21 YEARS ESTABLISHED.,ý- PRIDAY MORNINëî,'-1 Stréét, WhltLy, TERMS : $1 PF3 AUNUE ti; ADv«ie. The CaRONiOtl bLa a larger circultlcu than any ethor Papér le thé Oouuty cf Ou. uarie. JS . Robertson d. Bros., PROPRIETORS. TEBMS 0P ADVEUTISING. Firet insertion, par lino, 10 conta; eoc subséquent insertion, 6 cents. bisaseof Advertlseets are measnred by e lq folid Nonpareil, and chargea accort ingly. Advertigeent'5sont wlthout wrltton lu. 9 tructions ineerted until forbîclden. and char ed for full time. ordré for litoutinniing advert4sements muestlbt, in writing.otherwlcethie publitheru will not be reuponsibte. A lilberal discount for contract ativertise. muentet by thé yéar. Copy for chabges ef contract altisemcnts @bould bc haoded icii ft lat.-r tItan W eda1 snd notioe of aniy intuend dchangée on eho iven hé- for@ Tuesday cno. Othér ativortscruents recozveil ni) te Tbursday noon. Ilumiocen notices ln local or nows columun frst iineertion 15 rente per lineocf Non1tai- rei, 10 centi-per lino each subsequent in- sertion. lFive conte per lino per annu. Correpondence solicited froru ail parts of the County or nighborin towuhips Cor- resonents are requeeted te séedluntheir roxnmunicatlons &asprnuptiy us possible. 498 PAUllNG DEPARTUENT. ,Iis Departuseut la voli supplled vith titi ttéwest and liandeomosi Stylos of Typa suitable for évery cdams ofJob Werk. lt. Printing a speclalty. The CnraoscLi's equmprutent.le this respect le strletly tiret- claoé, sud tsnflot ozcelied by suy offin Eamter n Otarie. jotiN E. IPAItEWELL, LL.B., B ARRIUSTER, County Crown Attorney, and Connty Soicitor. Offic,- Southe wmng, Court Bouie, Whltby -48 m ESSRS RITCHIE & BILLIIiOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT' LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c VvT U 1it l1> 7m C. H. RITCHIE, Troénto. W.H. BILLIIIG8,.1 Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, BAttRISTER, &o. Office formerly où- cee 1ied by Faréeel & Ilê tieig, neli W Iloyal iotel, t3rocla St., Whitby. DAVID ORUNSTON, B. &. A TTORINET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN * Chancry, Conveysucer, &-o. Ornîe-In lheu Ofice sentI t tliePest Offlce, in )dcMll"an's loe, Brook Street, Whity. -ly-ll) RODINSON 'kKENT, (Lae sDueceue tRoarinu.> D ARRISTERS-AT-LAW, ATT ORN. I> oye, Solcitoru, Couveyauecers, to. OFFICE-Iu Victonta Charnis, No. l, Victoria Street. JG.RoÎîysoN, s. a. EaT A. E. KzNT. G. YOUNG SM1T41, L L. Bl., B) ARRENTER, te., tc.-Moeey te Losa I>lasuer ot Marria Licenes. t)rrits-Over Dominion Baut, Whitby. fan. 22, 1878. , (tf-fi O",ANADIANS a 0cftteilu 0t., wlt iisout t paes..tibe ieStalcu, lus eulga7 Tetalceai et-Unitedi Stats fer 818 Years, $74. On scolW t mdlo dravlnb,4aoip*uolnvC.,~.. PIANOS 'TtJNEDe P~rbles vOl jelesi. lbs7c Ui* ordqrs de~B~*euBL~né,lh.OsI.eu~ Kasea h BIset, ~ewest., mlii reéclys prasiptetiantlsa. - lp.14 p CDSrrEJIs KFD) GLOVEC(LEANER -FOR SALE BY - w0e Re H-OWSE, C1EE~ISTAND D]RLJGGIST., WHITBY, ON-TARUOBI Every Newspaper and Reader. $2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 J _______.__-rgvrtm~tani- nlrn lsdsty0 w. dvbcat. ,-PCC, Progres., KoitgBohrod VOL. X4kVie'. h WHII'DY, NA.Q ' WC v,-- 4 THiOMAS ,IoW, Whitby, Nov. 7îh, 1882 Mnag..cje.s ONITARIO RN,: WUITBYBANE Brouit Street,- Whltby1 , J. a5. ADD-ION, FINANCIAL 'AGENt P 0. Bdz 114, 801YWHfT MONEY TO LOAN!I 0100.000 Putt INVESTU-2NT. ON REAL ESTATE SEOURITY' At lovést hymg es t« ofhttueeL Moriey serd w1thlka 10 day. of ap. pliostime. Apply te ospqu&BN 'Whtby, Folirum y lth. 1880. 