s. SALE 'BILLS% Aêuw Pai U Salae s-U become of f o ugo gormr isav<tuj Aiebille M O NIOLE offce ù prmowncura)First TU qrê2s faitfofr genumne P4t4ai tie OHRONICLE Or %r,$ewold by any c ceoeasi cf. Tu2oïm. (2) Prweai are iight. Our 'U."noorQ o f aîever izand in ohiateaer qa.tity svanted tillitO (3) he fze nwe fiven ira tise coluntuvof tise (JHRON ICLE to aU Aaving ehii bills pridted at tii Lffice, ù 01 ite4fa sure forerftiner a01 i .ucsfdsale. Indiridrial tî'.tirtoa on tAit poit i is u ualdq/icu1i ta id. The CHRONICLE is noia a er * ,,ih a circulation aq< p ja1thri a *dreds, bict s se otrbryon< t itatlaau and *his iu boittl urther iuîrea.ed ti.i fail, tsrougli tite tue#t ieionaf aur cati oeesnq agents noie<ictively aI i rIrk ced tisespecial andL liberal chlebhîng z$eor ôeing miade ta îtw subcrîbers. As a sAmplernuiUter of busi#ies-lpro/it Io on$'#essilf-it pays ta /t.aîe btil prinhîî aethe OHRONICL)g. J4. S. ROSER TSON d68 O., PROPILTURS New Advertisements this Dai jTaflorlng.-Andrew M. Ross. apetsl.-O. P. Stewart. Property fe« Sale.-Robert Campbell. e 5ale3 tephenson. P*= for @Me-L. Fairbanks, Auctlonoer, Whisby. Passes' excuruon-Jes. Long, Ticket Obaea 0lcet onty-P. Taylor. show Boom Openig.-Mrs Crosby. Inouse for le.-L. T. Barclay. Speia. -. S.B.MoIntyr.. IiPeIeWL-Mis. Fitzstrick. aa. 1otic tecredtor.-Charles Kng Truttee. Spools. -J. S. Barnard. oo"-A. M Rose. 8ma'" ià -for fair wok. -J. S.IBarnard. hF& anIsd visiter good.-Miss Fitzpatrick AUCTION SALES. On Friclay, Ootober 8rJ, 1884, bans., M eid@, implements, hiousebold fuom lu, .,the praporty of Mr. John D@efler, ai bis premises, lot %o 84, ]robes Front con., %Wbitby. Thie wbols vill bc sold witiîont rsecrve. L.Fairbanks, Auctionoer. D Orent, e., tb. property of Fred J. lIIand, nt loté 16 and 17, 8rd con., E. Wblîby. L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. a itbï ONLY ai 0o PER ANNUbM. Whikbiday, S&PL26, 1884. Guuerua.aed circilation OBSIONICLE, The Oounty Fair. Th hsyaend animal exhibition 01 tb. BcUth Ontario Agricultural ooe"tr,. te b. blad on the Fair Groundg, blcPdaY and Tuesday 01 inei week givs promise of aven more hasn sr taiu#ip tà establiahed raputation as musc, lb. V.r7besIcootny exhibitions à tlb. Province. The Sscretar7 ii- forme ns bat the estrese are poursosg in sud peobably viii manch exceed the abVarage number. There will be a big show cd live stock, btter than ever b.. 1orsmoretespecialiy af borae.. R.dueeJ railvay (are. and th-a ari. ste' boli4aY, nov that the liarvestisl home, viii bricg a large number of viPitors 1tO ovl exhibition daye. Tii. clark o< lb. esther gracing thsec- «dson yuLh a clear sky, e pleasant and freoilabi.tlime- mtiy be apent ai the Mait ad asotber @nocesscoret in tihe history of the Society now completing ils third ot a century af existence. Exlending the Franchise. A.OU thelb masy excellent speeches d.iiv.restet b.young mxnni meeting lu lb. Temperance9 aIl,Toronto,in con - usetios vWitb îLe Movat demonstration 1"Lt v.ekthaî tr lbt. tHon O. W»Rose sousor rofeslnalmen cftrademnn muS~f..obnloand dowiward,-ar 112 wrd i f you like-tc ie.cmo ielsoesprvlddauee îiseyar neudatt i lb.heoousstq, aMd have &*fateul helgpf and moraL stand. 