TOIM S19L Op.n hILwuloatjIEam. adpm T.AHDUIrS OHUIR < Prehylerlan a«y. lise. Abrabse, - lst evJ. t. ±oI8T OHUEO . Oses» to iL00 &.mi Md 1:00 P.rn. & . G. cumul, (et. oll~) P49« albrMealt -. I Prisai Buvlo. ai 10*ie.r. aud 7 p.rn. ON THE WING. Tinte of Affvalaýd fDepatuec Train., mallseud Stagesc o STA1<DARD TINS 6,usd 2D.w" Rutaru Lue s! 8.&M 1u I Md b-ci pus. IExpress c leos .8 su.m. ixed 8.20 p.. MIM.. Low al."4 P-. 1 ds. Expr 9.12 P afdand Zsà aî. rosa.735 ttua 195.M. 111M su. laulus. Town. » &mi .1114 1-.95 i.. Esavefor 9"» M sMiO00. nsd 64.00pa Irougissaet 9.0 a... MWM y POo ox m .. r Mil 7.. .10 P.m. Mie I 108010 Ma suacar Oew ailsuijMacviei&-m~. u * MA Peieo tO(rst taIn-b par 1 oucce byi IR 0ite. Rsgtlictofée., êc. »>air SMU auon & os 1 oay Order uf. POM udwd lil ai onlod nd A. D»Potà noiff und r the rctons utheI Pm Moém Seriows'Bank baisus lbthe o1 1.30 p.a. iètem uet t.poai iM minuis 4uý #n A.CL o 430pus. isuiys c«. bébeaâ,h&visghbeulmied loto th Poutait IlelUstns sta à , ft*mwsesiuîoftPoatal Este, Fulusala, Pierre, servis s, Çsm îleslo, ivden, iwaitstnicn tu Âk ud ,itatiz Utate,-Dertaud, uà k es. Dssis (bous, tJ . and P=s Slie 1wo*lmziea ~a Pd DUnei but b4 MW âtésroman mbefoe.)Lettes ô «do pur à ou".. Pstal< rt ui ens eu. Nsvesa 5 ecui fr 4 unucus. ii.ttratioa atine Omdodutoteean. tirasi., Om ruout, traitECon- Ommsica a"t AnsonCcea4 M sIeoi, Ptial, vi rl: en GeIl RAsis AfrimcaomeaC Cotlea tr i-le, UOcr-ujl PI Cuiba aMt Pert lo, Stmia e 806Mapusa, P su ad Salas..8- reio. Ià oL, le. 4etd otsSr 4 0& Ii Issa Ioeti, tsieu4 VI* Hallir. mune r-te as 'v Souti, Wa«.t,,toisQsas "e,. paplersde. Ivia WanFrncimotmo-Lutea l 0a. mI ou"£S, 1'uissasr. ,am.rGude tbedgewuvas4temine tol a ou W& ac Ssali6iafetser ul ta.#lave,lua pJMèh mdto sans Wu44sn e lspo uI at rialm e » vr, iu0, 9 te niétul dtro f cil, Ir Med ais.tIey vois terce t t t ie lubaiy IciL vbre soass, tanha ouli ual 00Mu bis 8mev flei; bWed ast oie ted lla ove tmire yteld.aiin 0" pely iu oie hr.d oeçrsimpead$im byn Ir Grad ,d oifl trudge, tvulllpg adton bitlaid tiuobe saun havas ibrwdae OU silt a misarly band. t la vooijthoreasuaia o wluds Irhe votIt 5143ai e ul ris#u, mmdfor lel and saiing»lu » lac, ile' ta alalio eca., Wouta fl' qýC t..Do, Wbc he boimi la- ot u up, i ViUimoinera, allea lb. air-,froc aluhoullu tôester at svery doai No ompaSlontaI Caeis fütoil su mntal - Or2pbisyaleavork tlutheitu] extent cf eur <pown aboula 811 mer tba bat-se.ird of ersté24 houri.,,1ý Tise bçst a eutblîhartc§ ibout be lîglil, varm sd prons, fillit, iosly tluth. body, atapleat luth, csason, kspt perfsogly adean,0111 ehangea frsqueshtly. A om em; ay h a 01e8nouet, at hivsry particeli about tise appacrane cof bis ibirt, eg Jet vear fithby