5 Inziiranct C. NOIJRSE, Insurance and Genpral Agett RcpWeeetieg the fotoi wtn eupsais Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, et London, England. North' British and Mercantile, Insurance Co., o'! Edinhtirgh and Lodn. British American Assurance Company, et Torontu. London Guarantee d Accident Company, et Eugland. APPRAIS VOR TZE Canada Permuanent Loan & Satngs Ce MONEY TO LOAN, On I nprove 1t Psat Ilés rateofetItet ALe Se-rtary-Treasurer of lie Counly AgretcmleuratSociety et Senti Ontario. - --- OFFICE :At PontOffic. rock S.a eet.. J. Il AiRER GREENiVOOI>, ATORNY A ND SOLICITOR, CON voyucu. NtuyPubie,&.-Poet Ofice BDraver No. 11, Whithy, Ont,. Foraés bolgit &sa solti Marriage Settle- monts, Witls sud Trusts ruade Specialtie. [nana negotîstee t o&aUlkinde et ropé1prty. 42-t y JOIIN B&LL DOW, B ARISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITOP luin<hucery, Convey&ucer, &c. Offic-Deverils aBlock, Brock Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Privato uude,-- le as unp te80M, at a low raté cf in- teret. (Y-52 LYMAN ENGLISU, L L. Bl., BARRISTElI AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BChancery. Convayanor, &c., te. Sims- eue Street, OshawA. Wun. lcREM.D., N.Ra.A, fltY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG.. iJthe oye 9. O. H. L. Oshawa, Ontario. c A RD . - DR. BOGAKT, Phiîiclan, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &c. Whiîtby, Sept. 50th, 1874. 40 Dit. W. CUTOBu115750, L ATL? Acting &Asoui'&nt Teronto Asylnm .L1for Iusane. OFFICE-Tst iately occupleti iy Mr. C. Nourme. Insurance Agent. BROOK STREET, -WaITBY. W. ADARS, D 00115QOVER JOHIN FERGUSON'S Ilcttheng Establishmeént, Dundas-st., Wlhitby. t411ce houris front 9 à .m. te 12 m., and freont 1i)0te 6, p. ru. Résidence-Cor. et Byron andOGibert itreets. Saxtahie for Wrapplug purposes, layue nuder carpets, etc.,26 cents parhundro . AIpply te . tf. TItIS OFFICE. 100 Colorons sud 100 Engravlugs in oac imse. 43rd TZAR. #1m50A VIA&. 'Senti rée 2c. stamsp for Sample Copy (Heglieh or glerm&U> of lie OLItE5T AND l3zeT AaccoLTua.cz, ottawau luthe world. 4RANGE JUDO C00., DAVID W. JUDO, PRIS. 751 Broadway, New Yerk. Ni fur the worting clam. Bond 10 éots for lIIPcentstfc, sud wsé it yeMI uc, a à royal, *U:Voslb ox of éemplc géodemtai stl put yeu n l te W&Y et uakiug more tnnney ta bu4levdays tis avenr ibugtt posible ab any Y.ý!«é-eaptalnotrequired. Ws vi111 tan yen. Yocan vert ai1 ttc tite or t1 paretinte ony. Tcwrk là tnlveisally edat=titeboth scues Yoteg c d nId. ,Yen cao esily mare(rom 50 cets te 85 eery evanlag. That ail ve Ssc verk map tset ttc busneuss malte thii.futowing une-aa tititi oSer: tq aIl-htéane net «All ,tl4fed w viii em<i 1 erte 1 -btrouble cf Stîtiéz Us. Tit ttsrttculsedr s-etc., ment fiée. Frtunce bd1t nIeb*i.c~égv ticr wvite bt tit ttlet. 