Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 7

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1. fuali star orr elgktmIE es for lime tmetmen4'st LU 0OF SUCCE8LU- sai Caarrbé Throna au eslAr an84~~d id#ee l.od Iigseanad Nervow un curt'd herot or at ho ten centa l tams&for Our ulule 900Ik,"9Y Micügivu ad O obliCtTnlmp àie by youth(u Vi, (s snd Pernicloufs 5 %ry 1ractt1C ~am ieI~ i pemaentl curi'd y ou kotpald. IOets. Instni Rupture, or lrech, ad rueand with very iIi; eai. Buitsent for he cent oRas and ST1ICTUIRI 0grffta1t I't ue1iý. Book $eu a stanipe. Addrem WOMMI> =cIOL 4&ociATIQN, M bbIl N* y* The tree1tMent of!1 thoilseude of c(nu"oftbd Int the ItilIlotol -i 1 Surgioal Ilitttite, hau W peiuee n dapting relue'b ePrescriýptioi , tis vat expereuc. rful -Bemiorattve Toul e, lmparta vloro and rel a ree e'hts,'xcs1 iftu men aUtlo TaiW .IsO uteruSe tons, ebroule Co3 wmltion aud uleor Mb, inflammationl.I tess tu ovarteo.;A» temale weasku me rolloves and curSnaWU 0» 01 toms<'b, n 1*g, Nervous Prosti a gsueao4 lui eliler Bo. on a ORTT stampi for Dr. PWWoe la *mm O o! Wwneva>Uto prnarwModidi AuI t ilS trt,BU7WMiXo. M and uillons Çromptly ours plretsPl burgatlve Pt conti a v-lsI. bY ¶4 Su: iqrefI'e8Block for gom iGC RoOM SUITS, QC RooM S UIT$-, ]BWROOM BUITSo, -KI1CHE i S is tbat Ooty computi ý)ne, Corne a&119l% l'or Yourselvee. J. JOHNSO3 1.,11. 1DATES@ eV ývertishmg Agemi, 4 obèa Building>, Nov Y éd tu ceâitract for sdWÈ b the cHRnitqCLz ê BROTJRRS, rUITeYo ONTARIO,. ER AND FINE bld for MdideBaxaoan&lâi MWG MADE TU Oi<Dý SHOBT NOTI SAT, Il,. Swoelnem oqn aveti by the Oanu r oin, f Hamilto lu. than bree. yeare monàhhiy, il has ge sin sizet iret tbo24, 0enuy t0 86 Pagea. eePeczsly 10 stock-rai The. Parm, The Dai ,nlyHorticulture 80 tha e frtcgenere ý&l wlth ieu$éýtifi-O PWE9O 1MMOrluilKSlU t" Ji,aMd fteul have tbdos MM ,7eu îu- Kil., tubkcfor the liii., pr.par.d 'for thel* iration tfog woet Imm.the bond&". #Qfù -uuils, who1.bones, obole, hi4b hêlsud &Il, otber hluduaceli l7 ,IMMdiâsxked of, m han has biti p -ba ur leôturewu ~ 0 scian Live-Btoo7c cO'uuîloathing for thé. l ), Ont. Startbd udDgluoj ivn .. towe eugaged in undermlning the . "nobleet ago s a 20.page Goverument on earth.-" She\has conS-. on s$dily in- deno. w lbthepreswiê admgu'1btra&tioD, m oe'sa voil sud believes thâ I:Promeiut lev.sd 1i, h o 28, Md Süam' Bouator Edsïnd viigrpj1 Tbough dovoted mccessfully with the. treason in Utah iaing, il luoludei; -0 Iry, tâb Apiary, Reach CouniL. suad The Home, al f&-n%% % »I a rarmer or suc#i tarmers as make live-stook breoding iu auy of its departmeuls a Ieading fMaure cf t.heir business, vo do flot know where to Sud its equal in Canada, W. hoartily recommeud it to our patrons as e l.adinR papor cf ils clase in the Domainion. It ie published ab Hamil. ton, Ont., by The Stock 3'ournal Co. Prico, 81 per annum. Those subsorlb. ers now for 1887 gel tbe remaluder cf 1886 fres. The October and November issues viII contaia the prize liste cf th. Induetrial Exhibition, Toronto, and the Provincial Four held ai Guelph. Cail at our -office and examine it, or oud to the publishers for a free upeci- men copy. Wa.shington Letter. trroin our rogular correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 1886.