NEiw STOCK Ceýrated Dust, *Proof- WATCII CASE! P L A1N AND ENGRAVED, Brook St., WEIITBY. MR. ROSS JOHN8TON la Colleuctor and Canvasseir for Tax Wurr. aïC1114CnnLZ, and -isamUtheriZed to gi-sut rr<ceipts for subcriptione, etc., aud transat ordiuary businress. 0<.. 0131 I 3rd, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE8 WRAT 13 SOING ON 'IN TOIVYNAl ELSEWHERE. A IUDOET Of LIVELI (NEWS NATTER ILEINED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A»l CORRESPONOENT8, "A ,sanng ye, takin note, Octobor. Town Cotincil Monday evening. Thorn le moano talk of orgauîzing a gam cotupafay in Oshawa. Ntecbanieci' Institule eleoutivo eoi- mittee moeet to-nikhtinj the Library_ Do't'foi-gel to-day's and te morrewme grand openîng oft Millinory Sbow-room uit C. F. Stevart'é. DATE UED-!.liepreparations arc beieg rmmde for tbe Harveet- Home festivmInlf St. Audrews chwo'c, whlab will take place at an early date. CliFÂP Excunsto.-AU excureion by Grand Truuk traiQ@,lmavieg ut 7:55 and 11:48 saies place 'te Toronto Tuesday morniug oexl, Oct. 7. Tickets, good te rotura titi th. followiug uigbl, are oviy 70 Ceuts. We are showiug a opociai makeofe PleaL Velveteen le black and coloe c-quai te the fini mi siIk veivet of 1,'3 h. price.We will quarante. ihal th. pile and caler la faut aud viii give satisfac. tien. Sec t ut C. F. Stewart'@. NÂVIÂATION.-The arrivaI. aud de.- parînres utthie h&rber Ibis voeek:- ar. Deloware Osweo, coai for Downey; Neliie IHunier, Idla 'oler Fais hayoen. lightî Brothers, Oswego, ih.dp Delewvare, Nellie Hunifer, Brother»,' barley. Osevo. AIrNUÂL ATLETICS.-In addition te the programme of games by the Colleg- C ate Institute tdeets a arose match belveen the Independonts of this towu and the Maplo Loaves ci Parkdale wull ho played on tihe Fair Gi-oueds nont Friday aftere4on, Oatober 10. Admiss- ion in free. , Graed opeuiug cf Millinery Show Room, on Friday and Saturday BrS and 4tk ot Octohor, wben th. Ounest dis. play of Milinery andi- aucy-goode i ii b. shovun that bas oert taion place le Whitby. Ail are aurdiaiiy inviteS. C. F. 8lowart. à TEAsxTÂTilTECLIPIIkS'AU. OTRER TI<ETS.-MY. Phiiip Taylor informes us liai ho will construai an apparatus by wiieli th. total ecipscof etb.Moon on lo.niorrov (Saturday) eveuing vil! b., visible ln tbe window et bis ;ewellory mlore, Brock et., It may b. sen frein 7 o'cleaIr le Il oaclock. Thiis nove on 1he part et M4r. Taylor is certainly nîost cuterprising, sud ve believe liai the cîtizens genorally viii appreciato litis effort of perniitting everyone toe. the Itnoon'a.eclipte."~ GILAND TanuNK TimitTABLE. 