Bu HMloùiis op Enrvix &LiéJ B&1INT&I ORtYRCi Elses aev. À. plat«. ~,B.A.- Ret. IL.iE' IROHC, (lPort Whltby>. D'ay,.W. a. Womnq, 1MA. Incmenet. M 11eahl.C'ausm. hloo0p.m. lu TownuBoal O&MA.NXS THODIST OHUR.. serviesKt 10:30 s%..sud 7 p.m. ST ÂDIMWs- OHUaCli! Preabyttrsa 8ev. Xac. Abraliam, * laster. Mervictet lu a.m. sal p.rn. sev. J.r.Basr, ' . Pator. Service.ai 11:00 a. m sud 7.«O p.m. IL 0. OHURCE, <st. John's). Boy. itis mocamI, - Prieat. er.Vloa at 1*80&.m.rn.sd 7 p.rn. ON THE WING. Time ar Arrivai antiDopasturc of Traina, Matiseand Stages IITÂND;ÃŽi TillE. Brueu F.itaIM i 4. P M. puma.. 9.42.-- jRîjre.. 9.17 - LoW 1 1.43 - SONDA Y. legprest 75-air. lps-sas .25 à an. '-i i-30p.i.. 9. " 42 a ns.j: . 7.(4 p1). . Sunday. ltnr,.00 SMO Mtditaad R,,Ute-a5. Town. xvm 7:30 ~r lap-ua Ie-top. I MAs-sm Ju,îs'tion. 7 li ILum. 12.20 PMI. 3.80 pas. 6.66 p.cm ST.AGE8 Lsavsfer O4awsat 10W i.an d .00 p. s. oughau ai 930 s&. Whitby Poat Office. vu mss Wun. CLOSE FOR 9ma sas lilo p.u. I 7.510 p. he l.North 10 Opm. sFos- Brougham 9 ama For ort pss-s- uiy. 3. 10 P. illi uUVm. ?RAM MUS 505 U'coms-rtiu . utrougbaz5M Op.m. cessa Mais close Fridsy 715pas. Due Moaday 10.803 a.atu. Positaga teaGueai lisats-As' parer uas', b, Mc&liote. RBe<'t-atione, c n. MuNIT ORfsca grected n éI mil MoavY Os-tes et Mes. atu naaUnitsediStates.-' OrttBn-ta., Prime a Llw santad, Newiirndiaind ad1 ina. Ditisre -celi.-o.t rcitihe reguIar -'mn. A th. Pue& Offce Saviniga iianik b.twee he. ar'h-en-. 1 *a. m. nd &3 p. lie.ciirud Lettes-s iiu.t lie prmri'd là iiirnm ret bef nec the cus.tnnm as-h m.i 1i. Otice lW-rg 5 . w' 3 . nrr îmrbn)set. 04an4it i ra%-Itkg n lin-- l mn 111Ui rt ht tlninnîhere go a ra'er.-rrs'mAs -I t'..uî i. For Arigriiî, t D-rninîumrn-rie larnmi . Sît. min n sd Ireatnureù, a,-e-ltxilonerunea t&, Mraniirns, NI'êriulainnl, Ntrwat V- i, a. Pua 'J£»fltq ouiuan , Ruia,.. rPierre, lervta palns heCacar- latgni, Awert, S w1Ucs-lan adr..e =. urvia UidSates: Brua Baases gà aDan4alone o t.Toms =*ai. J LieStUrix ic, Ja i ,and Portoa lW ice vNoea;idwamd 1>5ev lils atal Union babtbtii. uaataili. esrnm e oon.> Latimu ô i$Mtepér i ousi. Po"talCarda 25nesmch. 301e010apflOM Sfor 4e- Iem e ligtratton Fer "M eA paile Cmblstlas,.Bs-mil, Nrltmls ui~~l~. is-eaiaa , m.Ca.- ais laA~m MiesOcmai a m naria., asmus 'ORiPime "su eod el4V art»Oum, Prugmcoon-la ' âAi oomc pseisk Cl" W«uisia. Mn Oiise n à mmaima,*un*.pCuba sMM Porto Rilco, Straits $U#êtaae t a5aa o,_W aff Puaaa«m sad Maaa LUisis15e-as jos. B"o.,,c..,ilite. for téos. Ober n fsnatstes Io ouata, v..s lu"liga alm.via eliUa. m roseas ormuii>. Fripas-mni 5s- saup ln ailOum& . &VA= " % Ne w SeuilsWous, victorta) t-Lapn e»la.Papsan-,de. Aratali. New Sout ileus, Viatos-ta, Qumma.- Sudl,Lstemlà cie.