Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1884, p. 4

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'e "ýçuaX Por Wubi A. Inoumbasi. 1aime luC-ais LA. 1:00p.m. OaIADêÀ XBT13DIST OHUROH. 8ev.N. . WiteghbM.. -Pester. &ayuatLOam. aud 7p.M. 8 T. A.NDUBW'8 OHUSOR (PrebYtrlan SericeatlU rn slip.r I&PTIST CBaUROP, Ras . . Bêcher,- . Pastor. Servie Ati 11:00 a anud 700 p.rn. B. . OHURCI!, (et. Johns.). m#.Pto oal. Prieni. Aetoa1080 &l..and 7 p.rn. ON THE WING. Tis cof Arrivai arsd Depraeo Trains. Mails and Sutge. f STANDAýRD TIMt. Gp+and fl«ak RnLlw.oe Local 86 lnm Mixe! 8.01 p. 1 Express .30 Eress 833 sm lMxei .20 pi.M. Fa1:941 a.ns. LOcal .54 pr. 1 Epresa 9.12 p nM. aunay. Expre. 9 12 p.n Town, Jonction. axjirma M:25Vin. 7.35 a. xai 12.40 p. i i2.50 p.m. Express &0 DP.M. 9.00p*fl1 Juneiois.Town. Exprss 700 lna. 7.10 Pan. Lm" afor slawa t 1000 L&.s.00t»pm. 'Wbtby ?m LObai V4Lo90111 VIs CLOSE Polk VIRIL S?. tIo ie a. I 7.10 P. per Poserry osiay, 8.10 pan. mâtinasam I f8.8 am. rre1% .75 .1 0.00 L Brogh m. 04«&a MeUs S1414riday 7.15 pan. Duie %tondai10.30 .M. Pottage b oGreat Iritaln-S5o per j ounce. b t*IU.Ritgltaion tf..Bc. n~Uomiuma)001« néd on ail ltou.y Order of- >" s in stat«,ea, Qui 8<tan, Prions. Edrard laisiai.N.wfoundlasd and Itoits. .Dnousomeerivd undet the regliiona s 09 th Put 019e.s avin' tOsait beîween lhe boum. o1 Raglaerd elttera Boit le potadlé16minutes 111tor, Citheie'o eis C Mali. Ofce .]tors ila. tu. ta 630p>m. Sunda>', ex- Canada haissg beendsitted Solo th. Postal -Union thore s a n..ormnernnt of PoitaIlIa". ra..Ageria, rlay Oîbaltau OGreat 0rSk a stamItrlani, arase. tli,.Loxenberr, Malta. «omumgro. Neiltriani, Forwa>, Ponta, Porto. pi. Lassaoi ossol, Rossia. 8. Pierre, Servi& aponffl àury slans oeilo, Switselnsn aandWarkyAnd vs niedStalas:-llrinudis "stiud% .Culas, Danîsia <OIQUaI03 Of St. Thoina, Ut JohnSnt Croix, Janaies, Japra d Porto Ibo. (etouilan islno, is etheiasaUnion ispi lthe Postal Bagnearemaitumabefore.) Letten 6 ea.per j oucos. PoaalCari. 2 cents escl. ffe 2*slssI mts for 4 ossuom . Ragliron 1%o AOe. r usa ne oufferation. ranl, Uri" OGuixa, V71, raenlad. Frenech Col. *imela Aie, Afre, >eeenea sud Âneries, excrt 51. Plie a" iiuton. Persà ia Penian Oulf, setileaustla lia Seaaios, Peoang and Malacca- Lette Le=u.Sk , cý'el. for 4o0. Xét lu fêans va ntitx.saute rate sa omy.Preoiayilaeat plalap nt & Ilcaise. &ad tca. 4¶m ade. liwuâ er ot tieitoria, Qietti. tendLettere ISetc.. pqee"t New SoclaIW, Via OuIan iuele.-Loei', 16 - he ome-Ooming. trmTeCarrent j 'W. nov are raL. Cone freonthse ohurois stx.ight teounr homeo beaise hea. Bond 1evthy seai, enter th .poreh ; Tlsr lo aeh ome i Gile Mchre.O Tb, ibldis'a be, llghi oftrny bouat 1 àgy 'oa ldar ilovait dora by me; K3oala y Aand 701 qais e s vsMay parti Or limava ibis borne, Gulis Machrea. w. are sot rlch;, ot vant engate* 1Ooeprtho otbaid thaema, Adwbt few is b tiii. or fat. Gogin'y ags, (Giale Kchree. W. M net ipoor; no. noia, my 1i lb. litaI aip ber