'The uDov imne table vbich vent mb effeet lest week is the beut yel. The fast expresse stop bere, nov, giving, vitb tlîoseonouthe. lidiaud diviacu, fourteen paësenger trains daily boleeon Lhe bouts of 0.40 aud 9.15 p.rn. Or DUe every heur. tinumys tiero are two trains for tlb.vest and eue SamI. A aarefuliy aolrected ime table et trains, stagesud mails vii! be foend on' CUR0e14CL'S efeurli page. Oui- Fa!! opening of aiov-roorn taia place ee Fridey andS Sturday. The ladieo are especîally inviteS to ocmli sd egaruino the lateat noveltiem lu trimuiod mr. ITurcer, vhich ve lako the, liberty' cf copyiog. Il .t pieýksfor lîseif. New foseUlkeloton, Mld Lotha, - - eîiisept:, imA. Messese. PteseB&lre, Dos e as,-i&M eeiilal usdlDa forsurulse h ahns aoZgtmfei ...,.. wo, ha l av me.555116 3 TAILORINLi! Tovn 10h te.. by Ms. ohm. C auaby . A BIG OmnLz-The Onuuçxufgo Tr>t.Wookl &o N e -que->',%jn yrfor $1,00. TvadIeë vee for the price. o one-man STar inutllebe Ocea,,&sgRiuâ eiL aJ raj Sondai viti Ibe mon ainlugood cobdition. Our Olothio«g deparîment je, .jha bosl shape for upplying lb. PwII11'1I Tronseriege. W-0 are soviug fiae im. portail gooda of ail cluses lu Oomiugs. Our stock 1iq armesae, and for aigtinge cf scotch asdaà dlan T cî au net be equalied l in hecualy. Give us à calaud compare goudsaud pries.. 0. F. Stewart. REPPLsSvîeNT TUE "OCITIiZEN."-Mr O. W. Rilehie is iu tavn Ibis veek in tie lutemet'ifi Q . "cana" sCi$t'ce. 01e Torcinto Pé o t , ba*4sIteS. wîth Ibis journal va may ay liaI il voild prove a veleorne gueul la ever - amly. It is editeS hy Mr. F. S. Sp once, Secreîary cf lie Dominion Alliance. Importait atlention l8a <ilai le its colurnus la the quoions 6-prob- bitlon &methle Scottl &oe. - ,_ PîcitiyoG oLLREai.-The fcilovlng programme vas preaented by the Literai-y Society aI Ibm meeting on Friday eveuing cf ilut veek :-Beading by F. BÉowli ;i3hunls bý - lb.boys; saeding by Mrs Huston M.A;-,Mamie by- the irls; Dialegue by lhe boys; Musiq by Miss Slater. Thon lin a'programmé given evoi-y FriSa>'eveniug ta vbila the publicee loýrSià à ly ubeS io attend. thieves sae 0ielte srl 200. harnesu sud buggy from =,'iie "ale af Mr-. Jameq F.P' y n-u li4.ou A brwsa bx,aphl or-, vu in t. U1 tblhêtime nd ils lois ad asert ? la oft eeîer ajupiat i rour.Mr. Lynde lias telegraphed ta lasdlug pointi for lie apprehonaien of thse dasing tlivos.. ANcTrR TISÂT rW Bou.- The Sirecîcrs oet he Ontario Ladies' (ollege, vie bave doue se mui la provide our peopte viti bigi ulasa -musical anS. literai-y entorlainm.ints. base arrangeS' witli Mr. Chas. g. CaaghT, vie bas bee iecturieg idTorentco dusing LIii. pat Wve. olib irae "f him unique' as tlenteS lecture& lu the love bal hare. ou Fsridaizzeaa4ng, 1001 list. No bebhur Idecfo WMwqhsacter of s. -ý ('eughys lectures cu,a Ig qas., las te quota fr-cm a préà iitloe bêoro usý et tia pi-osent wviiing. It rns.- Our citizens os.n look forvard to a profitable enS piemiug. s vli aa 1maI. ing outertainmeut tb b. aflerded lhern udit Monday aud Tnesday evenings by Mr. Chai-lei M. Ceaughin luiisgraphie naturel sud ha ppily flltuIrated s;ews cf .'otiQr lande than ocurs" te bc br-enght b' fore tie audience by an inotrurnint or great power anS iriitianay. Ms. ýCsnghy, vie i. a close tudont et mat. ni-c, a reflueS -aiiaianS a graceful writer. anuS ithal bas travoled far mud observeS mcuai, i. BaiS le bave given pi-eusaisfe ousali agesdcui. ' vateS audiences