Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1887, p. 3

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dByq ,tlîîis 18 1n( to initiidae tliat we are Ip-sý, Lancy Colored Lampla, Cha,.lruber Setts, at whOl&- uIt Baskets, a variety of, >plated goods, suitable fer' ýt Suit the times. ÉEXT $0 DAYS. aidsoine China Cup 'and 60 and 7l Teas and every 2 lis. ue and 40e per lb. A.complete 's igrs The faious LouijW 80e p r lb. Ail kînds of cannéd plk Qysters arri.vng every week W\ rrfho~iispe-, Don't forget te bail ýO' lt, Ser at, esn IN -.F RA SEIt, jlack, Brock St., Whitb, Ont. 1887.;, >'per's Young Peo ple, AN ILLUSTRATEO WEEKLY. odel ci what4i periodical for yong Ejy ouglit to be','aund the jsieQ crmndjtion'in amply suotaiod -by go circulation it lias attainedl both nt nd in âreat Britain. This mnceSu 1 en reajbhod by methods that muhs$ D d themnselvýes to the judgment cf 8 , no 1688 than to the tates of chld- anely, by an earnest and Well sn- effort to providi. the best and imeu ive reading f*.r young people at a low The illustrations are copions and of picuons]y liIgk standard of exéel- epitome of eyerthia tlat i. attrant- desirable ini juveIlirare-- Couiiler. eekly feasti 91 good tbi4gs to the boys rlle in every tamily eh~h it vista,- lyit Utiont. wonderful in its wealth of pictures,, ation and interet.-Christja,, Advo- IS: POSTAGI PILEPAID, $2.00 per Tou. IIL. commences Novernier 2, 1888 LE NUUBERS, Five Cents each. ittances ohoula be riade by Post- -Money Order or Drbft, to avoid, spaers are not ta copy Mh8 advertits.. iQutthe express brder of lIiuai - rsa HARFER &BUOTEER.S, New York. Unappoaced fo« AALOGàUESFRE. UC & e0.ueI, PER -YAIRD excptOlll ttrctofl- for ail politi students is "John Van Burn-AS dy in Bygone Poities," 'by Char] Hà. Teck:- and "The Baltimore CouvE lion, 1860,", hy A. W. Clason, wbc scbolarly studios cf lb.e- Conelituti publigeed lu Ibis magazine bave 10 se widely rèad, com2plotes 8,brillil liaI cof peper#-tb5ey sreim&Uexcelle This periodical êbounds. in re6oumoi ifilleus0a positioù of its cava, spas rmand indepWneIat cf;any olierof, * gisa magai 69e 4 ud ioducalle matfiguesta thre pmitt oormucnity-aI lanrge. The. dePsarbu:su of. the m*D-ou cutaiu, -oma note ériticisme, .from egî,iûient sources, - yar in a4vai0:e.Publfaed a Lafayelte Place, N WYork iy.. l o i r t Pl i s u W b fa n " V & k - - r ý ' ted amhi o hàt e lu 114 e to b " I th. mren& la pla"ed-1h. luru-table, tt da *rcnpa th.e ~r ieocf thec ildlttgt(for, il -forMpa a brOonfl mb> arê aced 6Q doora which open imb tbÎi-* ke isImli for th. lireâd and péauting [ron boi!se." - On going mb 1 hé building thr ougb1 1%of these many dcciý, we are nearly a!ened by the sound of escaping >am and our ýiostrils are aseailed by kat oily imeli whioh -surroundeail& Orkiog machinery. In' Ibis railwayi able. the hessiers are buey' iubbiig tcri, duol a Ilght overcoat u aunht tome el ,:.,The p"esdenls.trouble aarte~ ntie knê ý sd ,vrythlng -la being loueb pV9~$ b. iscrnefrein mRpreain'--but,' uaid lthe »coOtor, ,'no m eal akill haî everbenbe c- fne gbeut 'a --t o n. -Logancfl body. ' l a th. oie7 ,ol en1 L ga was the speel'a tm f the physiclallt 10 keep it fin ltbe heart. *mWhfile hey succesded iu doing.I,t i , î*taok.d 1h..l- brain. The Presidezij.hoes, however,' eteez. ',te I Pvr4lO, At the COUR HUB,in lb.