Whitby Chronicle, 18 Feb 1887, p. 4

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CHEAP, CEAR. -Brushes 'of al kinds Combs Chamois "ND *Toilet Articles,. A JOB LOTr - AT jTHE MEDICAL HALL, ODOR CASES DRESSING CASES WHISR HOLDERS TRAVELLING COMPANIONS ETC ETC SUITÂgU FOR XMÂS. G. E. UIBBA RD. ONLY Si coo PR ANNUM. Whltby, Friday, Feb. 183,11887. 'LÂIàYM&N" writes another of bis brilliant sud admirable jettera in this weekla issue on "The Polpit zand Polities." To clergymen a t t si lettera muet b.e exeediogly interesting. It being on. of the moit important questions nov'being agitâted whether or not clergymen, bath <atholic and Protestant, shalh diseuse politisai ques. tions, w. Éhould be glad te, ha"e nmof.1 ur gifted olergy take the- matter op and give their viewa. W. muet &gain urge up&n the direo. tons of th. Oounty Society flot ta hold 14. fairtountil th. stock animae are in condition tocomie ont. No Mau vanta to, feed good homses aàiuonth ahead et the geceral run oai-upring shêve, and >v. feur if the show- in leld at aibout &prih lut, the stock animais won'4 be broghtoùtbecauetliey won'46eef4t. The. beat idea i ii ha to, hold thé. show a-,ibout the same time as other spring shows and tlben we vili have a roueer. As viU> be seen by aur Port Perry items, the. Port Perry Central Joint 8tock Coznpany le te more thau double lsa capital this year. The origindi stock capital wau $12,000 aud nov itlaju ta b. raisd te 025,000, 0f $his in. crease a very large amount was taken op st the annual meqting an Tuesday week. Proma these figures il vW isb suesuthat th.e took.holders af that in. siitioÎn Dot eniy do not feur losing their invesfuiena but are wiling ta 1 more than double tih. amount af stoêk origUilly ubsribed, and firom this e rnay esily infer that. a 1k. institution uu*ght bu set -op here with the leut fear of aoy 1io9s. If ay evidenceý ought te b. eufflient te satisfy our people -of-the wWsom and profit of snob an invoit. ment 4h. progreu and development af the. Port Perry fair ouglhté ta sffce. Tabusines, of nominating candi. daefor th. Gommons hbas dvindleth dovn &W iit hasreachecithe iîrcicah. 14 used te b.b that a few of ti.hedlngl - iplrsof ithe tva parties vers set op in oider thatt hey mighl make speeobes -sud-ueverally pionge into 4h. game.' bage cf their resecetive part> osaudi- dates..Nov ilis. o41Y legal for th. - itUîning offter te reive Domilnation papeoa iu4ed vith 1200 ai good bard -csh. Xèr îthis resiôthere la a a n- derfal, scnaroity cf -bowgne *-candidates. Wby each eoftth. real capdidates shoubd hae4e -àfrgranled that the muen nuder his charge. , 14 is thiniténu- tien e1th4e ompapy that one jman along tke lino. aeR be just as good as anotier,&nd hah a tst 4h.smre privileges Witlihegrd ohi plitical inclination». This lu eoinently (ir aud shows ýtuai the Tsunik has -na ie ta grind. Wl4en *à large orporation oses. i4e inquçe asM.some of our ril. vays sometiaies do «il is Urne for 4h. people to, ekin their ejes. Tn.c Globe and the 8 tanà<ard 8 oom to b. vying with each other, ta' se. which can uuearth, or iu a piuch manufacture the. voret scandai againet its political opponents., The iStandard got the' cal! on ite riva!l nles Monday's issue by annoncing its disoovery cf a plat to sel! Canada to -the Pittsburg froninongors. Lt ezhonorated Mr. 13lake from any oompliiVy in 4h. donl, bas ornitted te mention ' the.maame of aDy onu of 4h. msuy i; impliéstes, ander the nmrns of party4 leaders aud wire pullers. TFhe Globe was net slow* te discover the vnlotrable peint, and se the etrifé goois pa. Taoda" %issues no doubt willce a trucs ta that style of journalism,, sadbath-papers vill seutle down ta more congenial wark. WIass il Dot that 4h. proclamations oalliug on the free, snd indepeudent tO tlect representativee te the Dominion Parliament confront eue on - early every street-corner, t vould b. difficuit te reslie that a general eleotion ie now pouding, sdthat the fat. of th. Dominion Goverameut villi b. decidod beforeou eutuot isano. Thai tuis elo. tien bas been a veritablo ".5111l bunt", ne one viii attempt tedemy. Why it should bo snob