Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 15

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1Old riin'o setMia -aeething pot. 0f Irish stew, tbey srve it hot), Bad whiskey-cauea much of hensud-lot. With more #eif*u1le (sô Far'ewdell à ) Old Brin would see better-days, .&nd fre'sSun-sine eut with )nighter. raya,. Tbe "Grand 014 Man i » remains as yet The greatest man .mong the Kreat', E'en though bie hand hold set the 'helm Of ~hos prouting sueds ofgrareem Bo8nd their rootactewnwçard 'mouigthe worma, Ànd the bludea upward shoot. 4dsapite tii. storms. And ili due time .the. ipening grain Makes eladthe'eye o,'er as thé ilin, gliowiag *é eQw&ÈlAbored -uOý i'vain. --Goàýlýègout Iong May se e ho ~é~àE1tblèht -ad tr5e, Wth jüyt we0 ,reet han year o! Jubie, Yraie, fekl~rane, bout Efgypit'atil Tep! l4udtno~ilthn1e uilshrIll ~66ao ýibp i sndq4"krow rthe ioas lerences und ciren.aunfi e0. A. SBNOW & 00., Solictoro of Patentsi Washington, D. are~ ~ 'b ye a b advi HIE DIVIIOÃ"N couir 91 6A O~187 S -20 12 28 90 1 28 8 -20 Il22-- 4 9 1 12 98 25 10 No, no, the Lion dosa net care, For Galic cack, noýRuian bear, Buit bidéa bis turne, and- resta within his lait. nt honieward uow T wend my way; wearyF feet love net te etray o dear land, I love thes but; As loves the Parent nest 8oehtheeand aeek thy peaceful rest. .&ud >et, ueh rut for thQu,ÂIlasI1 Tbrvough bleody s'oughs hast lad te pasa Aud p utnid thing» engender nexios as. The death of Riel, wreng or ight,- Ras put Sir John in ,jjplgt ÂAjean Baptiste is mud enoughte bite. But John's a crafty fox, and he XKnowm many tricks of trategy; .&pd yetp ho e ant like puas runu. a treo. The huntsnan'a hein la herdu t lasut The houndtsare on bis track.fuli fut; .&nd the "No Popery"l cry5s a -counter blaat. Our bhonest Oliver's the man Who needs-ne tnicIka te help bis plani That surplstlstetl-buat it who cas. The eoaing Lank( fh' proudly sang; euontheWbreeze<%ecachou ra But Drydes'a shet-gun erfe'i with a How wôrks Lbe Scott Act, do yen say? The Act isgood whl m&0be ; Without megins te enfonce, 't has not fai~r 1 soarce dare touoh onTown affaira. Our Fathers. Who will bo their hoie? Rush, lest we atir their beards, or their gray TRIEOIMONIOLE, aïweil yen know, With fresbeat newa does overflow; No patent insu!. gearing mue it go. But it needa Un, and 59 do 1I e-pIses forh oier, and be pry. Thanks, thaka, a Happy New Yeur, now 13a i fr Frmr'Bo0Ys. 'l sgeyby hermig fle ed hç liàs ,î. ;sà àua pihuclu lu ùauy ' eteoial9 direction, 1quit. vnlraly hil *,it~4 utarnlibohut 'Of.IIIiâ. - Evri 4bmlu'.dei Tho. farm r put bfore' mach o! lined te woxk oà uhê.,* anawered lu perses, and' yen tuay be sure- we had - ful ho'use.. Nobc dy ail been arrangod beforehand. lu Iheb» morniug we ad.wo bregkat.Te first ou. wPa mi7'o'olock for th'yuu eues.