Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1887, p. 3

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Return T1cqk,:ý passopgenfr.,~ WâlfromLna. tiner At Port.ý ho Wednesday,ý the Thursday. ýfriends in the ép'AID Pas. lowet;t rates. Re Office, MIBY, ONT, OURE 'ATION. ,eitil, xl lute-> oibed by te worsf forni et rbioe, Irreguly kail Ovarin àdUlcralion, and th. -on.- 4b t"utrcs in- nt. -The ten. ihers le çhook.- lencv, deefreyi sbd telîevàgU tcbeu, lervouus Sîcepleesueua, , weightan e olyured by ný* lb. bsuiuo« r#ial nnie jexcitO I/Ouf a~>red in PMi 4e, 37 perde. Oc, pâr xa. 'sugar coatold), dr, Hleacauhe-,ý 1ick, muild, no ild. ooy etiOi eiodes sent on, omn Druagiste [ION POWDERS aes corne tro ý ad LIVE; * wstionn. AILl wck's ail po,.r-William Jauum. .1 Ëàvswd Coliewiii ooopyitii. Iril pluce in 'hI Popt6lcir Bience .*Jont% gfor, Pebrere Vl:4î an unuesllY readable paper on ',4Tbe, Lave of Habit." AÀ vey clou explanion, ont pbyso0100061 <rounda',. cf the wsy in whioh hàbïte. coma to.2DY0lV5 aSU th. fuw>Ui of'thie orgePiuoe, qrwlng with ils grovth, ai bardening înto permaneney ~ it ma- ture., niakea this article invaluable- reading for yonth and for those who bave the care of the yonUD<. The Capital of the Upited E!taleS las not sa'ery ancient hutory, but its early days are wofth reosllinig wben dune au intereetitigly se W. Eidgar'McOann ha@ done in the Éebruary number of Frank Le8lie's Popular Monthly. As if in contrest vu are then Iaken from-pie. turse of Old Washington te the "Dozneuday Book," that monument of the politicsa acity of William the Conqueror. Dr. Joseph Simme, in au article on "The Foeehead," combats siome popular it1eas, snd shows tbat geiùîue bai; often, lurked under a rece- djnuilroW, snd Iiooy or crime under sé weil.developed on.e. "À Doish Through the Green Il, by Noel Roîbven, je cbarrmngly illu êtrated, snd tbld with iîfe and brigbtotbss. "Old NewOr leaa" ns a well4told steey of wbat r.- mains of thse city of other day.. "Lord Lytton'5 l'laYS" will interest aIl whe know Bulwer's "'Richelieu," "LeAy of Lyons" ,qud "Monoy." "Cbazütilly" gîTes the reader s vivid piolure of the great gift of the Duo d'Aumale to the French nation, who have just exiled him. The great ecieutifie suthority, Richard A. Prôetor, explains bis theory of the 4"Onigin ut Commrnesud Moeere"; szn1 C. F. Holder tile ef the mensten sea serpents tbatl' exieted»b'ère in the days of the Cretaesous S'ean. The storîe-espeoîa)Iy the centaued novel, -The Man Otîde"-"Aàný incident of the San Gabriel ValIey"ý and "Our Sweetheart," are aIl weiih neading, and the illustrations unusually good. .1 Washingtonl Lette r. (Prom san Occaiolal Corsupondeut.) WÂSHU'ItON, De O.1--anm17, 1887.- Thon. are wt ooeks luin.thesecret archives ofthbie United Stetes 'Patent Office for whieh patent attorneys in Washington would be willing te give $100,000. They are thbbocks contain. »g the hDames aud addi'eises of lurent- viter9whse casse haie benu rejected, <turing the put ton jean. There han beena au average ef 28,000 oasesifiled'lu tse -Patent Office every joerfor' lb. lait ton yem nsd Pt yssnly average of 18,000 patente granted. Lait ysar tire re 85,000 applications ftled sud 25,000 patentseiUsud, the largesl nom- ber In any éne joi. Ou this -abowing eo~thîng 1ke -60 per cent, .1f1th0 appli- cains have bout pat*n~. SoBo r. bave been, d4uriug lte litto esas -about 100,000 rejeeted eas44 These lu