27 VEARS EST LlR11LU. THE ehaiu vu FRIDAY MORNING, j Fren the OfinocCusscuia Buninlg,Brack atrnt, Wlrllby. TEBM: $1 PanR MMUM ln ADVAIU 1Tb#. CuOtoSri" bas a langer ciculatien îlrau any other papol la tbe Couuty of Ou' R8Iobertson c-Br&, PROPRIBTORS. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. l'iratiInsertion, por lino, 10 conta; oach ,mboqtiumt insertion, 6 cent-a. Dipa u.eîlAdvertlseeOuts arc mOasured t> e cac of olid upnil, sud changed .ctordiiiîY- Ailvrtit>tUenls seul vithout writtcn iu- structions msrtod unt-Il farhiddon. sud cbergei for fltAItime. t)rdlîrs for dseconituoing adevrtisements mnulhi'ri writiug, othorwlae t-ho pubLiabers will uit hc responsible. A lîlîcral dicounut for c'ntract sdvertiee- menttil'y tht> year. Copy for changeof coutract ailvertisemneuts should bo bauded ini lot aât-r tlian Wedueeday; sud maice of v,î iliiteI-tioli(augess ,heuld be gi-ten bc- titre 'tiieeilîey uimm-Othor »advertlsemente rriCiCil u lu W'rluralay unamu lfiîýiiiet u oticoe in local or news coînuits firfet iît,rti'itr 15 cents per lino u1 t Nua- rit. -1Iocentsteper lino' eech nhiqetinr- - Fîu.leve 'e ît 111e'rlteper arînura. Correloudence S ie-t rtoalpatao tht' C'uuty or rreigbriug townshrips Cor- rempeliiiles arc roquestedte10seuil ilu hem potutunuications as pruptly ase possible. 410 PRINTINGDEATN. 'Chia lJOpartnà ut in As o as.irled iti the Newcesl sud Haudsoment Slas oi Type suilable for every vises ai Job ork. Fiue Prltîing a apecllty. The CiumNisci *8' equionteinlu thie lêmpect ilestnctlaraIro- nasa dle not excelled iy auy ofIR0e la Eseà teru Ont-rie. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARISTE, ContyCrawn Âttarney, au o t Slcio. Office,- Sout.h wing, Court Hoase, Whitby -48 MIESSRIS RITCIE & BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS -AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY dc 'W 1 it ):7"6 Toronto. Whlliy. JAMES RUTLEDI.E, B ARRîtISTEB', &c. Office foruîerly oc- I, pied hy Farewell & Rnuedge, nezî l. Royail ntel, Brark St,Whithy. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., 4~TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN '.Chiancery, Couvoyancer, &. t) rie t-lu t-ho Office Sont-h of thle post offic'e, in McMilsun'o Block, Brock Street, Whitby. ly-IO ROBINSON d& KENT, (Lave DDra-s & Ilosnîesos.) BARRISTERS-AT-LAW, A T TOR N. oye, Solicitors, COurveyancers, &c. OFFICE-Iu Victoria Chsmbe.ie, No.ý 9, Victoria Street. J.G. Roreit I.B.UaeRBIRTA. E. KENTr. G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., fARRISTEI1, &., &-c.-Motrey t-o Loto D Isuer nt arriage Licens OFrcr-Over Dominion Bank, Whtby. 1Ian. 22, 1878. (t -6- J. ClAMER *GREEN1VOOD, ATTORNIEY AND SOLICITORI, CON vovancer, Ntary Public, &c.