ho M ronmber of l'ho Ppsêbar -e oiWIwili contalu a portrai the.&la eprofessor E. La ,youmalasi wrv* on eteel by 80htecht. - The. oil ig considered rernarkably vivid, bile Ibs,' sxeaution f thfeb.work io ,,h superiorta ordinary book-plates. rcfAL8lie,8 Sznday Magazine for q0eb opefls with the. Eighthof the g IrP well'5 ,,Leaves from my life,"1 n wbhi h e treats of Thomas Carlyle n tho 8513e gossipY way ag i i te her a ero of the -series. A' rexnarkably trong Poem,",From fHenceforth Sin No More,eby S. B3. Elliott, il in thia num- or. It il' abDve the average cf Mag- azine verses. Illnetrated articles on d"Ruseis SchoolI",""Some memories Of the Tuileries," "A Buried Greek City in Egypt, and Famous Englisb Liter. ary Womfefl, give 'varie ty and iniereet te tii number. The last'mentioned article 's accompani'nd by six portraits. "Tht, Bible Clase Exercises" (formerly knoW1 as "Recreations't) offer cash prizes for the best answers. Hors isq a fine opportuflity for studyiig the Bible to profit. The sei atonies are oontinued, and ther. is an abundant store of papers, poeeme, sketches, etc. The illustrations are numerous and beantif QI. As a careful estimaI. of lhe Conti- nental naval arn3aments by tbe Eng. Iiîb adniralty, thie articles by Sir Edward Eeed on the navies of Europe, in Harpera, Magazine, deserve atten- tive study, from every one wio would understu d the relative maritime equip- Mente of thu3 great powers. The Janu- ary portion of this subjeot was devoted to the French navy. The forthcomin.g February nutnber concludes lb. malter- with a review 'oftth. Italian, Russian-, German, Austrian, and Turkish navies. Their comparative strengti proves to be in the order we have given tbem. Thec explanation of each nation'@ peculiar metbod of naval construction shows Lie reason why Italy ranksthird among the Enropean navies,9 fOllowing England andi- France, and leading Germany and, Russia- The illustrations are very coin- plate and strong. Littell'8 Living Âge. The numbers of Thee Living Âge for Febrnary 5tji and 121h contain, China, by the Mar. quis Tseng, M8iatic; Jubile. e <ns- in England, National; The. Zenith- of Conservatism, by Matthew Arnold, and Rural Life in Rusia, .linoteenth Cen- tury ; Benvenuto Cellini'. Obe!acter, by J. Addington Symonds, and The Present Position cf European Politios, Forinightly ; Tii. Land cf Dankness, Blackwood; The Seventh Bari cf -Sboftesbury: Incidents in his Life and Laboe, Leisure Haur; Some Recollec.- ýâonsef Chaines Stuart Calverly, Tem. ÇlBa;French- Finance, I'io Nono's ÃŽII*Lord Itidesleigi, and The Pro. Mes cf Savage Races. Spectator; An- tie Nortl, a' Oentiry Ago, St ,74m8 Gazette; Borne Narrow Eseapes. AUl the Year 1ýoundq Ipecacuania Culti- vation in Iùdia,-Nature;, The. Excava.-1 tion cf the. Great Sphinx, Timesa; Ou aî Jury, Globe; witi instalne ta f "Tii.t Strange Stony cf Margaret Beauehamp", and -,"Richard Cible, the Lightship. uoholarly researci, _ho fürnishes f resh informnation (on a vsrety c on. vbich serves te demonstrte ng marvelous influenoe of tb. .arly Amont- eu pros u nthe ohaping of our public , affaira. This series of pipera loohsa vital aord in tie life cfth'o country, Mud, as the. field Io vaot sud 6 i.harrot-. ors few, ilssouueesa urod. Nothbtg ncw runnlng as à seulal through auj periodical i. calculated te atlraot more ditinguishod attentoun, or becomo more permanently valuablo; lie two lu chapters already pnbliahod-tn lie Jan"uand ebruary isses--ar. fuly Worth tbe'yoarly prie.ofthe.