beotrebich. h a appeared. As tha *toeeoplleonthirows the vie<a upon thoe aïveu. lte letu procoeds te poii u ansd duacibe, lit coluquialktvl e snd lAivS remlsîle Sedo- en (ion, ýcir s.alicut futures. Msny-et us nsyýnevor hope te visil lie capital. of Europo and view their architecturai grandeur; nor stand la tia Eterual City, wbere the -historie St. I>tor'a caul:,d ra,. lie'Vatican, tiecColîsenin, thse Puaniben, the ai-ch cf Tites, tie Catncuruba andS teresmighly ver-bs et arts, spe-t a te nof tho domS aud cuulfn pa-t - u'r look wili doilghl upon tse cl-saice r<-rs euS siades oe tber land@, S ttE L phce now aiven us tii-e' higi ari, cf snjoying lugreel degi-e, tîco pleuri- ee ufoai-eS by li-avel. Al% Esi-LÂNTOu.-Mr. O. G. Cady, geii-sli .'ont, Lindsay, vishbese lui îit,'sl' to the fmi-mors cf Wbitby muS r - lf rig il 1nîher adjoiuing love- eÀ, iii héreason çwiy.Rie "Little isaLuÈtou ta 'eIltig R Lu to1.. Mi-. Hensry Ghmor in In ikst*n hua week. lilas Mar GtbenTorento, ta visitugtntovu Mi-s. Johnu Bath lait ou Weoda o to Detriot,. Mr. Dan. F. lSurk, Port Artus, vu a luIss Mss. S. FaDer roturued te Parà c Eu Wednesdmy. Wikuoiy 1fr. Wht, Jz, of tha ieTf k.a oi.y lisg iu Chicage. Miss Sterrlcker ilawmay oua-à IripteoBut, Sagiuaw, Miels i. - Mr. Oea. Beugeugi, an olfi Whitby bOy, diS the Fair Tuesday. Mr-. ,J. H. Ferry W*UmuS Ca0ai uper. Nsieur, la Iu et. Oatiîériueu Ibiso eï. Égeue te Chiago for avel bi eel, MoussW. B. Green sud JobsEatwood lassa for Toronuto. Mcnday. 1<> rumetheir conuen umedicea. Miss Aice Cisype4 01e! Ledea. uudNrs. AmaS..! Toronto, &Ȕtiog, 1in gbW,he guetasof Mss. imnuJepr..- - e- Msr.. e. Waltfer smalime vttýA.»«5 M.«. valsA»mu seel'a gooa Positio n l flavouporl & Joues', lPortFOry.i Ms. dmm Borownmas, Toronto. peat part.4aeaJO 4i* -asat o! -h ulueatAi e MinsesBortO6vm-sn, - Mes. Dr. Carsmin nJek ýM'lus mCUW lettelor Ciage Tbuîtdmy evellug. Minq LenA Bar-lay, accompames là ¶5 - Msr. Ino, Morris, fer-thi.adp0st lvt .,s AJsalu tie , e fço1eltl Mr. slsy a , za l --klkcl lugluof.toc='Th coauný, sq., Wvi es solnsiy lisï gopIuar -. T. e' agenti M. Mr, A. 'i.BeaAI, inner of leOa - Prcilena' n wtiof« pwoi Iugps b b.. W 0 the.7 hlm em 1Whovryo .bydegree, 00 00 la beave 0 1uiulxn18or 20 feel hljh bfota i1U are 0 elo Ã, t lh;b. t ft~mo.Tree p4~n~~siz tcn, 80 Yuab teo ut doata for lumber. * ac 1 rw l fle Say 'appltoatlonu whioh à " .bà î Ãb me for them lu the order in which the>' are recoived and fin them in tihe sme order. Tuey will came marly in-the pring, ~Pt I vould 1k. ta know, ~~~b ~M asery aea pauI5who would 1k. hem.I alVe taký the trouble to gel these trees solely for the purpose of adding ta th. beaut>' and cornforl of thé homes ln Ibis section. I arn ure any on. Who planta hibm will f..! rep a d ithin a very fw "ah? sudla i .chflDrsu sd obldreu'@ ohfdrn vN leu 1m ft b.Ou. planted in my gardon bore nuts the third year after plantng. I amn, dear air, jours very traly, D E TF,~ Snnday, the 25th lest., Williarn Green, aged 64 yeares ad 6 montii.. office of Whilby Ouaouîoe. Whitby, 0Oet. 8. 