Whitby Chronicle, 19 Sep 1884, p. 3

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GWood Wedding Rings, Band Rings, Gem Rings, Cameo Rings, Children's ~Rings, Seat Rings, -AND - DIAMOND RINGS. W'edding Rings ruade of any -weight in 10, 14 and 18 E. Gold to order, J. S. Darnari':, Brook St., WHZITBY. MR. ROSS JOHNBTrON la Collecter sand Canvasser for Ta Wmr Y Ex ONlrcLI, and is authariaed to grant receipta for subscriptians, etc., and transact ardtnary business. WIjitbpQhronirles SEPTE MBER l9th, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHEgwISE, WHAT 18 GOINRD0O4 IN TOWNS AD ELSEWHERE. A BUDGET OF LIYELY NEWS NATTER GLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS AND OORRESPORDENT8 "A zbel a aniang ye, talrin notes, Au' f aihbe'IlIprent rt." Ye.nxs to band et C. F. Stewart'e. New Qoodiata Dominion Warerooîns. Tho beautilnl blondes have loft towu. Beautiful etnbroiderad Skirts, Powell & Co. Complete stock, Dow goods. 'Bose J3roé. Seo the ladies' jerseys at C. F. Stewart's. A wedding Ibis week. Another on the carpet*. A good Sait cheap aI Dominion IleesIodents are attending the Col- legiaii Iusïtuie. Feu and winter Drosik 4oods b baud ei C. F. Stewart's. SpleGdýd valut iu French Corsets. Powell & Co. The lateet styles in Over Couts and Suie at Rose Bros. Thirteen thousand people were in Ith. Mowai procession. Gente look ai that great biR bargain in Tweed Suite ai O. F. Stewýrt's. New Drese Goodeaud col'd biraids to match, ai Dominionu Wareroomns. ColoreS vlet Bibbons, Casifrsi Gloyeseaad Hase, new stock. Boss Brou, Milli.nsry goode arriving daily ai the fashionable tinîiry bouse. C. F. Stewart. MEiTHUoxsT TABERNACLE. - Paintera begin Monday the work of oslmomining and otberwise reuovating thia corah. Sia Joi.'. NEw HoNO.-ls à not uulikely, so a litile bird gays, that the premier of Canada will be-raised ta the peerage wiih lthetii. of Lord John ltfkdonald. Tuta PIIoIILEX 0OF KNTEIîTAININO aud vholosome reading for the fomily ci.rcl.o is ou aipractiosl inioreel ln every heusebold. The Toono Weekly Nov. sud the CUsoinCLK bath ion 81 & yéar salves lime problsmx. FALL Asmns.-Th, autusun session cf tb. Assises begin. on Monday vo, the 29th Soptembmr. The Sootet vili lie latnly vell-filleS sud malnly civil, for syel but ans criminalelasieb Kerr and Baille napo, lu certain ai trial. Hou. BMn. Justice Gaîl vill preside. New snd beautitul mate ai Vel. veleens lu bIt. sud clors--sce thor aI C. F. Stewart'.. OsNasio BLessous. - Wedussday svenings quiet weddiug vas celebrated et th, testS ence, an Brook sireel, et G. C. Gnoge, E.q., when hie 6.11h daugchten, Miss. Adelaide L. Gnoss, vas marrieS by Bev. A. P. FidIen, reatan of AUl Saints', 1e Mn. PrederlaC0. Grenaide of Guelph. The bride érecîeé msuy beanliful sud aaetly prasenis. The bridai couple lef J ion-the West. DcR&Tns OF TgE DÂTs.