MG~ Stolon fin a ur îEzchauges I(r ~ f , cfth. Srd @ofc -BkUDIldê mt "Il'eperationfor the ýr1ofClm0r week béfore lasi% ,11h Wae "ocip1ished by Means Of iiciîy. Aailwiie Wal ied &he humer sud altacbed to a bmhtfY, whiohý when chargea rémoves tb turner and louves a âb)oodleeg Bsitduts cf Pickering on th. Brook emad bave been lcsing Ibeir poultry 1eoenly through the necturnal visite of ertain parties. Mr. Thos. Knoe' lest about thîrty; Mr. Gee. -Cowan forty, and Messrti. Dilhinghiam aud Brown, leoid8s oabers, aise rnourn the depar. ture cf a number cf their focke'. Net latsfled with taking the poultry the thieves aloo compietely deetroyed the bon roosts. a* The Bell Tciophoge Go. purpose building a line from Uzbridge te, Lindsay cariY thie epriug. The. poles wiii be ditributed &long tbe route at once. They purpose piitting Up an exitra copper wire frein Toronto le Ulbridge. This will give Lindeay aud péserboro a more direct Communication witb Toronto, and the. copper wire wil be a great dvautageoever lb. iron vire, being a far better conduetor et LINDSAY. Lamber dealers report a'good demaud in prospect for building materiais and atone and brick is in demand for use during the summer. The ioe harvest bas- cemmeuced and ceitizen8 and hoteikeopere are loading up for the daye whcn 99 e in the shade la the prevailing température. The firet bird cf spring je report.d-u -crow-ae flyiug northbard over 1h. town Wednesday morniug. The. firat bird bas probably turued over, lhr.e pages at once in ooneulîing hie almunse. Journeying uorthward oun)!ebruary 9th is raiber forcing the. season. Knigbte et Labor assembly 5,042 et Lindsay aek for a new asseossor cf assses.- ors; for a detailed report in print cf municipal re-ceipts aud expenditures ; and liaI tie itemn sfasssmenl on properties, boti fer 1h. prosent sajl for last year,' be prinleda sa &pi-4 cf geceral information. As lhe assembly comnprises in ils members nearly ail lhe working mou cf lb. town 1h. counoil wiii probobly recogniz e lie situation snd have the information nmkod for placed ,botore the public. -The lowu concil proposes te use a large quautlly cf 1ate shore gravol for sîreet grading ana road purposes as 8a01u as il-tii. qravel-odan b. proeured. This ia a judiolous -step bts tke, aud onoe th, graivel eau b. procured baud-. ily-thhre is a good sale w nprspect, citizeus generaily bomng desirons cf 0akinm ue o! this material for walks, palla, $e.,-inompd of 1h. More tu pensive uod la durable wqod, ndw goneralîy*ilUuse.Teders have boau asked f-;to supply for mupicipal uses forty- fivolcords field atone. At a lime viien il vas supposed the clover seod market wouid bo %bout closing lu liis section lthe daive et seed continues lu large quantities. On Tbnrsday Spratl & Killen teck lu oven 260 buahela, moatly in amall lots, oe -of tii. beil day'. delivery, Ibiessson. Thoy siiip tva cana of aeed tlus veel g00igud toe fint handeailuthie cli country, viiene eed frein hie section' meeha a ready sale. A look ai ho season'd openatieus show -liaI even $20,O00has been puld ont (pr aeed by 1th.firm, ho have given fuily np te Toronto price. Iail lH imes. Olover Ossa bas been brough t o indsayfroin all parts of lie couutry sud a good deal frein parti in Manvers nsudas fan oulh as Bethany. Dr. Gilpin hbu couoluded 10 bnilà a drug store lu 1he ~lu idlomnmencoe business .anly in ailsu The business moen, of Brechin