ý TOWN *0F-W, TY dor 0bia teai * ar r ie, au4l toril &îqcrle fl hild traces the' rie» 1hr boolt gai idites th, e uOt sjxXkhlg ohr. in ruis of their wolèk.de - Of e have just receiiod a COpy -cf 0"' 1.mfber Thirty4sevefl of Ogiivie'e Pop- u Beacing-price only 80 cent- on taining the followiug seven attone-6"J Alil omplee-the priceoe ash -on. which, if tassud iu book formn, woutd on 756 cents to $1.50; Valet'ie's Fate, de Mns. Alexander; The Double De. ME< ption, by Edward Kirke;-, A -Wif's th, rdeal, by -Emma S. Southwotb; wc ~oorý Aunt Barbara, by a Popular et, Luthor; 1Bede . èCharity, by Heeba do tratton; Ninety-fins choies Reading@, fol bd Recitations, by J. S. Ogilvis; The. ~aunted Tower, by Mrs. Henry Wood. 18, &Ul of the tonies are printed in largo wl tý pe, with handsouus colorod lithograph ed cover, aise, a handseme eoloned front- ru lapiece, printod in twelve colora. This w boeuse now damia (and witb justice> lhat lbey give more reading matter for hi the. ooney Ilian any cther publiaben t< in tbe Unièed States. W. necommend a] our readens te buy the book and see for a theinsel vas. The. prie.' is only 80 n, cents, and is for sale by &Uinewsdeal- ' ers, ot will b. sent by mail, post paid, ci on necsipt cf pries, by J. S. ()gilvie & Co., Publishere, 81 Bese Streert, New t] Yo rk. Ik Frank Le8lie'e Poptilar Mont hly. o 18 a war in Eurocpe may b. announced any day by cable Most people are int.erested te know somethiflg about tbe great states whioh will final be in- volved. "'Francis Joseph I., and the ,Anstnia-Ht&ngary Empire" by George M. Towle, giveé, in Frank Le8lie's Popular Mo*thly for Janua.ry, a dlean and well.writtefl picture of onc Power. "1Wben Oreek Moes Turk," by Osean- yan, tlleisthe tory cf another. "'4oot- pints of Washingtonl in 1753," written and illushnated by Mne. C. Ingensoli Gais, je an attractive article of oun own land and ita greateat man. "Ivan tho terrible" is a sketch cf a sînange ruien of Musavy. "4Elea. in Elderlaùd"ý wil oharm he young. A now nove1 by Clarence M. Beutelle, 66The Man Out- aide," opens remarkably woll, setzing lbe reader'a attention by the apparent- ly shnalIge ingratitude of th. homo. Othen stonies wili win iepaders, as will the account cf "Metz: Its Monuments aznd Memoies," and oesof l"Meissen, wbere Dreuden China ia Made." Au article on the Bpolum, t6ganlight Un- raveled," by Arthur V. Abbot, is science mmde.as inlereating s a novel. The whole January numbon -o! Ibis periodi- 1cal, witb ils attractive reading and charming pictunos, is a prize for young 1and old. -The. hmndsom January Magauinie of Âmercain ffiatorij opena wilh the initial chapten in ite promisedl senici cf study in lhe risc, progness, and dsvelopmelit c f journaliem in Aoesrioa, the anonne .ment of whbhbas alrsady attraeted attention the world oven. This ehap ten, trating of ",Pro. Revol uionary Editors,"and the-Beginuinge of Journalý ism in Amonica,<' ta intense1! abaombing 1 and is illustnatedl in tb. most useful unique, and pictumeaque M aunen; lbi the taxes and lawful charges incurrsd.-la sud about such sale. -J. B. L G Treasure-r, Co. Ontario. $o. Trea:esOee $5t:Wrt Imamiw u.~ SVIEZT, ns. IE -BUTTON$ 'INGR Abav e your ordei linot have to ito).ll. :)wn their changes -and preparing ithem to be oqual w sue *urus.'1lu uu r hm omligjotrny.