queaay iseal Wisb javelaIbaud bat ma*m araid eal-aialaa il nbtherage lu Paris. Ecaver'la thse MoigfW for yonng Long mrapa vls 51gb sheuldars are au 1theraSe. Atrakbeu sohla mach ùel for gblr' armants. m h wKe "d~ Van*&.sd lteaao A ocmmuo*sllos tethe 5. olhiv pifflUor lests 'tslb lbe auljeo._Of weaib*Ï progadellop. Poi ideWgnt pereoahseu ave amp y mpalbp .wIit the soele rpasv.ora"9ahy announas pheMaena ,glvlag dsaii oceaalnaliy amsklsg luky bth ua. b lu citas firug tbiairetndems aboli alQ. galber vida of lise mark. Thiaithora ia, howsser, soatMoig la vreuaber pbilpaaophy, intelligenit parsema i ii e. qute psidy tae ococede, sud tbey vwiii h. luaccord vils tise viau of tisa writer uhen ha reoammendq the Ob- servation af aturai pissunsan, wiici bas beau long praotieo. Ho a ae t If ane could reasitiesigus, emoS day fort-telle tisa nexi; ta day ia ise puo. stenitar ai to.morrawe. Whotise at' maosphoisar e tleeeapio and distanst cs' jessteand out uDuscily clair and .îietioot, a torr n tenacr. W. ara ou tisa ereel of tise <ave, sud Ihe deptes- io followa quioh. It smemtime?à hep. peus tisaI elode are nat no indlaife cf a @tortus autiattal absence, lui ibis state ofi ibo cmospisore tisa stars are ununually numerouo sud brigist et -nigist, whioh i. alîn s bad amen. I appeare tisaitisae tranipsa-aoy of the air is prodigioc»Iy lores»nd vien a certain uqsaniiy ai rater ia uniiaumly fIiffneed tistoogis il. Mauotaineerm prediot e ciseoge ai weaiser vison, tise air bsiog calas, tise Alpe beiog eoversd rus parpetas m , seem ou a sud. do te aecarrtise obeervor, isud tlsir outlinoos ta ba marketd vils greet distinotuees o tho amura sky. Titis saine condition af tbe atusasphero rendors distant eounde more audilei. Tiseaia ona todues oi tiesaemasSIn tisa morning thai masua Storm; suatlssr liseS indicates viud. Thse irai le brod, deep, au! amgty; tisae lcude lok like eu immense b.d ai burning ouais; these scond là soft au! mncre vapory. At tise point vherip the sun im -gaimg te tise, sud a feu minuri sin ad- vence ai his comiug, thora risse traigisi upuerd e rosy celumu, lies a usait oi dyesl viper,, lamdtmg vitis sud yet partly aspmra.! rom tise oluda, culd tha base of iîsi prsemtly oaflieste glow k tis a anu bmlasi. Tise day tisai fllava ln pretty surs la ha windy.- Il la inoertalu 1 ia ma tent bSuds and! animais eau ioratal.ltis a aUsr. Whon svelbou-. are mien havking very bigh, iris a gocd indication, boemue theo insecte upon visicis they fasod van- tue up lisera ocly in tise mont cuapi' clouo e etiser. 1 People live in tisa country &H tiseir lives wtheut makîmg anea cout.. oh- stersatian about nature. Tise good observer cf naturaeb<aida bis oye long sud firmiy te Use peint, sud flmcly gala tisa facte, uci euly beume habas patience, but becnse bise aa a isatp and bis inieranoeswaifL .Tiseaare meny assertions, tise resaiS of Is'î.ty aud incomplets observations, snob as lor- instance, tisai tise wy tise milky n&y pointe at nigist indioatfa tise direction ai