Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1887, p. 1

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HITBY With calm Printed varda, groat thoughts, and untiring indus",.1 «VOL. XX.WJHITBY,- ONTARIO, Established 1856. [bc 1cadhin gIekiy ln Ontarlo Couoty1 Steam equipment aud bout tnrnished Book and Job printing plant in Eastern Ontario, capable of exeouting ail classes of vork from the large poster te the' emallest bandbill. Special mention is made ef the uneurpassed press f acilities et Tux CHuON- l, Wf its oelebrated N. Y. <lettre!! mylder press and -other modern conveni- *noeg. E very order receives prompt, care- bdi attention. TERMS 0F A.DVERTISING. pirst insertion, per lUne, 10 cents ; eaoh oubeequent ineertion,, 5 cents. Dieplayed Advertisèments are measured by à sosle of solid Nonpareil, aud oharged acoordînqly. Advert'tements sent without writton instructionse inserted uantil forbidden, aud aliargel for tul l ime. Ordere for disoontinuing adventisemenhe ,nuet ha lu writing, otherwise tth. publiai- tre yull not- b. rejaponsible. A liberal discount for contrmot advertiee- mente by the year.- Copy for changes of sonti-sot adVertSeements should be hs.nded in net later than Wadnesday ; sud notine of cfny intended changes should b. given before Tnesday noon. Otiier advertie- mente received np te, Thureday noon. Business' notices in local or newe columne firet insertion 15 cen$ts per lin.et Nunpa- reil; 10 cents per lin. each subeequeni insertion. Five conts e pr lne per annum. Correspondence eolicited fromasu p arts cf the County or nelghhoring townships. *Correspondent. are reqtieeted te, send lu their communicatioxns as 'promptly as possible, GRAHAM, Proprietors. HENDERSOIi JOHN STANTON, Sup't Meobanical Dep't. JOIHN E. FAREWELLptLL.B., B ARRISTEB, Connty Crown Attorney, and County Soliôiter. Office,- South wang, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE9 S) ARRISTER, &o. Office formerly c- ,)>oupied by Farewell &Rutledge, next te Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORKISTON, B.&., ATTORNEY-AT-L4W, SOLICITOR EN~ AOiiancery, Convoyancer, &o. Ornes-mInthe. Office eouth of the. Post Office, in Momilan's Block, Brook Street, Whltby. ly-lO G. YOUJNG 81MITH, La Bat - ABRISTER, &o., &.-Mon.y te Loan B Lsstier ofarriage Liceneses. irncx-Smitii'î Blok, .outh of Market, Broek St., Whiby. (ti-6 - JOHN BALL DOW, B ARRISTBPR-AT-LAW, BOLI01TOR iu Ohanoery, Oonveyancer, &o. Office-DevenUf'. Block, Brook Street, Whtby. MONEY TO LEND-Private Funda ln uums up to #M0, ai a 1ev rate of ln- tenet. (ly-5 LYMAN ENGLISH, L L* B,, BARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ohoery, 0onv.yancer, do., &o. Sim- eoe Street, Oshawa. R. !ELDRUM, M.B. (TORON--O DIUnverfty,> L.R.0.P.- ad L.I1. (Edin- burgh>, &o. No. 8, THE "IlTERRACE," BYBON-ST., WHITBY. Wm. MOBRIEN , MODO 9 M.R.CS., n UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, BNG.' the ii.ye B. O. H. L., Osha",Ontakeo Y. WARREN, KLD., .M., (MoGili.> W. CUTHBERTSONe IK.B. (Toronto,) BL.D.2 C.M., (Victoria.), OFFICE: BROOKLIN. si. C. CRÂW FOIITH, VETERNABYSURGEONI. Gradai, of thé. Ontario Votedmi iy,01- loge, Toronto. Order, by mail or. lograph pXomPtlY alieuded te. -> Ollie ai me.ldemae 1G. 0 po Dr- Bogart's, D=umiat8rtimtbAy. BrookliI. Vtedyinfirmes x H. VANZAN4TI .. ti84, the' RIGGS &IVORY, S. IR. cor. King aud Yonge Ste'., Toronto. ] DEST TEETH. 88 on rubiier. 3>Celuloid, $10. Geld, $30. Rave extraoted the ieeth from Thousands of persons, absoluiely' painles by the. use et Vitalized Air. 46 mie with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITRCT. Design@ for Oburobes, Villas ana Cot- tages a apeoialty. Drawinge prepared for remodeling exisling structures. OnIouI-Fjrst fiat over Hovse's Drag Stoe.P.O0. Box 202 Wmrsiy. SEBERT BROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCK STREET, WHITBY. GoodRige aud Good Herss. Terme rea. 19 SEBERT BROS. 2!»! 