoodls cutter-flpet- Wipe ont ailway bonusos. ing it and bneaking it badly. The. ac- Baud new high sebeoL cident might have beon mors serions Construet Linds@ay-st. drain. had JOB. not hald a tight grip on the Muzie the editor of the WardeT. ribbons. Mr. Glass wiU b. held r.- Give Sir John the G. B. s;ponsiblâ for 'ho damages On accootnt ÂG VE cfdivn wton1oU.Mr. M. Wakeferd, onr junior cooper, BOWMÂuLNVILLE. has taken up bis residono. in Krfed On Friday la.t, whule drawing a load where ho expeets te do a nushing trade 01 ha>', Mr. Jas. Stanley' had the in the cooper lino. W. expect the. tain mid«-$neno te metwith a nathon pain- sex eft tus place wil b. disappoiuted fui aciidenl. By 1cm. menu. the obqebat the.lees ot ce gailant au admirer. came &part aud ths lead apset. Throw- Mn. Robent Fleury moved te Little îng Mr. Stanley to hoéi.gnund sud Britain on Satanda>' lait. W. wish breakingtbmee cf bis nibe. lue prospenity, ... M. R. Waus je On Snnday afternecn laut, twe mon w. are acm>' te sa>' ver>' iii at proent were seen rolling down thé front street witb a cancer .... M. G. Hayes, et in a beasti>' state cf intoxication and Myrtie, was visiting with hon sisten, usant>' every night of the weok soeéMmi.- B. Thompson, a tew days latt one îs seon on the Étreot the worse for week... . G. Johnsten vas visiting liquor. It seeme strange with ali the st his nnci.'s. Ira Johusten, dnning drinking, that ne oue is convictdod f the pa week.... M. Oharles Me- selling. Alas for thé Scott Act -Whonu Lean is home ah presont veisiting thoe ho shonld se. te ite onforcemont, friends. shink their dut>'. Sevenal of the young people et this *_ -on Sanda>' miorning' sMn. D. B. neighboro'dv'left boe, on Frida>' S3iiupson was hurrying te thé station toeévening lent, with, the intention of catcoh the 10:04 train, the herse becamo spenaing a plesant ev.ning tripping uninanageable, owing te thé cutter thé light fantastie, but on their arrivai striking ita héels. It rau away and thé woald ho daucers wone somewbat threw both Mn. Simpson and lbe driver surprissd te ses one lonel>' tudividual iuto the eo. Af ton going down the on thé four cornes renquosting a&H street soeédistance, -Mo boheerau juteoctors te return homesas the use a telegraph post, emssig the. cutter vas devoid otflite, fine sud light. W. badly. Fortunatel>' noither Mr. Simp- throw eut a gentleé unIte the boys the son uer bis driver were hurt. nexî time yen iutond having a plèeant ~ioeER.uoe. voniug toesend word ahead se the people of the bouse ina>'b. at home A valeablo herse, tho propert>' et and give yen a reception. Mr. C. Buddy, Victoria Cernons, whils - being taken eut ho waten on Friday PORET 'PEEZY. nigbt lait, fllI rsceiving an- ugly cnt in Mr. W. J. Meharry hau purchased the abdomen. The animal is doing Dr. Joués' resîdence.ah the cerner et ,weil undér. prepen trealaxent. Qiiesu andi Bigélow etreets, and will The Uirror sayo:-Now the egg ses- take possession about the finit f Jane. ecu baî commenced w. mu>' be on the Mr.,Gee. Carrne loft on Frida> lait lookeut for lange oggs. The finit of the. for bis homo ini Mentans afther penad- season ia one that meainres 6 juches ing an agreeshie wint.r hère. Hi. aronnd and.4 juches in length, weighing social qualitios won thé heants etftth. 4 ounces. Lt vas laid b>' a white whole town in a coupléetofmenthe. leghorn pullet the propont>' et Mm. A. W. trust ho ma>' have the. suceoss lu 1 Bnnhom. -the far west whioh a good fellow à Most brutal fighî occurned in ont desenvos but seldoin onjoyi. village on Tuesda>' evïning *lest hé- Mn.Ge. Harningten ha. punchased tween two yoang mnon over soestnifi I-the lot on,, the nertb west cerner Of ing malter. 