Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1887, p. 6

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UN S OUIT à 5W,'VALIIOTEE O T TOe 14m;«ieu McDolçALD. ruchi thyyear,ysI pee r ln earti's;con- 7 Yenstan sienthe foremeet lain theland$ An hon6sî mnu hat Iriumphis and ideteatae Hanta'en with equal grace from FbrtUne'u hand. O, un4u-lwned Ring cf Ibis demain ex ours. Why ehould dou.bt vex that generene heart et thine -. Whsu thon muet know that w. bWik ceunI th. heure Tii w. shall eend 1he. a fend Valenins in th. shape of a -goed, robuet majority cf about thirty. TO HON. EDWAUD BLAKE. Dear Edward, de net vex thy seul O'er mattera thou canat net centroe, De net wprry. de net fret After Ibat thou canoltflot get; Learn te laber and te waiit Patiently outeide lh. gate, And if thon will ceas. te cry W. promise te eall upen thes te goern Ibis country in the vague a.nd vspory uweet bye-andbye. --Hewevkr, if th. 22nd is fine We won't negleot te send thee a Tory Val- entine. TO CANON FÂRRER. Yott're a big gun, sud yeu're losdedl te kiW Great Scott 1 Yn Who Weuld have Iheugbt Yuwould e'er lu-rn te run us down the bul, / jusl as ou we haîd oasgbt. !<ou sy th. saloon muet iuimediately go If innocent bars * Muet irnmedlately go, ob, pray let it b. slow; useto b Den'I run u u ntecars. Yousy that the drinking cf whisky muet stop. Gee Whizz I Mu-st we drink fiz? Muet we go back te the death dealing pop That geeis np our nose witha"sz? The Conservative Party Yen Bel Year 111. Wen'l take sny snob sdvice, *- And if yen don't aI heast let uý have1 - sud liglt wlne We'hl ge1moses Oates te Seyen ua1 fratyCatwaValeutine dry, TO DALTON MOCCÂTIIY. Froin th. home oft1h.coeld north wind, From the wilds cf far North ix icoe. Wbere lb. boroal gales ef winLer Smlte tb. hayseders, 1he graogers; Smnite them wtth the sîroke cf winter; Comeet thon forth with words cf wisdom T-o diseuse the burning issues Nov dividing alilie wigwams, And a people lino, bîg-hearted Lorwith love on tise, 0 Dalton, As he brave who yot wilU iead thexu Te the place *here sc1lps are plenLy, To the place where good fat favor8 Shail revard th. fslrhfnl vorker. Mecnwile, Dalton, will yen tell ne If the. boodie the Globe prates of lh oonoeaed in lb.enail baud bag Which yen alvays carry witb yen. TO 813 CHABLES TUPPER. Where Fnndy's tIde two tîmes s day Beatesu iran etran4l, -- -Wbêre ccd! creepa up sud codfisb bring Their lvr tothe land. Ton, <rosI sledge..hammor workor, stand, Prend Nova Scella'. son, Before whom foemen cower sud queil, «a And inean secouera inn. Bnt tho' yen're big, you muet nott hhnk That yen can lea< nse.&IL Have ne snob liought, for pride 11k. liaI Wl» brLan8 aboul a fail Coulent, an second ini command, Ye n muait lb. ûghting face; But yen muet cash ne yearulng oye Upe bt hle ftal'mplace. TO DIRÂcoN càxAex, LothliÃŽ be emembed, pray, lu thy enlin t-"Y. Be Dolftsa* nom forptIas 0f ii. lqwiy, un-msltn Wlieaiuelris h e he lit 0f hby nhllehtum tf4gi But if hou Ab"le hy edl, For a lbm hiy blnamiiti ig Wewllu uy day sud aigil. Tbe"&Tor' cub pomyou write, Win bast lemastr OVor ày Wiat'Dlugued OeorvsUv.' a~i o uay. TOC. W. EVNTZWG Te izýL.eue kiin ee <loig the oid Imminlla lmk -Yéiý knov Iii days of yoe. bba4- BuLt many oeagu-thon you'1l meel And lau Irby lie w&y, And luai - labfomé Win!greet Mutde d adyourUliteor, Aud the.gwonti rexn*blea iwher 1he 4ik~ The Lime-KUn OClub. BROTHER GAUDMER ON ÀA DA» EMBER,. Il amn My pai nulduty te inforrn die club dat Bradder A6rbustus Jenkine bas paosed frern airth awayi" -eaid Brothber Gardiner when the triangle had cosed te toli. "lie wasaùa honorary mo.mber cf die club, libin' in de