FRIIYM.ORNING; ihexa ay oQue papar lt th ne O oiz"n .n 48. Robé,rtéon t g o« TIREtS 0F ADVERTISING. yà irnsferion, par une, 10 anale; aacb subeequenti nsertion,5ôcents. Dhsp1a&ya Advertlaamenis are memurat eofa"0 e1lid nouparei,Mdaaobrged I 'ý!inenia s"nt vitni lteon lan airueilona tamarin! until torblitie4 nd nt -oha= rg fotani une. 0 ,ofr dlniu n verilee mutainlawrtia.,elb.rwlepubliahau. vill net b. rempoeble. A liberel daont fer ontrael etverim. mete bytha ory=ear Ooor OIiUue et In net later tRima sn&y-anette. cf any Yinteti hangeýadbouli b.givea . ore Tneeday noom. Other etverlmaumnie racelvat p te Thu f«.ay1mecs au a laRecl or ya«eluamm irati nsertion 16 cent. par lino ef NomPe. rIi 10 onte par lin. "ech eubsqueni lu. nartien. Fîva ceute puUne par enaun. oerraqmoatieo seciteti trou ki parla o tb. cocuust~nle tlna teveh cor. Wra-=poide ii cqumie l e béir momnl eila uprompily maspoeetle. dos PRINTINO ODEPASTVIN. etiba e very dm 61oSJob Qé Pri"a o p"idmly. The Oamomcr.m' Ruter mae.e »flb Yo"i JOIHN BE, FhREWELLP LL v nutsouma, wwblu -0 BARRISTERS& tONY AT LAW, SOLICITORS MN CHANCRY 1L& 0. H. RITOIIIE, W. H. BILItueS To=eto. Whlty. JAMES RUTLEDUE, îlÂRRITRE Ae. Of os« Maly i». c>apWa by Faravella -Mt2- aat te, Royal Rti ro lbty DAVID OIUIST, B.&., rime-la tlb. Ofce eofothé Pont 0e laiii olflaa's Bloo1, Brook Streai Wbltby. ly.1G nonINSON& KETT (LanaDveonx à Rorneox.) OPPIOL-la Viotorta Oaaea e 1,Vitoria lirat, G. TouNOSUýImTE, aL 1.. B., B3 AaUI, be., ho....Konay Io Loan Iumo f crle isap omas Orurca-Ovr Domalon BankWbliy. 19n4 0%,878lem.8 J. HAXERt GREEKWOOD, Y ,O-mrA»DSOLWCIORCON A yKuma. No" u Le. -1>0" IFM ne ~l~t -rMma8 ti*e spuw~ ion ALa. Dow, DABRSTERLT-LW. OLICITOR Ofio-Doverlf'a Block. Brook Street, Wbllby. 1(011? TO LIND-Prlvate Fonde - lnau«meup tc PMO, st a low rate et in. taaut. (ly.59 1 LYMAN UNGLISH3, L L. B, flABITRAT LWSOLICIOR IN Wm. JMoDRIEN. K.D., N..CSe, fIiUrs HOSPiAL LONDON, ZIG., %-W th.e R.ILO..H. L., 08hav%,Oniarlo. Phsoasurgon, Accoucher,Le., Le. Whwlseflpi. 801h, 18i. do Li foA ylmo. OMFOI-4Ubt1ale1y.oupW dby Mi. 0. ictote, immazuna pi BROOK STIRIT, - WarIT à WTSEAD w *um ______ j ~WIhimf~~a ~ VOL.XXII THEWET DANK0 WHII'BY, - ONTABlO. THOKAS DOW,> Whit1889. Manager.-1741 ONTARIO flÂNE, WHITBY BRÂNORM, Brok StreOt, - »- Whltby. J. a. ADUISON, FINANCIAL AGENT.' P0 . Botni, MONEY TO LOANI, ON IM AL BTÂTXEMOUBPP. A iom vas lg rat«s Of bix xloay acoumaviella 10 day of &P. JOHX FÀBARHSO. C. NOtJURSEt ln umate and coneeal Agonmt Phoenli rire Insaurnce Oompa.y, of]Londos, Enead North British and Mercantile tommale Co., otEdlinbmrgh ana Lenden. British Amopican Asu'ance, Oompany, of Toroto. Londouatamntse. dActident COMPaay, Of Engled. Canada Permantottoan &SalInpCd MONEY TO LOANt Onimpreti lameet 1ev iat tllu Alm oua"imyTreesuw-f the C«May Ap grloîcra B ofle cfoumt aio OFFICE At ]PeetOfà o., rook Ottoe@& AW HC ITECT',ý W, ou iJOuNsTONe Sh a 1 soy f.-.- A- ~ PIANOSUT De' B.T GUEP*iÇUT, Tuner, PAT EN Tl§ CAN AbIANS p » t a * 0 lb. tes, tt &17rlg i A PRIZE. lu mtï"orne eunm le UMMTTII F TME -DM01 OûItS coUniT OF ONTAIO, 188.