Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1887, p. 3

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GA~'800~talewil hereaft*l b. O1.8in unîfof0- Heretofore bo haî bon ~aryed inI dignity and a Olub. .jý8 lsatn star questionh wh.uhe.u Ibre sa îowaghîp in the Dominion 'Oiheusow1 the gmre rëoord forý -jwho a s OtouabeO. 1Ils r.,,,, Mr. Jo0bi Lang, bse soneleeted .. L 6118 Lb. fiii heWarden's chai.r, 5od he OO8I member, Mr. T. Blemard, j aresidsflt Of the township, and aul MR. j. J. Bowmnaf, Secrotary of the A.atrAgriult'ra Society, ha. - jsued a 6ircular to the members of the &,isty, containing smre rather start. hugDg ttenientfl as woll as a good deal ,f pr,ioOBi omnmon-s;ene dvice as to bow the township show ose b. improv. ed, both by an incroased number of raembers, and t'y more interest in tb. work by those wbo are members. Mr. Boxmsn flstateS that th. Township ,ith over one thonsand votera ouly - aiÎss 125 or about il cents a pieoe, and ask8 the directoris and members 'te make every effort this yoar to seoure uucOoeee for the annuai show, t'y a Iargely increased prize liet. Two men in Peterborough, werei taken verY ill on Thursday -afternoon,. the sikuess being caused iu a myster.i ions manner, though evidently being 13roduced by a cough mixture of whioh both had partaken. Mr. P. H. Green, photographer, wbo wassin bis galjery, wau troubled by a oold, and 1Mr. A.1 Hasmmell, alse e. photographer, asked him to try a coogh mixture wbich h. had in bis pooket. Mr. Green swa.l. lowed sote of it from the bottle snd Mr. ilammeil also did se twice. After a short conversation Mfr. Hammel went home. Boon after Mr. Green feit uuwell, and B dizziueae being enooeeded by a numbuesq iluthe ex. tremities, ho went sorose tbe street to Dr. Clarkeis office. Dr. Clarke gave him a restorative aud assîsted hum home, aud having beard tii. ,,ircum- stances ho gave hlm an omette, which h. followed by -stimulante. Dr. Fife, who had been seut for, also arrived, and Mr. Green, who b.d been v ery low spd believed ho was dying, began to revive. A mesonger was sont to Mr. Hammeil'sg to get the cougb mix- ture, but ho returued without it, sud with the message that Mr.. Hammili was iii snd wauted a physician. Dr. File auswored the summons, but in the meautime Dr. Kincaid hadl been oalled and had treated Mr. Hammeli for poisoning. Soon both the gentlemen were out of danger thougi low, Mr. Green being epecially depressed. This morniug, however, they were quite recovered. The cough mixture was made np in a town drug store from a prescription givon te 1Mr. Hammoîl by the late Dr. Norris of Omemee. Mfr. Hanimili bsd ueed the sane mixture for qorne years wltb good effect snd witheut producing evil effects uet' as was produoed on hlm- self ana Mr. Green ou Tburmday. The. prosacription bail been.ruade np several times in the.nmre store, aud thé clerk says tbat ho ûIled it aceordiug to directions and the smre as it bad been made up eu the previons occasions. The mixture eoutained incture of Canz>abis Indice., a dragunucertain in !testrength sud action, snd it was an over-dose cf that ingredient Ihat eaused the poiouing. or processionsi. q à couple et mon (a Conts.muid a Bof.) residingin Canningtonubntbaving a vote lu Uzbridge, e.greed te, pair off sud net vote. The efomerw.. ealled out of tiie village on busines sud the. other cbap lu bis absence took tie tramn aud gel down borekto vole. On retuhnibg bo Cannînglon and discoveriug iow ho iad been deceived lie second gent -got in a cuttet bebind a. good hors. and arrived in Uxbridge lu time te, vote aise, mucb to, lie surprise of No. 