~AJJIEE CAM AM GUT A-FBREE SAMPL- OF OUR Bakinig Powdet PURITY BUARANTEEO. G.E. GIBBARD, THE'MEDICAL HALL. CNLY Si oo PICR ANNUM. Whltby, Frlday, March 11, 1887. Tas Gonrmon eleetiena are- over and Bismarck sud Boulanger bas eseh dis. tlglsedý himmseif as a bustier lu quasi off popnlmniy.and nov old rMu DeLeasepsinla-set over te Berlin to Omo th le pipe ef poace sud bug (karman officiaIs. Tire rus. off w&r gavo Bisnrarck sud Boulanger euhira lange asate luajorit>' lu Partianient. Thi eople do aIl tire worshipping and béar a Il the burdens. TÉS" s . onsiderahi. taîk in loverai couslituencies 1 offnt slleving menibenis eléet te talce tiriseaesinuthie Comrruna. Our ides-le quite diflrnt ho thie. W. bolievtr.asiould ho meanea ad- doptte omake tireu tare tre, seute- sud keap tireur «liie tirare dlsuissd- -isaietoffoollâg sruudthe cnur> sud jusl gelng te Ollatuh vote os pute divisions. "Tii. luki inn utire vorld wviieli eould b. doue vonld ire t. prevenî an>' man frein tùking bis "ea if ho is wîllng te do se, sud taiki suif h. vould ire likel>' ho ait lunià pretty regularly. Lot tireur tae tramr seuls and uake their pay depetrd upon the mns uc rici r îbtirey osck t. them. Nov liaI Victoria B. C. sud a nuin- bar off »w "8u10&dpi..., are t. haveý < ehéir athors tentifiad, whit's tire matter viti tire harber cftire geod old tlv of Wlritby. Our tev -u aseon>' thing tiraI eau ho foujid inansy off hase torns .optiro Pacifie osut U4its &ge slroUId enoble il te take proeeenl th. matter cf fortifleoe. Offcurse Il la *ery vl Iknova lie Yankees dou'tvaut te figlit, sud have uotling Much tg figirt vih if lis>' did feel ask il ; but aven thie boirg tireoas. oui barber hu; as mueh ri ht ý te. b. doorsted as an'yotirer. 0oshre eUp, S <rsi nr ory niajonity irr, tee, vieir shuld uat leasi doubletire strensghroff Oui r gninoibain 'Irvorf bras, cannons t. trovs-aceross %re lake- at oui fimeron ousin.. IT la 6s1mout remankable thlng tiraI vilh ail ti.he lug tslk noir Oins ou in Emrpê ei t esson lia. yoIbeau, «auged why thore' shpuld' bel aveun- a ,dispute. 'Withh iseoep9lou oý runoe ansd Germâin>'Whvir lway yUl-t hav lruugty 07for AlSMansd IsrrALueIý thera laset sieen an old acre to é$in n'. lb laupnot ong ince v. resd off per-petuà l, *Iâmu eas ,g foried between Rusais, auil$ rivaein, the wattew slr 1 OIeti>RW 1b 1y* deUviryin0fer 0 thwterpolpioï ofi he province la -oouoeru.d ast hast. 1h. principal of teC wientt;t A @speciu al "haeves Toronto evry b. authorized te soeur.- a d.eposit"cf * morning aot8.46 and truiest-..frmoobppl ulà 1 oeula y&a th. rateo f about 50 mie ~ apparitus of thé- Inaüiute, té Pay dam.~ hour sud oouestaiLondon al; 6.40 thus 1 gO i 0» et ùbre& * I IE rnig h oring edition«ofthe'Globe îM uldepeetda*port frein in the bnde of te F vos 'srOomuboriboeeroc, mmoid ing, scierai houni arlier ilian ferol .p*y4ment Of th. follewiug usecne Tii pres ff ubsrijtion 'bas beon Stafford & Cormack, $8'-W.'