hthink of sa-larting a lelep1bone ooce haro 50 as te commuuicate vitli Mr. Gaudris. Il lus agod ides, ani Il ud "ae a good dea cfextra ourneying dovu 10 ltb. Se far polîios have beau quiet. The asplning candidates, Mesura. adili aid (Jockburn, have net beau hon. yet. I - glad los8ay. lh.yoe u p, n9rth ork- in togethen. Ui sows a good spirit, flot like soin. of lie big guis vho von'l Enseet ou lie saine plaiforin PORT HOPE. A.mong lthe nainesof 1hosq AI lhe Victoria rink msrerdMoireal,., taw.e a isSufymour, Port flope. 'aslientenlnt cf broosu brigade.1 Iu tie lroltlng racen uMonùeal<,geM terdair, for aul ,alliona ovWned in a. Ada, Mr. 6"Bob' Bad boùght mir. James, Beaty'a herse, TrIf, jr., unden lie vinite lfelovlug order., 2,1, 8,2. R' lias anciier howue foin "i.vW* nty 'dowd tiee. hA m zay b. isard frein tbefrelthe meeting le 01«.1,.1:,% The, ixed train op lie Gumad Trunk '0n fils sy veut on Tburaday thrs mius ofil rtHope -bil s fler Ibà o ýtrouia boe i.1 The. ~iIIugeîs e.eape, but lb. ae . unviu ligblly lpur.& ae "'u,ýn OCf" ouluot h&ý ave aut to un te c a bi" «qMl bave be.arsp»Mo _ inâ* ep 1 wEsgItsoa ~ m DISTRICT IT4M8. Mfr. D. M. Smnitihasu bougit 4t Messrs. Harrison & Lesiie's brauch business in Brechin sud slarted for ilinqeit. Day. is a smnart, enterpnis. ing Young fellow aud w, wiei hum every succese iu hie nov venture. Mn. John Couitice, cf Pickernug, lest a $125 hors. a few nights ago by a trap door in lb. floor oet he barn being Ieft open for the purpose et airing the roots. Durnug the. uight oeeof the. herses gel loose and stnmbld iutc lb. lrap, calching ils iiead on oeeaide, aud was linss trangled le death., Mr. Êdward Dowiing, cf Parry Sound, whie eut bunting st week came Berce a deer. He- tried unsuc. ceesuliy te discharge hie rifle sud theu struck tho animal with the buttloethe, pic..; auth lbrat blow h. sballered the. stock efthe rifle sud iallie second thi. charge exploded, theball shattening his Ihigi boue. Betore assistance neachcd hum bis legs vere badly frozen sud deahh eneued. On Wednosday evoniug of last week a fire breke, eut sud ccnsumd a dwel'0 iuo beoegiug te Richard Watsonsund ocoupied by J. Hilson in lot 9, lu the. 8h con. « Beach. Tii. fire origiuat.d lu lie ceilar, and Sp. peans tho have been burning a Ion$ lime before any eue noticed' il, sud ail at once burst onI in dlames. The. contents wore uearly ail consumed legetier wlth 150 busipis cf polalces, sud other valuables. No insurauce ou the con- tenta, but lien. vas 1200 ou the houa. The Grand Trunk Railway tJo., witi tbeir usual ideas of libenality (?) bave imposed upon our fellow citizen, Capt. McoInaist- a lai cf $50. Tii. excuse they offer for thua pieceocf oxtortion, la liaI 1h.e<Japtain wvu use lhe dilapidat- ed old ruin lhey osil a wbarf, for bis boal luis aummer. Thieouly>ayo for eue W. thhnktlut e v.r least 1h. oompany eould resoîably do, vould b. 10 apend lthe n , tins obtalned lu putting lie dock lu a con- dition oompatible wilh safety.