- Thé .ty ai sunset ssversl times vilbiu thé leel veét bas rocalled IJiE gorgeons dispisys vhioh ver. a vopr4d-viSs wonder Sun- ing thes loto auunsud oarly vinter af isut ysan. OnS&tInrSsy événing lb. phenomeocuvas aspeislly grand; the beautiful sud peculiar tints auffnaing the icpsJanu sty afttr the sun baSl sunt belov lb. horizon, grev like an apaî, the colore "deesing on and np," Agelust the gaISdon loy ai thoetést lb. spires and taller buildings ai thse lovu stood cbesnl)' defmeSd dlhebihlls of Pickeing. vaiting the cemiug af uigbt, seemed almoptste10taoeh the aplîndid sky. WinnéoBi$LLa i. Màuoit.-The 2'ribune-Roieu, of Portsge.La-Praltie, Man., la vetgRive$ thé particulars ai au $ent in vbiuhà a Whihy boy figuredl prominently. Lait Thnnsday Mn, . A. Blow, local edilor ai the Trîbaue- Review and lh. yonngeml sou ai aur nespecîsd townseau Jobui Blow. Esq., vas marrieS la Miss Jeunle Lyana, daugbtar af Conneillor Lycas ar lbe Portage. Oue ai lb. bride'& malS. vu Miss Allie Har.o, aienuipeg. The happy couple loftfor s short itour te tbe Lats af tb. Woods. Tbe bride vas mode the necipieul of msuy valuahîe sud beautiiol veddiug preants by tb. gesîts prenent. AN EbeNua iii[NIH M. N&vY.-)Mr.. Thos. Needhain, E.R.A. ofiH. M. corvette Garnef vbiob lu in part et Queoe, paiS a fling *liaite0bis unele John Bicw, Esq., Ibis ireet. Whou a boy Mr. Noedbam atte4ded ltb. "Bal" sobool anS afler aîap4Ilg for itee» yoarea acoule. u dinburgb, Seoland, retorne ela il. Ilvhsg lroutil, elevea ys aga . Ha ainc, la is h tlg9bihypar inlaH, M. service aMdl lbal.îlmo.basbeau ataloneSv~ d#bi 811Pinla a reter. of limai Empire. Open vhh lb8$nu noycer sale. T»ai owna PÂAMIL-A gond cou-, reabasasemblai! In lb. Be bis Chw"nu 84daymesi«ltoer bavlng rçll4 peti. rotm a c». Pelham san S&M AmBy of the. Whkhy ýjoU aiW 3* b#4»keof York'iý" aq eîaut em tepethl.e ii oterbow '; th. match ommca.lu jtrd ~ >a ite lait a souple of dois; À Dip Quauox.-j& furmer horst bis vWOU fifly feet deuper ta gel a batte1 supply, asd the Wells of four neighbors veni dry as once. Eauh one nov inca hlm tor damnages. Who avas lb. bovels af lb. eanih ? TIP.Ta0p Tunias-U<r. Atthr , Ii bhOved us an Tuemday a fins aple, af Early Rose poatlce. Thons 'eon tourteen af the lubéi, a mooth.sdù,uea anS gymmetrical, welghtng fourteent poundi and dag11fron ans bill <n bis gardon on Euelis troi. A HEUNTIMO PÂATY.-Mgga,. W. O. Johnotau, P.L.S., and Gea. E. Gibbard af tbis tavu and Gordon, ai Toronto, the latter gentleman thé samne vho acompanied Mr. Jahusbon on bis Dow famous survoying expédition up the Spanish River, lof Monday for a moulbi's hunting on the shores of lake Nîpisaiug. SRETLAND Pauma Arin L&D.xiy - xiî.-The direolora ai South Outario Agriolural Sobiety have siuoe pub. liehiug 1he prit, liai dealded tla giva premiums as follovi :-Shetland pouy iu single bernes. or under usd81., 12 bauds and under lot $8, 2nd. $2. Pair af Shetland poules,« lu harues, 12 baude anS under, let 88, 2nd $2. Lady ridera let 88, 2ud 82. EXnrTInrnq onoss.-A. <aid medal bas been awarded for tb. Bacokiharu Steel Fenctug ett1hé Dominion Exhibi- tion hsld al, Montreal This la the ouly modal Ihat bas @ver bein saertied for foning, and tht. unusual hocer vould appear t0 bear ont thé opinion ai ev ry faraier Who ba sosen Ur. Lamr. emhibit, that itl Itheb.but feoliing la 1h.