-MBysIl reduced frein #7 to #5 vih he bc * . # 10.50; H. Anderson, #84 _-,à ;-8. J. tation off inereased patronage providing Piilmer, #6 01 ; Jne. Newiort, #10; againet Ion. The Mail miglt cornes, be 11.9;Jendersoù down from its high hors. nov and conu- Grahamn, 185.50-lu ail, 2î.15. descend te exehange with the Ieading The report wa. adopted. coanty papers, somethiug.il bas refused On motion of Mr. Barclay, ihe Sool ' b o fr lb Ist Iv yers. e ~ Property Comnmittes vas iuétracted h the Globe might eztendto the es.etera make some allerationS $neeessar.v te, section the boon it ha.se1s generously complete, he laboratories at th. Colle. oonferred on the people bf the western giate. Peninsl..CO motion off Mr. Ormiston *2 vas Rrauted Mr. Baker, caretakerarit1h. Tic onoil off the to*n off Cebourg Collegiate, for extrua ervioes rendered lias passed a reselation asking 1he r CnoOtionl with tlii.recent altera- DomiionGoveümet' t reeal he ions ther,. DomiionGovrumnt h reealthe On motion cf Mr. Ormigton, Bey. Scott Act. Thie hotel-keepers off Nor. Mr. Abrabsin was appointsd pregiding thumberland, aud p4tielarly of the examiner ah the drsing ex.mnationaB town of Coebourg, hÃve a pretîy â one bI r prl Mr.ÃŽDow moived, seooe Myr. thing under tbe Scott Ac. They do Parewel th&& in thé cpiniop. oet lâi not. psy s cent ferhliede. and yet-enjoy Board a more direct, suad iraveient ail the privileges soeued teÃ"thein under medium than aI prseâtitexise cffeoin. the Orooka Act.. Free trà de in liquors mnniesting te the, departineut -off virtually prevails, and Ibere is ne help Education th. vieve off the people 01 lfor ic. The. Act eau not b. repesled bY the province st large ý on educatiouai popalar vote within three years, he. matters i. mach néeded.' That a the. action off th. Couneil. W. had oc _Provincial association of trustees, cern essieu ho visit Northumerland oouflty posed cf represonratives trom tiieseversi a few weeks ago sud frein wbat w. ssw Boardie cf Eincation cf the. Province we must say the Ceuncil of Cobourg ie would afford an effective mens off hhsik hey wo tld havoe a~U teins uepressing upon the attention off the de- thin thy wuldbavesh4n temslv-partient snob viewa, sud would give es more worthy of suppôrt had they the. people a voicesand influncno uthe firet made au effort toenoforce the Acet, administration cf educaticual affaira before calling on th. Go ernme t for w ih a vdoD t o osse. I relief.thorefore resolved that stops b. aetoun WjR WA 1 Al te tak i Eurpe aken te seonre if possible the formation W~! &B IAil ie tlk l Eu O cf sncb asoiation sud liaI a cern i. war. The vorth of the. boasted civi. mittee, to e haeoeposdloff Messrs. lization and Ohristisnity off European Ormishon, Barclay sud t$he mover sud nations may nov b. messured by their the seconder, b. appointed wVith lu. disposition te cling te eaoh ether's struetions te prepare a circular selhing forth at length the sdvantages te be tirroats. In France Gen. Boulanger i derived frein the proposed aeQlalion; Suxions te lesd hie people sud h. taIra sueh circular ho be diaributei amengot figiri. Eageî to regain Alse.aud Lor. th. Boards off Education general it ih raine, bis people regard bim s a bruis. a vi.v $0 ebîaiuiug their ce-operation er, cf heavy calibre. In Germsny, lu thre malter; such coinmiîhee te- have Bismarck findahIe inaction causes hbi. power