Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1887, p. 8

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St. Johns, Wbltby.  Studeul firom Wy- él O olleas Wi preaech mernlng sud oen.- lng. ,AU lihagé, free* and yen are îcvited eorlUy. The Rov. D. -B.Goho. cf Burteille, vAl 1 saitIthepastcr lu eenditng Ibo Services aI lie Baptist church, nuIxt Lerds day; .On Uriday evening lie 25th nal. The »,uis.$en Band" .1uil give te annual enter- tlament in the. Baptist oburoi bure; 'whon agod"programme will bu providud. The Roy. Prof. M9eGreger, ÏirmeÉ paRtor cf the ehurch, and otberswil addresu the meeting incocnnection with other exorcises. Admiss- ion fres.  collection for nissions, yul bu $aeup. JThu Mthodist Tabernacle was crowded te, the doors ou Sunday ovening la8t by an audience. uagertp hear what the pastcr, the B3ev. Mr. German, bail to say on 1'ROIBITION. The toit was selectud fromn Romans xii., th. The Revd. gentleman be«an by saying that $here are three etagus -in every great Hu- 'form,ht-that n which no notice in talion cf it, save by a fueV sealous workers ; 2nd, tiatin wbich t is strongly %nd openly do- no'uncedby its oppouents, and 3rd, whon thé majority take t in hand and carry t te le a succesef al issue. Thç great Tem por. ancu Refcrm hacl paseed through 'the irat two stages, and now wu seem te sue the dawuing of the day when it shail have pase. ed suoceesfutiy tbrough ita third andi last stage andi have beceinu an accemplishei faut. lu desting with the liquor trafflo thure appearu te b. but three courses open, let Free tritdeAn ,lte manufacture andti sae; BnJ, Gover u, te itrot ft by lhosuse, aud 80~, Prohibition. The firet, no one pretends te advccate; the second has proved *a failuro, snd the day in at hand when vu shoulti endeavor to persuade mon by pledges andi org#tnizatioi' l u adopt the thir 1 course -Prohibition. thie aîtillery of the law of moral suasien shoulti bu turneti againat the Irafflo. I advocate total abelinenft on the part of Temperance workers; I have ne confidence in the Tomperance worker who is a moderato drinker. A fire look place An the Saàilor'a Home aI Liverpool ; af 1er 97 inmaes hail been rescned. il was diecover- ed that five others weru cut off fromn escape in an upper room; no ladder wae long en- cugh te reach la ruach tbuan ; a sturdy firo- man in equal to Ihe emergency, he mounle onu ladder andi raises anothter upon hi owa shOulders, aud thus, by addiog bis own length te, the two ladders, provides a meane of escape. There are thousande te-daày in danger cf a more frightfal dealh, andi as 'Iremperanou workers yen muet addt your. own length to the laddor of safety. The lave ef theelandi ebould bu usedt teeducatu public opinion.