Stait ob North Caroliny, an' ho was only 15 cents be. hind on hie dues. It km n Ût b. aaid e' Arbustas, dait howae either is atatesman, poet phiosoperphilanthbrepist or soh, a. e w s imply anebery day man, who did net shrink eandwise when ho got wet. "lAs a citizen of de United Sta'ite ho did net go braggin' areun' about our bein'-de greateat nashau on airth, but ho had a hickory club laid away for ehip off eOur ehoulder. - "As an elector, he went le de polis ebery tisse dan v as a chane. te wote, ans seinetirnes wien demr wasn't, an' if ho spit isieticket il vas bekase he vas deopiy luterested in de, matler ot heneel guv'x±îent. "As a laboror ho vas vcrthy cf hie bine. Whou lie vasn'l verkin' ho vas thinkin' fur de benefit o! hie boss, If de boss dida't kncw dis il vas hie owu fanît. "'As a aybor, he neben horrowed coffe. au' sugar, w'doul makin' a mark on de lin cap, se ho coald roturu geod inesure. "As a member cf de commnity in wiich ho dwelt ho uphold de Iaw in de daytime sud stole wateymeyionender kiver cf darknese, i.reby settia' a gced exemple for de young. "As a churci xtember he frs7ed soft an' 1ev, an' b. vas balinoebehind ail do e sinlude singin' Iu cao. h. happoned te ho kotcbod vid a bain be. ionging te sociebcdy deone rofieck- sins culd b. caI on de chureb. "As a hnsbaud bo boed de cBbin, an'"as a father b. brun ie i chill'en up te fear de jav sud respect old aige. "1W.e hail bang de neonal emblein cf mournin' ou de culai dosi, sud ve eaial feel a bit eorry dat a fair te medi- umn man bas paseed away. Dat viii b. ail. We shau'îpase no resplusns te send te hie vife, who knoved him bel- ter dan anybcdy ed, uer will v. dlaim dat our beartfelî sympathies go oul fur de chili'en, vie amn prcbably ne botter dan anybody elso's. It-amn'nuif fur us dat vo km sa&y Arbustns vas np te, lie aiverage, au' dat death ouid bave tooken a vuqber man sud net haif tried." Afler Brother Gardiner bad opened tho meeting in due and &noient fom ho placed a 1.11cm on th. deek sud need hie jack -kuifo te ioid il dovu, ànd said: "'Heai aam a blter frein a cuU'd gem'Iau cf higi renevu in St. Louis axin' if de faek dat au applisant haa vwhite vif. am cenuideredsumse ho r. jeck hlm. De o.cretary vili be roquemt- Bd te reply te de effeek dat it ami, au' I[vaut te esil pubilck attention ho by- Iav No. 4,286,420, vhici reade: 'No applicant vie am libin' in de marriage @tha vid a wvite tomai. km b. r.o.iv.d ~ito dis club uder auy urusacm "'W. kmblook up au' dovu dis hall sn' se ebery asade cf clor tnom de ebcuy blackou e S camuel Ohin te de gold eomplexuu cf Waydown 'Bob.., but dat amn a differont matter. No mans ki lay his hsud on a member, iIbe active or houorary, who las'a0 rnirely lgnor.d de etemal litaosé cf tins Bq JOte marry mb aoUsher race and brough a lfélong ou-n u'pon in- seret ull'àùeh. Whll e -.lave lu Mar- ti éu sh.Mar mane" umW anl 1 klu but look upon 'wwddg.te I£bhrreno. Di dograduhuu é1Ide ont uinnot e1.vatede poslshun of -de ther. "is'ot ounet of YDmen, wVUyour iltohblaob tae.tunued dis vay, vould 0ad dal oo pelonu tin Ivothird wite ff a bagofg.«Idv a ang Mah 70E go binude , 81. bagl. Wh. 7 go bomtoa' de1làt. b"ao taew teat mufrorn de tvmndle-bed, deir but dey beb o l 0 aseet6,000 ele lu de United 8tate, a er hive fur lava te -legmilide anion, of vbitsmu<blaoks-' dM i - M» Jo h eithe on rosonIoe tô 1h.s club by' Professer E['ârostat1 Smnith. The profeesor eloàined 'a grat. many -thinge for lisi instrument, bt t bas falled in every instance. - Th con-. mittee chargead.il, with the foloýwlng crimes snd miedemeanors: 1. Bogistering 50 degreeès ahove zero in th. foreneen and 250 deirees below ilu 