-Pogt Oflâce Dreyer Nu. 11, Whitby, Ont. Parie boght amqd au)d arriage 5.111e- mente, %Vlle anilTruste imade Spenaltiona. Loans regotîatoed on ail htodr utl'o~ry 42-17 JOHN 04LL DOWI. B ARRISTER-AÂT-1,AW. OIlR Office-De'rsrill'a Block, flrock Street, wlitby. MONEY TO LEND-P1rii-ate Fond,- ini soms up t', 88000,at a 1mw rate ut ln- LY-MAN IiNc.LIN11ý L L. 0., 1ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR INI Chanery Covoynee, &., ro.Siza- rot-'Street, Oshawa. Win. NBDRIEN. .. .... GU' HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., GrIhe oye R. 0. H. Oshawa, Ontario. c A R D. DR1. DGAIT. Physîian, Surgeon, Accoucher, ke., &o. Whîtby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 DR. W CVT'HBJMTSON, LATiI Actinug Assistant Taronto Asylumu Lfor Insane. OFFIE-Tbat lately oocupie'l by Mn. C. Nourse. Iliuunce Agent. LIROCK STREET, - WMTBY. W. ADAM8, :DEMf*'4rrTI ST.- R00 S OVER JOHN FEROUBON'S RCltbing Establehment-i Dundaa-sti., Whitby.itiffi ce iours trom 9 &m.tb 12 ni., and tram 1.80 to 6, p. m. Residence-Car. of Byron and Giert st-rete. Suilable for vrappiug purpases, laYM under carpete, etc.. 25 conts er ondr ,Appljy ta If THIS OFFICE. QUEEN 'CITY Oit C'01 - GOLO MEDALS Awarded jai Teronta, London and Guetph, tin183, foi' PEERLESS PX 0114MR MACHÉNE 01L85 bu 5~aby &m lxt-Olai DUMI Every Barr et Guaraneed. S.6X~A"LET-'&"a~gw la. i la_ Il f J(5~5 %~/J rt-A;in.!l -IZr W~U cm W t.f Wrda, gmt thoughta, and untlring iagdustsy, we advocate Peace, Progrea, Knowled˶Bohro~ Crr T laBE wMTfi BANI 0F " ýeXO]4A Dow, eni'tby, Nov.-7lh, M~. -4 ONTARIO EAIfX, WIIT BY BSBÂN DH.4 Brook Street, - - WbIy FINANCIAL AGENT.' tpoBox lt,- 5*lv W ITBT. 'MOMEY ro .oAN l 010a-000 FtURi IIVESTMRENT. ON REÂL EBTÂITBE SBUBIT. At te LVeet , tes cf IntesiOt mey seourd vithisi 10 daje .or'sp. Apply te 0m Whllby, F.bruary letk, . 3nsuranit, C. NOIIRSEY Insurance and Iie&aI AgOR, Beprsa.uling tho f olowiug cempanîsu Phoenix Fire Insurarwue Comepany, cf London, Eugisrid. North British and Mercantile Insurance do., of Edinbh nud London. British- American Assuran7ce Company, of Torouto. London Ouarantee d Ac Cident «Company, of Eugland. APP5saMitES1MMIR Canada Peîwanent Loan & Savtgs Co MONEY TO LOAN, Ou Irnproved l'armiata low rate of Interee AI.e> SecretaryTreasurer of tie Couuty AgricultUrMd Society ot South Ontarte. OFFICE : At Pont Office, Brook Street- A. A. POST, (lat-. iti Langley, Laugley & Burke, Tarant-ai AR C HIT E CT. Deeflgu for Oburches, villas sud Cottae. a s pec lty. Dravinge prepar<id for re- medeling elishlng structures. Opricz, for thle proenut a i enace an Kingston Px"d, Pickering.