,,,WonLettOr. leà crespondent.) Feb. 26, '87.-This is, In offiuisi lhf. iu sc-0Oirtig SecretarY of the W&igc taa o oresiOh t the U. 8 Ttauy w"flowt the Vice Pret;i. TOBem )j'the Senatl revo nfd don P" o mtniBioner of paetes ie"' «? , doring the cotifg nolth, Wei e îg te colorgd Commission- 00 0 th f îe Di8trict of Columbia Or witb régard te gome 0 &t eot, the counltryY 15resign- cil 009 gain Lait bot net ,tteForty Ninth eongress will on the 4th of March. tokrmie tob. doue, several iprîtappropriation, bille have net ODIY Dtbe passed, but are only -hi à Rote n cmrmit tee; but duriug the Delt fove deys of its ie onrs will do in à hurried and iinperfect fISODer the work whicb ehould lbav beon done deliberatelY and carefully in the @ailier (daya of the sesgion, In sddi&iofl te the appropriation bille, thera ire a oumber af important pub. Slie and privite measuries wbich will be hurried ibranRh, if possible. But witli ,be,,oS&,nuruber of bille occupyiug proMifleflt placet; open the calendair, there le hirdly tixne enouRh to pals Ihe appropriationl bille, and it Je pro. bie thatCongretma will hold eeveral nigbt seeeions, and aloo a êunday 555i0fl. lo tbe Republican Senstorial eacanos held Tbur@day, it was stated with some po8itivefleE thRt a speolal sesesion of _the Seute would bo called immediately mter the adjourument of Congrese. It was psid that the presid ont bad inti- mated ta leading Republican Senators thît he weuld call a epecial' session tc -jet upon smre treaties and confirm smre important nominations. There îs muuch speculation ae;toewhai îLe president willý do with the bil wioh pasped the Bonse eomo dayl since and the SeD ate Thureday, creating & new Cabinet office, the depavtmetot .Agriculture. Tbe bihll as been peu dina for smre years, and once passed botl bousets, but wae vetoed by Presiden Arthur. Mr. Hastch, Chairman ofMtl 'griultural -Cermittee, and Othe friéudm of the measeure who bave taîke witb the Promident on the oubjoot, sa Le wil rigu the bill. Iu case b. doee, it seeme to ho we established that Mr. Hatoli will desi to go into tho Cabinet, and it is ni improbable that the Prem;ident wi recognize hlm. Oorumist;iouer Agriculture Coleman will so o xpe ta be promoted. The. agriculturis have very generally petitioued for ti passage 61 the bill, and upon this it argued that the Prosident cannaI, f ro a political point of view, afford dipapprove the bill. The weather service of the Unit States Sienal Service Bureau le ta trantefprred after July 1, 1887, te new Department of Agriculture. The question of who wîhl bç Seul tary cf the Trreasury iii se unmttled ever. Accovdino te the kuowin&g ou Minister Peridieton and ex-May Grace have about equal chances being.seleeted, wbile otheve are ni tioned wîth u.arly equal frequent SIt is poitively asiserted that tbe ofi hie been offered te Representati - qntt sud ta Speaker Carli..ie, and tl increfà ing hie sslavy from $5.000 $8,000 a yen?, in allowing him additioual private necvtsry, and afforJing him a great msuy Il pereonal couveniences of tbat ki Ble ènasd wilvoIsin hie ehairrr ship of the District Committee, hie conrittee membe'tahip. Ourrent Literature. The