- The Cern lawesud Negro elavery were aboliehed, nel by petitions, but by going direct te parliament. If thii trafflo i. vrong,,ho lave shoulti b. vith ue, andi public opinion vould soon bu eduoaled te lhe righteousnuss ot thie laW. Thu prin- ciple cf Prohibition is ,qot new, Adam vas placeti under prohibîLion in the Gardon et Eden ; the ton commandmnns are prehib- itery. Look aI ail oui st.atutea, oven n the lquor tramei thure las more prohibition than manY tliýnk. In Raesis a man founti drnnk bas te chan 1h. Itreet. If sîich vereCan- ad"anlaw, ve veulti hava cleaner atreuts, or lever drunrde. Our liquor lave pro- hibit.id selling to miners, te Ianalics, te Iu. diane$ on election day andi on thie Sabbaîh. It la prohlbllery in many respecte. Il aya MOracalIY that eutnt f500mon capable andi us) roui cf carrying ou the traffic in a tovn cf 1000 peoplu, but ton sah50s engage. Ait Wu vant An that the ton as weli am thoe 490 abould be prehibitoti. Society has a right ho prelOt itself. Anylhing bellevedtotehb ineiun te Society" aecle'ty has a rIgtI to proh iA. Society bhasrigbt te prolibit 6onufiti9. The righto of ndviduats IMUUt solimea be saorificed for the public rod . -In the liquor trame a public good ? cor our anever ask thie druukard, or hie wdor hie children ; ask tbe church, and. bu As our reply ?I tb o nativan- tfgle0Society, thon il' inut bu injurions, snd if Ajumeous t eau b. prehibiteti. If a OustIle P4auiexista, 1h. aîricken catie are destroyeti, a lets. telhe individus), but suci loàis ADont te stand inthie vay cf lie public geodo nTI&i. lu aaif a man cornes o Veux, sproheiîted; lie bauidiugocl veoden houm- iAn Owrtsn patse cf our owu sud otItes amu probib1 The-geerB ond muet b. pro- a se .--.s te iequeçtIoncet 'eveu t1~sekrp"O te et l 'ils, hel 1 .~uout uoi1y teifeM in retumu, euch ù .tbs4epluion lcf 'Sir Le9nsrd Ti!ley. lu re. gsmd te iu4eminly, îthnquestion wâvib sttlpd Du ls rnorts wheu l*wls e M« l tbe-Brd mea tge b at b ?b i. iOwl b. debateti "Résclved. TInt 1he <ltat- nues cf tie Biti spiRoe ks AsDeching." Leader oethlsafaie , '.Vgu'-h 'È of lie negative, A. -G rymy. thli î~ meeting, tu be beldth le M &d ut. ie uh- jet, "Beslved, Tial lhe Duke cf Welllng- ton vas a greater man tbanie oDuko et Marboroug," will bu ceuiduruti. Leader ef thie affirmative, A. T. HlaAghI; cf lie negalive, J. . McBrady. Ail are invted. Four slîeng inka cf 1h. Maple Leafs cf Scarboro, came here on F'riday sud put ie s hui3y day curling. Two cf tbeir rinko played Iwo cf cure iu lb. forenoon sud Ivo in Ibe afternoon, witb lb. folleving resuitî G. Chester A Pattersan B. PorfeAI J. Wallon skip-1 vuITET. H. Rosse Fe Paxion C. Ray 17. 0. Johneton ip, 21. RIIN.2. A. Riohartison J. Stauten G. MoCovan W. Glibson Wmn. Young J. Tweedie A. Young skip-26 R. Snev skip-18. amx No. 8. 3. BroksD. Ormniston A. Patterson 0. Sotiveli 3. Bibardson B. Armstrong W. Glendenniug skip, 16 là. Subert, sklp 20. BN o. 4. A. Mzoovan C. P. Stewart G. Chuster H. J. BlInge R. Moovan WM. Hooti J. Stobo skip-16 -W. BoitAi skip-27. Majerity fer Whiiby-20. Tvo vury goed rnuLs camne ber. from Oshawa on Monday aiglite ogivu cur tankard rinkes aultile. practioe.. The Osbava fellova enrlod a gooti even gaine ou sîrange icu, sud made lie play neresting, but are a litîlu veak for oui club. The score rau Ihus OBHAWA. WluTDY. RU4K No. 1. wilcox TamublynL Rice Gouldiskip-1O Paxton Southwell Sebert - Arua4rong, skip-22. skip - 20. amIIINo. 