Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 3

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Faüshi*ôi lin YAI1 'etee B1 rTT0 ind black. IINGO ve your ordl ot have to )SSe Xmas? This is flou intimate that we xI Fancy Colored Lam ýamber Setts, at w o, Baskets, a variety o ùeod goods, suitable for, suit the times. isome China Cup and, ,;na 75o Teas ana overy 2 1a ad 40e per lb. A compIet«,ý r'gulres. The famqus Louise per lb. AU kinds of can.ed Oysters arriving every wree ehouse. Don 't <rgot te cSH dl1 a'happy See.sou, ervant, V<F.AS«E-R ock, 13rock St., Whitby, Onât rer's Young Peo ple# MN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Ia's YOUNG PEOPLE bau been clll del of what a periodic..1 for ~on ought to be','a.nd the jusîIce 0 nendation 1te.amply astle ~circulat.ion it has attainedbat 'ý'iu Great Britain. This suocW ireached by methodu tbatinu4tý I hemaelvea to the judgment f reo les than ta the. tastes of chillê, hsIy, by an earnest and well #sýé orat to provide the, boit and moiI. are"&ng for Young People As a ho illustrations are oopions aMd Off luously higb .standard af ezce tome of evmrthinl¶ that l ts * Mlelietinatuie.i-' ly toust of good thlngs b ithé boai in every f amily whîoh kiiti- wondorfnll i s wealth af pio1uais ana dintoret.-O-hr.i#iian Idtiô-. IPTGEPBBPAII>$2,00 per YeaT4 CO. coea Novemler 2, 188. iNUXioPive Contse ou&, sces should b. m»ado 1y Put- oney Order or Draft, ta avoi& are7 41'0 t conf00Q fha adv.rtiwe 4 ueufwèpr«4order o7 f iloàus 's UBPEtL1 BROTMBUS, 5.w Yerk. ]ROUES. 111w lues. y % and SALE STABLES,ý DUNDÂS-ST., wHiTBY. # 4FOI9TH & DEYE8ELL~ WàPot ubü,tbe su1bjeco f bakluÎ powdoi'fawhbhil gav.ý th.result of soetests of au *libtptet obaracter moade for the p'rpoue of determiuug tb. question of-whIoh la 1h. boit ana #ud. wholesounest -cf -these -alos. The analyses aund teste requfred were undertaken by Professer. W. G. Tuoker, oli the Albatny MedicaiCoellege, sud W, P. Matou, of lth ensseaer PolÊràob- nie_ Instituts, cf Troy, chemiste of tbh highest standing aud reputatin, weIl known for their eztended and valuable services -as public analystes. Messrs. Tuoker aud Matou, the Journal stated, hadbeen direated to procure frooe deafrnà lbany' sud Troy packages of baking powder, te analyse sud critioally examine tbem, and ta mû.e theirrprts cf faci.found entirely withot iasm or fayot'. The reporte prcved a mattor cf intereet aud importance, sud waswîdely copied sud- oon mented upen. Prom the facto presented houaekeeper i ad no diffieulty iu determining for them. selves the best and meut whol.some 'bsking powder. te use. The. Journal, ite faots having beon questioeod by a local baking powder manufacturer, returno'to the subjeot sud publishes lhe following iâteresting interview with Prof. Tacker. The tacts beforo atated are resffirmed and emphssized iu the meut breozy manner: A Journal reporter receutly visited Prof. Tuoker for the purpose of gaining further informatien ini reference te lie bahing powder question.