ia met fat toa ssît. The linos that have fer years oeparated sud cleariy marked the bondu af the. tva groat politicai, parties baie beun aIl but obhfitetsted, ai late yearn, sud the. strng- gl. bau beeu narroved down ta aà con- tent belveen the.lu suad Ots. The. N. P., a liv. and iively issue oi '78, is practioally a,- d.ad one in '87. That the. N. P. bas corne toetsay clther poltical party vii attempt te deny. 1rT ie. .1question, oi whist> v. beard se macoh in December, appirgo te 6 no real question in -F.bruary. The 0. P. B. le an accomplished fisot, and Prohibition has beau mhelved, apparent. ly, by mutual consent. Apart, 4h.», item a wp miner ques tions, th. great aud ony question te be settled la, vhich ai the tva politioiarties nov appealing te the. ceuntry oeau produce 4h. men best capable ai collectimg sud disbureing the. annual revenue of bu- tween thitty sud thitty.five muliioüs of tho *people's money. Under snob cir- ouatauces, ne doubt botii parties are justifted lu playing a quiet, unobîrusve étame vithha 1view',to> atcig the locs. fisi that are ta be caught by i4. eiful anglet aMone, *W. haâd tbught, sud so bad several huudr.d- others, that bath the local iandidatee vould take th.a stump on nemfiation, day, but v. vers deomud ta disappointment. 1-4 former election,, bath partie pected te vin, but iu thiïeoleotion, it seeme as if1,both expected to, b. boston; but ai auchi a result vo bave serions douhits. Of onu thiug vsB May .rest -assurod, tha" the vote oust lu this county, at lest, viii refleot the sober, serions convioions ai men Who bave had smnphe time $0 con- aider the situation, sud vith feelings sud passionsunnrnffl.d sud u.ubiassed by fieroe party attife, sud facton fights have voted s 4h.> thougilt ta be the. beaut, iu theinterosi oi their .ova con. stitnency sud for 'th. veLfare of Our common country. We accord evéry resident of the com- mýunity th. privilege oi expràsiei vievu on public questions -lu Tua DORROYIOLa bt, oof cursedo »tfl otea ssrily sccept an> Mas belif as our. Let the Man"a vieva 'b. fpr orbeg ntý ours, hie priviieglein l u echmé ar 'out the sigaea,-suda s a fonUV wouak t au 11expies. their lvs in" asmoderato terme spossib le# and also te romember that -beieviiy là the, moul, c)f vii The Pulpit sii4 Polittcu. Edior C ces"] viioe pv.rOf 4h. temùporal iaweh Thé truth ina freicountary oe- èOPt requit. ta beis backed by -' thôrit(y; ne er»ca 1b. made toÉiie'-'wb vhen opposfiby antherxity. -ý itiiry imdedleof laating acconnnt iàûwolY sIt reste upon, truth. The. À ority of the -temporal' 1bureh ob pon segular mattera is af n. special acoouifb. cause it bas not lu regard to. them'been 'fa"red witb any en spernatutah revrela.; The cbnroh moreover, toa, groat extent, takes the celer af its -environ- mont 14 bas been s.4 onu 4h»., or place, pro -alavery ; Mai other anti. s1avery. 14 bas been li a .ie a encmy te tho general diffusion of oduostien; a friend; to it. aeOre it approves i ofcburoh mauie;î* there it pioneunces ita wile of the d4eil.-Oua whbe it esteema il incombent -upen it te threateu the wesrers ai je4weiry, foathers, sud artificial foeewth etermal tormouts af a material l oi f fit. and brimatone : but -at anothier eau look upon them with »a mile, of haeu approval. The barn erder of ïrdhiteo- ture vas at pue turne heMta be the mont sonduclve te th.e sviug cof the Bueof amren-It le ne langer se held. With add'ed vualth nev liglit hb oo ahed. Oruate, luxerions, expensive ;buildings, however great may b. the difficuity of oolleoting the money ta psy for thern, muet b. *reoted : but whether purely lu God'e honor, aud "for aweet Jesusi' uake, or te me.et th. requirementa of business rivalry, 1I bave it te botter skilied cauiste te doter. mine. Lot it stiffice for my argument that in regard te ail euoh matters the cbnrcb cannet justify a claie> ta in- fallibîity. If the religion af Christ in its fuihueso sud purity preaohed sud practised fail ta roaoh and change the hoarte oi mon, there eau bu mo chance ai sncb... by bringing te 148 support tho meretricioe aid ai political, or Jegislative devicos. Thesaire debatable