r <,~U8ONDS. SOL A4 stoleon from.ua n xcar Oujadg et cattle were sbipped %<O derandstation on Tuesday Sb LA. Buck, catlle dotler. lotl1 lMr. progresiflg fà vor - Tii' osr Ioad etofeachinery hue & sexpeotea 10 b. finished part of next month. ~.WU. Gardon mnade another ehip- aof borees5ta the States Ibis waIk ,amoDg which3 woe sorne of the finesi . &iwle we bave oeen for some lime. hoi 9lvst on mIy age going te at. aok, aod@rîaud bortly. au ofsoer ..bore laSt week looking nP a place w hioh 10 hold their meetings and w â. bIVSW fortflnate enou2b 10 ob. hoi heAgri0Iiltural l HailIfor Ihet r.h .Ray, formetly wiîb W. SLjoidg&Y, but 00W wiîh Josapb ToroLito, bas soli in Sunderland ,,d, vjojnity witbiD the laet montb 14 pDOio ianOS&10, andi witbin the lasi Iwo wonths he bas altogether solti 80 Of tbfse oelebrated instruments, Who Oina boat tbis ? The matrimoila craze seecus t bave etrook siofli of our youug men. We an. ,,todMr. E. T.. William's marriage isaL week and ai theeame tire we sbould bave noti1t3d Mr. W. D. Brelboiiro tb ,yisS Magie \N eleh of Ibis place only the sanie was doué 80 quiet that it was uncortain. Hlowever siuce thon we haive heard that it ijens. We congre- taIses our young friende aud may tbey have a ploasant voyage Ibro' 1f.- Mrr. PICKERMING. ou Sunday evening et a lte bour soins Partyeor parties unknown, attem pl- ad to burgiarize the drug store of W. H. Field, by boring boees tbrough the baok and inserting their band , but oould not remeve - t. iron bar whickh ran acrose. Tbey were forced to, re- ljDWUnsh the attempt. In one Be se, it iR almost 10 be regretted that they fail- ad, as iL is tbougbt lhey were efter liquor, and in the lurry ol the moment they Mig7ht' have eMptied the wrong botfle. It sapins strange that sucb obaracters e.ria infest a respectable vill- age, withont deteotion. Bunt if they persist, they will yet lend iu Kingston. IpOnLT OPE. The Right Hon. Sir John A. Mac- donald, was the winner of the gold beaded cane, by a majority ot 108 votes. The ballots in lb. base bail cane conteet were counted lait Satur- day night et 10 o'clock, by Massure. R B. Williameon, A.' W. Pringle and Walter Galdwell, and were found te b' in fayor of Sir John A. Macdonald by a majority of 10a. The cane will bf engraved and sent to the. Premier ai once. Tbe grand aid man is a gres, ,winner. The meny friends in Ihis vicinity c Mr. Daniel apry, P. O. Inspeotor, o Barrie, will learn with deep regret c the deà âtb of hie eldeet son, Capt. Chat 8. F. 1prr, *wlicb look place0oh lbg 16th inet., st Barrie, from typhoid au4 lirin féeo>. Deceaeed was a younl 1man of unumully brilliant talents, ang Rave every promise of makiug bis marl in the world. Notwitbetandiflg bi youtb, ho went s lieutenant te lth Nortb-west with the York aud Simca A young mans uamed Joinstos, Wb oame from Petarboro, osys the Mai blew cut Lhe gem in bis room et tl RaseeW House on Tuesday evenini sud weé nearly desd when diecovere Wednesday mornîng. The mrosi ernell of gaiaI st hecorridor was Il Cause of tb. roosn being eulered sertiE thon usuat. Tii. young man w111 liv, *At lie corner of Hunter and Geori etreets Wedn.sday afternoon tier. wi 'quite a. sensation for a few minutes. farmer wes driving e timid little baili along wbeu it suddqnly became palme ed of an evil spirit end for e few mil ntes made thinge decidedly warr fi the farmer, wio held on gameiy, thons ÃŽtil; i.f etal@&y he nover -receivod su( a '1Iynking)' befora -linhie 1f..Ti way the befer prsnced, -and bawle aud etruggled was' very amusing- lbe spectatore, &ho-frequently "scatte ed'" in liveIy style -Wban th. frant -rature rushed tIliwawy- lu1 frenzy it narrowly eoapad knocklug horse ied alôtngaide. the. street. TI fun wae wýtne9ssd by a large