Whitby Chronicle, 7 Aug 1885, p. 3

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8jiomnsForkse and Knives, SOiip a'd= Gra'vy Ladies, NXil, Berry, alId Pe- servo Spoons, etc. AT Watoltmaker and Jeweler, Whitbym MR. ROSS UOHN8TON la colector and Canvasse for 7%1 Wrnr my CosacurcL an d in antharinsd taO paut recepta for subsorlptions, pic., and tranuaci ordinmry buminesa. AUGUST 7th, 1886. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WHAT 18 GOING ON IN TOWN AND ELREWHEI1E. A BUDOET 0F UYELY NEW8 NATTER OLEANEO BT ONRONIOLE REPORTERS ANDC ORRESPONDENT8. A aluei'u ulnang pi, takin nots, An, f ailla ho'l pret at." O. F. Stewart is offoing big bergains ln evemy department. The officiâi maijoity for the Scot AcR lu Victoria Co. le 965. Tess iessioNsta Toronto and LameD Part on Tnssdgy vas a good suoceas, large numbers goinR fnom aIl station. (rom Cobourg go Pickering. OANsDAU 8ORTUHANI> oîu.-Ths -lfauniliannuel convention af tbm abovo ooiety viii 6e hel ini Tarante, Mon. Sep, 17tb. Augusl, opqxýng ai 10 a&. la t.he Nomal Sobool theatre. Waur vo co.-Whitby'u aîie holîday la ta b. onuh1hi iAugua. Whai &bout Plcerln¶'1 "Civie ?1-pick.rsng 210M. Nok* Il ame, anS Titis lte oeunly tevu. 'may juRsvs»Wou e«Moyue ail! b. lu Whiiby on 1716. Becs v'o Towu Aaez.-The Meure Singer Brou,, dry -«"oamerchantu, wbo dis a tSlinvlnbusiness in Iova ae fea yeens slnoe, anre relun anS viî, reumesbusuins heir el! Irl uiutingesawtng Io day et Bau iozn - Éxos-uWed. nssdq o vmnlug Mr. Frant: Hasoch of 1~uvx.-Mu.WS. Calien do"$re *o ti6r to 8uuaex redge 6éO. B. ler bourtplt ibaubm lor $ho u4dresu -ao cosdolenoe proeuw .4te ber on the, desth eoflber or George Collina, md' for the promptps rel cf l01 b. Indem.. ctty ontng Selier lbraugb.,ber, toieffa am *oabaa amemberof0lishoe.1 PaxaprQ rmm Towa.-The- 'Bourd cf ffolth bave d4ons good ork'i lu basiu the tevn drains rmuunng along ,Dnnau ,baS <3obor»rneutefused by Ibo Mer2 ryiealbe.ru Taciumilaiau idltin theds m u boronghly diugraofuI, TAhe alhBoutS are iZkviéorous meaure te Provent any snob accumu- latgon oa i lth again.zi For dreuSueuoaeti0. F. *Stewart. who hbastthe largest snd meuit choice display in Wiby a1l Dow abuSes and Olourlngs. GaTrwe àA-TAsTu oir Tas S5'rou.- Whiby *exonrsionislm returning frein libear Montreai t pper the propIIer Ontario on SUaD aed a taee ofthe itom of thst nigbt, sud ver. takou ibrougla te Toronto, finot beinq poé- sible for thes 'nmmai io miýe Wbtby herber. With thise excption lb. trip lu prononnoed vamp ejoyable. UNPORTUNATE A Drs.'aMon- day ovuolg EU@ Honor Judpe DartneII, vilet atteimpîing io jump frocq the yact Orie., thn ?vng ai Pert Wiitby. to the shiore, and whers villiBorne friands ho bcd been vliiing, miesed bie foot, and hise cst catchlng on the. vBssel, ho tell, basng bimself severely and sovernng several okthe sinevu of the log. It is fearmd ho vil b. confined to the house for a m.ontb or two. DoiNe Nsw YORK, BOSTON ANI) TIE WHIE MouNTiN.-On Tuoeday, Mr. F. Howard Annos, amocatu editar af the CaoamIOILR oft on the. annuel Canadiean Pross excursion, taking in, amnongut ather important points, blontroal, Boston, White MoWAnii, sud New York city. The. Part lyvi returu home on Wednoeday nexi. ln ibis veeku COH"OSCLE a&pe"rsthb opening letton of aur maitat. METaoamrr TAuzEHNALS ai O.EN P&aTn.-lfSeveral bimdred attended the. annual gardon pcty of ibis ohurah gironà by the. Ladies' Aid society, on Mr. S. J. Haldeu's grouade. Friday evbning. The many ice-cream boothu did a thriving trad. as the veatber vas cxcessively bot and close. "Big Boear" aud the 'H13olp Land" vome viewed by crovds at 5 oentse bes. Thi. Cornet baud playod a nimber of their plecuing, soeactioni dnrlng thi.eveung andd h vas nearly Il 0aCcok beloéte ePerty vau bmught ta a close. in oun MillUnery roona vo are Saily receiving now goo4e and mey Ibal th stock in this doparttnent le veq 00M- piste, ail uoveltios beiosq b&ugbft as tiey, eppear in th. market. O. P. Stewart. MAenvusxx' ouxHt.