Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 5

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Jewefry A»D silver Ware PULL 0P de. Dns, Cuif Buttc aerwear, Mtuffl( Toques, Cardi1 ÃŽO. Caps, $3.50O; range of Muifs àn Baltfic Seal. River ,&o., from $2.60: rid $7.50. And ë , fror 3,5e per y&* )$7.00, $7.60, $8,00, [Ict fjron, BheS ý,ever band with seal uI) Caps, in Grey and IP 0F SOLGDQ. bygiven in acordano. "a ot ongolidateti i 1883, thal the Coumnl liiiy et the Township ef >Un, of Ontario, lntend et Convi10 o ehelinlthe pHall, Scugog, on u15th day of Jan- ry1887. M., to pau a By-law to tle. foÏlowivg allumeuse road in the said Township Ilshed in lot 24 in 1h. 71hz ly Beach, extending trom &a eweutrly direction ho tereby f urther given 10 --Or persans Who do nul 9< roar ho be closed up kuown their objections teo aid meeting of cone! J1OHNI FOY$ r1k Township of, Sougog. ~Y SEASON~ thst1 Ibave nov on baud oçpleto Stock cf iks, jewl ,.vNOVELTI ES More Complete titan it has ever been. Je. So BAIiRNA/RD,1 BROOK ST., WHITBY. DECEMBER 24th, 1886. LOCAL LACONICS. WHAT 18 601146 ON IN ANDI AROUNO TOWN-A BUDOET OF UVELY LOCAL NEW8 GLEANÉO BY Oê4RONICLE REPOÉTERS- "A cWhsis aamg y%, t"k notes. TOWN LIBEBAL ASSOCIATION BOOM-S OVER, TRE OFFICE.ý EXPRESS Trafre. roatilng.room viii b.e leset en Obrisuies auNe Yom sasdays. o« aùca s ons snebcuy gettlg out t1ocm pootieal a.ftu forprnst- tion sI New Tsarts. Don't theallb boys. Tex Montrei carnYivallatetake plac from Fob. Slh, t111 tbé 121h, nexi boîh daya inoluided. sbas beau the eu.e eery snocee4llgyeatIhls crnival lu t0 entlrely ecip lest year's. Soiu voteafor tlb. sako cf c joke, pût bye crosses upon their ballets, andi opthers mark off thesoppomlngoandidcte's name for the fin of 1thlng. Auy. îhing mer.eIlean ou. cross plaoti - opposite the namne cf theinsu you vote for spolia the ballot. AGAIK we eau the attentionet. "Me.. earnrof erery descriptô:ti I the f that aecordieg to lam thoe rbo bars votes may have from imlrs 1111 WO o 'dock on election day le attend lb. poil. Ro hindrmntéeaucen . egay off.red, uer cen eny redueticu b. atie te their day's rages. WX0 o t wouldbve thought te u n friend SebenI at Port-Psry on mondsy dnlrlng the Premier. N.v.rtheleas thow. b. nu four lu aumd, wth uoh a- turnout smadtie .naivesM - Our Seighboricg hurg àtm, .Wî*,h-a iral. nes' and a dity be&ttllug on rne t thé rlbbons. Navua beforte tid -lb. Montreal altemlpt boplm lathe . c f thea upOtlg e'a' lo -m&e a :progw use porclt as la ~ 8Pm tebfofrt t Ierte be throm u t temû. 1h.bilU.of.fai% Ooçaplàes. Ws shahleter on tat e . eseu rtto <ire some delasfethUWpro. Iït .h wIl bor1wýettoÈusa Av the' lust, eguar me.ttàg'of tho .Y. P. - . A. of St. Audreva' Ohurcb, 1h. loilowing ,offiers vereelod o4h *eulngyea-Prenidsn4 r Oms ton. let ylo Proi. Mr. Henry20d me vprou. Mr. H. Lawider, SscIt. D. Wilson Tes.is at ron. Publio Bible studios aud Literry,: Enter. talumenta nil b. held by th. socety during the rinter. JWsIR earn frc>rn* tbeToronto papota, the partionlersof lhe terrible -accident which causedthelb.desai et enueket thp other diy of Bey. Father.Bausange, on"e of bis Pl&"ac ndatternerda of Piokaring- parish. Father Bansange vas- ridicg along lu bis 'carrag e drivlng *à hQee lately owned by Sebert Brou. hem. âadIbo -bis foot â8ow aresting upon th. t.p allashis habit. Somn.. tliing cnud 4hthebu- orsb sy to on. side *slohing th. Rer. gentleman'. h..! lui th. rheel, but th. animal could col b. oontroll.d untilbIs l*el vas faiirly t wiuted oCI.Fron ié s errlbl# round the pain "ud sw.lling worked its way te bis bead ,end, of course, killed hlm. Prom many sou-ces vo have hearýd expressionucof deep reg"$>, as Pather Bausenge was a !ypopulir clergYman vhen r.slding bote. Air 1h. tom coouncil ou Monday evening lait, smre figures ver. resd respeoting th.e epense of doing th. town's teamlug. Ail Ihat kind of nork ihîrod et present. Gradîng êtreets lest suhumer oot the nie. 11111e sumn of $888 for tesming clone, of nhich m 8122.25 vas ozrendod on Brook et. and $70-50 on-Lynd'. em.k bridge. way. Heuling 567 loadu of grave! 