Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1887, p. 5

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NICKEL 'STRIKING 'WALNUT 30-UOUR WALNUT 8-DA? The NwesL Dpigns, The Lowest Prices, The môst Durable AND A ocurate Timekee pers. -AT- BARNAITS FEBRUARY 4th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT lB GOING ON 19i AND AROIJNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F UVELY LOCAL NEWS BLEANEO BY ONOCLE REPORTERS AÂ duels a inang ye, takâ# notes, An' f ath he'll prent it.' NÂUGHTY lithIo boys had botter keep in off the stroohe nov nîgite,s Mn. Bruin Iailed ho see hie shadow on Wednosdày luti, ana ibu decided te hegin spning venin. MR.Wx. PRaounFpoor iiad an accident at thie Grand Trunk station on Friday nigit. He and acîhen -man venu Wek hg* some freight and by acci. oent a crovhar îlipped and carne dcvm srose Proudfcet'asotes emhug thoea baâîy, lie has been laid rip ince and viii b. for some lime. il lexepeetod, Tien Installation cf th.e ffceure cl Mount Zien Lodge A. F. and A. M. Brooklin, viii be beld on Tueeday even. ing noxtq when il je intended te preseni tw ocf the brotbron, veterans in masoný ny, vith Past Maer evols. The ladies vo veré going te say sistens, viii pro. vide a epread lu the public hall vhcni il je expeeted an ejoyable ovenlul vili be ipent, .vos expeclte ogel aronu in tise for the uppen. The introduction cf 'eleotnie 11gbi iute Wiiitby le eue of the. probabillties, Mn. Allen, ovuer cf the Forth Eleot rne Light Ce. sud part oinen cf th Bovmanvillo plant vas in towu cs Toeeday, and interviewed ,orne oclou lesainadcitszsns. TIse accounts Rives by Mr. AllUn of thenaturr aud efficisnil of tlilgb.s ian illumination ef street stores and chussoho ver. v.ry satlsfac tory. The osisi ovovos'are con sidered ration iigb, butsai chier lewis have beau edûo&Whed leuoarhhli expena probably Wiby yul yel la&Ãœlin lino. FSorn val v0O=eauleamnl sein almost certain tuat cloopieligit ha corns. Io s1y. The ladies .oflithe abrflaeagave1 -iccial on -Fnldy srfit, 4»nd eploudidli onterhaited a*bout oeaindéd ai fitty cf tuejn friands. 'The to. va uicely mrnaged and- WuasfcUthe mes t.sly kiad, fitting the salnde cI il bh .compani fr lthe botter, thougi p.rhmj net moretentlctug, çait .cf lie saIsi taiument vioci was $0 folici. Th programme ombnaced yocal. muet. b th le i..lub of th~e ogle lashlisi by lie diffrent vooaluu*s cf tle t1mb nacle choir ansd ta*tow Ernnellmn4Ibono*bobthbfAIoen ohuchcou giion ýA; oal 0 ooi lime vua pontIon aoPipe cf boum Wê e ts lb ladisp Ililrpeat Il social somo ."VOngigvsinwhe seetifé parties rnay Dot iinfèe t. Carry as Ocônsay l ttes'Places. Taxýt e fats oew of oc pablic'spirlted Young mon, Wbllby i a tobogan îide -ud a good one. 'that1 Everylbnissgin lucomplote ras ninll ondes' for hompa of' fo. T> forn'i1lop.nlng tock ploé Uqut flouns" ai vss gand i hq numbor of vwelors vet proton ýorne am unuothe tsprouutoa lb thoe lido la privai. .atepis tde taken leuxioÃŽmouis b,,ivo »m 70en eMoWis Dsotithecâea m ti Young mmn waioedrusf tWWO .sçs $ moved la Ith» malter lby,>*oisd'hai à concert où t uy.tday enlng nelt, the llth " et., a t> Grenwood,.A og losa te goin:g euttrýoým Whitby.,- - Tue régular meseting of the. Band of Hnpeviiib. held -irni-th- ii.W .T Reading Bo"m, on Monday Feb. 70b, at i 0,6100k., Perdons desinng cté be- corne members mayjein at tuso meet-ý THE reoeption tndored. the. fon.