Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 3

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PEIR.YAIR eveteel 'LE BUTTON%ý cs and black, H-INGB eave youir ordi not have to oosse 3y'and Byl lis Xmas?- This i- to intimate that we . -ps, FancyQColored Lonm Chamber, etts, at wli it Baskets, a varIety *plated goods, Suitable to suit the tirnes.- N EXT 30 DAYSO ,ndsome China CujT a êO and 75c ,Teas and every 2 'and 40c per lb. À. oOVp e figures. The famous lho ýoc perlb. -&AU LiýUdso! can l1k OyMers arInvng evry 'q Narehouse.ý Don't forget l lu ail a happy Soa8on,- tServant, )N' FRASIER,' Block, ]Rrock St., Whitby, - 1887. 'rper 's Young Poop AN ILLIJSTRATED WEEKLY. &it'S YOUNG PEOPLI hlas O é ,model of -what, a eriodical Loty ýrs =uh to be,' and the juspoi ommendt i imply sustu rge rulation it hm.att"ledboU and in Great Britain. Tit-s~u~ eon reachedi by -methodus $sti end thenselves -W the.udm Ma, no Ions than to the tait"Ac camely,by an oarmeot sud *a'IU à- effort toprovidA the bes and tive resding for young people st & The illus)rations uare p1ou* &P *picuously ,high standu fe epitome of e',ryo ~th"t is *i n Couier. 'eckly tost of good1hIugsto tbê b Ll lin evexy hly«;wmobît y la wondertul in ia wealth of iietu nation and itu.Cri"A N. Y. 18: POÉTAGE PaEPSn, $.0.P«' Mu. commnmuNoom&e, l )Lz NUNBERS, PiveCoente ao., 2ttances ehould b. mule b! M Money Order r Drute qpeg rnt lt 10cop$I th îtht thezprcasordero ýf ros ~-HÂBB~ NeB w v11. ~,oio 1100G. s-a' for f followuag extract. from. Ohiel T an,.injonction againstI 1h. : z là B.O1T1O Light Oeupmansd -lnthora 10 remove foïro6tbieir iho oppos">it4 aide. of 1he. streetthi toet thé Telephén. Qaompany goht i t.sing Sbelng iC ihtde niR oft1h. kind in Onadai. Âfter < g to the Statues of theb. Domin- doe ac Of Ontaro;î under whicb the thbs ù6f are inoorporated ana derive .pub] powers, and reviewing a large ma"s one vidence and quoting ext.onsivsly i articles in Ameriean Eleotrical houi ale, Hie' Lordship aya .-"1It ap* leni the plaintifs were in possession -huai 6 ground for theorMotion of allit polos, and Ihâtl lbey had theu The ereoted about two years betfore, Ha efendant put up their poles. Tha t Se ver did flot gî'e theun theexcinsive ýBai asaou or rigbt to use the aides of YOU ado on whioh they had placed their beel aven if hbey had the independen t cati to use the sides of the roada under thua ominion kct without the consent haiV e Municipal, Council. It je Dot 0 meary te say wheshor the Do- Ben on Act or the Provincial Act- ja Cit eot nuder which the plaintifs bhav e rieght to exorcise their powers, that mal 1houer thsy have- the right to use fatt toadaide for their potes vithoul the sl e of th. Municipality, ou only witb e basve accprding to, -he. Ontalieof t Il is sufficient to say that beingà dial tbe earlier possession of the ground 1 nt juired for their polos, the defeudanteSaI( ve not the rigit to intertere wlth or t Vany uct te 1he injury of the. plaintifs 1Dot relir rights. The deteni!anta would pri t bave the rigbt ho eut or removeItbe an %iitif'a potes nor make use of them, coi r to -place wire or do anything abs a bich would damage the purpose or etuinesa of the potes or wires which te plaintiff bas plaoed there, nor to me Dder useless or prejadice the business b bici the. plaintifs were and are auth- ph ised bo carry on by means Of these . îles and wires, nor to cause danger te Of le or property by etringiug tlir w ires We ) 2f ea thome o! the.plainifs ibtfif te or property i. endangered thersby. Gr hae. bandaut îostimony that plao. ha g lie vires of tisse parties hec near Wl b a.i other (and the later erection ni lould be theaut of the wrong doer,) ta