'Thé resait vas hhat eue Qqeen. sud'Penny streets aud intende oft hein receivodî ,aesvene cnt onL -théeechoing hherson, asasoons possible,,,s head uhi oee-cf hie bandesesverely handsomo brick block.' Tii.e eQoà d, bâtoen. W. dia ngt witness th. affair store>'vil b. fltted up for Meure. but vote informod that t h wis a moît Pool; & Pound, artjste, snd thefrit sickening sigbÎ, and moe like a deg store>' la le be occupied b>' Mr. Wm. efght than anything .1.., what was Mest -Brook. surprising W'ase that cries Of 'Chow hum Port Port>' Ob8erver :-Not many Up", "givo bim enougb," stc., w5ié hboard yoans age thème weno but two Ceunser-l tram parties Who should have known 'salives iu Port Penny, sud mueuh was botter. As -thé law lis veny-.sevene ou their droad i ibeing suürreunde&-by the bitiu-g vé hope that the sevemest penalty opposiuà forces that durlng daylight wiil be hie rewas'd. Althotigh il fas a they ý Slght oooasionsly b eson incetdisgracefal affair. -dodginý srouud cornera ând st night, LINI>SAin lu xmer menth#, thé>' robsted inu-the Our high echool bas a uew ohemlus toij il ou to t, ilthe ýt Ieà ar Sapparahas werth , 280. slow tand teina tables are The Linday 'board i e ducatin bas tde v-are: ot BI 1 $~y lwo M. p's-MessrsHudà peth suýîdîvnr bIW<xié'bi~ IWf Baren. Linda>' udP$eIboa4nldrfour, mnatohés luit wob-Llnatti, ' oDn sd Feterboro 1. Betlxg umW be.wn busy du*n% t h e w .e k à gai t i ?~ . ~ I.-; À * 1 O f « 1 Souh "twt* ~ P~ teSnu aud eeS a4 1bousanas of, mepanS )b'enoy- h'.,W*e ,au desire nô botter whe inpefeo hait -butfiho-w often do ýemabjOrity o f eýeéfk¶fûrn5 Il U erwomn 'out, rith Jis.ase,! when thones sneo daion for bi elgias .every sufferor ceaouy ebti satiatery -proof, liai Grwu tagatFosor~wllmake them frès frein ùisese.a when boiýn. Dyspepsa and aiér,1ocmplaimt are the direct causes 0f' seventy.ffve per cent, »If much maladies as Bilonsness, Iniestion, gick Headache, Jostivenosu Nervous Prostrations, Dizzl- rocf the Headl, Pait tion of the Heurt, anAl other distnessing svmtoms. Three doies ef Âugst Flower will prove its woundenlul effeot. Samplo botties, 10 cents. Tr>' iL. Ti Wpoi and 'Ogi TO,, BOUBIÉ A SUIj A T PIRICES NEYER BEPORBBE RHE>NTETRA.DE A Good Suit made to Order for$1OO A large stock of Scotch, English ana Canadien Tweeds, Blaok Worstedls, etc., to select from. jAS lie chelershas beýn effiail>' declaredA ternie at Montevideo. 1A V ThONA LiIvr, egzat thomBotl )n a hnraivere miatet o e i 8apratv.r il n I À MARVELOUS STORY Fi "t Ulm si] TOLD iM TWO LETMERS 'ROM THE SON: Yok c.2,82 IGeWlemev lIly father resîdes at Glover, '.Ho has béen a great sufferer f rom Scrof- la, and the idclused letter will tell you what marvelous offect Âyer's Sarsaparila have oontained the humor for. ut ieast ton years; but lt dld not show, except In the form of a scrofulous sure on the wrist, until about Oive From a f e-w spots wh1ie ap- peared at that tins, It gradually spread su as te cuver bis entire body. 1 assure you ho wam terribly arnïicted, and an objet of pity, when 'le began usmng your medicine. Nuw, thore are few meo f kis age who enjoy as good health as ho, has. 1 could easfly naine fifty persons who wouid testify te the fuels in bis case. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLU'." FROM THE FATHER: a. eur nd a uyfrme to state te you the beneftt1 have derived f rom the useofo Âyerls Sarsaparla. a terrible bumnor and ecrofulotis sures- The hunor caused an incessant and Intolerable itching, aud the skin cracked su as tu cause the bioud' to flow in many places wlbenever 1 xnoved. My sufferings were great. snd my lif e a burden. 