çagsn- The cther notable eotitnbullons e in Pobruary iossu r ii. " ILetter ci Oom. a Mander Alexmnder 8lid.ll It.ekeniie, o1 l1848," from Dr. B. W. BIIùfeldotU. sa 8.A.; the queur question of "When 1)18 Chie Beccue a slate.P', disoussed at by James 9Q. Uownd, for the befi thI of hitonna who perolst inopylg th %Ob1 others eMM~; a bnief tzibul..i-p-of Benitor John Â. lcgn, tb 7 as Xditor; lb. cbarà oter d UbIfé « Robet 0 oibkP 'W rk wosk l4in'Qongreaqs has not been ou.e0 oi mporta<6elu legiçlativ#e matter, bUt botb -hcuses aveds dqe tions cf wideaitionilj jQorosl,and ti i t1ransceUden tsu'bjeet cf tarie legislatil bas been setled. at lest go fa as 1hi action of tho preaent Gongrese le coUI cerned. From the fermai correspond snce belween 'Messrs Carlisle auj à bndýlt I& iaepdenîtt h heeèfforta co these who wish le redce lie revenui will be futile. -Neitiier party will coucede* a-point, and il is plain, lia thoir correependenci has hati for.,its objeot le define lthe, aI ti-tude pf the. respective -factions before lii.publie, and was not writteu waitlt the. hope cf reachidg a basis fer "fi Tii. r elegation cf tariff legielaticu ho lie future brInga up the. question-cf an extra session cf Gongresa. Idle inoney ii accumulahing in the national eoffez ah the remarkable rate cf $100,000,00( a year, and tii. Anerican voter, whethez Democratie gr Bepublican, 4does nol ned ho b. a financier ho -know, liatiti is net business 11ke te hoard 50 muh dead capital. An extra session wil doubtlees b. called-possibly soon -after tie adjourument ofthe preseul Co#-. gnose, but iti the. opinion in poitical circles &iat the extra session will uci be convened until the ffret cf Octeber. Tiiere le much speculalionas ho vhomn the. president, vill appoint Bailread Commissionets iander the provisions of Inter State Commerce bill.. Many have calledthemeelveii b Washington, but only five eau be ehosen. Tii. President is veny mtaei hanaeed vihh e im- portunihies cf applicants, many cf wboni are men cf aue* influence sud dishine- tien that their suite eaunet be wiolly ignoned. Mn. Cleveland .4loubtlese regrets that Congree. in passing tie bill did neot make a pnovision liat Ibis commission eiculd bo ciosen under civil service ruIes sud by competative examination. 1h hie been said liaI Colonel Mcm.i so'n bas been offed the ciainmansiip cf lie commission, aieoliaI lie has been offcred tie Secretaryaiip cf tic Treaeury Deparîment, wiich Me~ Manning ise epeoted te resigu in the. early sprnig. Manuy other hhinge are said aud denied but they have ne denser consisteney than numor sud I wili not rcpeatlthem. ,Notwithhtandirig th.e loseness efthe final hour of tus session il le believed by many tuat Cougre8s wyUl pase a bill cianging inauguration day fnom Hyper- boneau founti cf Merci tte iMadrigal thirticti cf Apri. Thene are peniape not lese than oee undred bald ieaded members sud menators cf tiie preïeut Ongrees with Prèsidential bees buzzing iu Iheir bennehe. To them the vision cf riding down tic avenue, bar. headcd, tnom lie White Bons. tethe Capitol on a windy 4th of Manci is not an agreeaile episede in their political air- castles. Tiey will ferm a powerful nucleus fer tb. passage of the bill, and whatever may b. their motive, the country aud iumanily viii be b.nefited if lhe proposed bill becemes a law. ILs passage muet be in lie -nature cf an ameudmreut tle econstitution, and therefore muet be natified by tie legia- lative assemblies cf hwe-tiirds of lie atites. Heu.. lhe importance cf pass- iug il lthe preseul session, lu order. liaI il may be lnU lme le receive ratification, glecl or hasty -l.gWlUou. In natonal p. ity the llealtvetifno- don ta neot lus important thiii lhe udicial sud ezecutive, aid tlsao* tet shows moré tgnoramusesanrei fglgutti su 1h.eéther branches .f lie governmentil la becau il la r mons "DÃ"nt YOia Worry. R0W sHREWD uausa oMm u " k 01UOVU auj amnaI c f insurance Who -has the,- lest developuent ci kidney- diForder,) hesase ti.y 6sid, liat;.ily eut of every 9huuared id 'iis contry do, elier direotly'or indirechlY, sufferfrom kidu.y dresa.. HReu.., ne reliable omp-Any vil lnuera nu except after a nigfd urninary examination- Tusà reminda us cf a 11111e instance whici oecured, a short lime &go.A fellow editor -vani an à pplicaut for a' respectable a oun f" eunance. .He vas Mejected 'ou examinition, becaie unknowu le himself, his kidneynier diseaaed. The 'sirevd agent, hovever, did net give up lie case. He hail an eye te business sud le his comissiono sud said: "Dont yen venzy: yen gel 8ý haîf doseu boîbles cf Warner's safe cure, take it