Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 10

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loae s*enpr. tIabý Iii. zmighborns May Dot wt6io *Éîsd ou lie Grad âiiýî- ,Jilway .',-ear Réesu * fat --day VugI~b~ ken axîs' *ansed tb~er a iline<cf -a combinatian baggage car, Whfob uprsad',Ibe rails sud, 1mev îthelfot nt oke cf thepaseenge est off 1h. Uack.,,Nôepevas injared sud the 4a9ý ase'î.i1gbt.' Lasi ,Wedneèey aibout. 6:80 Mn. sud Mrs. A. 'W. Brodie ,wOre 'driviu-g up George etteot 11,'satwe.wlieeied o0t. mrage. At the corner cf Brook street ths herse bclted.- and became unman- agpabls, rheiziug &as fat as Mn. Yollaud'5l reuidence, .whethe be hanseelilppsd aud * feU la- the grc-uud. Hors Mn.- sud Mn.. Bjrodle disembankéd. and b.d no scenor gel cîsar of ýthe vebicle Ibm lthe animal Jmped la Ils feet snd startedl off agaiu, nover,,stopping tili it reacbed its owu stable. r2e êarriîýs Wasl a total Oneû day lait' veek a laborer lu lie ompioy cf Mn. Thomnas Irwin proseuted au oidor for $6,75 to' Mayor Stevenson 'ijfor psyment. The ord:: as casbed, Steveuson refased la accept nutil ho hé. een Mn. Irwin. On speakiug la MV. Inwin cf the ;Maier, th. latter dsnied a y keowiedge of lie erderî declarnug tIf ad ual been written by hlm or at his instance. Theoraden vas thon disoovoned to e b. doen rforgery. It 1e known $bat lis forger bougbt a ticket ta Tornuto, sud the police of liat ciy, bave been put on the lraak cf tbe fsllav. It is la b. haped he will be ospturod sud brongit la justice. Ibm aOld Ié ývs taken lyï,ac su prosp9'els, aud 8esys lLWE P befone tils ian omUs4sl lit. é 11egirl, daicier, 4f K Resu, met viti aà -singawracdet.li on bertwayfrom sool si* slipped- sud foul, sud lu some way feU wilbhone- face npon.a penc01i vbioi sea ocarryiog'in ber baud.' The pouah entered ber moulu poeolnth le roof. 8h. is nov recavsn' ing from .wial Ibrateued' le be 'a'v yserions affair.. Mn. T. Hl. Bobinau, looal- agent for the Bell Teléphone Co., informe ns liaI -lhe Treunk telqphone lino v ilIl e bufit ta Oillia in tii.eprnug. AI prosoul il auiy reaobes as fan as Barrie. Tuhs le good uews lasit il iigive us complets -conusotion witi lie onîside venld by telephoue&o-arait-s real a boon as e yîtem viii be locally. The 4elepione staff are nov busy putliug uF tho *wirei, sud getig tbe instrumeute juta position. oue day . lait week *a festive Grange fnom ont Mars way borrowed a bons frorn hie brother ta corne la Oilis, sud prcmleed la returnuil nexl day. But after Ihree or fontr days,- and neithen lie hanse non man showing up, tb. brother î",bought is vonid came te Onillia sud enquire after il. On aniviug b. fouud thaI bis brother b.d soid lbe hanse fon $80 sud had no necolleolion of via lie ibayer vas an viere he lived. The ovuet of tie hanse threateued te pros. e sute. Mn. David Blair le la appai. Mayor Rowland iu tbe mayorally eleclion. tour baila, I eau-, S&y au vas thunstluu i vestment I even made., Jean Clauey. Beausýojour, lManitoba. àll seml-o£ilUy. denled thàit Germany utd Rusis have -reaohed an agreemout cou. teruing Blgani. Thon. eiîo on. rom.dy -effone o ta sf 'ln ýhumanty whose-use. 10saounlvenully anfeuenlly required as :3adirnd e Yeflow'Ot, o homta. naiacod il thr oI9dýajes.croup, umago, and aé