Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1884, p. 3

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OFHE~4 ,é~ !a1.. i. ins.a,1 jsrnli.aoaimA 'L! a~ C bl.1U ~1J4I&VP~A Br'gu" -x Scarf Pins andCuIT Buttons -r Ohaùis~an~I Sèu~Is ~6 ets~andB~n~Ie~y ForEouySt, jaii dCkaus- JOHN ',se BARNARD'S, WA~TOUMA~R, JKWEt~L1~, ÂND ~NGRAVEB, MR. Rose JOHNSTrON BuyaurmuGoos~a EU. Brai. 1Tin he aetBcoSm,* - . 1 ui.9s. ""p >od. I - I Wlncey la Oacbrnore t Andreir M. I O&ps ocl7 $45 at *l sse.sln ws M.EouAM D, ow lot anly 750 QooaEmparinso els at Boss linos a .1 gea sRate justi fiue range of geste [Mv M.Bo. got th.ue IM &ait* ooda ia Wbliby a»d olautbhmaket #A osuners af où vii Qum sCity on Oo's. nuiulu 1,for to Nov York. Firet by to Nov York ýy 04 tri Whbyte. B. sopbo»u . T. a oode ai Bou Brus *, TokIOlatim Oto- Victoria TiIII la I*0 , rua1i ew, pul gaiesbto bras .fatNew OnIeaýAt sceniber1501h18, BU. O.mee e. "u whltby ie Nev ithu. ~ 'T ]EL~.S. L~dis'BaekAstr LadieeBlaek Fr AL Very EakbeRoey Mr. Gco. V. WMM, ciaachai baba tu v# p, »bas bain amait boiùdnot lM vu ibe ai"ab*hat ah t»o Bottisi of Electilo Bitai, ma liis uttma8, that a.uoabte ortffbo it garni yir#m7d pot.a, u ftut «Wht repusa? isA bmtum oh ,2 coi,"pl. x b Cm , oy iitct Lad ites o Shvet MOm > vUocSIU o u rpie ailuia .oorn TMiSsu. -II b SMO'. I.vhimaUa» aia ,oorna, for PtU~fh55 ar, by ia ro p oraliMu, ti »ewareof imita.iloisof - aup d .t0fUL dMioe iius iai a meo. Vettt *0 buoomnf =1 *roi W~Wa boul le ouuletuntsat taheots "A bé bqsej *<n4bXguiêI lue ~Ui~~~ _!inwoiIa FU RýS Gents' c. Coon Coats Gents" Persian Lamb and S. S. Seal Cp Chuldren's .P.ersian Lamb Caps and MuiffS ~LEW IN IA EPOR Reevêdper Expres WRITE V FOR P-AIN' Qtlasgow Wareh Grand Trunk Railway and SEJ~LJN( GrandaTunSde and 1 TICKET AGENOV,, T.logrphoLdcWhty, u. Oncitroft port Hio *~IroqfrmWRlb7 :b7m *ik4mg fer M A~ mo-. TIIEASUII'ER'S 8ALE 0F LAND8 FOR h THI TF2TlAS f virtue ôl a MWarrant nder the hand, of the Wardon ana the Seal of the C B clf the Countyutf Ontarto ae the Fil Lb dal of Soptembler,184con 4to lovy upon tholuds ~e ntion i>the following list for arrearà.of ai] conta, es hereianset forth. I bexeby gite notice that unionss neh anrreitut smuer aid, I shahl, in compliaucei with the Assesamen.t.Act, proceed b oU b, ÂUOTIUN, the said auids, or so mach tbersof se may ho 11000 for the 1f5 Court Hanse, in> the Town of WHITBY, ou. IJBS3DI, the MTYT DZOBMBER, A.D., 1884, at.the bout of TEN o1c k inthe foraflocn. TOWNSH4IP 0F,, BAO. i Ss fdl<>En g l n dA jnoux>t Co»ts n o a, >5 ILFLP~lart Lot Con. Acres of Taes onis.