Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1887, p. 6

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The Ra&t I i3ed t4 We'. dreme, a&mh& werai aboutItt motug tue i' feusau t roe'Dmva %U glusi, or floated in th e azy dance!.' abo'VOthfê-lk ft banigs ubn ap.gbobidth0Ul»hAdoor At luthi SW ber leamig -on th Kn finsemefoe' Te elg nemor abve par o eas. n of, flugh -de Tracy. snd soon tthey #Ask tue. if, it hurt me MU01uo tu 8 »Isosrded logao lledi-tm the floor disappeared from the drwlng-3'oomlf .iihoùiamd different ways aioe hï Tii bt I or fo iany m ny eas.Dr. Osborne frowned, sud. bis heart gentlie ds '.tedraw me in»ta 1ss$itèe <Wheu Neil and me were yonng, 'twas quit. beat-high. 8h. wuld soon beplighted oonv.ation. .dor.a 4s e adecni ii.;te nothr. ii.thonglit maddeaed trom the. Insasum té met 1t] * sor.dItatfuerl ndfax.him, and h. rusbed ont te tbe piazza ta aud ied his horès b a e.11111. a But uow it 'a rather eld aud s littie eut of get a breath etfresh air. With raptd maple tree liai I set 'Otlust sp1irg. strides ho walked up -aud down the When -ho pute in his bill for medic's s.tyle-- tIusdt piazîa, trying te stii the tumuit 'iu hie attondanee he will lie surpnieed te alnd - .relîise hai I d o ear. breant. Re did net 'vait ta e e. lier an offset of 80 cent$s for that, tree. '1 Once I wss quite a duide, a heavy, howling agabt went te hie roorne, and trled iuay b. slightly erippled, but you eau swe ,te tudy utoud net ; thon ho trièd annene u4eux, valuable paper l"t Ana ilways looked se nice, the ladies sBaia ta lop, but il was nearly dayligbt b.- there are ne li on 1 e te èpeak et.* Wht prsyze th grls î' sre ca'tfore glumbfir visited his syide. The Whule spreaeut r'leere witli uotling- Whét prayze th grls I' sre ca'tnext day -ho reoeivod an invitation toe te do my 'mind ý,s 'been quit. activ tell, take the place cf s distinguisbed dootor sud I have had 'drawn off for mue lie Thenle L as oe n the ht ghn m had who had died but a few weeks previous. follovWing ouctlines of a will, wbioh 1 &z The ther' dy wre tsu t]Rehtit imvnediately soeepted iL. Il would send yen inclesed herewith. 'Plee ci * rethr roug- I snob a relief te geL away frein the read and returu," as iLsys on Lie- The ladies all,avoided me with care; maddeniug glanees of Mise Veýmnont's Bible rack on board th. cars: They're getting very prend. ibine oyes, sud the sound eoflier voice, Know ail men by these presenîs, Or ese I'm looking tough. which thrilled hini through and that I, the subscriber, boing of sound Perliaps it is the bat I nsed te wcsr. ithrough. 1mmnd and rt.aIizing that j1 amn ow H. was sitting in a thonglittul atti. under the doctorle care, and thereforeu The crown les full et heles the brim je nearly tude, with the letter of invitation in bis May be ewept jute etornity any gene, hnd when Hugli de Tracy entered. moment, do hereby make, exeoute sud The ining isnt there-bat whstoetthat? Dr. Osborne made s few explanatiens publish this my lit will and testament When Rhine wasn't fluèh, I've otten had Le lun a short crisp mauner. firmly by theae presents. pswn, "I believe yen are augfry witb me, First-I hereby appoint iny beloved Andborrow fltty cents upon the hat. Arthur, about that love affair. I have wif. 2H.nrietta, ta e bMy sole execn- In a chrcule state et want lil have Le liv. net proposed y.t-1 did net gel an op- trix, assigne. and receiver et,ý my sutire content. portunity. But ýI amn aU secure,. Core estste forever, sud te have snd Le hold But since the plug is basted, I