Bbe vino! tisa usaI day; ai- so, tisai every nsr mocon indiealea dry-ar c val montS. Thora are mauy athe ories about tisa moon toc nom- tonete mention. Again, visen a larmer killa biselîogs lu tiseflu, itho park b. very bard sud oid ha pra- dicta a saveevinter, il sait sud borne tisa opposite, oearlaeking tise icct tisai thse klnd ai food sud tise tempetature of tisa (al mako the parie bar'! au mcft. Numerous ather intancas coul! ha cita! ta provetisat tisa vaulsi-beabmravd tarmar dose net interpret nature in lise tigist uap sud tisat i conclusion@ beiog iaty an! incomplets, araeva-cp; an! uutii ha studiea mature underelan!- iugly, uing a lutth. e ilstoson»,aua.8m longt villish. e ra or Isaeunder tise ban of sueititi-o n sd ignorance. Donnybrî>k FaIr. 1 Ftom en article ou "Dublin City," by. Profeeomr Edwrdo Douden lise oocepaecsmmntator iu tisaDuems. ber imr, va quoiatise following; "'Pisouis themirîblul eyae ai lameS liarrnoe aeau Se. tisa fair usit unsisoru: ai it. epeudors. Hers ere tent@ formoal aif long malt!..lu iro rowe, incined toitether at tise tep; oer mbieis for everiogt are spnîad patois- verk quiltp, ninnooing.sbeats, toge, biainats, aid pettioctta, acured Sp nopas ot hoy. A broom.-bsad etr aUl- wru brusis, a vateisrnan'e diecarded lsuteru. orontai by varsogated uagm torn ta ribbaus, mrve tisa purpoaa of tise tevrn'a ivy - butis; a tumty sastep". or. aI .plm.nflatia- eîn.. ub -mingie! turf, whisky, tamntng ptatoe., Duhlin Baybeigs-at beefau! cabisage. At dus a doses flddlalta sud pipera voul sirika mop ssd a rais of parbapa, a hundres! coupla verS a;aai iatoir jlWscapa 'lii lisey ail cff brlltobeau.' Matrona vomi! irimg tisa"#ebghd*rl I.1th' paradis. cf sakés a ans siPle cm- tisses lifântine svaot vuhiasltaiô muelaana vlS pe -ud iidruw u viili. UnIer 15e sommer muon' Young mason d-meldasi vanlulla Uait. »vaasMd.fit- -tise simpl t olug belote Patbsj, Ksermy, *bc, dala. tIsa *more matrisé. ea a'- rs b7* ahIath isaeal ifter Dostmybtook Faitb tisul n y twe monlisa durlng l»s oee he sear."'I tipi, hmvisipaole :Te a)i&r seIbea18 ut pour thse stomi, a feiglstie beau deo. cribai aasalu t "Ug senatsioan; s stick> $140a cellactsa aot feihos peclslylihe orning,tIiPSIa ps Pacinrtal i slt; batson tisecou- îr.ry, h appare ta a&«rvaito efeeling. The aea sara aunken, tiUgad rvus plIer g theo Sandeasudteest beacmis coi! suc stioby --é cel!aupsprtion. Ti sufaorera feel tired aIl the lime, sud Slep doea mot soeum te gis'. est. Ater a lme tise patient be- cmes mrouosud irritable,gSoI yhi. mini fille! vilS eril forebodings Wen rising suddealy tuons a recambant palion tSaros aadituluasa, a visistlin'g enusatiou, au! b a Iobligea te gaep aorntlingfirmln eeep trmaflllng. Tiahooi'custe, lise sein 'dryis! Sot at tises;j ise <aedSW coming liiniean! stagoüali! <lobs uat cmnonata propeniy Litera rime tise patient sispfaonan sitatita , ometimsa lusasial ermaRnte! cnuitionmarne- tiijea oveelis la thseleste. Ofientirnes tisets is a palpitation ofthlie beart, sud 