Ï'who got -- up ai -daylighi, te. seeàè îWbat .' was 1ini heir tookinge. The eoou& oe wmai about'O 9 cooek fer 1h. -mor- seatemembruëf our large family. i. éWýhole morp-ing w. ere ~kept' ln continuai êzoitom'ent. Nothing' bu1bila oxeae0oul 'be tulkod cof, ana the rush th-atwae. made- for..the fronit door everytime :th. bell iang was enough t1* k.ep;îbnyone*, in.a fidget. Tlhe mtlktnan said ho e verknew ub"m bo a nswer his aumnnmona me qulOiok, "&'Pd ho liugbed -ai ,their disappointment# Wo he 1h. ohSman did -p ut an an appearance, au hour Jeter thon 'umuan, and hiuded ihei r a. dozen, on- velopes, th.y quiet own a his smre delighted sud àtelbos dàiSappointea ,aud dhsmatifled. Waa Jlue w& had 1 Fourtesn at one table, and.the uo&aHl iere. ou purpoli4tIom ibe oouutny,'an4.-the Pudding. Wds ie m,-ggéist , and s'aremt aînse.-the Chrisîmas before. Ne.ly everybody aite omuoh in, bosor of Iii ooeoaion,-and tàlked ýaa islaghed over old limes Whie they -digesied il aller- ws"r.ds.'Our iwo iàarried'smIn had a' belýyesoi,, aud tvhen wà-oïlled moîiher aWnd 'father, grusdmeulàer sua'd gan- father, ihey muaid we were mukisg them very old, but lhoy were progd andhappy neventhelema. al ,afternoon we sm$ a&round and aMe fruit, sang Christmas ane!., bld atonies and read books, while two on Ibres went te th. skating ink. Ai 6 o'clock w. hoadteu. Two more visitera werâ. added by Ihia lime (0fr big isIons' Johna), and ubey tried te see' whioh of them coold say 1he meet wIty thiage *al buedl u .alàgood tiftie. Afier that we wenti inb the. panlor ana. played ail sorts cf gamma usi- 9 o'clock.. Thon w6e&al guthered iu front. o! the -grale fine, 1he lights -woe. ture low, and eaeh one. look hie or hartn nlu elling whatbhad happon'cd to lhem àdiig the yoan. Old'oaton'ies of ohildhood were reealled. Many 'SU accident on sonape w. hsd pamsid& through bogther,sund Ihose. peoulian joya and orows Ihai only mbeaof tho urne family oas undieru,,atand Sappreciabo, bnought tteransd meles in turai -Motheru modo *us aehamed and mode everycue laugb aiun by teling thinga wo did whes we-were babies, aud thon father would tell of how ho niod te flirt with mother ai the, isging 'cla and broui ber teo indies, sud. bow anzioits mother Wis te catcbh hlm, sud w.would laugh, si ber. And se Ihoe evesing wore away and bodîlme came. Our family reunien was a greai seuee aund wc all, hope te oee many more of. lhem.-Toronto World.1 Mn. Hnry anahil, ofetDunn, wnhtem sois rn uoI t a babtlset Xitrhrop & LmnaV etablo Diseevory f rom -Mn. Htùràn;eonsd1 conalderith ho ve y bout modicine oxtanitfor Dyspepsls.", The medlile is msklng maveleours e sin ui o This luth sêàonwhon ibe aider pitchor la me.indemmnd thàn théebbhl pithor. O. it.Oomsàtoclr, aldo 4fn. w!iOas: lhaveeverloUnD& itiga p lesare t 0 me te speak ýlu their praise, and 1 aiW8yB do 80 W. L. ?ÂOE, ef W.L. Paie*& Bro."' Fraukln St., RiehniondVa.$ Junùe 3, lý82. "I have used ATER',s PiLu'15 number- less Instancès .as recemmended by yog, and have neyer known themn to failitoa ccomplSh the dealred result. We constantlykeep thiern on' had aàt .our home, and prize them as 'a. easu% safe and reliabie familymedicine. FOR flSPEýSIA they art hxva1uable. ' J.If. ÂE. Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. The IlEv. Ffnzr&cie B. HÂn,6rWW, wrltln,, from Attiuta, Ga., says: "For som4eyears rpast 1 havre been !subject to constipation, =,owhlch, in apte otMthe use of niedi- cieésof varlous Mclcs, 1 slLffered lncreasing Incoeveuxeance, wýnil some mËonthe ago bega taklng lAy.un's PILLS. Tliey have'ý entiirely corrected the costive habit, and have Y-aîtly improved m7 general lhealth." A'YER's CATHÂRTIC PILLS correct Irregu- larities of the.bowels, stininlate t14e appe2 tite mid digestion, and by tixeir prompt and thiorough action give touc and vigor to the whole physical econonîy.