--Oihi Timwe. Tiie Oraugeville Sunays: Kr. P. Me0abe'a 'bus met,% villi a peculia accident ou Saturday evouing. Il vas proceeding doun Prince of Walee' streel, vien tie wheels struek an obstruction et some kind, aud lb. road belug oovered with ice, lie 'bus îurned eompletely over. Tbree or four lades ver. sealed in tb. vehicie aI the lime, but miraculously.esoaped iujury. To make niatiers, vorse, lhe lampe used lu ligh"the li 'bus expnlodod aud lhe veodwonk osnght ou' fin. AÂfew pails cf wqten exlinguised th. flames, hov- ever, sud beyoîd damage-vas flone.' A terrible accident oocurred aItlthe 0. P. B. statioin, OrangevUll,- about 8 o'clock on Tnesday mozning, ici nesulled lu-inte lojury and aubuquent deth cf Wiliam L ~Brown, a young manin lu lbeemploy of lhe eOMPauy. Brown vas engaged iun making à -4w"c a4 the lime lb. accdent ooourn.d, aud, lllisuuppoued,by osesmeans goîbhie foot oscgit im.-lie ftmg. Before h. oould b. ,xlnieted froni s 1 i ou positions 1he englue of a fr.lg I train a oeenhlm, oulliug and brulalng lm ernlblyi*sd amnputaling bsrgt leg close 10 lie body. The injur ed mai ingerel umIl 2 o'olo.k lu 1h. aflennoon, viienhoexptdb relal*lug hi. so=e Up t101h. l i f bis deali The. deoeas.d vas Iruy 2 eara optgo aid caMe frein Alèghsuy, Ps.,whoe h. le said 10 have twMlfhyrelatîies. Sun. I£. D&.vxn LMNI>4,,hotel-keeerf, of Hotnby, auppanebeln* oi.Ms. tras. zYou lUist 1%eU duedb sud«i là ubue. itb.* pM"iss.t L interea in the -maer onr grisj minii jeno* olo0e4for à short lime lu ordor b bave 'relieraput in. A large Rngcf Man atarbea te, yokto.daY and th. work vil b. push. e4 forvards-fait tri possible. .-Ur. Porritt leWa puah-aheaMau and le bouud te make th. Mill second tle noue la 1h. ountry. Il would'be a hig iing -fer Our lown if vo Lad a fow mona&S energello men as him. Mr. B. T. Williamo, our popular vek had a uarroscepetheo cher day. Il appeau s aIhe vas diseolving seom. suiphur and talatpo1re, wheu the viiole lhing expieded blo*ing the' morlar te e3livers a piece striking Mr. Williagms ou lie wrist oansing a qight wouud. Fertunalely he bad only a umali quan. lily mixing or lheinjury vould have been much greater.- Mr. W. Bretheur vas in lb.h office aI lhe lime and ne. coived a siock. AumtibiugSucea Il ie the duty of every perucu Who là m u 'Bochees Germa» Symt2l o l wouderful qualiies be known to their friands iu curing Ooummiption, severe Ooughs Croup, Amlhina, Pneumonia sud în tact a7à lhroat and lung diseases. No person can use 'ilt without immediate relief. Threo doses wull relieve auy case, aud we cousider* il the duty of ail Druggisla te recemmond t othe peor, dying consamptive, st leasI te try oue bottie, as 80,COO dozen botties were sold lait year and ne one case where it faied wus reported. Snob a medicine as the Gerrnn 8rup cannot be tee widely knowu. Ask yeur druggist about il. Sample botties te lry, sold at 10 cents. Begular aise, 75 cents. Sold by ail Drug. uniansd dealers, in the United Statesansd BjaM'ilesttengthening the fofltiolins "tWhen I ate, in>'feod was 11k. ll et lead iu My stomacl.I okB Bleed Billoni. The merà 1 look 1.moSe il holp.d ;me, I amn 1ke â ne mmnMnW," saysm Era Babook. Oloyné P. 0., Tcwn ship.Barne, ont. Japan baid a dlestructive earlhquake on Jauuary 151h. r Eleket&. MawumuaMamu nWaut. scoWas Em.auion of Pure O04 Liver OiL, eoUh zypopho.phmt., lauunquafled. The raiiywfth childron gain fiesh and steghupon itin 1.Vory vonor l I have used 8ee1tsmEm in u"msof Bickets and Maraumus ot longstdig Iu every cee te im rovement wummak ed."-J. M. Min, M.