THiE WBIIY BR(ItCL ""uvlu uý FRIDAY ORNING, Ir= the 01 anoic Building, Brook The 0:ôU5CL» Uu a rgr ôO ulibon he 0 thlcr papeI: ttn L oun i On- ~$Robertson fl Bros, PROIIIETORS. TBRUES 0F ADVERTI8lEG. Fit insertion, prUe 0cents; saab ,,be,,entetnsertirna ceaire. DlpIavd Advertλ~Menti arermeainreil tya,, a elcf oliilN oupazol, and caiged aerdi LÇy.Latirte a sd'em ienta s n ithot i tn n ...rotions inserted uautO forbîdilen, mail ha dfor ful!l ime. 0ori 1c fr diacontiflting advertieaienti must b.laurriting,orthervlsethe publiahora vil ot be responaible. A& libera1 discounlt for conirat advertimo- mient' ty the year. Copy for changes of eealrsct advertieements ebanld te hindeil l, et sot itr thlan Weilnesday ; ail notice of &Dy intendad changea abon J bc qivsn ho- fexp Tueeday noon. Othor alvertiaements r«esved op ta Thncgay noon. fluines noUticei intlocal or neya cabamna §rtiInsertioni l5 cents per lino of Nonua- xe; 10 renie pcr lie euch aubsequent tu- ascrilcu. Vive conte per lUns perainotuai. LCorrespndauce sou citeil tram aIl pacts af the County ar uelgbborin0 townships. Cor- rcspudenta are requestei te seu4 la their oomtunialtios a. pcamptly ai possible. 408 PMIXII%6 OEPAUVTENT. 'ie sDepariuuiitab vl auppUiei wih tg ticeai tand Handsonsegt Styleseuf Type autible for svery clii. oi Job Work. Fine pxlting .a apecitety. The Csntomîsx's mqxdpment lu thia reapect lu trictliy rsi- 1an d ta not excellei by any office la BUtera Ontari. JtOIN E. FAÛEWELL, LL.B., BAllIITEII, Ccusty Ocowa Attorney, Bad County 18olioitor. Office,- South wtng, Court louse, Whitby -48 MESSRS lIITCIIIE & BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c 'W .n 1 t 1> y& Toronto, W.H7BILLIt4QS, Wiitby. JAMtES RUTLEDGE, ARRITER, ,te. OffIce forîacily oc- i >coplct by Farewell k Ruti,.dge, Doi t, Royal RotaI, lBrooke St., Whitby. DAVID) ORMISTON, B.., A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 .Chaucmr, Coxsveyaxoer, &c. OFIE-In the Qfice South aI the Peut Office, ina Milîlan'a Block, Brook Street, Whtby. ly-1O ROBINSON & KENT, <LT Due.iÂx & Iloio.) B RRISTEISÂT-LÂW, ATTOIINS- 13 Sys, solictors, Couveyanceri, &o. OFFICE.-Inl Victoria Chambean, No. 9, Victoria Street. .0. Raioi .faazrk .Ksr G. YOUN'G SMITH, L L. 'B., RRSB,&o., &c-Moncy to Loin O,xa-Over Dominion Banik. Whitby. la. 22, 1878. t- J. BAKER GRERNWOOI>, ATTORNZY AND SOLICITOR, CON F*rminsbo t »ad aold Marriage Sttie- menti, IIaid Trues mades Spectaltisa. Loainanegotiate<t on al kinde aofV roperty. 42-ly JOHN BALL DOW,. & RRISTER-AT-L&W. SOLICITORI in Chancery, Cenveyancer, &o. OMee-Deerll'a Block. Brook Street, WhiLby. MONET TO LEND-Privîte Foind,- In snme up to #M, a lai rate of ia- terest. (y-112 LYMAN ENGLIIII* L L. B., BAIIRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BOhancery, Coaveyancer, &c., &c. Se- noéStreei, Oshawa. Win. MeDRIEN, 3.D., M.R.Ces., GU'8 HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., the îye B. 0. H. L., Oshawa, Ontacio. C A BD. »ER. BGART, Pbyuîcian, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &c. Wbtby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 DR. W. CV'THBKRTSON, LATE Acting Asistant Toronto Auylnm for Insane. ' OFFICE-That lateiX occupleil by Mr. C. Nonses, Inanrance Agent. BIIOCE STILEET, - WIITBY. W. ADAMS, R OM OVER JOHN FE tGUSON'S ItClo!,hing Establiuhmet, Dundas-at., Witby. office