6,000,000 PEOPLE USE FERRYS SEEDS D.M, FERRY & 00a LAIOEST EEDSMEI O.M. FERRY & COIS aephts àd E E d o, agidre 9.. iiii or. Are pl( r'il tu L Le. Contain thair own PlurgiLtive, la f. ante, sure, an~d effeotmai deatroyer of wormzw in Chldren or ÂdUIb. DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRI END GoI:miiu' SPEC/AL Kail. BA RGA INS1 -OFFEBED IN- Silverware, WatcheS, Clocks, Jewellery -PREVIOUsB TO- NkW GOODS ! w. R. HOWSE OHEMIBT A.ND DRUGGI8T, Hason hand a very lu"g and select a"-ok of Chrisimas geodn, oompning Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Ho/dors, Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toi/et Cases, Large Vases, And an assortment of otherartioleu suitable for presente. CoUl and Examine Our Stock Befere Purchasing Elsewhere. LAMPS Cal! and see ithe large assortm.ni of Brass and Bronze LIRS ! 0W 3 Di ID Cor. Brook and Dundas Streets. BOTTOM, PRIVES!I SOLE AGENT FOR w CELEBRÂTE» THE lIAIR VE Y LAMPA EMIST AND DRUGGIBT, advocat.., Peace, Progrees, Knovledge, Brotherhood.. IDAY, MARCIL 119,.1887. LOCA]L'NEWS LETTERS, OEnoNzCzzCorrespondence. Tae chool jea net half fui! thie wek. lxéarly sil the. fadilles ini the place haw*-tbe mumpti. I je srumored -thas t uhýe OImit o rlday uith ghî.-1 ,W"Ih kbaig onithe. rink ho fell agua"ethtei.mali door and brofre bis oileruboue on the. lait aide. Di. $tarr eset the. bons and the. patient is doing as Well aU can b.expected. Tii. B. T. cf T. are making a #&big pusii."- On Snnday' next they begin a ierieiof mieetings, having the interests cf theIr order and the, spread of tem- perance principles in view. G. 0. Buchanan and the. celebrated Whiite singera are to b. on biand. Great preparations are being made by cur amateurs. The bail wiil b. opened in the O P oiuroh on Bnnday afternoon, in the. M. oiiurch in the. evening and in the. Mfasnic Hall during tbe week. Oolleotions will be taken up during the. M .eetings. The. camnival in our rink wae a great sucese . A very large numi 'ber of skatrs woe presset. The costumes were v.ry beautiful and costly. Mises Eva Moore ropresented to perfection a butterfiy. 8h. wae fairly covered wiuii the beantiful inseot. The winge w.re very fine. The. butterfiies wer. a&U iiandpainted by herseIl Mise Lena Moore r.pr.s.nted Âutomn. Mies L. Holliday was a beautifol Kashgir girl. Mrs. Bpence vas richly dr.esed as Mary Quoen'cf Scts. Tiiere were mau ohe fnecostumes among the. ladis, lufact al ver. snperb. Mrs. Spence, wueawarded the. priz. for the handeomest costume. Tii.mon 's cotumes ver. Dot up Wto themark. Herman Brownley won tiie prise. Mr 'B. Yarnold, cf Wbîiby, 'won the beautiful oard receiver for gentleman's fanoy skabting. Master -8. Cuitel v on the. by'. race prise in grest shape. gre àbW5S sumsM twa#- deeervad or anticipatied. -Tii.*ladie"siow.d a .68prea" ,,thâi would havi dolighted an epîcure. Wprds cannot do justic, te th*e dainties upon wiioithei. sireeise gazed. To b. prcperly apprecîatedl the. rici provisions bid te bepartaken cf. Tii. choir rend.red sorne vsry fine anth.ms. Mrs. T. J. Holiday and Mme. B. Moorts,. partieularly, adding largely te tthe excellence cf the. singing. Miss Elma HoMiay pr«e in ber usuel able mannor aitihe brgan. Tii. Rae. Oarmichal, MoLellan, Abraham Mnd- Milligan, were the, intellectual eaterers.The. two latter gentlemen vèe the* principal speakers. Mr. Abraham pleaued .v.rybody- In tii ehurcb. H. apoke, on ",Irue Mani. neeé," and iiandl.d hie subjeot inusnob.- a maner ébai al ver. benefittedan bd dellgiiied. Olearly Put, nio.ly mender. ed,' amid emmnently Impreene, ie0 i $admess -muet and vwiii elerat. tii. obrce f -svery on. vho llsiened te' hMD. It le a pity liaimore snch. peoa'sare »t nmade ai our telb- meetings sud -ohrcb gatbemluge. vwould enhanc-e i.haracter et tthe ministry aud eatiefy the , muercou- socumuess of théebeaàrers viio nov, ofÀLan gL.o- dlgeedv UI eL NO. 13. Tii. Ber. Mr. MeClelland statd iùu' Mise Amelia Wite, Witevale; large bis lust Sunday, sermon tiat no one cil painting,- H. Miobeil, laremont ebould charge more tiian 10 per cent. crystel cake stand an&. baif aozeu fruit on oeoney. W. bog te differ from.ithe dieiiee, D- Turner, Witevale; preserve' Bev, gentleman. and eay thai be is ovrer diii. Miss Jennie. Micheli, Olarmont. the. mark.