March Magazine of .AmMacn' Hiirtory la s pirited spring number. Perbape hielorical themes excel ail db- ors in freehnese, if veli trested. At aIl eveuts, overy'srtjcle ilutlis'ouvrent issue eft ths popular periodîcal bringa te ligit somelhlng unew sud engaging. "Fredevioksburg iist sud LasI," Ly Moucuve D. Conwsyi san exceptionsl- ly cbarming hisloirii sketch cf -lhe ho- ginninga ef: ene-'cf1h. moýt interoating aid tewns lu Virginie~, sudi fililehpost ef henor te the number sé 1he openvg' illuerated eh*qpter. Itiu feilewed Ly CaesH. >pek'ssecond - paper on "John Van Buron; A Siudy lu By-ge Polt0f," ,adml*rably imillen.. Thé Ihird contribution les6 short sud thill. ing article où <'îLe Wreek of thé sgi. l15w," by, Edeùnd S'B. Uunderwood. 1B..Thon comesanueIep!auillWl' iraled papoxentlId *'Hitorw.IloDins On Golden fi.," by th. EdIbort Ove of lies0 unique and captlvatig ohapter. that slwas.commud aboatohe mid ' il füvishes a- Op»- 1 fwhst Plila * 18 monschîmtt;buel hlW58h WVorld inutîLe w&Y oteà , Iî h à Uias]Rihre, pîv AYh$ wlth ilstratlive mams by. William ý'. Pelletreiu; "Incidents ira Sir Wa-iter Bsleigik's Lifït, by Bon. Horatio King, sudc4tThe Firet Religions Newepaper in Amerioas,» ith 'f<ço imile of ppening page, oouéludes the principal feature of this rioli, aîrong, animate d nuruber. Evovy article-je worthy of th. wideet reading, sud ef careful preutervation. The standing departmente are orowded with choie. bite cf entertainment. It is 'the best periodical of its kind in the- worid. $5.00 a yoar in advane. Pub lished at 80 Lafayette Place, New York City. DISTRICT ITEMS. A voler fleur miii oomnpany bas been organized at Kincardine, with a capital stock of 880,000 in $10 sharea. The Orillia Newe Latter reportis ne leas than five deatbs, reeultirig from accidents occuring whilst losdiug and skidding loge. The aide buvet ont ef Baldwins miii, Aurore, lest week and soinething like 85,000 bushele of wheat were dumped on the road8ide. i Stayner Lotel mon vefueed te accemn- modate the New Orleans Jubilee sing- 1 ors becanso tLe proesedeof their concert wento the W. 0. T. U. Sunderland'@ veteriuary surgeon wss engaged iu mixing suiphur and sait- petre with some obloride of lime, in a fmortar, when the wbohe thing exploded Sblowiug the mortar %to pieces aud in- ýt flicting a siigbt wound on his baud. - Mepers Isasc Cockbuvn, W. Me- SBurney sud W. R. Tudiiepe waited oupon the Attorney General, inuhie office, " Tnvonto, on Wednesday in reference te ktthe incorporation ef the town ef Graveri burét. The scbeme was oppoesed by the Itownship ef Muskoka through Mr. SLadaw, barrister, of Tovonto, who gblas been retained te take charge of the ofcase in the intereste of the townshiP. 