2. Lamnbert simn Bolman Snev G&ruhan Tveedie Sykes, skip-lS. Rey, a] Majority for Whitby-19. Our tanke.rd rmnka vent te Toronto on Wednesdsy to plsy the final conteet and ver. defested by Paris by 19 shots on the firet draw.1 Yesterday a lot of amusement vas. stirred up lin uarrying eut a challenge frein Ive other rinks selected in lova te, try a back st the oeet-fallen tankard rinke. The playing vas not finished in time for us te knev the - redult befere goiûR te press. 30 I. The reformera beld a meeting last Friday. Mr. S. H. Blake speke in behait cf bi. Rse. I dont tbink be did th.eue party muoh god or the other ene mueh hami. r Qàarterly servioe w ers beld in the Methodist ohurch en 8unday and wer., weil attended. Mr. Rsdfitt preaebed a very excellent sermon. à l.rgp- oea- gregation was in attenilane. Al1Mr. oeek cf Oshawa pruached iu th.evsun- BIRTES. I)MLII-Ia Port POrryon tlie4h bt., à' vife of ài. GeMAIls of #àsmn. GLovu-In Port Ferry, on lie Sud tuaI. lie vif. ef Kr. T. Gloer, of a dtaugier.. HUBS&-InOartwrght, onlhe BIb MnlGL,-Neir Seagraveou lieetBh !nsIt, thivif.eof lir. Wm bOllgev, eta GouL-Iu Port Ferry, onu Le MbIh ne4, tis vifs of Mm,. N gou!,enimofea daugiler. M R I» tu h y i e Rv. A. CommIs, A.,M Jtauke, of SudemÎu 'I GooLv-aboKLxl-OCu he. LBh uIt. sI lie residenS oee .bmle' lieW, by .'te Rey. J. B. Wass, M4 ,Mr. &bIt.UGoeley -,d Badxirite. ii S ilomio PuozGwnws- h e lodlltNiar pouffl,one li 1b Aa., by th. e-Vv. John Y. KmmU. Wm. Bray l'uin, etBo*.-' mauvmle, t liMa y »7 seof Whltb Sueav-PuuscormT--Quie Sud mÙt.,by the. Uev. Newton HW ab theUo M.de-areel Mothodiat Parsousg, OiwïM.Blpe Short, of Dar"Ungln eMs ayJ PresuotIti Wiby. LarmîÇHu~cmNcm-4t ii.Mehhod.. st P o.o Geveb'r h. ev. J. -B. WasuM$..on . 1 l, i J Uuinc1hnine, ofToronlo.. alun blao~ck ndg.>!go&&s. - Wit votldii't be suWpiise4 to Se th Tas but lgarsý sud tobao%8s are *o h. had sI Browu'aoy8ter pailor. Osîl on B.& J. Campbell and ea lb. bargains tiey are offering!in bîmukets. JUOGatur hy the numnbera"iU lowu during ýthi past week; thure muesI haie been a loud rush icf bainesu. Tu uypaper ever stolen-rafomeuh free roading roommu iste COomLE. Thiot vu take il je quit. a complimenut to us. OwIN o tethe inclemency oft1he veather on Friday last, the. Bey. Mr. ýWeslnpy's: concert aI Greenvood vwas posipoeod Id Ibis (Fridsy) -e#ening 1 ben, ne doubî, more favorable weth- er will prevail. Tas children's Missien Baud cf, hie Baptiat chuîch bers teck- a -general sluigeh ride round' libe tc.wn sud vieiLnity on Friday lafit. Il teck ail th* avil- able. oenVeyancessto e b. ledd Ire. imes before al had taken a drive. Thon *11 îdjourued tte .OuIohwletm ber sud parîook cf an .exeelleut 'lunch aud gesiemîl zrmp by vmY of -dosert. It vassa jolly affair, although the vea. ther via nfaverable sud eurtailed lhe unjoyanen t teecmne exient. Mn. J. lain Peîry, relurning effIcer for, South Ontario, teck hi. post il lie council ebambur hure on Tue4day aI Ivelve o'cleok sud resd bis long proc Iam a tien toe .fiee anti indepundent, giviug Ibein nov au cppcrtunity ho gay Who ebaîl be candidate in the àleution nuit Tuesday. lu a short