houri (rom 9 &.m. to 12 rm., and Ircai1.30 lu 0, Pl M. .ReIdene-cor. o!fIByron and Gilbertrotreýoiu. Baltae t for vr pplgprpose., lay~ under carpts, etc..5 conte per bon=re. ÂPpply ta AMERIGAN AORIOULTURIST 100 Colmni andl 100 Engra',ingi nluhb ise. 43rd YB"R. *1;5O A TEÂIL Sendil Lire. i.tampa for Simple Copy oE gliîb or German) o the Onazax AND Es? 4arcnSwsMLUaJ Omm&L ia ibe vorlil. OWèE duDu Co., DAYID W JUDO, PRES. fA ft tc eworking clam. Bepd 1îl.cenats or . m<.laticad WwwllMail jeu froc, a royal, *MIblbozta sp.odthîf put 'YeuC" wiefii ail the thou or la pire lUmecoel. Th~e wrk le unimeadliy adWptd te bohuit a4 7500 mand,&Tonau aiidy cimcfrm BP oiata 45O*,YyOvqln. Tu»aal whît vase ok Msy tit tth uilais, vw u . e !ulewtng unpuam told oser: to 911wtoèn ct-vqul! aleOoduv i Par5lss rle ebod a tte. amtfroc i otln 1us. * ' k *aoù > t"giva thaole lueDm% satnq à aluaen»i &Co ser. et Aà s ora, Ca e ~vzv 1(1 Chrouicle Clironicle Chroniclé Chronicle Chronicle i Chronicte *Chrouicle iCironicle Chrouicte Chroiiieto Chronioe Chroniele Chraniolo Chronicle Chironiclo Ctu'oniote Chronicle conicle Chroniice ) i4 -j Walker's [comùug thro Rye] Whiskey. Dek Gin, St. Emilion Claret, St. Estephe B. &G. Medoc Hennessy Brandy, Martel c Boucher c ITALIAN ($1) (1) (1) ( h ( h ( 1) ( h ~ 1) 1) 1) ( 1) i. 1) aud Wetdly Globe ($1) and Weekty Mail ($1) and Weekly Adrertiser ($1) andl Weckty Wîtness ($1) and Weekly Star ($1). ad RuaatCanadimu ($I) anud Leisuro Hour ($1.50). and Sundoy iL Hoam. ($1.50) ail Boys' Ova Pmper ($1.50) and Girls' Own Paper ($1.50) . .- sud American Agriculturohet ($1.50) a.nd Tiie Househalil ($1.10) aud Grip ($2). aud Sejentiflo Amorican ($3.20) sud Amecican Farmer ($1) aud Soattial Amoniosu journal ($2.50) sud Truth snd any t-vo Dollar Weeklies or Mothes-tirce periodicals sud tireeo Dollar peciodcas-lfour peniodiesi aud tva Monthiies published st $160-4 poriodicala -au the Native Wine, Finest Port .Wie, [Gra- ham's] , Finest Sherry Wine,[Gr don's], Lime Juioe, [Also Lime Juice CordiaL, Ale and Porter on draft, also bottled. - WAR EHOU S-E. M. O'DONO VAN,- Carriage Works, Whitby, Ont. Offera La tho public a large stock aofFINE CARI covorsil Pisetaus, Buggfies, Surry Waggons, 1)s - Box, Sid aund, BIOP90 S prnsg, ureka The *bov.400k iraunufuI 'Ba Nei Ioria1lb Ansu' L bsold ut Iv prielfroaso .Before -Pnehsu Patcua ttention iaitova ) Wlt cim Prnîd ar a t, aisbishts, sandd smtiring inâ t4,w ýcf advçaePeacsj Progress, Knowledge, Brotherhaod. VOL. XXII HTYOTRO FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1884.NO38 THRE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITDYP - pNI'.&RIO. THOMAS DOW. manager. ONTARIO BA.NK, WHITIBY BRANCH,0 Brock Street, - - Whitby. J.Il. ADDISON, FINANC'IAL 'AGENT. P 0. Box 114, 'l*ly WHITBT. MON EY To LOAN! olo0.000 <'uit INVESTIEENT. ON 1REAL ESTATE BECOURITY. A&t ioweut living rate, o! interest. manoy seeured witlin 10 day. of ap- - plication. Apply to lmFUUBS. Whitby, Febrnary 16th. 188. 9- C. NOIJRSE, Insuîance and Guneîal Agent, ltepresentlng the foltovlng campnie: Phoenix Fire Insurance Compay, of Landou, Eng1Und. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co.. of Ediaburgis aut! Loulou. British American Assurance Conipany, of Toronto. London Guarantee d Accident Camnpaay, of Eaghtsîd. APRMiASF-m FOTUE Canada Peuianenit Luan & Savings Co MQNEY TO LOAN, On Imnprovel Faru-j at lw rato! laterest AI.o S--. rtsrv-Treaisurer a! tise Coanty .lgricuituri] Socety o! South Ontario. OFFICE - At Post Office, Brook Street- wE-TB-r. A. A. O , (lt bLîuglcy, Lîngîey &Burke. Toronto.) A RCIIITECT. a i~sfor Ch>iýChes, illa &na Cottages a eîlY. Drawiungs prepareil for ce- ae exsgeiiting airk.cLisre. OFries, for the p reaitati&iiresidence on Kingstonltuail, Pickering. P. 0. Box 202 Wurrsv PÂTET S CANADIANS- enu connre patents iluthé United Sbatu the aime arme ai Ciftzei. IL 1 boit la paet fi n theStaiatiuaaesquine ai17 parspatnt oterwselime vOlb. llsnte& itcr y ;n. Totlacuitof UnitedlSiatesa -TO oeto aaiCanadien ô yeani Pateat 84; taisis81 yeins74. on reSipi of inoaielor dnavlng, vitb description o! invention, vo vill seuil sivio, réferencesansd clrcularfroe. Adinesi, C. A. 5110W & Co., Oppesste U. 9. 1 Solcitors e! Patenta, Patent office. 1 Waahington, D. C. Plaise iention vbere yen samy Liiiailver- ilsement. -41l PIANOS TUNED. GBO. T. GUEPRICUT, Tuners for Mettre. Maiaou & Biicb, Tocante, vili he in vhitby about the middle af May. Parties vlebiug their Pianoa properly lunia 11i laise leia etheir ordeon viLi leear. LTOW & RUPBRT, Phatognaphera. WinI kinaan'a Block, Whilby. Ordeon by mal- addre»M to MeiaisMau & Bist, Toron- to, 'viii cogites prompt attention - 1-la ~'Ã"STEXR,'8 Ki]) GLOVE (LEANER -FOR $SALE BY we R. HOWSE,*, CHFEMIST AND DIRUGeIST, WHITBYP oNTrARIO.1 jSpecial Clubbing Offer Whitby CHIiONICLEI Money in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Reader. $2 00 2 00 2 no( Magazine1 ruL az awro. i75 1 50 î 00. 200 200 200 2 10 1 ce 2 60ý 8 70 1 85 800 200 2 60 3 00 8 25 25 5 5 60 50 40 60 40 50 60 50 5 50 1 00 75 VALUABLE PREMItUM consisting of large lithographl leoporÙraà -Size 22%28-of Lord Lansedowne, (Canadas new Governor General,) Hon. Oliver Mowat, Bt. Hon. Sir John A.. Macdonald, Or Rev. Dr. Wild, vil ho presentod free tao vory subscriber ta th ii.Cnom=x., whether the paper ie sent alune or ctubhed witii any aLlier periodical. (Wiien portraits are sent by mail 10 certe extra munet ha ad- dled Wto uer cast of postage and protectors.) It is yours to take advantage of these libera1 ternis before it is too là te. je W. O. JOIINSTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. R1, Can hoef!umaatLaw ivOffice of J.G. Kellyi,sq-Whitby, or at te reuudeucc ut Mrc. ous e obstoii, Perry etreh Dominion Wood Works,,! WHITBY. Geo. Cormnaok L UMBER MERCRANT &BUILDBJ lugi, il -I oinf tTwateil Moiinga DorSaehad BOlnda. LUMlIIIR violebale sud retail, cniiy by the c"ioâdc - Plaaing, Mtldiaga af every descrip- tion, Flooring. flbceting, Sbelviag, Re- aawbng, Siiapiu& Turning. Scroll-vack, etc., eic. Whitby, Oct. lOLi. ¶878. -48 K IN.G DROTHERt, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera. Dealerscn a aMeuaisurn.coau Kindh oi LEA-THER AND FINDINOS, Cashpail (or iles,13o& r.jLati Leither tirotahi s1,ewBELTING MIADET o4<DEII 01 SHORT NOTICE. May, 1M7. .- 3 IR. J. lie DATES, Nevapapor 4.ld vertist.g Agoal, 41 Park Rv(Times BDuilding), Now Yack, le' aiorised tue ouirsecifor elves. moite -la Ibe CHRONICLE et out besl rate. T HIS PAPER mîy b. bud ounte oet (e. P. RoyaUl & <lo'a NevepaporAil- vriling Bureau (10 Sprnce St.), vian id. vertiing contracte raîy le zuada fac ip' Nav Yoax.'1 LUMBER 1_LIMBER LU MBER, MROCHAT, M -I'T 3Y, mie on l4 trsà ,;upply of!