-The sec"d week af the. session Sunds Gougrsse giappling witb a numbor of important question@. Among thora are tbe Tariff, Ltretate Commere, the Tenure af Office Act, the ladiau prob- loen, the Sundry Civil bill, Congretesmen acting as attorneys for Pnbeidized rail. roade aud secret sessions. The Hanse of Repueseubtatives declar. ed omphaically Ibal th. Yollow State National Park shait ual b. ,deseoraled by a railroad. There vas quile s spir- ilod debate ou tàe subjeot. lion S. S. Coi thought th. bill asking for uch a privilege ehould be ontitlod a moasure for lbe spoliation af the National Park. The measure, b. aaid. badil s origin lu couporato greed. Bebind il no doubI voe railroad monopolists, and min vbo vorked, not lu th. interest oaltie peopi. cf1th. United Btates, but (ou Hall s a dcxen Cougreasmmn for or &s<a lnatlb.sobme voue dusun brioily 11 e lie db#te, snd eue ef thon vas Bepresenîstive Kelly, of Poensylvania, Who Ws olledthie Palier of the. Houa., beause cýb flh mosd long e!os Hie ha. boen luoongrea o&W lhlrty coueeotîv.e 7yean sd s lbe oldeshmm iu lie lover branch. Idr. Kelly in- plored the Hanse wo stand by lie eau. oîity af the national park on "biscon- tinent, sud prolesl.d againat sny soi. lion vblcb would encourage other &pu-. nimbus to aak the A.meriesn Gongresa la alov thein te invade tuaI territory. Nsturally Beustor Bock 's indignant ta Sund a substilute repoutedl for bis original bil probibitl.ug Membors of Congre, frein scting s4 attorusye or em ployes for raffroad companies wbiob bold- charters on land graut. or other aid fromIn bo United slatom. OuI. aide af lie Sonate sud railroad elvelos the. Bock bil lu srogsrded as s moaure tiaI should bave beiu s 1ev long mgo. (Jouteuding for lth e puideratlon of bis bih, lthe Kentuokey Senatgr sad t vas ludeoint for Sen asud, Meon bers ho ait aud -vote ipon inssuro affecting groat railroad cupsu oteb amouint cf boudreds ot millionis sIc. Public rlgbb sudthie bohoue t Yei7 fnator sud Beproeotative vwuivOT- ein baving lie vornd ho und 'àan thal ne iunu s illug iluWeliHoue" asuh 4h lelcg, Qr the agent of sny of the" .subsldli.dnaltroad oorperatloo.. Lb vil >b. interesting hoéhi. old Mexcean veteraus over thbe ounby ho -know thie oue oudilion o e i ze Pension bilt abt lii.ime. Thé Boue, puaed Il sud ti;. 8eto am.nded il sm au te, reatriot the boneficlaries te voeraus Who bave i abslue.&go of 62 yosrs. Lt la nov before tie UHose for, soton, bul for sm re neson Boreeuitiîve Eldridge, of Micigan, 0hamm ofet le. *omIllo bioh u ha e b.malter iii harg, do@§ not Boomn anulous te pusi t. Friands of the bIill, uvlWg Ihst e should b. au tugad.lay, pose nov ho1neus b Upepo viti. leteh jepd ~nd ar oufidolt>thaï sm#joýr1U*Y fi> e memboe.viiivolelu'in tefavor. Tarif eonfreuoe.bave, b.eaz iorder î b4 h-ie enlinoek. ldb, the The above Council met pursuant ho by-Iaw, iu Ihe Manchester Town Hall, ou Monay tant. Mombere ail preseut. Beeve in the chair. Minuteb of