- * P.0. Box M Wxrvsi W. 0. Jam iqTOiN, PROVINIAL LUND SIJRVEYOR. Can he feuud aet the LaW Oo3. ,G. Kelly , aq., witbj, or at the rbal<eÈo.f' Dominion Wood Worksà , Geo. V-C ok Doore. Saab sud Blnds. LUNRIER vhaiesaie sd reMI4«eby, by the car load. Plsnlug, IMouincugaofi very «dSaeelp tien, Fieaning, ShestluC, Sbtlvlug, Ne- aawing, Shaping, Turulug. Scroll-.work,' etc., etc. Whitby, 0ct. 101h, 1878. KIGBROTERS, WHITBY, ONTAXRIO, importons, Deaiersasud Mnabotarm tfau LEA THER Kl-sa FINDW , Cash paid for HMAe, B&rk a10d Lostw- Lesther treched. oaBELTINtl MADE TUO 8D38 ONgl mal, 1811. U M R. J.If. DATHe,, Nsw*p&eri M &dvirtwag Agent, 41 Psr g*v (Tlmcs-100 à ie' New Yeii4 le- authartzed 99 eoil att*io.e Igetit. thlê CR11 ijLE et «os et , verlslrrg Bceutc Me e t act & Ca' NEW (0G OGO AND Jewelle, - Watèhes, S3 QZ. l L$EÃCyASE Wilia pleenf 7ERS e mm' sdslg'fcauthé iavrig.. c reBliU P li» M in. 5i a.t aiy d» wcza llu. à .vSta lishe bp- i slgatmfWh" aI ..t.viii nectits au4 ber iii mac oao IL pr«"i baok iry lie author o 'rotirsrJoma*ms Skwetes' l le a humerons deoiplan of thapes' eansd flio l b. lir fan fiadaad raruoîs, My oet lieel doua ns ineualyMiunlg. sud lia *crk lse vldeutly wrlltoye'u. iree l IbhorauCir. ly soquaiuted wtt- luleprac elcalota f a Oeaae ffice." Adtln EKMAN HE. Pm"S. iiinO F.en Xan.8. -DO" T AIL TO OALL ,ON W.E. O'BRIEN, AT TIR WHITBY PhEraph GaUory Fe or mutcs work. Copying and Enlargin7g SPBCUÀLTIES. Largestock af TRAMB Son hand aI aliprice. A TRIAL SOLICITED.' W. E. O'BRIEN. Wbtiy, Jnn., 1884. 18n1 TRUSTEES' SALE -non Beloed'ci-fthre easleun 0 94k.~ sp ~Ipioksnr. ?MëlPsaul nesis*oS centaie tla noufna9nu, Villaclair ?&aeunier iv. Csrlaleej aai Ttirzn mad"e Iswtà ï%daydais"l, TROU. POUOBB, Anottsor 1 «TfE'CU R N"ý' FOR affi Westrn.44vrti17 r B'OSTEIR7S KID GLOITE CLEANERI -FOR SALE BY- W. R.HOW SEF, OHEMIST AND DRUGEUIST, W,11H Ivi R.n OWYARU O. H. JÂESON. PIJ~ELIQUIJRS. WaUke's cey gthro Dek Gin, st. Emilioii Claret, St. Estephe M. &G. Medoo Hennessy Brandy, Martel Bouc'her ITALIAN the Native Wine, Finest Port Wine, [Gra- Finest Sherry Wine, [Gor- Sdon's], Lime Juice, Also Lime Juice CordiýLl, Aie and Porter on draft, also. bottied. WAR EHOUS E. Me M. O'DONO VAN, Caýrnage Works, Whitby,- Ont. Da, id md ieil 8InS1r.L.s]TMX iuDà - Before 1urehasîg Elsewheire I Partiaular attention paid to painting aud repairing, J014NFERU EBOOK. rNET, ON- lryour Trhe V ffiagara, This noble poem, cousldered to b. lbe best ever writlenu u rn Niagara, wae com- posed by JhnGar lunrOsukine Braad, the editor cf lb. Connecticut Mirrr, of Hartford, from 1822 ta 1828. -RHe was a native of New London, was edncated at Tale, sud died of consumption aI 28. H. le said to bave '-dasied the poem off" lu the. prlutlng office wbile tb. campositar vas waitiug for capy. Il le a curions tact that be uever saw Niagara, sud neyer vas near- or le il than 450 mlles, The. thougbte are strauge liaI crowd imb my bratu WhileI look npward to tbee. Il vould seem As if God poured 1h.. from His bollow band; Hail hung Hie bmw upon thy awftd front; Had spoken in that lond voice vbicb seem- ed ta hlm Wha4wlvelt inPatmoa fox his Savler'o cake, The. sonna cf mauy waters, suddbad bade The flecd leo brhoWile b. ageback, Ana uutch Hie centuries iu the eterual rocks.I Deep cQ -lbunto deep. And wbal ar e v ThMt bear i. equestion of tuai ,alce *sublime?' Oh. wuhit are ail th.euntesta i ierug Tes, what l. aUilier e I m amke la hisshoýt Hie, te thy uno"nslg roux?