rhil@e b. intrMents arein use or in 911 echtrical storme s isdangerous and ha% ci ot only cauued danger, but boas destroy- h a buman life. &a.d tbe instances cf th ceh accidents are more numerona than hose Who do 'Dot gir. Muoh attention r 'hies. malien would suppose.Be Lumerous thst in many parts of the i Jaited BIBtis. spécia leg6elative initer. m breuebus boee urgeully oalled for and Oc , Mach an exteut Sas se prohititthé l teintgof eleoirolight vireson lhb saie re Id. ot the road upon vhloh eltier tel.. ah ortléph!one Vires aresrug.' ýpýdtbub ieeloirie vires Pa" b. ow hlatentIfrorntle. chers. of"r apmrael Uneor'above orbelovl, he ti le, sôe m cident maactuel t hie h >I0owires by breaks"e cf one oftbem, s 'totiieriseliaidanger may bepro. ' Iucd. It is a1so sald Is à difficult te Ireserve comploesinsolation Saudt bi he materis neui for it besornes rnelted'l ubthie inmulation i$ destroyed Sud t vering cf lhe vire la no grest proeeot- t induction tien il thi.expeaed vire. How fer tb. defeudîtet eould b. aiirte lite or p ïàry snkoýt . 'tdor âefined.TM e RB. O 715 c59 &»d 70whia b are .port cf 1h. 45Vlc. e . '9 and 8, hais sernoonneo,- OU vltibis ýpplioation .But inde- pendantly cf îhes. genere'provisions tIeplalnue a - areesd te relief .on hic summary proteollon *aud reliein' caesetfthe klnd wae gr.nted. ThIe fotac t at ie "City Bugineer Jouaé d .h. do.ý bfata îsh ide cf lb. roàadin., ý' .5011 vanc the pla.. soi vaut *y, w. dead Bmnutori and eaol is aIbonze. pari *tuing and potaiUst 10 ies .-n'd. opp] yi are Gan.Heundetson1 andc Men"r. cou] anonad as.Teyaeouibe md ahreng men and .geod vwoikers by' ît 'partiyilutle. ffouse suid- thé Be.an blicaus Weuld b. sorry te *bave auy ligI 3oft hem lea&e the lover b ranch. viti Et is a sIguificans i t'b latlin grne adred messages and lettorn et coude?. fer Le recelved. by Mis. L ogan upen ber hou aband'a deathy, ouly'-Ivo Lad any lie aibus go heconsolations cf religon. &roi ne two exceptions are by Colonel John, I by, tie auther, et "Jin Blndsal" and lie pien A. Douglas, boti cf viiom lam A "Mey Qed coinfort and austain tis 0."$ Fitty years ago il veuld have cou nb unbeard. of le omit ansi ait lave. au tion, sud a message, et condolencecr at.laoked the religionselemelit vould ,va seemed a mosiery. -M One cf the. oherishad plans o et la bale uator Logan vas 10 establishinm Ibis fteî q an institution for the education et bel a cons of soidiers efthe laIe ver. It bas &de ne diffprenoe ou' vhich aide the sw tber fougituGan. Loga hengh a 1111 Idier'ascon eioubd b., furnishod vili ma sns for an iduoatien. Ho firsi upoke -K- thus plan about lh. urne Gea.- Grant saj ad, vien, in viev efthe proposed ust oerment et bis romains et lb. Nation-.OCh Capital, corne kind et memerial vas sm b. erecteé lu 'honor cf him. '1Why 1 t put tie moue y thas wonld ho ap. hei ,opriateëd," remarked Gaon. Logan, "inW iinstitution ot learuing, and tins )nfer a vortiy tribut. te, Grant,? 1 mi sure nothing voul1 have pîeasedA im more." Altiongi another disposition vas asdeof tfhe dead, Gan. Logan did net bandon' bis idea, but formnlated a lau for *a. isoldiera' college vhich, ho ltended 10 present during Ibis session l fCongiroes. Funde for ils support a 1 re. go be raisedl by an assessinent cf - a 1y cents ou every ineniber oethle wv rand Army cf the Bepublie, and by te, ýaving sciolarship8 qndowed by thone bc ho favored lie-preject. lIiiî probable 08' ow liaIsom Borneletsatesman wvil ake iold oethle malter ail reapthe Il .Iory et temtering ansh I measure belorn 3ougresa. Gan. Logan and 8enaler Edmunde xd long ocupied adjoiniug mnesiluet h. Sonate Ohamber, aud -a warit»01 iiendmiip exlsted belveen themn. AI ,h. lime ofthle tunerelof <Geu. TLogea vasu tionght strange 1hâ1 the Ver-b ment Omnahor vas absenta nome. Domsaen vas Made qpon tlb-.tbat a ho hail not sven obe ead trom, »in egard 10 bis tieond's déatli. Kr. Bd- i mandé Iiad gone South le speud lie 6, aiitday oe itI aegonuW«g parti, -' ma wdglieu beyond lbà" âé Ot I ails s»A iehgrem.' iRediii Dmt has bat we.Lg u sada iUntlaier' h. va bured. 