* papis-ta. New BiasMW , viu Su rauciieo -Latm ia m p oat.C. Nouait, Porssmaa.r. Thre Old Story. I A htliai rase ido, A bodgorow uie Flrwr-laden ; emalden. A s-amy face, A simuple grec., Somo isugirter. "Adroophmg besd A fo-W wrd, aia- A coLlagea door A vali-zwapt doos-, Pis-o baisag- A planant mis-t Ta weary vilit Raeturnaug. Tire days varli oor And hum. nn or ea At leisure. At evontide, Bp Mar-y'% aide- Sveet pisasure. I Tva grs--awn-raves, Soefa lltrles. Audmi'sdows; Tise nmsdoi, Lite, lli, sudd ouud Abova ths ~d %'by remi avlua TM Gad'ovu elia Avaki ileu. Thlo pub mlonmm ahuove ebaegous?, Na,.imvor White lads simli love, * And lansumaprovo True aver. KHow W Maire Your Oaar À lady tuepetlug hb a esury mlght bave lise, teck t lu tiesa rly eveniug, after IL lied gane toc recel, sud spik. lad It OVaiL t b theuseot powder usually sold at bird stores. 8h. than oov.red thea tep of thre cage with a tow. ail lishecourse of tb. eveming ae. plokea 115 ice from theb. Lela. 8h. maeirI brhW hppy by killimg 115, lic. tirai vas-aliving upcu IL. s bava essaS b7 aperieaca tht uothing ,"deumeAotetise bhspiun.sof our eanaries. ltirante boy U"etan saut mites m dbang tram on Ihit saga mm the MOi la"ule lis bthé, ta", m qmhOPow . lt 70a - 095.i umuL. Wh (Lord Lytton.) All biograpîies begin by genealog3 aud with reuiron. for muny of thA il onces that swuy tire dostiuy that oný not witlr the grave, are alreaily forme beforc tire moitai niters its fisst va 1 n tire mrille. E.lward l3ulwor vas boru in the E tie bouse, No. 31 Baker street, Londo: --nov occupied by a mulinera sirop on thre 25tir of May, 1808. Ho vas ti yoîrogesi of titre. brother., tire on chidren of Gonoeral Earle Bulver,, Hey don in Norfolkt, by iris mars-isu witir Elizabeth'Barbas-a, the daughti -sud( solo hon-osa of Richard Was-burto Lytton,of Knebwos-th lu Hertfordsb jr Hi. Iatîiers family hlehng lies sottleil in Nos-folko, sud by a mries( mas-nage. vltir irerees, ibusons ha becorne poasease of vide acres an tatel bornes. The Boivesm mo gouisi couniry gentlemen, liard livirri w as-mly loviug, cot always visely o veil. The lies-ry side of Edvsr Bulver's cirsacter came frarn tr motirers fsmily-tbî Lyttens. lu 1804 hua failier di.,! leasing ou anijeet a baby iu as-ms. Tii, lad tirs ealy. pehaps coi uxifotun 'tel1 orphaneil, lvel a retiroil lifé, cieil in tire cornpany of tva literas-y ladies- liie moers-asd bis gsand-csotber - )y nudistes-b.d by mauy eveute, thongi witir the uturosi sall ir is vors-km h hoe tbrowvua azse o! Iancyoves- the foi tirai occurre,!. Edward Bulwer's rehool teaclier - ere liedants; bis selroolnsates wore, i generai. rongli, ard rsnc-lin-tlio firsi * îwen' v yers ofnItire ce-tury vere r coarser ago etlianotins Vet es-ci nov, i lad of a sensitive, poetic nature, liai, r bas-i tins. of rt. Tiret us the liappiea- boyliood viierein tise necessary instruc- tion la given at scirool by day. sud tire lad rotures after sobool hours toa u intellectuel home,. Frouahe laisem- 1 Iulwes- learueil littie, but lire ran gauned vides- lites-esy Ltoes froua lii a cholar grand-fathes 1 ooks. Ht learued lie grand experisuco of 1f. b -dsiftiugearly mta love, while eailli u boy, eta Iters, wvide ihe; average lad vomiS hava thougiri only ef s-euLiae lassons sud reuigl reesa gamas. Wisile at sehool, 1< la obviens