part includcais os deoea M, lteefer- eoes sud applications sUiwe4 but on whieit final f... have net been paid. Nov good attorneys go% I nil>'0pe cent. cf Ibeir -«»0' allowed sdpet- enl.d ; heucs there muet b. soma rea. swn for ouI> 60 per cent. ci lb. applica- lions being alléoed., The reanon i. tbis .1 ull> $,000 inventors every . year make àontIhèle owu casaé. sud try Io gel tem tonh tie P*tet Omie. Net knoving t rouui th.y akmuet luvar- iably getl luvolved lunttie meues et rsd lape asud lb. intuicacet.o! Patent Offie preceduro. The diffieulty may b. aligiti -s met-einWfrmalit>', a dofectivo deaw- ing, an improper1y:weod application, su indofito specifloalion, or a uilgit interferenco requlnlng a few entendf- mente which a ukiltu paleiut atorne>' coula make ia half an hune. But te 'the'*'iventortems prove sn lusur- mountable obstacle; his application le, rejected sud bo <Ives up lu disgunl or desp>ir' Applications for paentselu thé United States patent Offce goftrnt lelths tvonty.ezght pempeipal exanubers, se- coctding te the subjeci malter. If $bey' are rejeolod, two joeus ae allovod iu wviicitea meud tem or take other necessar>' action. If 'no action shahl bave been tabou at litenmd of bye jouie, sncb cases are trested, as aban, doned, and are sent î le b.division, vitore lb.>'are enlered lunlte bocks vitici thle 'Patent, Attornejs no mnch cuvoL.- Pul>'50,000 of the rejecied cusetotlie lanI ten jeare lUundor thèse conditions. At s 1ev estimaI. 25,000 cf ltes. rejeeted canes, put in the bande 1o! a competenl atturalsy, oould bo-patenled. IA Mietoulatloenby'u fooonucit ozdtionu aes would b. Me *5 àimaà "a ; flf G WUs beId ut B-ookliu 4fierie, té1W Meeting Wa,-larg.ly sih4 lad, lu abr hesnut.ruîWalltitaufgin lutIîe anm suaNire 01 the association. .Mr.. T. J.. Wilson, sPeiet !tfie asbclstOn UPîed bte eichir. Ti. moua "QIt Wse na bs&"orta", UGeo. Minty, seoondad by Mt eo 4. Beokot, lth. repor ut- vnroceved snd adopted. On motion of Me. J'as. Stocks, ne-1 eonded by Mr'. Jos. Moere, it van re, solved':-",Tbat iun te desth o! Ii. laIe Dizon Vandyke, Presideni t' fIbie Aosecitot thelbSociety. hau lest lh. erluesoet-a wortby -snd estesmed offic erg and ibis Board- desigstoex-z presse their tzàbute ef respect to deessed, and their deep sympathy with hie vidow and family lu their .ead bereavenient* aud tai t th Secrelarydo eend an en- geoseed eopy ot ibis resolution te Mr. Vandylte. Oari'ied unanlmnonaly. The Relieing Officers, Meses. Hazel- weod, Cameron and Sinclair, and the suditors, Messes. Jerry Liek and Wm. Smith, vers lbanked by resolution, for their valuable services durng th. pul yeae. The follewing officers were slected for the yearei887 :-Preaident. S. Med- la.nd ; vice-Preeldent, G. Becket; Beoretary, John WilIis, re-eleted: Tressurer, F. A. Guy, re-eleted ; Di- redtors Messes Jos Meure, James Jeu. kini, Jas. Stocke W. Thompeon, Je.. Wilio, A. Yonng, T. Hl. Wilson sud Hiramâ Burroughis. Audiora-Messes J. Lick snd Wm. Smith. A deputation, eomposed of Messes. J. B. Dow, J. D. Eowden M. J. Wes- lAy J. Vipond and J, Lick,,were beard in favor of amalgamating Ibis asso- ciaion with the Oounly Agrieultural Society. A meeting of directues was eonvsued, whîn il van deeided to hoid a meeting iu Wbitby, on Wednesday, tbe 19tîb met., 10, furtber consider the foregoing proçosition. * Te Boy. C"WITH ALL RIS FAULTS WB LOVE HlM STILL." Whet au Jieneot animal a boy is, anybov,sys