Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1886, p. 3

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Lîr~ cf 2!!" higlli LIs vme Aem. The muwibp Au~t gafor -th. weêks :,end~ 1* 2b4th an7 tst oul i ail r&"âIrelsudunder the' TQdors," *wrgh;- The Pre-Rapbâ.Iit. -Bro- wd>4 à Fight for At, and Goethe Uw.yl, O7ontitmpwW J;Bondorf's la la Lycifà-a dC"s ia, dPton lseFofihy The 'Groek aocOrdlng to Heniert Nimemenh 'y; Fallacies of -Reading Liste, h; The Tempar, Goci Worda; ~Bone ausua nglsiGardons, ma the E. umers Of eaMenagerie, Lei*tsro Hou,'; To Milleent, borm America, and a Pembrokeshire Parson, T!emple flot; Genorul Ban4*es, late President of Guatemala, Macmillan; The Or- leans Manifeste,-The. Jubile5. Year of Quesi Victoria, The Blne Mountains cf New South Wales, and The Dhaquiel 4en lu France, 8jectatcne ; Beccît Bavariai 'tin.ge, Corail ishing, The Tow.r Bridge, and The. Thumes Loves, Batur. ilay Reiew; Stenyhuret a i i System, A Losh Universal Language, Busseiau Music, mnd The. Lotus, Si. James8; A NornmiSlrongiold, Olaambera' Journal; In elglad AU the Year Round; witi Instalments * t "In an English Country Houa.," "4An Autumu Holiday," I"Troauet Trove," "«The Passion Fiower of TaIv- ere," "This Ma'. Wifc," aid "Don ,legelo'esBtray Sbeop," and Poetry. Fer flfty-tvo numbers of shty.four large pages eaci (or more liehn 8,800 pages a ycar) tie subeoriphien price ($8) le 1ev; while for $10.50 the pub. lishers effet -10 eed any oie of tie Americaàn 84.00 menthîjes or veehPes with The Living Âge for a jour, boi pestpaid. Litteil & Co., Bosons are the publishers. - -W. bave juilt eccived a copy of nuber thurt y-oie of Ogilvie'. Popular Reading-prioe only 80 coe-cou- tainhng the folloving seven etorie-al coniplee-the price.of *acl7, oneoef -wio, if isiued in book form would b. frous 75 oeils ho 81.50; Tii. Collegre Boes by Mrà. Henry Wood; A Gri Journey, by Miss M. E. Braddon; Nie Peu in e Pod,, by a pepular * autior; One-eyed Seul, or, the Tory Legeof Boven, by Dr. J. H. Robin. po;Tic Beld Eegle, by Mre. Ezabelh Oui.. Svmluh: The Bride et au Houe, by tie enlier cf "Thoznsi and Grapes";- Why They Parted, by the aenlier of "1Thons aid Gtapes." AU!of, lie abries.are plinted lu large lYpe, vwiii baidacus. oolored ihhograph * coea',ais a haidieme froitispîse,6 priualed1 im velve colora. The prico i. only 80 cents, and la for sale by al k îewdaere, on vil! ,b. sent by mails radeon necelpt cf prie, by J. B. &-Go., Publishens, 81 Rose Streel, New Yor. AN AOCOUNT OP GEnLmEn »vwfWEo E TOO 5TINGY TO ENJOY REALTH. ArienneTraveler. A party aIfumen voeespeahing of stingy people. "Old Peleg- Gnegg vas thi elhugleemai I evor mev," eaid Aie Ptrson. ""Toll yen viat'. a tact. He vas alokon. lime, jusl on the cavlng bauk of deaub. Bone meus- -ber of tie family sent for a physicien, and wien the docter arriyed Peleg te Whah -dy yen ifo er t nedicine, doctot-lxkow muci a donse?' 