î Aria yt. b6ldba r IWhat ext Ihun'. la WWûdnremed ýa wond, ansu pd tho waters far Ab.ye its lotlsat montalus? A ]ight vave That breaks and- whispmr of bis Ma&.r'e Wiight 1 True Love. I thinh Inn, love le never blina But rallier bings a added igbt: An muner vision, quick ta Sund' The beauties hid fraie commoun sight. No soul eu ever cleaniy ses Another'a highést, nableet part 6ave tbrcngh tle. seel pbîlosepLp And ioving wiedem of the hoari. Tourunuà nainteuloyez shail fal Ou bie whê ins My seul wlb ligil; Yen do net se. My friend at a1l, Yen ses wbat bides hlm tram yenr slght, I ses tha feet tiaIt ain weuld limb, Yon but the. stops liaI lurn a8tray; I oe the seul unnbrmed, sublime; Yen but lie germent sud th. Clay. Ton tee a mortal, weak, rntsled ' Dwarfedeverby1heallciod; I are boy manhood, perfece, May reach lhe stature ef a gcd. Blinde,! I slood, as nov y ou stand, Tii ou mine eyes, wthh louches eveet, Love, th. deliveren, laidis baud, And 10,I1wcnslpaet bis feett The Tables Tùrned. À large,' ldtabisi ,qusiat iray alan. bouses, *th agrà c,enalose c1ipmd lavi, extending clown tla aVerY pioturesque partion of th. Aven. 8em.ed on tlie Iswn vere e l.yôog ladies -lu inbineMer tall eta vi t r b:Ud Tva wen aI vozk; Wvue the duk- est, prettiost, tbaugb esUeilut, vias readin slcud, B2ddeuýiy, bieuded vWith the mumsia dip aouas, 1. .111,ale lýMair vu braiten y a atraug, clean, maely weeo "'Whe the. lads of the village, Merrily oai -eeoraly ahi11" "Its Tom!1 Il's dear aid TaM V# cnled tb.etva girls' vihe were dressed sake. 4*11'e rowed up froini hesser. Georgie, tleïr cousin, apadby ne moeans bacaad udeb. lre. .aeNiry basteuod doraulo tie river. Boaroly had tb.y reacbed. the qdge than a fight skiff, lu wbicb sul a baud- sc . yun' gogL& sh alon 1, about fiv.-aud.lweety, abat free a 'sIadof a tb. viflLowa laIheir'vey fet. î - "meIame, girls r' lie -cnedo ont e tanug.aeruda al se #<xoU pUp55, ont ~ Rôe aIln mori" Ga- bher ghost 1 The st was. taller, eiothed entirely awhite,and,etandlug behiud th. firet, Miitcally wsAéd ils long arma with a bllà w, ieplhral tuosu. Evidduily, -however, *the aemaller pirt hadn't expectod Ibis ghostly-com- anion, for, perceiving it, with a ring- lia hriekit fledtowards the bed, cry- ý"Oh lTom, Tom», save metI There je 'hoat, and it's here 1 Save me - ive me 11,." But no Tom- sprang to ber rescue. bly the-taller ghost pursued, exolalir- g, in a very eartiIy roice- and amid luch earthly langhter;' "So, Mise Georgie, I've oanght you ave I11 The tables are nioely turned, pou Muy life."