Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 4

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- Combs Caôis Toilet Articles. A JOB LOT IYHE, MEDICAL HALL, ODOB CASES DRESSI NG CASES WHIISK HOLDEBS TRIVELLING OOMPÂNIONS' ETC ETC ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whltby, FrIday, Dmc. 24e 1886.0 Christmas Greeting To our mamy patrons. W. feel lke .utering upon the. holiday sesson witb joy and g4dness, in token of whioh vo have almost painted ourselvea red tisi week, Whehher veay tae.il mbt our hieade to paint the tovu or -not remains to bý seau. W. ane glad to bu abe t* may that our friende have s fmvorsd ue dctring th. yeu.ar laiboti eni stem to ase oomfortably and v. dou't ove auybody vho oau'i b. sbood off U after NewvY4ar'. As ve ay our friends ha" e tood by u- ni o ule as »egarda the paper ita.Ifas in other1 respects vioh are cf lvi..« asgreal mpotaic. use. During1th.. the oEEONKCLets8subecription 'liithbu Ûaoeased largely il i bhu.reachet tb&l goal of edtorla elot y ire lh. Mun of *ordo feue liai :Îhb tst anti doult «» eagrat dalW, Olirb lD*55a5 or not. * ouu. :w. bave, ha" ourIItie dawbach sd oantimlder. the publie litreute anti. e, cfer *4b. and of f"3bo iýo ianibop. iber. May àbo bnitjyand Mer-, riment duulag the be iday sema. a oranop Ude eofrauvay rm wau li.bte 'but b*o#WBw manville, 1Newcastjep ort Hope, and Oobonrg, w. notige ê tbat o4~h papers have takeiý uhe -M atter np sand tuer. e a geral feeling la favor 6f the echomo. Il lu saîd -the -plan vwu suggeeted haro once -before. The. Oshawa POelb&iVe nov taken lb. matter Up in sarnesi and on Kon4sy, evening held a largely atteuded meeting for thé. purpose dof-paming an opinion apon tii. matter. Mr. . . a.,r. W. F. Gowan hud obiiers are )!eporied au bavingi vory,.itroflgly Bupport.d lb.I acharne. Their ides vu under.tand -io to have the. brAuci atari eomewhoro in the veut ofe Pickurxg ".d, crossing tual tovnUhp atrike lie lova of Whitby sud from1ie.along tii, 1l100 1 botyne m.utioned. -»ýIt-weuld corai"*y bea, Z at oauventauoe ô heii..township of kérngeMdwoula. giv. our troùbler tbwnm a .outpetitioîf in rates which ila mure tta e. iherta cf buaineas men by tqr..W. trust i4hose Oshava follows viii keep th. bal rolling. -fle Ohristmas Trade. à PEXEINTO 8BOUEOP WRITBI'0S8 US? BUSINESS PLACES. Notioi'g large orowde of people iu lova doing busineasstluriug the. past vrek, vo took th. trouble yesterday to cali ou some dof our patrons vho make a upecialty in their business te have sonzethlug ununl. for the holiday trade. Takiùg thea au va corna b them, irai vo have We . . OWas bai perbape tie boult location for a business place of ýany business man ini lhe oounty, sud he mu exaotly the. man to make the boat of 1he situation. juat ai presaI t th . cum-ralmotfear h. vill hava to rera.n on lhe cutsida, ther. ism mac a large stoc of Chrismas gooda lu the centre of the star.. Be- sides hià usuel lines of brada Mr. HRee provides a. varmety of unique desigua of presmats - molt sys, but usefulsud haudeonze gifle. The piée.,ab vilci tii... «oode are offereti ha.already mada big imade labo the supply,. 0. aE uIlAS ,ua very gooti namne fer a drugglt- liey alvayî havo so queer usmes. ~Wîtb.,tbo eleanythit ai bs uai. crunt el va caumo 1; but lier. s peait duml la bis drug, uore. , vrYé bure fr.100sldi* an ifl .4order. -b.led npm lte bobtle-4iolâtIly beeSusethéie meilcs " o hloh bbc Ilu" a&e compoudedtiete horri&i Th.Py ryto have lhe nae 'suit t.e teste. Il farMz- Gibbsd' lu nolsy outsi4 -'eo à our oa bu.y inhiie- nug anti MOUs vbi bSoa n ot, b. forgotien ' il bis lestabimnt viii lite mero. liai evur mima vie v4os . ta fin My pollîs ppelltion .1 -of tixmonWae. position ln the tovushlp. or bova con=. house." -It lu a bit uam anti he do.. eilhbas aperfeo i lht Ita alle iluieif b« g buueï,s. làham mau.eep o<ýMU as a eda for thie poiim. H.A deK .le âis ctd,Wvite for ord .Mi b te PLI oe Wovi..fnoles i.o . suitethie Loudop'Warehous. ulalmesta hoebaa rigilta sefek il, and ' o Mau t. ame. -HMe cuIter b.as -been ov.la shoalti b.eabusM ant i nn.iuiî N wyorkjabsn i hnivi i beeaui, loetrie, for -a publio podUba~. prof<Wond Ifligteof tic tapelin. Thtis à a tre.e Suary, -anti f ih vie. &atd -sei#sO a, £8brougit home bis sot lier. -vould »con b. a fuse., L