'Lteti esoe; about fifiy cents.' "HJowusanj do jeu hik it'lltaie te cure«me Pl$ 46 Tvo, Ithini.', OPFlIy cents epiece'bouts eieap as yer ka »U m»elus? 64 Y«., 44'0T@11 jet vhat'il do; M lgi ete .ivt ceilur a dose &aah.' 7."1 Wo'l oel liai vey.' "Usva srey -v.ry close mai,"' sald "RulePotlen, "a vety ou ana, but yen -noever beard of SBea Sollop. did yen? Hs llved dovi -on Lonig- metre Bayon. -Qon.day hýe vas ont ilu the vW8 &à&&de»Ires tlmo asbusid maihed blm ite 1h.heground. Hc3joyen- sd ea4. :y.lled,. aid fmù)alwlow1.1 cerne &long edqed what vas op, dcv 1~14 â'î lb. troublp. I W eu t eiaô« bohre log. iitwo & a 4#'Be long.' «'Two days- later h.ocmebok. 'Bay,' said hé,'buànlt igel sOome old tope liai you ken &sel oep? * Neii epS eàan" l enon. jit? "'ofound 1h>. mcitai Siaong for a nickel.# 1he tope, ani with a disappomàted air said : 'Bey, fils three mis. i short; can't jon ineck off somethiîg ?, $4 Yeu, give me four cents.' ,"'Say tht...' à Wel, 1 tire." "&He gave hiuý a postage stamp and hurried away. That evening h. vas lound hanging from a rafter in hie baru. ne loft a few Unes ef wriiing, cengrat. ula ting himecif on the fai thaïthtei tope with which ho hanged himieif was se cheap. Thure niay_ be cdoser mon, but I have neyer met them."l How to Build up Yoin' TowD Don't fret. Talk about il. Write about. il. Beautify the streets. Paironize the merchants. Be friendly to everybody. Advertise in th. noepapers. Eleot good men ho aul lhe office. Don't grumbis about liard limes. Keep yoar uide waiks inu goodrepair. &void gossip about your neighbors. De your trading wih your home merchanta. Bell ail yen Ce ni buy ail yen cen ai home.', If yen are ricli, inveel somethung; employ somebody, be a,"roiller.", If yen den't thhnk cf aiy good word don't say anylhing about it. .RPemember that every dollar investd lu Permanent imprevemontile that much on interest. Be courteou te strangers liaI come among youse0that ihey May g6 away witi good impressions. AlWays oheer on the men wbo go i for, imProvemeuts, yeur portion cf 1h. coul vil b. nething euly viati leju@L. Don't kick saaujpropoa.d neoemsary imProvemout because ii isje t at, our own deor fer foar that jour taxes wi b. rahsed fil ty cents. Don't use rubber stamp8 on jour 1.11ez heads, thai is a dead give away on peur business, onàithetov aid' nowepapmtspubliehed i b. Go# jour lutter hee, envelopes, buiness carda, oe., pnnated ait te priuhlng offic. Noer e odeini th.,local P&p n. leu il bau fairly mûed jW If i bas deait vilayenu 'uutyWvile b i8 or go mb t.office aid1.tushé e about'ycurcms; if h.o wrngli willlose no timoin tellig -he. public about il. Bemember liai ne man does as muei for jour tovu as tie local neye- papér. Every papet sent euhnt I advert Mment of the business, tie W. sOou sand. ent.erpn»ae of the place; aMd peoplabroadget abotter Ide'&of il Irtheh.local, paper liai broux aiy otiear.sourio.If jvanen n l drw 1h. indiu«Ot dl Peltttuv.ness ste. druisi. Trial bottles.free.. TW .stalement receiily, made i lieue coomnsresurecing the nuroias. Orkbey.,and Bhetla'dhave »r4eanno a Gladetenl'an toe .Imperial.