1. whe was congratulating hiruseif upon having doue soznething clever. A Scott farmer bu as ltuiebd an opportunity le ferruau opinion of lie value of barley sas a food for' osttle. On savice cf s Scott *Act lectirrer lb.put bis barley iute bis eattle-4ed 100 bush4 ol@ cf barley vilh 100 buâh. etý peu sud osas(ah chopped) ho 8 head cf cathi. -since laut fall and got only6#25 per hesd for the. eatlle a few days ago, tobont -tthe smre prieotstlho could. ibave gel for them inuthb. fali bétore fee4int ai ll. This, iowever wau net-lb. I etoflth barley, wiieh- did its work w ' lnfatten- ing lie animais, but utl04uthe mabr* ket. The. femer dld uiot-ýmake ok!li mnny by -fediug ir.e ile eud ho bat corne t te b. oolus"on liaI -it ia botter te sllin tb. fr11 if prios ar. at &Il fair than ýwkterte' atli..,R -moreever belleve. that, têhoungh barly fatteus as well ne turniîo i d'b u about as oheaply, Itl -a à4vIib1e'î" thelurnipsansd boy ' int~ce ~ cause -they ae otpbwa7U nota lo.adin Was Eduis~ oruth. blécemi. lurm.tioîi Of lb fenly of', tùluig _pais.st -Y*sr -.S'tr, year bie voies souud.d in bebaufcf lb,&.o'sae&.aot law, bfrdm faho;ti. ue Of rulesr," and th. imagerycies lheughb-..4wpoeîi i uis rnjety-ý-Oar. ries u ntom' a'egions of euduring via domo"' For uearlYthbreesoore yeaa'ahi Mind retained lie diguity auid eoalf Iofty greatuess, muid seemed te tether frem ils balance enly whon, ho broathed the horrid heat cf fury Whieh vau sveoping over France.anid gatberiuig wrati against ,tie iorrid atroities cf R"9. e had before hlm 1h. vision cf Marie Auloinette, "1glilteriuig lke the rMerniug star, fulcf life sud ispiender sud joy," sud feit thht, tirougi unbe- lief and passion, the. props cf stable geveruirreut sud morale vere beiug broken sud destroyed. The "divine rigit cf kinga." va. yet 'an artIlof commen faith, sud he saw their sorrow, but beard net lie vail cf anguisi vilci ascended from lhe cppresaed mand starv- ing people. Rage agaiust hie lavîses Parisian moi ftlledl him, and li bis wraîbh e spoke as if envenemed hale isd made hum mad; muid ho was ge adjudged. but only by thome wbo differ- ed frorn hlm. Tbe Inspiration cf hie goulus gave hlm thi.longue cf Irth, sud th. penalty vas au assault upon ies eaity. Tien came lie supreme sorrow cf hie life, tie deat o! is son, sud li hlm grief he wrole: "§Tie slcrm bas gene over me, sud I lie like oesof tics. old oaks whici the late hurricane ba.seat- lerod about me; I arn stripped o! my honorea; I amn bru up by the rools, sud lHe prostraheonouthe earti. I amrn sie, I have noue to 'meet my enemies lu lhe gate ;,.-. . I liv. lu au iuverted order. They who ougit tle have sue- ceeded me have gene befèe me. Tbey who should have been te, me as posheri- ty are in thie place cf ancestors." Because cf tie outwàrd expressions cf grief whici were at limes is,s wie bis son's favorite herse came le him and put ils bead upon bis bosom, which eaused Burke ho cry aloud luis sorrow-because of suai manifestations of grief, it is said Burke was rnsd. Ed- yard Everot as well said: 41If I wcre called upon te designahe the event or lie period in Burke'm life that would beat sumlain a char&ge cf. iusauity, il would net be when, in a gusb o! thse bolietsl sud pureet feeling thal over sirred the humaan heart, he wept alond ou the neck of bis dead seu's favorite hersee' As proof that bis intellect wam net djsordered, hie "-Letters on a Regi- cide Peao.," written in 1776, a s'ear before his death, bear ample evidence, sud are regarded, sys John Morley, "in some res;pects the meet splendid of aIl hie oornmpoilon.