Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1886, p. 4

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YotJ Cornbs Chamois "KD ' Toilet Articles, A JO B LOT THE MEDICAL HALL,' ODOR CASES DRESSING CASES WHISK HOLDERS T1BÂVELLIN& COMPÂMNS. zErO WIO SUITÂBLEC FOR XE. G. E. GIBBA RD ONLY Si oo PER ANNÙU Whltby, Frlday, Dec. 172 1886. Our Tbirtieth Birthday. To-day is tbe thirtiolli birthday of thie great journal of publie opinions For mune years t. he saoOLE bau been of age-its own boss, so te speak, anti hau tried tu boss a gooti many others We have no birthday presents te expeel nor do we expect lu bave a blrlhday party, if our reatiers are piesseni vIl out honest efforts lu look atter lb. welfare of th. oummunit>' il il Hve ask. The greal vauiet>'of intereseaa newepaper ha.slu oumoider at ever>' tnrn ot ils existene make the genera good quit. a slnd>', one whioh v. have tried bard lu master, We bave net lime nor spaoes even on ou birltda>'lu sing a song of ont virtnes, nor loi bestow man>' emiles upon oui readers. This iua fastl&goand ve te lryiag to koep pao. vith tb. limnes. The mas, who vantst. lukéop up mtel catqh bolti of our bandi anti bang on. Gouti day. THOUGH ve do, nul-aI aU untrake lu be respoaslbl. ?tor lii, vîiovuexprese' cd b>' correspondente, vs are glati 1o make Ibis journal th. medium Ihroug1h whiob ali'publie questions may li diecueset; anti ahI& ceerfuli>' accord' qupace nabliad'ar ntdma lo express bis views. W. shouiti le glad, however, if ai&Uowmnuiot4liocg vote boited downule Ihe sinailest #ousi. bis iinil, a&. We are aiways orowti.ti 10 tieatb for epace. INit bitae, and tihe l. provi.. of Ontario, une vould. abarely, ook fofr riota at ulectien lie;'bal neoveuditi an election figlil oocar hich vlas beng fought more fguli. Evsry avaii. able stuxnpIng ~hn-itiio iegged, nul 1h. thrée-egeptilnip-Ia aI vork, anti evry-,lova, village,- buil nees-pia. or conaîr>' soboul.ouse i. belng a*akeaeti .b>' loctoausrm'g appeaus ca1ilâd luenlias. lb.h drowey- oeioorale. IrotIi parti.s, au shifting *grount i 50 f$ut $b*itilM0qupi.e unsafegl-' argue anythblnJlto.tia7 lit belonged té luun'.poliicl reeti yester. day. Forilnatanoe,, one year ago lh. Màilva wu iù ecmîaaweovorer li mur# readings lit ai ae ralefng snob a fuise just 'nov. It lhen "sdlti lb>' ers impi>' superli. Nov lb.>' aree td by thal journal lu hav, basa ont ant i ttet t e b.dotilasa 1o! 1. Atbholiorh. the ,oow organise, aud,,Vro venture lc aay, they viii find theznselveq a poweî ini th. land, and 1heir grievaucos vii b. &U remaved. If theyonly thonght so they oaa -616ot w*ioever hh.y ohoose. W& have jast a Word t10 eay abon% the cry' whioh is befingralued againet' Rommn Catholics, andi thale iehat va buliovo the Iaity of- that ohuiroliai belng duped. by not onlyý politloal par. lisbut -alsobyohurch'digota'iel Weil known. l that sdeout , Roman Gcatholie vii suaffifer ome pereonai lnaanvem*Ianefor the tmonoheuine of -paveu ue ç W me a ulcapvV botbh poltiai parties,> andi have beu, aoepted by hlm. ,&mongsl ths vas th. famons oI*cse foroing -a R-oman Cathollo te ejîher an'pport sepurale sohools or éoi ly in 1he face of the dictators of Ide ohurtol i. Mr tenisible Roman Cath*oi onsiders thal b. bas just ia »mmny riglis, s*part fro, tb. ohnroh,- as Protestants have,#nt jusl as mueh clhm thprefermel. And w. beieve oarRoman Oatholi;êioend wil be peeotly content watb a fair show. Their wvungus. lu ubmit lu a good duat for th. sake of the, charch, basâ been th. meana cf making thelr vote@ a malter of merch andise for the benefit of a few oburol p relates andi influential politione.The sons. quenue is, Ibat Roman Catholi. vote", are spoken of ai Ihougb tlh.y'voulti b. bought âati oit i k.she.sp. We otio believe il. In anoier PartIofthIis issue, w. pré« sent à bareatverlisemeal ha"ed "The, Glat t Kei s."Il goes vithont maylng, that H. H. Wener &o. have educat he peuple out Ibs ý.ountry 10 the belief, vbioi fi ralionelni dVau formde4 liai a vesi majorit>' ot human dteus.seorlgiaefn impur. aulionof lie kidays anti lver "lia mpropar selfon aliowlag ilb. Moud lu béecome 1hWvi" un. m aniWli.aci, or kiduney ant livr vase, vièoliinflame anti fuat ail lie organs antitheel>produos. suo -imn>'difent dises..: Hon.. edyr esat viii oureoe the. tase aO=,t the kitine>'. antiUver anti neutralisetbe aiu lb4 dises. sml bs xm jrprputorsd'o nulas k yen lu bolil vbaht lb.' y, ybat frankly lolo yo villtohse * Iium.wiueA '14muila publisheti and toask yom »~ldea aelghbors whmtt lb.