-NIew Yea's day reception aI lb-. eWhite Every part cf these grand machines HOuas.e- vni ocno nuel. rubbod and poiabed by, an army cf antIme lwo heurs' lask, ha propose@ tâ Pipera, Who thns gtln a meebanleal reccive outil compeiled _by fatigue tb itasation te fit them te guide lie retire. asifg saesd me iltsars along '% On lis 'inga 0 e b.windI." Devbces cf AdvertiYU The building Je h.ated by steaux and Se many devices are restood te -by Aa a complote set cf Waterworks;/ýereI adverlisers, liaItih ordinary reador sone- :io ialiesloe-rcmwiene ans kept limes becoee sy cf the teznPling Para- 00l Iingatheaknbeand aearable about *raph$ fealing the advice liaI as ceucéeas ,11 hing brekabl andin itl Uke a pl ini jelly. Who, for instance, locomotive. Siolves cf laiap ehim- on begiuuiflg-this -item, would, have sup- oye, sîa<ks cf wieks, bales cf cellon possd liat il purpose was to mahe kucavu vaste, and hundrodas!fbariola cf lubni- the It lathtr. Sage'. Catarrh Remedy ýating eils. as whà t ildaims le be-a ours f oe a disease A gray.hairod driver informean usia a once loathsome te Inoenda, and anneying is is by fan tie langeaI building <of iî5 sud sien dangerous tb 1h. sufferer. ind in the Dominion, peniape on tic The Liverpool shipping tradte shows a- 3ontinont. Pasing again inlo the heavy decrease for the. pasl year. inter air ave inspocl the owoe o! nowly- Fo rse builI bouses, al of a similsi' uize, samp The reduotien cf internai revenu, sud and colon, and walci lhe Ibronga eft le laking off et revenue stamps tram Pro- Iuck-clowd inhabitanîs cf a RailwaY prietany Medicines, ne deuil bas largely Citly. benefitt.sd th. consumera, s avwellas ----------- Omore1ieving lihe burden cf home manufactures. _____________Esfpccially la tuis the case with Green's Washngto Leter. ugust FloeT sd Boschee'5 German Washi.gtofl Ltter. as tie reduction cf thirty'six cents - pen dozen, has been addoi te increase the. (Prom ourelr correspondent) 1s:z o hebottAe containlug theso remedies, rogulary givwbg one-filth more medicine in WÂs19NGToN. Dec. 81L, '86.-Tbe city th. 76 cent size. The Âugnst Flower for bas een orequiet during tie presenl Dyopepsia'sSue Liven Complaint, sud lhe bas bsen moren Bgrep for Cougis and Lung Congnssaional holiday vacation tien ta troubles, have peniapi, the largest sale et umual ah snob limes. Quito a' number Suiy medicines ini tie world. The advan- cf Senstori and Repnee!tBtivea avent toge of inceased size cf the bot.t.l will home ho eat lhiu Christmas dinnens, be greatly appreciated by the sick and af- the deti cf Senaton Logan oaused flicted, in every tewu sud village in civil- ized countnies. Sample bottles for 10Scnts varions pnoposed festivities te, be aban- romain 1h. samne size.. doned, snd hniemutîm bas &gain kept Portage la Prairie lias h&adsuotuen dines- tb. Presidenl prisoner on, e laI hobas trus fane. been coaipelled 10, forege certain social We .a. cousatuy n.ceiving testimony entortainuieflts gîven in hie benor. liaI Dm. Carson's (larni Ours la, whal its To day almial everybody of prom. namne imnph.s, a "Castanni Cure." Your inence ini Washingtonl aîtended tic druggiIlta auathoizd 10 refuud lie money imposing Innersa ceremoplesi cf lie i fails te give satisfaction. Wbal can b. distiagisied dcad, wviiob avene held in more fair, and ueed 7011 sufler suy longer? tic Senate Ciambêr. Genenal Logan Rusasilamuasng 80,000 IncopsinluKiif, and bis aife wave.membei'5 cfthi. wîere ziey are le b. biileted on lie inhabil- Mtiodiet *Ooh ansd Bey. Dr. New- suto. man, lie wabeb'înglol paso f(Geu. A a d Grant, cffiated -as tie funcrl, sistea by ie Ciaplainio! lie Senate, and lie To aU whc are suffenln freinthe, errons 11ev. Dr. B3utler o! lbe Lulieran sud andiacretieus o! 7youti svc¶ia weak- cinmcUk Tic fanerai procession fom nIma, oar decay, bs cfmuooci, &o., 1 tic Capilol te the cemetery, CHAwnwi en iRGe . p Tiâ -cuclremIn rlengheed by a number cf civis sud vas dioovered by a miss nlukoth oelitary orRanizatiens, avas in charge Ambrim es. ond a self-addreie uenvLo" cf (ion. Sheridan. Reta .v. Jom u -frý ot am mfoe 1 Thiis vas thli eh funoral Ibel bas Newu!