1h. aflerneen of the smre day, 2. Indicating tii approach of neit spring when ibis winter had scaosly set li. 8. Indicating the. approacb cf' a hurricane when Lhors wasn't lie;slight.. est excuse fer sncb conducî. On mt~cion cf Professer 'Average Williarns, -the t'Smith DapIez Babk- action, Early Rose Thermemeter" ýwaes declared a failure and ordered rernove'd freinth b.roof cf Paradis. hall. The cemmitteug on agriculture, te whom had been subiittedtbe inquiry: "1What article cf food vili seain 11f. the longest?"reported thaï lie mat- ter bad been Iherougbly investigated, -sud tihite conclusion had been reacied liaI uotiingccouîd beal turnipe. Tbey ver. palatable ho-extreme.yeuîh sud old age. A careful pest xnrtem showed liat they contsined sugar, water, stsrch, lemonade, taffy, 'posm, reset duok aud ced liver ciL Biaten rsw they snpplied a long felt vant, ceoked in water they huehed tbe cries of the chidren and sleppod the jawing cf the old veman. They neod' ne oyisters or cranberry sauce le fiavor 'em le a certain pitch, sud Lie ssvîng in pepper alone viii almosi esupport a family tirongi a hard winter. It bad been satisfsctorily shown that tb. tumuip bad moe staying pevers than gose meat, more pcetry than soup bone, and more domeetie happinee than a leg cf mutten. The. report wva acepted sud adopt- ed, and Brother Gardiner paid lb. cemmittse a bigi compliment on its thorougi research. On motion cf Whalebone Hooker, tie eecretary vas iue.tructed te forward s copy o!thie report te hie commIsaoner oet agrl- hare.. Tii. meeting thon adjoumued. For congba, colde brouehitis aud a&l Jung sud Ijiroat troubles, there la ne pro tie cf mddicine eau compare with ic]kle'e Anti-Cousumptive S7rup. Il neyer tala te afford prompt -sud permanent relief. Il rem-ives .11soreneus, sud heala the di- seamed parts. Il lmmedatoly soothes lbe most troublesome cougb, and by prcm-pting expectoration, removes lhe mucu vich stopsnp the air tubes whicb %aees diol inb thiz4M hbereby- givos»Rlef toht dpressin gtlness ex"rou la lb. oheet. Publicsake.sdmtgr wifl Sud Bicàle's Anhi-Conmuptivle .mr& -of inestimabe value, »aitIlspeedil sand effect»Ual yirrtaio bd uinu la the Ibroal sud brou. - d givs pewer le lie vocal cerdo, mo lie veice elear sud sonoroýs. if paisuls wîsh te save lie lives of Iheir cbfldr.u, snd thmselves frein muci anzliely, trouble sud expeuce, lot thom procure a boîlle cf Bick- le's 4uti-Oonmmptv. Symup, sud whetber a cild bus lake oold, basa ceugh or erme- noasgivo eeording l1 d$rehlonm. Portugal sd ziber ar0 l001Y l e ~ a â8giI omre lerrllery. IL C. Bruc., drqgglstT, Tra a1tbave ne, medielu.on mlabuvee "iaIeafaer or gire bttrsaW4« atonliuDi. Tic- IuorasiM, h. pasl ymabsng Ibe langeut curaetofcalmi y nlg i "sbdtu. Anchor-vasu lsdetcfbd veb h badbesu aid up for aog mm evuhia lam» léIsckbyuàugIveboi"e. 1 have lotsof -:8.uimoswuhowoffl rnetbevitbout LILbdg.-NW. Ton Buuday. in a zMaiabeMis -wt- tDr Tioe' EoimeOiOII la nufrternan sd *ter- IMo*U roedy,ad muaitrouble la uAvsd iVý hàVIà isi. h awa.z- on 1,m,. , amodeadfor te be';re-elecî.d wllhouît likely OlbCotbing Eststabilahinent, *Dundas-ot., Whitby. Offio honrs frein 9 a-In. te 12 M~., and frein 1.80 te Be, p. m. Ree3idenoo-ýCÃ"r; cf Byron and Gfibertstreets. Suitable for wrapbdng purposes1, laying under learpetil, etc.,, 25 cents per hundred. -If- THIS OFFICE. 