the Burlington Hawkeye. WhaI mean things ho cen dos vhat cruel tricks ho eau play on a fellow ; boy generous ore, bis impulses; ho* brave sud manly lb. botter Bide cf bis nature ; boy muachcf bis badusn ai pure tîbouqbtlesanssa o! a Young colt ; under his noisy, reugh, boisierous, luïb- nient surface wbai a sensitive,sabrinking heset there le, prend, ambitions, timid. tocisi'ae hsmed te show its better impulses, tesefal titat jeu may disoover ite ambitions dreames; he loves the boy Who eau make th. longent jump smd rua lb. sviltest, sud teotaàei vith .ecWsltu"j;a neak sud a buIll>; b. oil Ihrov Off hiu ceaIsud lump luteaà fihi sud take a "lickiug" anytime for a friend. sud ~iill valk àaround Iv. bloe ontulof bis va>' rather tlbsuet a girl t& "vcm ho will b. exp..te8 to speak;-,ndiffèrenlt en jeu gel hlm Jlone trom vhat ho I.lu sn arowd éhat jeu hbik lhe may b. ive entirel>' diffoent boys. A otange, houent, saprieions, tender-heaeted, tyraunical, lovlug, cruel, thougitlesa, dreang, sbouiing, oomplez animal, Ibis boy of ours. Oftsu badlj lsngbt, verse trained, hait discipline&, wbipped sud pettud, esoldsd sud caeeessedhetrieç eu patienoe.destroje oui quiet, vates eur monay. veinge our hearts,neglects n, loven -os, nndeestmds ns bitter man>'ti"es, Ibsu v. nndersad hlm, sua ve obide hlm te his face sMd prase him tte eue hearis;* ve o 611 hlim, turner hlm, pra>' for hlm sud love him--,God bleu th. boy, towve vo love hlm 1 A Beard live Feet Long. t3patvtatgburg ceunI>', lu Southt Oseolinoals - noied for ils long- beaeded men'. inobave beards-11k. A~ronn, wb oome dovu te titir valitt, buitlà. K. J. NeGarle>', lat pestnrastei' t Waluut Grave l e ,said te, have theýlongeet board lu the Unitedý States. sevesitpslda k.s itlanoder bis olèthing.1 The #ladt rain deown te hig valut sumatm * on dbis vW twIice. Wh 00Sw bd uic.lU prochois .dovu te ,tbi feoe.Mr. Carle> leS fil10 luches hlgh, isla45 jours of ugie sud ofight oonplsxlou. I. eboard la a 111 ztixe wziw gpsy. Howm *good. ýf&ra it W' 1w eilto-do, ... r. 1MxcOrlov u"Ysitiat hie board ocotuUes te row tud *ken l goe slong euofiit LI 0ELU P<.J.iyU15U- Yv555a le im00Very and. Dospepiju tfr aythat it bai done %hem mm, egôôlthan ythIng theybs*v everz used." _:It -hie indeed -aàvwnderful influence iAn puiltying the bloon d, ud e ng dÏises.'of the Dijestive (tigansthe i4ver, Klidueyid Ud i bfders oftîheê General William 13. azen, Ohiet Oftthe, united Btatesi81<1351 servioe died Sunday. We are contantly -reeeiving tesffimouy that Dr,.(Jareon's Oatarrh Cure is what is name implies, a *"Catarrh Cure." Tour drggs t ahorlzed to refund the'mney fitalet give safaction. What eaum. more fair,and need yen suffer any longer?- The AÂrllngton Hotel 'in New West-' minster, B.- C., was burned Baturday, and, three lives were lest. To a&U who anreufering from th. errer. iud indiscretions ol youth, nervous-weak- ~e =1erl deoay., lois of manhood, &o., L a11se a reolpe that wyu- cure yen, B O F CHARGE. The great remedy wus discovered by eanûnionar«i* Bough America. eud a sel-address&énvelop. to th. Rev. JosaPE T. 1nuai, 8j"ati-1), New. York Oitv. AIYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of the diseases whlch cause human suffering re2àuit f rom deyange- ýýent of the sfouiach, *bowels, and liver. AYER'8 CATIIÂRTIC P1ILLe act directly upon these organe, anud are especially designedti f cure the diseases causeti by their derange- ment, including