erowd. About 40. aolock Thursiy. -Ig Mns. jas. 1 Parle enter6d'the pbli -station wit'h er Ule son, ber clothi frozen sfif and 6"blood 'In ber- *yâ 83he laid ninformation ,igaiit husband f* amantestatiiag lisSho.hi chokad tbe'little boy 1h11 ho Wae ble, in the facO endbis tangue huuigo bouides throwLaga poil' of water ,o lier. James WsS VMOD*ed, o '1a t police court Ibis Wo1iI3# ' i sud of amra Jis à ;I tpoum ok Ãi""9 Sthe bâten Iehýtu*' i i nobeomto U<p$ Wm 00 a" ofe alliý-îa4e MiesaBoy4 bas returned 'home f roua MoUn& l Abert. The Meihodist PulIpit *wa Sooupied' on Sctuday evening by IR*v. Mr. Grey Who se inlubobaif of lthe Poor lsaîhen .and funda to aid in tbeir enlightenment. Mi,.. Ju. .Thorntcu has returned Irom Toronto, wbere ahe bas basai attending ber motber, Mrs. Wilkinson, during a liugering ilineas, wbiob remîit. ed in ber deatb on Thureday lust. Lt i, eported that th. Rev. Mr. Freed is &bon 10 lake up his residence St Wbîtevale. He may be sure of a hearty welcome ftéom the people at Ibis place whére bis earnestueseaind plain, prac. tical- sermons have doue mucb 10 add to the memabership and popularity of tb. Baptist cburoh. Lt may semt rather ohilly for proma- enading these cool eveninga, but somne appear to have no objection to undergo the inconvenience for the pleasure it affords ; froma the direction 1h. parties were going il was tbought thal îhey were about ta take the train to Glsre- mnont; but tbey migbt bave known -il had left sorne lime before. PORT PERRY. alroady playing marbies on lb. aide-, watks, sud the customary exolamations sccempanying thse game eau sud wil ho beard alil ver town now for some Lime te corne. The Oshawva Refermer sys Messrs. Hiltyard & Reid,, îwo entsrprisiug mer. chante et Port Perry, have bougist ent Messrs. Singer Brus., of town. They wilI open eut with a new etookof geode about the lft ef Match. Beveral striking cures from ho use ef eleotria batteries bave been reperted around town turing the pasl few tisys. The Reeve's wife, Mrs. J. -W. Curts, bas receivoi wonderfnl benefit for r neumatism tberefrom, sud otete instances et a similAr nature bave occurr- ed. on tha Ilthi i., a amati son et Mn. Geo. Howsounoar Utica met witb an accident by wbieh ho might bave test bis baud. By 8oms means be gel bis baud caugit in thse cog wheels et a straw cntter badly 'eeveing tb. fiesb from tho boues of tbe baud ...On Wednesday et lest week wblst Mr. Jas. Grabami, jr., cf Scngeg, wae leading a boroe.eut Le water a colt kicked him on lbe atm, breaking the boue below lbe elbow. MisiGillispie, ot Cannîngton, le lb. Rues% of Miss B. Campbell, aut Mise HElncook, et Oshawa, of Mise Lottus Shaw.-Miss Hloward,, of Whitby, le opesqdiuR a few deye witi ber uncle, Mr. D. J. Adams.-Mies Ham and hfisi, Putdy, of Oshawa College wcro home duriug Ibe peeit week.-Miss N. Harri- sou ef Uxbridge called ou ber friends horsen ob aday last on ber way home atter viiinR frients lu Whitby and Brookli.-Mr. John WelIs, merchani taller, of Bracebnitige, gave nsea cal lasI week. He i4 well plessdi withb li new home sud reporte business good. ]PRINCE ALRT. Thse avent et the week hans bas bpen the marniage et Miss M. T. Woir le Mr 5John Jeffrey. The iuterrestiug cetr emouy took place at. lie home 'of tht bride, and was attendad by ea boat o: relatives sud frientis. The Boy. Mr Dobson officiated, sud lied lh. nuptia kuot securely. The bride wore i -beautiful brown silk dreses nd whit illusion veil fastened wilb fiowons. Sif wae alteuted by Missi Ward, cf Fiel rering, wbo wss aIse attir.d in a brown Bsitk dreps, lrimmed -witb flowera. Mr S. Jeffney, brother of tic groom, .wal besI man, andi filtedth le bih vsry nicely *At tbe aller tbe socue was chermiug Tboy are a fine looking couple, sud i is leoped liai lhe joys of li1fs yul fa ezceed its ceres te lb.' and of thel rjourucy. A very pleesanî lime w. spent over lite wedding breakfast, ii viewing the meay veluable snd resuý haudeomne Ireeenls, sud lu gencrel com vlvialily, LU eigbt o'clookt when lh t heppy couple look thie evening train fo Hamitouremid lie heartlast well whu*b of ail wio knew of the ouspisios cireumatance.