&Uai nd of Baru LmslurBoià , OmCau a» aosm BufldizgLaanLre. Peon, Bawn Ttmeic, l Scmtllug, a larxe quanuty on baud, I4¶¶pd#fobrifr Lonig IBil aff 1. sfo îâa hcni notice.. - Dla, aubea"m lBlinda .lvas ont BITTIIIBI 0F THE DlI81ON OOUMTS se chroîîicle Bulding, WHITBYO Devarl's Block, WITBY, & .BROS., Unian Bloci, -TORONTO. A Bm&rt Boy. W'itglsd I have a gr-od-sized siate, Wihlots of room to calculate. ffB*o ou us1I 'ai ready now; ymete s cean; adI know how. But dont you ask me ta, .1 like ta have xoy late well paeked; And only two long rows, you know, Mahke such a miserable how; And, Please, dont bring me suais to acd; Vieil, multi 1 . nga just as bad ; And, gay! Id Yrather flot divide- Bning me something I havent tiiel! How it Was Invented. 01id Mother Ilobbard Vient to tho cupboardi To gat her poor dog a bance, But wben ehe gaI there The cupboard was bsre And su the poor dog got nana. She iras in a great stew To know wbat ta du, Fer of m n Plse had flot a cent; Saeao l.M a- t sut To Muy met f -r the brute, And upUow in ber nigbtgown ahe wcnt. SThe ladiesa who saw it, Ân»h ,tinto draw it, Dtiîid ilt the neatest thing out; So onai isthe etreet, ever so neat. In their gaine they go rushissg about. What He Got. She trnid, "My pritience i- masit spent, That fellow's 1sucb an awful bore, I muet smre Way ahint invent That he is welcamc Isere no more." A note he pessxed, and thus it rend: "My dear-I had a pleusant dream, For you and I tagether wed, NYeresRafing on life'esunlià t treai; Sa smnothly o'er its windings borne Ini Love's fair bark, it meeat t me, TUi 1 awoke tu igh and monr- Since bark and love were bath at ses." She ansirer8 hixu: "Do flot deplore, Tho' in your dream the. bok might fiee, To barks you're welcome by the score Next tinta yau cou ta viMit me." Re collet! that night, and at the gate W'as mat by growls and bocks galure; He curset the dog, for, mure as. fate, If ha meant Ipre, the dag moont war. A bridal he hat! eought but not " bit, tho' this was alI 'U got. 13Y P. R. NEL5Ol.1q The preity village of Comden was loua crowded thun usual, tues summor; but why, na one conld te11. The casy Little boLet vas as neat and1 iuviting as farmerty,vbie the brook was aebxaly iehing it tbe non-appearance of the unglers, wha annually relievcd it af sorna af the goldon.baoked fiah vith wbicb ite Wat.ers awarm.d. Nevertboleea, the, fa, guesto st the. boici managed to paue their tîm. quit. pleaaantly and none more go thou pale, delbeate Eleanor Thorne,. Loitian arphan at an early âge, the 1oua oi parente' cmarn d affectian had bien well sappliîd by tie unsolfieh lave ai ber gant, stateIy Mu. Chas.. My horoine att he Lime vau by no mains pretty. Tal,,sloade*, an almoat pa.llid cain- pîsiion-the x'osult of iîlnoase-ahori liair, of a deoS*4ed reddub omt. But her oye., n ne s oulddeny, vers truly beau4ifu. They wero of a deep violet hue, fring. ed with long jstty haies. In mannersabah.vas quiet and obrink- ing, but vithai peoss"g au amouni of prideansd shlI.