Anid Items Sto1.eifrom our Bxîchaujges The Reevo ha. heen ifislruced tb spale, tii appeai- againal th. counly vaiblrs reports. Au liou r ea.h week of the lime cf our sohoole is be. given le tb. clergymen, of the ïbown W addreus the children or otherwls as hey May sé MKr. P.-S. Raines, M.A1, passed bis liaruialor oxamination at Osgoode Hall held on, the Brd lit. He bas nol deci- ded yet -where h. will commence the practice 'ot hi. profession. B.owever, we wish hlm sucZis wherevcr h. goal. Our village couili bas paossd a by. law levying a licence lax on billiard tables and bowling alcys ae follows: For the.firet billiard table, $500 ; for lb. second, or each additiqnal table, 8250. 'For each bowling aUley, 8800. This was doue in answer 10 à long poli- tion from a number of ratepayers. At ee last meeting of the. Sohool Boatd a motion was passed in which Messrs. Rose, Courtice and Brown were appointed to aicertain the offeot of imù. posing a rate bill on the sohools of the country, and to report to the Board ai il. next meeting, witb any other deaira- ble intormation tbey may lhiuk boit Wo pros îbt a Z anual meeting of the Port- Perrà eta Fair Association wu held bore on Tuesday lust. The dfreo-. lors reported that the last ycar's exhi- bition had been à ~ great suocesaand that a large amount of extra accommodation would b. înequired Ibis year. For this purpose il wau rcoommendcd that tAie capital stock of the Association b. doubled aud il was, acoordiugly, swell- ed up froin 812,000 te 825,000. The Uxbridge Guaildian sys il lu supposed the reeunt fire here gJareid in lhe billard rooni, and that during the fire the steamer had ils tubes burnt out. Both of tieueestatements are incorrect. The. ire did not start in lhe biliard parler; the billiard parlor was flot even entered by fire, but had -il flot been for Mr. Tesîdale wbo slceps there lhe whole block- would certaiuy have burnt up. As te lie steamer, an accident did happen, but the tubes were not burnt out. 8h. was ready for action agaiu a day or se atter lhe ire. William Burton, vie some veeks &go bail tb. miefortune d! breakig hie -araLby fali frýom a bay loft, i. able Wo Cap"aluWalker u sbesu uuffeuiug for anme days from acute inflammation in eue o! iese., but haviug -obtained suriai a killIei.nov able tl e b.-ound sud hope. to e b. aiughtin lu afsw daji. During lie past vcek large congre. gallon, bave attênded lhe spécial services beld lu lie Methodiel churci. The pasWr, lbthe i. Geo. Walker,bas benu assisled- by lie Bey. Malieson, su -emnent evangeliel o! lie Toronto (Oonforuu E. H.fferte have been tarniet, active sud mmpesive. Mu. T. B. Oraig bas jusl ueturned - ~fuom a t*o eke vieil tobhie buolier M, sdstera sud otier friendu lu Micl- gan. H. reports liem le b.ho llsud iwosperous. Hi. bicther Isase, a former resident o! Gîeenbsnky rernoved le Michigan about seven yeau&gansd seled in Sanilas (Juaîy, township o! Eveugreen, o! ici hobu habem electsd as Supervier for lie laut four years.RH bacsebeen appointed a Justice of the, Peso. sud Notary Publie, - hli élUâee.Ibi bas illeit during lie p@,et fj*0 jeare. He bas cieared up aud paid for Ia iret faimsud bas bougil and paid baid dovu on tie s eoond. W. are glad W find lihaI vien ou reoubsuk boys go abroa4 tlieu abiliîy sud lutegrity are roognissd. Mu .J. Smithbapuosefri jMu:' Hugi Wilson Ii< lot vernIo!flb.