te lake sncb other stops as hhoy popularity te vane, and bolides, h o ma>'dee oi useesarteh effect lhe object wiehes to kili eff a spirit cf eeoemy lu viev. whieb ila nf. in the.Germen parllamei, Mr. Dowsald ho. hheght 1h. feeling se he-tsIks fight, sud catIs an election, net oui>' exWsed in Ibis bourd,- but in upon the resait off whieh ho..pays la oeanY others, liaI the ceutralizing staked thre prestige cf 1h. Germsu»..in character off 1h. weîk off tir. Edgatieu pire. Bu"siansd Austria are sauhr ex Departint vas fait redueing, uchool peoted 4b make a half-yearly gr*b for à bourd, l e itijîon off moe commit. @le@ off Tarkey, sud on every Occasion tes.. Ho thougirî sncb an in8IýtUtion- off either sa&rpeung ils oarving.blade u..à aProvincial board ci trushees i'would the other pounces lu sud tries. e gel have a greal influence lu pressing upon 01 tbe piece or block'1h. way. Euglaird th Depargmont what the prowailing ha. se machr lrioryit eau so.ly viewg off lhe country rnlght be " u> hold ils ovu, .ud laly is trying tg subjet. If tire.voes,& o ntrat bourd r form, allias., iiciril make il &p..le ho ui9bt tlai.- eparnt$qa world-b. D- peur liraI it le chumamiug with 1h. bIg gnir er. rd7 o u.t.a tles Vie"#s oi powera. Thora nover wu. leuailutho suggestions than 1 h. many hiamt given x venld ho quarre! about, and aolhiugbyodar'ora.Hhdbe n ts Iran a mierable spirit off ggressien commiltee once te coualder aom l naime eould posuibly cause 1a W" Ot present. tire cennecled vitir thre Dopaibeu. but had! toit thre veaknes frof poil. por Town OouzîciL. lien lu approohiog th. Departuient; mil - siuge.bandd. H. hought anyca. .Conil met monada>' ovening. jqm muet ho able te qse tho strongth la cou* vaI bers ail preseul. &Mayer Long -inuthe Irai board off truste., veuld hava ii chair. 1h. Departmeut This board do"s ez I i E I E IOXKEL STRI] ýUT 30-HOUI B WAiNU-T 8 Im ni Your an' Dry hidi. 1m~u1ar Ioiiio r~ eye is cauglit and yon 'r senses overwhehned, when you enter- our store,' with the immense range of Honest, Iigh Grade, New Style Dress Goods, Fanoy_ Goods, Prints, Sateens, Ribbons, Laces, &o., &o. flew Goods- Arriving Bai/y. The Ne westD g The, Lowest Prie I 0wr Stock is Fe4ffwanSthh GO001) SOLD à T MONEY-SAVING .P)IIES. GOODS SOLD AT PEOPLE-PLEASJNG PRCES. That you can save money and yet seoure the best, is demonstrated with a. 1ntq i; BAGAINS M .LLLi IJ Extending from the Front to_the rear door. Honest Quality and Lowest Price is the' force which gives live and motion to our Fresh, Ever-Chan4ing Stock. The Best Assortment - Ail the Leadllng . Styles-! Corne and examine our Elegant New Stock. Low"Prices willselI it., E?088S *~- Whitby )Itwrio District Division BnSm of Temperance. Tire fiffîl regniar session off Onhanie sqtrit Division :8ns off Temperune. ihbld tu Oà hawa, '1'7rarday S8rd, ML# - W. H. ýBevit, D.W*.. ýn lhe ai.Bevon divipions van. mpre, nIed, sud machi mpertant bueluese is lracted. Aftoî lire »sial ne- )rs- off officors sud standing jcofn- Ittee wer, pr.eenlod and adopted kd otber business special lu tireession h dîspoad oet he folloving r6.so1u- us vere rnhroduced, drseussed sud Mold uanirnusly or by rlurgo Mrn. A. Aunis mSauded by Ir. O. szzbovood, noved -tiraI the Grand ateu -b. skd t. tutrucètt hoGrand rb. ho (amui Dietrich cBe." niai viirepente based upoi the kms received frour divisions in thein peelio oalies. A*r A. al sacod.d b>' Mr. A. uris tbedlai Ibis distict division ire,, li acto f 16.G.W.P.in ioinlng . 