utarolnt. ( course, no votun ouit do snob1 lblng. Business minu, Wbo bave spealclii lives, @boula siever aotnelly relin aSile tisuy rain fair physicel paver Enforet idleuos, evan for lb. veaithb business coin, if clieysaunevil ce long ce lthe heallh la <acf. Thebesheu ime fer es p for tlb majerSy et bealtby people Isromi1 at 12ighl unlil 8 ln lte mornlug. Tht sleeping room shouid be dis baulvan. liled and lise montleqnebly va-m ir bouse; L.thém"ereîure shouit be cbant 00 c; &Iebod aboula In safl and yleldlug,aeuthelb.obdy cf tlb miesper aiaays couiforlabiy vertu. Theri obouit b. varloSy la oun dcl; foot, allit a loses. Talc. a deyyli cttoe inougth for mimai food. Tis animai eut reogetahle foot combined shonit raugefroin 24 tlu80 eusses, 0c alii ene.Lthw donly abouit b. aulmel Tlia average dellY supply cf fitaien> be about 24 ounces. Ail roies for the proervtmn of hoidl il iii loompie aif &bey epply bas; methodo of keeplsg Lise body aud mmld ln perfee btht ab motrol thé pas ascnd mmii. thein aubortiale tk the reasalsfaculllse. Ail passions abonla. bu kept inter control, but es. jseely tIlo deatructive pssicof aiger, bate, jeeiougy. euvy ant fear. The daner lu connsolfos viii meu. Lai axeroiei le Dol en mucS cn acrry. The bralu sirengtiesa tevelopi vitll ctor au veilca ltb. body. But if Onr meutl ork Je combised ailb diioulent, carniat on ender tibonfies eutdliauperet by ostos cor griefs, tbon theé» is danger.. A bs*ltby sUkiaI-Joelite perfeci lie cnt litau enouly b. obtained ait prasved by freqnuî aahlga Cf ia vceboky. A simple sponge bath one lu 24 hcré viii servs ail purpae. -London Advertiter. True and Traie. <PIci4I.phuc Sat. ie. Paît.) A Iras gentleman te absciutily trutit mi., scanuing ta qutibhie, sud heting ail crooket vayi. He keops bis cunerots with au OYe lt teir spirit eud obvions [nIont, anddtous ual condeseent ta taka &avantage of suy verbal rsntering wiuiob le c perversion cf theiroriginal mnang.- The mnuWho matee atbirty dcys' trace ails bis oemy, eut than ravcgea is terrLtory by nlgb, bogause, 5e oei, Do mientian batl bain 'made lu-thée tresty cf the. nlgbte, vas negentlsuman, Nor vas Quintas Labos, Whc egreel ta acoapt frotu King Antiocos ait et o bim eoot, aeutben ont evary sbip le lac, tbuî dspriving Lb. eoomy cf ailtlIge Davy. _ The mon led mistaken tretchar9lus euuing for lretbflumsud ait ol4 hantly have aertondl thie oble cou. dolt cf its, AdeioninaWho refumat l atopt th, oomnalof Tiseniumatss, brcitago (oem hy Aistide%, eiowing ooaw thseLasedsmcniaufiien igit b. lestroyed by trecchsy. ,- "Tt llting se sot uedl."' tley sait, 44 aieh La sot bout." A mai Who lias, shtuws birn. soi aaullug lun Courage, ent Courage in à ver-y lenpcrtib t nausva, t.64. .t genleman. A deep self-respsot mumtgc &0baae op the obanacter aof tse perfac gentis. man. Hlugb Mille, once boob esougli eluozlcalinglilquor tlu odul bis use., andto t$poil hi. appracilios of bis faorits atbor, Lord BaSn. "1-bs vendu sem iefors, My oeas ho sait, *'and I rescîvat neyer more 10 &&ka thal ahbitfor ltse lime degratet se in my evn -n ilmation, aid destrcy.