01t ~ eo-sOleuéietul>esru Font delay. Usia noo. Asiérese Muoxjk 06. plr -OL» Ai» IXUI8 OR-$ ý SVtOlFtlC NEWDOI( Tg"t çA< _ T941)3 MAU A. A. PONT, lste with Langlcy, Langlsy & Burke, Torqpto.) A R C HITE CT. Désign for Cherches, Villa. and Cottafes a peclity Drwings prepared for ré moDlg exiting structures. Oprmcz, for the prescut, at hie resîdenos on Kingeton Rosad Pickering. P. 0. Box 202 Wrnrsx W. 0. JOHNSTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. Osa tee found ai the Law Office et J. e. K1>E.,Whitby, or ai thé résidence of M. ohuston, Perry sireet. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBV. Geo.-Crmok LUXHER whiolosaié anti retail, o»y by tho car load. Planing, Mouldingu o! cvM ydescnà p- dion, Flooring, Sheetiug, Sheiving, Ré- sawîeg, Shsplng, Turning. Bcril-w@rk, etc., c-tc. Whitiy, Oct. 101h, 1878. 4 KKG RTE, WHITEY, ONTARIO, Importera, Doaéranti Mauufacturerof sUý Kindu of LEA THER AN.D FINDINS&, - Ouih paiti for Hidés, Berk aud Lemaue Leathoiréte$. tw-BELTING SUDE .TO 08DER*0N May, 1872. 8 IL'. J. B. IÉATES, Neveépapes, LV. dvditlig Agoat 41, Park Row (Time UlIdiShna),ew Yerki, ie autborimcd b pmîva At iverVee ment$ la the CURONCLE a$* ur bes ratés. T Ris TA'PEBRmay Le I=ouni le st Gao. P. Row.li t col$NewnspeprAd. Nsv Y a K.- .18 LUMBER ILUM»BER I' - ce LUMBER3ý >MEROHÂNTI w I 1TB Y as bnuband.s.lreipplyétof ka a s pt Bam Luntiar Doards, id nl aee Buildnr-Lw:fav. e aci&uâ=»T"4nbue. 3 z. StL VER ýCASE Tir-' - T _1;=l-WI«lTf! l W mtarputation e 7YAS ,a Wîby as lie.. OREÂPI Mun, lu TOWN ' sPinhg JomA ILS JO M iTON P«I= Who immen th» tomibero tqpogricaemorein thé fiItirm e. bp m wMfomdliell"uIte icnuda aPm" before luIt .ct. viii reels aIOL P mGise .MM Lia. 5. CM inlc rma, sMd th yve t losd lie sert isaittnm. ber viii eoL recive OIL FAIZTINGS ose 18 ltul. ieavilytra d. Thc bock M jusl Wb"i svery eus Lsriég euythlag 0tel viti nuvapapmr ve*k alconlt bavé.,TTé Scot#ah AmaftnrmrasZ, Nev York, saselt: "Ou9«ùr Jeshua asý a Reporter"» le a novr Itoo by ' o 1Brother Jonathan thýdl dtroubla.slissaznt te a neya- papes office, aMti oflove the iero frontthe litme ha etei aréà s ano*iceuill las ice=u afui fetgeti reportes. iiany ofttlia mci dén ia ae ueell amusiug, ali e vont isevliently eritten by oue vie te thenugi. ty aaqnainahd viii thé pracical delais of a »»avpaper effica.tt AUas. MUÃŽPAN H. PITTS, 4n40Fnédelclee,.B. D0N"T FAIL TO- CO-ALL ON We E, O'BIIIEN, AT "EM WH ITBY flhogiraph Illsry Fer fral clans vert. SPECIALTIES. Large stock o!f FAMEB on haut ah ail prices. A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. E. O'BRIEN. 1Wlithy, lune, 1884. isnu TRUSTEES' SALE 0F9 Béetiu&cn pct less ter&Bd aitcf 'il Paml lo umber tem clon b.VIlou c et lot nPumbrtlte uffl h *t om. -o moin= $taron PaTembrlue cnwnetaine 401eaadc lauivii sr ematitelet>ese Aie JOEHTI U RTUIE-ées tesenin vrié I. Money ini the Pocket of COMBINATION RATM. ehromole $1)at ely Globe ($1) . Chrene le ()nsd WoeklY Mai($1) Chroniol 1) sud Weekly Ativertiser ($1) Chronicle(1) sud WécIdy Witnen $1) Obromclo (1) and Weekly Star ($1) Crnoe 1) and Rural Canadien ($M) Chionicle 1) andi Lisura Heuir ($1.10 Chroniclé 1' anti Suuday et Home ($1.50) Obreniale I5 and BMoys Oa aps$1,50) Chroniole 1) anti Girls' Ovn P~e 8.0 Chronicia 1) andTi heHouseholti1.10) Clareniol 1) and (Irip (2 Chroniola 1) andi =*ant eAmercan ($8.20) Chroniala 1anti AmériesuFariner (si) Chantde i dSOOttia Ae Jnounual ($2.60)- Chroniole 1) sud Trmth Ohrenicla 1) anti suy Ivo Dollar Weeklies or Moathiea-lbrea Chronicle ( a)nsd suy ti..Dollar prodicals-four peridias Chrouicle 1)andti io Monthie pU~d aist81.50-8 periodicas b IN U. 4 INU. 4I~ Line uggested on tie dnowning cf tie laie E. Van Carcan B.A., Augnet aain. 184 Br SOtTE Va qDUBES. My darling Cousin-art thon Rone,. And are thé.