3.Neilseun sd - E. MoiI, conmt>' D.G.WeP& for .W.st a bru bOntiario reepch eivoly. (r.P. ntciison ecoideby '. 1 4m", Morad tbast liidistrict dlvi- .- Cash, bought it. 8ROS Emporium*. .of the, COUNTy 01? ONTABT).' Domin~ion E1et t~Fgbruary, lit7 PUBLIC NOTICE la' borc >'given tiraI of CMdiat ba -,Et =.~z'ýýW pending cfa ebeterepreseultre Bai& Elutcraj Ditric la tRouge of q (lourizsofln Dry - Goods Burie ' olumn. Wa're bouad ho have s fit ho-day, W. don't mind iffl is amanI- Thre fit we vant is pro-fit, friond, Se eckjoa, n.sud U! Forgais-vhstgains ? wiry bar-gains, ffnieud 1 Juet glane vithin our stoe, Sncb bangains vo vili show yen, friend, As ue',r voee seen befero. We ouscienîionsly bellee,n luoese profit., aud ptenly off 'em. Pioe. do virat yen ecau te make 'eru ple4tilul. W. vaut te drav your. notice te car merrey-saviug- bangains iu feit boots, sirote slippers- sud ovetirhes. A few pairs etliiounirsbd, tirougir oui redue- lion of 88ï per cent, bas, 4e'a hig. boe. lu tieri, sud put liai eld ogi oui months:aogl I S.o My feta qgo "round tire. âd; Good-bye, Mw>' evert, eged-byelt They're PU*off'arn fifled vItisatiefied Good-rje, myoeer, oodirjo., Sners a liitle, ther . ,a 1Iýtl. i W . oave yen Isomethlng on 0aithemoat trifiing AND courate Tmekeeý BAJiNAR WIb bQfljron MAIROR llth, 188! LOCAL -LACONIÇ WIIAT 18 BOING ON IN AND AROUND BUDGET 0F UVELY LOGAL NEWS8 GL BY GKRONIOLE REPORTERS cWobets aman ye, t"kin An' faith he'Il prentit. Ws are Éplead l earu - Thos. Mody iras ben appoint ýag waiter aI Liverpool Marki irhe vacauey caued by Midi. 'dastir.- 1k AyONO he most carions and.' objecte hùug ont for:sale Mi tbi yean i. s jubiles dreizsadjuter, MeIl, which plà ysa"God, pavé tdm r et ime thre vearer- site -dov11 ox.oftire papors have b pressing th. oelion- liat hmi ivore doiug more le decroase1 Wuizkià g tiatir e Soîl .e4 Orli.~).eau;if tl:&%be -80e limes figve net struek Orillhe ,whiskeyîle hooming theu~. BziroiarR Hin H,*or-Judgeei ýù Fridîy lait, Howaid Iiddte Albert Burke adruilted -haviug ýold.pinsud ùneo-tiçabelongu pane, boti lie parile.- belug off Beaverteni. Squir Bruce rnittérd Iiddlet-ou for trial Heor ÃJudge Dean oM Lind, letton a favorable tesitimon>' of ho TevWU Dated 1887. mendirg tiâtRat aon & nd r, ,oprossion Off opinon AS te tr. l5lr eontact Of he ýll HoRethonight the. D. rontracî. offtkeepejbour'lua po ton }L ot - Tereport vas adopted. sdment Z li Cocu.Fox brougl 's e ortof no nu. iun e tioaaimalti. zea8-, the licous. CoMpitteo, reopmendîag rusa' very important caelhmue e e thatlibC.ns ebgrapted tb the applinte made irat1he rogulation r Pet b Depuly "ReevBDuas se f~ srgan>' seto ftseortaia how the 7 Treol i t obnld 'b. s=direct coemmunoie .The motion vas. cr4eil. sweabar4roorusof irouéo epublie ___________ 4e . à -ni . Dry lïüii à ý« d ý_Amrd Uloi:ý ým ghýj- Whitby