lune Ive papurs vere bauded in, tb. one propos. ing Franois Rae, cf àbe lova cf Oshawa medical dotor, aud"The cther suggest- igWilliam Smith, cf the olovnshp-of Est Wbitby, yeoman. Eaehi paper vas signed by a number of 1go0à men sud quatifiud electors vhcs# signature vere ovoris by a wituese, sud eaeh papur had au acceptauce cf the. pouition sfflied by lb. candidate onver bis own signature vituessed. $200 .a..h mmd. lie nomination genuinu sud the. return- ing offleer d.eolared a ballet would , be requir.d sud liaI il vould b. haken ou Tuesdsy nuit. Mr. L. K. Murton via appoinleti agent fer Dr. Use, and M.J. Wé are constantly neuving tsimouy thât Dr. Carsen's Calarrh Cure Au vial its nkame implies, as "Catarni Cure." Tour dMggist As authcnised te rufun t be meney if At f ails le gAve saîaafs.etion. Wial eau b. more tsar, aud neeti you suifer auj lopgur? Thie Pieu. b Goverumeu l t onsder lie question cf p:ohîbiting lellerier. ,For Coughs andi Colds, u e Alu Luug Balsiu. BRe in sarranledl or menY eyr- fuuded. The choIera atI Bue, Austrbif ade. ureasing.- Tii. duaflguring eruptiuon n'tl isès the suaken s,., the pilidoo ou vilAin. RIe1tbe lrkAu( 'ot.t heit by ue!ng Ae' aepzla Emper*r WiimueslIns au ea serions nature. PleologMahy eau <lve sol isIn aju, o e lSoverebus May &Lsnsan'eà clride, Water, .ussr i.prmee tliA remo*Mtieu la litarlf lie botleti breahbeof the meut fragraul e-i neof ethle iciesî flerul reg"onlà the. Ivend. Aller lb. debale ou tii. sddre lit~ Iamm IL Borin. M. D.,et-OflomOC4 Oblol mesy "AllUensLaug Balsim Det ontly Mslle rapidly, buot ,gevos ptrfet sahtsIssla .erv eu vthln my hnevhdgs.HSavici confid»o n u t, udkuovlng Ibu it frey s t Ainauj dslly prashis. sud, auDy preparahon hae osi et oe 1h As d.ld tut *M ulà aM mious- ly iMsa the osil b«U mmd i f émeli bell). P = -' iAn quit' 1511l add -plut varanor celd ataIn aeetmes molisso, mii. eLntlateAu, dreuc eh .f Gi. abàu& hai t Is balane inton o-,mum- men tute fra doee lnch suflelsu, Tls-wllib6m n a never fsilg rmmdy. Tmi.radicalDebers lotf*0. Roue of, OreMonea l!hldmoag untediescas MEs Aicean 00581. DBSBRY THE 1#OBM(S o th". May &afiroý fthe childr. - -Leoâte .-Bdý man*ws »0 Pw4rney Bj .pe !ail kil4a cf liau iand CommýerciaL Offce or Whitby Guuwmrioxl 1 Whilby, Feb. ' 18, 1887 WEITBY MARK T FRIC] Fsllheat..........0 74 Bprlug Wei.......076 Geoso Wheat...... a*zo**e*0-70 Plour,pur w.....2-26 Barley............040 Bye ............048 Peas ..........050 Peau. blaek-eyed..........O0 70 Blue eis.............. 05 O t ..............080 Ray ........1000 Alsike iGlovur*scude . a'...8 300 Bi Clover-seed .......... 4 0 Applou, put bbl ...........i1 50 Tomatoeg'...........o....o050 Pelateue, pur bag ........O60 .020 Wood ............. ..... 400 Sicepekins ..............O040 Hlides, per lb .. ...........O006 Pork, parowt 1 -; ....fi60 Turnips ..................0 15 Cery, per dez ...........0380 Ohckens, per l......O06 Turkeys, pur ........O10 Ducks, per .......O OS ee ver lb .............O 006 BaconP armnurs........O08 Hame, ci . ..O10 Wocl, vauhei......o l16 WooI, unwashoti..:.....o 12 P&rurýips, peg u0ul .O40 Cabbage, per heati.........O0 O8 Shallotts,. dgt .. o 00 Beef, by the caresse ......6O0 Retfil-O- te flc - Multon, by thie carese.... O0O6 iVeal, caresse àc,7o, retail.. 