-He vas found lu the extensive laboratory cf the Medical Oolleg,bard ai work, but geed. caturedly submitted te an inquisitorial interview, Lb. substance cf wvina, bare given, vill be found et luterest. "Daýctar," 8sud tb. reporter' iLî appeau ibait on. cf our local bakiog powder manufacturer@ attenipts te dis. crodit the report some Lime ago pub. lisbod in tb. Jonrnal wiîb rofereno te baking poirders, for wbich tie analyti. cal exauinations were made by your. self sud Prof. Mauon. Were your analysisaud opinion printed corr.ctiy 2" "#They vers,1' replied Prof. Tucker, literally," "lu fil any part of the report, or your vîews oxpressed biorein, taI yon would modify? " "1Net a word. My exatuination wus most oarfoully and sccurately made;- lie deductiou I « drew from uthe tests were the inevitabie cnes, snd the opinions I expressed;vere unquestion. ably orret." ",Yen sy Dotor, thât th. Royal baking pewder la superior le a«y osher baiking peirder wbich yen have er. aminedP"' ' "That is my report." "RHave yeu examined many other bakiug powders2 " "4Quito a number." "1Wberin, Doctor, consistaibtis superiariîy whicb you find in the Royal ever other brandi? " "Aàs stated in my report, in tb. great purity et its iDgredients, in the un. questianud prapnlety sud wbaleuome. usas of' bose ingredionts, lu tho exact proportions of the »ame, sud the obemical aocuracy sud akilI with wbieb bbey have b..» combined. As I naid before, Ifl., I belleve, a baking powder, uneqnalled for purity, streugth sud. "Dooer, tbe Journal', lady readers weuld like you te îinformu thora what are th pecolian virtues of a good bshing powdot over other sud -more old. fibhioned inethode of raiuing bread, bis- cuit sud cake ?"_1. 'Chat wonld reqôirs a long ausw,', someîbîng lu the nature cf a lecture, Brlefly, bowevor, lhe sdvautage of eue& a bahinit powder aven jesat, Ooos9in- l the quicker work il acmplmsest, lu tbe preservatien c f somae cf. the beat elemmnts of the fleur vbiehanedetroyed lu the production o et b.osionie scidi gis by theounusof jeasi, sud lu the absolutecoertaiuty cf sweeto ligbt sud digestible food. Over other methode fgr quick raieing, tb. ment. cof à pure liaking powder are grest. Il la always ready for use, lb. aeïd sAnsa akali are ocmbziued ira1 exact proportions to produce defluite reftuits, or te Tender the large amonut of leavenîng gis sud leave notbing more tiha aneutrol arsidu, wioh i. mot the resul hrbee oresmet uir at soda are ou, separately sud utixed ln lb. lJkitchsn, fori il lialways occar irbere ibis i. donsthat eoeet'r lie othet cf tisse substances vill predominate, oakiog ýtbe food yellw, beavy, bitter aud- un-, Board ofEducation Tho v B ' o r Zib"Ui u»Cr50me<nd !ta exclusive use for tIbis ,prpobietupeefèent o teaisu or other kinds cof leaven,, Il je uni. versally adMitted to e abe swhoiesome snd valuable agents ad Dn' cheit cf reputallou Win lm -fsil oterwise. I have beoceme Indignent wheu I1 bave read 1he silly charges lihat have ire. quently boisa made tbrcugh ignorance or otherwise againstit.l "Thon thons manufacturers Who adverfiee that tbeir ýpowder doe.net coutainlt "- "Go0ufees that their powder l1ochs a meut useful, whol.some sud excellent ingredient."