1 comineuced the use of the SÂRsÀAAhiLLA i April last, and have used It reguiarly ince thiat lime. My condition began lu improve at once. The ores bave aIl heaied, and 1 feel perfectly well in every respect -.-being now able to do a good day'm work, aithougli T3 years uf age. Many inqafre wbat bas wrought sncb a cure lu my case, sud I tell them, as 1 bave hemo tried ýo tell yen, Âr'i Âe SAPARLLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. 214 un 2. Yours gra±efully, ATID pUTT f ýq smitable for Business Snits or Boys' wear. FPJLL STOCK 0F GIROCEIRIES Highest mark 'et, price paid for Butter and Eiggs. BROOKLIN, ONT. -FOR- Cottage or Castie, -AT- PIIES Wl/CH WILL ASTONISH YOUs, CALL ON WM. HAJJLT, BBROOKLIN. -000- £1~ Funerals Fully Supplied." Rj WbiLby Woollen Nu,01N Midway between Brooklin and Colzsmbws, onth&e 7th Conce88ion. We Goods, ý SheetinR ATEWB'S SÂRPARILLA cure Serofula Blankets and au Srofuous Compaints. Erygtp. Il.nttedi elas. Emamal, Eingwslm, BloLciros, IOres, »Mils, Tum mersd Euptiouas9 o! OnS th. e8t1. h clm ear tblSo f &SI Ilaupa nibs iadigestion, stimulatos the action of =- the boucl4ansd thus motos vU&alty snd H streugtena the whole system.19 Dr. J.C.Ayr&Co., LoweUI, Mass. w 5eà d by &Ul Drugatt; i, si bott4es for I& 4~ CANAGIAN PACIFIC BY1 COMPANY'S Teegraph Office, NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. DIRECT CONNECTIONS1 TheGonmercial Gable Go. The Baltimore & Ohio TeL Go. The Postal Telegraph Go. And ail other Telograph Lino. To seurs Prompt disPOtOh, nutheO.P.Ry- C.O. Telegraph. « O)PPI()Ein 'Bichsrdson'8 1ook, ueon Market Square. Orders taken for Couls, Salt, Oypou=j Waterliine, "s ,for The.RathbbumCoc. y5 are 110w prepared to make ail kinds of Woo1len ,suoh as Tweeds, Fuil Cloth, Union FIann,1sy g, Shirtings, A]1-wool bed Blankets, Horst- s, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinde of Goods kopt ini stock for the accommodation of eing hi ailU colors cdone to cxYder. ghést price paid for axDy quantity of Woo1., orders promptly filed. Do BO WFJIMA N i 80N,j iing and $ungin t ut nght-,W0r5b afow ucontinuie tum orra mwhh of.bedand uioerale.beomuhIlVOl'ysore. SWAYNE*$ OINTME14T a tosthe Itéblg ad bleidint. amcaeSremnov 0 the Mail. S Rov Lest- Roi -Rmstorséd Vl- 55 W. have recently publtshed. a new o&ition of Dia. Ouv.z- WEL'OL ZBEA11tTED-BièsÂT On the radical and permanent oife (without medicume) cf Nervous DebiUty>, Meutl an sd Physical Incapacéity, Imupedimenta le Mar- riage, etc., resulhing froin oxossos. SW»Price, in sealed,,en"le1pq' n1y S cents, or twe postage stampa., - The celéýratedaunthor, iu ths admirable R1ssay, cledrly demonstr;ates, from -tbirty . $ e s n s s u o e u l p a ti s , a t a l a - 1 n bonsoquenooi may bérvaie"llyeué ik- out thé dlanigenéonsse o etmnal modinu or thé uue cf thé kuife; pe1ntlng ý ota mode f cure Mt once e [pe, tét4 u effeetuai, by Means cf1which oves>' suftmo' co matter whst hia,ccnaiticn- ma) > , ' cunre him slf eboapi>'1, pivatll.>' n k 6ally. 8OhsLecture should bo e in bu~I of Mry n id ever>'Mn uk b~sî~ DR D~EN, ARCADE, TORONTO.- A Ichool Thorougbly E9quipped for. Buieisa Tri BOOK-KEEPING, PENMý i~UIN8SCORRESPON~DENCE,, BUSDTEASS ÂR1THMETiO, OMROAL, SHORTHA.NDA»D TYHW BITINQ PRAOTIOÀLLY FIN EST ROOMS IN OANAIJ Send for Circula. Address., .ma" EvDag, Zig.. Ao»*tptToreo. - 1; t 1manif... Z.RBLOW9 wocq oral 1« 1 1 1 -. i 1 t i . - ', l:ý -WITIII-