-M5ajor EHafrpe P. M. hold a police court on Wednces- day evening and infiio e w» Sserved punlshmenl Sa 8 bibualausindividuals vbo baS been disturblng lhe peece cf 'thm iovn. Tvo onI cf lathe»bree vere muloteu i 84Metubor 16 days, lb. thfr,1vas lot dovii ensier bocene. b. useS no abusive lenguage. One cf ihe rave occurred ai thée danket, 43an h o bteihe boys lu tb. batelier7 have anyting to-do,vlitheIb . requeni bravis 1 1 butllS le undrsoodiby aLe Iusmwe fo 4om'IO l os ! le vi tprobahiYlie é *0,000, Wfls= o Co tsb000 ogue& o~. haied ou oi.<f 0oa1 inuàdock àmae. Net! came CO. caunai pt êeilmate iheir'Ies The lamu.ao aougb -Oie n filvste Brthe canaiyei lie eeour- atély ftixeS. a.J. Watts,, the boat builder, lassa#2500. la Cbapmai's elevator 19,000 bu"bl. aof<reinamiée storeS. lua, dnmo'12,»00buabels of catasudi 25,000 buibels af abest leaa ai Ã" 0w o 4 c13 e- Q o Uc~ 1-I Q Q ýTAFFORD te WULLCOX. Fans, Haminïocks; 77eën1s for Sale or R-n t cr~~ ketsSke pngRoèes' Va ye~ Wagunsetc.' ST-AFFO'RD teWILC'OX.ý Ckeap Lîbragries, M usic Periodi- cals, Illustrated Papers, rans, Pianos, -V.ïolins, -and . eys, Strings, etc. STAFFO- 0 A il goods at pricles STAFFO & WILLCOX. cd in plain figures, ive saûsfacfton. ls., AlSO, a fine -assor tmel TLORINGI already extentivelyekniwn -e1 GLAS GO-W c HIAED Pl41 c «:m- L 1N 0I-11,O ~SA~E! We are Offering Gre at-Barg Mn luDress Goods, Muslins, Ginghains, (Jottons, Black Silka, .Cold $ilks, Wool Carpets, Union Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets, Hlemp Carpets,, Lace90 Curtains, Cretons. - MdR.adymMadeCling, lu Me nd Youths. Boys' JerseYs at- $1.50.- Clothing miade to order at Iow prices and ùu the lateat styles. Aohoice stock of fresh Teas, Sugars, Ccffees, Smoked Hs.m3; Give us a eaul before pnzoh9aing, as -we have- made ýup Ourinas to -lose out all. suxnmer goods regazdIlss of prces. taken in cichange.ý CA 0 Lj I»ppwu la usas w. u ni ey..- Hqw atBus is sHuja- Mr. L 0. Handéruoc. cf ibm Coildegl Inetitéi.buasbeau adiu *8 mBritishi huiricn BsinssocUege, Toronto, clume vaueidou m eumed, MdSaare pleased te kuca las laksu a flrslolasu diplomnein bookAomepg dmmsroW laa, bsahiug, etc. Kr. Hendenson lu a6so0almig ItheÀAoDursen lueb. sobool. Nea Musllus. nsv Linons.. nov Whiegoods jui opoed edtai. F. À Goon Bex.-Mr. John M. Lume.. don boas diposéS cf hies yo ferme, -oM the Kingstan oad. ma't of aipuer iag village, oontainiug 250 cures, aud kuovu asIii.eLmaden lomedaadl Ur. Win. Bunker, abo resideu neu Tantlona.Thesprie. moomired, Ilt aiSd la $28,000. The purebasmr ail> teks possession Ibis feI. NaeLl a Ts Pavuanso' £tkmqr Dsàn.-OeomgeB. Nowbold,Itamainus Canadaien analat, died on BSuoay b"alever.HLm vîite and ageS Parents, WhoimahaT ve a 7cy ved iePili tn Potes*Oro, Ont, ireemlv e Ibmneeof is at babe semaiý T * laisrobaibba bau M-onésout to Peobre at àbis al s qcelt. is nge vas 4e rér. :0» u r DAma eau a eFmmna.-We ViU ii 85 DUIUUU. Th re , o"W.- ever, Moms t o afh, If Bot outvat ready for IbmebmIE. wM l1 bmSloemd. Iii ~ ~ ~ ~ b alirpaesI e én kokeil Ibmh tain.M Ne% Victoria titan, Whiesud ermamu mâle sLavasi EmZouô4desm e lasse illungeet ]km -Bron., Dry,'-Gaaidi Empoulu.,,.ý-I , - Là,« Au IL.-Iu le -a 9oese 1ev f6 mmetocnnimle" a iéSIsu once pouleS belaupte lth. pehebaI talicua îS1ls adrsedt noS the -wrllet. !ibm liw lage.Saoe, bti b ullasshi con- venimucesNoS long go là Younglady semo te eé postlaietr of a tova net l'ou miii avay, in a condition of thé greies cefusonand Sislresu, eil behimloru a Ibut a letier abc 0h bSposta. a *x tvi» bMi ua agalsithbmrul. fot lim la do se ; but aheuabcsite.oSd ta hlib alahi boa Ssdnllybéat san aepiaume of th. wrvug-, ffer <of m&eriaM.,bc ha nenteS le break the rabs taor e,«sad re utumi lthélest DosaZr P.&nAT o &Dxvaavaa -4Oenl 8a SJo, b d ou'ipuput yout', goadsln0iiaaube&»W r a beck treel 6e- euMée Ià osis. souselhlng for a nie. I ,2 - 05 -

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