Constipation, Indiges- tion, Dyspepsie, ileadache, Dyscntery, andi a bost of other ailinejils, for ail of whlch they are a sac , sure, prompt, andi pleasant remotiy. The extensive use of fuse PILLs by eminent physielaris in regular prao- tics, shows lanmist.akably the estimation in which they are held by the medîcal prote..' sion. Thiese PILLS are coinponndcd of vegetabt Substances ouly, anti are a boolntely f rea fror calomel or any other Injurlous ingredient. A Sufferer from ileadache, wrltes: 'AYEE's FiLLe 'are invaluable f0 me and' are my constant goimpanlun. 1 have ibecn keevere sutterer from Usadache, andi tou 9Laare the only thlng I could looet tor@rsllef. One dose yul ulckly znovemy bowels andi frees n i had in mpain. They ire thes muai elfetUve and theetest physie 1 have ever found t I. s ea leasure lu me f0 in~kl thelr prase, and 1 always do se whnoccasion ors. W. 1- PAGo, of W. Lý Page & Br&" Franliun St.., rnchmond,Va., J une 3,1lest "I bave uoeti Ayxas Plus In nuseber- Ieos Instances as recommended by yen, and bave neyer icnewn tiiem te fai tteaccompl}sb th~e deetreti result We constantly keep thens on band a: oui home and fprisethesa ai a pleasant sale and rellable y moedicIne. voit DYSPEIAthey ae am udbwe J. T. JIÂYU. Melu, Toxs, Joue 17, 1882 T'he RnPv. FLaN IB. ULwwn, ei 0mAUouW . Go.., mys.' -For smieye "M u eeu.,lubjeet tO &atphm lu ah i' pite of . te use of ne eism ofvarions kintis. I suffereti IUrssg n1nveulenee, ml n'out eMnti -av IL began takg Am'Ws PJLLI. bt* ezirely corectedé the co= yehjal,%ýand bave vistly Improveti my generail hsalii.- Am'Ws CÂ&TiÂXTIO PILLa correct irregit- larities et tseý bovoli, stimulatie the appe- tus sand digestion, andi by their prompt and. tlorough action give tons andi vigor lu ltte hoephyslcal eeoiomy. Dr. J.O. Ayer &Co., Lowei11 Mats. Sold byatl Drugglsts YOUNGI AUlexperlence the; vonderful OL, ANDI beeflaeftsu Ayer's Sarsaparilla. AGED.I Fra. or àsrotuuor sypli-. litte tan ay b aehel1ean týi g, by ita use. Soldi by al! Dm88151; $1, six hottUs. for P qO ENGLIUSTABLE Io 0xmmIDEE rit, T WIEOU senufree ourSdept9 -pus IFALL SUITSN JOH N FEROUSON' PtttLIC 'AUCTION, AT, 1CU CHOSE)u b TO.,WN :gF WH.ITBY, Tueyday, dh aài, 1881, At ths hour eot Two o'olocklinthe attenon, thé, ana d parôeIn of land remsiung nsld or so muet thereof as May ho-necsyfr th. taxes su lawu chrges nurdl aud,.about snob sale., - Trei AIue.oONGai~ London a'di Las-8hr L'fé bompany. Tht.Jomen jse verydesirabIeloxi o ==Iosu a déèsitea.*ih',t Ieevr Genera luin pprov ed C0am adip ueeipitiels ovèe S100.O or eàeb., s1oO. lilty, u uodi ABSOLtTEs UPaICles deseus of assuring -lbelr', livi Wlfl fnd lttewr advantage 'lu connu the iindersig« d A! r. nurg eonstvhei Gener4Â ýgo" Wbitby Mayl8ý, '86. -ly 18 8HOWING ÀA BuPBBiIOB STOCK OP Scotch, English and Canadian Twele-dsy -Anid other fim ne ns o!fClothe, for Spning suita. 'Anl garients' * made up ini Isiesistyle, on shoxteui notice. Réadfnadeu Metie and Boye' Suits, Gents' Furnishinga and II1IkfIIIAAfM5d f al Knds HATS I HATS-! H-AT S!l ilatesi olyles in Hard and soit PFlu Hats VEBY OHmàre JOHN FE1«*USOE w; E.O' 'flOTOGRA B2Ifock ' Stre~, 3~ let enormo!u* tbr vc0WI496t Oui Pst- elnsif ïSey-knevhov. i But the touble ýj sýt here--neo o tflde lte Paient alc l iovedaccenbom'teothon. fme beoks4 And vithou$l -tbm l.>'oant learmlt e sud adM d 2 fs of.inventera.]

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