- uev pôteffie s-bilig ahLS5 for 14 oe$25 perfit. KrSmithitn building 6a moe. herolu is e sprlng, =a&erbi. fou vhih isalredy belug iauled foi ,,tal puipose. W. bave -been hnforoied liahu- ý ll»* Wibashupnrciaad a large "Ver ~limit lite Tovneip. ef Bsney su efrlsulia ib uedi dlpoding of o!i sock o! genal9geediviliutie tap. sx mntis sud giving bismse attention le lie lumb.iing 1usd.. A ploaslng ooourroe h tock laoe on Tmesdy'afternoon.aI it'te Ssi of-o Mr. Jobna MoDongell wvéneu*iW01,nMy - hughleu, Mies- Donsida (DoUa>), vas United inunb"of !bl aunu ou Tbursd*%y., uighl nolifqed 1he Police tbaeabt fl robe, had beeun stolen frin hi. cutter,, wbioeÀ hait been loft -standing ilftm- yad on di eorg. Street, near Maodonald. P.- Z. Adama- ,dlscovered 1-he 'ýkîwing, article in an o!4:we1Llos by, wher. il bad been conceaedb>v 6he ihief. The case Queuta va. -CalouIt, lb.ede. fendant beîng charged witi third un* fraction of 1h. Scott Aet, wm' hoeard ond Thursday Mr. Wood (obunty Orown Attorney, appeared for 1h.epresecution. The defendant- admitted a second cf. fonce. Tih. prosecutton, ratier tien go into the, case, 'acoepted' plea. The charge wau obangcd frong 9a third te a second sud a fine of $10 wu imposed. On Monday eveuing. Mr. Brophey, of BurleigtÉ, who was itaying aI lie Grand Central Hotel, went W the bat rack for 'his cap, but lu the place cf hie fine plucked beaver h. found au ecuse for a Persisa lamb. The indi- vidual who made lie one sided trade was tracked by the hotel "sapelter. " Ho was found at lie Grand Trunk Pvailway station in his lorrowed féath- ers ready toe leave tu h. neit train. H. g»e.up lis purlolwd c4an sd look hi. own witbont muoli solicîlation Wt indue. hlm tle do so. As Mur. Jropbey did uot wish tW prosecute h. wua llowed Wo go. OBHAWA. The Oesiva Savation Army will bold a tire. day.s pecial campaigu on Saturday, Suuday sud Mouday, 261i, 27tb, and 28th instant. Full particulars will be given nert veek. Mi. John Coruisi, towu lineocf Dar- lingtou, has eutercd a iew suit againîl Samuel Cocirane an adjoining neigi. ber, fer moving fonce sud a breaci cf trespasa. Mu. Coruisi expeols tjtey- cover damages. On lb. 5ti of Itarc *a vote cf 1h. ratepayers of is tW b. baken on a by-law te grant a bonus of $5000 Wo lic firm of- Pallock & -Hayne, manu - facturers of steel, Hamilton, on lie underatanding tiat said tirm i. W moe ils factory le Ibis. tovu. W. are ples.ed tle 1dm liaI Mr.W. R. Grant, vie bas beau ili for some weeka pasl, i.n ow fast r.gaining bie ieaith, and ia few day ho viii be in his sbop; as ustalperbapebo snupply the vants o! bis onstomeus. WitlIdls eeam. power and incred faci in ama-, b.ha aina botter iosit Im ever to maufacture a&U kandu oi pic. tu»e frames, hal rashka, aud faucy auli.] ci.. of ei deseription. Give hlmn a ssII, Inspeet bis stock- sud puces, sud you vil b. satlsfied. Col. Olter inspeoted tseau=, so. contrements, &o.,o! lie Uzbfidge eom- pany o! 84li BallaIlon on Balurdsy sud fouud everytig iu goosa Inn. A Youig vokng mauv T Daise "d -oas of arbue Ëoksà lit -1 vsek. Wiils ddlvlng alon b. eigb mtruk against au obstacle autle rond sud.tbhrew him msudny on lb aide of the alsigi box. Thoeu is elovnablp vieovu ndoge sioald gel tagefor lien at one. -for if got befae te lotof Wauci lie prie viii be jusl ou. bal!ibe uua»rae,0M.. and 61. Ifany dog geai vithout on. it i. Hable te b. shol sud is