o,.ain,,Inieoésànà Be renees of .11 kinds when lnterialy sud sxitonuafly used., À iar g etheatro vas destrojed by- fine i Philadelpbis yeebei4y. wo men vers, killod. th] foi as be w ee yeaâr, tried many reinediesbut neyer und any that bas don. me so muoh good Burdlook Blood Bitters." aames Higgns ast Templetons P. Q KII¶G'S. EVIL Fas the name formerlY giVen to ScrOOtUl ecausge of a superstition that It could b. red by a ldng's touch. The WOrid Sb rIser now, and knows that SUIROFULA eau nulv be cured by s tborough purifie&- tion of the blood. If thie 'e netrIcted, t.h 3 0; aie perpetuaten Its taint tiirOluwYl ge~t~n atter generatiali. Amnilus eailr s vmptolflkJtlc developulents ara Eezc,:iiaa Cutaneous Eruptifli, Tu- mois, Bolit CarbunCle, Eryýsipelas, Putrulent U'lcons, Nervous &nd Phy. steal Collapse, etc. If allowed ta con- tinue Uheaumattsm,, Serofulails Ca- tarr i',Kdueyand Liver Dissnes, Tubercua onumtlon, and vari& ous othier dnrous or ftal maadies, arm produced byI Ayeî"0' &u'saparilla rootheify nq e adicîn. îi'nse eeol-l ai an afylingratie. Il rad'cefrfci iae ayn iIratedtaI ry Sc.ef su hesse klndr e oisns cf egofulie aned hendrenepouronsAtfthe sae ts ime Ites ii~er myd tzethe baed. restine eaithlui action te tie vital o¶rEns Sci ,ejuvenattng the etrtelO mys blagreat Regenerative Medicine te coenposed cf thoegenuttis HandttraS Sai-8aa4ila, with Yiellow Dock, S~til,. Unrtia, thee lodicles Potassium and lrri, vn oëii'r inc7re dicnts 0,rvat ro. en"~~~~ u~~iY nd çen v'cou- Oý tfi-e mnecical profesion>I. ua-tdthe b'st bhvs .u constauitly prescribe .Axrics ~AI.~.LÀIULÂau su Absoltite Cure the blood. It lu coueentr-ted ta the bigh. est practicable- de.rree, far beyond sny other pr-ep--rat!ou for whieh lilce effects are claimedt sud lu therefore the chc!y - -1, sas wel as lie besl blood purilyig In2dI' ciue, lu the wvend. Ayers SairampailI8 ]PREPÀRED 13' op. j. c. lys,' & Co, LoweII, làass. [AnalytiCS.l Chomhats41 Oold b>' ail Druegists: prIce $1;-,sMx baIlles for e6 Alan Line ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Glasgow. WINTER ARRANGEMVENTS. DATES OP BAILING. Sandinlan, frem Portland,9 Dea. 2nd. f ram Halifax# Dec. 4th. polynosian, frcm Portland, Dec. 161b. from Haifax, Deo. 181h. Parisian. from Portland, Dec. 801h. tram Halifax, Jan. lut. Sardinisu, f rom Portland, Jan. 131h. fnom-Hallax, Jan. 151h. Polynesian, tram Portland Jan. 27th. from à;aUtsx, Jan. 2Gth. RATES 0F PASSAGE PROU POIRTLA2iD OB"r rALlIA ÀABIS#$50,j$85, sud $75 aceondlug ta posillon of tatereoom. hetÃŽ;i Tickets $100, $125, a 0 110. 9 INTBRUEDIATE $80. BTEBBIGE ai lowat ratas. Intermedlale sud Steerage passengens for Glsgow, forwaeded fres by rail from Iver- pool, or by ste=a frem Dent>'. Paitugere lagu tle' Steamer at Port. lsud wUlleave W lbyo.u lb.Wednesay inoning -.-st Ëilfaip, ýon the* Thuneab mornlng. Punties senafig flor libie nad theli Old Country o btalu PIP I S- SAGRE ' R]TipFITEs m£loU matou. PI On Tueday ovenlng Iset Mr. M, Asvriilo h ecu oic eu Bnrk'e team rau away on Ring et ., aud lations tof te reon ol iUnion u- going eset rta n mbthe' ceuvoyance istatiaon s t nday enoabssIUnont hi Mr@ B. J. Shaw and ber daug.stioonady ft.h eMi dwrodlig sdwih Mr. John Macdonald, the. qreal r' ai Ihaoitmoment camealong Ontarioet. wboiesare merchasit of Ibis oity, was hE ou; le Ring et. Mrs. and Miss Shaw sizty.four years of &ge, Monday. r *vere thrown violeutiy ta lthe ground snd On FHiday last Aid. Piper sud Aid. 1fr. ,Bbaw'e face le badly ont, bouides Frankland distributed'2000 pounds *of other severe braises aud injuries 10 both beef roaste arng 1he poor of St. John'. ladies. requflinfg meédical attention. ward in tbis iy. The numbror f Yetrday Miss Shaw was recovered applicants was 470.