tis 4,IOln& Miwo ueni bb. voo a ~ ~ r y iegi nst 4ta iailrhdd as8,botter Itlltidmaii 1118* bis 'oihal bave aha a loûr MIuul ai ,1 ,ovsrnrent., Won il gels a§0uah"ithe rv.eo t- their have olong been in business boxe thsl tuer. Irade le Dot influenced lu 1h. leist byea nevapapur. ,Dobthoir ova facon ýand tiat of their clerks are as familier as their - Dames. Tb.y have au exe#e lace, baiug ample room and -capital ta do as large à Irados they' ay ieire, st preoet their stock is Of the meuIt ttraclive descripion sud oustooeer a ne lasthe counters. Te ]BAk4KRUpT 58TOR dosBo mach sdvertingtliaI w. are ai a Ias t. kuow bh*îosBay f*àthem. Tbey have besp bore, for soma moulus .roand say ier tr*de leflair., u.n TEeSi. LAW'LU., r.Lawior bh a mdextenive preparations ta moee'thLe' vanta of hie many castomoe for th. holidaiy senaon. Hie line of grocere is hot1à ev and complot. and jlt.edieplsy* luàeq<iai ta the beut. HO extende I. aOU 1h. greet- lugs of sthe season and trusts Santa Olaus a ii rsuemb.r the old stand. SINON hASE qeybsns.H ofayranlarge tc aud cel onfident h. will soll it'ali. The. oftener h. selle ont, thoe maller margin of profit ho seke on hie goode. H. bas lhe goo r uine,"at Ihie finger endesaud h tb h e grocerios .1 A cml at th. Italian Warehouse viii satuf anou liI iegrocery "rde of Whitby ia ou a soond footing, Mr, JameSon's large stock bas beon sRecia1- ly sèect.d* for the Xmaa trade and viii D. fooad complet. in every particular. iea nov buiuea mqu but ma by ne meaus green ila'iebuines. Nor is ho iu &Dy vavy lscking lu those quallties vici go go make Inade flourisi. AI pressaI his store in deeoraied iaud- motu.ly for. hrIsI«ma, sd hi. gooda' are of tual quail, nd attractive &p. pâearacewhezeh llquid tefiov Irom thete v'e being'laterprot. oï,meaa that ttieYrnake ou.'. uoulh ba <i tock ofgrocêrie, atiwbeu "Y hoy be48 a ftlAstock of grel the vwhoie n ponu 14t.oventetiviihithe day asncng ch er ltings ouasdi-bii daor ounslàfvu e v. oqtica4lthepris. *»" . <rm thb.-POtPezrry Obristnas air. oic hmugghIs -'qurera Ms Gibuon bas "y aaut ofxproms bettf 4hgil, anti, e are M opin, i. aebout au ii anti a quarter taer tien preiouly-iatlae feela taller. na cpture th. -prise lurkeys ai Raglan fair, *aiv. egreft ou pa urasflt lota enuib nbe ebdep tive hlm cf aven ou@ of thea. 'The stock of,'jowelpy diipl*yod ai Mr. Baruard'. eMore-causes tie hrla ofbthelsdisatobeaîwithjoyla antici. M lbwe. aa :,m viitm ails, -; ~'; Spcil orte Holiday.T adé, Gents' Fuinishing-.New, Neat, an& Nobby: Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Sox, BrAces, Breastpins, Col'Ilar Buttons,. Cuiff Sleeve Holders, Cuif Holders, Stooking Supporters, Underwear,. Gloves, Mfitte, Scarfs, Toboggan -Suits, Toboggan Sashos, Toques, Jackets, Shirts, tjerseysg, &0., &0. Pur Coats, $25,,-$30, $gô,$384 Ladies' Muffs, S.S. Sealy $20, $22, $2,5. Caps-, $12 $13, $14 Ladies' Persian Lamb Muifs, $8.50, $9.50, $10.50, Ï12.50. Caps, $3.0, $4.50e $5.50, $6.00, $6.50. Also- a large and complote range ()f Muifs in, the following:- Blk Coney, Miiýk, Otter, Grey Lamb, Bàltio-,-Seal, River Mink, Skunk, Possom, Astrachân,- Monkey-, Blk .Bear, &o., ofrom, $2.50, up. Ladies Fur Capes at $5,0, $550, -$6.00,-$7.00 d$750# YAnd a- complote stock of Fur Trim.mings in al wdths'andcolor rM_ 35ç peryd to $1.50. Ladies' ] 8.8. Sea XX $15.0O. Persian Lamb, $~0 50,$5,$.0 65, 7 $8.50, $9.00, $9.50, $10ý00. The 1argest, stock iii South Onta.rio. to.select.-:V (laps, $2.50, $8.00t $8.601,$4.009 $4.*504 Beavet",CaPI3$1' 0, Bd]3avei Top, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $8.00i; $6.50. 8~bad 6 50. lint,: Lamb (Ji Sothza IstIc i.r'hie r0 .ore Buttons, Muifiers, Cardiganý TO WIT JOHN S. "LARKE aà liste for tlc ý*adBeooreDistc for lte xelatonoifa Rember 'or t eLag R0OERT J01fRN -GU N Nx oi the Towvof Wbitby, inilte Oouty i# dEs, BBC LE( WHAI TO W~9M ITIAY GONCERNI TO WIIUM AONS NToEs8f et -'ue Mutcîpa-tMy thlie Towislp cf M-cugoth" lie Joiy etOntario, inteud at, a oetn f the saad Gounoil. teýbebIeld ina lb.Tovaii Halsougog on 8atndaythe I15th day of Jant- At On. oelock ?.M . pau a By-lav le ;Stop utp th&uIlse folowing origfinal ai- loacafrbada m lhe said Townai cf Fi 1 Furs Fu-""rs et- -et . Furs'. 1. et et Gents'

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