over fined beavlly. - On Tuesday forenenu a arin vas oinded, but lie iremen, vi. <sot ouI lie mi lalmoit aimsma am tbe bell 1.11. e. vers a Ion a vies lego, nomu osylng lie ire vas MIthb. ohool boun", .1hmet thle bouse o! MuWi. Jobuulon but il huneitout toe b. Mý 1ab.ooeWs Louas mes, le moool houe, but. for. luuately Il vas uothhlg xmore serions 'Ibm. a blsuug,,Woinysd111eam ave vaudons. W. rend et bigami- a .sdvoûid.b. bigamiets4,but mldoni bave liem boe.. AS, bovever, f"onPiske'ing,- ie bat beain Vorhlngau olvuourne mmtlu at 40qli ýeve obits. y iuggir ?ob4 s ue fsoppor. hunely arrlved sud vallaed lh* bore.' Resere fou aro eus e uddeIyý a4u'tottýnie-to bld ïoodbye tI. bis hnlendsd Mo. 2l . odld oSu oten Ob adco ishecaseUnaisonda lalsu. sucal Itbievm visiel lie bon..ooos of us Uoeuo8.,. Mis _-E ~ il Land j ýard are oïý lo Mr. m. (0. <ismoron "Ief#1lieekcr b Peterborough wierebeli huioi in Que of! lb. lcadiug bhsrdiwa4 l eoreq' cf liat, towu. Mr. D. A. Colo lu erecting^4 barber'. sbop on lie corner of lie low1î hall loI, belov the belfry. We uudsr4-_;fie bas agreed te ring the bown. bll for seven years for lie Priviloge 'f nug 6h. silo,. Mre. Hodgson, roet Of ilb. bale Reury -Hodgson, cf Point Mar*~, diedl at lbe rosidcnce of berdag M. George Bertrana, Osborne stff.on Tuedy merniug last,4t he plb. e agp of 87 p.ars. -AItIlut onnil M.p U l oifficers ýwere ailau .-~r Pbilip M oRse, assener; Mr. B à ~i gan, aoclietor, and MosusF. f!n sud F. J. Gillespie, adti Tii. collecter muet returu the roll ou- or befere February 2lst. Itiiviti lie deepent sorrêw, sud vo guet we anucunce lie doati on Tueaday eveuiug last cf Mauter Johunlle. Usmil. ton, sou cf Alex Hamilteà otothle "'Hamilton Houe.." He vas talen III about a veek a g o vili croup sud altiengi ail vas don. vhiehb nedioal aid oould do, il vas of ne avait The bearlfeit *ympabiy of the Village is exlended tW lhe sorrowatricku family la lhiu affiction. O019 IA The Jos. Hall Werks, of Osiava, will probably net muc ornWOilia mnie«. soine large bonus i. offered th.m, sud it in net liely liat, anythingu Ibis con- meotion vill b. doue by oum lovu fabiers. W. beau Ibal lier. is a cameof dipi. Iheria lu tevu, in a bouse onMii- saga-si. This inthe fluet cas' of Ibis dueadfldiease, Orill aba b&d -Ibis -vanter, vii. e hovso gd=mauslave suffeued seversely. Ou Tbudaylaitchargesof violation o! ElSouAc, ver. irougil lby lb. Inspector againsl Mosan. W1 Msu M£oD"ouansd GalgSU& Maor Bobinsén, lea* ellgmgitae Ou monday morzIng lut I W sM. Frameshack vas cornug froeilbI Nortbem depol, MW14 vilioeeaqfate, il upset wvii. turg th* buk om«. silai viii Iein. Thouefth1"'i qui. sakngup, but noierionsdauz age asdoue.0 Tins I.s a grealdomaOfspsaring doua 4t lie Naruovi"Ibis toer. The lions.. being fus., a lurge nunbor bava avhiled -tiemelves fci te priviege. But vo liunk liaI Mi days in lus wuok ougitt leb. e enh, iheul lies 'OntiudilisPouls vlolatnglbhe8Sbbajb lu Ib va,. We wver. bld liai lut Sunda sinyasm flfly migit bave beane s eau ng iua wvkwet. à movn boe met vit i a terrble n rmieuse, -ou lisG. T. B.,rcsl. L~e1fi evasem .lI1isminc, ud és uuietlhd unu o! mnaddvnee about mlihi tliaI Iitoând islf ' om eel so .Yv liopi arY no u. ,bem. sud ~ E frans.H v te, t.gel boe an ouoba4e l letuom pseà »ta caeU. Bgotlu. sd sbortly &*a-~ varda lis brakuernu vlrea the amp rei lb. outeie. Buiasnigilet em . on hâ goa-,&da A hJ ....... ..'