éinarket. Ârrived-Ladiee'cashmere Jese2's ladies' opera Shavîs, cashmere 11os, lu black and colores pscially oheap ai C. F. Stevar's. GooD Mxi. »mn Tito.-Tbe s.leotors ai Jurore met ai tbo CourtfBouse mon. day ta deténinine th. number ai Jurorg required ta be roturued by tb. minai municipallîles ai Ontario Couniy ion the ooming year, 1585. Thé solectors arethe tva Jndges, Sheniff, County Troeuror, sud Wadeu; aud aIl ver. preseut. 0f grand jumrs sevonty-two are requmred for bath the supenior sud oounIy courts anS likevis. twa hua- draS and sixteen petit jurons.. À A WMorNcTo SCROaLBOTs.-Johu Cooper, a iair-faced aud bIue-eyed Eug. liii, boy of fltéen, vho tram bis mîld mauner and pleasing speech vould noi indicale a baS on 'bsrdeued dispsition, was, fan throatening ta strike s sohool- misirems in the township ai Rama, near Wasbago, commitlad ta jail bers ou Sept. 4th, in defauli of payîng #5.20 costa iraposed by Morris O'Conueli, the local J. Pr. befomé vhoni the case vas beard. Thmough thé klnunss of Mn. John Bail Day, Banrister, vho inter. ostoS bWo elf iu hlb tile primoer, a gros l inbte proedingu by vhich he wue committed, vsbrought ta tb, notice ai the propor authorîtie, ai Os- goodé Hall, in the City, anS on Wed- neday Jeiler Docker reoeivd au order for tho boys rlese.. Foa ii; LAPIND orTrE Puaau.- Mr. W. H. Biggins, writinit on Monday from Quebac 'ta a momber oa isieamily ir towvugasapofathe miling af the Can. adian contingent ai Gen. Wolaeley'& Nule expédition :-I took a boat, et a litile befaie noon ta-day, (I vas bnsy et Pt. Levi side aIl mornnng), and vent on bîoard the Ocean King, wbich vas anch*ked a mile or more dovu tb. rivrtimlnid-tream, taees Will Nom-se. TLe poor i-low vas se deligbied ta Bec tué8.11e vas ver y vel sund iu excellent spiritsansd full oaImboyant hope for tIh.futurs. He o ld me ib ho ,'aw hie tathan anS moiher lu 'oronto anS bie «reaé regret appeared ta héno ua oing seen Anale (bit sieler) wr.ý ç ho Mmsse. I spot. te col. Ken.êA, in fanon aif Vill and I acs introducd him te Faîfien Bondhard, s veny fine priset in chargeaif the French Canadien contingent. The latter bas elready been lu Khartoum sud bas travelled in Egypt and allier parts ai Afnica. Bath, and also the ceptaie of the Ocean King, whom I knav, promiseS tlook aiter Wil sud Sa bim any service in their paver. My boast vab the luti thatlofilt(ho steamer. I remainod on board until the tva <uns veno firsd, sas the signal for deparbure. The Océan King vilI, ber vainabla human froighi, esamed avay aI 2 o'olock procisely. I feal really sorry for pon Sean Wiil. Be is a 4ue fllov thât any one oesy vell- b. praud ai sud 1 think ho vil iresa oa od ooti ai hiinslf." Business Notes. tUPORTANT AiuouSCrurNrvs PROU WEITUT KUORHAPIB Pull linos in Gente' Fumrniihg, Powell & Ca. New stock 01spti, Mais, Floor Oil- Clothoansd Stai.r Clotho aitiRas Brou Full stock ai Millinory; leaSing novltie.Povoel &lCa. Ladies' Manîle Cloths sud Ulster Coatings, thé leloesi styles, Boaa Bras. Arninod Ibis wek.