Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1887, p. 4

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~'-}¾t~~~ - CHEA Pl CILAI'A Brushes of ail kinds Combs Chamois AND Toilet Articles. A JOB LOT ÂT THE MEDICAL HALL, ODOR CASES DRESSING CAlES WIIISK HOLDERS TRAVELLING COX~PANIONS ETC ETC SUfTABLE FOR XMÂS. G. E. GIBBA RD. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Ffiday, Jan. 1887. ,&s we go ta press we hear the Dominion flouse hais been dîs8olved, and that the nominations will be held on the 8th of February and the eiec- tiens on the l'5tb- WELL, the iocail elections, the munic- ipal electiorns, and the uchool trustee elections, are ail over now, and the best cf good feéling tili prevails. There je jugt one more great big fight te corne off yet, and more intere8t wifi bu cen- tred init iL han ail the reut, The ap- pearance of things peints teau eariy struggla ; thongir there will probably be a"short session firet. JUST at present Etiglish politicu are lu ratherý a bad mux-up. Lord Ran- doipb Churchill has qnarreled witb bis Tory ccrleagues becanse tire meney granted for the "Queen'u Noece" je net properly acconted for, and is said te bu sidlin&, np to Mr. Jos. Cb'amberlain. Mr. -Gosaben saàLibrd Hartiirgten arc talking cf taking Ç-brili's work by commisision (rom Lord Salisbury. On. thino ic atill nhuirraô ;" ê.' Il-.. sittiation. and that is the Anti.Horne party is determined te hury al cIrer differences in order te defeat Mr. Glad- stone sud Mr. Parnell. MEmUER.s dlc f the new Aesembiy are already on the look ont for eligîbie seatu iu the chamnber. ""'Donald Gutirrie cf Guelph came down by lb. firet express, and bas secnred G. W. âadge- row's old seat, next te tbe MinrÊter cf Edncation, alongaide whorn b. eal fer four years in the House cf Commnons. Ex-Speaker CLarke bas ehosen a esat neit te Mr. Hardy. Thie wenid eem la indicate that the ex-speaker hae no expectation of another terrcn tire Ibrone, sud gives celer b 'tire rumor that Dr. ]3aiter yull be tire next speaker. The denIer ,oughl b beo capable cf filuiig tire position, as ire han been a meurber of tb. Aesembly ince 1867. Thre Assembly wiii meet eerly in February, and lire session wiii be short and quiet. -TusB re-eleolion o! Mayor Rowland in the city cf Toronto, vith a greatly iucreased majority, iras forever- buried tire clique cf vire-palleta and stock. jobberm liaI have elong eontrolled tire affaire cf tiraI City. Althougi tire ladies ef Toronto rallied tJthe poils ta great numbere, yet tire supporters cf Mr; Blain eaun nt ascribe tir. vietery on- tirely to, tlem. H Iowland had a abatr majority of 800 e ver -sud above Blain, ebclusivr'.of tire 1800 votes given hlm by lire ladiest lu tact tire majorly cf lady -votere 1er Rowland was but sightly ever 1100. ,Mr. BIain kihied himeif in tire estioemtiou cf tirs fair'. *mndéadci@Àena cf.Toronto for aIl future electiens P>y sneerigat the Ladies for voting agminst hum am ridiculing bli efforts in boirai! c! tempmrnse hud, morality. Tire-liquor party et Torouto neyer mnade a moe grie'voui miatake ri their liven than iren tlioy* eeusd ýtir -moral sîsmeut cf thitt rt it, in defe*ce cof ils' riglfits >and privile Mayor Holàand l ire ieont frisnà .;-,te hotel.keepOrn -have;, rad th.y but ýsnsî - nougir te sMcil. Liquor,selling i l Toroute w botir ogItimate auad lleii ir$ite.Io '. tire iilogal sale of 1lquot bhat;Mayeir Howlandlips undertakes te statupout,, aîqdho wilWdo itî l iehbi given * fair sho*. 1Whasthé:. boonei seller bas toi hoWl about wi sn'* IU vas jasI teb*Okk b*todi hf .Wu have jatôo 0 word to whuier un the,,a o or printerà ,Of the, econnty nad distrit. 1$ je wil kuova that -aU muniec.ipal printing qin - Ibis vlity jei douest et sarrtioi pricen. Nov, for the life fun we can't 8se«wbya Woporat on ehoed have itu printing done.