- "Tom 1" ensped Georgie, the smaller otre , plucking the gray ganze fraie bot ber heati, leis i you ? Oh 1 ,at does il oiean ?" "Ooily that I've discovered the ghosit,' ighed Tom. !,The second night Ii 8peoted the usbiutaxyof rmy1 iter, and employed the next day ini .nutely exsrelning my zoom, whieh Ietý lhe h.discovery of aecret sliding nueltwhicb onductedintoJ',"&pamu sg ta bad anather oullein the corridor Bar your room. I spoedily diviued-l ho was my iady-ghoet." 1 "Oh, Tom," she mnrmured, haif.j 2gnily, "hi'e a shame yen should so, ighlen me., I ose sosrceLy stand. 11I roally thought you a spectire. es-Il owu tlwne to test yoýur mrge-and -1,. III have tostedl youra, who were se rave." "Tom, eau you.forglve me 2" "If yon wiil ocly reward me for fao. « the ghost, Georgie." '6Tom," ah. Iaughed,llthis isn' a lime ilay Bomeo and Juliet-nor the toi- "Oh 1" se. added, h earing steps stening along the corridor, "do keep ýy secret, Tom. Do, plesee 1" sho lded,imploringly, as ah. fled throngb 3e panel. -But the secret did creep out next day -and the laugh-as tb. tables wero tred on Georgie,who,tryimg tb fright- :Tom, hadl been awfully fnightened Braoif. Georgie augrily dcelared se would, aver forgive ber cousin. But it was suppoeed ae did, for the et bail held in tb, hannted room, was Icommemoration of Iheir weddieg. Favored by -the French u~isXTi0sýN ON Tait .PROG,-A DELIOAOy WRHIH ABDBDS INwinTSY-ROW Sà IuNN »EOME WRAMTIM-POX4TS OU' 'COOKING. .Those 4"pratyl tl.thinge," -lb. ýfroge9 bt -borrow*f.- h. nthusÀias imod "de' la ëeuee-tl njoy a. ýbuet mieical eualo amu arls of -Pranéè; sui d ,1soup mado. efrai ieâ (a èort, af ' sublimated -cWioke n Wih): les ao:ld -oerauî"âs6vereig c' Ure- )t oofummtion. , Ãjeà veni- who i. i,' eae c1' Garasse,"9 "ipar. its lb. frlg t&68i, 1à p"leautra liis! ïrenkfas Table" l'slksof 1h. 'miciÃŽiot, Lese twligbt inesels. " An aid teri- froproseh '*R,- haire il -lhat thear e Dntbb nghtingaîee; buntheir- ekez herkoax, Ibi baeau 1 roMqý sethelç wbfslllnig -1tellratber nd imo, t lb.od ernpirio doctrine of- itueeygel le beo-a primitive peciflo for weak che'sts. Nos 'wholly à r Ibat reéâsoe, eîtier, 'fdr I'the m % Scotck, Etg» skand Ca tdan, weeds, Anda oiher.i» hImmdQ oth5a forspning apé dsumoùsi1i, AU ga m ode Rs8i&ila" aStyé Ob li.-tétseblS - -i 3dts M-41R t, HATS! *iSlHAS "o, I~pI~mst, whity.li ,DH4-NSDN 2 v v - s. - - - 1 fýl JL I 'rs, i UITS ~potition and see SON. À FIRST ~L col li and ss ai Liras of ente of the tuteetmer- te avita. Sua bemose .uI? BOOK ilMe x rpubliehod tCuvis. iý <ithout Mental &ud ýt te Mar- only Ilet@.. admtirabte, un- t-brt-y ured wtii- mnedlcinos ing ont a tortale sud ry auRorer,- &y b., May aud rsà dlc. tho hmaa es. land. MAL CO, tlsv ork. IL lES!1 TE# rmit'tcd rowu of 'ho hatve the Chine!1 e OEIl- LRPER bin e. anm« LUMBER! 