-fl Amouhit 1 Ifathho 2 a 1< 10 89 2 86 <3 2.75 North part No. 1 un plan 14 0 6649t1ou 29 19 288 82902 S. part. hafN. 8 oni pln 6 9 70 87/100 4538 3124 1-4862 8:.pa.rtN.W.partllo. 71on'flI15 iV181/4 10 55 2 87'12922 T 1N 11 1 T T apart NE-pat N. 8on'1.S 9 1324/100 988 285 lâ.23 ~I II .4 k H X ITOWN8aII.- 0F PICKEi liG. North. westeurfler ci S half 24' 7 lori 2 216 45 E- Part-Southuater 2' -BFe 6- 843 21l9 5462. e FAIRPORT IN~ PIC]EBlNG. Water oNe. 8part S. hlf 213 B P 4 1-211 142 TKI4Watert17wo.4£artý.h5lf 23 13? 8& 2 18 r INCY. ON ,TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. Southwvent angle part 19- 3 21 5-68,24 92- VILLAGE 0F CANNINOTON. Cameran street 12 1/5 24 21 r- 2 71' 26 92 7a-am u r t-~ 1 1 F ,9 1 2 4 5 - 1 6 6 %smR '~~T7T7.TOWN SuiIP0F tiHO1IAH. Part South af 1 9 80 -8 70 2 20,, 5 90 TOWNSRI> oF RAAMA. Nrl a 161 4 100 27 84 il 8Q 8064 iltIh1f1 A 100 2681 277 29 58. ou e, W hitby. 14 B 1lm 242 >2- 1 27 13 io s yt15 B 10O Z5 0(à 2 27i82" 5 E -100 24 45 *271 27 16~ 6 BE 100 2788 2 80 806ô, 7 E 100 2445 2 71 27 16, 9 -E -100 20 99. 2e3268 962 -5 H 100' 1686 251 18,86 ý2 100 _15,40 -2 49 17- 8e 18 ii 100. 12 856-242-15 27, ........T0WNSIR1Y 0F BERK. Part North4anL quartn r-, 7: 14 82 18.08 245. 164 x OUT I.- E LING OIT! T0W N8P F" MAVI 14 5 00 .126 . 2L6 0 A0 1810 1' - 1. _4l R-ERT, OAMI>BIELL Directs utteutin tO 9- f8w Spec&alS MouO,01c555 1550,8,$8 ans$90omeradmglt108 8 101 and 12-50. Al»s. Tobl uc h tfeq0. suit. cquily cbbap Wiaoys ai5~ O, , 0e ~CINCLXan d ina o*oeS.4 t>egrau eib1e sEcii t16e é;;4l.=ai b l i Ldi"ýsa'. tU bli rmiOpt for saubsrlptloul, etc., sud atranstut tbIq nidiy) o*vanâ ag ooîmmeuaig ai elaves, 41k sud col ordinal? business. 8xsk e.. -Our £4», UodidtpIment ù1.511.4 PersiaLamub C to-vaowngWih DO e !*ôgoodsWbb b 9 se.----- bouit, laistruménu ts 14âI lme par aSetlbheDry iE CEMBIER 5th4 1884. TloplIoce 0.liba is 6eup1a~i the of busineas offices of le '<";i- »à uBy youFlanute -- --- onu.igv ilbth* ooffibf t -lâb mye mf ta ibe store Met Dvsrel'a Blok. <,» U ,*U057 LOCAL AND OTHERWISEI n q m lt.r poianlt ton6- 4aw u ruot.a CHAT IS GOA GON lm TOWN3AKD ELSMWERE. A t.bh .u t foui udovKmue rnG BUDGET OF UVELY UEW$ ATtêEANOS ae CH RGItLE REPORTERS AIDOOOISPOKOIENT8. OutrOotbing deparlmesl àlinbte g~~~I oct£ b.st iha4pe for aupplyaite uli in- ..~î1samax>g y.,taiin u.t.a. Trouilugae. We are i tu m ' f ath heml pron ILî" portaitigoode of au l*" ýsalu oaiee.ý *ý. Decacnbcr. - ~Our, socklt. immuse, a"tifor Suitlp,.' ifscl 1ao S0otch d asiOndal, Tv» mM*tt ùei Dot b. eqoa-l1dil a b Ouy- G e. Fine ukeling. - s* oiuaioume oodem dee. Olâ iIÂTZs Waroleer uatinar. . y. 1Si*art <IiS-it Wbi Boasinai boomlug at Boisa Bro. m ààoTh Chrialma ihnacveeko'tram jeator. P* y WUIor ou as P*~ rpomble fbosu dey. in th. semisbut the cme' B.o Over Coatinea, fulstock ai O. F.