0 (08 #0 $78 O080 @ 070 @250 @050 @050 @075 @ 0188 S1200 @ 600 2500 (075 022 0201 @550 ~050 0 O10 @007 (9,550 @025 @040 . 008~ @012 0 O10 0 018 0 O10 0 012 @ 6020 0 O13 @0&0 @000 @000 (B600 (B006 01O1i GREATEST PHOTOGRAPHER. W. E. OMERIENWHITsy. cgtanisssli a fr::emt »W lie f day on tuls sorti of Bebosygeon, oeemorniug is natived mnd u »aceo f eerhmuion- sratslini .hito 1wCIIwA=1As- le..waa knouevmasDuc O anam spn ellAgnesiBacigrs . lonf li fof fbAs Ume, m slit A s i e-. joB as imbe vas guuxmaly fw rois Iauv sud dravaauevhcl 'bfi is I >RY GOOD AT- li)omiotlon War crooAms -:000: CýEAIRING WINTEIR GOODS AT" 6REATLY REDIJCED PRICES. ETOCK TAKJNG SALE I We offer Ladies' Caps and Muffs, Men's Caps, Robes, &o.. tfl-AT GRrEAT REDUCTIONS- To clear out balance of stock. We have only a few Robet-, left in Bl'k and Grey. Secure Bargains. N4ow is the time for Cheap Overc Wool Shirts, llosiery, Mitta, Gloves, &o.. Jobs in Dress Goods." POWEL ! d ýt'affiord&tô WEIT1~~YL ~TC1(NICELY,ASS-ORTEt: ,Woois, Fany Yt VOL. -ýXXXI. EstabliBhed 1856.. Ei Steam equpenw n beet furnished Bock sdJ bprning 'plant in Eastern on rSiQ, capàblýe-texecuiting ail classes of vork from tii. large poster t4o the amalest hodbl SpeClal mention lasmade of the! gmraedPro8s.acilities/cf Thz <]mc- W,. with itucelebrated N. Y. Cottreil «egJnderPFest and&-cther modemn conveni. 14veirrreeivos ,prompt, care- TERBMS DP ÂDVERTISIN4G. p ironsertion,.pur Une, 10 cents ; esoli uubiequeflkuisertion, 5. cents. Dilayred Advertisements are meamired ày a salOc 'ot'ld Nonparell, and charged Advertiàements sent without writteni instructions insurted until forbidden, and i eiiargud ýfor full time. L Orduefor discontinuiLg a dvertisuments mu st ein *riting, othurwiau the publish- ( ers wl not be responsible. A liberýal discount for oontract advertise..se menit. by the. year. Copy for changes of ôcntract'adVertiseunts should be handed - in not later than Wadneady ; and nôtcnu oef any intended changes, should. bu given- belere ýTnesday nioozn. Other, advertise- munts ruoeived np- tb Thursday noon. F Business niotices in local or news columns tAt insertion 15 cents per Une of Nunpý.* rui; 10 dents per line each subsequent insertion. PAve cents per line per sanum. <Jorrespondence solicited from al pàr;ts hAli cf the County or neighhoring towiis. .e Correspondlent. uode -requested -te send AnM iheir: communications as promptly sa - possible, HENDEBSON &GRAHAU.ý Propriet;rs. JORN STANTON, Sup't Meohanical Dept JORN B. FAREWELjL, LL.B., ID - DÂRBISTER, County Croirn-Attorney,- sut] * andoutySeicitor.1 'Omo,- South 0&au win*, courtHue, Whitbý' -48 DO] AT RBISTEB, &o. 0 enerlM y sec. 'B > upied by PFarewel Yuldgnnx to Royal Rotel, Brook St., Wity W hanây. dyilQw &f eB -in hOoi., e -ofneythea Oiwzz-8mithas Blci, south cf Market Brook Si., Whitby. Iant.BB>91878. I - (tf..D Care fut Per~onaI a~ il

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