1MBR LUMBER MERCÃkM -bas, corne." u ' ' iDn ôm They ros. lhfd li iueu Wu nhô belon.; but Toôri somehow rn'm ésyod la dropa111 hd vl-icoin p "%0 Georgie" -ho. ssid »Wà n ~ei>t-Par marry-'a eau vIr la ui5O 41.It hope you mieanl t tbà tfor ic 1#9ietj~ yen might earry iMoif Isss II-ÂtI "Oh Soir co , yon kuo 'baiy' lave you t 1<5 face 51authe zboatè-à 0O4rlt-_ 'a endùm ityb ou nd anly Eà y yén rlu I be my vile t"1 On] "Y-et yon vii l ofacesa probable oe urg Tom" ehe laughed. mut "II viii vitbeiîlSeur, if yen vauid only usy 'yee' Georgie" b.o'wrspred i elnueatly. .I"Ghoste shouidu'l fnîghteu'n PC nme l" ý1"e "lI'd 1Uk. obha,. that pravred. Iam nepe ual 00 oetlsle," -ah. rejoluod, saUcilyO-Abc se tbey'osme up la il. resI. vi "'WeU Teea," ezclaieed Mr. Harrison - "Thoe ,alupid girls tell Mie they wau*&nts 'yO % 1sepilu the bsuu-bed rùoéxefq'su lour 41ld -ioùs. le respectable euaugli lqzvi paf" s m o." un tout ILngbosletly e harsotor, if yen have -pam ne obecton." tht "nuite l . as, ty bay, auly PU lnes -etike ibis paloIl bave no fire- vi arme used. -ci "BSbculd-aulhig appoar, it viii net asu bo eupernalrl-in which I no mare frig believe Ihan 'ibat tie moan is muaSe of I green elteese." Te6 Se il vaa agr.ed that Tom ebould cou sleep there. 44 "II hoe.hb, il Se. nahing," said bru the sistons. o "II hope -h. vill." eaid Georgie, "sud 1i prove bis courais." img "iJ çhas't sdeep a vink to-night," te- markod Rosie, Stbey saw Taie disspp' la oar dovri lb.long corrIdor. lets "II San't thinb I sirsil mucb," agreed I Georgie, very lhoughlfulty. haa The> toit mernldg Tom's appearauce my aI the bneskfaet-tab!e wae auxioueiy ex - aS p ecled. Wbee ho osme,bis expression the waa cortailty serions.j "IWeUl," eiled Mn. Harrison, "%#bat -a did yen are Tom?2 Gilea Seroggins' tuti gboat, ai' anytbi legaseV'"en "I1 can'I quile say, air," ausvened bis hor eau. I- cerlainiy Ihougit once I 8&Wv oeataling; but I vas so dead tîred, nev tirat my balf-dazed brain may bave 1 played me, s lniok -Oousoqueut-ly, lins voulul rather ssy nelhingpuntil l've in ha sotier nigh's exOpenienoe." S "'Sleep thprê eageiwl ejaculted the ginis, Georgie*loudoat. Te' acouel but haif aaltisfied hie "m'esurehq lu$soen Somet-bilg," naid Laenarovi 'V lb ey , ienslÃ. "l'ut ceur i< awri éoincided Gflor- -gie'. "Dt.hilegom ý-l how oronfois»nud baev.doque vthil2" - - 'Âbeu ~ m mdir,atirherhirteat cor-ro ner od lbroom hlie bbeol s, shfad" P owy femnale.,fore, drapid lu grsab.wlb white, oà oialy wavnrgi tearme o wieâfint saigbs-bural frai e .lips. bzaa tnle&!tg - thlak it the-moeilikt; 'mi but, giancing a heb.Wiedev, he 90aw 8e Ire b.d laid sud lookei hall frigit- I eueS sud hait asbamed af beiug.so. of1 Abruptiy, however, reieemîering1the Geongl.'s varda, bé caneS for urno bn ean sd balng partilliy dr . ~IeP-, or ed up and advaioýed tavarda thre jliost. ai0 ' For a second Moievas ne altération.' -n Then