despair, along, Arthur, sud have a walk with th. saine so long as grass grows snd IL canuet rats. the wind, for iL isn't worth me towsrds tie river. You loksas if water rune, Logether with such , other a Cnt- yo noued some exereise." sand fnrtber relief as 1he Court may * Demolisaisj the hat I nsed te wear. 1I do; sud I will go with yen." adjudge. FETODC. D&NIEL. Dr. Osborne buttoned bis overcoat te Second-I hereby request that Lb. M-FLEETwOOStDthbP ohm, sud the Lwo friende were soon red herse -Napoleon b. sold and -Lhe Tort.ee , walking briskly along, arm-in*srm proeeede thereaf used towards defray. ______ -through tho street.- They walkéd a ing mny funeral expensos, provided tbat long digtance, snd wb.n Othey were the suin cf $25 therefroi b. set. aside * Nina's Ohoice ; or, She K.new wesry, Lbey stepped into a street-car, for the. purpese of maiutaiuiug a large aud soated themeelves oomfortabiy, for aggreesive bulldog, wbose duty it shail What was- Good for Herseif there wss only eue oth «er passenger. b. te monkey or my lowly grave In the corner eftihe car, snd nexttaL nutil my duet shall b. cf ne use te "It seome that wo are bolli in love the Dr., est Nina, Vermout, but cie was science. h jie my desire that my witb the sarný girl. A very unpieasarit 50 closeiy veiled tbat neither cf the exeontriz shall se. maintain said bull- circnmstance, Arthur, aud eue of us le youug men recognized ber. They w.re dog bereiubefore set forth in order that te be pitied ; but whicb eue the future alkinq busily, sud so loud that Nina pimply young medical students msy muet deoide," sud with thsse words, heard nearly every Word they said. net màke tee fre. with ail tfiat.la HuR deTray rse rei bi lougig Ili a pity, Arthur, tbat w. are ruortal cf a superier man. Il le my position befoe the fire aud striding both in love with the same girl, sud il specisi desire that ne part of my acrees the rom, looked io the mirrer. is aise a pity yen muet go awsy from soomy shalh contribute in auy wsy -He s&W reflected ther. a 'very han d. the city. Would yen marry ber juiL as te, science or te the amusement et a some fac-& face almoit as white sud readily, Arthur, if she wer. poon ? I ases et sore-eyed goshunge, wbo cannot fair ài s girl'e; brownu bair, seft and muet confées that I wonid net." get nean enough te a lie,mnute wavy; great bine eyos, aud full red 11I shonld cali snob s question an operate on him. lips, arunud whieh curied s moustache, mnunit le myseif sud te Mise Vermout, I desire te state also tht I iope whicb vas bis prido snd dolight. .eeming from anyouo but yen," ssid the whstever msy be odd or ecceutrie or H. ru bs yL. fuges tro l i docter. "I love her, and net ber sbnormal about my formation may hoe bain and after a leugtby eunvoy ef him. money, sud if ah. vere pennileas te- generonsly allowed te pull oblivion self, iu a oue o! ovident satisfaction, hoe day, it wonld b. th. happiest- moment ever itself sud fade away. I de not gal sd:et mv lite te make ber my vile, sud vieli te be p.rpetusted in Lbe fonm ot "Conebor, rîuran bo i t. sbield lier from aIl barm. And I re- a fstty-tumor or osseens formation. gises, by Lbe-side et me. sud 550 Who às queeI yen net Le mention this subjeel Let my good deods b. my ouly monu- likely te win thie fsir creature." - agin-it is very paintul to me. No ment. LeL thepoat mortem in my cane ",6 Are yen au idiot ?" angrily excisim- eue wonîd even have kuevu uny secret b. omitted sud the ime b. Lakon np ln * ed- Dr. Osborne, contractiug hie brows, if