l..l meeting resd' sud eoouftumd. Mr. Speno. aocted as Pro tom Clark. Mr. Broderick was heard about a dog. Mr. McGili vas heard. Heo-aak.d th. council for remuneration for the gravol taken fotin b i lIfor th.us, of th. cor- poration. On motion of Mr. Graham, tii. Reeve issed bis order on the Treasurer lu favor of Mr. MoGili, for, 88 for gtavel. On motion of Mr. Alun va by-ieàv vas iutroduced sud passed, nawaing the place for holding the municipal nom- inations, and appointing tbe Deputy Returuing Offloors, for lhe polling sub- divisions sfollow:- Polling euh-div. No. 1. E. A. Christie; No. 2, J. H. Munro; No. 8, W. St. John; No.4, R. F. Harringbon ; No. 5, Robt. Moura; No. 6, Bobt. Speoce ; No. 7,W. MoGill No, 8, Jas. Fitchett. On motion cf Mr. MoFarlane the Reeve's order vas iesued lu favor of Jas. Tripp, for $4 for work doue between SeaRrave Station snd 1h. Village. Mr. Sfickney was heard iu regard te a road best. Robt. Acton wan board about s bridge on the 111h con. Mr. MoFarlane moved lbait in lbe death cf John Christie, Esq., Claerk aud Treasurer, tbis muDicipality bar, bat lie services of a very wortby, capable, painstaking, nprigt suad esteemed officor, tend this Concil deire la ex- proestheir unfeigned regret, sud ta re- cord their tribut. of respect sud ap. c "mcation for lb. deceaaed, sud ai Ihelu op sympalhy viîb bis *idow sud family in their sad bereavemeut, aud thst thé. Reeva procure a oopy of Ibis r..oluüizý Wo-bo' euitsbly .ngros.ed snd prose.nlod1*M. Ohiai.. The Auïdftomsovine' te tibe <Issof lhe lte Clark and Treasurer, preeeut.d a report, embrsingtruaolnof ithe tsupo»Ibe thîn8k. Promil vo *àèï *s *0expm&dt" 1as hlaI date for lb. _purp osos n'qmed Veo tu fol- lowg.Rotdasua»àbride&, 817.47:9 saitlara0 14-715 ;I#%Pya MeOI,0 00 Poor F'uud, #709.66 ; Dog Fund, $60 82 ; Miseelanuoe,$478.94 ; Print- 4u #26.72 ; Board cf Heaihb, -$1; Intereet sud Debentures, 881.82; Couuty of Oularo, 81.000-00 Kakinga tobai of #6.651.68. Balance on baud 88,871.221 Total #10#522.90. on motion of Mr. AUin tb. report wa. r...lvd and adopled. on motion of M1r. Christie, s bi.lavà was inta-oàansd pasaed, appolntint D. P. Hagerman Tr.asure staI*a Sasy of #65, ou onlering a Bond ho fItbfpîy r rform thée dulies cf offo, sand furol.h hi. ovn seeuriîy for #0,000, Sud ltwo suriei. 2,500oaobt l e b.approvo l by -Ur. Burnet, skea tie tonna lfor -onderolthing for eue Edvarda. The conseil rferrýed hi. te Kv., KUstrlokt -Who ha. money b.olnq hW o, Rdvaudoi <OumboofetUr. Ohbiettle PBasi vas iui"led le notlfy lb. mangro the. Ontario Bsuk, Port Perry, 1t. e ange in -t h . T ro ssu be hp of- iii ion* uefwo"-*ofau of Olerk on a esoont of its prov.u meèrise, it àlt. 1 day onûeu41.4 su p reorlbed ly the It ýU c" eti"l'th woet.form of anlieu ti ometoiAU Ovauiau troubles, Illààaaiîon 'suaid Uoeraion, Floodlngs1 &a i Dplacomeats and the con. soquont spinal weaknoss, ddl espeolally adapted to th, Change of Lite. It wifl dis- solve and oxpel tuimors from. the uterus ini an early stage of developseent. The ten- denoy of Catioerous ]Humoým hiere is check- ed very spèedily by Its use.1 it ,xemoves