~Lt Wat mmPrtntsd words, gret togî,aduntlrlIndustry, )LXXXIL hitbp JIrOîe Established 1856. LeadIng ffekiIn bOntario County1 amn eqnipment and bout furnished and Job printing plant in Basteruq rio, capable of execoting ail classes of fromi the large poster to the smsllest bill. Spocial mention îe made of the rpssodpress facilities of Tirz Omiol- with its celebrated N. Y. Oottreil dor press.and other modern conveni. o. Beory order receives prompt, care- Mtentioni. TERMS 0F ADVERTISING. t insertion, per lino, 10 cent; each equont insertion, 5 cents. lsplayed Advortisements are measured scalo of solid Nonpareil, and chs.rged rdingly. dvertx jements sent* withoflt written tiotions inserted uzitil forbidden, axid ged for full time. Irdere for discontinuing advetieements et be in writing, otherwise -the pnbheBli. will not ho responsiblo. liboral discount for contmiot advertise- nie by the year. Copy for changes of erst advertiseents should ho handed ot lâter thau Wodnesday ; and notice kny intended changes sbonld bo givon re Tumsday noon. Othor advertioe. ats received up to Thursday noon. ýusinese inotices in local or news columns inaertion 15 conte per lUne of Nonpa- 10 cents por lUne cach subsequent rtioii. Five "cents per Uine per annnm. orrespon&ence solicited f rom ali parts à e County or neighhoring townships. respondonts are requostod to send in r communications as promptly as lible, RENDE RSON &GRAHÂMR STANTON, WHITBY, -ONTARIO, FI RIGGS &IVORY, E. cor. Kinigand Tonge Sta., Toronto. B EST TEBTH, $8 on rubber. Celluloid $10 Gold, $80. Hlave extraote<â the teeth from Thousands ofVprsons asouteiy palules by the use of V MaisdAr. L 46 Mie with Lan¶~y Langley & Burke, eOronto,) ARCHITECT. Dsg@for Churches, Vils and Coi- tages a specalty. Drawlngs prepmred for remodeling existing structures. Opnrios-Piret flat over Howse's Drug 8 - ore.P.O0. Box 202, Wmnirj SEBERT BREOSO LIVERY. and SALE BROCK STREET, WHITBY. Goodl Rige amd Good Hors..e. Ternis roi- aonable. 19 SEBERT BROS.- 2!er 6,000,000 PEOPLEUS! FERRYS SEEDS De M. FERRY & CO. II&a e edmttedtob te. LARB[ST siumisU -0. M. FERRY &CO'S PTerprîetors. Sup't Moeoanical Dep't. ORN E. FA.REWELL, LL.B., BRISTER, Con-nty Crown Attorney, îConnty Soicitor. Office,- South Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON9 B.&.9 TTORIMY-VIT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .Cha.ncery, Conveyanoor, &o. !flC-In the Offce south of the Pot e, in MoMiUan's Block, Brook Street, tby. . -ly-10 Çî. YOUNG ONITH,. L L. B., ABRISTER, &o., &o.-Money to Loin imser oftiage Licouss. mcE-Smlth'a Block, south of Market, ok St., Whitby. 22;1878. D ALWAYS AT TRE HEAD.,,D e Piaor. BERNiA8i) Bîey M A.,Bà .> authorized English Inspecter of Ch. Ameri- eau System of Education, hans eleoted the D0IKINION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Ringaton, Obi.. s the typicm al tirs. College o! Canada. This setties th. dispute. A Bemutif ai OsIendar Sent Fiee. c Addresu 82 PIRINCESS ST., K 'a 4"wSKingeton, Ont. K YOUNO MEN uufferlng from the. effeets ef Yemrly evil habite, tho resuit et ignorance or !olly, who mtd tLemselveu u.mk, nerv-ouns sud eXhaUStîsd; aise MrDDLE AGED iiud OLD MEN, who a-re broken dovrn !rom the effeotse o &buse uùr over-work, &Dd iu advanced Id1e teel the oonsequenoea of youthful