à " #.t. A. Ne~and ]ei Sh RANCIG iutiful-Assortment i altheFashiognabi 9des, ýwfethW Plushe" to m,-âatch, NPBIdùÈý BROU, $1-000PER YAIIEW jAlso another new lot. of Striped i Cordedl Vel veteensa CHENILLE AND JET FRINGES, NEWV DRESS AND MANTLE BUTTONS, Dress and M antle Clasps in ail colors and black, TAILOýRING. FLOURISHING Everybody 15 satisfied with our work. Leave your orders. with us and, you can be"sure you will not have to bring them back- for alteration. ANI~REW M. yVOUNOG MEN sufferlng from tb. effecits of ie!Nrly evfl habits, lie resailt ofe! i nc or toliy, who find themselves weak, ner oo, and eihausted; aiso MIDDLE AGxD anzd OLD Maw, who axe broken down froin the efte(ts of abuse ur over-work, a.nd in adva.nced Ille feel the eonsequenSs 0o!youthu excess, sen for and uzà i V. Luben'a Treatia# on Diu 1ases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on recelpt of two 30 stam1rs. Ad4d>ess BLV BOd e-ntnS, . oronto By lb.adoptien of Aid. Fleming'. by. law inLe ci7 CencilMondayr evening, 1the nme ytaveru ticunses-, n Toronto wi be reducedte 150 onlMay ,sdle hp liceness h&lnco cmeed 50. CONSUMPTION CURED' An oid pbyuclan, rounrd frem e fla ig !sci n hi. banda bZ s India = &W lb. formula of aia ple vegetable remady for lie speedy sud uni. sM ueu »creOf Ocusmpllo2,Bon -Cstanrb. Aatbmasu d ail Ibroal smd Afectens, 14aIsspsiiesud disur fur Nerrous D edlà u I ev. i plaints, after having lted ils vn curally. powe n l uuads of ces, a faiI iths nty leomahe 1 hum le bi sfelg feUovs. Actuâted by Iisixoiv sud adeir. le rolleve hummu ufrzù, Wil ma diee of cawgeeau Who.lIl " ýi» nG«ma ne WoTory 8"*aolBoadtLISoWoIlze aumH,¶b*soe hool leohes#à " aies . iiih thm lf Wd partin Rfw demonulraUon., wh.r.pon -an "atm rdgndýmach ib 1he Do noliakepili or powder olann caloel t tM tnneof1h. yenr,: do c0PhyUiO bah. Dr. (3anson's tpâ Mud 93onuipà âm ion lls; #=tuacte eby on h.bvl, puriis1. Mormr«e th, ohulation, uW=uba"s h.livr 6 d i peà ly Our" iio~ne. b r druuboesfron iogo nd fCnaa th. otarnsd yeou "ot *nd a reme tqabit. Try il maUdnue- If, fyý at 50Cents. -vvyhr m fl ~ Dosi.- I~ mes 1-E . EpveowUdea* t h They anue regular dafly acloný, and-ne4 Mtone ,bowels to a baaltbvhy 1t. Allan Line ROYAL MAIL' STEAMSHIPSIm Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. WINTECR ARRANGEMENTS. DATES OF BAILING. - Peruvisu from Porlad, Pcb. 10h. Sardnlan fre . -from E Halifax, lob. 121h. garinanfmPortan,7e.24th. 6h Polyneasan, from Portland, Mar. Brd.' freon Halifa, Mai. 51b. Ciroassan, froni Portland, Mar. i. froni"li Mr 2h Pe bin, frein Portland,Mar~l. 121h. from Halifax, Mar. 251h. RATES OP PASSAE INTERMBDIÂTE 30.STBBBR0ai- Iowea! rat«s.& Inlormeaiale sud Sleorage passengers for' Glasgow ferwarded froc -ly a' aifrom n . n pool, or by otéamer frem penny. Passes tak*i 1h. Steamer sai1Pont- land wili leawvo Whlby 'on lic W.dnesday merln :as aW.e, on the Tbursday Parties uqndiug fMr Iheir fuleuds lu lhe 0l où,ntry muobtaln PRE-PAI:D PAS. sAeB- CzaTIFCAT a StlovesiraIes For Tlcket«s s u Ilotirinomain apply te qi3o. B. YuIëel WHlTBY, -ONT ROS-Se IHE BEMEBIAL comp9UI. Io A POSIITVE OURX Fer al lies.s Painful Complainte and Weak. nesses se common tle eur best FEKIALE POPULATION. On account cf its proven monits, il i. I.. dyreoommend.d, and presoribed b th. It r r:oiïthcountry. It wl~'ureentirely the worst-fornu