4 lo&à hbeanslves *for properlyex- s. liporta t truIndeed, viateva eladard cf lWgbility may evsuualy à » dedd san thAk thén. 111o111d be sornthicg moret " "au Ipl Lavis35rea the lb.ae0o I4mhei.,, l"~sdo (rom a sPel7lf *taaiallo ir.ebould b. et a s trroeprime»3" o0, a tbà rà u outinedby «X p<ose vicia. C '4f ofb.au» a4aqcà uhitudeâ monarci vis, Ifvo mlistake net, rît& wibil- ber gracoions msjealy th. Quet,, lu Ihs distinction of graolng a Lbrone -longer hansy cuber of tiheliving potontatas of ibis age. Hie 10cr a 1ev yearsq mga iisrongb tbe United staies.and canada, and someEnropean counirie,, dnring ich Le visiteS masy leadina plaoeo, mcd mad. hlm. self extosively mqnictod vilS liseir respective industries and Institutions, o0 liaI ho migisi introduce and faler tl.1k. tn bis avn preat counetry, vili 'h be ol! emembered. Ha ha. beau le tie mainsameonltghod and vise ruler. May hb ilvo tiI! ho dits. l unai deauh,ai 1he end of a reign iseaSy long and) prosperons. The Egyptian Expedition. Alroady befon. thesa nadian conttigant "~ destin cd for Egypt have set foot on ýo 1'b shiore ai ho green aid Nil,' -or voias reacisol Eegiandtual tha *objectofth ie axpeiitimon bas been ao- *coseplised by Gaseal Gardon iimsc!f. yTint isero ha. osnce more vindiaated hie 1. caimto opuarîdmirations by p:usg - lo ligiit &ise forces of tha Mahdit lai Tise siage afI ht itsy hue bean ruai) and a dispatli tt'-.chatlthe country in lb. neighbonliaa-.l tefneed (rom *robais and tise obtainisig oaI te ai) p- *plies li. oosparatmvely eftsy. On tha first report no hlie valcome naes thie British ti Alirslly suspendel thlie work on lise trasnsporte for Egypi, but on tihe receipt of furilser informa lion, it vas dectded' te completétha o iiptnantofi thoras withael di.isy. iThe exîtiznstalsoîs ciiis nJden reverse ai ortier mseiltic found ti t act that il is teared the Mahi ill i!bring np reinforceuens-s and pnb Khsartonum once more ina astate ai elego. As va vrito, tho" nililary prepuratione for oparations in Egt'pi ana gosng on vil!, enababsi) vimgor kad it t.quite probable liaI tie expedition viii h. oarried ont &longthie Haese laid dove iy Gonerai Wolseley. 1h may b. iteresîing te ars-readars ta knov lImaIta ic beboata intended ta taratii.h flotilia for tie msent ofthte Nil. the cases oontainingthie stares.are packed sua asingle layer on licsefloor an& &long ithe aide,, bise boxas of aseat and biscuit rising aboya tho gavahea o tas o akeA a partial protection egaimsh asetmy. At lime experimeal triai of the boasts ai Wuivicis Arsenal, iisirheen mets veme scalad ta a bat aud and ver, quit. comionlabla, visile six ai thon,, bre of wisom e vesnovices in iii. use ai anme, novai) tise 1,ai&ounnd lie basin. Tisa bont vils everytiig on board could sai velli sîlsstaîsi, In fifleen incissof vision, lses lit uisvnye lu ha faoni)en tise Rapidseaven wilis n low Nueé. Tii.boule for liosp)itai use are ta ba sepamt, and atmple provsion ha% bs-n an ele for tIbo cotulos- af tisose wvisasey fui! iii llsroîîgh toiling at lise ai for maey da ve. But ltse eiidiî.s-t, it is statal, lotir Do foq, Dot es-en sicineise, and) enter tha touwte uà il@un es ai being engaged ita n onderiai picalo. Tiree Tyrants' Trnce Ons- owe Limas are big viti biebory. Scaroeiy a usats pase@esbut soma evenltuaes pluce liaI daserve. a per- manent place and vil mcetve a parmanenb place apon tho pageaifthe. historias. Onea