* The countenanoos ooiewhat, but ber mother's case le of the poor beamed with joy at the gift, tE 81111l serions. and th. two worthy aldermen will longj A case cf arneity to animais las corne have a place in the bearte of thoir ta aur-notioo, whore a farmer, who coostituente. l1,e e bis h towuehip, was bringing à A couple of burgiarios wero committ. fat -beaslta b, own, sud had ilt ted ed during Saturday nighl. Esriy in bshled a wsgn. The pon brute could the eveuiug a party ouîered Cooliosn's mo alwlk aven the ronghmrolad:- dauctian premises. Toronto.street, sudC dropped dowu, wheu lb. luhumata own. oaoried off an aid flint-look gun. Itleie or dragged it aiong as il lay on. ther said the visitors were beut more onc ground, until ils knees Wore ail skiuuedl miechief tban.. plunder. At 2 o'ciock and the cap> foraed off oeeof lhem, yesterday morting tbe premises cf *lettîig the oul rue out of tbe kuee.. Iu Telfer, Harold & Go., shirt nianufaclur.C ibis etate il was brougbt la towu for ers, 6 Johnrion.streel, were euterod by elaughter. Ib is lime. Ihat this kiud of a tsar wlndow, and goode lei lbé value oruelly was stopped aud lb. perpetra. f$0.rmvd Posmd nOza T Ml o. E. -Murphy, who keeps a store at 299 - POT PERY.Youge-slreet, had a Sauta Clauis in hie The X.mas Fair wae more than un. window last night wbiah mauy objîdren usuaily succossfal, Mr. W. J. Gibuon sud gtewn people stopped te admire. of your town W&@ one of- the judges. About 9.80 the tînfeil wbioh eon@lituted A Newy9'Yoan'u Tree loaded witb Now Sauta Clans' clathiug c.ugbt fare aud Ysar'a Gifle willi b. lbe attraction îq the threatened hlm wllh cremalion, but hie Preby.erinChutoh la uighl. New prosenceoe f-mmd saved hlm. Ho Pebretlan jumped oul of 1he wlndow, sped out Ysarsev . afraiTrot heopen doat sud up sîreot aI light. ilcei n-e, E A tafftoditcf Trntening speed. Ho wassthoroughly fright- on u l eeiho ethodibet. "hoh oed, and some say ho is runuing yet. onivesiy eoigneI Sbat'Ti.The utorekeopor wlthb ommondable Unlve.ity oy."enterpuse bad hired a emaîl boy, Thé Iltirairy Rociety cf 1he High dbossoe lma &su u s mIl mask Seohool hâle beldanu "At hom, last on hum le represent lb. vouerablo Friday ,êiëk.'whieh was large y at. Sa»ta Fifty dollars'worh cf damage tendod. The, echoo as an .right to, foel1 was doue lu lhe wiudcw. prend 'cf il. re'cord afor 'tho paît ypar. V RD The W. F. M. S. cf Port,'Penny e p oct Thé baud bore has a concert New la have a noaing a14 lime la.nigbt Year's nléht. (New Yoar'e Evo), at the residenos cf A goda deal cof bottiug on th.eélsotion one cf thein number, gir@. MeMurtýrY'e. was9 doue bore.- The society le dalng. good work sud > The. numbet cf Irnas carde handisd us qentertalument .