o! sud Painful Menstruation, alli Ovarien, troubles, Inflammation and Ulceratica, glodns, ailDioplaciements sud -lieco- sequeul spinal weakuesu, sud i. especially adapted te lie Change ocf M. Il il dis- solvie andexpel titmors fr-eni ticutorus in," an early stage of devolopment. The len. denoyýof Cancerous Humot here i. oheok4, ed very speedily by ils use. It romoves fainlneis, Utaliency, destroys al craving for stimulants, sud »eleves weakuesa of lie stomaci. Il dures Bl a-lin . ead-aehes, Nouions Prostratioin, (ion ebilityi8leepleuns, Depreoin aud Isdigestign. Thà ;tfeU of bea*n4own, oausmng .pain, whetdi bachaioi alvays permapeully ouzed by- cf the urine, :resteresthe nrmalfuncli o! lie kidneysu thelole orguk~ dogeneration wbhici leade leBnilasDà one trqaZ tili charm ýanJ aeoit YeM RemedialGonxpouadlappad uP Pilla (sugeuooatod) by mailw5opebz 1]EU(EDIAL COIMOTND <C0.9 Derby Line, Vt., 118. o tà nstea, Que- R BX suu L LIavmuz P u a (1 ug r c ala curesTorpidily 0cf lbLitvor, Hsab BilimmuSucs, "- .They are quU imld, Ùn gzmg, an& à houli b., usod là conneotiae Otmpound By mai 25e.Eilbr o lhaiovremedi gseul oi ~i.~isidsed umarkably vi ~l~e é % 5~ flt ii t th e, w ork - eituir.aoLl dinary book-plait yran, à Zýesie' S &ndai, Magazine f h pô i with tlOe Eightîb o!it -3PTOýWeUo ' Lebves from my life whc'hé. Ireate cof Thomnas Oar1y the.esainà e sipy way aein t h. oh pers -of the series. A' remarksb, ngpoem,"6Frà m HEeceforth Sm in , . Ii aboore 6he average of Maý .- aoverses. Iliustraled articles c - pislan Scb-'oloe," "Some memori fh 1h Tileries," "A Buried Greek-Cii egypt," .and Famous Englisi Lits .Women," give Variety and intere ibsnmber. The Ià e-eto ici. is accompanind by six portrait .'The Bible Glass Exercises" (former] own a:S.B ecreations") offer oau tizes for 1ýh. -best anuwers. Here fine oppoitunity 'for studying 61 ibletle profit. The serial stories au cenlmùned,.sud liere is in abandai Wôr. cf papers, poens, sketches, eti ho. ilustrBtioflB are numerous a11 &sacarqful estUmate cf the Couli entai naval armaments by tcEul *sh admiralty, thb. articles by S dwsrd Reed oza the. navies of Europ n Harper'a Magazine, deserve attei ae stùdy froni every one who -won] nderstand the relative maritime eqi mnts f thé grest, pwer. The Jan ayprtion cf Ibis subject vaeot le bcF'renci navy. The forticomiz FEebruary.nunaber conè'ludes lh, inai with a roviow of the Italian-, Russiai ,Ger man,. Auotrian, aud- Turkish-nsviei Their comparative strength proves toi lu 1h. ordor we have given thoni. Th explanalion cof oach nalidi'a peculiis mnethod cf naval construction sbov tbe roason-viy Italy ranki third amen the Enropean navies, following Englan ,.,ad France, and leadiug Germauy an Bussia. Thc illustrations are very conu plie and slrong, Liitefl'a Living Âge. The numbSi o! T e -Living Âge for- February -5t 'and 126hi conlain, China, by 1h. Mam quis Tseug, .Aià tic ; Jubilee Beigna.i Englaud, National-; The -Zenith i (Jonservsbismi, by Matthew Arnold,.an Rural Life in BusBsa, Nineteent& Ce, ty;Benvenuto Cellini's Ciaraotèi b .AddingtoW cSymende, -udT Present Position-cf Enropoan Poiuici 1l'orInightlIj; The Land cf flaukues Bfa1kwood; The Scventh Earl ca Shaftesbury: -incidents u ie iiLife ani &lnof C(JileÃStnarî .Calverly, 1Ter, zé B ar; FPre-oiFi nance, Pie, Nono'j Will. Lord Iddeuéleigh. and, The -Pi* Indiia B Great Si LIYBE Pies