of lbemont sigeilicant events of cen day vas tisa meating a short tma mgo iu the. CutI. of Skeruiavioa s inshenaigibnnisood ai Warea, cf lie tires grealest of Eu-c. pean poîeuiatee, lhe Emperore of Russia, Pruastsu nd Acixtria. Wisat tise objectot fIir meeting vw. bas sot yet transpireS and lb. quiS- Dunes as-ebusy speacuiainh vits more or les. c< aoeusay b. beir conjectures. Whnb al6uid b. the abject et sucis a meeting uffards nmoin cev o. the pro. ceedinge. Enrope ie groanluaasider lie pressuré cf beavy and frigbgfully expeneiiva armementsaned ucarcninl spite ai aIl effort. ut ropression ià ram- pant tram tise Us-al to tise Bay cf Btnay. Tises-eia sufficient attesl for an explosion ie Bulgarie, te Mac.- donia, anS lie Balkan Peninunle gsteerally. Tie fte of Islam te E-Ùroe is lispelees and te prolifloaifenlie thai vonld mot ha eadnned for a day in Europe if tie greal povens vers Dot jealous of escis atises'a abeaedescy. Il is calnltkeîy, thon, tisaithree Emperors took cnael tegetier as to tisa maintenance ai tiis lige standing as-mies, this uppression aifanarcby and lie pas-iton of Turkoy vien tise propos- iime arrives. Tise immediale ots-teome of the confarence wili b. a continuation of peace, or saubes-, citise truc.. Itii not suah a peso.as tise phtliaatboptst demirs, ilt i a peace that imsposes tho grinding tyminny cf Mili- tas-y systema Spcn millions of people, 1h Je a peacesibat @pend@ incalculable sume un ocmuniiions oi vas- and tise a aimollies-e; but ailes-&Ili 1h le ettes- tias river, et blonS. Tii. trace cas- sai 1mai for long, as the Gas-man Emperon i. neny olS, but evory day tisa i t coahinuieeis somolbfng te ic enlarged, as lb. ps-avions vcbojp .1s nov udded ho th.ehow roolâ, «'è 4Fe g floor b.ing a Ms pLiir tien tise (rnttestpaiofthe OPsiep toSs con.0 taineS bierein (ci"sy aocklag steva& in <s-ut vuriely) show ho peut a&l ventage and cas be o«-mined wlb se by sny latending puscieL. Their preleth6.v :0m le. 25xOft., J the viole Sep iof tLe Lildlg bein 80 (sel. The front part o1fi>. ebov room lochs reaily brfiliant. SempÃAi sumples cf fine different styles of.I RangesaerangeS ýalongtish le, " on oach aide, amosg viiclutle -style-, termeS lbe "P«etc" i ula etptheb meet ecaspkom s.Tben tinfsont et lbse,nerr 1h. cetre, on uaid oet -Stand sampieseof elfteeders vill n vlhébout on.ussamdeosi oook eaoes lu gréul vasWéy. amng thb fl5, ilylsi cfsi sfofedoserul".'New Jevel," the <'Panosile" anS thr ecgh fv a W4e W hes b.soet tvsl um mo 'ketc oomceupacied 'iy a âue portrast ci LotSÈ Bayiefgb, anothe:, 111.1 eminent soieisl'e 3ssidentioki addrees, "Terécent prcrsss. cof pijelcal 1010000," delivered bLorte ilate meeting in Montreul cf th Biftiis Association. The adds-se s.bore-glven tu full, as Il doser-".e te b, though vs observe talwa sessI ias uapparsd oniy in abstracts. Bob.g of tea lnterset alu l.!, and-the Moab str king Vruoon of an occasion morable c s u or7 o cs- onnu country as Ibat en vbioh for tise iraI lime no large and distlnguisbsd a body of Englishmen Lave gos. beyecd the bocnds of tise ivo fisande anS by meeting bore recogniced liaI Grealer Bribain, îLhe addressinlu qestion viii Lo aspeoiaily vintaile le rmodern for its confipietoeam. Our Town and Oounty. vus- 18 IT TIUÂT PEOPLE IN THEIRI PER CEPTIONS OF IDNnrrnCAL OIJEMTSAR,- RtIVE AT OPPOSITE CONCLUSIONS? "TRAVPLLEW' LJCIDATKLS. (Regeilas- correaondenceof Cnaoicx.s WUriiY, tSept. 