-Black braideti Jeraies, plain Jersîes aSd aleevelesa JacktItaIRosa Bras. Overcoating, Worated ceatIng, scotch Tweeds, Ulster Clothoansd Maulle Clotha, ai Dominion Wararooma. Jusi-errived, *Opera Shavîs, Mauble anS Dress Ornaments, Fur Capes, Feathor and Pur Trimming et Boas Bros. Formera anS consumeof où al ill do weil to uase the Qusen City Oi Gos. clebraied Ptaian Maclaluery Oil, for sale by aIl firsi-clasa dealers. 8e. their TEE ToaNTOu Wzcxau NEWSa le WhFt its usmé indicae-a "nevs" papen. Il fairly biaîsi with news. The Weokty Nev. sud thé Cxaaurcrz otb fan $1, s year, SenS your aubscriptionu go Ibis office. OFOR atOTTAWA PaovIncur, Ex. sumrTot. - Spaclal excursion Sept. 26t. Whitby 10Otawa and return only g~0 ond tela tura 1111 end Sept. 89. Prom Sept. 22nd la 27tb inclusive good1 la, rotura tilt cutiof 29tb round trip ticket& 88.10 froin Whiiby. Tickets procurabbe fimmB. Stepheon, G. aT.B j1884. - - -, u 0t0 af2» tW ële oe"or aarem t &U bser 4m hsuta M=lih tiet in apetie b'sDmeStà,e an1pî To oough or nol b oough la seitled as once wth a U cent botle of "Rua" Oouo ou"t. M W. 1a. UowSe'u, JonsOx- Whltby, on th.e11h <nt., John Winford, infant son o1 B. J. Johnson, ag.d 4 monîhs. FunOral at haif-past iwo o'clook, p.m. on Friday, the loth Imut. Bun.KD-&i her laI. resîdeDa., lot 84, in th. Und ooÛ. Whitby, Kingolon rosa, on Wednesday, the 17th lues., Ânri Beed, be1oved wtt. of David L. B.ed. sped 70 veste, 2 montba and 6 deys.. The funeral will tale place on S3un. day, sept. 21.1, 1884, as two o'olock, p.rn., 10 Union BailGround. Pine.ncin.and Oosnmeroiaj Offie ai Whitby 0CHRONIOLE, Whltby, Spt. 19, 1884 BUSINESS AND) PRODUCE. The Whitby grain marktl cntinues withaut apprecis le change lu puces ai tbe taple ceneala. Grain ilubrought lu mare freely but wltb the exception cf wheat la nal sold. 80,000 busheà * ai barley, ai which 16,ooo came lu durlug the psat veet, have alresdy been delivered ai the wurshausu, -but ths portion aold in in- dluitesionai 1,000 buabela ai wheai, the unie qusutity cf biset-sye peus sud 8oc buahela et &7e campletos thélilut of necelpts ta date. The pris affered harle1 lus 60to 00oet acoordlns ta grades. Itla stated lu ex- plaustian ai the apparanlly highsr prices. ai barley raling lu Toronto, ibal lb. grading lu Oncer êhere sud ibatI@Wbiby dagens are actudll* payug the.Sasm*epnlo.a, se bai th. discnepeucy lamore apparoni ihau réal. Wb«% ihough the vane amuch leua in proportion tmbanbaley, inslllug readiy the prions, PAUSben7561080 cents for fai WOC for apnini and WCata SWC bar goasé. CaMinon sudblue peo are quotéd ai 00 e t 65 sud black-eyed at75oclai*'Oc; Bye 6We; aud oas e ScÀA circular recelvsd to-day rem Osylord & Davuey, Os-saga, vill b. of interest. Il say.