- tbheb.New Draas SiepseLs. ibm ~themore expetiuiloa ilvmysaadmores r:lua 11 Ladies' blk.Astnol se acket#.. . Msoc oly e sagalng "bt w&y ma's TWiOai " I M. Rosa. t- te talm ac»aporie na Y vale.tlbsgco. meobanic' Institutoe zecutîvo r- The . simubarge Vos. Z,M asti brovn, cardinal nlilto' to-night. schooner--Yagt b~ ae tson oui bro*», smg bra Xmas Goots arlulg dalos-o st i ey ibis vek. elsidp blus,. m Bros. wtarali.' c idr »Weanid.Bs. o-Uuder' Hloworth'i 1"Hiborulica" <1ro w oar 011sietudrthéM.Race .bcMpor bous*me uay anlt, FatalesliasosFuue.A.is 9101>. i aipatoran ~elan musical and lteral > 1nt extra Veali'w a . rart.. valpruenute4 .et- theL eu" ofus 3 A KnLRT AcÀ=-Fridey eveniug lutsi n theo bamaii ,t i St. Au4rle &" Orab Ms n atur Mr. Johu Widwu aspsutete 1y ihe un Wedzuaay eveuiogs. Tb* osinr ro da, empoyas a lb. M ,<t M1' Wallo k os ccpisd by abthe on, Ev. ., Te Bnci ftudri v i l re,'t>folweniy- Abraham', vina d.elr.4 é b sbprtý"l savon dollars .,1r1 W011 - ibo L i tdon thoeL-work aofe t» ttIi mnans *udetre IiV Ii bu lamehd About 14o wir e sied lq tb it agtaIs cnrgi"f tino grbâdîâg libn theudny, menicin" gos. ouad lb. Zetas ,and ffl a 90c0VÙ favocrite, bu. tra M isi.>.- , -CO41M vrbsufflismbaie rendreti lun.pable Tous OouucrL-A eua stl à5u af irk. cf thnoTown Concil vbs- b.M g jjÇ Ocrt sock a fU m7odsado sDowir «aely en Complets. 8peoiaý lices direât tram Bof a.... Ie ong, Mqs.rs,'Fos, 01 1h nbuaiirt.No middle' profit - ai RnSah el4aeaBr. butWtbe.efilinIdur custolnatu. lun,11oberteon, Dovumy, terat and- Blaukoesandtgi t7ar vsare *feriug Waaley.-Tbe usinutus cf lb.prouald4bv thm i Iboleeleprie". Look lu j oe tbg og e re rtadand ouin moums and eIle ba8wai. F. 9,t*ue's> ooflrmd.-Mf. Long bSoegbt up as 1b, A RstIeA".- RIu.i.o<eGorgeWerner report trom thea Fines OpGm"it@6; propeer nlpn Pi eat, caéihilog of a Tbey bad fly oonidered *Petàüi ivo.tbtgdm acre lot ith fruit Inmos @te., Institut*. Aslltag foat r of e! wau, nionrpoavrof aiamonigogeta opochos. boake for Ibm lbnmry»d Smil s kucoketidaim 'L sotion, by Levi ing ieta seccount the 8"alé( tIe FarakEq àa rmsiraug's batel, Town FiuaeOes a%ÎLthe preseut Mee'sXe5 - Saiurdiyi ta Kv. Woe Oblvely for Lhey coulal ual recominna tbatamiy w sfi 850. gv &nt b. rade doring the. outtyait. Carpois, Lace Certaine, and Lambre - 'i 1>0118 ai tin. bli b asio"dr, t séfoau a goba soy Ca.batibaincoudreey î Xul lcaî 11111b14mei. udoirM 8au, îhey wouldreooenead ibai lb. a7OU55 iakz Nacir Ta4b.4101c OrrncaTown Su 1 ci:uîarb. lastruc" dta leaus ashmsomi. Nzw Tt ONS oBeflvay miUo.for th*.