- td mY seIf-re#pod." Tie gentleman; speke hors. aIfI-reapsetIlte parent cf respacl tix etiîrs-nspsct for Iboir opinions, h s s a n i il s t t n s s, t' P Lt si 15 a a a h E S ci di 51 v ci 5< xi la hI lii bu w, $14 't i @4d eà uyIM hü,lbeatotoeis aclui ed j.Tisa eyessare ukon, the banda aid foeu ildél itni Aer hi a ceeougb see fint &y, L at., oolouid ation.lp, Tise affio ton. li fte e 4 ailile hJ, "ndsloop dosa udt 211 soem e abfford euy resL. 115ev eabuhal b eornus narrons, rrteble, and gloorn, e toeotg.Tbi»,rs aS diL@ess vison rling np isuldsnly. The boanus ha. n@coma costlve, tl b ku te divad bol t A ho ttrnss; Ihebtoot 'hecomu i ibid sud lg. lid tait; tshe bttaof theetyssbeomsne qëM ails yelloa, tise urine isasuant, :eud' hlà h. oet, dersitlng a sittmenrtu r aud. MrIng. Tbre a frequenla e pittlng up cf à om ms atourcaner ate.,and somsUimems ath ea eetiali leste; Ibis tà fis. eà quantly elieudet ailS pslpiielLon 0cf lb beM=;tiavision bucornes Iztuparetývlh Vu spoie heeu.Iuys ; la a',- - 'cf giet protration and asmis. il cf re thèses ymptomsacru lu turc iset. It in S. tbouglit Ibat nearly one-thirdM cou polpu. ly letton bas Ibis dises., Ln tomu of is varied jgforma. Il boasbeau faon t bet-me&dlolmon beys utistaen tbu nature cf ibis dises.. Sone bave tructet ht for e liver abxnplalnt, le others for kiduey dlesa e tc etc, but [0 nouscof lise varions hindi te iibv e beau attendet wftb saccocas, beeuse tise %.remedy sbeuld bu scachas 10 sot barmoul.- in ously upon 'uh is oe of thesu ci-gais, sud Supon lb. tornsob scevul; for in (for ibis is reUly abat tic disette us) ao f *hm lborgcaspartake of Ibis tisase aid ru- Squire s reouedy that ail sot upan &U et the saine tie.s. oigel's Curative flyrup Mets [y like a cbsruu Lu Ibis cama.of complaints, <iv. lug sg "oit ituredute relief. The folloa. *n llatra from cliemista of standing le tise oornrunity aber. tbey llve shoin u hat estimtn th 1e article labl. Df John Archer, HaribIl, user Sisel i-I L » a..