- B~d- Blake on- Pridàay evening st muet have been gratifying not, oniy te that gentleman but aiso to~ the _Reform coxnmittoe that 'had th. reception in charge. Mfr. Blake wens est on Sattarddy morning. .THEz firat animal exhibition of the Western New York Poultry sud Pet Stock Association je being held st Rochester. The meeting opened, on Wednesday Iast and wiil continue fer a week. Thse prize list arnute te, over $4000. Mr. T. M. Geffat, of Orillie, je one of the. contributers. No doubt representatives frcm. our own county will capture smorn f tise prizes. Now bear in mina the opening cf the. new Dunbarton chflrcb on j3anday and Monday nezt. It je to, be a ýmagnificent affair and aIl ehots1d go. We have ne deusire to let eut a secret which msy prevent cthers from gwong te thie ded- ioation, but, think i only fairt te an- nonne. we shail be lier. if notbing prevents us. Eewevor ae vo say, w. dont make Ibis announeement ho, frighh- en anyone oe. a waY. The austa convention cf thé No'rth Ontane 8. S. S.association vill b. held on Thursday and Friday of neit weok. The premotere have îssued a splendid programme fully taking rip the viiele two days and eînbracing addreeses by Rev. -Prof, Macicar, cf MeMaster Hlall, Teronto, Mfr. Alfred Day, Toronto, and ail our oounty Sunday Sohool workers. A meet heartY veicome id te b. extendcd te ail delegates by the good people cf Port Perry. A nw cf thlie onde cf Mr. and Mrn. Johnny Pringle tfropped in upen liens on Tuesday evening ho romind tiens et the. crystal anniversary cf them vwedded 11f.. It vas found, however, tiat Mr. and Mre. Pringle bail not forgetten lthe event which preluded e mnoh happi- neste hhemî and ail being in the. bosi cf humer a very agreeable svetsing wau %pmnt. May tic geod ouple-Jive hc enjoy as happy a silver vodding-aye, and a golden co, tee. 0wq Monday merming a-heome teck o *fin right in front of the. printing 0ffici cf tus great and infinential nevwepaper, Somo people say the horse cul .up th! caper iM erder ite enable us to maki 4 0attering mention cf its agilitY9 and i Y ti be the cswe eigit just mentici 'for the. information cf ocher herses tha vo w donth intend te, encourage any four * legged gymnastie performances at ou *door, non vill any sncb circus paers aanse be noticed lu these columne M, 1. future. W. don'h sind rcording th, f escapades of bipede in them. oàlumni 1.but a.e draw a double daeh st quadra x-pede who uppi,. TUE Whitby curling club won eighl een out, cf tvenly matches lait y.. 14 and cons.quently dcn't requit. a. gros -deal cf pufn«gup ; but stii the. boesC th ho evufeh'liko >ubilating alittle o « Wednsay, igit vien lie tva vioer oesrmnks returned frons Peterboro afil winnlng finI place in the. MidIand dli it tniot for the. final conleet, whioh 'e te lt u reoslvsevealplane tram-u~ il ~cbltocf Tormo " ad ,e1ssril S. the n iedo i n diug afu er m rowsomtaba tra frtn plu yni Ttcl hing ire ri'olf t. etisat one Our croms toevasucla tolu. ptffl1 in knookim«goUr thfa àýt Ils. e 's~~~~~~~~. ,s etre so td*.-o ad .verft. .Ltl* hie, 5 i .1 xIdg prèb _*çtcrBoalW i. m es g g ite atte ist i n u - d.î Q' mott peted)Ã"MOU Tu$" el-s ri. OALL aI 1h. Royal Iectel barber.siicp. fers Ë have &-nd hair-ouàt. - If 7pounde Itest evaporaled apples for -Calcsïampbelil'for buifeoo rbes, alec black and grey goalt. ?aa lbeit cigias andl tobaccos are tg b. had at Brown'm eo'sher parier. Oampbelle' je the place for mças'.Ï and bey's ev-ereoates aI 1ev pnices. I Cali on B. & J. dampbeUl and seè-fioe bargaini tbey. are offeri*ng in blankets. Uose Dr. Doroenwenud's Great Germau Hair Magie for,-balduese, gray hair, je for sale by ail drnggst.. REcmEMBRa you cab boy lie Tory boit white cotton and embroideries 'for juil half prie ahtthe bankrupt store.* Cal on Oampbells' and see' hheir meltoedlii. hs tlic and 12je per yd. SpacuxL offers in Sunday scicel libraii' and prizes ah Mie. Allin's Whitby Bock and mumie store. B. Brown has lhe langeet stock cf crosse, checolales, mixed *candies, grapeê, fige, &a., ever shown lu tewn. ONLY a 1ev dayé more te capture thie greal -big burgais sah lhe bankrnpt store, gel thie.qnickokr yen will bo Largoît variety cf phohograph al- bums and plneb goode over opened in Whihby ah Mns. Amen,' Whitby bok and musie store. Tiie regular meeting cf 1h. W. C. T. U. viii be holà Ibis (Fniday) afternoen lu the. Free Beading Boom aI hait pait three. OVI&RCOATS, ready made clothing, boots and uhoos, and gent'%fumiShingi for 50o. on the dollar ah tbe bankrupl store before closiug. Every tcney youug man lu town or out cf hown eca l ttheRoyal