maîtere ceaceru- ing vh!wh mon vill have aud hold as; tbey way honesthy and justly havsuad bol&, their own opinions. As citiseia- ail men, wh.ther clergymen or lay men, have equal rights ou this ground. The cohumus af a party nevepaper. may vith propriety bu r.served for the advoczey of one set ai opintàu#t on politicai matters; but for a clergyman to make use of a pulpit, which b. ocoupies ou trust, sud for aà religions purpose, te advocate a political mess- ure is neither justifiable lu the lutereat of religion, lu th. intereat of the. ehurch itself, net lu 4h. interest of the people. R. takes an unfair advautsge. The majority of bis buarere may b. as capablea hlmehf fforniing a correet judgmenl upon 4W, Poiît aï isue Mattesaxemdla a fie ubetsiu upon intewlgfeut people IOp Much more l*#elyto do hurm thangood. 14 le n. necesssry. It ettablishes a bailpreou- dent. It foster a spiritof anoyance sud domination lu the clergy, sud of veakneua ud servuhity lu the laitycf thie chnrch. I14 reates disunioniluthe, ongregatian, aud engeuders a spirit of hostility betwein the paster sud a porti of hie flock. Tii. moment yen infect a disputed question viii ecclesi- »astvieve there la am end to, iR fonbeaaue. No quarter la given, noèr expee.., 14 becomea a* vri cf -ex. termuluatin, and religion unjutl ofunfon tht daomotbn ohml PREPÂRING FO.SRING OKLSTIRIKDN WAINUT £-DA Aire Now Clearing Out Preparing for a, Much And ini Order To The Balance- of Their Large Stock of Win-ter Dry Larger Stock of Spring and Suminer Selections ofi Fancy Dry-Go'ods, Notions, &o. c Goods Staple reduce The Present Stock of Winter Goods, Consisting of Blankets, Flannels, Shawls,, Clouds, Gloves, Rosiery Manties, Mantie Cloths, Dress-GoosPlshs Velvets, Furs, They have decided to- Clear ail at Special Suitings,. Pantings, and Over Coatings, and &C., &C., Prices. Also Everything in Tweeds, Cloths, Coati the Tailoring Departm( AT SPECIALLY LOW-PRIES Now is The Time for a Cheap Suit'. Ail Goods Marked in Plain Figur, Cail Early and Secure Bargains at The' Whitby Dryý Gxoods ETmpoium, I?,088 .BROS Far au obsaInste barras=ng oough there lena- butter remedy tban Hy, a uPic toBra sa 0whiohi brs i ,-,r- . çb i u do" t19,4 mtt EXLZ CTOR&L DISTRIOTi ef the SOUTH BIDING of the. COONTY OP7 ONTARIO. TO WZT: Dlomfinion ElecUIon, ,Fehîuaq,1811 -P UBIO C NOTIOR le heby'giverat FRANCIS RAIE A Candidte 8 * ai t Euet Wion own ais Mleniberta ep ' n tW si Distril te H0ec1(mas iC» LUTHERKENDALL MAURTON, uot;ýtbo» Tof u a haa, Ma <Juni> of TFINANCIAL ÂGQENT, Wa'ro bond ta hve fit to-day, W. doun'êmind ifis am" au- Thé, fitt ve vaut idpro4m fied Sa look yan, omo sud' ail Par gains-vhsi tgaizBs? vhy bar-gains, friend Juat glauce vithin anrutaro, Sncb bargains ve viii, show yen, Moued, As ne'eîvoe eeu beforo., profite, sud .pleuty cf 'Em. Please do- what you eau te aM'o lm pleutiflý ýWe vaut to draW yonr no tice tao ur moneyasving bargains. in feh.t boots, ebeoes, shippers -sud.evereoes. A- fow pairs atm eonhaud, tiongii Our redue. tien cf88* por cent. bas.ibumade s big halelu uhemn,sund put uhat aid sang i' I se my fette go 'round the bond; Good-bye, my aver,,good-bye!l They re &U1oM 'em -fillod, viii stisfied, MAn 1J Notice to- Crddit, untarie, msrrzoé died on or aboit Setnber, 188, fied-to eend by pc deliver ta -tbe u TheNewest Desgns -The Lowe;'tPmkes, Th0---most Duraib ÂND A curate Timé.keepei BARNARIJ -FEBRUARY l8th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS.., WUAT l8801<OIN O HINAND" AROUNO T01W BUDGE1'OF LIVELY LOCAL -NEWB84GEA4NE[ BI CHRONIALE -REPORTERS "A ohie's amang ye, takin notes, n'faith hem prent 142,' W.c thimk if oui Iudisn sesmmor,, oui Bquav vinter vould- amly beci a- littie more 'reonciled t'esch -p ve vould nuci bave'such disagreis veather te complain af, an~e h ave of bute. WE rzeoeived from Dakota ô an] count 1ef -the marriagu i Miss Hoi laie a Osawate- i. Oatherwo .Park River, -but find vo h ave'Det- sE fo:inseortion. Mis Homoy' m )Pie îauuy SiU3 a se. evetythiig tuas paper. M a red-biot châae 't Ret le ail. 11 Datdhis 1807- Il or- w

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