excesa, send for and ai M. V. Lubon'. Tremise en Disas.. of Men. The book will b. sent salded te any addreus on receipt et two Se stampe. Address ). V. LITRON, 47 Wellngton t. E., Toronto. (tf-si JOHN BALL DOW, ARRISTEBr-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR .in ahanoery, Oonveyancer, &o. Moe-Deverill'o Block. Brook Street, iýby. ENT TO LEND-Prlvate Punas - mufl Up tO $800, Kt a low rate of in- ut. ly-59 11U1AN ENGLIBII, L L. Bop, &ARISTE R ÂT LAW#,BOLIOITOB IN Chanoery, Couvoyanuch.,"h.Bm Street, Oshawa. RMELDRUM, M.B. (TORONTO 8, TUE 'lTERftÂCB," BYEION-ST., WORM PWES purgative, b la a efe, sure, aud 0ffectae~ *aU&oyea et worm inCI4dn ce dulb DUNN'Sý BAKINOD p9WER THEtd'I8 BEST FRIENO NEW 000D8 W. IR, HOWSE, CHBUIST AND DRU43GIST9 W TB HEu on hand a very large andu select stock o f Christmas goodo, oomprlslug Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Hbidets, Odor Cases, W. accord 'Oea méUflhty -1)35 priv views -,onupuèbl i Oimmor.u4but, sariy aceet pia> Let tbe 1maups ar us pthe m pliace oen Mr. died auddi dAy. of Wbitb3 Mr. Wiu Péb. las, W84 an etd bis been. wua huri4 A shooti Saturday ' oyeter supj The folio Ray, M. B. Meevp, Lawton-i Carey wein sides. > Our etal fnlly recoir The )té moires ou 1 as nouaI a1 ameembledi whioh v The jum baled thea penature '4 of delight 0 furnihiugï l for oui sequenti>' t amt with th lecturesla Oui aka 'e. ~f* 'muaid -frryears. U am on. Thursdîy. ah took place bore on Lîfier the match th3e ils of au excellent Mîr. Mditchell'. hotel. the score -Â*. Me. [kt W.' Migrove, J. row-v27. -W. Carey', 11, G.- Mitchell, Jas. lesurs. MoKay and us of th. respective eut altbougb net yot où daty &gain. sa held their annual 1sveninut aIwiere ucourse cfpeole wus teck ofthe good thinge ptucusly laid befere- Stion o! oui cisogns ris. and-iail of! . k wllb mamtestmlïous beau thé means of [th ai leasi one esseut-. amusement smd con- à air je made rmon- i the skates, Stafford, cf Toronto, rin nov copsnad, the 1a4 feel" b.ing heard ,fo ra!mt Cie. sali ~ ~ M tbmals.,su onservatfra bave bot** tbeir .oovmtts *werk.J Thi batil. viii accu h.ovar sud Blake or John A.sjoing. The destbe cf 1Mr. and Mia. Rosier foIlowing eio her se elosely creted a groat deel cfesympalhy for -C-h. affiote rim ve.. They w? b hghly respeoledb>' everyd wmdo estbe oldei tt"Mîe b"h; l.d"uitbey ha". "c boe~u spmusld, 1 ]WY tton bas beau eMl. b am article iu & la"ie sue Of Ch. rima. r.ogardin ou asool truseecf lust yer ,The.edit« or uliuatesplain).> tbst thé- bounss t be. secton lait yeîî vas ruou. fie lin..e s o 0 ,>Y and famoitlstu» Tii. calum *crtliy cf IhautmCb~ nbr The anutal mluenr Meeting of Ch.ý Mohbodlsts vs belladsi e-It vas iily auceesefuL xM*J. o&iâuli& Toi/et Cases, L arge Vases, Adan assoriment ef other articles suitable for presenta. Cati and Examine Our Stock Befere Purchaaing Elsewher,. LAM PS OZUl andi .0b.tre assorlmsnt Brass and Bronze LAIF'S AT obr. ]Brook ma Duna u «s. g BOTTOM PRICES!1 SOLE AGENT PoBaTmE CWLffBEATED -HARVEY LAMPE OHEMi~tzwA RD DBtUeI8T Coi mi iiitthenboo& /te céa n hzAm wile ea ýdthe sub38Leo:Resovdta r7 résident Of the. 0cm.Intnpeao. reïirdà the use of LIqI? legs ofe«preo"mg his er.Opium aiid Tcïbioeoopbas cauge&-niore- dfoor e, u n et n oces- th", ir aiv ,T . A b rt, Bohl s;- lad r min.'. belief ~~~. 