-"The movemlent af tbe Canaa rop cf barley bas comznenoed. Ws received twa c&rgoes Tuesday, the foue arriva!. e thIis part, sud bave advices ni thi.. or faur ather cargo.. loadtng, whlcb we expect lu Ibis week. The frIn arrivaI lastyesr vas on lb. 22ud ai Sept. Thé barlsy lu to-day lu a sound, plump, he4vy bor nisd lu calai a trifie daM er tb" lait yearsNumbert Ivo Astolatis rospect ob b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e gerpiéfo tonlaulthe alîgbtest hope. the crops nov safaly hsrvsatedil Canada sud the United States amre b.largesteven knovu sud vith equally abundaut hanveate in th. ather gai x- porting countries cf thé world, lb e vanta cf Europe yull require but a nmail pro- portion cb the avalalahe surplus sgoiht o priceà montsi e. S aras a. ce ékuovn the farmers who sel! esrliest will b. the wiest. TOBOSNTO iFAR>ERS' MARKET. The recîpta of grain dunug the past veek hav. increed consideratl.1ansd puces are steady. Thon. were received du.nng thé paat week about 4,000 bu of vheii, 4,000 bu of birley, 2,500 bu ai asti, 200 bu ai peua, sud 100 bu of rye. Also 120Jlade afi ha, and 88 loada ai strav. The markt eWd- neaday vas quiet st uucbanged priea. Some 900 bu ai wheit aoid et 80e. for fall, 84c. la OSc. for spning, sud 62c taef66c bar gooee. Bsnley eteady, viii, salesaI 700 bu at 500 la 670. Gais unchanged. vilb maies of MO bu ut BUcteo37o for nev, aud foc for aid. Tva loada ai p.. sold at S5o ta lMc pr b. a aalad oi rye At ôsc Ha yil Iiltedslem ly sud prices as bu tweniy loaa sld ai 89 ta 88 à9 scon. Strav nominal ai $7 ta 88 à Ran. Rg firmerat $7 te $7 50. Dfýef, forequ*l6ma, #4 5o te 16 50; hindqu.artena,07 ta $9. Muttauoarcaae, $4 toI$6 6. Lamb, $6 50 to $7 60. MONTREÂL APPLE TRÂDE. Theéinarket the past vé.k hbu iuled veat aud lover, althongh neoipla are maderata. Common balu vaneties, auch as Culventa, etc., ssIl ai $1.75 te 2.25 per. bri. MONTREAL CATILE MAUKIET. Tus exports aoféstie liai veet veMs S -leed agaMuet 2,008 ion th. previonu veet, 2,616 far the corespoudîng veet lun1688, sud 1,7745i lu 1.81. ttaliexporte Ibis sesacu ta dute arenov 89,0Us hmad-* decrease cf il»7 hbeas compareS wlth 1858, su lucre... Sf 5,4W0as ompared vîi l88, sud an incnesas ai 4 l7m as compaed viti, 1881. Thé exporte a seep lut veet yen. 2,82M hosd. againut ,t7 during lb. veat neyvions, 7,347 durng thé smseet» in 18, and 1,249 lu 1882 The total exporta io dais show e markeS falling off, belug 88,051 boaS-s decrease of 856, boaS from 1888, cf 2t'624 roui 1882, sdMa 9,805 Iroma1881. Tho market for .hipping csttlé to-aay vas quiet sud vithoul much appsrent change. Cible advlcas being uniavoaiahle sud freigbt roora scarco exportors did nttaperate toansy entent sud fév sales vèesmide, although aLan-ý luge vers ample. Puices range froin tic la 6ic pan Pound live vslght sud possibly ije ion choicesbout&la.Ottle frelghts range Imo a Buta o W u abed. xpert uap voro dul and oinl a teo4apar lb Uiv. vélght. Thosar ju raecla o improvemout lu the IraS.. Viger mnarktlthe receipts af butchse.caile vers 860 béaS,ion vbich a geuerally far demsnd axialeS. Gaad ta choicesboliern u&steere vie r dmafrlo otpa r ptlb.,live voe1b1 Laon radsraued brMIasecta v<c. About 700 sbop sud lamb véo ofiaed, anS demand vas good. Gacd -Iambe hnaugbb 8" 18 $3P acb, endS