#Ur- Nqtgoioke Teopho*oe.4 - posey penofati co aoug the. amounîof eut oonoueid vilb iaT Tnnk Lin* Sysiem bod 'r__________ghA O e theo iollowlng nowvOfices, vî-Acion, To beninug ti'néort "Optel& ______ Brampta-, okln. Mne F#- -Ir.1ox mmoasied by 'Un. Devsey Goodwov& iLverpool Mrkel, Mrs - motetia t éý- ibmTomniwa Mah boni, Mesdavval*, l'rt pernh,.iltrtal proy ort ommit.o b.e aspwet.4 &0 <>m of Juriulo1'g Lrte auftviIlei t-malie $MWcb atlons oulb. Butober wu oln -Belovlls tae as ,rlbey ana s. 1 p »m& osé t ak.oorAe.ml buave BleUs Sm, 1 "as2-034 sudta u s a ébastre al»Msdbeen o.rW c'aou qille *no»»- ~sitorationa îl Lheb. Qlaria'bouss.é&a*tlnio*fd br touHamlton tsthSeni l.U dTown Hall asnnayben.celu5Y. ohstg UOqrl -oser the 11ew Ues. counoil adjounnsti. kPù o4 Gooda ibat aro umfl me irsl xas mw<OuT ix Ro Fuxo&r »% à li 'i*a~n6I~ midoheapet thau 0501 at Toesday at noon tafn tw rel b urehmnow. Wb" Éoue Broc. uchoo.bôo ba4 a illgout AboutMdul i Navssu' Nae~sg-TO apn omothing antiad api l a o 0onl l : ai Kinaalm scinool, Mr. R. J.,N.itidetY, valot van 'agnod, aniuo. T80i4 Icu -or w - esober, for them nontb ai November. sihooî va. ont. pae-thc tat, enbmt.smv IM luth O laas1Lyâta Bidman, 2. LW&. ci Ex.Msoar GraivOod' isaia". Z * mlaiI ULaksy. Forb a e-,o. 14-. By tb. limet-lb. bwout tb&tÎ!ibad getîs, 2, John Poulie, 8, lamai, Har- a vdnearly every, boy 1i tbëhoiice ve.y, 4, Fred Bogmna, 5, Ohal.y Mac- hai p avy or alier bardfti b TOT Emnerson, 2, Hmtmlet Emerson, 8, Elle tly toaoui 'èohr othe prospbl-V#produioeThin Wstaway, 4, Jeunis Fowie, 51 Allie p>giîîg Il vas genetally o00=8400dubme4uolscia t Wmathoriti, (l,îifFi V.ateoauhe tia bllomr-0 a'c!u, Erddio B.dt" .a8-tdmMwbrày,. 9, tva vaniti tio.up 'she otier là PFrank 'Lakw».. A1. Tblmd Olei-4, îdn rjars a a o M*y ' ttmtow Esu M. Rogoru, 2. WMlle Lawiou, . 8. tino hepnlnolitpuitc .t, eel iýl mû$O** Bolle MoBien, 4, 'W ilson Bogars46 , â agOfu iepotraa oj~d5 l.D eni. St. econd Cla-1. L4cha .1 o ofavtag P'~ Movbray, ilNos nLidgqtt., , lai e ioroundwiis td =a Saditn*i 4, Thos. Radman. Jr. Second M'OAdao.l TbeisB*tYplvas t 10i b Ola-1,- Plhi ovlie,>2, levis avorcocha by the.Mait a Ma .ý 'Rgss,8 Sni Woalberi, 4, Elilas yckr fl.siW b#d- -Ernonsn. v17 waîr ofh. Ih hi Oerraox-Oe arbo ltiai itura anc bhàue-lig -thqodiietil ~~~1 Obi* Mtfty. Tbs ,illtyBcf S, Iilb chut/y "un- té D. 0. iby. Pv-ice- BRIP 20=08. 1885e icoon coats jýw 6 9L loi ,Ac 4 1 SELL ING

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