ý L-Whllbl.,.... 9 1 I. Srcuaham.... 111 £ 8 181 4, 57 £8 79 1 8111 1 arn 8 lu il orna te 988 19 1095 90 1195 91 And1ndur"la Lio Casow WINTER ARRýiAGEtMENTS bilh*4 treexPORTLANDLHALIFAX 56 mWl eeeosd me es e t eg iato e iufiesa oui Fm4 ouy a" bt "siPyut (novis rotherb~o4. - WHITIBY, ONTA Christmas IN GREAT VAR W. R. HO0WS-Eý'I DRUG STOR .- - W WW E4EUFU~'I Q~ODS- VU- U-U*IU--1 W-j OHIU$M ASý R. PIR IâQUORS. Walkexs [ooming Lhro Bye] Wbiskey. Dek Gin, St. Eminilin Oâr B. &.Iff6ao t Boucoher ITA LIA N Native Wine, Fmnest Port Wine, [Gra- FiuiStSheniry -Wme. Gor- -Limeliê,-- Aieiii-Poteron raft, also botblWI WA-R E i-i U S-E. M. O'DONOYAN, CarageWoImm bity, nt O~u~t~aqe*1ep JI1 AEWn ~~l~u gAil.vpejoelhbrou& ýpasi.ý rbeu Puiou atteziton Msid to~ WJ3TER> À Led fr&om Lt. 'wulitestl afla to aay- Sba o sm arsaainti hio ahyi Amd nt l ndrnti&fbin, Par bar wh*t t&k to do or dmare -Wbmhudal Bât 1 Ãha nover knew MY brt iâ4Wht wuahIaden tlb lit nth mw u e a oteabr A Myrutid1 G4b ,omnn F1Aia'tOherlue adbée.wntoa 4ybeul-1 neda mucna ud tor For hmarendi thora ber love vas vrit la okl, bail-bad echg Ah, i» elarei o-too lat. youteok I 1 know 1t; loi me hoeu record ThIa mlm: senonegirl e bock Unim on ye d il aftewrdI DEZAN A»I RALI TIraystood "knes.deep in ol lb. gloamlng o! a mummer ntght Ienoupon the fance W" » a on. field Item anotber, hiu artaCa iulplaoed &bout har valmi, her hmig nIea -bouùlder, ,while adoning .Yes devOurd him bandi Noyer moina e arai' op.uaini Dew-ereted ejea, looawi upon à Mnfd £ haMM ir, wueanel ir abWuoIu l a love wiih ,a et th Kargueri elvie wt Abi 8h. lovati hlm liiiber ev.ry th vau twinéà ichoralhlm-Wul batr Me1 cemaââ 'té 1b. oal'y' inthe1 puleenof ber belng a..m.d le boss 0 tb. muelo of hI. vola. n. glbughi oe. wuamoa, i4.1i hlWe gila b , di , sbl herïelf, ad8baPftesinok a f4in Ion trac . -- - POLIBUM »-ibýTiloaôuali-tFRox - gropfuï la the dark, edthn'ehe tbà tiLacstmet- oiattgjIdn berONS ïoleï -4Y Pauae& .. oced ,,rl alguenon ft3r a- Iltaa !uriahed te avlstsi~ ca wkwrd ~ n~ui vohl uL tamadabnî.gce way te à ] 1. t p f 'do trfbqIh mme.l. raim la oPresa.- enetation. !ape béatneasbc rat bsueuba l ts rotieoive pleeun,. antihb.Muatiks- .~opîtr SuhMin u iov -, pMcgi dar Tradtio%~ d5ratn.efeîupoao thç 4iniond idraiibora, alw P7u?" -: nô% linthe îmatùr of price y o u ve m i i i o r e a e l,'ow" a b l l . _Ê ' 1 6 , - 1 . u r o a wgat Le tearlnt 'ge t - Wih aulngvlcm l auy- uar- haw. » Ohý yee, perbapo; but iî':'1,eîtya.vditeifa alwol ï .malter. Ourt Plasatmummar ieaCe, ânder proteal le tothie society wbioli sts edal w1ibil could havane 012 m.tý-oam îo fe1pion At en pren bi for yers, brai ihea il vwaai$Coepis a-ot cvteio>ocl;Aite0rse6 et. te asi lRii'a.lwca tRe ~ spdday tho poor: relation Uft thediamouti -AQwv tbe.,diosermeI rea .f~ily ia«.La yellowish %jugé. - bmah 1Di -unalarmd 'aIt th--rolut.hà .f ......ue ..suue~n....lii.SeuthiLArtdiéau nond nes, in wcy of tRie wved. No outo cau esoape v ci helluw' satouts were perticoà îý1Y' )t7. one'afate, andseI cm going te mine. p She le vaitlng fer me, cnddlbar nana. e la pîêiltî, deoreeci thrêt a yellow