- pBwEVRD 1Y Dr.J.O.Ayer&Co., Loweil, Mase. SoId by ail Druggists. YON, Ail experiéee the 'wonderful 010, NOI beneficial effects of MIDADE-Ayer'S Sarsaparlla. Children wltbv Bore Eyes, Sore -AGEO. Jlars, or an¶jscrofulou% or aypbi- Illtte taint, may be Me healîhy àaud stroù g byIsuse. Bold by ail Druggists; $1, shX botties for S& BErLL &co0l Guelph, ont Il A POSITIVE CURE For all those-Painful Gomplaintu sud Wealk-. neisse ocemmen teour beat PEIRiAL -POPULATION. On accoeint et iii proven mnentg, it ta te- day reoommend9d and presoribed by the beat physcians in the coountry. hwirl ure entirely the werst torm of FaIling -ef the Uteruo, LeueorrhoeaIrreguar and Puinful Menstruation, ailOvin troubles Infiammation and Ulceratién, Floig, Ï11 Displacements and the con- sequent spinal eakngss, and,, s e.peoially adapted té theOhange of Lite. hIt i1lIdis- solve and expel'tumora trom the uterua in an eatly #age eof'developmnent. The ten- denoy ot Ouncerous Humera there la check- ed very ipeedily. by its use. It removes taintuee8, iatulkncy, destroys ail craving for' stimulaànts,ý ana relieves weaknesosof the stomaob, It cures Blostinge lHeîa-aehes, Nervops Prostration, GeneralDebility,Bleepleanes, Depresion and Indigestion. That, teêlin oftbearing down. eaussng pain, wlgbt mn4 baeksche, la always -perminently euùredby For'the cure ef. Kïdney,.CoGeplints 'of subher sez thiao omoun launsurpessea. hI diosolves osliooereoshe ohemliry, .of "tle uünereudores hie normal tunetiens et the. klddneyu, -and proventu the ozganlo degeneration whloh làe *ste Bnlght's Dis.; one Wral vii - chaon 'and, mitee, t.yotur REeedal ompoôund tg p»re a ~liPMl apd Llquld tormi. ¶I e ete~ .d Pil sugar o d)ymail 5Mo. per L1, BEIoeDIAL OCOMPOUND CO.- DryLin.o, vi,,Up ,or Biaièad Que.,, OALL 'ON WM.HAiLT~ BOObN EETP"Fnerals FIy Suppled" Midwa~ between Brookclin. and 0,olàêmbu8, ont *7t1& Concession. We -are now prepared to make alIdnds of Woolleu Gooda, S-uoh as Tweeds, Full -,C1oth,, Union» ý"Flanelsj SheetigSirigs II-wool' b e lankets, HoIS Blankets,-, and Yar ns m ilvarieties -andailke: o Knilttèdl Goodes kept in -stock for the accommo)dation, of yengiM ail colora dlone- to re. ~sI~tpie paid forany quai4ityý of Wool.o Ail .orders promptly fllled. ¶A W l Die BOWEJIMAN 4 SON, ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bohool Thoroughly E9quipped for Btiinens Tralimg. BOOK-KEPG NG> PENNSIP) BU SINESS.8O'COR"ESIONDENÇE-,. BUSINESS AB1THMETIOMM9 IL W, SHOBTEMHANÂND TYPE-WBITING PÂTOLI Â~T FINEST ROOMS -"'iN -CANADA.. Seuil for Ofronlar. w7 Âddress.. n C. O'DEÂ, Seer.tary. UN PREOEDEN-TED S UOO'E,ýsS,- 0P TSBE B O'Q~- kDORENW, Sole Manufacturer, W. B.BROW BAgenl Pin K EPIN. ïQýO0 G7opie et eat&nfu jas Adopied as a Taxit Bookt bijthe bes1Itl. tial f1k l~ieZcitU eantitowm . j» veri skteana-tteilor 0o t othe Casesv eLed. to itos univeral Cnmedtin ra troi.ý 1 qcIH

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