accident bad Dot disciosed it. To- somee ether way. sud stoppiug suddeuly before Lbe fire, morrow I shail be in s strange pis.., I requesl aiso that at my funenal lb. for lie hal been paciug Lhe rom. - itli nov seneu sud uew foepe aronnd free-ist b. auspended audsat thons * "De yen take me for a leve-sick me. I sasl put aIl My ibeùgbts sud only Who have s personslinlterest uq ewain, sud expeet I amn going te SpOIJi energies Ipto my butinees, sud probably the proeeedinga be permitted té lake mny et my lime te find ent whem she neOrs.Mla again." pr.Pnoewomk b noa vIinincos? &k er amhotmarry e s. "Oh yen, yen vii, when im, bas iadnstry s business or rely upon t sas aelo net astete. I n Nn& etrqut bealed tb. wound, yon ill iicorn sud imeanaetfrelsaaion are requeted tlO senslee ye aste hln Nia Vrmotee..nelu ont' elegaul bouse, sud wvo sbtaiu frein my fumerais a personai wid m wrroy a emeiy, roic1eveisial bLb. heb..t of friende. 'Yen taver te me. suipotme wit n a gode racy are s grand feilow, Artbu.r, and if gis I givQ sud bequeti, make over s»d ýaupent dy e oewber Huisdo racy ouly knev whst vas good for tLbum, pressaI teoemy beioved wife Henrieta,4 st.ds esd t ofer erhiebeatbis tbey would ou..s yen before spe, & n ai d lnar, my neal sud persopal baudé, sud hie fortune. Let tb. subjeel, every ime, in spite of my richon sud property solde trem saîd bons. Napo- drop'bere.. Il wu only by accident you poverty. Fortunstely, I vas hem fou, beretotore euumeralod suddsut Ilist yen learned my secret. Forge& IL, lisndsome sas eli ai nicli, audIhaL ine acide for funersi punpoaes, te )isve: sud *manry Nin&,,-sud be happy." about a&l girls tek for lu a buabaud." te hold aIl said property diuteingibe Thon. wua s lighl tremor in tim I'Ntailofet leus," spoke up Ninaslifetime, sud allen thst tie $Mid "gs *atrong mat iee, ae h. said Ibis, but Vermout, tiu hack han Veil,'snd sud peneusiproperty ta pans le MY bsnsyen -knev vhich requ"'es afler Lb. dieovery ho letItbe car; sud Ipanting sud strngguiug anuerpism jouér àtteniou.. But do mtlo o DnonsLIcapdl. ade l lon'y eui AUaaM ny dubte cro"s. ia'golag out' to etel snovNin&, but said uotbingt gs- tiey -rode coulrsétea- durnug ltlfs e pald op ïfien p air et gloves for to-nigit. Whal num-. et, oMyme iejun ay' y el . K>'object -lindyi osua br-d Oen ear, Arthur P I viii getl bor nmte on Ye-nluay va te eaui ymn t»m jeu a pail~~ t00~ Whoien u b. elegaul cieerfa-panodue Dr. Oshore vwu looking stesdily Dr. Osboen e ltnees et là jcy, 1- I ay *aM le Ibis -1lI, <rou ieeIIÀ lin e 1 in; ho did nos nepi>' or lookield thé. "brave 4019leil" asiehoslJed tue, s suyliing goodsugge tÏë~lf. -op, sud &Ppaneptly had not isard a her- oetl i iogamsdl Ie thé auime ltlmue hoi roiiPU word o!efrien C de' re ntk. iaked fHeaven for lbe evenl, 50 ever aud mon., ToIiUs hovoQU e * <'Cood aternli ten, Ar »,ljU atrage but se <nugil viithbI.ssiugson viii jour tt.v pSPev ý tb areillewlednmerlesa-k n_ a Nitàsfpr ber bra>lu nspoakluïg, oéu bave ontï edsj, ïfyou E[ did- nol give up lb. -ueq appolulpiepttIy tb. streel, -lesvidg D. Oshom t'» - men1 t offed hlm ;,but vhei lie wu4 , gaslug laIe lthe flne~ .lured sud-lhere ommïh WePtttiô, ho wk deilan sd comn ed ,paeisg the roon'wj h im a l i im~11h e e lie bi rqiiifnl~~l* &gain. lie PUud befone t ' à Ilv1 unt-,l* -, lt;'üuni e andanal jisao.0 an ploked as his browu face, lbe lowert veul wili lieu w.U4*01,isbIst a&H the ~lpsj ean. -The. vs a~nop a- Irougi their vosa, dblneyeNIina o]~ïfe itady on bis -br*v; sud b*\ frownsd ptednaiiof>eu vj, ui