1884f The Pair snd th bahd wethor have 10ObeIuporte e ertshdlverstoc trde n Uiofpasi won rle os ct eml- i tonleireonrts cfthe Bputmi. Wst change lier. hau been, hb«7evrl a e1 su unfactory nature, but Dt eDuugh to~thyen t, wus, hich are cabied au nliriud. -The zmcml ucllceable feature in the ïpfritless demand for caWs,. iroq, o e remuu lchauged itAi =OetP fgur4, fai ej aished beauta aI ,Ibo. 1 h. eepts of --AO a siuMdi Âmorlcan caIlle at the Principl rts dur. ing the put we.k -have béez WeIih~ muctimake np a upply largoe ixugh ta lcehe *84a ,reinibuye.'favour. sellr,. .riu o t mke cnomas ion». aud1business drap uc---vbat, a go-d nueiber beiug& left unsoldl..At Tueaday'm masrket et Liverpool, 'transactions vers =*de on the tenais et the iollowing prices- Primis teme, 15efait t e coie., 144e ; poor to e oinm, ISIe; snd luerior sud bulls, 10'k4 4). lc Ae ameep IraS. in uzchanged, and retains its former charactsristicu. supplies continue heavy snd in excS o! aemaudi, wh:cb giv.s u neuy toune Le prices, tbey betng barwly astained. To-day but ahee are caleed et 1lu; soounds.rY qlities I 1&-t-ic; méîell e to 0018Ue; and leferior 'md rarnu et 10o te 12$. There has bocu su advauce in dresued b..! ethiAver. [pool, the market beiug cableS 15,8 higher "ia s veek mgo at&6SSd. WHIBT ILÂRKBT PRICES. Ocesheatt .75 O0 80 Flour, pet cwt.........t 30 42 60 Sariey ...................00 0 00 tlye..................... 0 60 0 55 poas ....................0 60 90 65 Pes, biaek-eyed ..........O0 75 0 O80 Blue ema................ 060 < 065 Oas ................... 00.7 9030 'my... ;;ï .*.............00 C 1000 Cloveed ... ..7 00 (4 800o Apple, per bus ...........030 0 0050 Potatees .................o:s0 25 (4080 aggs.................... 015 90 18 Butter .............. ..0 15 0 O18 Cheese ..................011Il 0 15 Wood .............. .....40W 46 00 ~k,~ku.............. 60 e i 5M S010 <90 ai Ehdeu.prlh............0 06 $0 6à Pork percvt ............. 6 (JO0 70W Turnipa...... e...........0 186<@ 026 Celery, per dos............O0 80 09 40 Ojiiekeus, per pair ......030 <0 75 Turkeye, per lb ...........O 03 <9 O16 Beef. by the carcs..... 60) 7560 P.etail-lO te 12ie. Mutton, by the carecs.... O007 09O09 lietail-lOo-12a. VomI, acame 1,7e, retafl..-O-<1008 9008 Bue00840 12 Parnips, pethu ..... 040 < 5 OCAmbge,p i -d. 0 03 400as Shaletu, " . 0.... a g 000 Radiahea,0An <A An bu~8v> lb. vicliaie ltui Eo eauS -tes heing trealoby nýe ah.te; ris. mv hanStomy th-e4pt ting up alous of 11cS audroducoS lu ou. hauSseS udma L ' ud~ Ttien begn bens'of Shbaker ]B"3ood B31yruj sand inuleut balire. imnths I wu eÃ poudiani hae ver had a s mci o tii.diseme icoIf il bail net befor Shaker 1yu belis7e I veuld have bees. Ohhs. Berger, Hoboken, X. X. QMby e Bs.e -WMi1by. SI hundred million tons ofwite papes are requireS aeauslly la upply lie nevu- pipera cfi oévorId. TAIORING t 9- tc ,,0 -j -I w 0 a.