- SInqTFIlrjD. If i IY he es Mr. Sam. Grabaam ha. lefi haro for parts nnknown, muci le lieéochagrin- snd surprise cf many ef hi. frieuda. He left à couple of weeks mgo and has noS been Iseard from aince. -1 Lt jeporled Ihà b Bei. Mr. Mla- son, lb. evangaliet Who vas belpýug Bev. Mr. Walkar, ber. sema lima, ago, inlends visiting tIIspue . gain Jn'aâý short lime. ý Bo Mr. -sling gays. Eleotricity, ils effeoha ad beneflas, the wonderful curées i pertormoi,*Dû. lb. contrary, la lb. principal them..of conversatiOn' ýý*tb lthepeople of Ibis viinty, eulgculoal xla mïen;t mong Ithè vse OýaOd visO Mr.' -Chaet Hrper,. ,after, suftoning froua uhcumaétlsm, -for over 4f> yeers,- bas beau vwoudorfUly benefitet. by thse use, e el.olrieity, undef' the umue-of do.i 'il tc lo t il fe the kno ais st tiie 3 -1 wUriuu immeosiate eTisef, .Tre- béviieive aybase,-and, weoonuider b.dayof- a11Drougtste zc "rn,n c -the poor, dying consumâptIve, st lysi ity One botle, as, 80,"COO. dozen baIlles me seld Iasl ear aud ne or4e case wher« failed was reported. Suais a medicino as bGormais Sypaup cannaI bo tee widely own. Ask your druggiet about Ilî. upebottes te try, sold eit 10, cents. gular ie, 75 cents. Bold by ail Drg- ets and dealers, inuthe United Statoes ad r&eada. Ur. Audet, who wu-- elected in Shefford, ei, je claimed by L'Eecteur as a Nation- à l, and je elased with Messre. Amnyet and gault, thse meut prouoiiitcod of tthe Na. nalists, à Person Unable te sleep in bed, unable te work, nç6ble te take ordiuary ezsrciee fro~ the offets of Atbma until using Souihdru Aethma Cure. A sample package relieved, Ibres packages permauently cures. A bill han passed thse U. S. flouse sud Senate ordering Goverument contractera te- engagesne workmen who are sùet citizens of the United mtates. Y FOUNG MEN ufering trom'1h. effects ef early avil habits, the resuit of ignorance ',r folly, who find theeseives çqeak, nervous, ,and exhausted ; also MIDDLE ACkED sud OLD' MENi, whe are broken dowu from the offets of abuse oir over-work, snd in advancedIlita feel the cousequences of yeuthful exceas, seud for aud nB& M. V. Lubon's Truatise- ou Di&seae of 'Men. The book will be sent sealed te auy address on receipt ef twe Se etamps. Âddross Di. V. LUBON, 47 Wefiugtou St. , Torouto. The con! erence corneillee on the Retli- ation Bill have faied te agres, with the. probable consequeuce liaI ne sueh tegisla- tion wil b. passed this year. For ceughe, colds, bronchitis and throsh troubles, lb..'. je no prepaïation of medi- cino eau compare with Biekese Anti-Con- sumptive Syr'np. t nover fails te afford prompt sud permanent relief. Il removes aIl sorenei4s, aud heale th. diseased parts. Il immedtely 8oothee the mont trouble- some eough, sud by proînotiug expector- ation, removes tho mue-us which stops up the air tubes which causes diMfeultY, in brealhing thereby gives relief te tisaI de- pressing tightuess experienced in the chaent. Public speakers sud singera will find Bick- te's AntiConsumptivs Syrup o! inestin- able value, as il speedily snd effeetually alsays ail irritation, sud lhuekineas lu th. Iliroat sud broucial tubes, sud gives poNwer te the vocal cords, rendoring tise voies clear sud sonorous. If parents wiah te Bave tise lives o! tiseir ehiltiren, sud thernselves tram mucis anxioty, trouble sud expenste, lot t.ism procure a botle