-- «But they uay tse brin is filthy 21, "lis e rgin aud method of preparatien are un more filtby than are tb.e orgin and paratio cf bread. -Ail Ibis aud aboutammonia Iu baking powder âýdisfilthy origin in the verif-et rubblsh. A man diegraces himseif wb.u ho leuds himmeif to anj sncb futatemente. Il lu particnlarly unfair for baking powder manufàctnrers to ueek te pervert the truth, or prejudice the4gnoraànt or uïù. warv by statements that it la eibher hsroeful or dirty. Ammenia existe in the very air we breathe' aud i. largely pissent In nature ase a wholesome substance." One thlng ecu be aaid lu tarer aiflb.he c man. If ho bas any loft over, ho does'î warmi it up for broakfaqt. Wbat True e OtWin1 DO. The unpreoedented sale Boachees Ger- mnan Syr&p viuhin a teir years, bas Raton. isbed the werid. Itla vithout daubt th. sufeat and best remnedy ýever discevered fer th. upeedy sud effectuaI cure ot Cougb., Cuideansd the severest Lang trouble. It sots on su entirsly difeoreût prînciple tram the usual prescription gven-byPbysicians, u8 i does flot dry up a Cougb sund bave the diseus tillin uthe systani but an the contrary removes the cause oÏ the trouble, beals the parts affeced and leavos ibem in a pureiy beilthy condition. A baille kept lu the. bouse ton use irben the disesée mako uheir appearauce vill save doctor's billesand a long spell eI serious Iineas. A trial viii cenvinos you et these tacte. lir. rstîvely soit! by aU druggusts sud goueral deales in lhe utm. pries 75 cia., large bottes. Uoury Clark of Sirauhroy bau been entenued ta sIx niontbi' Imprisaument lu the. Central Prison for uegl.ctiug te .1sup. port hie vif,..1 W. are oenstanbly rscsiviug 8ssimony ihat Dr. Camso's Caiarrh Cure la uaL its name lmuplès, a "ICaiarrb, Cule." Your druggW- inlasuthorized to e otatheb. uosy if It talls te give aatIhtctlu. Whmt eu b. mors fair, sud used you suifer say longer? Au aid voman namet! Doran, v'al1e being taken t. the Hotel Die Mantreal; on Sun day, by ber trienda, isd lu the oonveyauce. Tc, al ybaare uufonling'fr einti.errons sud iudîucretions ef youth, norvous voak- nets, early docay, lets of manboad, &o., I mili sent! a recips it viii ours jeu, FREB 0F' CHARGE. The. gr«e'medy wus diseveret!by #a Mussionary lunSBnti Amerlos. Send aseult.addressed suvelope ta the Rev. .oszpnT. LUxAn> Bf oUon D, New York Oifv. At Athol, GlengsrryCauuty, on Thmr. day-safternaon Malcelr- Aird tell agalusi s cir.ulsr #&v sud vw ultte pîses. CONSUMPTION CURED. Au old physiclan, rsttred- trom practice, ba- -mg bad! psle lubis bauds b1 an RBut Indis usio y lb. formul*a asmpls wegptable r.medyfor the spedy sud, perin. suent muef cfOum ptiOn1, Brociis,4 Catârnb. AsthmssudailQ thrcsl sma Luug Affeccions, misa apositive s and &Wours for Nrveus Doibliby sud, aU Nervm om en plaints, sahr bavlne tssledilsveudertul curative poversm iouamtdecs e os", bu' toitlIt lsMduty, te tuake h t ovumtobis suifeinflova. Atuatet! by hi motive sud s dÎo te oieMve rurausu ufferng, I fflid od re.cf charge,, t. *1 wbo desfre lt, ,tiis rcipin Gormnu,Pr.neior Bnglle. viii fulldirecilnu forprepsrng and eiug, sonby al by adreagv ilii .lsup, ds 2=ook, orid xoy. Thé. výrIuos aovsboe clubs cf Ottawa viii ield s cb.am pionebip open ateeplechae about tliensd ei Jsnu&Zy. "Bloot! viii 1.11." Aface adoruet! viii pimples, bal.> blotchas. .to., i.net a par.- tcu#arly pisassat sigit andIn inabl betobeias an impur. u4aia ni the blea! Dr,^' iCuscu'it Swtoaci Bittersa-frea 1h lot. As le PUBLIC 8og00Ls. -TH-E MODEL SCHôOL. e Three Teachers Are caustarftly epoe uii ool ui~iei uwhich Teachers are in atiendance fortralin 'Mr. e ib) fte Collegrate Intitu.