- E c> TAILRN Leave yonür measure for a FALL SUIT at the Reliable Tailoring Ocpartnîcot or, AoIdrew sM By-so"doing you eau obtÊUn desirable goods'at a-reasonable price, and you a-re certain of a good. fit. is no'0w complete in every department. ANDREW COUNTI COIJNC1L -0OF TE- COUNTY 0F ONTARIO; Special essin, October, 1884 NoticeId hoby givea lmia su adu vIitth lie ilouriquMUll uof a miorily e! lie masubersà aSP13CIL wmEEIG cf thse Oounl -conseil lethé Coul11 of Ontarlo, wvie hahaidsut ths Tou L&u tie VîU&agof Port Fery, on Tueeday, is 141h day ât Oct., next, ut 2 o'ck p.m. iNO. E. FAEWEL, Whitby, Lkpt. M51. County Clerk. Cheapesi Place in the County FOR watche8, Olocks, Jewelley, SU- ver ware and Spectacl O! every desiption. Rp~i~tl 17. w mlesssd O0Ceka. JUSOS uStimeS. EngrMVIAgdoits. AnS JEWELLERY NEÂ.TLY BEPÂIBED, AndSMme. la rdu os MMhou eues, eheap for cash P. TAYLOR, Thne ate msur - ~~. O Farm ta Let. The SmulAi quatrtasci lot No. 14 lu is the oncession of lie *tcvsshlp of Plcksssg mmttuu 0 ce more or ions. The ius an mumdns ael gocd ondition. Fer Whithy, sept. 95h %L t. Show Room Openin$J Tuesday and Wednesday. MRS. CROSBY) lu hasch, EllabU, à danS .u erien-s 017. A ab eslssles toke r Plu"eha b edu iSs Dunae"LU sm oppasb. Rays aeta Farner'.Excursion! NORTH« ET rT04o a lMe fat==issuce Promo &U Onturic Divisio sttions eth C.P1. &, vOlb. issed tI folovugl»V rates, MAmeuaaSbaIi ce leamip To Regina, $50, A, Fir8t Class.Farm m s2 ovaMew 1mVn"# TO ËBES BOLD dà &&SD TAILORING DEPARTMENT 1884- NEW CANADIAN TWEEDS, ' NEW SCOTCH TWEEDS, NEW TIROUSEILIINGSO* R, & J. CAMPBELL Have now ini stock a vory attractive and stylish assortment of Cloths, Tweeds and Suitings. GOOD VALUE AND NEWEST DESIGNS. R. & J. Campbell>. GLASGOW Notice to Creditors. NOTIOZ la hm h le ereditees N f ciJOII BAU oDE the f 1h of Wbitby, ta lieOounty ct OutrinutAie Province af-On ue , shoomuker, liai he hua eautod su ssigumeul t habishateansd onnob le ObaruaKingf. o! lie towu of Whibhy, tanser, saorhe henefit of hia crodiom AUl ceeSitooi tle mid john saundera ushai u sues te file their clairu, secoraoa&M i is hé'oucier againt thie sadJn Serso, maStlianature e! the suxlly hay bolS, if auj. lp lie underigu- e on or belore the PirsI Dq of NVXE et -And noticela hereby giron liaI ufler liaI dMte tr iutuewipgocesed to isribute W grSouly le e dam. o!which notice *MW~ av*-us toaa au"o5loir lb. w bmeadaxaors=y paut tiSo. Truste., Witby, Ont Ulouse -for Sale. Tf1t"Se"= MaNrsfor sae lie ysqfeu l--.lOêapI Sbhm, ai- ~SI.IgBhS5IOmuUSOO dJOiODIbrick boue ci -w-- Wlb Mauari ecf o nlllg18rou inaell uslo rg4uer, li sirgclanrepais, sud scme -up -lm saciesueeences, in- fusuce llboipe ub .eagisless cmplee;aseseleu uam ceu à hail- geoS sU.M4uêh clonet etstrauittuv$la m sis ufeuit Issus,~ paeis à ]..uâpel of room The bous. la luoe o tlbW batbolu, vu SulgueS by Ur. Lsugbof Torouto, maS Is th. hauiacouslasd raut Saula redaueaein lie nmarket. - For pftuooelara, 41>7te L. T. BAROLAYÃ" WAREHOUSE. FALL AND WJNTER GOODS! In Wool Shawls, Jackets, Skirts, Hoods, Scarfs, Flannel, Hose, Gloves, Yarns. Prints, bleached