0081 $268, or a little over fifty cents per lot&. Hauliug vrinuaother com- modities ooet #98.25. Bo Ibat ail the teaming for th. year oost 1756.80. It i. estimated that th. cost of à ebm, wagon, sloighs and bernes. vuld be #480, while th. expens. of hiringý driver, boylng food. repaira, rent, etc., would b. 85à0 per .ennui». Thun il, wili b. seen that $980 vii buy a leamn and nig, bite a M»s and- pay expenses for a year, and would do -a greet deel more work than ne pay #755 for et preeent. The oniy trouble e. the teai» might be brEdly ýhmdid orruinsd,, for corporation property l inl honni to b. aircys a 199 o f a«PenM." ;-. heM bythe a offi a U4 chr.Of th. U.1 8.,obool et Rati orn ers on the *ve«aln# of th. 2iS1% 1us$. The pro. graMme rau quit. extensIv, ami vas weiirsudefflbythe eeholars cf:-Ihe sebool Who bad 0 M,«4lyreced g«eat cars in their preprln. h. os wus lalefuily déaoieted wthevergr.e boughs, a dm*ote.of varions ed, Mnd a enlu tprot e.uasbending nith gtb forth. 0mibs aofîhe uchool. ila lb. bsnc o K.R. RL hadn (The Suýpertedet> -th. Rer. J. 'P. Banker omeod the chair. Mr. W.-B. Pringle ras ohosenttepick Ibi fuim frotn thes Ire., nhile tht.. young ladies odeiïïd , tb. ame t thelb. appy reolpient1a. ÂMOZj the mtrest Krs Barkr- wbo u a _hp lntexsst lte school) wv erykdly rem#m. b.red. IMn. -der»A "d-ntidaiugh4ert mise- 8=9ub X~ ia Lugbn.mmi« 1 Fox bamrorpira, seatande- hecp, J. B. Plp Oelo ampbells' and 8se their dresgogou., mallega papes, ûfi and dates juat arrived aI Gaina bakery. TàâRya otlBarber èhop lu the place tb gel your hair eut. W. J. Giosoi's lu th= lc for faney goodset lkindo <and aI oces. ?or truok-hoand valises go b J. B. Philp's 'and aï"e meuey. OuxSrXàs la ilnstrated la 4he Most testy fashion a i Bro wn'a cOnfeoîionory store. Ta vrybeet braudofet igarsand tobécéos always on baud.' Cail on R. & J. Campbell and se the bargeins they are offering in blenkota. OA&LL et the Royal Hotel bcrber-ehop for a shae and hait-out. If Florida oranges and lemons et 25a per dozen et Cain'& bekery.* Oeil on Campbelli' for buffelo robes, also black and grey goal. Oampbells' i. the place for men's and boy's ovorcoatse t low prises. 1W. J. Giuaoi's las the place te got your Xmas oranges and ail kindu cf IF' you vaut enned cysters, bulk oysters, or cysters stevdeau anon R. Browu. HÂN»DKIOuEP boxes, gloro boxes, in beautiful designa, cheap. Andrew M. BOss. SâiiTÂ CLAns t-night. Se hlm et Stafford & Cornisek's hefore he ge on bis rounds. TRia finest and langeaI caortmerat of cakes and ooufeotienery in town to b. hed st Ceins bekery. Use D>r. Dorsnneud. Gream Germn Htair Magie for baldaesa, gray hait, is flor éale by c&U druggîst. Vimy large slok f Obitu goodu sud Hoida y Pissants t Mn.. ilin'., Wbltby Book andti u.olor. DONT feU tlu Osur ' angeof 'goods before buytg your O1C a*ï4 treel. »VRsMDx> liaiýt et' î >ld Sauta M"Oetre.eig beo bas lMb. bit eremdi.., me rcenrt alaOf~u . fgente tise te désirable p&tt# us; lso 1us kM& -'810#e0 a àt bL .Autiro .wI aspnu"alnzeeell0gcthe W. ciO-T. M viii ~ ~ eii b.hMl h isteelng.oo W416stymAllias, Wbltbylbok ARl àobôùght aL the lowest 0" h 'lnices 'in, t} b fldetce laoOur many Iiri a troaY n s,a that nover -befi, rei0le makes, gcod alue. and firât qiqality. You a, patronsentire satisfaction and New Drese GýCoode. Ne àf si'er.y adGlv NR1 - '~- y y ~ y v ~ ThNra c The Great Dry Goods, Olothing and ~Illinery S TE' ut rnarket - W are now in à.pst nWhitby wras thOee shown a botterdc 1 el thtor best-efforts are always. goocis of the bout qilty àad v-alue.ý -w HOLLIDAy'8 EMPORIUM1 IÉ8 the rght place to make your Seleotions of, Christmas, Gos. --.lis stock 'Weil assorted in the varions departients0, and4h as. noi added miianyNo'velissei Chrislmas Trade. Beaides many ehoice articële's in Dry Goode, h a nw 'seet THE" BEST* QUADRUPLE -PLATED ,:,SILVERVW Comprising five and six-bottle. Castors, C-alté Baskets, Bu'tt.er ï ooî 1 Pic Napkin Rings, Knives ànd Forks, pIated SpoonS, &0)&C., Is well filled with rehoice freali Groceries selected espe mally -for the Ã"MEUTà You 'w ifnd in stook choice new YaâIlenoas egoe~adlae ~I New Currants,> Lemon -and- CitronPeel,'Spces of ail, iIkds.nx~ fresh, Extracta,cf thê beet "-qialitY, Oannd;Goods, Oystesix- Finna Hadie~,Oi4zig, Lemons,-:BPigs, &c, . Choice 2'eas and Coffece ,Of-,tue beat vaWeéSý.a <LlM 8 0 11111ESEIIi Specla StYin for the. rL I THE ,LA Ovèrehooes. for Eye'u e lebrateti Archeo bwcoù i.16, 886.c xds Poa ýSia=te ~,4 71 Newade aIueund~ NéNew Mailtes' and NewFlanel an Shrtigs.NeW Mandie CI W rP TP1 ~ ~ TT rIrî ~ ctQ A ri'~ or WED1.1O Iam»pee. th. WN

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