'R But as the owners eft tree-fourthselc bh thc asseemable pvoPerty sitnate ilu 1h nt portions proposed ta Le aunemed are ic )0 favor of amalgamation the Bill je hîkel3 er te pasa the llouse withaut snY trouble ed -Gravenburst Banner. &y There îe; a fellow makiug tLe tour0 stie Western dime muceuras thie wint« ieadvertitted aie -Ahi- Pasia, the Trans et parent Turk sud IRomln Windev ,iPanle." The edvertisement bas ti Of intereetiug information: "BHe wae 0c Ptthe mtaff cf the sultan of Turkey ait t et@ terrible battise o Plevna, wben a buP Lfe 'Cannon bail trom a crutd ÈRsia: b l artillery, swift on bis erralld of deatt >~passad caxnphetely tbrough thîs bra' off.owt. baiv. Admirable surgical ski a ýe P. e in y e. of ie he bh, Ne [iII s 1vd ;ielite, and a pane ef French çwîndow glass was fitted in the gaping e cavîty with sncb admirable nicety that e we now bave the greateet imarve1 cf the âge. SUD, mooDnsd stars shine through him ; daylight and Rasnlight shine through him; yen eause tbreagh him ; you eau read througb him."* Agenuine Canada wohf, lu tLe wiu* dow efthîe Tweed sud Tailoriug Bouse, tLe lest few days, lias attmacted coueidemabhe attention. The animal was nhnt by aun Indian, named Dacan, et Mememesegamascee Lake, lu the tow-utihp cf McCenkoy, Parvy Sound District, from wbom Mr. Cars pur- cbased il. Mr. James Edmondeoxi, cf this towu, Las purohased hie bvoiiev's intereet in th. Oghawa flourîug mille, and wili carry on tiebusinoss in patuorsbip with hie son,wvi lenew resident lu Oshawa. Mv. T. M. Edmondion wilh probably remnove te Toronto. Mv. James Edmondson dees, net intend leaving Orillis. Grills publie school board mot on Monday eveuing laet. Amoug other business donè wss tie pa6siug of a reso- lution : That lh. Bible be nued lu the seool lu place oethleRos seheetiona:' Il was znoved Ly Mm. Fairail, aud s- onded byjr. Mathevu, that the law which pfbvides' for the collection ef îwenty-five cents a rnonth, fées from cbildreu attendiig school, whose parents reside outoide the muuicipality b. car- ried int effeol. Motion oarrled unani- mously. Tbere was su suimatod dis. cussien on the seriptnre question. A communication vas vend from Inspe- tom Morgan, on th. malter lu question. At a meeting held et Barrie, on Bat. urday, il was det.rmined'te make an effort te, obtain botter protection for deeçr iu Muekoka, and tLe Ferry Sound District, sud ho this end a'meeting will, Le bLid at Barrie, on Tuos.day nezt , foyr tsking so mnurs amy Le neéen- sary te accomïplio!Ã,tb'I.prpese, sI Ly adopting aode of- tules for th. guidance oftsportsmef uý.atd' second, by menmorishizing the Parlâmeut for botter protection te <berê than the promeut- lawea aford . Al 'tMue sîOrtoeu--ave saked te ce operate lu Ibia WOk, sudit is boped as mny »roreènîtîve sports mon as posble.*ittpa ttedeb.meetIngt next Tueedsy.' Junt befor 4d'lug at W.a.5"d2' mol '<Forthew. t tour or five yesr"0 ays moi. Emery-, cf Goettm, 0nt.,O el have been 'eub- joot te ti".nY troubles. ,I wans, dfisod le try Burdoek'Blond Bittevs. Il has doue ue me goodthan, what va clre.iA for it. I eau recomrnend il te ahl sufferers frosu like dis3esses.»1 Diplomatie relations between Great Brit- in and Venezuela have beeu uspeuded. . mqub13 eneflte&; There is ne one remedy kuown that han more curative power over dyspepas sud iver cemplaint than Buvdock BlondZBitters. 