and unbleached Cottons, Muslins, Linons, Cantons. Gossamers, Corsets, Skirt Improvers. Ready - Made Ladies' Underwear, Infants' Attire, Ladies' and Children's Aprons and Pinafores. MANTLE- AND DRE88 ORNA MENTS, AND BUTTONS-A GREAT VABIETY. Machine, Needies, Tracers, Charts, etc , at 1-miss -U- m ROSS@ Our stock RO-SSe1 TIEASUBEIi'8 SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXE8. BY virlue of a Warr-ant under tha baud e! lhe Weiden and tisa Seal bi lhe Corporation Bof tihe County ef OuRanio, dSeted the Fiftb day osf Septeusher, 1884, commnanding me te levy upan tise lands meuhioned in lie tolloiving list for arrears o! luxes tiereon, un aest, as harein set forth: I bei-ehy give notice ýhat unleas sncb aars ansd costr are snrpaid, I shall, iu aoiupliauco vîtb lise Assaaisent Act, prooeed te sali by PUBLIV AUCTILN, lhi aid lande, or so muaishisareof as nia vbo ueaessary for the haxes, ut lie Court House, In tise Town of WHEITBY, noTUE SDkY, Rh. TE1ITTY-THBD day cf DEBCEMBER, A.D., 8., aI litbe heto TEN o'alock in tise forenoon. TOWNSHIP 0F BEACH. Aineunt ashs aSdTotal IPatntaSor Part Lot Con. Acres et Taxes Cemuiisn Ansont-Unpaled North balf - 21 8 100 1089 2 86 à 57à PatonluS !iortlsart No. 1onplan 14 9) 66 49/100 2919 2 88 8202, P5'tfile 8: partB. baiNo. 8 onplan 16 9 70 871'100 45838 8 24 4862 PatenteS S purtN.W.part No. 7onplu15 9 131,14 10 55 287 12 92 - -Pà tmied 15.part N.E. parthNo. 8on p'ulà 9 1824/100 9 88 285 12-28 PatenteS -TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING. - Noit-bwest corner of S-bi! 24 7 or 1 2 39 9216 4 55 PatenteS Part South quarter 28 B F 1 8 48 2 19 562 PabenleS FÂIBPORT IN PICKERING. Wter lot No. 8part S.half 28 B F i 1 211 242 PatenteS Waer lot No.4 partS.balf 23 BF 86 2 18 2 99 Palenwê South vesI angle parI Canseron street Leidlew atreet Part Sentis half North hall 1Part Norti-ousl quai-Ici North hall North hall TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 19 8 21 5 68 2 24 VILLSAGE -OF'CANNINGTON. 12 1,15 U- 21 2 71 7 1 1591 245 TOWNSHIP 0F.- THORAH. 1 9 80 8 370 220- TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. 16 4 100 27 84 2 80 14- A 100 26 81 2 77 14 B 100 24 42 271 15 B 100 25 09 273 5 E 100 24 45 2 71 6 E,0 100 27 85 280 7 E 100 24 45 2 71! 9 E 100 2099 2 68 5 H 100 16-835 251i 2 2 x 100 15 40 2 49 13 L .100 12-ý85 C42 1 M- 100 18 08 248 TOWNSHTIP 0F BROCH. 7 14 - 8 .2 1898 ý2 45 TOWNSHIP 0F MÂBL 14 5 100 12 68 2.42ý 4 6 195 2871 -270 7 hil i 1la m 2 57 21 12 6 66 2 12 10. 18 10' 1769 155 4 18 10) 294 26B" CosyTreauurer's Offie, Wiihby, September Oth, 188. 7 92' 2692 16 sa 29 58 2718 278S, 27 16 80 65 2716 - 28 62 1886 17 89 15 27 16 48 Patenta patente&, J. B. L B.LAURAN.E>S Si Tie, fdllwisg arelte- nmms cof seoi- f vicînity who have purohâse& ana Ils LÂAU-RA!I Celebrated -Spectacles .-ar For tic manezts cf goods,, 4ntending ý -to any aulof th "J..ParoeIl. Orowu Attorney, "T. PaztOnSResIff. - - 5Thoî.Lmwler Marchant. - - 53no. Woclicxf.,Teeher. -. - FITZPATRICK'S.