fs-cm <atts istsly given ta thee vend, duaIMontar Edvssd wvauesobstniparons and tom. vIrat unmanaible boy. In oeeoa tie l"IlpbMa d, nufiutiaed sal fictions:1Et islites- 1f., ire bispainteai frocsm mes-ry hua ov portrat s. s eboIboîr; and thre id.lity oet Ual portrait a attesteS by use close rom. blanc. te lbu. mcccl mater' sketcir of b isa iubis sons biogs-phy. URem, peras-l * issILl tun gte oo.ey large a part of Lord Lytten'a novels vi autebiographicai bav csany etfIrie dus-aciers ver. talien frocs nature. Tirs meut iutes-esting sud instructives-sali. dues of bis lifé eve. iterveven vitm iri vos-k as au imaginative autrs-,Rar- ly ha. a vi-iter of fiction inapiredin lua vider cii-cie of readers, a moselegitim. ately oager cusiosity about hjs lune, lif. sud ia relation te iris enties-ciscurs- stances. t At eigirteeu, ho veut to Cambs-idge, Ts-nity College lrasing beau selected for bics. Hie firssites-i meas ateS and melaucboly, for raotok tics. te und iisaet; nouter did b. bIte bis college, wvire-hie canidor.,!irshis ter .ta rude sud cearme man." He changeS lrieColegesudfounu ieisfrienda,- hiacnla- su C.Bulles-, ae pil fe Cayevrtv of trou-a brilliant band. Ailes- loaving Camsbridge ire travelleS iu Europe for a season, sud roLus-na froua Paria rn Octobes-, 1825, respleudont fs-arn the saloul"af tire.poliabed French, ho met Remue Wheýtes-, sud etk h51 eas-nest sud seriens 14v., cempas-eS vili viricir fermer experiatmoei vere but tIre prepas-atian for tis ~passion vhiclihaW came thre fleetiug joy sud tien tihe deepoît ragedy of Bulves-'s 1fs. Nos- vau iL eurps-lsing lhe mieuid have beau esptivled. A lady, euoe okuev irs a falvy&eareaflervards lias vsitteu, tirai ana type of masniicn pysi.a beauty Boives'. molier, jeaimof etinfluenue eVes- lier sen, sud tins by no eas Seaisonsetftbroving hlm hastuinl the vay of suy attmactive Young vo. man, wvs s tsst.ied by p eli eugulas beauty of Miss Wieeles-, tiret sheoenly Lb. more.- ds-.v bisattention ta6ber, viran "vith a strangely trembleil sen-$ Dimpling Dashes. CLIPPCD s-OM TIM "COeIaLIC'S" CeglO Haudy men-Glove-a. Cas-toau-The re ivei-'s viistie. Tee thn-The "iîving skeleton," A slriking subjet-TIre hammer. Matrimonialbureau-A match fac- tory. A «Umtirag avant-On. <bat suc. a408 tire.oison. Whi setié»à drdo vs aivays Itail#amualau baVsan. The 8ematilng s01 mm ay-I os-des MI M.r.diti." Men sud Thînga GUANINGS F15035X&M ySOUaRCasON à VÂRIKTT Or SUBJETc'S.. Oif tbù S3.0000,000 in t..îe, r.cived in ue day by tbe tai coIIector of New York city. th~eÂAsto4 Iamily paid $42., ffl. 'HUV~<'wg e. e sais. Praaca-ipU.tlo f a lIo,,t4u phyxician, dia- susjed year. by a B".»dxn drugpist ONE LOSE %-sI1 cure an y w-rdiary couir. St ots sirnos mnagibally. -Aak W .R& iowua %r à a15cent bnftle of HUB"»COTYGH UER and don't, b put off witli suy othar. The manufactura af matches requis kaouslly oear tites million dolar Wrstir ofWood. :eChing PllesSynpîomsansd cura. The sysupboma arn <oistura, 11k. waopirauiot. Intenée itehlng. iuceasd 7 msrteblag, va,1 distsmming, partiu. nly at lgha, sie se sil pin.