é téars ef miné ru vain- How often have I thought et the, Aciemileti, and tiought eft liée agate? SOeé-crions Power ofi held mry mind And iodé me love liée, lie' unkeowu, Bal grief camé by sud loncheti my heart And I1eRit héré andi wéep aloné. Wé hem-cl of ait thy bright career, Thy praseés Sere on évcry lip, And oee right eay at Fame fair stréaro Thon bravely hadIet le sip But Death swcpl by asud Tal his Lad UJpon lhy héari, sud hadé lice go; Do angBls wémgh a mothére f, I féél se sati anti strangé lo-ntghî, I cannat tait thé réasen why, But cow thttoar oesson thsem on n hçto de.on Wa hold il by a alénder Ibreati We liva-se ireathé a few short day, Tien eomebody aeftly whispen ,vlael~ ,-Our Yaleesloekupmnanév And tiliil hem etnonblad hearts etours, 'Tho' Grief has surély lft tes mark, Yat sceller tiéssings ne théehowers. Speai corofort ta us, for alone We weep o'er ruémories ltaI corné, Wé tivati opon a ihing tIt'e past, A once unbrokén, happy home. The Devil's Den. WEAT WAS WXTNESSED -ST A IJEÂCE OP "BS"s'IN TEES LOCAL MENNL Semas limae a e s aiR le oa place about tour miles nonlb et Wht. by calot lita ItDeville Dan." Superstitions parions years age usat te &ay liai boreslte imp et- Darnema matie statati asile nd &kat turing snob visite hé vouiti daim as hie ospecial préy any montai vhous nootlossnoss or tata ohaucctte haveanineute this nemantio wsud. Yoane have pasae siuoe thon. Thé hand ef man bas succoestuly veildoti the saw- and, -axeuntîl bis SBalanio Mjeity's svay ha. bee broken. Bihl the sud placé natains ils Pluteulo ap- pelation; as chutimid people ehud. dan aud iusllnolivaly tenthols beade while valiug tinaughitliaglaties,s Ibougli ttaey xpecWed gte sa stemoni- sie face leasing a& thous tram lb. recaes of semésjnttiug beeldér, or catch, l e t shffling saut thé pnint oetà a 'oioven Eutang théetien romn ltaemain soati, va crosa 11141. stréapa, wvit tumbiedov» about tan os lweiva foot of rougit rockesrakiog lia èche ring gladly aud illiug the cntraîe te lie tinatituiplace viti ils liquiti musie. But as yen pIov tLe itle t ainéin i ail !te aannUld meandeniugs, seve- go deeper anti deeper lu th. glaties anti sadova of lte place, vsonlà occasion- aily bear a laint eouud of falling valér, anti ean tIs eou ceases, leavlug us alone-laa seliltuee au aimeat asé, al" we hioL may Le teit, and va uncenacionsly baginte teint ttwhaî a splendid placo'eo eé ari doati thIe voulti be, how afectcally s person .baui 'ou vengeance culti luné uns victina iu horesud dispose et hlm, andi momory bringa np, the- full par- tionlarsof eveny despésate déeto vbiab yee hava réai on board t1111 eéy nérve lu oun body tinglea viii e4XIM vicbim, anti every-ireea.nsuassassin, every braucha a âUelio, avéry crimson-1 coloneti moesas ot- of bleei.1 Hère silence le king, sud va'hardjl dtae te raies, eus voic. aboyé a viaper -1 for fear semaetfthe upit-vilh vhlch1 exmgiuatioi bas pepleti thé ai- moheraoetthé plce-veulti',oitthe commanafti ut basolute ieonarch, liinatiy"anilata ne for dsbyn bi mndts, As va go deapean u trnnlao the "tin" it becomes £1111 6mrénlvitlug. On loûr nigbt- dar u inhbitable looing ls eo u latsombra epusi oks. 