&ai lower rjates, than a private individual. and we think the principal cf dcing Be is wreng. We don't blame the couneillor Who in the. diecharge cf hie duty gets work doue as 1ev se reasonable, butw. do blame thon. Who would starve the printor eunt entireiy. More than ail we cry Ã"cft against the printer Who will neither allow himeeif ner anyone 'else te make anything. The tenders for ýprinting 'wil a&H have te go in nuit weekg and w. trust onr brother printers will have omre enue and ask at 1ast a fair figure. W. do no corpq ration work aud don't expect te as i '~as prices remnain where tbey are new. TaÂNI* flood ne the office neeker je no ionI on the war-path, and cur babies wiIl net b. waked oulé of their afternoon nap te kise the peopie'e eau- dilate for at least a few menthe anyway. Whal eith the provincial electiens, the maunicipal election, and the eieotiofl fer echool trustees, the unfortunate voter bau found lif. ail but endurable. The Dominion election rnay or may net be far distant. Sir John may take a lesf frem Mowat'e book saud spring them on ne a anymoýnt.- We are inolined te, believe there wiil b. a short uoseicu foilowed immediately by dissolution and the election. Ontario has been pretty wcll gene over by the Ministere and now thA maritime provinces are having their innings. Tbe gevenmeflt are keeping their intentions to them- selves and ne dopibt will follow,,that policy ntii tbey are ready te face the music. The leaders of beth parties are doiog what they eau te close up their ranke and be prepared for the truggle, orne wben it vmay. oriaiized thre Ontario Governuient asking that the arnount cf each man'st auueeue:àt, real, personal or otberwise, c bu given opposite hiie name in thef voters' liste. This isn't snob a bal ide& au far as it gees, but the trouble is that the asseusmeut is generaliy con- firmed before the voterB' lis are printed, thus affbrding ne information antît it in too late. At preseul any ratepayer may look at tb. aseesument roll any lime after il is returned, and may appeai against auy other persou'n assesement, but thie îu seidomn don. There are few appealu excepl (rom tirs parties wbe fancy their ratiug la tee higb. The asuesscre - appointed are geuerally old fogies-men of 6"good judgm-ent" but ne business qualiies- in fact tbey are almeet always cld bangers-cu cf thre ceursils cf 'paut years. lt vante Borne plan cf a uew method cf ausesumeut te b. pnblisrd at once, and shlow the assesor to lake au affidavit frein escb income voter as te iris utalements. Il le obvious 1,ia presens plan cf as.sgment vante a thoror'agb overhaulizrg. This journal lu eulirely devotod tu lire intereet cf Ibis town sud ceuuty ad gee jute the work witir ail its heart and- energy. If il don% do Ibis work well it (ails in ils mission and tire main object cf ils publication. W. keep no agente ou tire road, but are aiwaye foddlu our place, cf business te attend te tire vante of th. pubic. W. have been fairly wehl sapperted by ou.r pat- rons and altiougirvo have net made au efforts to extend eur business enl- aidi cf cur county, yet noverai avenues tirrougir wbich snob extension qmight b. iuede have beenppeined t , /y out. nid.friende, Wire kinduse i.eappre- eiats althhigh WB have not, gse-far taken adratag o! l. ltirodgh generally spekigw hveno reason te compiai cf ur dvetiangpastrenago,yst there w e point or 1w. te vwhich ve feel bound in juestice' te ourselves te eall the attention ofssveral o! oar business men. Tire malter stands just l&ke th. Mony 1Toronto mero4ants and sovsral adver- tising bureau&s o! Toronto have repeat. edly requested us te give -theinadve.r-' 1tislug epace in- our celuine, for wirioh tirey are willing top ay us eur bigirest rates ; juet. et prosent voe a ndaly >receipt cf comurunioatioim. on Ibis gub- 1jeot viicibave 'rsseived our. ,carefl >cnidoration. Ouir, paper îh oireulatod .ezlensively alonl thelino ef rail*ey. rliadiug ito eToronto. and no doubt ù us 1te the introtof Toronto môrochiàtae to kedvartiethroughaucha medfium. Se far vs heave declino4 toýboomî Toronto %rade and hv bouiedoureelves te ..