-Worms vrs sravlmg lu sud about Lb. retum ; ae privat. parts aram orneairea affct. d. Uf allsvsd to soutinsveryserions suat. map folio.. " SWéYNBS >INTIMNT" a aplassaut, sur. eus-a. séo for Tattar, Ith ait R baum. Sodd mad, ElpOlsa, Barbera' It"i, iossire,Sîal yeffaty Skia Dissa. unt by mnail for 60 cents; 8 boxesj .2à à tauips). Addraaa, Dr. SWAYNE & ON, PbildeIpbit, Pub. Sold by Drug. etian, ho beield bis fate before him." The marriage, which vas bitterly op- pOod bYbyhlmomers, iegau n h e su Rd estraugeurent Of the. two.-inother and Sa.-and this estrangomnont ouly [Uended 9etrtirely when the. eIder lady's id. anticipations rse fulfilledl aud the ied romance had euded in disappointment ail and Permanent seParation of Bulwer Thre story of tiroir uuhappy liveaas. lt- told lu theur cors-iependence wbich )no Lady Lyttou's executsrx, Mima Lauisa Den.y, bas just given te Lbe word. la Iefui] of fuatian love tuned te bitter bats, hoef sorrowfnl ecenes of maritalMiss- ily euahug i epas-tion. 0f eue occasion, Of ini a quars-el at Lb. diurnes- table vben g~o ber bîrebanil, eiing a carviug linife, ýer rualied at.lies-, Lady Lytton vs-et.- Du 'I sid, 'For Goda saie, take car re what pou are about, Edward il He nu thon droppod thre kn.lfe snd, springiug Ofon me, mail. bis great tetir meet lu d my cheeli, sud Lb. blood spurted ever il me. Tire agocy vas go great that My re acreamus bsougbî Lb. servant.s back, sud 9, proseuîiy Cresson, the cook, geized him )r by Lb. coliar; but hobels-ke froua him, rl sud seizirg ene of th. féooman's hais as in the hall, rsuued down PicosdWly." IrBulwes- Lytton broke ground as.a s- novehast ini1827, wheu -"Fal.kiaud,"'a Stale deeplv tinged witb tlie lurid colos-- ing of Byron's style, appeareil. Thon lY came IlI>elham. '-probably his Most -populas- production, In this short sketch, Tua CituoricLa canirot at- btempt to fnlly, folloir ont tire li8t but Sbrreflv t10 notice that sncb mnbealirhy novels as 'Pîaul Clifford,'* aud "Engene Aram in siwlic'h a roblier and a mur- dorer are elot.bed witli heroio liglit. affordid very smail promlis of surces- a -rri.and -Tih-La-t of îh,- & Baronsî,' and stili inialler prromise of in a tbose nsatured works. -, Tihe Cartonîs." -, it-MV NON-el," Rai1,-Wiiut mi lieoDo t> *wîîlrIL ? "-m wliciî tie novélist, tur- mgin,[roms baser orse,liras str.mck upon a vein nof pure aurd lustronsa gold. Bul- wse Lytton'm earlue8t lites-as-pefforts r( wr iroctod te verse making aud,mors a Sthan once hro ias seius-nsd <o Liscform fée of ltcrature. A poeiman 4"Miton" ilaOZ cousiiered te ha bisi hast Englisi ver»e. Ameugithéplays tram ibi, s atils &a Peu, "Richelieu"* sud "The Lady of ui LT-ous" doses-vsecialmeution snd asIl retain Lhir- oularsty. &It is ot, Ilc perhape, genaraly kuova, vrslia rcompelsut cocs-poudout, 4'tist the pu f 'Lady et Lyon&' vas breugit ont quise by aconymoualy, sud tth&month isaugit of la is fis-t Produsctien, bayonS Maeredy ve nud Boives- Lytton hiumUl, no eue ilu&ti tLondon liad