(psesaon unexpeoted Toi is quit cuntrplace ber muni bailbrougbt ber in tbe hope af ro-es- tablisbing ber Iiealtb, snd ao fer bail met sWith Most gratifying rosuhts. One afiornoon about the minle ai Auguat, thure stepped fram tbe train st thse Camden station tva gentlemen, Dr. Georgi Morton and bis frienil, Edvard Dalton, or, as bhovau more famurly. tsrmed by his eiad, Nid. Yong Moton vu thesa0of à Lau. don physician. Roévswu " -sud shigbt, vith raven 'ourb, eye blek as mdnigiI, i a 00l hneto néofaialmot vomsuly tendsn.ea, fInlipà ahmost eolel by- a beavy muaaoe ilb c ompanianw n vail bauumueb hio i*feorbutinhitritti sud noblenesa far aboyahiii Sout to tisifé-iorasa puoe,1 llop, d>5 thle dootr. Andl the dan seyesvere beut an bers., The burning bluahii tih auffusesilber cheeks vas anaver sufficisut. 111 shall mies your laviug looks uheur, ý far avay, =y Eleanar," ho aaiil. Andl plminghiserira araunil'ho - treniblngr bappy girl, ho imprinteil a laving kie. upon her lips. There vas au propoeal, nf i nstut in the futuro ho ahaulil pcouilly claim, hec for hie bride. Bat hec fmth in hlm needeil noauach' doclaration. - - Bturuiag La the hatl, tb. four-, chatteil pleasantly lac a short time, à nil' thon separateil la hbsir moins. Hlall an hoar laler, al ver. vrapped la alumber, ail vhea Eleanor ovoke iu the aiorning, her lover bail gens.- .For day. ail day. ah. vatcheil bar tho promiseil leller, vhich nover camne,, tilt lite in the antama, Lhey too retara- La thb.0,ity. 81111 ýElomor receiveil no vend nor, eaUl Irom ber quondaai laver,ail thes poar girl f.t thâl deatii atone vouil-, bring bial hbhec braken homrL. -Five yeare later, adl lu -Lue logaîsi- draviag rouai ai Mca. Cbaee reiilence vaco ggatbereil vealtt anil beanty. Brillianîly tho ligbt feil on noble and handeome men, an ' aomenalml beaty ail bloom." Bat qaeea af themai ml stuod the heantifal voma in wbose bonor the bal vms giron. Couldi il h possible that fivo years bail rought (bat marveloas change ia tb. once.plain Eleaaor 2 Tbe paltor ai ber face had given ploco Lu a skia ai marbie ibitenesa, relieveil by a ilelicate pbuk on tha cheeks. Hec hair, once ced, vas of a deop golden brava. Hec cravaiag beanly, ber eyee, alune reainoil unciangeil. Aaioag the lest gueete anonceil vere Dr. MerLonan mi d viri Dalton, bobt l!!bacielors. At Lhe mention ai Mertoa'ea Dme, Mre. Cha.e gave a quick, appreheasive glace ai ber niece. But Lie calma asvoing emites- enreil ber that the éoaîiab piehion aI" ber girhhuail troubleil ber nu more. As Lie doctor approacheil, be lookeil iu atnaihaent at tie queealy girl. "-Net that beautîlul creature, Neil? Il cunnat ho possible." "'Quito true, I1asure youn; sema.- viat changeil fruai the little girl yen flirtea eo su pes'ately vitb irs yeara &go." 1'They were duly preseateil, ail steppeil mid. ta mîke rouai lac athera. r Gaily 'the ime pieseil, sud the 'ovealug vas almoat avec ere tie duel-or ing Eleanor. 661 bear you bar. been abroae! for Same lime, IMisesTharn." "6Yoa. Yau remomaber tLb.eamer vs met ut Osaiden, dacior?" "Yei," be lalteroil. "-Antansd I saileil for ILîly tiai mulumu remsaiug there five yemn." "*Thon I flatter myaell LiaI you have >net lorgotten that sumamer five yeurs aga 2 " iuquireil Lie iociar. "Oh,'na 1I la lidlilbly ougraven 1tapon mLy memory." But astute s as ai ber aide, i. caulil nul interprot the atradge look tbtisaaoqmpauisd the varda. "May I, then, dlaim tie privilegeaI an old Irieuil, and cat, an yau ? "- lieo maied, fihlug a tender gaze upan ber. ,Certginly, doctor; iloe p:B. no iformality beven nS." Eleanar vas nov elaiMsh forasiprom- iseil douce, sud otor mcv na mare ofa ber Liai ovening. Ebeauor's invitation vas emgecty se- cêptoil and the falbavitg evsnng faundcl f Merlan seste in luMci. Chase,* dcmving' grooni, viii Elemnar by is aide. 1.Befare leaving Lthe bousesbhha loh. 1 aineS lier consenita odrive viblira F.u t hlovug day. Thon came balla, piril, operas, in quick sucosebon. evrvseuaspu egay, aud gayest of a-mil vms queeon lEtaaor 'Thorn, cbapeoa:dby boêindulgent muni, miand inivarlably aans=paneil by Dr-. Mer. ton.