24 '84.-Bars goes again. Wisaî shah I eay next ? Ltke Tose Peppen in saurai afisiefahber, I fel *quite hewi!dered"; or, hîku a pas-son playing ai hlind.man'a bu!!, 1 hava been groping about le tise dus-k vitisout baing aile to auke a catch; or, to ns. anotier compason, and periapa the basi ai tie lire., I te.! as a 1o may ha aupposail ta feel vien drivan ont tram ite ahady raîreatinta the bs-oaS dayligb,-unaocustomed tb tie daixling raye ofthe sun, andu- quliied by nature for gaztng steadlly oh lise brigit aide af affare,-il is eoaeequentiy not able tu see hbinge aa liay reaily are. This lunt compason ta soasavhat sngge,.tivo, and 'e-y naturallyhlads to tisa sequisy,-How in ii hiat differpnt people s.cubiuge in sncb différent ligite momebimes ? And iov la it, liai, furnîshed viii tise sas. factea se a round vo-k for opinion, différent people viii as-rive ut not cnhy differeai, bui momtimes direct/y opposite conclusion@s? This I tiink muy b. accouotdSfor to saine extent by the tecdency tises-e is ia Many minas 10 jump ai conclu- tiens vîhout a bisarougi investigaton of lb. facte. Same link ithtiChain oi evidence may b. averlooked, os- may appareetly be so ts-ifltng as tb be cou- aides-eS ai uc importance, viseroe &bat litulmay really b b. heos, on wviebtise mat important recuite bang; os-, (t usue anotiser figure), tise us- practioed eye may Lune passeSn- noiteicasme unotsine atsinjeb as-c, h, iai, obviîissinding its tii edge uni) appnrently compa-aulve in- significance, May. on clo.er tevestigu- lion prove 10 b. le reality the key atone aftie bridge. Tboise sancbe- ansscf setede wic Soees so eas l paseesa tise paver of Sislinguisieg betwev asettlai, having s gene-sai regenu blanc., ara yet te many respecte -widcty di#tinct. For insanace. ho a &uperfican observer a bom.lock might appear to ha a pies, but a Ihos-ougi woodaman wyodmakte ne snobbluder, and the akilifel cas-pente- wonld readily dieiguiah tise difference tn the grain, anS vculd ban. no difftulty b. SsciS. ing as to lb.e aperîorty cf tisoe eove- the elLes- for lie pns-pcee of hie basdi- Tiers te unehisar clan of minis, tbe repreescisuiea cf vhfcb, Lowvees cleai' lu Ibeir perceptive powe-, and Lowvees correct in thse general exerus of th t powver, Lave-etclii ery gpeut dtfficulty indiveehing tILeisof pre-ccnceivcd ide-as scd isiprceuious in regard to cestais subý.cte anS objecte. Ticse pre-coceied iSsus may b. lie rancît ai impes-feot esly tinling, or cf isaning nioved tises.eebjcte os-objects lhrough a fatte metdium, vbloh, like a flavad vindov5-pane, vil! momestimes dictes- theb. jectlooked upon, anS gins it un appessue-.vaitly diffieusntho visai it veuld cîbervise present. Or &gain, thiespro eoncsf seS idsu may be the resuLu cf havisg ai nmn timesceeu, os- inng been bs-eugbt in contact yuL thee subjecte or obiecte tn a partial manne-, os- freinme partial stand point ocly. Ti ides is weli illustrated le Saze's pee of thse blinS mensuanStle elepbatit. Ose of tise 5lud mec, sps-esdiug ouI Lis bands anS teeling tise brouS aide cf lie aie- pisani, dedas-eS tisaItth. elopisant vas lîko a watt; anctiser, puttisg bis as-me lesing againsi it for cuppent, Secias-eS the