beeu allewed te mevlihe sdo secret cf thesa uthorelrl of lie play. re -Betven teateDcens lio ado: beau oe of a delihted audience, veut AI beinmdte sne tatalk oveteplay Es viti Macs-ady sud Bulwes-, ccruga. Bit latsg Macrealy an iris veuderful ju-SelB permanation of Claude Moluaîte. Dick in eus vas lu captures vith thre viole 80 tbing, asdudskod Halvas- viat lia giri * iouaglut of it. Buter affected te Sund some fanlt vii t-te plot, sud suggeated imps-ovarnts boe.asd tire.iu tire varions siturations. 'Cerne nov,' said 00 Dickens, lit is not bike you, Bulves-, le 41 cash aet sncb amail tiingsas. tsose. Tire mauvlro vraie tie re lasray have uuitated pour work boresaà tuera, per- baps, but hirl a denced clever felEvl for ail that. To bear pou pait se un-pe fairly is aimoet eneugir taem on.e think L"atyen as-e lealona.'" The Papes-stir. Doit Meo-iç ladeS ei.Pl* play lotie aties, ev.n BO'sefr «s. ta euggest tIratitiL vuld be vl for Ms-.We Bulver to ake patternu by tis un- .4 keovu vs-uer, ndtep to impros-. bisa.C self te Uthse.pas-icular pointse i ir Lb. anenynrous autior cf "Tire Lady cf Lyous" bhah basuseobrilliantly sucee fui. Abrout il fortuigiri laies- Bulvassi auihorsbip of tire play vwsumade Bts kuovu, te -Lb. miugled oanistes-ustion a sud amusement cf Liee ries sud tishe generai publile. Lord Lyttm " also v mpai mmnn .: ence as.au oes-ansd politiciau. Hé s-ai diaS lu 1878, aud on bisauthepsteasu i Earl ef Lytton la falen thec[=iof E tije ftier ; for ne leusà lataisou dis- bau timgulsirdaM aS tatuearnan nSdiplomai he tihsu as a min - of lettes. Tise ex. Vice-Bloy of Ludia, for Blver Lytéon'a sonoone of the tvo boys bor= cdfliai 'I unirsppy union, bau bonorabty ass-ed BIt as eus- quee'a rapreentatve n is-mlug Bsitain's great empire lu the sait, 'la kn4ovu viereves- mode-n nls- ie.ic Wbeu Beed.Oorn. i l tR  R W huekiug the cern, save <lie Tan ps-asSie, nlsu boat sud brigirteat earavith four os- ive ~ &c4., eu e vesMI bmoka attscired. Whouen enugli ara igatny by &ppls-lsg Iruaeoite malta a trace or bs-aid ive:3ZO1 ets-ecg cerd, sud bn nthre istesu sais,5sue asua Eectial wail to dry. It bang@at<ber.liitirs pato,2e50PritUBroLL kes-nelu et th.ecund et tireeasoussp off, Da pal D s irougu Lhi i la ng l a celui, dry place tsl pfkà ning tIfmie. Thiesnlcbeflit soeeSoauraitst theoob Sous neot goi dry, sud tb.e hit of lithe orna imoisis, the au se rusa lb ih "an t mae r ne tr-oubleasliUt tarui.am4 tir utuas, ms ob i. hiaek Mlasly.1 k DYSPEPSJA «MOPY, INDIGESIN, fUJTrERItIG JAUNDIC£, OF THE HEAIT, ERYSIPEL4S, ACIDITYOF SALT RHIm, 11E STONACN, HEASTBUN, DOYNESS HEADACIIE, OF TE SMN, Ands mvrs- apseisa .«'dfl>SPWoefw e .: m s a r n - c e . 1 , r m s , a tg e t, a , NORTH AM-ERCAN FULL GOVEMMERI EPQI VICE PRESiDENTm- HO.ALEL MORRIS,MP. B. JOUX L. BLAIKR.BM. ra 3a Canadeaed CradJltorn0u WILM MoA"B, net.IPPJ ThaOurtJmii alsu-nouite t e asedo" adnaeessim c f i te are =iOotin- tsoaapprova virasevar C (1) Tise Ton"iulasd uarnl.T atln plana combiqçtal.idvat tgefLieIiuate hs tire option C1n vithdravlug tire eatine res-ve sd accusulaed profits, ai lise sUd sfetced by blnWf LBp bsmaslr ive tbims idýsr&bl a Lifeusraue rara let 1 ifit i S e1 frxswi4'l kww!y NEIIr- a# pektt ý % i74& iim tMpwM3ý#.o MfSPen ^96avs i as ecHeeuss P! j'Ir il .