>teachea in this 1ohoa1. Trhe nUniber of endroii of «beau iweùty .ûv-ihe lrest numbor sduce lie caiablishmenî of ithe Model8oxo¶ U e h.Te-achers utauu have enaoesully passfd uheir examinstion. l'ho additi"nal evenue frora Gioven,*tn suCouuty Grihant he fees frora Teachers luntraining amuuuIo $4#M. The Primary Division ofthiis Sohool is niu4eh overcrowded, rendein s- asu> arrangement uecessary by which the. number lu atténdana. may b. reduoed earaa. abl. linii. THE HENRY-STREET SO-HýOOL.. iu ibis Bahoal four Teachers have been emplyed durigtb. Whole pear. Th rmr Division ofttis Sohool 'sis o avercowdeie attedsnoe havlug, been, 1qnsualylaze uxing the year. THE DUFFERIN-STREET SOHOOL.. Two Teachers have been employed in ibis School auring the y'esr. 2ud. As t. THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. During the purt year the Governmeul made a change lu the uystein. ot apportiauiug the Goverument Grant ta Collegiate Institutes sud EigrSohols, the future grans Iargely> depending upon the condition of the buildings, ainount iuvested lu apparatu, Library of Refeenc, Carts, Mape, Globes, Girasumn d Equipment. Under these circuinstances the Board have beau aompelled ta make the inoreased ex- penclîtures inentioned in the. Abstract ot Expenses, sud wbule such expenditures wMi not b. necessary berea.fter, they wil ad.d materially tg the efficiency ai ibe "001olasd ibe comifart ofthe puplia. A turtiier suvn of $100 bas been appropriated Ua uaddition ta the Reteranca Librazy, in acoordance with the requiremeut of the Goverumn Inspeotor, but the amount ha"iio yot been expended. The pupilh of bbc Institut,. hava beau very auccesaful during the purt year. The population ofthes Town is as followa : North Ward ....... .....................m1 2 Centra ... Total ...... .s......... ...... The. number af cbildren of Sohool age is as fallowo. North Ward....... ................. South ........:............ .. .1 Total............................... 69 The. unnber et cbildren beiveen iba ages oi 7 sud 18 sud aubjoot tt h.provisions e1 the Lja-w a»te Cfflpulsary Aitendauce in as falloir,: Noarth Ward .................. ........... ... centre ..0..... 0.... . . ..6 .71 ...... INrIZUTEl 1886-e COLLEGLI E RECEIPTS,* Gov. Grant lasi haU t-.'.86.7583 Couut iy .6-9768 88 GOv. Grant fRst hait '86... .$729 801 Ceunuy " " .. 729 80 Feea ......................... 13mi'îi ................... '< Rtrance ExanUatIou. Muicpl Asssmeub ......... 78760 8700, 218888 EXPRPNIITURB.> Teschers Slie............484 iss Lalido,............:146 / - 1481 Secretary.Tremure.......5 Ce,_n sdcaea&n.......40 "Wood......81 requi.ret! by Cov. I'pcor.418 8cece I.t.Apprta. ...2 BisiBord......... ....... Desks.............. * &ltika d mt d.........* 821 J.F'rgso.fae le Port Perry....i ?bouo l>lonsry ........... Sut ne eeDravlugsl, 00. 1?ar.. 2C 8,AS.TURN-OU siet! ou Shorteel Notice.$ SI Travellers liberally d M, 'Vessies AT ONC1s3 4 I FALLV, ,; ,0 H . ýN0 00E 15 SHOWING A English ~and Scotch, Â-nd oéther fine linosl of-i mida-p in Readymade en'aand Ob Li 615 l bo-deduet tofrm &Saarisdadet Slrs PUBLIC B( REOBIPTB. Gev Gz~ni.,,..,,,,..,,,.,,,.,,, 8S76 Model.............00 Çouuiy « "..... 160<1 ý si

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