îhey -effert Ibir br xed-n erfrnm ie patrons Ibis evenlng le oeewell Worthh br.eRosedlsay yean formonme altendlng. W. wlsh the ladies succese. M.Ru etapi hl oigl Greenbauk. Il straysd enta the farni M. redr& H. Skyos M. A. rtirlug cf lit. John Hewitt, who promptly liedern' Language Master of ont Hig advertioed it lu the Journal. Mn. Bose ýBosl wu préente by hie 1.1. Pu Ils 1iîng a sensible man wbo ual enly *wtlb levers Lvolumes cf poety. 'hii. akes but r.ads the papet, savthe ,rsnttOuvsmade -by Mn Falli oce adsts oniceswent and gai hls pig ,t*h ~e ou flhê auembê leaci- befere It b.d estnihe value cf lîseif ors. r, Bkyos s goos la Slnathroy ai a, ehbadn os.Bnyal OollegliO *insitut@ to assume the malsehçbuld alvaye b. promptlyaidy>r Modern Languago -Muastsubp cf a ihtusedsdlb1uy1o sge~ T Sobodl.mouihi s il sometlmes lo. *Mr. John LOn go -c long and POST so f'voably kuowu las 'a 1lesoher nlu t TeIoneIeeoo oerols Hl.gh echiool . ïia ad, laterly ase p ,ulpl he ismm rse nt ofo.Ïîhle oeie of Prince Albert- public sob l «*ietsaprooto oteo iu ptesented l ih a testImionIa1 by hie X l' mn ,'lzeh r pupis~n le beaslig un cfohool. godsuf urLndpba rv~hîml u Lut Salurday seury Reidwau o0.olui Vp.1nstâkluq bâcher and itablltig asa, near Resuelsaîa fa..... La àogmInrn M'.RenhlIthmaplII, CHENILLE ND LwE Dres andMantie et:sps j- iln TAILO R, Everyody is satiSfid ith our work ev orodr with us and you eau .be:'sureOu willt'lt ave to 'bring them -baek, for alteration., ANDRIEW ROSS. ~~Yiat'la A.J~ ~.Ithe* Sweet Byand,-Byeu .Assurance Conmpany. INqCOBPOD.ÂTED ur SPEoIÂL ACT or Tus Do- XINJION P&nMLUÂMNT. lpull Goveunment Deposit. DIREOTOR8: HjoNi. ALEX. MAàOKBNZIE, M.P., e Prime Minister cf Oanada, Presideut. HON. ALEXANDBR MORRIS, M.P P, sud JOHN L. BLAIXIE, ESQ., Pros. Can. Lauded Onedit Co., Vice.Prosideflts. Hon. G. W. Allan, BousIer. Alphonse Desjardins, Esq., M.P., Monîneal. Hlon. D. A. Macdonald, ex-Lieut.-GovO1!nor of Ontario. Andrew Robertsoni, Esq., Pros. Moutreal Harbor Trust. L. W. Smith, Euq., D.O.L.,- Pros. Building sud Loae Association. W. R. Meredlth, Esiq., Q.O-, M.PP., London. j. K. Ker, Zs., Q.O, (Meurns. Kerr, Mac- ouald,D5vidion &' Patteraon). John Mamasn, Bsq., (loveruar British Arn. Fine Assurance Ca. B. A. Meredith, Esq., LL.B., Vlce.President Tenante Trusts Corporation. Wm. Bell, Bisq., Manufacturer, Guelphi. A. H. Carnipbell, Esq., Pneu. British Can. L. sund Ie. Company. D. Macrae Bsq., Manufacturer, Guelph. B. Guje', sq., Directon Fedenal Bank of 0 3ýa H.H. look, EB2sq., M. P., Toronto. John N. Lake, Bsq., Broken sud Fin. Agent. Bdwa.xd Galley, Eisq. Alderman. B. B. Hughes, Esq. ,'Imeasra. Hughes Brou., Wholesabê Merobants)ý..Mcil ret. Jas Tiiornton Esq ,MD MeclDieor James Soott, ýesq., Mïenchant, Direoton Do- minion Bank. Wm. Gordor, Esq., Toronto. Robent Jaffray, Esq., Menchant. W. MoCABE, Euq., LL.B., ?.I.A., Mauig- lug Dineoton. To the HON. A. MACKENZIE, P. Presideut North American Life Assurance Co.., Toronto. On behalf of MRB. BLANCHARD, I beg ta acknoledge tho ecept, through your Mn. Carlisle, -of draft for 815,000p lu fufl payment of Pollcy No. 0,242 on the 11f. af ber ltle hisbsnd, Bedie>' Blanohard, Q.0., via died f rom lyphoid foyer, on lie 7th cf Marci last, sud ta have te thank yen for your prompt settiemeut. JOHN.F. BAIN, O! Bain, Mulock, Perdue & Morpi>', f ormeni>' Bain, Blanchard & Mulock. FBEBHND XNEW ,8II- Are you going to get married tbis Xmaso? This is none of our business. We only- wish to intimate that we are selling Maglificent Hanging Lacp, Fanoy Colore& Lamps, Lamp G-oods; Dinner, Tea and Chamber Setts, at whole- Bale prices; Superb China Fruit> Baskets, a vaniety of Fancy China Pishes and Electro-plated goods,- suitabl e for Xmas Presents, at prices to suit the times., SPECIAL FOR. THE NEXT 30 -DAYSS We will give a present of a Handsoine China Cup and Saucer with every poundý of oui, 40, 50, 60 and 75a Teas ana every 2 lbs. of our pure fresh-ground Coffee at 25o and 40o per lb. A. complete aesortment of choice Xmas Fruits at close figures. The farn9us Louise Baking Powder put up in pound tins at >80o per lb.M ki ùas of canned goods' Fish, &Ù. Fresh Can anad Bulk Oysters arriving every wee1k direct from Baltimnore, at 'the* Brazilian ýWarehouse. iDon't forget to call before purchasing. Wishing you ala'happ-Seon I arn your obedieât Servant, SIMON FRASER) Devereil's Block, Brook St., Whitby, Ont. TEWESTERN; AD VERTISIER 0F LONDON, ONT. Hlas beau vastly lmproved of laie, uow appearng regulrisn le vlve page fanm, 'ýgth tha fdditien aI. uew "Departeni." Onlyl sipa anu including the nemaind- on oà18 ta bona-fide ew subsoibes. "THE HOLL Y QUEEA." This is lie tille cf aur nov sud beoLutifLI peium for 1887. Beyand doubt the meut chanming oleograpi (oalored pioturo) over offened vith any nevîpapen. Sizo 15X20 luches. Ouly 10 cents in addition te yearly subucniptigu. Z~Aents vsuted evenywhere. Pif ly valuable pnizes te 14e vsnded, oven snd above the cash commission, la, the Meut succeseful agents. Fer free sample papenu, terms te agents,,'etc., addnes ADVERTISER PRINTINO 00., London, Ont. 1878 CJ-EIEEý 1887 CANADA'S COMIC JOURNAL. ANNOUNCEMENT, FOR THE OOMINQ VEAR. GRIP ila no e ell kuovu as la requin. very lit11e of eiîher description- or praise. It lu TEE PRICE of almilar journal. lu lie United States. GRIP'3 CARTOOJNS$ ln addition la, being strietl>' iÃŽ-pantil whven lie>' nefer te jolîtios, are alwaseou the sidaet, paitism sud monallty. Tho laIe improvements are- univmroali>' admlnea. The journal in enlarged la 16 pages, sud il ln prntel, upon heavy-loned sud vell-càlendenod paper. This gives bath the engna'vlngs sud tho letter-pessa beautlI. appearsuce. And, nolwllisltand- lug Ibis enlaâr eýenut sud împrovemnenl, the priceofG laËio 1 Onjy $2 a year;- Single Copies, 5 cents. (tie prIoe. Il onmmanded 'ien but a four- pa08 shoot). Humeor "btout:Vulgtint>'; Plriolum vilicut PartIWAMP; Tmuth or rioneo ttiioulttisi.fvrite aOsu. &aàýCroon Pap'er.Ils prIce places Il Addnems the GBl? PEnMTnG À»PUB* LXIffiG Coc26 anid 28Front Street Wsas, Toroto. VeW îubsonlbers, senaiug -$2, wi ireve hs 'p'Aperhb.balance ef 1886, snd te 8la.hDseembr, 1887. - Ail minilia4ban tadua!kTp. nâw uù, nid. t Harper's.Young Popied AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. HE.t R'aS YOUNGe PaOLEhanbeen oalled ' o h.mdel cf what s oenidical for y'ong eaesoughlt to be,"\ ýsud th. justice a! Ibis commendalian le. smlyrutainod by the. laitge circulation il thie attamînedbath aI, home sud lu Great Bnitain. This'en10008 bas be en reaohed by motheds limai-muet commend themselves te th. judgmont cf parents, ne legs Ibsula the taules cf child- nen-namely, by au osrnnst sud VeIleUS- tained effort te provide the boit sud nMast attractive readiug for Young peoIPliOS&low pnice. The illustrationis are Ce ons sudnacf s conspleoeusly high standsrof cf xcel- An epilome cf evenything liati aattract- ive sud deuinable iu juvoniile iitenalure- Boston C.ourie'r. A weokiy feasl o! good- Ihinge la 1h. baye sid girls luin vf amily vhichi il isis.