1 ÂCOST. s/ eô NwYr Comadian Gevemnmnent deposit Acoumulated reserve fund(over) Death dlaims pai&d duing 1884 New business, lt 8 meés., 1885, *50,000 815i,0 479,900 Twentyflve per cent. cf aI amsesments aie deposited with the Central Trust-Cer- pany cf New Yerk,'ao Irastees cf the ne- serve Fund. Life Insurance at lees than oe-hall- thel, ordiar ratés, and security perfect. Only 17 asesments made ini 1881, 1882, 18W8, anl 188,4, and in no case can they b. more fre- quent than every alternates-mont h. -Annual expenses cf management, &o., limited te $2 per $1,000. An active agent wanted in, every unrepre- sented locality, te whom a liberal commis- sion will be allewed. Applicationes scicited and fuit particulare furn"sed by lhe under- signed. H. GORDON, Agent for the Ceunty ef Ontario.' May 8,1885.Port Perry, Ont. T H E WESTRNBANK.F WHITB Y, - 'ON2MRIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. MON EY To LOAý'J 0100-000 FOR INVESTJIENT. ON ILEAL EBTÂTE SEOUBIT. AI iewept living rates cf interest. Money secured within 10 days of ap- JOHN FABQUHABON1 appxy lie s~PERUY DAVIS, ' PA NuKI LLER - 18 BEcexMEzicft 13<T ,Phyfsicians, Ministers, Hiissioaries, Managers of Factories, Work-.siops, PlantaUons, Nurses in Hospitats, -in short, ei'erybody everywohere ,w/o ham ever given it a trial. TÂKEN INTERNALLy . MIXED WITH A WINH GLARSOF ROT MILK AND SUGÂR, IT WILL BE POUND A NEYER FÂILING CURE FOR SUPPEN COLDS, CIIILLS, QýON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F' CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACU, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPý,AINTS, SORE TIIROAT, &c. APPLIBD EXTERNALLYP EXPERIENCE HR PROVEN IT TUE MOST EFFECTIVE A14D BEST LINIMENT ON SARTE IN REMOVING THE PAIX ARI8ZNO FROX SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHETJMA- TISM,- NEURALGIA, SWELL1tD FACE, TOOTHACE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &C., &c. 25ts. per Botte. àWý Bewar of Imitations. CAMPBELL'S TONIC' ELIXIR 71M pcbeyet poten repu&a tien fl e"spèially adaptd r h l~ief and cure oft that cîass cf disordere attendant lipen a Iow or redàced state of the systeui, and usnally accempanev by PW~or, Weakness and Palpitationt of the Heart. Prompt results -wiîî follow its use In cases of SudileîîEx. haustion arising frein Loss otf blod,* Acute or Cbruixi Diseases, anid in the weakness tha ii)variably accolopanies the recevery frein Wasting Ievers. No iremedy wi1i gîve moes peedy reIiëf in Dyspepsia or Indigestion, its actioei on the stp>maeh being that o a genle and barmiesa tento, excitin the organe of digestion 10 action ,and lima affordinir Immnedate and permanent relief The. arntive peetes of Lb. diffée,nt aromatica Whtà~e Elixir eentoina renderlîtuseful In Flatuent DyspepsIâ -Itl is &valUae remedy- for I>i Dyapepsi,wWich laaptooec tuli zigcno of!'agcutCaracter. Vom. vsMe-Blood, LÀ»ofo woaueffective sud.certain aimu- ln yevers a KS.afll ypeAsd tb. vaeus Slimeapta fdilnepc. sure to the ccld or yetweather, itwill. p't.e a valuable îeatoratIve, as lb. .emblnatlcn of Cinchons ali11aya',bmd- &n iam uiverally recognized asseilsfor lji. abov&"mared so- ed by 777 M wln cnargéd r. 0 %det o lkering on the [Od bave been losing théir p 0ütjy jbrough the nocturnal vi 7-'~ainparies. ý16r. -Thos. Rue K *adêïttbirLy_;Mr. Goo. ewan' àiid -,essra. Dili.ngham sud f -beide ôteralec mouru the j ture of a Dn2mber cf their f!eksý. satisfiéd with,'tikinà the poulîr ýthileos àais e ompletely -,destroye heu recelso. Th Ti.Bell, Tele;phe-06. u building a<nef e Uxbridg Lindsay earlyiiis spriug. The. wilb. dlstributeëd along the -roi ance- ThOy purpqe oputting extra, copper -wir. . frein Toroni tIxbrïdgo. This will give Lindea' Peëterbo6ro a moôre direct ccMmunic with Tcrontô,;:and tb. ceppor w W. -a gr est, advanttage over the .