15e r Itioteoreseonsay have haaa't disesa. adsdtise la the patient laeauabie to reasin ay food visatavar, as tisa opaoiug n tise intestines becsomess close. o e aaiy.so. Alihougis thia diseuosI.luisned alarmmng, ufferes ils t *e aisove-nane! sj'mptclms ahoni! molt eel narvona. for minaeisundre! and ninety-uina cases oui ef a lisouan! have neoSalins, lut elmply dyapepsie, c disse essI>'remoye! if Irealed in a proper manner. Thse aesi s!d-haut remedy for Use dises t. Baeigl'a Curative Svsup, a vetabla prepiraiou sol! by adIl oanit and mdacina rendors lisaougisoul tise verl!, sud by tise proprlalurs. A. J. Wite <iite!), 17, Frriugdan-aroad, London, lB. OTlSrpstrikeail tishe very faunda- lieu ~ ~ an u bdiaas!drivas h, ruai sud brenois, eut cf ties aptens. St. Mery.ttot, Peterboroughs, November 221, 1881. Sir,-11 gives me gava steet ta touso you of tise ienefit I have raciva! trun Sleigel'a Syrup. 1 bave beau troubbso! for peau. vilsdymipepia ; but mter e feu doses cf theaSyup8Ifaona! relief, an! sitar taie- lmg tua betlles utoiIt 1feal quite cure!. I am, Sir, yjanetrugIy Ms. A. j - Wbite. Wilia m t. Septembat Oti, 1883 Dear is-Ifln! the sale ef Soigeas S m isgîail lunerasing. AU Who baro t s*-i pakveryhigisly eci ls mediclasi vAnnues; one "oumler demoubes il saua "lGo!aand te dyopplsopOPIS." I aivaya aicommn! IL vilS coefdence. Faiisfuly jour., (Sifassl) Vincent A Wille, CGeisit-Demtist, Merlisyr Tydvil. To Mr. A. J. White Seigel'u Oparatiag Pilla antmhesohast ,aMUlpisytie tb ua sver beaundiscoeurad. Tisayyeeu a lfbavola irons&Iai rulletimg aubtace, sudi bses. tisenlea ilby condition. They curase etneas. PraselaSept. net,,188. My DurSr TYorgyrop and Pilla are eilvry pplr hml onstomets rnany- saying usy arc the Seat £arnlp m2=4cme pomsible. Tise olisar daey a ensImas came for tua bties et Symtp san«Id! '1[other Sehgal Se! mars! the lite 0f bis vià, and hoa dded, "une of tise bottles I amseaodlug fittoon miles svay teea trien! vo ise vrplW. I have Suaitmin su ." The saeke"peup vonderfully, la faut, ana vomi! faacy alamosl tissi Bissepeopia rare beginuing ta breakfam. dine, sud top ou Motser Selgel'm 3yrup, tisdadi lae, consat sud tiesatisfaction so su«t. i am, duar Sit, peurs iaitistuily, <Signe!) oW aier. To A. J. Wki.*, Bei, Spaniss Town. JameiaWsst lodlés, Ot 24 1881. Dear Si,-i writ o ta tfru pou tlSd I hava !arved great beasb front 84Balgal'e SysuIl For suas Imm 1Ibavse fïm LiaiCOlIalleViLS 1w;seinp ud eo<.Ib atomlSdti ale, e. that liue, W%@ 'uPospîn rniaer. T"el enthsle rnnadIte give itaiiat e t itiaL lue uer et lb. end! of iela MOuisiv eautlnuod talaingiiIa=ngs osyia su a dfeeat bigateisor 0lamil uf Certain peunt saitber "contaes aboom au! a blaaalng men»ma!1Ibava me reg- Sua le denSetise tuutifuboeoacf tbee mute- meut I1eau lrulp mi>, bemvr, th"a Salgei'e syuup scouma aM a usicn anbd& SleaaJajc0touaoi. Ibave reoomanadl itte "aVerai ialow-aumerm tram " aisang »dpcit a!thetu latiumy lp t tua ecaiae il tp yOus. Gratfiude the boucla I have a drve tfon tbtu ex. eliant paartrap<aps mete fauih yon vitfi 1515u toitsteatirneniel Tour. ewar gratefsllp <Siga!d) Cou",B. B""p, A. . Wbteq. Baplti ona" gnigw4Whbea, d'acle 14 Idr. A..Whit.