-From "Genjua and Mental Diseaae," by Dai. W. G. STEPHENSON, in Pop ular Science Mont hly for March.- Loat in a Blizzard. TEURRILE SUPPERIYG 0F TR&VEjLLRSB IN A STLGE COACH. The Beuton stage the chier nigil brought in the tire. passengers vie wero on the belated stage that was storm- bound eighteeu miles eouti cf Bouton frcm Tbursday nutil Fridal evening. They were J. W. Montgom- ery, from the. Judith, sud' I. Edenbolm sud Wrn. M organ, twc discharged soldiers from Fort Assinaboine. From arviee4 Tbey then ied lie animais te a telegrapi pole aud started off oui foot. They iad nol gene far viien oe of tiem sank poverlesa te lie ground. Rie companion, howver reeogniziug that certain deMhi wouid bc bis fate ifý left behind, Iîterally dragged hMite remaining distance tethie station ici preved le be ive miles. Upon arrivai at he .priug tiey endeavored te ergen- ize a Party te relurua te lie abandoued stage, but lie elerm waë ragiug -wti suai rury liaI ne one oould be fouuid vie would voluiteer te Make he attempl unhil the afternoon cf lie geit da&y. lu 1h. meatime tie driver sud Moentgomuery, becomwng ~alarxued sallie nou.amr*val cf assistance, deternined th, set eut te ie 'Pring ou foot. Tbey were tluorughiy'.benmbe.d, i4il waq ouly withithe grealest exerlion Ibat hhey travelled a distance of about flv. miles, mbtin hey becanie bewild e and uearlyexhane"ê Bealizing »I hallby hiad tle Iu "eouong, liey ,ouoiçtld4 le reh4 l.te sa ;.Wben,"»iffn-.,mleol - -r twborjouruey, aluaufferu* sgbveuly fo the - terrible dv.étr, su"na etnOWn ence and suférlig. .By nigttho Le as totlily Minsan sd had te b. lied te bis Boat. H. as a thelélb.hospilal sud medical sasitance eUMMene& H eondtie lavery serieus, -but noýhîng. definite eau yet b. said cf -hies ulîlmaSe reo overy. The, other Ive Men are ýnet sufferiug greally'ansu re oeut othle streets. * <Blood wil t11." A face adorned wth- pimples, beill, blotohés. etc., àa net a. par- tieularly pleamant -sight, sud inalal betoken. au impure sdatse oftthe blood. Dr. -(arson'. Stomaci Bitter. free the my1shem from ailgro§s. humers, renders lie leed pure sud ceci, aid. digestion aud - vs a healthy appetite' For mae by aIl 9:gglseu nlargeitues at 50 cents. (ieu. HeaP, United States Consul at Coatintople, la deadt. PROF. LOWS SULPHIUR SOAP i8 highluj reoommended for the. cre o f Euption, Ohafea, Ohapped han&a, Pimplea, Tan,. cfo. ~AYER'S' PILLSa A large proportion et the diseases whlch cause human sufferlng resûlt front derange- ment ef the stomach, bowels, snd ier. AVER'm CÂTEÂkRTIC PILL acst dlrectly upon these ergans, and are espeially designed te cure the diseases caused by their derange- ment, inciuding Constipation, Indiges. tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, and a host et other ailments, fer al et which they are a sale, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLs by enuxent-physicians i n regular prao- tice, shows unmnistakably. the estimation i whicbi they are heid by the inedicàl profes- Mion. These PiLLS are coînponnded of vegetabl substances only, and are absoiuteiy f ree fret calomel or sny othier injurious ingredient. A Sufferer &roui Headakbe writes: *AYER'S PILLS are tuvaittable to mecsd are ny constant. companion. 1 have 'ben a severe suti"rer fronif eadache, snd your PILLS are the ônly thing 1 could look te for relief. One dose will quickiy nove my bowels and free-iny hea f romt pain. They are the'imost effective aid the easiest physle 1 have ever fouud. It ta a pleasure te me to speak iu their praime, and 1 slways do so wheu occasion citera. W. I.. PAUCi, 4f W. I.. P;Ige & Bro.