- 1- uOe evening be. callede and Wvas Our- prud ubing tld -ltii MiesThorm a va ansg d " aldua . So iM- Tise feltowing eventng lh. -reoeivod. a aliilar iebuif - Astu acho od'êistops et lier hsus eseaaa thed L!iifrk--- N -A AND- MST ô- WTLL BE I'OIJTID" At thei E0 A HL WHITBY. G. E. GIBBARD. A NATIONAL FANME. Will it Evar Occr -The Wonderful Experienco-oi-Onê via bas Solved tbe Bread! Prabicai. Anamîionai famine vouacaeuse Lis greateal dieailerind Lier. are mînyvia beliove iL mll -eroatuahty Cocu. Sîil the diveceitieaf climat., theorichusias af soi! ani the colsacler aI 'Lie-country scei Latprocliim i -iapoeeibllity aI auci a clmit. -Bit'- vitfiiant saab aideas semachiner-y furuuis h. egrisa ana grain af Lb. country .caulil baLbe eecnî'ed. Wlti -ah Lite -machlusry at their disposai ai Lie --emptayment aI' every min tLiaI-au be, iibrod bar sncb yck, ancferrà a 4W,- the -'gnou grain- grovlugaectianaaf Liecoauntry alimat. miwà iyfi lii 1o4'séoro lbiei -entre orop lu lhe boat pôes7i ato rierainply bho- canssuffloient, ieîp acaUnnaIb. secaroil. Take say the iacvestiag mieiinery ail Lie lirai liban aI Lb.e ouutry cauld ecarccly cire fac tiare Ithîn a Iventioti af tho preBeab average yearty crap. As a doasequnne-lover acres ot,l ho pl&utoed, Lis tesson yieil vauld'oahauce tb. pria, ai grain,.. ildhrbo., - mud roîci a figure beyanil - LinmanousthLe lahornag classes-la at, beeamo a tainry. MihufacîncIra af i hrvealing uaL anty tho faraier,by eumabi ita rcap more acres aI grain Shan bie otier- viëe outl, la al aher classea-raugi Lie chieapeniag aI grain (ad cause?. qntly ai breiil) as a resait af-the vnet qasantily prailucel. Tien. isnmanin luAmenica via hie coutributeil more la Ihia-reault tua Mc. O. D. Dovey; preaideat aI Lie Joinaton EHacvoalencoampany. - aiBa., tarie, N. Y. Througi bis. onengy ail îbility tleb. avesling aI grain hy mesefaIhie vwonierful machines hie beome atasoal an eract sceoue, ail u-_ ths accampliahaisulofI tiapurpe Mn. Devey bas heana indeiatîgabl)s varker. IÃdeoil for anextindedp"ýCriod ha vas Bo cloaaly onfineiltela isdutiol liai lieS airleey :100k ime Ian 'p'rape reat or recreation. Wbule bu Lie "'ry -midit of théeee grest -labari lie observedl a pecufliarueutiaon' about -the' bold vhieh ilntl ul ave im anvéwiehai e- attrihuteil la fihee ltrai o, businojas. Ho aise noticeil LiaI il hs appetile vas fiekîs and i iislèep brahen, but' o i.d nuL antlcip Methe i.'terrible traubtes *yhioewèrwebfor ibnaii& tike nanty overy rasa vidapraaecullng a greai vork,.hi ltori: in lhe uudertmkiug t* gentleman you mcv vitlirme last th Lout uneloak af puty for Lb. etôf.en mian, se.siept from, the ronai. ',ttggered Isalf-maddeaed'by lber 7irds George Merlan siood gmziag '#apon the door thcongh vbieh ehe bild Hol han-led tram the bouse '*th deep ourse an hie lips and agony ln hie - le coutld nul but feet, bowevér, t-bat ii