it rap'tSly inelted aà 'ythere 111 wua a click-'_-and wban Tom- roached, OPè Lire carner-il vau eueptyt - fa hongrl, gippiagids way batik Ihpoible I Ytel-is .yes ltUmne& ti 'a his pi8tol.e-C', bat,, nà !lit prove" bunie uam-volldo 1," h The tecond-uigbt hSt ueire ma n bl 18e -a..'lim îkhiâTa WIL BE FtN At the-Mdc,ŽlaI G. KE G01ýIýBBD. PsychoIcgicaPiop NESMERBIN18MAN- HOW rQî BRING ABOUT TI UZU5A, will show you I pdaý -Jmes- moriziug wbioh ipnijq opthe whole, most effec five; ýitla y eryeReariy that descrlbed by flriid. I f'avbWe ual lune ta attet a meserl*o oxperl- ment go night ; it i je omethod only whiob I wish 10 show you. -With onc band a hrlghtl objoct, scbasIis fsoced pioce ofglsi.)e&4 , eighl te twoive luches frm thqfbjeot, st hat there ià a consid rabie7ogver* geuoe of the eyes, and raitber Abqge the level of the eyes, se that he9,pq»ged tb look upward. , The aubjec , ldl iooÃŽ steadily ai- hbue' otkiq, - sud th keep bhi wie a tlteod ..upIl, IL This poi&nl p~pI~ e ta p î. , 3r. . &# l~ ably, ofienasuiga mi" 8411t.,oa.1-, tractien sud diia*iOzî; 'wse-*' luth. case, lthéfe- an -aIstm8 wIyý' fraie 1h. objetloward Ilbêié .if the subjeet le sensitive, Ie ve> i uasuiy oloeeýwith a vliW-to»» tieln. In soie. cases 1he sûbjeetfé" ho mesmeric phonomens eau h btaied Il, whea the operatrbnb4 -l and near thbr yes o hi_ ;ti., jeé iustead of closing tlhem foresthb movereents of 1h. eges lowhoie procedlugla repealed, bWl Iheýfubject. le tld la close lhie eye 1a"wben thé Agra are brongbl- near thmbtt keep theam xed l hêimndr~lu s beforesd1coineblake the objeot aud thatr- ,où1yý--- Tbe 0perator thon for ,e .miue makes, "passes," brlùinieg Is A~MÀ bands aver sud close ta lb. feà ~f -b. sUbjeol lu oue direption.- Wheu lb. subject ile inclinod ,tea pan.,îto lb. ostaieptic sste, s oxMv i condition may h.obt&lue4,!ihXputly raisiug hiearm; if h7be jf eiixgýto b. mesmerlzed, tbhe r* tishe1h position lu wbicb'itele ?laà d:lf lb. arm filles, tb. memeni ie te 0 e ~t iufrequeutiy b. bsten.d, ati4ýyf llinR the subjeot ta keep bis arýexetencled' wblle. e.1111- gasing aI . eObjeqt, or Mille -le --s- îs 'a-'rébeing irà de~. Âed thalle the whbolê o9be h Prci. The* eaun %iun~s -Wenz-à fi-le 4 .from mauhead las hà 'paero for a lime là s oonsiou,,.ona,intvhià h st!mutation -;any eno1 6 >1"qiaxutâd villa lbe maÃehlu-ery- eau' ietlit i- îhn- Ffro» i"Me8meriem," byJ;L'à LGk'An Y,- in Poptdar Boleree ;hl tfo~r October. Mter Gir1s-Thaü OriW The notiou liai gg1br lea> ,dmUeale- la be useful, ile liuilo4lo-çý,*, pibtive- )y sà all pa ý f6oW bub- eots,ore ,an&nltiu veisn fd brelie;udaimhsn*lplb~o- vlar 1- uke&xý in iarsteppes, lb. -Kigm,* " berdaughters, a ud - peîëa -lu Who88se vius flow Ihe bo'ptcllne,. pfkïugs, stll illk thBh nq~sa MzatIs, aud p.rforut-lbo:mef f a ý'lhe bauseèhOa, sathe Sani,ý euffia3 idsxthomsazd yeswmgO, 1 : --&