ba.p as ta 84-75 saab. Lins hops aie lu fair supply anS essyal 00 la Oic pet lb. LIVE3 STOCK TRADB. The unfavourable tim tatou hy th. Briisah attie trsds, whlch vas noteS lu tb» CItauons lMI estvk, bas dsvelaped Jut araphatie veakuaa, hichbu bas euit. ed in a doclins in vaines cf jc pan lb. ail noud. Thé dépression lu due princlpally ta thehbeavy oferngu, vbich have causeS buyers ta bolS off in anticipation ai a de- clins. Thé supplies from a il quartors havo oontlnuu.dexcessive and considerbly lm. yond the abmablng capscity ai requie.. ment@. Thé top figure bar really prime steéns bau receded la i1", but aven at the reduction bayeouare nual au aopsirs lu view cf thé overtocted condition ai thé marktland 1h. ample OprUeivesup plies. The Mantreal aatu'# spal cale. Tuaday saya Ihat the recepla ai Canadian sd Amezican caille sttlt.ela- int markets bavéebben hoavy vhiah ta. geiben with libonal supplies mcm aller icnroaa ave à moa rs~ sin inlusi vwith a dull, Srsging rd.Teemn vas veat and uncerlain, buyers bsNing Muare entirely lu ibsir fayot. Il la pro. habla that snob .blpm.ubs mau ae tué Ihia véek: viiimt a very baS. market. As il je, ectmuaideaba nmbans vera lait misaiS, aven tbaugh pnicas Aresle lever Iban on mondsy lutt rsumtelonsAtaIiverpwooll- dayb.ing uma n thé buis ai liefor rime toms,io for Lair toubai-orpo amduusdlI.1o e fideiioanua.s; ho sbsop iraS. bas suppulleàvlng p.rcepiil hllhd ccmpèredv1bb lut voThoe-offelq la-day eWtsu mairvulybe"ng vent &aIl60; Maadaqqusltties ai'180~ lie;Marinoaabt 2jc ta 18sudlu6" o snd ràM Ma4ti 2 %l. DreseS beefil àiverpoat'is cashad visk sud loersunder incressdeil pla I et 0, againsi &< lu veek., WIT YlàARIET PRIOBaS. peu .... ... ..4o0 75 80O ~ 280 *80 anee.......... o.; * A 80 FALLI -p ~h WEAIR NQW. RECEIVING OlIR NE SO*C K 0F FALL LN -EXTERY OUR NEW TWEEDS HAVE ANDREW NET aDlcla High Grade Cattie, Impie- monts, etc. The undesa uba rceived instructons THDRSOAY, OCT. 2nd, 1884. The following valuable property, via: iý epa ofBayGedns yarodhav dagt. 1 black Mare 6 yars aId, gnerai purpse.i gey Mre, yer. ld,<d driverl.1 broo Mane 4 yeasodger. purlpaein al 0ora. srtgFIy got by ot& Portl1pin ily 'M tod1ic os uc lf atorougb- b2bull. SHelferu,9 yar doldcafta thorou.gbedbul.'BSft Stees,2 yaz oId. OHeUe 1 iyear old, weIIbedl Steer, 1 year-atd. 5 Caties, vell brsd. B fat pige. 1Hall Wsggon, 1 ooxubiued Beaper (Jos HallCos m"ei1Seed Drill combiued Muoln Ca. msks). 1 Turnip Drili1 iFann- rMWII(Dinge'e mak,is#etof Bob ligýhe, I set of Iran kHmarrv, 1Iran Scufler, 9 Flou n ,iWagner Gang Plow, 1 Roller,.1 Hay t.ack 1 Sulky &bie (WhIt. bMalte),1 Coa! Slve, 1 set lglit Double Haerness 1 set Double Harneas. i Saile sud Bridie, 2 sets Whimfetrees, 1 large Sugar K ettle 1 Buggy, 1 CuUter 2 Pois., 6 acres af ilàe Claver, 4 acresaof Tarnipa. Syies, Ports. Rates, Hoes, sud various =terarticles lac nurnerona ta mention. Mn. Hyland having rented i barni, wiII est vsl=as' everything withont the Sale ai One o'clock,.m. sharp. TBRMS--Fat Cat 2L, PI.Ray, at sud TurulpeC% .Al u c 