taintuess> flatulenoy, destroys ail cravlng for stimulants, and relieves weaknesof the stouiach. Il oures Illoating. ead-ôohes, Nervrons Prostration, Gen=erai litySleoplessness, Depression and Inîdiqestion. Tlaat feelinj of bearing down, caueing pain, weight and baokache, in always p"rannly curod by its use. For th. cure of Kiîlney Complainte of either »ax Ibis compnound la unsurpassed. It dissolves oalculi,ocorreottheoboemlstry of the urine, restoros the. normai funotions of the. kidneys, and prevente the organia degenerafion whicb loade to Bright's Dis. eaue. One trial wiU ch.arm an&d excite your Rnthssiaem. Remedial Compound la prepared in PUi and Liquid torm. I per bottle, 87 per doz. Pills (sugar ooatod) by mail 50c. per box. BMDIAL COMPOUND CO., Derby Lino, Vt., «U S., or Stanstead, Que., Canada. RIKIDIÂL Lit uPILLS (sugar coatftd) cares Torpidity cf the Livor, Headacho, I3ilionsnea, &a. They are quick, mild, no tr.ping. and sbould ho used in connoction W719 tho Remeditil Compound.. By mail 26c. Bither of the. above remedios sont on roceipt of price, c'r lhd from Druggista genfirally. V. C. STOCK, FEED AND CONDITION POWDER8 is the best in the world. The tnajorîty of m-mà.-idisaas corne from dorangeinent of tbe &iDNYEYBtand Ln-K1I;.tho same is true of the AI creation. AU] animale roquire and deserve this romedy. Simple batz by mai 2.1W instampe, cheapor in bulk. Sctld by ail dirggist8. Âddrisa-Tun RIxErIAI. Compot'xzCo. Sta.nstead, Pro. Qnebec, Canada. 51 ) ( sud 'Inmigper Amo»lým thé foowgg W. 8.14ev, BU EBown, Jobnai Dbsou, sud F. KM Yâriold, a Clantrk '*Ma4* Tmesurtré- l. H IWU ' unh msud w S evrGhsm. -Po* Treurn on , - r~, MoPanie, liii Bue@.'.orde as lueW" tédlau wy7a.ut of A Spcia hi o!HE&Y TWRED8 roi' ( to 75 ceflté-per ya, ausitàbIe 7fér Bxieiess Sti~ ~oys ,wesr.. A FIIJLSTOCK O,011' ROERI 4LWAYS ON IlAND. Hlighest market prioê paid for Butter and 9, C W~j~r BBIo0KLIN, ONTM Cottage or Castie, -AT- PIICE6 Wl/CII WIL L 48TONISH YOUt CALL ON * WM. HA1JLT, BIROOKLINO' LIE~ "unerals Fully, Supplied." c~jJ WyhiIoby Woollcn Mi1I1ý, Midway between Brooklin and ColumbuE, on the 7th Concession. We are now prepared to make alinuds Qf Woolien Goods, such as Tweeds, Ful Olothi Union FIanneli, Sheeting, Sbirtings, AJ1--wôol bed ]31lankL-ts), Hotî;è Blankets, and Y-arns i ail varieties, and ,allkIdudý[e xnittod Goode kept in stock for the accommodation of- Hlighest price pàadfor ary qiantïity ARl orders promptly-fRed. W De BO WERMAN Of Woole ii SON,ý BOOK..KEEPINGPA"S BUSINSS ORRION <CE MMQTHAND -AND TXPfBITNGP OIOLLYÂli Rond The -D6loaifOOi Organs ni ?eo Are itter lban Any Other. Tiie Bout Judgos say ils Touei h lb.héBést. il he bull with s view 10 Dnrabilit& and Beauty. Ti.'Béait Instumeiàt t6,Buyà ïCaalid O9e Ovx oods BROOK ST. - WHITBY. THSPÂPER my ho toundon lea ,I.Geo. P. Rowell& Oo's NwspaperÂd. vertlsngcotratamay b. ma&e for Il ru D'R.. DORENwEND' h lb. only sel. Ba~duus, T LORI Sole M~nÏu!soIuaor~ W. B. ~0WS*, FIN E~T R~O'ME for Oiroular. Ai~ress. 'f your ânadf- 1 dmý DA iiii OIT 1 IE;Zom 1 Aý

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