111 had iver cernplaint aud rny husband was ane bd with dyspopsia thât ho conld net labor. One dozen bottles cf B. B. B. bas ensbled us bti te attend to, our vsuai work," reports Mrs. John A. Campbell, et Brighton, N.B. The losu et lit e by the earthqlake le now placed at 60>0. Do't ack sud muin your enugs with a tight. harrowing, distronig cough, vhen a tew dos, s ef Hsgyard's Pectoral B aleaxu yll boosu lthephiegm, oothe th. irritation, sud heal the sare throat snd bronchial pipes, snd may avert that destructive di- seane, cousmpt au. lunA 2Iet in the day set spart for tho coi- ebration of the Queen Juhilee in Britaiu. PROF. LOWS SULPHUR BOÂP i. hig>ly racomm ancld for the cure cf Erupti<rn, Chafea, Ohappad handa, PAmples, Tan, Je. AYER'S H-aîr Vigor remiores. with thse glo&Q anti treshness eof youth, faded or gray hair ta a natural, ricl, brown caler, or tioep black, as amy be desired- By its pse liglit or reti hair isrty be darkexsed, thiui hair tlîicketsed. aud baliness etten, though net alwayt'. curt-i. il checkis fallhttg off the isair, and ti attsît haies a weak anti .ickiy growtiî to vigur. ht prevenbs andi cures scur! andi danitruf, andI heais itearly erery ~Icsepectiliar Le the qcalp. As a Ladies' Hair Dressin. Uith N"(ýit Cis unieqta, iel t etains iseither otaI nor (ty , rctiers ilic t.i s nti, gossy, aid silke.'nr n s-iaasu,. tl urLâ a t:uhtiaze, agrce,.!,l ,and aS!4 erfunie. ,I1r :, io ( asilr wnts haronnlelace't0 faiin~g out, ant in a ýbort ime 1 becaine nearly batti. 1 uset p art of a bottle of AvER's HiAiR Vie4 a. whiclî stopped the fa11- ïtîg of the hair ' anti startk-l i î.-w grow-th. 1 have now a full head ifo! sfromwiig vigor- ,,taI v, ant i st n o nIQe(' tl - t for i. 10 use o!fpur ;'reparatimu 1 seh. nid avu been autsrc ly bald." J. W. twE-N, proprietor of the iUCAIhusr tOhiM Rnquirerr anys: ' VEYR's IIAIR VIGOR is a inost excellent preparation for the hair. i speak ot iLt rous îuy uwu experience. Its use proinotes th O ie grtiîof new hair, andi niakes fi glirasy ami soit. The V, its ,also a sure cure for dandrut! . Sot -ithzn xuyli knom-ledge Itas the preparatioti evr failoti to give entire satisfactiou." ceIcR.Aeti Fairbairu aNiileaderOf Scttl Vocalîte, te es aibfront BotoiN, " Of., FeZ>. 6, z Evest, r ie rm mur bega t, e i. ail verv 16ever ce t t ir chag ulct leethig tierocureth. i hae lie ieh i'5 Hau 'imeo ant mu have -e Alt m'ainain anoR ppanc-ofgo hvetelbles amaittar ca adearance ctifdutlquene to nîluter ra tors. actranti in tac euery umniserwlio va ilu the~5 ee ofLte public." M"s. 0. A. PRESCOTT. rti frontî iR Elm St., ('harIestowms. Mass., A-prif 14, IM*2, gays - -rwo years aga about two-thirds of miy hair câlme off. ILt thinneti very rapidiy. sud 1 wus fast growing baid. Oni using AYirR's HâaI VIOIathe t&lllflg toped and a new grawtb commenced. sndinuabout a month my head was completely covereti wîth short hair. It lias continued to grow, andtile uow as good as before h fell. Iregiariy used but une bottie of ýtie Vic.4m but now use iL occasionally as a dreastng." We have hundreds et imilar testimonial» ta the efficacy 0'ÀAVRIS HÀu VIGOL Il iseeds but s trial te ccnce tihe mail skeptl. cal cits avalue. Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., LoweiI, Mass. SeId by all Drogglsts. 'No NGLI8KISTABLE 18 OON8LDEBBD GOMPLETE WITHOUT Ne ELUIM#ANS I~ r ~/: .