cruel coaduet hmd beau iully re- ;ývrded by the saurnandilcoaternpl oi b.grwith whoso affectioas ho bail hlyds eisrtlessly. But nu, o veek miter ho roai! fhs prnnaesut ai ber carrioge, ho fait 10w-ierribty bitteriadeed wias Eleanor's 8ome Tal.lMen. Quéen Elizabeth bail a Ftcaiîh par- ter-h via i 7 feet 6 inches; but John Midilleton, or the Child ai Hale, vho vwas barn iu î678deooeded ibis, for h. vaà 9 foot 8 luchbes. Charles Manster, via vos one of -the Hanoverian Onard, 'edvia ilisel in 1676, wuse 8-lfeet ies-. Cocagne, thie Swedieii giant, who silsibitein luLandau in 174%t, as 8 feet la beight. Of living gimuts, per- hiapa (ho Most famous is Omptain Bates, a native af Kentucky, but a ceaident af Ohio, via attaîaed ao ight ai 8 foot, ad hie vife, Mise AnnaSwan, oi Nova ScoLie, bas a aimilar beigbl. Chang Wu Gon, the Ctsinese giani, minsures 7 feet 8 luches. The Emecatld le bas beeaieaioue for giauts. Amoog tb. muet cslebratod ai lhe Irish giaits vas Chartes Byrne, or O'Brien, via disin la 1783 ai an earty mga of 22. Hie deatb wms hesteneil by excessive dlrink. iflg, ta vbiob ho vas aildiolel,_ but *especially after tho louafa libshie onsy, wbich ho bail maoeby ezhibitiag hlm. self, wbicb he oa i ivested in a siagle note ai £700, or $3.500. Iu heigiit ho vas 8 lest 4 inobea. It le noL allen that morc than ane giant la louadinlua lamily, but ai &Il the celsbratsil tait folk viasLbe family Liat -James Toiler came f:aai. H.evie born lu 1795 sud ieil in 1829, h4ving resoheil the heigit aI 8 lest 6 inohes. Ho liaditva sistîs af gig&ntia grovth; ane saithe agaofaI18 irai 5 beL 81 luches in heigiit, th. the other eL Lb. mgeofai5 yeara vas naoly 5 leet. Patrick Castor vas a cetebrateil giat. Hie isight vas statoi ta ho aine foot, though s memarial Lablet ai Bristol Baye bis beigbi vas 8 foot t.hree ioches. Hoemde a compet., ancy andl died lu 1804. He, Laý vii airîlid that the iloctore vautld seurs hie bodly, ad leIt, ardera tat lhe ho huris ia a brick tomb, secuceil by iran bars.' IL l in gutar viiiat alhelike thèe giatsamli l aoLb.hediaeetiog tebls, thangi tiey vers perfeotly çwifting La exhihitwvile ahive. Thseevas once a elerk lu the Bank af Englini of gémit icight, whaso greatoat fear vas Liist thé dootors vonld gel hie body; after deat,- sandllho It the. iat complteodirections lu regard La Lhe disposai aI iii remains. -Cicisnnati Enquiret. An Artic Romance. ROUc TEDIART 0F aNZ Or TRE MEXÉRES Or TE oazznvPARTY. The. Ioloving hhriliaig anal ramantie incident, sais the Omaha .Besv, ia ,epi- tomizoil ram theo iie.y aI Bergt Bi14e, au. aI Lie Greely A.rctio explorera, lu I Oneý aflie pcetiminary elegpartiea every match buto an-thle Party'le been exbsustod. Tii. siivernsggr»' ihaù no hope af ti, sure b ie ahbit$r Lo itrike asapirii-lamp IcraLthe romfà in. inig miteh, and tii. man nov - dssd' vraIe ibis dhecription:- "The match sappeil, creklod sadd ehovne alitilo flame5vlstoi.'by, dezlèP- oanaagem1nent,vis omrmunioate& ta ,-the veoil snalriumphantly -applea ta tii. wik ai ti. spirt4ap Bt napool lu P 0"AOM2THÉ T4 k Wb=. D*Aea OPlifti - fete to go R»LDnuc 1 lqsrauc us'». COMBINATION RATES. ROB ERTSON Ha JAMSONO. PURE LIQIJORS. pahue groir ta aj Lames ta serionsc -ho >broke downr canflnsd la hie maiihhe.:  t -11 wus deplorable. nearty - couiataiu perfeotly beiple periail bo - did 1 of opelà mé