elepisant vas like a ire.; vii.a this-), gelting hlîcd ccly of ise tait of the animal, *8 decidediy declus-eS liaI lie elepiani vus like a raii. But vhee an ide& bukes defleite lisape, anS bacomes fairiy fuixe in lhe misS, b. il s-tgit aor vs-cg, 1 tueisce»il la nso eay task. The man so poeeessodl, (if be in a bieS mas), muet Le maSs ho f the elepiant, sn ho epeak, (tom Irs?e o tait, in os-des- fiecorrect Lis juodgussnl;1 as-, if Ibo mas, leavisV e., bas only nieve eS lb bmeion by candie UçA*, (to ne* anoîbe- liUslrton) Le mut hanieapepait by mnaUghfasel vian ho yl ,pes-bapes ieconer Ibal îLers-e euircom for Soibl se totLe cr.aturs'o Is-us colons-. Hors the repsed Lhoviof lb. lmp from, the netiser regions foir oopy, oopy,"' breaks in upos my cer in euc a «"Soieful moueS,' ILut, t. euse bis aufferlcg. anS My ovu as woehlILaten oban binahl the fos-egolsg; saSndmt biseretore roquait lie rendors' hind indulgence, vii> theo ue-taing th&& lie subject vil! b.c ontinueS anS TRAVELLER. BuoulsNotes IMPORITANT ANNIOUNCXENTSPncm WHs-TNT SSIIiCRANM5 Nov Dress <coda. Powe 00. Ses Bss-nardst stock orcil e: va-e. Nev Miuiners- ut MissFit pats-lch'. Milliuey cpenng, Po euo Qur nov Oves- Coattneiare immense. kudrew M.BPm. The. las-ge stock of Dr.., Geode in WViitis t Rocs Bros.1 lSeo Barnard'. stock of gold anS Ulgeter ieaof epeclal pattes-nea&Rd etra n*eainut. F. Stewart . .LadifeunS.: Veste u inel, so ult MdS White, usies. AuSs-ew M. Boss. 1New7 geld nsus-aRe, jeveirir ut Nev.us,n.vTies, anS nev'Tweeds. t.Srev M. BOaU. ses lie Miliuery - .iepluy futiay, hfonSay h Tusé&ay »"L t.Powell&hC. Tbue hiapeul naSes- veu tîWMlbs- WHITBYYS O0UR (n H p.4 41 c FALL SHOW - -GRAND 2 9th-& 3Oth, DAYS GLASGOW Wanted. A good generel SERVANT MAID. Apply ta 1 1 Mns. L. T. BARCLAY. Notice to Creditors.- N OTICE le bereby gî»otoIthe creditors c1 JOHN SAUNDERS, cf tise lova of Wbftby, in tise Ccuaty cf Ontario, la thse Province cf Ontario, shocoaker, tisaI ho Lu exected su segament ef bis estatesud- credibors. are isrs rsquested b file thhir claie, accomedwlth te oucher agalnstthse ..ld John Baunders, anslthss aturecf tise seolty tisey iold, If sny, 10 tise uadarulgn- edon or ieore tise- 1 nat Day or NOVEXEER Next. 1 AU& notice ial ereby givea tat fer tisaI date tise truste. viii rob"eS le attributs lhsproc.edsof thsesa etate amoagttise creditorsof9 he.Msainsolvenl, savingr regard only t t l aim of viicinotice shahs. elveahlm, asud tisaI'ho viiinot bo iabla te a»y person or BinAm ofhoeclaie b. hsU motlthenbhaveshad notice for tise amsts ou diâburmed or any part tieroo. Trustee, Wisitby, ont. YOlJR FACE» Tan FekeSnsr Pirples, BlaelkSpcsBot Tan&FreokleLoiou, Sale, Suree sud EffectuaI. PlucE 25C. PER BOTTLL Socd by a&UDs-ngg1st ' 1ie PA ce WAIREHOUSE. TWO EXCOURSIONS! On thec lSth d3Oth Septem- ratPipestà ne Counry 0f SOUTHEENMINNSOA, whare ex- cellent lad ayh.obaed fr 8 per acre Pleasant trip sud' Rater- R RiasblV. LOesst For partiulas, ades M . OLLINS, LondonderrY, -lveqee1 oi, 8'fnw5 Royat Ma a SteauÈskph - I-N ~aM tisai t-i o o o o We are daily receiving cases of New Goods, and will undoubtedly show on SEPTEMBER 29th and 3Oth, THE LARGEST STOCIK 0F DRY GOODS IN SOUJTH ONTARIO, "STAPLE AND FANCY."