*d- o 'Whom# it MAY, Conceli. Bra z-We haive iu Wbitby a a plia éureh, a. Methediat churohi a Fm.by-é ,rianohrla ora'0.bo Liurchs a ohurch cf EBglkd-ý_ ive iould 1 Say ?-the Flymonth Breibrên knd the Salv&tion Arnwy. hyý daim the -aâne Master, basethr iion the. pame bock, and are on- jaged. in the saine work.1 It would sea te an ordinary obse rvie s if th. .roe maightbesufifieeft. why, let me sk, ini ail eaznàeetness, and k-1th all due repect to my clerical frien448, aehol~d *uny portion of thie work 4* del.gated e the teachers; cf the te'Wn ecoo4ey Lf the mer. reading cf the »ibie, or the =r p ls r attendance at seu h readig, eoaal f doîng rgod hy e irak. the obligation býndinjo pen ail, Dldase w-ll ae 'young ? Wýy net# for istance, make -il a part 0f tirs town olerk'e or the mayor's duty lico open the meetinge cf the. tewu ooun*il by -real- ing a prayer and a chapter Pr mele6tion from. the Bible? Seholars attend cohool te b. intruoted. The tombher es employed to instruot týiem. But whon tie. Bible je read in echool th. teacher muet abutain frem. perfor.mug bie fonotion. He je forbiddenta b «ie sny instruction in oonneotîifl wifzh such readmng. Thre ehildre aeo .left in the s"me heiplesu '-cnditionl tiat promptedth.e enueh fro nEthiopia when aeked by Philip, 11U 4erstaudeet thon what thon readeat ?2" te exclaim, ,'How eau I except some eue ushail guide me 1 " If a echeol teacher muet not be allowed te prejuilice the minde of hie pupils in faver cf, or againet, this or thst sectarian doctrine, vhy, one caunot irelp asking, should any On. else do so?2 If a child is to b. trusted to read The Bock in sohool, and'inter- pret its meaning for ijself, wby shonld a epecially traiued in8tructor bu theught neeaaary at eny time 1? Eitber it would seem the, peinte ci doctrine that eplit np the charch aire ci very little importance, or otheriuua thas il is the unidoubted duty cf the clergyman cf each ý ect te se. te il, tu fair se in him lies that the correci interp-retation by tb. youth cf bis fiocli of the portions cf soripture on whiet these doctrines rest should be ensurei by hie owu careful supervision., The uneeuly contentions couéernine the readiug cf the. Bible in our seheols that are just uow rampant, are oertaioij net ivel ealculated te infect a Iaymgçx either with inrpiicit truet ie the in fahlibii&y cf the mnembers cf the elerica profession, or vith a strong heilef ix their profession cf an exoeptonai largè éhare cf lb. meek and loinl spirit of the feunder 01 the 43hrisliaî religipu. W. commen folk Meay Wei ask onrselves whether it ho mafe for lai te trust te tthe opinions of cleqymei on questions notetriesly witbixR thel province; when as w. a»e, they cen1 agre amnroget themselvis e onein mnatters which rnay b. ai @&W l, r ntly tea Amo within thaiv praawipu *I diction, -bat, ta b. ai regards "b~ speciality cf fondamental importanOië These, while they prefestiret th*e believe th. Bible te b. the, inspira word cf God himueif, do net-ecrupie t "aY tirat ilis net filte oput imb là hiande cfsehool chuldren util il bd youar report e! tue imbUe Wh houer of Mr. Drydsnu's IE lio, Ju'ZnouoeDr. BaÃŽ.-ta havi seid,"Su Jhn'ssuggestion, rndo, Port Perry, te «lv. tire, ladies a vote, senibi - ~neI- b as là Wounder E jiohn . nver hought o ai ha befer., ai Ch ris tuas -V--ri 4ies, Je~ ýfi1ver Wai :)VELTE Special for the Holiday Trade, Gents'-Furnishings- -New, Neat, and- Nobby:' Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, BraceË, Bréastpins, Collar Buttons, Cuif Sleeve ilolders, Cuif Ifolders,, Stocking Supporters, Underwetlr, Gloves, Mitts, Scarfa, Toboggan Suits, Toboggan Sashes, Toques, Jackets, Shirts, Jerseys, &o., &û., Furs I Ladies' Gents' Furs1! Buttons, Mufflers, Cardligan Furs !e! Fur Coats, $25, $309 $35, $380 Ladies' Muifs, S¶'. Seal, $20, $22, $95. Caps, $12, $13, $14.. Ladies' Persian Lamb Muifs, $8,50, $9.50, $10.50, $12.50. Caps, $$.50y $4.50, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50. Also a large, and complete range Of Muifs 1.1 the following: Blk Coney, Mini, Otter, Grey Lamb, Baltie Seal, River Mink, Skun k, Possom, Astrachan, Monkey, Blk Bear, &c., &c., from $250 p.Ladiçs ]Vur Capes at $5.00, $5.50, $6.00, $7.00 and $7.50, And a complete stock of Fur 'Trimmings in ail widths and cbolors fromh 35c peryd to $1.50. Fur Sea X $100.persiaLam,$,5,$U0,nes.