h e etknew 'svIit u PséjoDafoi, hep.r deeprséheoaw ie herefWeo et fbis ln Y:;:È - - * t .1 a uel von7el it -ites, bûmey ,brulseig, ispraiins, cou- Zotda otda,,,stifljoints, ached, paim 'ana, On Baturday Mr. S1aggiastonilan. vas lacted ini Burnley iu cession te Peter tylands$Liber1-1ýYion0t W.ADAMS, 000MB OYEE JOHN FEBGUJSON's LtOlothing EeBtabliBbment, Dunaas-st., rhitby. Uffie hours from 9 a.m. to 12 M., ed fromù 1.80 txe 6, p. m. Residlenoe-Oor. > Byron sud Gilbertstreets. Suitable for wrapping purpeses, laying nAder carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. Apply to t- THIS OFFICE. A&- FERRY DAVIS'%ft PAl N-wKULLER il; EEOOMEN&IDECD BY 1'kysicians, .3iist ors, Missiomaries, Mfanagers of Factorie, Work-shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospita4s, -in short, everybody everywhere wko has ever given it a triaL TIKEN IXTERNALLY MTXED WITH A WINE. GLASS OF OT MILR AN D SUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEVER FAILING CURE FOR SI)TDEN COLI)S, CIIILLS, 'CON- GESTrION 0OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAýMPS, PAINS LN. TuE STOMACII, SUMI- 2NEI1# AND BOWEL CLOMýPLAfLNTS, *SORE TIIROAT . &c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, EXPIITNCEHAkS PROVEN IT TUE 74ORT LFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT OZ; EARTIU 1q EEMOVING TRE JPAIN ÂRISING FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMtA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FAC E, TOOTHACLIE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per Bottie. OW Bewareof Imitations. -'§ CADPBELLS TOI 4! his agreeable yet potent trepama t1inje especia.lIy adapted for therie and cure of that- clasa of cîsorders attendant upon a low or reduced -state of thi 3stenz,' and usuaily acvornpaîuezý by Palier, Weaknese and Palpitation of the Heart. Prompt resu4s wj- luillow iLs 0u9e in cases cf $uddlez- E'x. baustion arisitit from Loss of Illood, .Acute or Clirotido Iiseases, avidl uthe weaknee at iîtliva.riably acqzoun tauiu.e.s "hereovery froniWaetlng Fèvexs. No remedy wiIl give more speedy rel'te&']n Ilyspepos or Indigestion, its action en the stomacli being that of a gente and hemrmieuetonie, ecitingthe or"ns cf digestion to action, and tlus afford!UF* innediate and permanent relief Tho carminative propert1es of the different s.vomatics which the Eli= rcontaing render it useful in Flatulent Dyspepel.ý IL is a valuable remedy for Àtozi)s Dysppia, wblch Io apt te occciii i I»rsens o! a gouty character. For IMovenle ed- Blood, Los& of .Appetite,'D8poudOD(y, and inal cases viiere au effective aud certain itimu- lant la required, LbheXizir vil b. !osmd Invaluable. In Fevers of a Malarüai Typeand the vanien evil resulta-!ollowing po - s o tJ te cold or wet weather, iL ,ia oa valuable restorative, s theý coniubination of Cinchona Caljsayaand Serpent*a, are universally iWécgnize as4e ampe lôfr t4'e abon"-n<e4dL isor- ders. AT COST. Mutual Reservo Fuiid Life Assur- ance of New. York. Canadian Goverument deposit Accumulated reserve fund (ever) Death dlaims psid during -1884 New business, 1lot 3 mes., 1886, 479,90@ 15,000,000 Twenty-five per cent. cf aIl asseesments are depesited with the Central Trust <Cm- pany cf New York, as trustees cf the Re- serve Fund. Lite Insurance at lese than one-hall the erdinary rates, and security perfect. Ouly 17 assessmentB made in 1881,1882, 1888, and 1884, and in ne case can they be more fro- quent than every alternate menth. ,Annual expenses cf management, &o., limited te $2 per $1,000. An activo agent wanted in every unrepre- sented lecality, te whom a liberal cemmis- sien will be aliewod. Applications soicitedl snd InU particulars furniahed by the under- signed. Agent for the County cf Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. May 8, 1885. T HUE WESTERN BANK 0F CANA&DA, -WHITB Y, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DO-W, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MONEY To LOAN! $100.000 FOR INVEBTMilÇT. ON IRAL ESTATE SECURITY. At loves; living rates cf interent. Meuey seaured villa 10 day. et aP- plication. Whitby, Febnusry iBli, 1880. JOHNFABQDRAROIg- 8500,000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. yearly. Terme cf repay ment cf picipal nImade te, suit borrowers. Firet and secnd mortgages bonght. Ad- vances made on second -mzortg&ges and te purchase farms, No coes inlinxred in making applications te, me for money ; ne arents tees; ne dela.y. Parties peying higiier rates 6n mortgpges sbould apply te me at once for lever rates and save money. Write orx cail immediately for partaculars. M. P. BEYNOLDS, 1y2 20 Adelalde Street Bail, Tormo. W ALLAnE TRUB BLUJE L.O.L. No. 168 nitets in tTiited- Workmen rge om, Smith's Block, frest Wednesday, iu ech menth. Sec'y, Whitby. 'W. B.eIPRINGLE 8.1k Tii. best BeOU Fleur,_ Tii. best Pastry F leur, Thi e uOt BOledOsta, The bouL Cern Meai, The. leet ÇOraoWieat, Tie bout Gni,- bet ate is Ma ligket. Ho ýeeUs the Watson-Doering Bin4ej The i"Âdvauae" PIow beol ai n R e bua s lamount o! mouey at. ýlew tratnsd lie wnltesDe r, vbh Eze CURES'AIL FUMORS, frem a come Dotcis, or Erple1 te the vIwesrst r olfula airlu "Fev on.SrO," 9eScaly or Rougi s ki», iu short, ail disesses, caused by bad. bîood ar conquered by this Powerful, ptifffyliig, and invgoatu mdicne Gr24Eatlng VI. cersraidl heal udêritslrnigu influence. làeciuvba1 i# aife t4ld its petencv in enurlpng1dettergRouae R-amis, Bous, tIar bujneles, Sore Eyes, Serofulous Sores and Swelllîstrm, HIE -Joint Dms. Whito Swesl ngm, Goitre, or Tbicik Neek sud Eularged Glande. Send ten cents ?n stamps fer n large treatise, with col- ored plates, on 8kmn Diseases or the see smount for a treatise on ScrefîlÏous.Affections. "»TU-E IILOOD IS TUE IL1FE.51 Thoreughly cleause iL b>' using Di". Pieree'é, Golden iiodical Discoiicry, and good digestion,5 a fair skiui, buîoyant spm-, its, vital a-enîgtb aIld sotilldnems e constitution, will be'established. whlch le Serofulous Dimoame oet tis Luinos, 1 promptly and certainly an-ested and curcd by this God-given remedy, if taken, before the last stages ef the disease are reached. Frem lts vonderful power over this terrlbly fatal disease, when flrst offering this now cel. ebrated remedy te, the pubie, Dr. PnntRu Lheught serieusly ef callug It his ~Con. sumpti on Cueel butabandened that name as tee limited for a medicine» whlch, from its vonderful cembination of tente, or strengthen. lng;ýa1teratlve, or bleod-cleanslng antI-bIllons, pectoral, sud nutritive properties, le unequaled, et oni s a reme-dy fer cousuzaption cf Lb. rungs, but for al - CH:1RONIC DISEASES 0F? THE Liver,.Blood, and Lungs. If yen feel dui,dewsydblaebv sailew celer r e!si, ryeiowls.h-bre spot§ on face or body,=feunt headache or &W.zl ne aq uei nenlhaater nating wlth hoL- flashes, low spirite sud gloomy borebodings, irregular n p etite, sud coetd tonge, yu are sufferlng fom Jgadis gestion, ympepmiansd Torpid Liverg or"6Bhllousnes@." lun msuy cases cly part of these symptris are experlenceSi. A-9 a =emdyfor ail such cases, Br. I'ieree's GolenMiodcal Discovery bae ne 0qi jWais LngSpitting et Bleody Sisornsofetreathq Brou chitis, Sevore Cougise, Coaumption, sud kindred affections, IL la a severelg remedy. Send ton dents In stampe for Dr. Plercèe bock ou CeueumptiexL Sold by ]Druggiats, PRICE $ 1.00, 10OROJa" T0 .CL>C Vorls i:flspmnsary Mudical luoclatin, Proprietors, 6M Main St., Br"àwL, N. Y. XeVçç SLITTLE- A&NTI-BI[lI]OUS asud CATHàRTIC. Sgid by ]Druggistm. 