- Brooklyjn. nion. It le vondenful lunîle vealti cf picinres, information sud internst.--Ohiti<Ifl .dto- cate,.N. Y. Sma NtRxnaiFve Cents oaci. Remittances should b. made by Poe Office Moue>' Onder or Draft, le avoid chance cf lois. Nezoqiaper8 are nofta o opy thia advertise- ment w:IP&ou th.eepress orier of HozR &BaowmRi. Âddrees HAR'PER BROTHEItS, N1ew Yank. GOOD HORSEB. NEW =is$- LIVERI and SALE STARIRES, DUNlDABS-BT., WHITBY. ORA WFQRTH & DEVERELL# FRwsT -GLASS. TU-MOUTS OomMrooeiTraeeliera i raUfy-da- wW&. work sud ao@d vu V ble oT Our, ~o ar, ap~, -.a. it, bs. 1uSonS M Oc., ayexamine Ibem- reports.1df faceto bout bias or favor. s 'The rtrs proved nterostsund importance,~ pied sud cari. mented ho facto pneqented ho no dilBculty lu doter sel8ves- tho--boit -sud me baldg podern-_ touse. ils fehaving been qu local bakiug powdor rolurns l the subjeot an foliowing inlenesting Prof. Tuoker. The isole are reaffirmned snd omp mont breezy manner: A <ourna jreparler ne Prof. Tucken for lbe punp fcintior information lu re baking- povder qùesli~ fond in tbe exteniive lab MidicaiClollege, bard aI w natunedly submitted ta r interview, the substàne given, will bo fouud of i S$Doctor," îaid the appeans thal eue of aurý powder manufacturonasatt onedil the reportBrn I lished i ebJorawi bakiug powders, for hici cal examiuatioui wero mi self sud Prof. Mason. aualyeiîsud opinion prim "They were," repliedPr literally," "lis lheir an report, or your viOwB expi Ibhat yon would modify? "Not a word. My e1 mail oarefully asudsacc tbe deduction I* drev f veretohebinovitable o opinions I oxprssed ver abiy correct." "Yen ssy Doclar, th baking powder la ouperior bakiug powder whichi 3 amined?" --"That is my report." «,Have yen examined baking powder? "Quite a number." "'Whorn, Docter, supeniorlty whiob you fin over cîber brandi?" "As slated in myirepor purity of its ingredients, questioned propriety an nepse of thos ingrediente, proportions of the es obemical accuracy sud .ak thsy have been combine, befare, il ie, I believe, a 1 unequaiie'd for pnnity, wioieicomeflesi "'Doctor, tie .ournars, wonld like you te Inflon are thé -peculian virtues o pbovdeï aven othr an l cui BDd methode of ra cut n cake 2" p »Tbst would reqùire a sometbing in the nature Bniefly, however, the ail r a baking powder over ysi 1h. quickor work il e Ibepreservalien 6f som, ~~eeneof the flour wbio ' M îlwprcdicîiou cf the <~gaîby the use of yeasi absolute certainty cf evi Viitisaïigpve viii ey oi Il f1 -,ëperly ,made, ebakiug 'powder nastive -s'-treng2ih, nD il iudefinitely. rSily are robbéd o erviDg agentlui ou trengtb, or e leney largel>'de tion of largo qusulii ouI -preniature motbod'b4ti thosi ued lu lb. higbeel' Ta TkwaaAl ÂLBO TORONTO INGFLÃ"UIHÙNO 1 1 1 - 1 "BONTO. 1 1 Maltchos, Cléch, ý J

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