'BtUl8>on va preus ialng - ibi damP sudIj leau vaubing e tmback yet 1lu e:io b7 an-lssealfsintos4,m via ot uvres r ic.l whitbp Ulllrouickt, OCTOBElI Brd, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WHAT 18 80111 041N T0WIA l ELIEWIEIE. A BUDG1ET OFJ.IVELY NEWS MATTER GLEANED Bt COHlIlCLt REPJITERS tM 0OiaRtîpiq-iîqr "A uhiele-amang ye. taicin note, An' f aitihé'ell prént i."l A RATCULESS wouA.-Yeur maiden SETS A Gooin ErîMPLm.-Vandérbilt WIIo adite an incomne of $12,000,000 per annnm apénde only 8250,000 a AN OLO PARER .Wht o W te tan éditer slsng bim bow te gel nid ef a inole, socoiveti the neply; "Plough themn ont,' neert baqli: ."on't 'do Si. It's en my ginl'e nose." WeaaE TRAN Wic.-Tié Ta% Raté for Urxiitge thia year le put at 28 mille on thé dollar. W. tiongit Witby'a higb at 28, but wa nooti net taitk nov. Port Porny's rate, vo believo, le 88.- Journal OAS FROar SALw»ÙT.-Doeéouto, on thé Bay o! Quinte, thé contre of -thé great lumbor flrm Ratihun t Co., le ligitati by gag made ontetof avdnst, tins uttliziug a maleniai ethérwise neelees sud lroublésomo te disposa -ot. CEEA? BA&TEs.-If eheap transports. lion b. suy baneât te tarmene, lhoy have it nov. Présent rate fronM Chicago te the soaboard -are about hall a cent pernton persmiid; wbile by lake euti canai about one-thind et a cent le thé prevailing rata. Grain le nov carrioti tnom Citicago - te Liverpool fer 7j cents per bushe.. GassiTanNE Wonxsaop.-Thé G_- T. B. oas verks aI London v-osé des- troyeti by iré on Saturtiay lait. Lose $200,000, sud noarly 400 men threwu out of vont. W. -uaodoetaundthé thé vents vili net ho sebulît lu London. W. aiso e asthé enok te iPort Hope are té go-se the Matil soae"muet go." Tan WAY Tay Waics-When an otites l ls inry hé doen'I waate wottie by eayleg. «I Il raiuod ", Hé stmply vnile, «Aller many deys of anti déseication, lie vaposy captaine marabalkod thei tndcrlug boîte, sud ponnéti eut upen acorching humanity sud théeItorougltly lucineraleti vagatas tien a tes luches of aquaatplerialis. RAIL ON TaE LAX.-Thé intéresllu»g effect produoeti by thé faliing of hal cloncea large as kooti-sized . marbe jute Lake Outario turing 'athuidar- stosus lii.s ummer, la tioscribédti teus by an observan' t réidtint whose home Je on the sioe, s folovs;-. "Wheu a round objeot tircipa ie valet thé liqeiti closes viti. se orcible s 'ratura that il Ibrovi up a iy wateasput or fonntain, viose heigit le lu proportion té,e ilone of thé- fslllug objeol. As ba haistenes stmnck lié serfacd thons- antis ethes. fountains ap'sugup, au abent fountaeu te aitten luchas higi. Thé mfurfaa fo!thé isba epreMuteti-au appeaanée -hlchaeéesuparatnral. . v& as asi<myriadaof apninge *vea ai 'Wosj boathé enu ua 4~, A soosuoLouz llt oIf à Fm'E YEAE OLD.-An Oshava fiva yiar.old vas1 once. Inviei, viii tée Tast doftbsitly,9 Je taté tés ai lie boue eof a fiend in- - Broolulin.Th b'Ãas4of thé family hat1 bakesi pain.te ,prépara a tamptlnIz supper for bile gueute, sud wvisa ail vasé soaati ai thé tabla and t' l-came1 flve-ydar olti'. bumu te hébchelpeti, thé bodt-asiti: e.WJJ lobénny, vit vi ye have,?" Jonny looketi over -thé table a meinulté actA tet,..L 4 Magazine ocit szct FéReTI as m. 1 65 I65 i65 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 1 60. 