10 sud unecash- over tbat &Mount 129 manthe cr ii IL.given by parti.. farnlalng approved Joint Notés. Whiby.Sept. 17,18U4. Q0 Aucitonma. Valuable Faim for Salo, OFFRB.S WILLBEB BEOCIYD UP TO lOth OCTOBE!?, . For lb. pue» ha e b le M LàkI 11, Bth Con. of WHI TB Y# Closeo 9»lb Village cf Asbben. Terma on4hrdcahbeans u i n ny lmy meua it itaes a 7 0/ n T =ay b. addresoed so MACKELCAN, QMUSN à OAUSBY, 4n4o SoosHAMILTON. TE -xA zOS Funniest Animal You Ever Saw. S= MITT J, Sa ROBERTSON & BROS, GOLDSMITH'8 HALL, ZEW GOOD8 TO HA»D: F Watches, Clocks. 3 OL01.BL VER CASE VALTIN TÂT4 JRTEE MATTBR 0P Mary Nésié and DaviS George Neale, infant ablldren of Georgé -Neale, ianmerly ni the tawnahip of Wbiîb7y, lu thé Caunty ai Ontario, Vstemin- ar Surgeon, deceased Who &eid on or about the Ihird day of Ïqovembr, 188N, lu. NOTICE 15 HEBEBY GIVEN, thai aler the expiration ai 20 days fml he Aret publicatian hersai, agliction viii h made the sjudgsoi1the Sunagte courtcof the Countyof Ontario, et bs hainhar lu the Oo=br auesin ih bavaoiWlItby, b y thé Toronto Otueral Trusta Companyai lb. requet thle moiheraif b.eamd Infant %bjîrenbove named, for a <ranita the saad The Toronto General Truste Compeny, of Lstbers ai Guardianahlp af lb. saiS infini ohildren of thé said George Neale,daceaaed. Dsted at Taronto this 101h day of Sep. bomber, 1884. EDGA.B & MALONE, Solicitors ion-thé Toronta Général Trusts Ca., 8D9 27 Wel!lugton SI. B., Toronto. Grand- Trunk Railway and Ocean Stea mship TICKET AGENCY, Telegnapb Office, Whitby; Ont. The Grand Trnnk exprs asne trains rinthrougb daily frMWeit",,nta Chicago,Detroit and Port Huron without cbecked through from Whitby te destination. Special attention ta passnger tickets for Manitoba, Northern MîchignDkoa Noithern and NorthWeten tatesBritishi CommUa nl Calornia. Single sud returo tickets ta aII points on the Grand Trunk snd Great Western Divi- sion, Chicuansd Grand Trunk, Detroit Grand Haven sud Milwaukes, and Inter. colonial Rsiiway. Tbrougb single and rellr tickets teansd frora New York, Philadeiphia, Wmahlnmn, l)over, Del. J&cksonviIle, Fia. aspocalty. Tickets or btu.wa, Moareai, ~ebe, Be. tan, <via Montreai sud alto ~~eao Bridge), 8Suspenai trait, Port huoCûcla nlpsD- all panta of suylImportancelin Canada sud the United Statea Ohforurope. Chetperthan euer. Firat-ClasaBal" lwa dTcetsfrom Whitby sud steerage ta Liverolaodonderr, enstowm4GaagowrBelisat, ouly $M0. trpt tn reim Whitby, $4. Partie. wisbingta enMdtethe OldCoutry for tbeir frieudacmanhavepeadserg sud rail tickets througb iç Wbrhito , cec of four beat ocean lnes, for #»0. In. termediate, *437& Cabin from $50to$Uo, rounid tnip 20 ta 8175. Above rates include rallway lares teansd tram Wbttby. For tre , oca4foreigu, singleansd round trip Ia n m we p te G. T. Ry. and Ocsm SteamM Vhtesta Canard, ArericnAnchor =.d Sa WHITBYI -ONT Allan Linoe. Royal Mail Stoeuhosjs. Great Eiuo 1oi IN PASSAGE *&ES 8AILINGS - URO SAfIXU.............s-4 p'e N............ l Âeg.a Po .nse.............l «The nisan. Sept. &4,and extrasisau e an sdvMl net stop At Mbilie, but ua direc frm quelec to IUY«pooL RATES 0F -PASSAGE bf gb. rates ln.In ont extacbarge. pd taéo As,.e& Sbmseas fUd AUCTION SALE. -l [- Thse foilowing desirable properties belongiug to Robent Campbell, merchant_, Whitby, wil1 be offered by auction at hie housc, on wiil j o:PL 4 Oi 1 Hie dweiling flouse, groundes ad garden. 