ÉOÙBO cf Comxuses. - W4IiT, June 81h, 1886. Iha!.e d the - Franklin remedlee viili miarkcd sucees. One., bottlàé of Frankli'as Câarri Ou.ecét -a cous. 'pîcte cure. I cen roemmeîd il.- (Bigned) A. NW 3EWELL. Lord Texnyeon hu poeme resdy, inotndlug a Broken down conditions of thé. mys- toms that requit. a ýprompt and Perm -, nent tonie wUll flnd 'a boon in Pr-ank- hin's Extract« of Bine Flag. G. E. Gibbard, agent. il is officially announced thal an international exhibition Winl b. held in Pariesi1889. Franklin'a Pilla purify the blobd.- The death ha announoed of Mr. Bobert Trudel, M.PP. for Champla-~.- Franklin's Pilla ours Headýàhe. Pranklij'a Pille cure Jaundice. Handbills demanding Home Ruis are being cironlated tbrouglieus Waléei*, W. are constantIy ysreIving 1.1 mony "ht Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cue is what ite name ixiplieB a "O0atarrh Cure." Tour druggist ie auihorized to refund th. money if il fuils 10 gîve satisfaction. Wbat ean be More fair, and îeed yen suffer any ïonger ? IL&L.Lis Veget&ble iSicilian HAIE REND.WE vus the fint prepumito pezfecty adted 10 cue disessesof lthsepa«114&" e i& U m- ceaful reatrer ci faded or gsy h"Ir to its naturde olon gO Vth sud youibbaty. It bhs bad mnsy ImltMtos, but noue have se ftufy zme&tal b.requfremoa ueedfUlfor thé proper treaomut cf the haIr sud salp. lu fayot, sud spreadlsa me a"dUSetulnu to everyquartterhie globe.DaIfs ual- leledmsc u lm aub.atibuted b but eus cause: du 6et"meNjumou s primw ne e pltmrshave ofUeubmeusurprl"e at t*0 reelpi a0f&ner=es tmremes oun tries,whmret.beyhad uvm adeam efofor The Usé for a short Ure e RAWIrs RAJ RE wVUwxiderfi mprgesth& peUN aIl Impuiicrm e smau humera1, lveand dryuo, M *limapreetabnsm. It stlmwma sÏ MkuxuI lausnsd-eables heu tepub forvardanvsdgrx rovb. The efe«of f1athicle are »t Umosbut emauaIegun&vIoimt "ffl us ate 0f e amy. " ortlaowk, asdêlred.Itpreducsapermet color tbatvilluobvahauuy. Cezza"stin a sngle preparation, is pla d ufW iheut trouble. R. P, HAL &00, Y$uaILH $ol4by aU Das~IM4ou severul aid JOHN FERGUS-ON etc*) etc., bclonging té thc.busiess oetttii> A. D-,àÂR LI-NI'GTON5 Purohasers ma -y have thé. pri-vilege -of ,iiu eh.buflding now ooonpled byWgooas tii! Nv; i~ ~pa hngeh renit., Th,.goo4s are li flrst.çlascondition. Term i- Ca sh, or «t-, c or eo r t Fer particulazaply b bhc ExeentorB. -JOHEN THOMB>OND, - BrookhiliP. . Brobl i, July 15h, 86.8 Express, &Z95aim.; icave Kyrtle iO.s Wiled, dm25pi=.; Icave Mmte 6M55P.m. Nouroa Ex, .00p.m; a*e Myrtl GOIING WEST. St:pLousExavessrle E Xrc ExpreusEpes ov yh OWEN SOUND B NI Louve 'union 8bation Tinto. Maul é ouve rnio-n 8Station, Toronto. Ex-proes - Ohesp, tiokets tb the Western,. Boutl la, BHOWING AÀSUPEBIORI STOCK OP SctCh Eng isi and Caný,adian And other ho lino&~ of aclthe,ý for Spring suie.ÂUgrmonts mnade np in-kitpst utye on ehorteet notice.- 8 aymdeVn' nd BOYS' utO~# Furni8hi#g& ai de jUndff'olotbng of af i Inâs H-ATS 1 HATS! He. rd aid Soft W. E. O'i KRecp Quiet a fcw Dy.. iia - r * *Jhhn' thïà muet tae. iii lon'l wapi noti --000

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