*Ire, biing.a: far btter donducli sound< Lunuber dealers report asgQcd del lui propecit feuý building materials itone land 4brick le lu dsmand- foi duulng. the summner 'Th Tii lesharvest bas coeneo eltrenusu-ad hoteikeepere are Io upt or thb.Idsys when 90 0e luýthse àa tbeprevaffinig temperature. Tii. firit bird-of epring-isrepor orow-asbe flying northward over lie7 Wodnesday meruing Tii. first hie pirobably'Inuo2d over thre ah once luncoueultlng hie _-alm J rey n nchhward on Febrxîar fe a h r oe z g lie sea won.' Llud-oay ask for a uew assoessor cf a ors; for a dotaled -report inpr .municipal receiptos and e:expeudite sud that .Ite ms of ussmenl propertion, botb -fer lb. prsenxt anI Jàet year, bho printed as piecP ýgeerâl Information. Aulb ase comprises iu itu membors nearly ai] werking men -of lthe wn: the. coi wiU roba ly ecogniz e-thes îstua snd Ihave tlie1lufomation iso placed.beforo us epublic. Tih. town ceuncil proposes le un lroquantity-cf,,14e shoesgravel, stee grding Iand, road p urpomos boPU as' itý-thegravel-oËan.be pro..n T h l s i a j u d o l o u s sl e p t & k e ý Oiganized ~ith a ' ftustaff or eigI~ Exporteued sudd SkiUlfuil Phyucj8n& ad surgeoný frthe treatrnenî et OUR FIELDO0F SUOCESS,- OYhrotI Nasal <atarrh, Throaî au&f Lung D neames .Li'ver and Iiuy DIneaises,fliadJer Diseases, Ȕseaseg: of Wonuexig Blood Diseanes and Ner, one Affection. -cured bere or aI ho, with or witjiout eee?ng the patient Corne0 aUl particulars. Nrvus lo (JEUGATE laIlCff5NorbColi1L<..% IESlien andi Perniclous Seîii: 01 atary Practices are se~ 950 ~and pçrmanenti, curedspbyd0l'g ,speewaimt. Boc, pis nt&ld In9 c u rpt,. Ruptuire, or Breacb, r&ij& * call~ cured, without the kie I UPTUBE.wft eut depenclence u po ÃŽn stms pain. Bock sent for .t]j cents PILE TVIOUSansd STRZICTJrtEg- treated with the -greatest sucoess. Bock Sent. for ton cents Iu stamps. Address WoEL>'g DxSPMUssuY MusICAL.ASSOCI&iMON, m3 Street, Buffalo, N. teateY.c thouciunes ef EDISEASES OF &Saés ec ar eff ftâIO5 WOMEL at at ste m forded large exp enc in adapting remeeee for their cure, sud -Favorite Prescripiwý le tho e Mlt O! UWvait experience. Il la a -powertul Restr-i.Tn a n d N e r i , m p a r t e V ig e r a n t r e g te t he Il aen udc= re ,a s Ir b y ag e L flowingpîagiî enstp'ruatio, Un aual'suppressins, lgus9. failng f 'iseuterua,'v-eak bac. ,ant over so n, r e son , b ar down mneaisCrieeno tiOninfMlamm7ation and uleeraho Wflu wob, inflammation, pai and t'end'1ernes iovaries, intern heat, and '!ml eaknesgàs> It ~ernUtIy reves and cures NaneQi nndus met Stomnacis, ndigosi ti en , R o a ttin g, N e r v o P e s r 1s and Sieepleuunes»vu, itrat014 PRICE $L1.O, Sold 17 »ruggstm evejrywhere.Se ton cents lu stamùpe- for Dr. piereslm Treatise on Dissees ef Woerlluerai Word's DlsPsnsanry odical Associti.on;, 663 Main Btmet., BUP.F&ZO .! - vvis a visa, y. wru JOHNSO] lIme in il As -ýee4 nierket v ol sd lb -1 reap lt 'y, t- 't, $i500,00_0 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. yearly.- Terma cf repa' ment of principal made to et- iIberrowers. First and second mnortgages bonght. A&. vancesema<e on second mertgages and te purchase larme. Necocste, incuzred in making application 8 te me for meney; ne aqent'à fees; ne delay. Parties paying bigher rates on mortgsges sheuld apIly te me at once for lomweir rates and save money. Write or câIl immediately for particulars. TULLÂnE TRUE YV B13LUE L.O.L. No. 168 meeti in UJnited Workmen Lcdgs reezu, Smith's Blook, 1- W eneuay in ah Seo'y, Whitby. w. ¶la PRINGLE*j Sell The boit Be l ler, -The. beal Pastlr Pleur, The bout Bofled Qats, The bis om erMo$,' Ti. bont Oraked WVheal, -The7boul Grahazu, Tie boit Maniob 0â& l ý Wliitby, Nov. 7th; IW2. ly-47 1 Whitby, February 16th, 18W. 9-

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