*cqiyeomsenýd il tu SiU aho d niqy ho asufetng froin liver or siornaeh lomplaints, haviug the teatimony o1 My butmrs h ave derivetg. st benefit frmteSm n ls The sMlsà Lailu ereastng aondrifully. a Go. A. Webb, 141, York Streetl Bati- 0-I1bava soita à large qusutlty. aicà the pan. ties bave testifledto tals beLng waet yen rep. S J. S. Mtesife, M., Htgbgate, Kentsl t-I 0 bavesslway14 at plessure lu reconirend. a ing hevC=» yrup. fon I bave neyer -knan a caeiein hcb itbasnot relie-net ror ours.!, ant I have sold maiy grases. Robt. 0. Gonît, 27, Bigis Street, An- dove -1 bavelways taken a <ruati nter. est lu ycur usediclnes snd 1 have rmou- k msuded tIlius.I bavs tont numerous caeof cure tram Ibeir use. Thomas. Obapouu, West Auckîsut:-I lundthIat the ltra tetily lecresses. 1 ssII more o! your metiaines Wieuaiy aller r kind. r N. Dcrrol, Moun. Salop; -AU visa buy il are plesset.ait- rocomment iL. lIce. Baikafil, A.P.8., Klncgsbritge:- -Tbe public sSem ta apirociâte thait <ruai valus., * A. Artaee, Mtt Street, DaltSain-1 Ferusss:-I lasneédlassfor tetSo sy tisai à or iaIble mutiaine baee <est salitu dtac-g-eater ltai suy alber 1 kno* recomtnu thbe'Curive syrupfrorn bev* n iproved its e£oacy for indigealon rMy- Friackbuim, Abroatti, Prfarsbure, Sapi1 tai, leu Deart8rLuat year I cent you al.lter1 reconimeuAîng allier Se aels yrup. Ii baveveymucb pleasur l liibestil tellmcn7 tlu thevery seltstaoto 7reselta c isa faunilSyrup a.Pils. osl atent ruedicines dis oui viii me, but Mother selgel isubail a stsady als ever ingesI comuteucet, eud la .111lu aas great tenant u Whoun1 firaI baen Soes ai tise meticius. The cures ahich have corne aider =y no- lice are cbisffy lbcss cf liver somplaluit ait gcieraidebily. à certain manislteIlnnvMnegbortoc. *&y it is theoly 1ZOý big hsbeaet. condition of bous aller bolng suble lu prescbaforeaoctioitersble ayogIflime. I CouMitmentiocs6a opeal my otiser 0 bunt wueouid not ailoa. A user lu= oftivesao là yen utuchi d4lceW too" meo@ oreonatpatie luis tisaIh Motisar M > e'sPisaaretise olyplla aWbc wsutbis ompWeut. ilC=trpil cens.a xe",ton aisiel inLa ee-suce7~ Mloter rSaler Piado ecG lm"v&a Itir-etfeot I havo uosplssume laemta rncsdlng agulu osnfrbuss ui*dy Mathur Seigel's medicins, abicl*a moi sb. Iflbislatleisofeny serviceyu M ou pubiic& IL. Tours veryiu omi indigestion faorepaarde eftum Yesud ma to0ku et n.! of octor> e dicla-S v ithouit the sligitest baue ndit sdéclaresi Muieri seigells SYrupaioV ha g tfriein me bas gai-etbis lifu. Youz, Uuly, Mn. White. < =luO t Cïcs . Z W. R. neaae, Aget, -1i- M Eegim wfth aP. "Yeu, duc, obuidret," said 1)eat Buckrag, addresang di suay-sehool, l"if va are Ront, " eutdlodcn-sud oooloîlie, aad-or lrutbfulin lathl1-n Lme foriHeu, Ilsgo lme iuea vsty lar tbe skia lth"lines lb. mly. idm ba$mesborsile !17lb eedoom su UW-éAI ý lar n smmur age lu p0&kupca oaffiieut uiet taie te*ruifrs ofae su, bit 1t leAl vaj-U viLo rai er oyeu dot am -t. e. Theeme à odunof mors Ihan tlbey u ae plika. a» thlb es rrflvous lutlt.Tboy are 7 quitue sud prouve GrstU k bt gi.,sa L. tii u un pt 4ppRdtloaid Ibo laid sl en ~li~û~gber pa1 OsM4ba re emi nated l in dmblacd. Thoso ensOf5keg thei «, the hSen ina consant tai Ofiitaititi rrady frthç deposit of the seeds cf these germa, whlch spread up the nostrils snd dean the fauces or backof the thrat causing ulceratian of the &tbuett; isp the Enatiebian tubes causingj <flfessa; burrowtng in thse vocal coema. * . ausing hoarseneas; .usuwpà g thse prcplek structure of thse brtnchial tubes, eudicnug pubuausry cousumption and deasb. Many attempta have been made, te discoyet a Cur for t"i diatressing diseaJ-t bythe use of iehalents aud ailier lugenicua devicea, but good utu the pasaitea are cither destîéyed or rernoved fi=e Ucmucu inaue. Borne Urne ince a VeilMkowu physicien "f foety ye&W sbotading, aftrrucli experiment- lug, succCedi indiacoveliug the Decessar ceinhination of ingredieuts wbich neyer <ails fiabsolutely sud perumucuily eridicau t ibi~~s horrible diseas, whether sadn o -- - one year or faty yesn. Thoe.irbo ey b, ~ TRP.M ANADA. H. DIXO aw m maagers, Mesr. .I DXN& 0< 303 C<S. Wos. ?oro t"i4get fa Wdpmnic na sdtrseâet i buelculsg imp. PES latdo . . RB. S4-um, B. A., eCterpw.anof tMe Londn C4f<vr of IMraMrd CZi.rcà of Caamde, ja"s M in'I.rvawto A. I. DIres 6- es A7es, 7kadauuIjr CaarrA. Mun*& A. IL flmcx & Boi aOAKLAi,Ot'50 CiAA m Ir, 1883 Dt"S, $Yi-yorsof tie 13ffi iuatLta baund. it ecer soomtoo good to tc e Mdiii 1 m o f Cilsarl, but 1 kuzw thetI sm.I have badue raeture cf Uic dises.. aidneer kf eutBr ery I bave trled 00 rnMny tis aforcatarrh, sufileed sgornuch sMd Skt gse rn uay 3' *Msib s n loi me %6 me te at I aierE~fY botter. 1 comlder thaimine-aise* vwy bad Came.It asu sggcd aid cero1c, lnolvlug the ifroet* adi asutebal p aeand îthought aI u1d require le durce esmembutW b&PnfY azsdbyth. ta. sentme, sMd I arn hanlrful tisai l wu oserinduced to acud te you. you are ai fbest bun se sletter, stsiug that I bave been cursd ai lt» Wrnents, sd Ism gIadly reSnrrnedîcur asredy ta sMe.cfà nM onda am arere.. oUrs, aw»sany tbans,13a . IL EgSTEV.~.3 YAIIITTor suxt. The çbosi ahiol bas beauen f.u tb. Scci people cf Pachakili f&r 909" "49e bas Kt latt basa arrsst-d sud sade. Ip loded le jeu. Lika allier <bosSe, Il ls earthly. 4sePB o"à % M U"r, 1m as. PreserPtieu of a Boston physseis, dis ace amS s»guoey. .8 WUl ud dnt put off vu MWn cube. lpp, Au "ata I caui fm"hukers ouvixtien lu Paris, je telereatoe bava s..e=ued. Wvi ut"<ted eluasm:- Itinlg Phl»es-ymptomsandudVra. Taieouilomei are moistare, liii si, ee-aiehlg. Muy t9=L e ,pertien- 9¶00eMsIU à u-Worms h.