ý BË SURE AND GIVE THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM A CALL WHEN IN WHITBY. The Improved nov Raymond, best ia tb. markiet. It tak*s thse lead every viier.. For sale ai Mies Fitspatrickes. Special value in our own direct lÃm. poltatisss. Tavela extra;1 our Tovel.- inga can mot be toucbed. Table Linen thse very bout, 0. F. Stewart. The largeet stock of Hosiery and Glovrs in Wfhtby at Boss Brun. New Shirt. and Drawera in union, aIl yood, and cashmere. Gent. wbo require a suit of underwear shouid ee visat vs are doing. Andrev M. Rose. Thé Largest stock of under vear in Wiiby ai RoseBrou. Dry Goode Emnporium. Elvery ose knows thsItlb place te gui à gccd flstingsit least the tailor- ing departinent of Ândrew M. Roe. Bo the boys ail aay. Tise las-geaistoctk of Rats in Whîtby aI RoiseBrou. Famrinr and consumera of ail vili do veli go cue eQusen City 01 Co'*. celebratd PxaLaes Machiner7 01, for saite by &Hli rs-ci. dealers. Seo their advertîsemnt. The obeapeat Bate tn Wbitby at Rose Bros. The. laset stock of Dry Goods in Whitby aItishe Wbitby Dry Gooda Empornum. RosBras. On 1 s'as DzmborT, Chicago,osie. October 2usd & Brd excursion tickets aold by E. 88ephenson, at telegrapi office, Witby t0 Dets-oit or Port Huron #5i; Saginav, Bul City 68; Grand Rapide 89; Cincinnati, OCisao or Milwyaukee $111 atil good for tes days te ratura. Our stock cffaLU IDr7 Gooda te nov comploe..Spea" line, direct lirom îLe manofacturer. No muiddle profit but benefit given te or ouatomers. la Biunkets and Tarse veare offsring lbsm aI violesal prime. Look te oas@ ses heut O. P. Stevarts. Mr. Barnard aivays tries tehave bis (il stock of vatcise, jewolry &bd stiver vars complt by Pair lime. Tbis loei: les basexceéedS&il prenions efforts anS assures us Le vill make a moat attractive daspiay. Every ose muet ese bis -window displsy and «et bie pries. Viuitors and otbere are oordielly tu- vlled te cali andexain Lus ebout and latga stock of Dry Gonds, Olotising,1 atlnry «coda, *ver sLows in the Oounîy cf Ontario. Our dsspi.y lu lb. abors lises se orti Coing toeset. Yon wl be sLown ibrough by att.n0vs and polit. asistanîs, and 50ce for_",or pressing ailowed in any vsy. Fui! sot to cal! on O. F. Stewart. OOOD TRE FR.LR ROUYD.-Notieaal Pila are c goouf btod puejte, liges' rear, nul mild psurgative jos' ci 9 Practical Foretry. To tA. Editor of thse W&iU> Cusos,. ICLE. Dx.AaBs-I: I bLee onîs-ectel for 5,000 black vulsut treeu, fount (set igL, t0 come frein the Western Blutes. Tise cost yul, laid siovn fs-e. m Osawaa, isclndîna distribution, frelgit Suty. &o., DseMt eee wenty cent.s ssci, comlng in curieuSe. 1 Lougi them fer the pus-pmose 1lndnetheb resudents o cf Pw.-n Buh euSwaet Wbià by, BéehanS Daullugton, I1c»WS ing lie hovu andSvilaes, t. p let tiem l i a&bout ILsir Lome. viii gis-e Ibiho m n y ose vbo Sesirsethoe (Dol elobedb.g Ian) ah soluai ost Tbey are a s- as- -pU grever; makoe a Leauthftl ahbS. oisse hu a eliolco nul anS a r -s vsalcals lotrJmber viieener il migil b. lesIrable b eu tbeinSmx bus-. 