0f the Negative, M. XnM.Tedbt man,, b, thefse e-luarsPeuo ïz n ed f S t a o ' W e M . H r v O o r n e . n h m . w ~ 1 f iPoediean d Ihst .t. lda, eql te, tilts the ohair 'on th"St oasion. As a Preabyterian cf longstanding I feel sonry thaâti e cýPening of a. "Temple for th.ewo0shp of God" shouild be madehe~~don of iuducing 'the me~er 0 t t i congregâtion by their press, utoa the lb.politicîl advance- ment cf a inulou course in public Rf. hie nos boots snob au wo woà ld ligo to heMd up with approbation, before the oye. of oui youu moen ; baving bosu te say the loet cf il! neither patriotiq9 uer very loyal. Tbh.s uawise --ad short- sighted proceedi ýg on the part of the managera cf th1 Dunbarton congrega. * ion will yet beaý. itu fruit, but flot the sdvancOmen o . the cause of' PrebYtriaiom! wichseenis toel gotting indifféený as to what modes or It me baà t a' auporintending a oh rcb te coutrol snob n ibis s cof party, nemas w sotlétber abuare willsoon -m -s1uil, if w. wiuh tin semam m lic la the footelea cf boved church cf or YouS etc., "PENEByTIsL" Whitby, Jan. 81ati '87.- -- 4 churc+ ois daylll mbe helsi aubteusuamhhl heus;d& j»:cblngby jthe r.Alaevln. for y. Mech verSaiý un d.osousioi voyed inutlb. the followin th. bsU*ever thus untie-i um lat I à la e, Cth.Be". Mr. mi-, r>', prebe ia ut-ý - lag ogrepaln vitchme w verbe bsot.ms enthus.. >; TheLW nigcou. .theiTh G. T. oR., i. Iug ang1only ifolet foie, intheospit4alt Motrea. CONSUMPTION CURE». an old physiolan, retired fm priotice, haviug had plaoed linhie hands by- ià Haut Jlndia mubsuonary the formula of a simplel vegetabie remedy for the speedy asd perm-. anentmclo!Consumption, lBronchitis, Cîtarrh, Âsthma and ail thro.i sud L Affections, aise a pstive mad radicalcure for Nervons Debiltyand a&l Nervous Cem- plaints, atfter haýving teeied its woudezfiil crtive powers in thousands of orneshic 1 i i h e e y te m ake hi noýlcà t e b is suffcring fellows. Aétulated by ibisMotive and a desire te relieva hum a n sffeing .l will tend, free o! charge, te au-i> hdssr; i ibsreoip.,-in GermauFreuob orngsb with. fu drections for preparlhg smndusng, 1 Seut bymiaîlby iddroseugvitbsa namiUtobie pa er, W. A. No, 149 Poi stor N Y It lunov tted that Sirchairles ýTuppex'a sucoosor le te be'Sir Alexander.Caniphel Faces as yeliow aitýot t1. <Reitheu Chine.," lin oueonc o!bile luIn th blood, grow fai md. wholesome-4ooking agalu wiien orbrj &y n s gtible Dieoovery 'mad great .bloodurîlir If sai % te axÈosated bowels and eupel abs olao-ousjlio the ofrulation. Rh..- matie and blood impurities are almo drlvsû out byli. digestion restored, andithe systemn beneflhinluevor'y va>'byiLs-use. Do net taPiltple or'povders contslulne calomeèl, for 'il ibis lime o! the year, ib& resuil ma&y te serions. If on recuira a ti . other, ansud ye equal to it Try il famillïes olsi sv -DE J KESTlL-At -Bi I>tsytosý muais .IIBRIN, .D. JL.Cuet JF. PEASE FURNACEIJY UIYS IIOPITLLOÈDON, «6T.8 thé eye la. 0. H. L.8 Osliwg Ontailo. WARRENMD. .M,(MoGilL) CUTBERTSON9 B.(Toronto$) O.Xi, (Victoria.) OFFICE: BROOKLIN. I.C wRÂEoiRrtH, ["te oflb the l ' loge, Toroate tin ymail ortue le lt 4sieneof SVAN ZANI luwe lu reK lft man " i Sols Ma&nufaturr.ofith e lebraissi fiEOÈONOY» SAC")ÂOE TORONTOs ONT, terlnay, -oe AM& paaiteJ 7 CF-ES. STABLES#,1M/trots in Plush, N