~ _____ -~ ~ s~' 1884~ - 4885. .~ ICE~ (hib~n~ M~LMU3~iUUM ~UI &gg¶frGU' 6 Xil DITNewFFs, dderiev,--,Wlery Otanev 'Bona2- GlobeeMal, ewadvereiser, Wditn, taran eerlad [P b wm dik . 2 '.v x * < a a 4 .ý( q6th presence and develepuesa f the vege.1 tble parasite amioba in the interneaimât:in mnembrae of the nase. This parasite is only oU i devloped under favorable ircuntnces, and ________________________________thesearc- Morbld state of the blood, as the blightcd corpuscle of tubercle, the gerrn poison tion cof the edm$.fthq-s3dn, fap. natedU esn kep the internailiUning mambrane cf the nase iun constant state cf irritation, ever resdy for th, depsttcftheseesof >t he - germa, hch spreadup -the uostrils and. down the lances,1 or ., a back of tic thmoat, causing ulceration of thc I throat; up the Eustachian tubes, causing. deaf cs burrowung iu thc vocal couda, * ~~a . .cushoarseucas; usurping the prapoe st racit- of Uic bro nchial tubes, euding in Pulmo ncosmption and death. Many aemuptshave been made ta discover al cure for . distreSSing disease by Uic use of inhalcuts other ingenious devices, but * . . . . . . . . nu of thes e enta can- do a particle of gaod until Uic parasites are cither destioyed cr rernoved frorn Uic mucus tissue. Sorne Urne uince a wcllbknowu physician of fbrty years' standing, after inucli experimnt. ig, aucceeded in, discavering the uecessary 4combinstion et Ingredients, whish neyer fada iu ahsolutely snd perussnendy erdicatsug this horrible diseuse, wbetur san.sding .kjr oul Yar Or fostYyean. Tbm howbrmay be mufferiug fioua the airav.diseas.. hculd, with. eM ut delay, commuuiate v~thé. busiuess ..managers, Mlesura A. H. DIXON &IN 305 K.lg StreetWest, Toronto. snd gCt ful pardeulars sud ircaefacefi«byuucleuig smp. WAMu 2atv . B. Sùwsss, B. 4.e a Zerj7m of theLondn Casferesof me Metl.did CmnrcA of Cana, .laste wyis'oVvpwd ,A. H. Dizon Sd NewTrser.estfor Cta"*d. Mrsa.s. A. I. Dixox & Seau O4Awr, O"ArUseCANASt, Mardi 17, 1383. De",SI,,-Ymour f the 3th luitta hand. It seerna amaittoo good tabe t at Iamrn rd cf CatiraibutlIknow t UI&arn. Ihave ad noe euruof-t&edimmassudneyerfelt bc=erineuyU1ft. 1 have trled s reaiythinsgafi* cetathsufcored omc mcansd for semany 7cm, that ki. liardfor me to mssite tise 1 amr ~ieybotter. 1I0owder tlut uis a a very bmd case. It vas aggravated sud cirroWce, iuval thre tliront a wellstire nusal pamiansd 1 îhought I would requrre the Ucthreeseame uts, erÊfy eed ymthe two sent mue, sud I amn trauafl that I was ever induced ta send ta peu. You arm se liberty te use tis letter, statiug tirat I have been curcd at tva trestuacutan 1su!aai gladly rccormnred purtsanuedy ta smre of my fieuond am r suic=u Yers, iW Ua=y thanis, RzE. B. LSTEV>Is.SON. Chrnile ndth lOFFg eR B.ndmnhle tth eia cm The Whitby à hoii n h edn ekisadmnbisa h eiiom ti an) su.weay Globe( 1) 1) ana WesI4y Mail($I) 1) nal We(sÂv- is-(1) l ) sud WOOe$y W tes ( 1 lsud Ruraq;Oauadin ($1.) 