1havbtonght .liaï ivés- or si of hein planteS la a ciroe., sas- 76féiet in diameer, anS ose lu-lite iesIs-e, vould muhe a s-sqbeaufis unS SceiraLle group ofillsesfra ileo for cattie. Ttey vimisWuailS lt e henu nisdSomfort cîhmu, s Výhe planteS in anS iaboul lb. bous.. mu ba-n; but, 1 veud mxggest te tbfl. Who plansthonsm tiaI tb.y tri= lbem Whou Tory Young. by dogre.., sas tho lave lb. maintrunk slaes-20 <set bigi b.fcrluy limbe ar allowed le branchont. The iii aiMd hbeïr value in the future fer lumnbe-. Tbs-ee ires planteS usaer Hanstous, le01us- sgc,a-e suiS tho e noves- >#4,00-ei to ont Soya for lumbe-. I1viii flle uns- uplumione vIieL sa-e son e baie 1u4s-em inlbes-Sres- ln whioi thay far eclseSand filthemins &he saine os-der. Ttsey viii come ea$ly in the eps-lng, but I.would i1k. te knov, &t tl l a dî- a eas possible, wbo wodhâ 1h.'tim. 1 have tukan lie iia 5a km silsth&" ia" l.5 i.fath. A Remarkable ]Escape. Mn. Ms-y A. Dailey, of Tuikhiseck, Ps., vas sfiicteSfor six yearewllb Astisma sud Broncisiedariug wvichlitmethebeut pisialans coud gis-e no relief. Ber lit* vas dosPaired of, uâtil lest October mise prS-crsed s Bot!. of Dr. King's New Dit- cves-y. visou imniedlte relief vas foit, sud by continutsng it nsé for a short inmeh vus conpletely cureS, galnlng t inslais50 Iba. in a 1ev maudis. PmaeTriai Ectias of thl certain cure ai ail Tsruî uad Long Dium e ta IG. E. Gibeard'a Dsug Stare. LargeBaIlles $1c.00 Tise peopleocf us, United Statue. as- s to b. greuler ohms-m cet tbaccothon n s- atiser nation ithe. os-id. bIhuar & LAas'sAPLamiA WTRImla one cf dies.urost sud epeedient cf cures for evey form of ertroumnes. Ilrelieve isÀCead Whoviasothser pplcatlone Oomn- Pletels- fait- Il reins-Igrate, lb. fatigueS sud orestaxeS body. sud it imparte Itom- an bacrmyancy tdi mental poveru. (kumtn P5?o1au are climed by inus to blthèmS."eùkilu is ve os-id. A or"anRemedy for Oorns Tits isehounivs-eul teetinions sud laexo- pressaS byeners-oae vio bau useS n-à s-t' CoRx Eximrcro- Thoussdu ta Canada have used le viti gratilig resuit, sud If you viii tau e stroubla 10 sai; acy drugg- lai ii viilis-e y"outise names cf -leas- per-. soasof s-oanacqualnlanas visa bave beau i edica6ls- e-d cf dia vost kind of causa- Sald evers-vier. Sale, sure, painlese, sud vu-gatable incocmpcsition. Trs- It. Il nev- er lails, la o nosubstlbate. Mans-Of these are positivels- dangemsn. use Pnb- na-'@ Corn Eis-ator. Tise Ove-cent place la thse smalesat cota (in vains) ta circulstion in New Osloes. pot"si todide o, Potassium il oueof tise atrongaut ci tise minea-oaisn aMedicine, sud bhs prod musiaeuftrnginath voriS. Tkùfora ion g Imesudb. arge dses, Il dieup t 0egmi jaics. impaire digestion,.d toa"0 relussefood, unS lb. pattat doclans tabultis andl weigist Pesons vitS BlonS or Skia Disesee abouidla hocareful oy iey teks lisesa minmerai poisons, ss in mest latace tise efteet cf isemin ta t smoipes-menentis- impair- las eonstitution. To taise the place C Issme poisons vs oSer Ys-ou desi, sur, prop t sud puesunt relieft froro s-oas-trobiles. Shaker - BlocdS fi-sup la astis-ais-a voettaelsie prepes-aton, sud il le ta cons-sas, sou 0o!lite mert. 1 bave cureS paimanentis- Blaod Tsint in the third <aneration thelise e fetShaker DicoS Bs-up; sarI=ledMocet sigais- fadSvitis wMeses--anS Poi"i. Dr. Smith, Bouger, Pa. for il:curofm rrdPosoe vtise nos o! ~ru pdfc mterai! dISes-treeamant Sud J. E. Kenneds-, Dsnuist, Cobourg, Ont. For s-carsI wva MiceW vilS Dry Toer o! the mst obatinate typa. W«. Irestea bs- ui- otdeheatpisyscim tak "Dslsc mes-nsy. poahi u aursenic vide etn eS ! n g dis Teller crlppleW%-it ilS Minoripoisonas