Hotll barber shop te have bis tensonsal work vwork ppifonmed viti greal artistio laite. CÂBinvÂL Excursion Tickets, Whitby te Montreal, Foi. 7sh, 8tb aud 99h, good til 106h t eurn, 86.65. Boy Irons B. Stephenson, uphown G. T. R. and Telegrapi office, Whitby. Ma. O'BanNthie piiohographon, (lie like pilure in anotiier coumme) emys hie je ývery baey nov printing off a shoif full cf negaltives, but viii h. remdy te give a few more sittinge on gatntday. Therofore call on SMwpaay, or any day aftorvard. The C. P. B. Telegrapi Co. have juet complehed a lino teoCobourg Ior Cos- mercial telegrapiy and are nov pre. pmned te imudle lUssluese for tii. lowe- iug places:- Brooklil, Oshawa, Bdv- manvillo, Whithy, Noicaedo, .Part Hope and Co>bourg. Mies ErUABsTa IUviN of the lova' ehip cf Piikernngbler rngiit bouldu disilophed -on tie ovestiug cf Isee luel. Sh. vithi xotbers vas tir@wn cut on tb. frouen ground jy tlie up- sehing cf lie eutter liiieii tbey VOTe rolunüing irons a vieil le Mn. Pinder on the leoshiore. Tise accident occuneti stmcroSflug of the Portl-Ferry B. B. soutii cf tii. G. T. R. station, aad as oaused hy the difficulty ini keeping, Ieirly in the roadway lu tie dusk. Tiie calter npselhvwioo, the lait reaulllug la lie accident te Mise Irving atssted above. fithougili te chier, members of thiepaçly vore onsider&a1,y siako up ne chier injurie@ vor6 snsleln&d Buonmer ]Hot-This jâth i emeoxfSr Bowel CoMPIluta.e. Gnonappiesma cucumboesprodise. thons, sud Ferry Davis' ]Pain-iUer canes lions. To the loublei istomac i ilornes 1k. a a Wc4,'aud sqa 2p00c0, b. 8111" and the vind n A1ésUuagw aù the feu.ble ecasms. Vo r dugst la th. land keope hPiài-Kln, AndanoWbew should b. vithout lIdLa famnly. Greece e novbuxy vihbpropmbmies >foi poosible van. * oundryt* 697 rets.$,ontre4 "Pa oué dos.o e r.cf <ihetGermait 1i Worm .Bssaody n-movm bIS larg m*r *A bies cLuno 4 yeum s Veid.t Tiie. ther1omfgmleai 8panlài revoiuientliiahveaal !LE, ~LINERY, &c. bought at the lowest Cashprices i,th'e.best0smarkets* We are noiw in, a popition to State wi Our xnany kfind patrions, that s'ever.before -iii Wiby~ wap there.shown abetter oascf DryG isegea àje ndfiatqualiýy. You can rely tha o -beteffortar ysut ferth to \Èatrons"ëxntire satisfactioni and gQoode cf the beistqnality s'dnahalre.. Dress Goods., Nlew lo fur'nishings w ,Hnsiery and Gloves. New'Mantles aid Shawli,. New Flannels -and Shirtings. New- Mantie Çloths. NEW TWEED SIITINGS- AND OVEFRCOATINGS. No trouble.do show.goQds. Evýerybýody "Icomeo -a The Great Dry ""w.', 8 1* r' HOLLI DAY'EMPORI UYI,.BROO'0-K, Io the riglit place to make your Selections of Churistmas- Goode'. -?is'fit9ck is 10 weil assorted lin thse various departments, and h. has now added many NoveltieesapecMiayfo' CJhristmas Trade. Besides many choie. articles ini Dry Goods, lie lias a nice. seleotioiù of THE BEST QUADRUPLE - PLATED SILVERWARE, Comprising five and six-bottie Castors, Oaki< Baskets, Butter Cooleres, FiclUe Dia] Napkin Ringg., Knives and Foi*s, PIated Spoons, &o.,, &o. THIlE G«RO0C ERY OE PART MEBNT 'b- wéll filled with choice fresh Groceries selected especially for the Cbzstmas. Tri You wili-fiud in stock choice new Valencias, Seed]eas and Layer ]Raiis' 8-oChoice, New Currants, Lemon and Citron Pools, ýSpices oùf ail kIànd, nwad fresh, Extracte, of the beet- quality, -CamedGoýode,Qyster,' Finmai Haddies, Oranges, Lemong, Figsg, &&c. Ch1oice Teas and CJoffees of the but Vc*Zues, lwy In t Grand Trunk Raitway and OanSte4mSI#p IIÃ"KET AGENCYS' Whitby po Winnipeg QnIey$21. ROUNfD TRIF, leT-OLASS, .#50. Stii arryli Simon Fraser oferms botteri CHINA,- CROCIÇEIY btoBritieh Columla TbeLms i Tnunk oit su Pont Huron vitU eckod &»hrogfroua Whihby ho uustin letick fori SBrilla1i 1 by iltbe P.F..Lsud liorhenn Reoe1 irb« --. 1-eu ,al.,sp Plateý, Desiert Plates, el make -room for Bprizi of èhoe family gr 4I~. .1 andî ~iub ln'id Opon w e . . 1 .1. -, gi've a. q«M &mü-M 1 onif $la,,

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