2 Thse large vacant Lot, fronting on Dundfts and Centre Sts., next lot eust of Ail Saints' ahurcli. 8 The vacant Lot ou Byron St., north - ai Newport's carniage factory. 4 Or ail the aboya will be put up together if desirea. 5 Thse Ontario Block, containing three stores and roorne above, en bloc, or separately if desired. 6 The vacant Lot ou Brook St., 48 ft. 8 in., between Ontario Banke and the Ontario Block, with use of walls, or wiIl bc divid. cd if desired. .Alrost opposite Post Office. 7 Fifty acra farm under good cultivation near Greenwood. Good house,barns,stables,etc. Terrs-b1 per cent. at time of sale, and enough to make 80 0O/ within a month. The balance on inortgage yeanly paymeuts. with interest at 6 0 /î Tille indisputa ile. For furtiser particulars enquire af J. B. Dow, barrister, etc., Robent Campbeil, and - C. DAWE S, Anclioneer. N.B.-The stock af Dry Goods, Carpele, Millin- ory, Grocenies, etc., are being soid by prisste sale aI and under cosl prie. Nov is tbe limé 10 sécuré hargains. ROBER T CAHP BELL. No. 2 and 3 Ontario Blook, Whitby. DONT -FAILTO OAdL-ON W. -E, OSBRIEN, WH ITBY 1hIora ll 'ory For &U ru lamvr. Copyving and Enlarging SPEICIALTIS, Larg " o f PRAJEU on hand at ail prices. A TRIAL SOLICÎTED. ýW. E..O'BIUEN. Whliby, Jnk ane, 8a 1 t OUR FÂOBU <r ILLILTNDM~ h -eOlljmms liPl bb tb mu 7=ibG ei t tebc - A'ttm(f~criglr. s. p~c~kg5t7 . H r f t r mmo G 000$ ARh JVED. Al:rdmlmnM . R O SS O n NEW W,.IDV ERTISEM ENTSO- New Attractions!1 AT THE I BRA#ZIL IAN WAREIO USE --e TRY OUR 1 POUND PACHET 0F In Green, Black, Japan and mixed at 50 cents per lb. a valuahle prize with oach packet. We have on hand SafesIso ail grades, from 20 cents per lb. Fresh roasted, fresh ground, pure, fine-fiavored. Ooffee at 25 cents per lb.,- Co- coas, Chocolates, pure Oream Tartar, pure Spicesi and ail kinds of Canned Goode. Ail other lines of FAMILY GR9OERJES OHEAP AND) GOOD:- We are showing tise largest stock, finest vanieties, and eheape8t In town, oonsistng el Handsome Dinner Set S rom$760 New, prelty pattern China Tea Setta froni '$5.0 -P«Er oobored Tea -Sett retailed aI 'wholesile prices. Ooloxet Chaà ail new designe well wortis seeing. We have la stock Ladies and Gents, yonng and old, are eoraUy imvited ha ii stock, and be oonvinoed tisaI we, have the miost extensive ana- stock of choice Family Graceries, drockery: ani. Glassware,-L Lamp Goods ever ofeéred in tise town. Iro trouble ta show goad Your obedient servant, - SIMfON. FRAJ Devereil's fllook, Brock The~ fol HAÀVE QV ENTH AD A.RE FOI THE, ENEMY. i. Domliion Ligeool partiesi on t.Wltb e 1 1 1 1 - ROSSO NEW TEASý' CROCKERY AND GLASSWAýRI-Ë".

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