- Six or elgit -ai themosi le UXIBEI more than onongii.A nibrostesaecngg Mr. A. Kerr intends erecting a nv A~ibrc trsaeoagu blaokemitii- sien earlv i the enir.-ad nv seceto ai a mii four miles'njcrth 6t Politice' on the -vane ; ne voicecf discord nov disturbe lb. air. Every- uiiing and evoryiody seemo 10 bave re-- sumed' ubeir normal tranquillity. The. Grues look vise and solemn, and evi. dently believe ihai even if speech' is ilIver, silence i. certainly golden, and thbe les said ticeceoner mended. Wbile lbe Tories are invardly rejoioing over the. unexpeoted victory. Mr. James T. MoPhe., of Lennox, Adame county, S. W. Iowa, U. 8.,-paid his annual visit te Mm. Jad. I. David- son lasi veek. For several years b. bas bougbit lydesdales and shorthomns whiih bave given great satisfaction ,in Iowa, Mr. MePice is a native cf Dummer, near Peterioro, and bas been 'ie Iowa for sixteen yearo, viiere be bas 400 acres and 200 head cf caille and herses, ahl of wbici are fed and attend- sd by oe man, as hhey neyer have te put them under cever in vinter. Mr. Peterfleron'a sale came off lasi Fnlday, aud vas a fair succees. Tii. weathor vas very cold, but, nctwluh- standing, ithe %ro;w as Jarge. ,Many came from a long distancé. Tii. iid. ding vas briak, wviionee. ightly jetarted. Tiie auctiener, Mm. Fair- banks, enlivened the sale iy bis3 usual good nature, and ready -fend cf vii. AUl tii, eupled viii an absence ef 1ev vulgarisme and profanity, makes Mm. Fairbanks deservedly pepular s an auchioneer. A.mong tie purchasers ver. John Davideon, David Barns, James Mattison, William Pflb and othe rs. Everytiiing va sosld v iuiioni eeov,. Proceede, about>l1000 Phulfps. - - MussGlsnidenning oet*Sundeorland,. 48 be)sPending a fev dayî amongot Mr. Edgar M.P., i. ho givo a -lectureý in bebaîf oet he Mochanies Insfttton _the liii. Mr. J. A.* YoGillivray in t9- b. ohairman. Bey. Mr. Tiiomas, ef the Jàrvis sireet Baptiut ciiurob, Toronto, gave a very finelecture lu the. Baptisi ohurci hem. on Monday evoning. His enijeot vae"Â!'n aim in lite. The, ciurch vas vel! filled. Tiie Censervahive parhy of Uxiridge ie te, giv. a great banquet for Mm." John Miler on the, loti.,Mm. Smith etf Southi, and Mm. F. Madili cf North Ontario, are bothoxpeoted te Ibe preseaI. A. figbi took place in Sund.erland lasI. veek beiveen George McCleary and Wm. Doble. bouli of Brook. it as the. reanit of an eld gmndgei. 1lM.cOlearyý lu a bard lookino i nunov. -Tii. tial ù! te orne off aiuiie nexi assizes. K1N&&L, "Jim," ithe old circuit horse'iasbe. coeethe propsriy of Mm. Fleming, cf Markhamx. miss Addie Mcwbray, daughter.c Mr. B. B. Mowbra&y leIHI aund udr tii" doctom'a car. Ber. F. Woodgor could net ýgel te Glsn Major on Suuday'afiem'noon ou account of th. deep amev. The performances cf our village But- livan elicited many -cheere fiom the boys on Tiiumsday might. M.joëhn Lawa.anaslhm w.tfinei1 The. Misse Tumnei'of 8ireeffvltêare parôtM *eP , m , lie guesis 1of ubeir, une!. Mm. Win. ' .Fleming, c0 Turner. thesBcvranvile htie leauuiieutically siaied ut iii. he placed lustmumeî Colonel sest an evening Aitithe Bene, salel bomss, lut M Wonder viiat ho vas fisiiing for! m. B. N.Mou i W. vouderful ithe enjoyiusni he roluyu.d trorn lb liti!.'(?) beys eau takse ut cOf thei. md sttl.4 dow te t] eleigii cf a bob, ýisu a ISaIt ii. May uheir îays b Were it net latisnthe. seagon v. would Î.pi.r advoeals *& toboggan edieé. Durlg the pautfev veeke, death- MigsEsud Mm. Si bas vWsied oui village tvice. About vill, have ,beeni ivo veeke ago Mme. Grimes, vi. aso Tbwu ~ m etaylnq At Mm. Daniel Feulons, vas Th frprt taken til sud -ifter a fev ,dayii' eokuese,, beghuung wao(11 paese avy.DeSeaeedwvas a vory daîp ve -old woinanlivig tosee tb.kiwib « eue. rAÎas$ rat ,*ofber ohildreuil W ls .eiàlug Ball T eam ui lo up t vai on m iaes durhi' h , make 'momeli 9804seuft.John. Loti 0anit 'a, .old $inOI>. sMd tmom vaut of Proper caze,, Infam- George,- Riklut matien set lu.vbuh*eAftér taienýt 4ÙamÉi ýLiefan'dijne a lus i o STOCK! JÂM 14. ye Z ES, n Jan. 22,1878. No.

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