2 60 8 70 1 85 8 00 2 00 2 50 8 00 8 25 75 2 5 5 5 5 5 60 40 50 50 65 50 50 50 10 75 AVLUABLE PREMIUM onisngo rouegrp lf-lk prra-Size22x28--Of Lord Luson,(Oân&d's nov Goveno tnRiHon. Oivr ai&, E. on. Bn' John A.. Macdonld, or Bey. Dr. WÃŽla, viii b. praaentd fria t evMMy-subacribarhe b. Onnonct. .whether th? paper lu sent tà rm te cutu ,>eaw b L Uisant raita à » naint hw main 4.~uss5bun~ dad te cever ciofpt tgsu It ie yours ta take dývantffl Of these liberal term8 before it is too late. Ji o-s 6ROBERTSON Obreniol. Bullding, WKrrBMr Devesalls Blck R. PURE -LIQUOIRS. - Walker's [ooming thro the %Ieye] Whitkey Dek Gine st. EgüniouOart, et. EM doe< HensyBandy3 yarBri Bouoh 4 4 &Union JIOS., TORONIT0 T ANfOTRER DoLLaR. -Wi summér le diý%astln sd i1 groving aid, vhan theai assuming rlchesi hues'et rai vhon a sottes déépér ezun clohdless, uouday achia. su sels give ---as -glimpieseo t h paradis&- vhén thé sang ë' départédti t a région-1les. au ther Pm.ody,méllifluous,kié the longg ar; vbon the, flilgsçoihv!Ards ofaproffa varus, sud, thé eastk- *q i gaitered, safely llun ahélt v-eth-u ie u lsas. roýw moé" velcorne lith -e Suun-l1 lhsillyoealisn Adda a dollai Tati0 oà Td - numbar Lae4'a Pentu!,.ontijlr in. athes, adest The- illuotrtfa Day -et Bolton, ne item .1 gnous I 10v." Rerrues. Native Wine,, pièst, Port Whtmie, [Grýa- Aise Lime 3uilop Qoýrdialà Aie >udPorer oudroaft, *l -x r FO, :885, M10 l4ui4 . LO SPEORAL FMT'le tro ue esh corta 81TTIROO8-0F THÉ At the Medital Hll W HEIT BýY. G. E. GIBB-ARD.. DRAP, Drure- ÂD LErr HNE. "Molly, I wieh Yeu wonld be "a" better littIe girl," said a Whiiby fà ther te hie littie dan-bler thé 'other' norning. "TYon have ne ides how sorry 1 arn that memaas topogld yenail the timoe." "Dont woiry ablut ilpa," wan the reply cf the littié Byron-,street ange!;" -r arn nt n@ of, thesé seni- tive oidren. L.flalf thé timo I dontS bier what site sýys." Row To Mitce Touu P's .-AÂn ex. ohange telle ils readere how b "mind yonr P'e" le thé followiag paragrapli;, Porions who patronise papers, ebouldli pay prouiptly, for thé pecuninr- pros. pools of thé press hâve a peculiar pow. ev te pnehing fervard pauli ,os yby If the printarior paid- prornutp4d is po-ktboký k.ppj1é1ei - b3cIpromipt paying patrons, haoptthia pen:botpaper in pesou, bie paragraphe of paoldug. vente have -mord pléssiug coloN, sutd thé peresl cf his papér le a pleasure te the*péopla.* PMet is pipesoofprovar. Liai pWiloophà y, fremth Oaocî in soeéplacé ail parise~pcs Tim OLDxST MXD-PrcbbUy the oldeBt maid i l Aerlos, . iâum niee Séxton, cf Lebanen, Couniisul, 8h. résidés villi bar greatm-opeé,Wi illiam Sexton, sud haéà juat oélebraffed'ber o»e hundredlth , birtbdsiy. Bu. va brn Saptembar thé 7tb,-1'784, in 0ol. chater, Venu., asud basresided. btera eighty.four years. Dering ber, Jong 1f. ahblas neyer beaueik enéugh te ra. qréadooter, sudavIen nDow ber bodily hslt egooi. Har only dafacte saam te Lé sight andi hasriig, wbich tbouizb obtuse, have net depaei. Oneshé lisrtdnon lb cars te- Naw - London but nover ha. cie laid eas on »M6»- - - t. iZl~~t) JJA Zkla izm Ji v Pw -'i CI ___ ~NTRIýFRJ]DA OCTOBEIR 3e 1884. -Special Clubbing Offer, Whitby CHIiONICLEI H., JÂEON. I1ALANWARE4uE M- MeQ~NVN Crge Works, htb,-Ot «M--wmwmý 1 1 - q -1 âî ye. -qýLj m 1 'A. ý 1 1 , 1 1 )o10 rk LTiMlIM-ýl