%, New eork. CANADIAN AII Y< OPN' TelIegrap Office, NOW OPEN FOR BUSINSS. DIRECT-C ONNECTIONS The Go0 iriaOable Go. The. Ba t ie& Ohio Tel Go. The. PstalTel.graph Go. And-uI ow ir TegeraphÙWne. To soeur prompt dlspatch, use e ý'Ry. Co. Telegraph. OPPOR u lu lh rdson's Bleek, nmu Order take for/OeCol, Salt ,G7psu=, WaterOlle, &e.,for Tihe ahbum Ce. ILR.BLOW,, -AGENT. A G>d Suitmade ;to Order or$2.O A larg stock'of Scotch, BIngish andan&aia Twýeds, Black Worste' etc., to'select fromn. ASei1line of HEAVY -TWEEDS from 50 Ib 76 centspe a, sitable for Business Suits or, Boys' lwear. pryad A F'ILL STOCK 0F GROCERIES ALWÂY8 ON'H4ND. Righest market Price. paid for Butfter and Egs BBOOXLIN, ONT, FluRNIT URE "il"eOf the suicide isseupposêdteïhave adisappoinîmut in a lave afair. dent oocured on the Midlaud BonlWa&y about la Mil., nottirof Otemie,, about 8a.m, ou 1h. 21et nit. --Thé -hhree secý lion tmen were puehin-ýalong themr lor owara the net tiihe section, Wbeu Mr. Moore, feteman, looking round aaw <the aeecilNo. 176, boaring dcvi upen thein a short, distlance be. laiud. The men had barely lime le spring fwomi the'_ýorry betoeoil was à truck aid sont fiyifig imb fragments iu every direction. Tii. headligbî sud seme other altaciments ou lhe front cf the engin. vere sniasbed or tbru away. Thia curve ha. a bail record. A hait dozeift or more accidentas.bave happened on Ibis spot, Iu 1867, Bleury McCalloci vas ueanly run over sud killod by Ithe 6 mail train going sonlh. A few years atter Wm. Kerr sud hie mou met with a sirnilaf acci- dent bere te thul cf 1Mr. Moore luet wcek, lhe men barely eseaping vih thoir lives frein tie band-car tiicy wore using. Sijpoe then there hue been a couple ai's, sud bor, in -'78 Jim Youug'a engine with neyerai carsoe 1uiià ben 'jumped tb. track andi rai vthi fearful violence iutc ltheaide cf theecut. Younig sud bis firemen, eopecialy lie latter, narrowiy e8caped being crushed by tbe capsizing engîne. The. spot bas become notorions for badl accidents. Au approacbiug train cunnol be seen frein ~jie centre until vithin Iesa han e ubndred yards away. -We are now prepared to make ail kiLid, of Wooilen Goode, suIoL as&8Tweeds, Pull- Oloth,. UpionFlannels, Bheeting, Shirtinge,4 AII-wool be4 Blankets, Herse' Blankets, and Yarns in ai varieties an4 ail kiùd of Knitted-Goode kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. l)$ inluail colore doue, to order. H!ghesf price paid for -&Dy quanItity of VoI w D.90OWERMA N 80 y o *mithn-y msremvesý 4the tébng mi eng,$~ MAN HOODI1 .55'We 4have recently pnbllsho& = écw diion Of Da. OUxvz-, 'wn. i' OlaSBBT3D E 88AT-on the -radical and pemnetcre (withoui meadixi) cf Nervoiià Debilily, Mental and PhysicalIncapaeity, Impedimienis b Mar. Z4&1get st. resulting frein oxesmes. £prico minsealed .envreldpo, sonly 6 cents, or 1w.ýpostage htanmpu. The célebratod.'sulbor, fitis admirable xEuuaohrly demonisüate., frein.iry ,yemmestlpracie,.t)ai lrla consquenees my b. radio fy'u~4ih out thç dançorous use of Internal me4fiew. or ýth&-use ofthe knife; pointfre ont a mode c et . ai à tonce ape, certain% and feouà al, bcymoins O-WhelohevS~yu'u1- 'er', ne mattorwbatbIds eonditionJma, y m!y cue bimsel, cheaply, pria rly ame cf overv venlhand every inithe land., Pett Omie BI 2 I -ARCADE, -TORONTQ.> ScBhool Thorouhly ECquipped for, uie BQOK-KEEPINe, PEI 23UINEB OeImBspoNDEN4 SHROBTHAND AIU) TYPE-WEITIG PRÂOTI[O FIN EST' ROOMS IN CA Badfor Ciroular. Âddroas. C~ 0~ NP-R EQ E Cottage or Castie, -AT-- PR/CES WH/CH W/LL ASTON18il YOU, CALL ON * WM. HAIILT, BIOOKLMl. tE Funerafs Fully Supplied." =4m WhiIby W oollcniII 1, Midway between Brooklin and Colut4btu, on the 7t& Concemjon