25 cents a via.L a ~$500 REWARQ cens If3 nands o e cs termdnate lu coonsumnpton. Ca ü a$"ýD. ff, çLAjRMExnnrcur.etbewoe nDCatarralheadae. s 5Dcent&, ln. Deverell's lok or gu tevu. We do net kuog tÀIaIliey ~ ere ou buoiness, put it 1 D.tliw~ been veny bs.y among -mm Iàtely, Ms Jas. McNabh, -wbo expirec 'very>" uddîonly lasi Satnrday, Makiu1 thMhi,,ilm ne eek. Feoi. RW. e cseand W. MoRae 0e~o'7 Monday. villitheir t'tmou troî ms,"fsyfioven" sud "Black Dia. moud," to attendthie Braaebridge races. The yonng son et Mn, Alex. jamieser vîom va .reported as daugeroueîy IIJ set,%veek ezkpired on liur'day morniu8 i insî.,- notwlîhstanding Lie Most %13asiduoii medicale atteudance. The faserai teck place on Sçattnnday te Gleu., ar wa bich place Mr. Jatniesonpr poe aking hie future bouse MnrJ. Rsbegb, oneocf eux InerchalL.aioeabas given up steck. keeping- sud &s-goue te Sutton te di. * *pose eftLhe bals.nce cf hie goodi. We have . heard il wiispened. that friaend - ,~-laeenug pupoesremoval teTo- rente sieôrtly,-but we hope snchb viii -prove incorrect. Our vorthy taller, Heotoi Logani- bus,for &few days pa, been placed la ratier a ýdilapidatod-lookig conditionr froua'llit * effeots of haviug a pitcb-fonk rau ubreugh i s knce. The next ime pti'Heok" ventures np Ilinougli the fourtli faït et "Granuief3" stable, w. would -advîse hlm te leave lie ferk. in charge et a small boy. - *PORT 'HOPE. Nov liai -Cona. Boss' genarns at' te'mpt on'the pittauce et the firemen la blocked; by lie firmn stane taken by the n'enil beboovas iim te huste aeond atten ,soeaothen - temendons leak lu lbe tovu treasury. How wonld ILb. * for Coun. Roste Increasa li-e market tees?2 To bel sura iL vonld net replet., theo leows stroug box, but it wotild "b.e a * lho" sud Iliat, il would seain is reae snenùougli ton any penny visepound toolisi polidy, But tien. lsau navenue et revenue. that ^might be Iargely, iu Conn. Boss' opinon iucreased, sud without injury te Lie interests cf lie lovu. , Il le lie dog tax. Let Conu. * Boss turnsome cof bis anergy Lii-a use w*otiy et hie endeavons. Ha migbhL -make a ihundrad sud. fifty -dollars fe7r the teva-besides ciesp sausages. An nd-ylng glory avaità Conn. Ross. Tbis le lb. tide lu the affairse ofCoun.. Boss libaI thé pooL spaaks oet2-sud ftabou aI lie flood maylead tLe a deathee tame. TORONTO. The Standard office, King-strQel ent sean Bay, vas burglarized en -Thnrsday nîglit- ,A drawe n th&iefront office va-s » opeued and $1 lui postaàe slampi taken ont. - inthe police CortFnPida"yDffggite John Wood, Albert Bell,, sud' Henry Schofield ver. eaai, fmed $20 sud cent M B*_I e dwin8sait ýàam% -,a -large dinnen Party aI l TheGrange" on'- Pnida ' lastinluhouer et their disia. gulehed gueste, Sir Frederilek sud Lady- Middlete A.nclrbshop ýLynli sont s.- stats entu te lhe Mayoï nuFniday lsaowinig 'Ilsati uneof lie p,'nis -are -inreceips otfsu icorne sfioen e ne e e Iiable te assessuisuet. -, Edward R. Maddeà o! 56 Bicimoud- aetreet veut4, appeared la-Inte Police FURAI'i Corne Apply to 9- 1

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