-Dur Sir.-I wuefou ome imea sfhiea!vilspliles, andlvuad.c ,-visest give MolsatSeigals M8tp a&tris visicis Idi!. I am nov Sappptlu etlat t bas retoe!me lu comp4staheali.-J< romain, ponts ra.peeitly, (signe!) ohn H. Ligisfo. W. B. Hove. Agent. "Jrva8Not ms aUILt "Do pou Suce." s«Man.traM i membrue eof the nue. TIssParaite la enly &-veboped saler favorabbeeremataisemsud these xt bMtswep -¶(.hiebiffou, as lte ~hte o. i ieefhhreï Mpoiso -Itof i4sdm &W~L -e rn, up bmr~b~nthuaragermi- iab!la tiseb e.Tisem polaoua keop lte fultn4 lwIuhiai mmge 4 Ute Dose ilus coststà " d Irritstlüý tvirreaïy borthtIs deposit of tie seeda cf tit germs, visicis sptea! up the nostrils an! doua tise fauces, or saek of lthe tirat, eausing ulcezatiau af the ibtldi. tp tise Buatabia tubes, causiag de"fis;isuuetrwig la tise vocal eo'ds. eausiasg boassenei; usnaplng the r.aope.l structure ai the branchial tubes, ending in pubasanary consomption and deaiS. Many sitemnpts have been made ta discovea a cure for this distressing disease by the use af inhalents mnd ather ingenioui deviee, but * o teaitase trealMents cxii do a particle af goad until the parasites are cubher destroyed or reuaaved lbom the mucu s isse. Same timenteaell ~I-known physician c'f -,forty peux' Standing, aêçr Much daperiment. iwsucede lâýdicdl-rng the neeeéssary Smbinaibcu of inge4è iwb>Id nover (aihls luns.b"Maely sud perrnanently edcaL.nt oumr=or et7!lF5 Those w1ho MLY be- suffl'osg fron t e sbovo dises lolwt *WEETs NT~AMADA.-ont "&y, ommgneate wilh thé àhé managera, UMuer. A.L. DIo* & SN, 305Sâ. Kastrée iWo1t oeaoaadeMpfkdassdtreatiso <tee i meomn *p Wà9& kav ée. E. B. SùsvamnB. A., aC7erman oft/i» LandesCméféreieaf.*rMi.a CiaTA of Cmaida, LAm tuk n b.rqwrd t A. B. Dix,»a 6&** 1 & Mss.A. HL Diacut& Scut. d Qsr,(UT àO, CsaaMxet5,83 DMar -,W-Ycursof the t 3th lui t ta au.Tt oàmâ tbuss usaof- Catari, bai ute1 , iai 1 arn. 1have Lad no eisuof -the d.S. sd u*1Wattt4s i7lf.: 1 have trW ed muany MW gafor ctrh, uffée o cmucb sud kh ommnyeit tIb fù<a realixo thai1 am tomMy botter. 1 ensiMer tbat mine usa ,kqfrybad case. It vawu rvaed sudmrole.- # tt ihat M volas thse natal ussgsant si I 1thotght 1 wculd -requt. e> treawmeou im , fial m1ts toosent me, sud i srn b&aukul tisai Ivws ever sadunol t o ud ta ycu. You n eait iberty ta use this letter, mtin tat 1 have beecucuurs aet t»trestments, aud mai gladly c o ose f my (ramada uo mesuffrems on à Mou and Thangt GLEAXUMGa ream s.esvsou="n vA5IetTor auuaalik.. Don't marry c min Be moud hlm an! ueborm ilm. snob atiempta ara gin- etailyase vain sa!poerlouse asî'ti temptIs te tutu baie tisa flowing tids vils a viop ci st:aw, or outucat a isurricans vils a viisibe, Pruerlpi&onfe a Bostonpisyslcian, dia- e, ggb&ONE CURE u maidabthaput off vilS amp .tbSa. à, in", wvitbout avemas i t le Royal Patint vilsont a womau n su lul llehlmg Phle-Symptomeandmal ura Tise symplcamaura' molturelike Sp îÎtacbSg verp ieldeug, K.piticu. larly et *sumo et asi lm pin voe ercliuq lun a!