1 It varather au iuterwetg clreurn-I ltance tls the firi viel fetxezBenaor )oukling t10 he Sonate lihamber smno. ho resigned lun18M1siônld ba*s beeu to attend lie fuserai of one oftheii men vioeto slocoseadtstly by hlm in bis.I troubles. There vws hitle change lu Mrt. Oockllng's epeace houmark ths Ltervabo0;1lime, bu»ash. sel er. amld thon familier a-undings, ou. ooond jiôê but vonder what thoughts, Wor. ýosrIng Ilarougi ýhie min& -iNo ther, six yoersinsmo.heisar .nded 1usd- vlhueusd 1 noaumy important '1 0 badW bu sasIn A u b said"e I ~ I'ooul onuppa emoke. But, my ciqarvane w1dlul.'vole heur I remue bhout. they wer. living aà-Obrisimep iree, My neiýiborsbit e by luthe iso acromsath ie treet, ol e I res wighhéhiprelly boy dcIOng- mil il. Lksew anul îti t I belvssael Darme io! Que vo ue aresthe Young nbs l sbeom=,.th*t greater love ân mine vasarnnd bu,,aàbe0. lia aid. Icrever shielà hlm from ail trials kd sMOnr; but I oouhd est hbp. ,ymg eut: ",My baby, My boy, I vent yen The curlain cf ont .pàrre'wuas p a v luches, ad I coula see «Dy- vite ou S kuses, alud what did sie have, lu' S bauds, kisigIim gl n uInwi-isobs mil a=? ii 4be stookingi w. bung up lest Chrit- aé eve. Periape wvogv*l, sÎ4te neigbois rYý Ioutguo 'cl" v asud bye, or "gel id 10 il ; "but i ie the ie r brisirnas vs have bad ho Iv. hrougb, ace the baby disd. My vite cernesi bis lithîs Verse lu ar pockei.book: r shail roam on the banks cf îhe River cf Peace, And dwell on. Ils cyl lido, id one oethe joys etour eaven vil b. n.e littho boy liat died.Wouldn't Give way. A fletroiher vieovas drivlng ont on àe Hlolàen road tiie-olior day carne 10 spot wh-ers lie snov vas badby drift. d on eabb side et ths traci just uas roman driviuig a hers sd 'png' ën- ted tie ciber sud of tbe ont As thiey etb held 101h. rosid tisir herses So sme head on sud shoppoul. 'Wby'didn'l you ttuu oit?' shouled ha man. IWiy dldu'i yen?' repbied the vo- 11". gel savon Miles 10 cdve, bnt lIl 4sy here ail vinter betere rI u mm 'And l'va got fie dozen ew . here, Sud l'1.1 ié hern trese.hardjas rooks The àendroipped lb. biss, gtel a igarad leenbiaci *ou, bis se4i.The reman dropped -ber nues, ligbi lier pipe avrappsd liee ld hutwai.robe iround, ,ber tt.Tin iby mai for ,a*tleAnmd oa81ed f*Watle.prie-cf bopgauiyooe 'Gb, 70W 1v* 0 Oth eli.por i o v u in yonr al.lgb,' oe.wansU!*d. 'l'u gad 'aus vdover.1 MREh? A»rey*u a do#?' 4Serti, sud, ov9u M25acresf t tii best baund lu G*eefied Bo caea wîdovarf' "Yee'rn. M'tam, pr uzoue e, 'Ah u~4àmpl1~wme i. ope ià 'Oh, e$1all~~. in.ieaier, bt have saejrn ' 'lu#tas yonuy' Âsheame1sÉ-%ieb Ïholera on -boa&d ealwed çfocwb# t ifl rdmo 0 Iîe& las éný At the, COURT HOIYSB,: TOWN 0F WR,ý TueMay,2hda, At Le honr of wlSvc obckiù ~ thes said: parcels of -and remaui or so mach. thereoi -as ùmay ben, talixes and l&dilAvfacharges ach gale. 1887, LodoadL Life Con FALL SUITS. JO~HN oflalily, lii ,muit. o Piarilti s dU . unfidel *l JCndi FEIRaUO 1 la BHOINGA BpzBI9R BSTOCK G Scotch, English and 'Canadian ÀAd other flne linu dOf(lollis for Spring suite. AUl gar monta ma. up ini 1ates1t style on ehottnlc. Rnd4nae en's and Boys' 8ult8s, GEnta' IJn*clotln*of ait KIPIS. LroI -HÂTSI Furnihin-andl HATS I ~Iand an4 0oft Pull] W. R ~iiL Tenm a

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