o! Bickls'B Anti-- Consumptive Syrnp sud wheuever s child bas taken cola. has a cougis or hoarieneso, give the Syrup aceordiag te directions. The Goverumeul js e uding a number o! demisisionaries" jute Algoma and diatsihut- ig sed wheat amaoug thse electora linlise Mies Mary Campbell, REl, wites: Aler takiiig four botties of Northirop & Lyman's Vegetable Disoovery ana Dyspeptic Cure, I feel sasif I were a new porion. I had been troubled with dyspuia for a number of years, and tried many remedies, but of no avoil, until 1 used tbis celobrated Dys- pptie Cure." For al impunities of the BLood, Sick Headache, Liver anid Kidney Complainte, Oontiteness, etc. i is the best medicine known. An Austrian scientist la rfvafling Wigglaî by predleting furtber earthquakeg, which are te h. accompauied by get ton. NATIONAL PILLB act promptly spon thse Liver, regsulate thse Bowstla an.way a purgative are mild ansd thor- ý.ough. CANII ?ACIFIC Hit cGMPANrs1 Teole graâph Offi ce, NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. DIRECT CONNECTIONS -wiTs-- The Commercial Gable Go. The Baltimore & Ohio TeL Co. The Postal Telegraph Co. ,And aU other Telegraph Linea. To seoue prompt dispatch, use the. C.P.RY.. C o. Telegraph. OFFICE ii Richardson's IBlock, near Market Squae. Oz4eu,.thken for Coal, Sait, G"&=#m watierime, &o., for Tho. Uathburn Co. ILR1 BLOW,- AT P3I0 » NEYR BEORE BZACHIDIN TH& TIIADý. 1'l A. Good Suit made to Orderfor -$12OU.- À large stock of Scotch, English and Canadien Tweeds, B1ac4,Worsteas,- etc., to select from. À Spacial lUna of EÂVY TWEEDS fromn 50 to 75 cents paer yard, - suitable for Business Suits or-Boy&' waar. A FUJLL -STOCK 0F' GROCERES. flighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. Im q** BBOOKLIN, ONT. FURNITURE FOR--- Cottage orCaste PRICE3 WIIICH WIL L AS8TONISh' YOU. o ALL ON WM. IIAILT, BROOKLIN. -000- El~ Funerals Fully Supplied." Whi(by.WooIIli liilis, Midway between Brooklin and CoZumbs8, on the 7th concession. We are now prepared to make ýgIl kinds -of Wooilen Goode, suoh as Tweeds, Fel Cloth, Union F1annela, Sheeting, Shirtings, AI1-wool bed- Blankets, Horse Blankots, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinde of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation -of patrons. Dyelin iiail colorasclone to order. Eighestpre paid for ary quantity Of Wool. Ail orders promptly fdIled. w. Diu BO WEIMA N J'O8N, 'k .4T y mosl aIht-Wr0 alae 0continue tumoMeferinitWle ofebleed sud uleerate0,5coinng2Y5re BWAYNE'S OItTMENTr Sto h te ltehng and bleedlà nif, ,< heais ulceration, and l masnyeues rel3nave MANHOODI' HOi Lest Bei RestoredIl we 5 have ree ty:,, laed a new editien o!fDÉ. Curia- WBLL'S C CELÊEBJTZD F4Ay 011 tise'radical sud permanent cure w-tiut medicine) et Nervous Debii, Meuialtund Pisysical Lucapaeity, ImpediimeuÃœts teMer- nrage-, etc., reuulting from èxcsss3es. -. 5W»Price, lu. sealed envelope, only a- cents, or twe postage stampe. The celebrated suthol is a",dmfrable Esssy, clearly dmzsrts oeilI yaars' sucofaul practises,*tisai -al nnn- - oousequienes meiy ho' jà aica1l curedii. eut thecalerons usne cf iternai medieineg: or lisé use o! thse kife; polntiug .oul-à mede7o! cureai once.simple, ce n ana& oell i e tg-ThisLebture shbolisen l-ëise his o! evary y'ths and>eene t' n'elueaneL.- Âddreas Th0 CUL VER WELL MfDICAL C. di, Aaa st.,N.liYe* - Post Office Box M5. - JY48 DR" DORE-NVENIY8 ARCADE, TORONTrO. A Sohool Thorougliy Equlpped BuiesTriig BUSINESS CORIRESP 1NT)ENCEË,: BUSINES Â1THMETIC, OpMRMEIL LAW$ dHOBTHÂNP AN~D TYPEITING ÂTIOALLt, TÂLUG Fi NEST ROOMB 1IN CANADA. send for Giroula. Âddresas. _ Jaimes B. DzEay , ýAooouvtitaa ,2o"onw -'--I I I I -~- ii -opr rtn ari..S OOe's a l'y e8 s Ilett IN id s S DB» 1 1 ir-i d% à -