accordiug te directions sud lu about a meuh coase arcnd, sud we vill bave suother examinatiou. I kmev yau vill find yonrself &Il nlgit sud vlllget ycnr policy." The editor expressed surprise at lie, ageul's faith, but th. latter replied:, "'Tispoint, le a valuable oe. Vary many insuianqe agents ail over the. co>untry, viien they find a customner rijected for this cause, Rive aimilar advice,i sud evonbuihly i. gels lhe insunîn ce."' Wial are vo te, infer frcm sncb eircumslaà noes? Have siirewd insur- suce mqn, as well as cher shrewd businessimen, found lie secret ansver ho lie inqulry 2 lb le possible tiat our columue bave been proclaiming, in the forchofadvertsemenbs, viiah bas prcvedl s blcssiug lu disguse te millions, sud yeh by many iguered as an îdvertiuee ment? Iu pnr files ve flud ticusande cf slnong testimoniale ion Wamner's safe cure, ne Ive alike, vici ceuld not axiel except upon a busis cf lrnthin-lu deed, tlaey arc pnblisied undbr a guan*antee cf 85,000 te auj oeeWho will dieprove their cerreclnu, sud thie offer hite becu standing, vo are told fer more lian four years. Uudoubhedly this article,- vichisl BimnpP$ dealiug eut justice, yul b. cou- sidered as su adverlisement sud b.' rejected by mîny se mci. We haVe not osae uer lime te, dis- eue lie prepositian liaI a peor ting couId natl sncceed t theethe exhent tist Ibis great, remedy hau succeeded, ~enld not becme s0 popular wilicul nenil even if pusied by a Vanderblt mr an Aster. Hencât eî-take the.liberty cf teliing ' can frieude tuat it le a dnty liaItitey vwe ho tbemseIves ho investigale lhe natter sud neficet carefuily, for lie Btatemeuls pnblisbed are subjeel ote i refuhation cf the entire vorld. Noue, bave refuted them ; on lie conbnary I ndreds cf licusab ave believed them sud proved them Irues Md lu believing have fondlihe higiiet moe, ore of satisfaction, liaI vici mnoney eannol buy, sud mouey cacunot take avay. .AL (ard. To aU who ire slmfeln frmeinmerr and u~ieerelltons f oahnervous weak- r us, esr1r decay, loiséci manhood, t"c, I ul sgond a reepe liaI viiicure yen, "REB 0F QHÂR(*. Tii. great remedy was dls.overed by a lu en'ti Laserica. Bond a s11f enve1iee cli.h Be". JosrnT. Dxâx, Bass NIew Yen. oiiy. 8ix jobn Menl& viii "end the ne- osinder cf lthe k in MKln.u l Selem Fans& A ivw treatmeut hmsbon dis. éovered - Whmbya pewanentý disease ina absolutely effectdinl ïram Oe t rle. à aplicstioUm noe nmtter whether standingon fStyyeamThisremedy >= sp lied once m twelve day., sud Jenot interfère wUt business. Descriptve pamphlet seul free on reopipt of slamp by BLI XZI, M M[[KGST. VIwo 79RONTOO CANADA$ I FALL SUITS;. L 000 JOH-N Scotck, FE.RC USQN I5 SH]-OWING À BUPEiKOe STOCIK CF Englisk and Canladian Tweeds, And ether fine linos of Clothe, for Spring suits. AUl gai-monts made up i-n lateet style ou shortest notice. r.ady-rn de Mn'aand Boys' Buits, GentsFurnishings and, Underclothing of 'ail Kinds. ~RUOflBLEOVRLS 1- Lx1J.frDJ1 Km 14J6 JLbz> Latest styles in Hard sand Boft Fei-t Hats vi JOHN Il hs jut-tk, Maï,hine $or the leuble, Alays in- Order. Simple and Lasîs a Lifetime. The OomlInion Oîg ans and Pia!aïo: Are Iletter than Any Other. The Best Judges say Its Toue le 1h. Best. Itis built with aview toDurability and Beauty. The Best Instrument te Buy. Cal sand Sole Our Goode.- Hé' W. ,-FOX, ..:AGENT;. WABEBOOMS: ]BIOCR ST. - - WHITBY. London and Lança shiro Life Companly. This Company issues everydes3irable feras o!~ ~ an Liepiy hu as depesited with tie Recuver Genýeral ilu approved Canadian securîties over $100.00 for eaeh -6100.00 cf, liabllity, tins affordlng ABSOLUTE ýse- Parties desirous cf sÃuning thoir lives, wSi find ilteo thair advantage te censuli, lie undersigned before assurlng ehsewbere, JOHN FARQUHÂBSoN, WhtbMay 18» '86.-y M -tblIl' PATENm KRY OHEÂPO t FERGUSON, 'th Dtn~4asSt., Whty MWE NORTH AMEIICAN LIFEA&9URANOEC ImmD0FOM2a TO U 2 8 N T. W3819WOONO FULL GOVERNMENT OS]TU k I mm 0c )mui, -A, a!» MUm"N-OMM1 ,OURG. xorgss, by an arnà w~ of one 'der edby -1 co.,ad mild, ne -nectioni senut on nuggiotu 1 e 1