diamud- oapine Hastings. Sh iteleonO a etnineir006e.Tu dce bal asivel md ovey a ~ »' atevarywhora capo as 1ev, aud- prettldenlieg, but ont rleredsmauaged reup eia e once. he dhs.cele vnbe - 1 s oin w teuegago snesdI muet go peaotdofoiey hongh qnieîly. and marry lber ; while you vii mcry IPbeoeodaefed lu tsiga ase e yeur countlry eveetheart, aed live lu al colore ozoopi yeîlevw liOja, bhoy- the pratly faraihonse, and be ever soeve- abtwtbtii 1ùa1Ãœ mucnnh heppior &han I, as, indeed, o Thoe r, ae ftou l ýamoecte i deserve le Le, lUtile aegel. e Soth o pro sdac ! i dian IM in *SeuiL Africe vas discuveat&lady186e b, ~'Wre en egaed u Ial ady~a n nometi 0'Roilly. Ho vas look* when yen came bore, Albert?2" esked ed upeôn as an elinbasist and hie Clairons - Mautet. * vers dleregardéd. Ntmi6y rn 1 itb*s la, i Her voine was very 1ev, but se, aient, after*ard e dianionti vea fin bte itcOemedto le pnetrala te the very -possession (d anative "6dea r Ri l, end brala ef ber lialonér. "4medicine unan" ebovet an 1u'il a' atj 1 W h y lbt y u fl io n er h aI L e r n es te p ar t v ith hie tream ure tR ie ! . haa l but vo lb.hesituation beoem . n ir ! i au ,be u dLnà -ave IL- ber 2 10 lr unu a an h o doter- p. 1 a r î a a ae-v s 8 la Caua i muet te cul sbort. ma1'ter ar a aanutv ell :. todife lnha*,yen meani o ler;£liû,OOOThe sleriy -fv-bi onwiderful aillb l ai eakdi a ' ber toma-e»aea.kdl îesin imoei na oky brite 1ebù Adacm Oeaity" neeellaasrAs a reeoultilb. pie Statesver.e vor- ~ terin ra e elavioet hetblemedaiu by ativeetunere, vili teck the laew ý mre eafngup , ltevioet htblôme atilob bir ewn banda and eeferced h l bis ootsudplacia l l ples. lueh a thorougbly injedialous mencet a- Marguerite-atoed a groana terrible, thaingatistepdlaadamun Tt' dot hi:aboé soà tl'M a A &verked ont diamnntminelookea anywHere lnath lovadeberme v ai The forgeai'@ai nt etprductive mine n ly e a c d o a v e an d - lutat i a S u t h A f i c e l à t ie ' x ip b a tle y . T I t vesIvldl pal, tebat ipe. leacvami bals,, verked from Iho surface. u1Jhy, Maggie,,ay lttle'datlia-,a tosadaeleal-pc at 1*e noueevel, tile geîleIfcgle- neer e i. Hundrada of bneketm ofoclay are l'hors urtyou 11k. I bis,- inY litth onnal bû h8td-Anewok asagirl,*j didn't thIryen voulti oare no--o atinila'beieg -Riêstre. - Ani, MUOLSayYOuýdOt liteme-s'ythWièeime-Oeleilebotera .of tlleutn. 10.e.kldvr t n. Tbesélay wvbéa receiveti -tn tRiamuea sH a thing. seBR ie edand thn, wà hediç-- X, Bueoaiùr Gold Pa The Rich Matas féont cf -Bargaers- The Steryo! an Electiniit At 1 h. deati of.ef a >Ii X rý, . B. -ova He pl econvie aee)teuood te BSing Sing praoi y ê rs !ý ' ' , 1 . - , Soe-eBiad-Mr.,- .-H.W> clootrian o! Westfiol, N &&Deo0117 toadonla #end rglnlr~ 2 ýell8 aà bgare ?'su .ecure --lith aleýrtaappar doun, vindoi, laxpoasibleItà ont the actI "lDonî a ritk ln bond] -halti,-ber .1 Ai e* van,ý bpedrhg. ?ORTtLAND Uo LVERPOOL. 'remuro,-. .- ~ WW'and - RAMToS; pPASBAGL aboStylesina ylG - H . JÂKflSON. ers#. oial cm 5 40- 60 40 350 60 50 10 id acpo bacratiful t, L03., r.4motIoa I '~EE~ CIIY - f -7 a lIý.li---lýý ý - *.Aà lâ