&bout thesetia;., Use priva*e parla ara metlmes effeoct e!. if alloue! t. mutinua vety serions tessltu ay 1ev. " 8WAYNW8 OINTMENT" lacplouisauteoete LIe., for Teat, 1, IéSal IIIII -umS"IR Heal. Ro aese. lEarbesIi ui, Boea, lleal,euutauy 51.Dlasase lient byispsli for60 iaensboffe,*l.24 la ob;m pé). Adimea, Dr. SWA'YNE à& 8011, FItUalelSI, Pa. Bold Sp Ding- elas. Yousg <is.4 Young vve.Young amoibers, ou bhoU Use sceptre; lanyens' muots. aoncimura imihn rutisolaw of lallat,,io* ou tpi e Ue ftuty of tisa voi. sud kvisa ihe Ieeliny of lb. hoamo*rce eonlpsr bam ILml.y .E go.- Et isy, lm, de"t? Out o*l daugitar la manlod" mYe, b«- Io plaid If I yari lota bae ansi 'Vals m 1tg 'îjt bave**praîtiasi masattsa y altiwale I ove, aiW."t saTà mali i veet1 iy mot amau uvlng beau aqaauel. Geooga OM i lm edg*:nus l à emca is- irsù,Vr.Lovs'.Wcre ad ~ I oisIoo0 !4oo, oldler, tllI1 vhat yon nsof cis matIes." "Z env se oldias' Z aiu~a, wgjbily refponde lb. MItnai. Wbe Do lta 014 lauper oalSiy I ~7T~ Ilýe e I ~ho CIflbWag Corit o D' D1STI1CT Ã"FFERS!1 Every One a Bonanzar Gkbè iMai, ew, dvrtser, Witne!sSarane#Iéi- ing Weekly and Monthty included in, Me combination., i ADirect Ca8h 6.aving to Newspaperfleaderts PLAIN, COli SENSE, iON0 AYNGPROPOSITIOS WORTHI COiNSID ERING. OFFER A. F N -1 A I I:-Y WFITB;- eCHRONICL]E. meIiLud teÃŽOae eawmsubuoelptton to ZHE TORONTOW fou*" JlO a tR:*~ne fueplio ouruaUsm. lt-stands con- wtt!1=k tptuetieyoung' folks thse stostes &Bd thse na sktc'qe ubioremtuewt!b d1gted hwltbte edItorlals and _tnwlth THE TOR OITO DAI'Y NW. I lahamIt m"réwS.~c,9reap là ees u 0V07 iottn f utde o f111 ~ I1~àpOela aiirou& As an"wpaperi thbas no supêlor. asttxolllca puaoning ical news-noc. ms qelctigaai t abôhtely w ltt tléror favor a& to 'st Th pallutetaur.rpot'ro wrjÇWu~lail a humorous voM, £1 wthmux ad uea le.t t ' doesful isvtngrad nownanr.uci tBaccotaltaav*eaa#n rt or Rev. DrF. Tal. pomoinBrokpuTâte g A ~~Belle'& iNew York bie."Thse MnAotTwo~m.cssof people ad- Paahtoisk 'rt, Iuduatros, Litera ture, etc., et w - ete, s-market qixSta*touascope.ndt e coieuon.1. u ibe papes lbr tho youing.lb"ka ad the ol tblké Wililli k. Lt jut as.welL4 'Our spcltal clubbMnà tembrtng t wiffln roa"ohof Spcimen copies may be ý ia' »4 et tis s ffico %Bond youqr subicription lttisa oc. As tis-soffer ta limitod as t. timie e, od lea ur sbarlintili t: once. OFFER B. !The -Whitby Chronicle and the leading weeklies and monthlies at the * binatiou4 rates here naiïied. OOH~IN~TIOM RAme OC Et.aG LKKLSn" ('¶~4 Ifs ~ELj AGI. nlblieu-tlss'oe asaUsa &arA. 9$200ý 2- 00 20 -2 50 2 50 2 6 2 10 8 00 4 20 8 00 8 00 400O 4,00, 00 50 1 6Ã" 1,85- 8 00 20 20 peoisi -Cam- tU'5 sAIs. * M 85' 85 85 25 50 50 50 ~0I 50 40 50 40 fiê 5ê 50 100 Lif4 o i A--,« 1

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