- Franklin St., iihn Jd . ixe 3,lt2 -' I have ua,-d A viR's PILie luin unher- less iustatices as recolumended by you, and have neyer known thean tO faeu tO ccompliih the desired resuit. 'We coustantly keep themt on haud at our home aud prize tbem as a plessant sale and reiiable tamiiy medicixe. UOt iSPSLA tbey are Invaluable. J. 'T. AYES." Mexlu, Texs, June 17, 1882. The REv. PRAŽNcis B. IIAItLowr, writlr.- f rom tma aa says: For soine years ïs 1 ae subjec toteconstipation, from Whlchb lu Spite of the uise of medi- chies of various kinds, 1 suffered incresing îneônvenience, until smre monthma a g e began takiug AYER's PILLa. The hve ent.lrely corrected the cStivo habi4,,sud have vastly iniproved loy general beaici." AvitR's C;NTiiARTie PiLLs correct irreg- larities of the bowel,, stimulate thse appe-r tite sud digestion, snd by their prompt and thorough action give toue aud vigor to the;ýi whole phyaical ecouomy. PEPÂRrD DY De. J.0. Ayer &Co., LoweIt1,1Mass. Sold by ail Drugglste. YOUJNGIAil erjerience the won'lerful tL, NOI benelicial effecta cf MOLE-AN Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I IDL- children wlth Sore Eyes, Bore _AGED. ae or any mrofulous or syph- CATAreH. Ae omtreatmenthben i. Ooveed -whSelyj, a permneinit cr- Of! e h irto incurale~ aisemsii ab"culely .ffected ln frei mn e t réé applicaiuna4 ne xutter whether standing'onoi y.earorfort! eaI& Thisreeý iionly pTfiied once in=wlv day., sud cesnot interfère %4h business. Descriptivýe pamphlet sent free on recoipt of she.mp lq TMORONTO, CAMADA. ISPRING -SUITS. ', -000 JOH N FEROUSON 18 SHOWING A StIPEBIOR STOCK 0P Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds,- And cther fine lines of Clotho, for Spring suits. AUl garmeénts -raade up in hatest style on shortest nctide.- Ready.mmade Men'8 and Boys' 8u1t8, Gents' Furni8hings and Iinderclothing of ail Kinds. IDSTRUCTIBLE OVIERÂLLS!1 HATS!1 HAIS!1 HIAIËS ! ' Latuss stylesin Hard ana Boft Foit Hats VERY OHEÂP. JOHEN FFiRGUSON), Dundas St., Whitby THE. NORITH A MERICA N LIFE ASURA NCE Go. IMAD OFPI M2 TO M8 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT., Som.A aknze .. ex-prime Minuter of Oau"%, Prelde2lt 3ýBe n tltimoe im o ioeet the wa2ut ofete. nac*i uli anJ way thst ex- pelOseauad suin rmein u i 1 he Direotoeare muehgra fedt Ats a.nw ninà au n,4.,.y +i,* 1,t a44att 4ût. of- the-Vilaha bian Tirhoe whohae il recommeud it theur lJ lejusI the. Macine frt ulc - ~ ~ i Aiwsl rer.- Simple sud Laits a ILftime. The OonIpIo oOrgans end Pianos A&re Tieller than Any Other. The. Beit Judges say t l. one la lie Best. Il la built with a view ho Durabilily and Bcauty. The Best Instrumenlte Buy. (l ansd S.. Our Goodir. '.W WB.-FOX> Â GENT@. BROOK ST. . - WHITBY. London and Lancashire Life Company.. This Cerpay sues ,,verydesirable form- et itepohy, udhalldeposiled-with lie ReeierGeneral luntpprovea Caziadian seourities over $100.00 for each 8100.00 et liability, lins affordiug ABSOLUT3 se- Partiesdesirous oet assuri4g theirlie wili Sud ilte h heir advautage te cousul the umdtrsigucd before assurig elseLyheze. JOHIN FÂBQUHABSON, Generai Agent -'M PATEN thie sme te-rms as OitizenB., patent first inih ti. Sttes, thug 1 Ye"" patent ; otheiwuse fime w two ye x.Total, coït of!U: the balance..0fl when patent Total ot o! -C afadin fyeari for #15yea#s $M.- On reoalpt drawlng wthdeslg#ptlof !Ir Ple menùtion viere you msaw 8ITNS0 F CO1JKTY -4 iY onnAim, cR35, ATmuIUWi A»» LAMBm ioon ns u'unm", » iuYLD esE. go ni hlm WhihbytiMay 18,t'86. .ly ION. 1,t is -le. ?by lie ferni of irrogau 10variu.. 'e Di- a nbotlon 3 y Mail ent on ruýgisim OWPERS.

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