ui rieunete.Tie0 elesoo tinned te <s-v o rse, at Mdlb.e!tciisg imo mado me ca-sas-lu-a Iis condition Ivs1 as to take OSker Bood Sym anSdlise rasais lI a fev montisetiseTelles- vusentre- Wall, th e Ma-caia Pcisostng ail ont cf ts s-alein, »A-SI M a uwall mi-aSdue ouito S.ku-BlocS ss-s-p. Ail like s chrZÃoisiS tahe. C. B. Sergent, Havas-sl. Mass. BSis y W. IL. boys. Wbitby. - Tise Prenais celined tise Industriel ex. hbithe IrsI vas 5.15 inPerbilu79& vehubasowP bdi.tes-s-s- vs ans Suse fin Natu"rm Wie inenT quanttiers- mope la tise s eousLav-er- ba riL Eo.E. ommendullensimila ne gis-enbslov bave Fvrai"«fpa ie rem. 0 erisy ef-tisaI »e la e«r famillessud b reilebe rmit fcr sSusl-PRl.e.No bu i.la-vahuable prs to a ëev mac r»u ort-If setry- mit Bâsa.,. t laa Jubiee Singera. Fise most lateresting future cf tise roc- ast exhibition eaI Monirei, wva aompaay cf colored Jubiles Singe-mengageS in menu- fecturing tise celsibratoS OGoldOeCoisew- ing Tobace, sud attise sam inelme deIîght. lng lise aravde of epeclatere vit> .xqisite soutisare meledime A goid madal andI a vus-dilom e ,averSeS toIbis pp ularbrsdof caivng toiseco sudlb,. thanke cf the aciniittéetendes-ad 1 Tise Adeam# Tobacco Co. for tiseir altrutve èxisibtt. The une of ciicken-bone drainage tubes in aniong the. latent devices for moeifuly Ifn mcae a profesional man, su editor, iayr lryan or dotor, no tiorougisiy evrokdtisD ov every mental effort ie aiteaded vils a sMMasof vearmnes, foilow. ed by seadacsesand more or leu,. savan ses-vou prostration, take a dose cf Da. AuesT'. Pnfoave.&rncs alng wvus yoar rosai. very da y for a week or more, sud vs axe certain it v411 reileve you. For sale by ail drngglete. A Geneva o n.¶inder haslIt a fortune Farm ta Let. Ths oud> quarter of lot No. 14 in tise 6t5 concession o f tise *townsmp~ of Piokering contatning 50 acres more or e. Thei and buldinge are in gnod condition. For particules-s apply ta .K ODN Barristar &o. Whitby. Whitby, Sept. 201h 'b4. if 41 Wanted. 2 SMART GIRLS, apprentices 10 tthe Drest sud Mantie maklhg. il' M. à 8. B. MOUNTYE. Show Room Opening I Tuesday and Wednesday, MES. CROSBY, Wt!l estee It a plessure to show ber out. 10mars sud friands ailtise latent novelts in Frenci, Englis, sud Amsdcs Mfillin. ery. Alec a veU.Ieected stock of Dr... PlusSes s l 1tise lesdlzsg siades. E. CROSBY, Dundss Si.2n41 Opposite Ray'# Hotel Farmers' Excursion! - TO TME- NORTH WEST. To gtvs bise lamer. su opportunity cf vieltng tise Nos-Lis West sud isp"a a ts lands thsere.sud tise working cf:dtie m RETURN TICKETS Prom aul Octane Dilislon stations of lise C. P. R. viii iIsumS aI foing loy ratui, rmsais suit elon sleamsisp Included. To Reginîa, $50, Calgary, $60, Booky Mountains, $70. JAMES LONG, aiayPaseengr Aget, 0 POS. jsaltesBo te,14D"ses"l 18.tg WblIby. A -First CIas8 Farm7 m mm roisuw rOF WElT<r TO BE SOL» oRaLRA$ED Foralthn91yea'. sermemj hhèjil fui AND -EXHI1BITION, "SEPT. OPENI'NG THIS SEASON WILL ECLIPSE ALL OTHERS. TAILORING DEPARTMENT 1884. NEW CANADIAN TWEEDS, NEW SCOTCH TWEEDS, 1NEW -TROIJSERINGS. R. & J. CAMPBELL Have now in stock a very attractive and stylish assortment of Cloths, Tweeds and Suit.ings. GOOD VALUE AND NEWEST DESIGNS. R. & J. Campbell, uIraUIR reaeiptsf LOCAl WHAT 18 sa "Aw Anti NE= OHer stevaxt ON. -0 a.s-a -BA' lumbe, 1 1