1) anal Biioy. v aes *. 1)fnl rýeiar Asienialia ($50) Chroiole'q Ohroncl 0hrcnis1e Cbpenile 800 5 In the cm orasaya oineLsfimes-jen <,20)s OnaprGil m a werteà m B11.9 -M f0 l $1) . 1 00 ! sianusa $200 2 00 2 00 200 2 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 10 Oiaies y"i Tm IW-O. 1i i05 1 60 1 go i 65 2ý00 20 -8 7Ã" 5 540 50 $1.85'for 8a4i~oLfl~.nuia sw.oas e0tr# cAar5p, T~e a~oT D. EDWARD BULWER.-LORD LYTrON. One a",Bi,ùzal a 1 The use of bitter ville. in fiavormns- bd eelotlag tbsaco inare4ently Sa. nuneed bp Parisian pirveicians as ustiug aofîeulcg oethtie bs-sm. 1 A Good Test For overs- irteen pears G. bM. ývrsa, of lest,lias soiaS Hagyis-d'e eclorai Balumanasd lis sales are u6AdilY iucramimg. Il cuea cous-hn, Ils snd ail lumg comphsints; las loeant ta tais sud alvapya rallable. To a lover Iha gs-pby et tha oriS girsolyailsif imte tva Imueiils thral pise le abigs eve in iMd o eccoil of dSoes SseirdMs-. lalaida O'Br-ien, of 872 Erersuga et. Ual.. incrable. Hsa u sas- as bup djSrer-d; abs vocuited as-eun isMonslS rataisnenofood;sn Ilov sMd ful cf humer abi*ma >îdly slmhiag, but Bus-doc Blo Dr. Hsarcnond i s mn mouapin sn dlruetproportion &te ut and mutton -sab#esea. Buclens As-ais. Salve., psaon - 'V qafa5( 1 ADir8ot Cash 8aving to New8p aefe&e& PLI Ni COMM ON SENSE, flONEY-SÀYIN-G JIOPOSiTIONS W Ul OFFS11 . 19W#jDNE YEAR TO EVEIjY eUBMR18ERIj AUo u sabacibera whe wlfl vay ahelr abclao cost a4> this a ull 1te date, aud &eu e osuar 17dycuce", wI b MI 0 wahOra sews aitbacrlptiou to TE'TOJIÃ"N4TO WEELYý MUR ~I W OWE YNEWS la sm fllustrated Ppeuneu. pin 4 u 11 the taJua1an a#a0 o~ »iV ~ tx Ictures, ae oss olat:emasles sand the tru w4b~,Q!be more mature wllL edelilsedw he. 41lelis. tactsiseuouwih TEE WTOIt6NI<sloDAYy rs s.y mf*, eommauil ai he diopaaèIs#eot ah. AssociA&fl 3d f"es aMsa.ee dais rom orreupipôdeal evéwy setionc us~l b iw hth ah. o ontin l ssU# sae- £auvw aa t bni wd la a Isdpeneu t.poAuo~ re t, ffl -mi efacaI ew a f à " r'i Pm. ima i ééclorinie anid.la aIao1ueswati rear or favor a e Pae . Th ar 7seaa repoýts arW stteu la ahum ros velu, Ca deaVt Iimen sud mauraitîhmucgloéesdhvsgrgr tuhei~ ustice, sud aruth. lat laointh"tlales eumea afl aowsumer.acu: issmecongîp averbalsn a'e> or f ey. Dr. Ta!. msa lséa ere at a BrookpuTaerac- e.V4 1a elle'. N oew Y r fa6lo lti* ITh an.AUtTeu"uepe of peopile and plac., aserai sor faborMia~itiea..a, . pltical carion ae vica va.ity r eudued notes ou F»ah re., IndusteLlea ture, etc., etc4, tc. Its market, quptasiona ame complet. and ao -lie aelledubon. Tla Sauist tle papes' for abc.yomng folkse And tihe oit! folk@ wlirlikt lest as veaIL Our special clisbblng termseliving It wahln s'ecl 0 a,.Speol mou topiea'msy ho isat!a hs ie 1 'd orauurp0tîo tIbis offce. As tisSa offer la limlaedsa ta Lime, $end! lu y=u a£ r Iin tonce. Edward Bulwer. 1 6 »ýMNCT OFFER'à 1 r i [s . 1 $ comBINATION RATE&