~i~iV Ttaken place in &eý Sonate. Chambe. The yonng lawyer o ught te do a fee-oi- The firet waashat of Senate? Hicis cf lus1 buasiss »Maryland, lie neil Sonate? Foot. cf Dorotapilrpwdrooanfl 1 Vermmont, tien Hon. Charlei Sumnier, calomel, for at tlista me cf lie year, the Vice.pmeeident Wilson, and lash Marci resu11 mal be senicua. If yen requin. a VSonator Miller from QCalifornia. dose iof physic tae. Dr. Cano.n'. Stemaci Amen3g ail the tribâtcs liat are paid and Constipaioni Bitteng; it act# 8,utly ci ,, t th deeasd 'ensorthebonstythe boaes, purifie& the blood, impnvai le to dceaed Sonae?,liebonslythe circuatsion, stimulâtes the Uver sud cf is legislatJve life was bal sigit of. kldne., sad speedily cures bïbioustaes e In an ena&avien corruptin was rifè, ieâdscbe, dyspepsis, indigestion. Scarol d and wben maoy of îb. streugeal mon tic drugstores from oeend cf Cs.nad b r o! botb parties avone brokon dcavn and the olier, sud jon cmnnol :find ab nemedj B-blatîed bypublic oxposure or denunthia. equa to il. Try il anû jase il lu ypu fais.old evmryavb i luage büttlli l.' ion, whîob vas almosl as fatal, Logan i 0Co ents. ýn oesped ail lie long ycans untoucied Df aven by suspicion. Allhougb bis - ie polies1 lfienda -acoueed biS . o! being * al nrroav mu hisprojudiceas oometimea sT 'm esave they nenwld eyate cpd @A ae îi] ant te ypocnisy. > )e The rs.acmmallon o!f M)atheav, o$ a l- li-0lorea laayen froin AlbAny, tl eb. I . cf Columbi>a, prouises &0 become a cae.- vas the onal preparation perfectlyadapteM Le- bnated pase. ?hb President boldos ual oursdwsaScff lb. escalp, sad lb.. m sl e in aine.lb. Soûs e aeed hlm fait cSuWulrestorer et, 444 d. groaïr ain e uw sinuehIOl Uc f ie opsti o e ataral colon, greit1, &U& IOUtbfilbeSulI gl,,Mettewala pintmnt b Voe re It bas hmd auyiuntatS,tbut noue av e il" ~ - àaîaS ponietbsba e fly met aul lhe nequire ta 10dUif IS BHOWING AÀBUPEI Scotch, Iredy-adeMen8 ad 1 oy' %I(,- uen, r uruiouusd-oa e- a r. o et il w '4-' E-'- or- English Hornuz Oc.. Holiy, Mioh. un Titosy suen evo y derblfr o! Lite policy, sud hais d.psilod, Çwi thle Reeiven Genalinlu. appro'ved Canadia - seculiee over $100.00 for',cgch ;iO00l'ùof libiltty, tlia affording -ABSOLUTB se- curity.ý Parties desirouo,.cf.aasuning It",r- ivcs wiai t dI. te thlir aadvaàtgehocousuit the underelgned befp» e asaunng slsewlse. S UI T S.Genirai Agn ,,Whltby, May]18,'860.7-lY R QUSON 31CRB STOCK 0F Canadian Tweeds, fine lines of Clotho, for Spring suità. AUil adae up ini ltest style on shorteat notice. Underclothingof ait Kinda. Latest styles in liadana soft Fait RaseVEBY (JEÂAP. JOHIN FERGUSON,, Dundas13t.., Wbiity PA' PH OTU! G. Broe - Srè h R41wY~City., SEETO E! OE O ~ BUE ! WN IN- mccl Pei 1sWagnb it 1 u lb.coura~ <i j ulIl. fy xc Ynd ALE DUNDS.'. wm YFfTH> DEi JO'HN curecf Ii lier«to, incurable - is aabsolutely effecbe& t n, f cm a be t&iioliaphcaticRM, FE ey am At 1.eur cf 2Tw 'c1Jakn,-h.88TOyo., Londoni and Lancashire and ent kna other l'

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