~ -i -A --' ~1MrK TON q s s ijo pan!s, CRE.AzNaZI~- FeING. Fo O VEE>.cNs CAPDHEL, WIn FOUP E EX&KTI5M 13IHrSE.s 'FmR BonE THEOiTSAND-nîLEN FO O],0T E4T AE tBU m iouTK n1NEEM £un itf. t I lose who have il reomà mendlît te their, It0i just the. Machine for tise Publie. IFALL suiTS.L J-OH N FEROIUSON lsBISHOWING Â SUPERIOR sTOCK OP Scotch, English and Canadian Tweed,% 1sý Ana other fine liues of Clothe, for Spring suits. Ail garments made upinulateat style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men'8 and Boys' Suits, Gents' Fw'nishin4is and INDETRUCIBLEOVERÂLLS!1 HATS!-1 HAIS1 HAITS! Latest styles in IHard sud Soft Felt Hlats VEBY CHEÀAP. JOHN FERGUSON, Dundas St., Whitby TifE NOIRTII A MEftICA N L IFE A SSUIiA NCE Co. FULL GOVERNMENT «[EPOSITO Hon. A Macke ]&] ., ex-Prime Minter of Oa»nada, Presideut. HON. A. MWORMI, M.?P.?.,J.. BLARKt5:B8Q. -Betug aI ail6,mesaurions ho ýneet the. vantietfthe Thsurtu b i.lu- auy vay ltaI ex- peremice sudcaution reomnmeud as denlrable. lteDirectoare ucgm51-ifed le ftnd t.ba$ tise Coxupany's Commer wlplan, eas iuproved durlug lb. latter part lot i. yaras heIn âl rgmisu ad adopted by lusurer. Tise regu co,,st e amso, o on me ýn ftéaquarý#tda"s namxu lulb.epoiey, msUnùg lthe twcat#2 eapl 1 M oralieyeto$IMO, .Tisenuai evel ïp ium ir a MAW OPoU s t age 10 i. 557 udatae5ffl5. Miore Ihan double tsaliofthebCommercial Plan. DurLg thse es" 1 ~thebt o ieiS*noe dclU edd,1.à oule thse a4villeo nbut ceue- bsltbat t th ord 1,ryplans, orr I tssame piymentdOll ieauut flnrni a lye- 99 1iOdaon b. Coûmmercial Pln. iwé : a1ȎWvtwo c Liamy-ônu ntise preuiums on its Tntneot < milt tn Ai, syýE in Ordor. s8lmpieu ants à Lifotime. The OGiion Oîians d Pianos 'J 'he eBout Judges say.Jts Toue le the Bout. Et le bult with a view ta Durability snd Beauty. Thse Boit Instrument te Buy. aeiansu oe Or«oda. H. - W, FOX, AGENT.- BE ROCK ST. - - - WHITBY. London and Lancashire Life Coniipany. ef Lite policy, and han deposited vus lb.e Receiver General in approved Canadien secuilltea ever $100.00 for eaà ch 8100.00 of liability, thus affording, ABSOLUTE ne- curity. Parties deiocf aè'rfng thei«r livel, wilh fiud it te thei:x4lvantae te conut th. undersignbd beore, assuring elsewhere. - JOHN FÂRQU~HAB8ON9 'v Wlhby,'IMay 180,'86. -ly PATENTýS CANADI eau seoeur Pà teutin tis the. same terme as' Citles patent ihreilu 1h. Stalea' years patent -;th.rwie t twe years. 'Total cool Patent '4>o 20 oeum th. balance oZ ly whsn Trotal wO ca efCan a fr -t era 1.on rÃŽ Pleasýe mnention ybore tisemTHE - i 41s f i n . I s a i :iOUHN1 sud Weak cd by ~l at tarin0e ,Irreguaa ilcerue oa The ten. y, deshroys, cl relievei A in Pjow etdes, Co. ed, Que., "lY -mai sent on ruggsla ý3WDERS Ian. Ali mnedy. stampso NDu Co., 1 Dont de It ig Generà l Agent BZAD OFFICZ 22 TO 28 =NG ST. WBST, TORONTO. .1 lut à , ho, Underclothing of ail Kindâ. -r- 4-- 1 1 1 'qý A new treatmenthasbeef ds. ooverod wheréby a permanent oure'of "Ibi h rIeInSurble, e'M a so utlwe fe tom ii no malter whet'lierstndno. ~ruaorfôrtyreaiI. Thisremedy ony p<è) once lu tvwelvêe days, 0:notinterferow'th business. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on receipt of stamp by TOROtNTrO, CANAIDA. 1 La 1 1 mm 1 1