é privai aiée a e 0» eedmu afect- t,. if ilole t lïcontinue very serions raui" may 1.11ev. SWAIYM's jeTMNT a Pisassu, eors ours. Usge for Ts#. lsr, ISebajlHuuInosld 1at, dEryipa, irbers'liteS, lloleseel eay.ty Skis Diésses. se" .55j 00-.s. -"50bo&uuiol 2a ngl oeuibe înui tb ie aie5 bous1bIl sos lesm th#infueneS avr Ioseaint;91 ate magr»eeab eu 00 Wb il»iresaffection, vi=tgllsvieof oiepifra a muaih aber sbois«. T*B " l.n'th& ea foa ToietSl, uIi ot o ii 'ssaleotio sitta orge olisa au ea bshlét-,ili fe »0cabent- mindd setofogo4o b 1 M b yi'Uif tely trotedviseg a A M yeuabo vujildb, bis 024 dbegst~lmrlw etbr, vue ', bub , o A e"ouolumloieaia, If je ha* sluiyttmmvai. fis orrbuuctasl vl)aia ie KINGOFALL tSEWINQ. -MARIHNgsz 1 L d asf-aecosodts %M OEL* iM4 Si. NVOTH AMEfÃRJOAN SON. ,I VaCt PRJD«IlTLu w uvy .pp urtîgilç (Id~~ --'Wl I~p~Lh0k ~w 6 DYlIC OFFERS! Z &*oiMail, -NëWS; A dvertiser, WÙk sing 'Weekly à nd Monthly inçlud, PLAIN, COMONsE~7~NysyN A Dirct Cs aving to7 suuu of *1. for a o Lm ad, 1 ~tévry .. RJ OFFER A- FOI OfPE YEARý,ýTO ,-EV, EIjY gIW IBER WHIITBY- CHRBONICLE. spioseus omtt, boeilruala 4 skew uesth mue m tur wWho e jhtfi4 thtie It$ s ne u atruboi l o~r Ma I N w4%beb a«.lc, 1CuI and ïmb* êdwà ttâ.t héAaoiaoIpreis. beffidea the sp. wisi~tb 4~Ij~ p~ba i~a oua sa)us»asèrit him no sup *or. Lt piitta,~ reae tmf~~ fti ai ews ree fom or 't far orfayot asto tÙ O e c t . au e c o a t iqa b a t l m f e y D t , e c , e e t c t c . i a a k t q O t a t r O p l e t . a n d t o b . etlied tapon, k la jut the per for thse yotgbng ool o uo'i like is lnt as welL Our pOclal lubbeng. >termüs-bring it wlthin reaci ofral. pecien copis ray be- had at- thld offie. imem endin your subacrhtion at once. OFFER B. :The Whitby Cbronicle and the leading weeklies and monthlies at the bination rat ebre named. I o nic lc ($1) ana t W oo y Gobe ( $) jCbrauie (1 ad WéokIy Ma ZI) di îlw"ss 'l (- ind Weekly Â&ve (si) [ O b r e a u el. ( 1 > s d d y W itn o a a (s i ) Iolaseiol. (1)atwoly star ,(si)- Ohressiois ana uta e isri .51) O 1~ u gId p i s u z n d ay e or e(a. 0 i $ n 4 B e s ' O w s i P a p e r ( i , ) ) ' - h, -i e1 ) n G irls'O uli Pa~rr (, . 0 Ob ra n i se 1 u A e i A d rie n r a i t ( * . 0 O b r o i s i s , i a1 ) me t < r p ( * i ) - O ko dýe 1>) c a ind zfi o o n ican ($8.20) Ohrmil. md aj WoDollar We"kio or Monthlioa-$hrcc Obrocisl -)at akt cDllrpuoial-orocôais, (Jh~uii1. (1> udïtwoM athupblihsdt *1.50sprÃdoI $200 2 00 2'00 2 00 2 00 20 2 50' 2 50 2 60 l 10 8-00 2-00 8 50 800 a ooý 400 800 a-th aof IIi4y tHo o Loisuro ur, Boys Own Papor, Girls <Iwn Paper, wIIOD-theuso pi 00» rics 1 75 1 50 200 200 200Ù 2 00 260 8 70 Il 85 8:00 z250. 25Oô T 1E [i IIRONIOLE 'AB SOLJTE rLY FREE, t ecial com-. 85 25 50 40 - 50 40 50 50- 10 50 j 1001 75 I I t fllSgSZlflOg £10 t i Saint sntihlsj .,'"-Jagns.laIuw,sLMUKPohut, iWe WIU seuda CR ffo8,9 exhot ura g.oe.aoybokaeal .-1 ov - 1 < 1 The COMBINATION