$M,$65,$.0,$.0,$,0 $S.S.,S$9.00 $1.O,000. PThe nLabe$4,stock5,00,o$5h50 $6.00to $ele0,fr.M $5, alt6eSeu a$2. , $.00, $.5 , $.00 The50, eavertocaSuthOntaotoee roiband ih Seal Tap, $2.00, $.00, $50, $.00,$4.50. B enk ad, p,$1.0, mt andmavbas, i G *reya Black, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, at R~QS8 Several members cf the Opposition in the 10 W~0M Il MAY C0N~FHI1' Quebec Leisatue have be;éu offered in- ducements to desert Mr. Mercier. B. Eà. B*rwel, of Fingali, Ont, write:- La8t antumu I was suffering from a savere cola which settled on myL ;0g and pro- duoed a dlatresslng tons fot whiehI gave, triai le a number cf Oough 14edlinies but wiihout sarbemet. 1at lkat, tried :ee bôtle t # 1 ? aeam, which I aCh --- * aL It'"Bue wV1alUiOSt lm- wmei»At relief and performed a perfect cure in a short line. South Bing of the & Oouzity o! Outazio. TO WIT PU BLIC NOTICE à hereby given liraI JOHN S. LAIRKE1. CaOaîddto foatire said Riocoral Dùistict for tibe =ion la Memtber for the, Legfis. lativoe uebl- et Ouita no'w pendig, ROBERT, JOHN GUINN, ottheTown oe! Wirtby, intir. Oouty cf FINÂNCýAL AGE&T, = d»or&iiç Btir t1cbute t tir e uae made - I t.î- ing Offcer. DOW~M MAY CONCERNEHITM.'m N OTICB is irereby giv$sxu lu accordance Nwitàr Section 546 cf tire <cnsolidated MuuîipActflotf lI8Ç i 1at tire 3ounnil, *! thir Mnicipality cf lire Townshlp o! Scugog i# the. County c! Ontario, iutend at a meeting o! tie saidCoutei. te be held 'iu thre Townhip Hýa Scugog, on Saturday, -the I5th day of Jan- - uary, 1887, At One o'clock' P.M., te ',pags a 13y.law te stop up and seil the foUéowing original al- lowances for roadla in ibe ýsaid Township cf Scorgcg, vis: The. allowanoe for road hucwn. as tire eld. Town Une betweftlotes1lin tire 6th Conces- sien-fcrmerly cf Caxtvrighit sudr'24 libeh Stir Concession fôrmetlýy~! f'eacsh;', abs al tiart ! tirfthesaid old '~y'. in, i-x týei.rom tire nortlirez i at of tire Flue Pointrogd north te thU ushore c! LÃŽke -Son- gag, s±eepýstlugthseportins. wircr tire. saminls'crôsied by,*bir.j C0entre rea& ana,. Tire'-siiovane.foir roadi ýbetween loto 6 ance- lor zoad btet ue 61kaud 11h cmn- em ns i rontingloti 2. - Thre aiowaince for road 'bebveen the M1 and, t 'h eecessions. féxemerl oir. i- TOWNSHIPM0F SCUOG.ER NOTICE Ruà ýîe uygven uaçcornc Nwitir Section 546,o! tir. onsolidêW bdunolplAo o!188, tiraItire OCuril o! tir. Municipalily cf tire Towus-4ip o! Sougeg, lun tire cýnty o! Ontario, iuleud aI- a Meeting cf maidi Qüorcil te 'b. held lu thes Township Hall, sougog, ou Saturday thý i5th day of Jan- uary 1887. At One 'clck p.m., bt pass a By-iaw te sb~U ana, sel tir. following aSUoWance esaLisied fora road* lu th.eadTownah Thre "àadetÏbleiedinllot 24 lu thie7th ceneessinformerily Beach,' extsnding frein tire ceutr road lu a westerly directionb 'the te - and mid to=nLkwzl -lieir objections te tir. same St aforeeaid nire'ocf ocunoil. By order o cQuncil - JOEN FOY OClerir Towenship of Scnge9. Date& Nov. 141h 1886. l' -19 Mi" DE -14-Nil5j% C5 o mplete tlwai ever beenrV ..BA RN BXIOK ET, WHI' JMNUARY- 7th, LC AL, LACOI ýT tg GOING ON lit AND I BUDGET 0F UIVELYL-OGAL NE' BY- GIRONICLE REPOX "A ciels amangye, a Au' f aith heUl prent il. [IXSTEX 113 the musie 9 ýTwe rinko frein hers invitle 5estetday te c ab tire. :TEm teglar meeting.~ pe Wiln b. held -in -th li.F. Tuons, Proies ï Cvaielhenicu., 1 1ý te of tirg' FULL OF AND

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