>' lhnk HoU$hi. p. r.medy. Ta hw oge, oi coonfidence lun lb. fayofetlie puibli, whiôh liey' reukon becaàuse ut t Oris ia OloigExree chrà O.LRQ" o.L0 ,ti for the.,Holiday ýTrade. delailtion w»0s defectivéo au it ddanet provide, for obedieoe andthe lb. ts Ihlereof. Another definition, belounn alto te th. ýanoients wa thal, rel' n is an1 obligation by whloh, man le boati Jto-a univeri4 Lord. That definition, althougli. broader than- Ciîcero's, vau neot th.eonueacepted, byrmodern Obvifi-. uans. The Jevieli dehuitton, fil Walk. iag vIlihdoo" vas more in k eeplng, vitb lb. religion of our day. The. Bey. gentleman lluslte duh.Jevlab zeao. icg b>' pot*aying the luves. snd Oh*racê. tgr et EaQch, Noah anti loba tâe. Biptmt The . ommunion: fet lb. mun d u man vitb a personal, living Goi vas fuy exemplifleti in l v.. anilvorks ef thse mon. -Thl modernId.. -et elgon vas fouu>'at lfo nt u hte:l. If lb.hev. souIti valknvi ti, vh.n a Yet lt.heusabail flot appeareti on .arlh, boy mu4h -ausier muetthle coudera Oneinld11 odo ýmunlo* vith 0"$- -mati bey 'nuola pureratilerMd nanmet liat «.ommtîio b.,t 'villi llo. ighefthe NewvTstaueût 10 ,i1 umin ids jpalb. -2-Tb epeeker puinloilout liaI thre-1 tblansenter colo ou I reigou it-oufeelings, louir knowledget aad onobedimen. À Oa= Mut bave a knowl.dge ut Qotibéfefoh ioau b. ýexpeote Ito outre bis f.elingýUponhi. It vwu possble,- h*W*r4r, 40bave" ateIletaIid ih. OM& savlgkoiedge of God. Buh âauvleIg1e but luoreMet Our nopulr. buiy. Il in.-not aIWaYs i*.- vie A. Gents, Furishngs.-Nw, Neat, and Nobby: Ties, Collarigi Cuffs' Sox, Braces, Bre&astpins, Coilar, Buttons, Cuif Sleeve Holders, Cuif HIoldersz, Stocking, Supporters, Underwear, Gloves, Mitts, Scarfs ý Toboggan Suits, Toboggan Sashes, Toques, Jackets, Shirts, Jerse>ys, &o., &o. Furs 1 ladies' Gents' Furs -.! Furs1 ! Silvq- DVEI re Col Buttons, Mufflers), Cardigan 891 Fur Coats,-$-25,. $305,95,538 Ladies' Muifs, 8.S. Seal, $20, $212. Caps, $12, $13, $14. Ladies' Persioai LÈmb Muis, $8'.50, $9-501 $10.,50, 1 i2.SV. Caps, $3.501 $4.504 $5.50.9 $6.00, $6.50. Also a large and complete range of Muifs in the following: Blk Oo eMn, Otter, Grey Lamb, Bailie Seal. ni-ver- Mink, Skunk, Possom, Ataca, Monkey, Blk Bear, &4., &o., from $2.50 up. Ladies Fur Capes at $5.00e $6.50, $6.00, $7.00--aid $7.50. And a complete stock of Fur Trixumings in1 al widthis and colons from 35o per yd. to s1.m0. Fur aps-Special Lunes, 8-8.Boni XX $15.00.' Persia Lamb, $4.50, $5,00, $5 50, $6.00e $6.50, $7.00,,$7.501 *8.0-0, $8.50, $9.00, $9.50, $10.00. mhe largest Stok in SoUth' Ontario tb gelect from,- Baltie soni (capot $2.50, $89-00,.$8.50, $4.00, $4.50. 'Beaver Caps, $1O.4b. and Beaver band with Seal Top, $4.0t $4.50s $5.00, $6.00r $9.50. inlc baud, $6.60. 1mt. Lamb Caps, in. Grey sud Blak, Oc,60o, 85e, 75e, 90,e 81.00, $1.25t st RQ~8 Dec. 2811x, 1880. COWANP, Zighland Qreek. Bank, &c, Office over Bank. PORT PERRY, Nov. S7th,: DMTD EXERŽf00 . C. R BROOK 1Ubitbp DE0EM[ LOCAL IAT 18 801118 BUDGET 0F LUV 81 CH "A -oWis Aie failli TOWN Li 00MB O 1 PFIO E. - 'Sir JohnA AGAMN Ibis r vuilten ôiete 'Ina ray line bave flot] MÂSS mI keOu of 8 lis lown laq, Deamn0. rp. Mud te before b>6 ado ffibfl, èe flan uAVB Bey. J, F. -Ger on sunayýmura the pour, ' *U osll fa lown, une reau lu another colm usmtolýako the a uliers ba"e li wew 1-04 1 .1tol ÏLEDOMÈNT

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